Online Sunday Service "Thou Shall Not" - Ps Isaiah Simmons

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome to public church online we're so glad that you've joined us here's a little bit about what's coming up in the life of public church if you are new to the life of our church and you really want to get connected in why don't you go and hit the description box right now and there is a link that will say new to church so just click on that if you are believing for something if there's an area of your life that you need prayer for why don't you click the description box as well because there is a whole pastoral care team who would love to pray with you right now so you can click the link submit your prayer request and we will definitely be praying for you click church thank you so much for your constant and consistent generosity there is a new way to give in the life of our church so check this video out right now hi church introducing a new way to give text to give through tightly simply text the word give to either your brisbane or gold coast location and you'll be taken to a simple setup page follow the prompts and simply put in your details and you'll receive a confirmation that you're all ready to go now that you're all set up simply text the amount that you'd like to give you'll get a reply text with a confirmation as well as an email with your receipt if you made a mistake simply text the word refund and you'll be refunded immediately we want to thank you so much for your generosity as we continue to make a difference in so many people's lives across public church [Music] we are coming around our message part of this service so why don't you find your bibles and your pens and we really pray that this message blesses you right now um it's fantastic to see what god is doing how god is building um us and it's fantastic we've been doing our for the culture nights we've seen god do some really awesome things within our team and we're getting our heart for what god wants to do here in brisbane and it's exciting anytime we get to be a part of something that god is on it is exciting special shout out to luke pitt at the back that luke pitt okay let me talk about luke luke i think would be one of the first young people in my very first youth ministry and uh he he's moved to brisbane and now he's part of public church can we give him a round of applause and feel welcome um very cool uh so so it's awesome to see what god is doing and uh just a quick update maybe even to let you guys know we just had a meeting with the venue for uh the youth ministry that's launching very very soon um and all the youth and youth leaders said oh man thank goodness we're alive um and so we had a meeting with it's actually a pastor who was who has got a church that's literally like 800 meters away from sunnybank high school and uh so we met and we're just talking we're talking and seeing if this thing can work and they've got a great venue it happens to be open on friday night and so we're in conversation can you give me one thing please pray for the youth ministry of public church brisbane that would be fantastic it would be just such a blessing to us and um we're continuing on the series and if you need a title for a message just for note-taking say uh the title of this message is called nothing is as it seems and um we've been diving into the thou shall not series where we've been talking about um god's ten commandments and that what the ten commandments actually mean what they mean for us and that the ten commandments were actually a liberating thing right so there weren't a whole bunch of rules and regulations that came from god to be like hey this is what you need to do to earn my love this was what we found out from pastor shane was a marriage proposal and i don't know if you've realized this or not but you don't propose to someone unless you already love them yeah okay great we're here you don't propose to someone unless you love them okay so the bible makes it very clear that god loved us while we were still yet sinners which to me is the greatest risk of all time that means that there was no guarantee that you and i were ever going to reciprocate or receive that love but god still decided to die and so this marriage proposal is not a condition for god to love us he already loved us he only proposes somebody that you love but what we found in this ten commandments was that this was establishing in the people who were hearing it and even us today how we are actually supposed to live amen so you've got to think like slaves would have heard this so this was liberating to a slave to hear that you can't kill anymore which i'm going to talk about this morning or to hear that you can't steal anymore which we're going to talk a little bit about the uh the next week but this was a liberating message to a group of people who were called out of slavery and into the promised land you got to understand that when god called them out of slavery and into the promised land it was with one motive in mind and it was that the surrounding nations and people would see this group and say i want to know their god i wonder if this morning people would see your life and say i want to know their god i want to know why they're passionate i want to know why they're gracious i want to know why they're always hopeful that's the goal right isn't it amen talk back to me isn't that the goal that people would see your life and go man what is it about that person the bible says it like this that people would taste and see that the lord is good so we have to assess the type of fruit that we're producing that's why every single time we're at the coffee shop even if the coffee is bad we're smiling and saying you're awesome am i lying no i'm infusing encouragement into that person and i will not go back again that's why we're called to be that we assault and light another way to put it is that we are seasoning agents wherever we go we're meant to who likes salt by the way someone i i know someone i'm not gonna i'm not gonna call them out but someone made eggs once and they didn't put salt on the eggs they know who i'm talking about but i'm not going to call them out i'm not because it's a there's one percent of people in the world that don't put salt on eggs okay one percent one percent it's maella didn't put salt on eggs i'm like what the heck is wrong with you i couldn't figure anything worse and then to make it even worse actually they didn't even put pepper on it i was like maella we're called to make bland things taste good okay so please if you take anything from this message today salt your eggs um two two two commands that we're going through today um if you've got your bibles uh exodus 20 and um we're going to do 13 and 14 and it's you shall not murder and you shall not commit adultery you shall not murder and you shall not commit adultery interesting probably something that we can sort of skim over i just in terms of this title nothing is as it seems i remember i was about 10 years old and i ran into the macca's bathroom i needed to wash something off my face and i pulled my eyelids down because there was something stuck in my eye and i noticed something that i had never seen before and there were two holes in my eye two holes and i remember i ran to my mum saying what the hell is going on i've got two gaping holes in my eye now i grew up in a family where i was everything was quite paranoia full of paranoia so i was like what have i got diagnosed me now and mom's like isaiah they're tear ducts and i was like oh okay so that's where the the water okay nothing is as it seems i thought at that point that there we go there's there's holes in my eye or i remember even when we had christmas couple years ago renee and i we had chris with our family and we're distributing the presents and and mom she's like the the hostess at a at an airline and she's bringing the presents and she'll give it to you and and she'll let you know if you can rip that one or you peel that one to rip that one is to mean we'll disregard the paper to peel that one means that's expensive paper and i'm going to reuse that one and so she said to rip that one and so i ripped it and there was a bose speaker now both speakers are amazing by the way great quality solid engineering and uh it was one of the big ones like and i was like mum really you didn't have to do this like this is too much but really you're like yes um and i opened it up and to my horror inside of the box there was an imposter it wasn't a bow speaker at all there was napkins and and house things and i was like what is this nothing is as it seems i thought this was a fantastic speaker and it was a whole bunch of now let me get okay i appreciate the thousand thread count tea towels because you know they're meant to help not burn yourself but we've already established that that doesn't help but it still burns herself like a fantastic thanks mum for that but nothing was as it seemed i thought this was going to be a great gift of but then she redeemed herself the next year and she got me in and um just because she saw the horror in my face but nothing is as it seems as well as when we read sort of the ten commandments and we look at things like you shall not murder you shall meet adult not commit adultery we could be like hey don't do that and let's roll out because most of us would say in this room i haven't killed anyone i haven't even really thought about killing somebody so i can sort of move on from this but nothing is as it seems we've already established that this is not rules in which we thought this was a way to live and in the same way that they're saying you shall not murder can i just promise you right now you are going to leave here feeling like you need to make an application point in your life to guard your heart the bible says above all else listen to me above everything else we have to guard our heart because out of it flows the issues of life and so we might not murder physically but how many of you know we can murder verbally we can murder within our words the way that we can sometimes maybe not accidentally maybe it's just in human nature where we strip somebody's dignity from them in our words see we can look at this and go well isaac come on i'm not a murderer i haven't even thought about that but i wanna i wanna talk to you a little bit this morning about what this actually means and how we can apply this to our lives when the bible says you shall not murder or you shall not kill there's two different hebrew words it's going to be on the screen here and the first one we've got rasak which is to take someone's life for your own purpose the other one is harag which is war or self-defense or accidents right now you can probably imagine what this particular word kill means in here this is the top one right this is which is to take someone's life for your own purposes to take someone's life for your own purposes so to do that you would have to make up in your mind listen to me that you have elevated yourself above that person that i am more important than that person that i will take their life for my own purposes in other words what we have done in order to get from um thinking it to doing it is we have established that we are more important than the next person how many know what i'm getting at right now we've established that we are more important than the next person here's some facts according to a recent study only one percent of murderers are cold-blooded only one percent which i might thank god because i watch a lot of law and order it's on paranoid all the time right thank god there's only one percent the other 99 it's premeditated there is a existing relationship that happened right the other 99 that they knew that person and the other 99 is there was obviously something of undealtness in somebody's heart in order to do the extreme which is to take somebody's life but anger is never really the real deal anger is always the secondary emotion let me let me prove it to you a lot of good people commit crimes how many of you know that have you committed a crime everyone's like what is that yes or no sped i remember don't worry let's keep moving on a lot of good people commit crimes and they end up in jail good people commit crimes and end up in jail and some of the reasons of this well two of the main reasons two of the main reasons this the first one is alcohol the first one is alcohol and you know the term that i was so out of my mind or i was so intoxicated that i did something that i would never do in my right mind how many know i'm talking about sped way too fast done something that you would never do in your right mind and the second one is anger which is to be drunk with rage to be drunk with rage to be overcome by rage the some science is when when we get drunk with rage or angry all of the blood leaves our brain and goes to defend ourselves you know what i'm talking about have you ever been like so angry like and god has given us that so that we can act in self-defense so that we can defend ourselves right but i want to ask you this question when is the last time you said something intelligent angry you haven't even if you're like nah i did you didn't you definitely didn't that science says that 25 of iq is lost when we're drunk with rage that's why sometimes men you can relate when you're angry you can't even formulate words it's grunts you know so what are you saying i don't even know this this is the problem with anger and the application point today around this whole idea of us not murdering is this what is brewing in our heart that can result in anger what what is brewing in our heart that can actually result in anger and we've already established today that we're not just talking about physical murder we're talking about verbal murder and that murder seems a little bit extreme but this whole idea of kill or whatever is to literally put yourself above the person that you're angry with and so when we read you shall not murder we could go isaiah that's not me but can i promise you something we can apply this to our lives 100 percent do you hear me this morning we can apply this to our lives 100 jesus defines murder as something far bigger than taking a life let's look at this scripture you have heard that our ancestors were told you must not murder this is jesus speaking if you commit murder you are subject to judgment but i say if you are even angry listen to this are you if you were even angry with someone you are subject to judgment if you call someone an idiot you are in danger of being bought before the court and if you curse someone you are in danger of the fires of hell what is it in us that sort of what is what is it that was that's within us that sort of laughs at maybe the calamity or the struggle of somebody that we're struggling with what is that in us that sort of it's almost the tall poppy syndrome where there's something innately in us that's sort of not smirks but we're not super like we're not super happy that something bad is happening to that person but there's all this this sort of thing where we sort of go hmm oh there's a couple of christians that are like yeah that's me it's sort of like we go yeah serves them right shouldn't have done this shouldn't have done that yeah they looked at me bad super easy to apply this in our lives and and this comes in the form of listen sarcasm we're aussies we're bad at it humor right cold shoulder which is basically saying my world would be better if you weren't in it have you ever been cold-shouldered before a couple people i have it's the worst it's like what did i do you start looking like what have i done wrong and so what god is challenging you and i to do this morning today at church is that we would value the image of god in every single person do you hear me that we would value the image of god in every person and that we would not strip the dignity of somebody with our words and that we would not strip the dignity of somebody within our hearts and it is so easy to do somebody offended me and i feel like i have the right to be in this position but we've already known that murder is not necessarily something that we do physically it starts in our heart and what brews in our heart can be an action and this is this is one of the things and and and this is this is something that we have to look at it can form form in many different ways but but one of the things that it does is it i guess psychologists would call it the vengeance cycle right and we're all we're all subject to this now if you stay with me this morning this is a public project so it's a bit we've got a little bit more information we're diving a little bit more deep this morning but stay with me the vengeance cycle begins with anger it begins and i think we've got on the screen here have we yeah great it begins with anger someone is in the way or has wronged you anger wells up and you got a choice listen to me when that happens you either deal with it or it deals with you you either deal with it at that moment or i promise you it's going to deal with you it's going to come out in your attitude towards that person it's going to come out and your attitude towards your spouse is going to come out in your attitude towards your work how many of you know when this sort of stuff happens i can't escape it it's like in the front of my mind and some of you are really stubborn you're like me where you're like no no i'm sweet i can still function i'm still productive no actually you know what it's fuel stop it stop it it's not fuel at all and in fact what it is is it's brewing in our hearts so we've got anger then it moves to contempt it moves to contempt and that's just our the cold shoulder it's like oh that person then there's an established belief system that happens where we literally listen to this we sincerely believe that our world would be better if that person wasn't in it if you've gone from anger and you haven't dealt with it and you're all the way up until here where it's a belief system let me promise you it's dealing with you that's why the scriptures make it very clear above all else god your say with me above all else god you're that is the primary position that we need to have as christians because although we might not murder physically jesus even says if you're angry if you're angry you are subject to judgment and why because jesus knows that anger might seem like a little thing but it is a slippery slope it is a slippery slope so jesus is basically saying hey you heard not to murder i'm telling you don't be angry because if you do this is the vengeance cycle now now listen to this the person who's offended us now is worthless you'll go isaiah come on that's extreme worthless i don't think that no but what you may think is that they are worth less than you might not be worthless but they might be worth less than you oh my goodness now now you are well and truly down the slide of the vengeance cycle okay moving on here now it's having the attitude that this person doesn't deserve to be in existence but isaiah come on that's not me how many of you prayed and believed god that that person that said that thing would just get out of your way move cities change jobs move churches hello how many of you wish that not in my team not in my squad not in my living room not here but how many of you felt that oh it's quiet but that's okay so now we've got someone needs to hurt that person kill them extreme i know but for the purposes of you shall not murder let's just say it right or desecrate their character and then we move on to i'll carry it out myself which obviously in this point we're not necessarily talking about the physical act but we're talking about the verbal act you see we might think that anger is not such a big deal but this is why jesus says at the beginning of everything you've heard it said not to kill i challenge you today don't have anger in your heart why because it is a very very slippery slope jesus deals with the vengeance cycle he says this if you hold anger in your heart you're liable to judgment he says if you can think you're better than anybody else you're liable to the high judgment right and if you think you can cross the line and call somebody a fool then you're down the slippery slippery slope there's a slope and i think i've got it on the screen here there's a slope anger starts contempt rage worthless ending of life now we might not be tested necessarily talking about murder physically but ending that person in the sense of desecrating their character this is what happens when we can get angry deal with it people or it'll deal with you promise you promise you and if you're far down that slippery slope i'm promise you today that he can make all things new amen i promise you today that he can take away that thorn that is in your heart towards somebody else he can make those bitter waters sweet once again all it requires from us is to say god i give it to you come on i've been hurt before it doesn't justify the hurt but i cannot afford to carry anger in my heart towards anybody and as i'm speaking i promise you today think the holy spirit's gonna make people come up into your mind that you need to forgive that you need to let go we can't carry it anymore pastor and i spoke an incredible word last week about taking it on to the generations we we have a job to do for the next generation i don't want to carry this on and if i do carry it on that i that i can't stand this person what am i passing on to my children what am i passing on to the environments that i'm in now all of a sudden we've got a young girl that hates this person how did that happen because you didn't deal with anger anger dealt with you so it's important if you do it in your heart and this is another thing that jesus is talking now about heart issues if you do it in your heart you are just as guilty as if you do it with your hands that was there come on no let's talk about this the best life that jesus is presenting is around not being angry is that we don't have a slope at all we don't have a slope at all none that's why he says don't be angry you've heard of this don't be that so listen to this though because if we do it in our heart we're just as guilty as if we do it in our hands listen to this you heard your boss isn't happy with you you heard it that changes everything doesn't it it changes how you interact with your boss it changes how you work as a as an employee it changes it doesn't it because you heard that they're not happy with you it began as a you heard it it's now established in your imagination and now it's changing the way that you operate here's one you heard that he has feelings for you you heard it ephrat settled down oh my goodness he's in bible college just settle down you heard you heard that he has feelings towards you doesn't that change everything oh girls doesn't it you either start drawing boundaries or you either start saying oh you know if we're in a car there's a whole crew rolling with us i just don't feel the same way it changes everything what is that said it said whatever we um we can imagine it's true whatever we hear it becomes true within our hearts that's why it's so important to protect the unseen stuff rather than just hearing this as you shall not murder and walk away go and i'm sweet i'm never going to kill somebody very very important very important okay so what ways can we what ways can we kill in our hearts or so heavy the word kill and murder but it's bible so deal with it there's what are ways that we can do it websites right websites there's whole blogs written about pastors right there's whole blogs written about people websites gossip mocking sarcasm slander being a busybody can i go there this morning three people can i go there this morning thank goodness because if you just said no i would still do it um first peter 4 15 says if you suffer however it must not be for murder stealing making trouble or prying into other people's affairs people we have to mind our own business do you understand someone's laughing it's so true though right like we have to mind our own business i don't know what it is about christians that think you have the right to pry into other people's business some of you are feeling relieved right now i thought i was the only one that thought this was not right do you renee and i get asked the most personal questions you would ever ask like it's just funny like we're not like oh so bitter about it we just go here we go there's a question coming here we go how many of you know what i'm talking about but peter says that prying into other people's businesses listen to this why does he mix it in in the same category as murder and theft this is extreme why would he do that because what i'm saying with prying into somebody else's business is i respect myself more than i respect you i'm actually taking the dignity away from somebody else because i see myself higher than you and if we are to be christ's followers we have to understand that we are not higher than anybody else in fact we are the lowest of lows we are the servants to the world we are helpful to the helpless that is what we're called to do and so it's very important so if you the type of person that asks 50 questions change that stop asking 50 questions and start affirming with 50 statements you're awesome you're cared you're loved you're valuable change the narrative change the scope why because we know that murder is not just something that we do physically it actually begins in the heart begins in the heart and so two application points that we can do here the first one is can we treat everybody with dignity is that an amen can we treat everyone with dignity that means the homeless guy that can offer you nothing back i was in melbourne recently and i was eating at a restaurant i was trying to say the name and i forgot the name of the restaurant i was eating at this restaurant it's great great chinese food whatever fusion asian japanese fusion food and a guy rolls up and it's like hey can i have some money and i'm like bro i actually don't carry any cash which i feel like i need to start carrying cash because but anyway i don't carry any cash anyway who you know what i'm worried because some places i go to don't accept cash anyway anyway that's another topic for another day i'm like i don't carry cash sorry bro i i have nothing i promise you this he pulls out an fpos machine i'm like bro take my money right now well that was fantastic this homeless guy what are we talking about here everybody in this world deserves dignity everybody even the guy who pulls out an fpos machine fully charged ready to go i was so shook i was like you know what you can have whatever you put in no i didn't say that application point listen to me can we treat everybody with dignity can we just say that as public church brisbane can we treat everybody with dignity the people that don't deserve it the people that have offended you the people that maybe don't deserve the dignity can we give people dignity can we restore back to them the image of god a way that you can do this just practically is that everybody you see you see with intrinsic value and intrinsic worth why because they were made in the image of god you're made in the image of god you're a child of god that that that is who that is one application and the next one is that every single person matters you understand everybody matters not just the people that can do something for you everybody matters every single person matters i'm going to get the keys up and i'm going to quickly just go on this this this one because it sort of is tied into one how am i doing with time not bad okay really quickly um it is this right um the next the next one is that we should not commit adultery and this ties in beautifully with what we're talking about because this is something within the heart again we can read these and just go okay well i'm not going to cheat on my wife or husband and i'm not going to kill somebody but it's so much deeper than that when they say that we shall not commit adultery listen to me really quickly zone in this is what he's saying this is what the writer is saying that we would not sabotage the oneness that god has created in this world do you understand this whole idea of this whole idea of um even in deuteronomy it says this listen to this really quickly um where are we deuteronomy where are we deuteronomy 6 4. is it up on the screen there yeah fantastic listeners hero israel the lord our god is one this word one is that is the hebrew word for icard which is simply this it is unity within diversity this is who god is and so anything that we do that sabotages oneness is what the writer is talking about here god's command is talking about here when it says you shall not commit adultery do you know that we are created listen to me in the image of god and this whole idea of oneness we we crave hear me we crave unity we crave oneness do you know why we crave it because we were made from somebody who is it unity in diversity uh uh put it this way i can you know what i'm talking about husbands if your wife is angry at you she doesn't even need to say anything you can feel it i remember that means i remember what i was said to my wife i'm coming home soon i'll see you soon she's like yeah dinner's ready when we first got married i learned a lesson really quickly i'll see you soon i'm just with the boys oh gosh the boys not a bachelor anymore isaiah just with the boys and like i was like yeah i'll be home in half an hour it was like two hours later and i walked into my house now cairns has a low of 28. and it was a chilly house it was cold i could feel it why why is why is it that we can feel it we can feel tension we can feel strife we can feel division because in essence we're called to be one you can feel division in churches or different things like that because we're called to be one and so when god says through moses hey do not commit adultery it's far more above the the sexual act with a partner it's way bigger than that what it is it's saying do not sabotage the oneness do not sabotage the oneness and we can do that in all areas of our life do not sabotage oneness this is what i feel that we are going to do this morning before we get into baptisms and talking and is that this i felt like two application points with this message is this is that there are people in this room that need to cancel the debt somebody has wronged you somebody has hurt you you have unforgiveness towards somebody you need to cancel the debt stop pretending that you can drive forward still looking backward you cannot and with the help of the holy spirit i promise you this is what's going to happen he is going to take that thing away from you all it requires from my end is god i surrender it to you some some of you are carrying hurt and unforgiveness for years decades hey can we just make the decision that we're not going to take this into the next generation i'm not going to take this into my tomorrow god i believe that you can deal with it now we're going to cancel the debt that's the first thing that we're going to do and then we'll also with this idea of oneness maybe maybe you feel fractured maybe you feel like uh i don't feel the oneness i feel like there are things in my life that have happened that have sabotaged the oneness that is in my life and and i don't feel like a whole person i feel like a cracked person the bible says this in ephesians 2 verse 10 for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus for good works which god prepared before him that we should walk in we all have cracks but can i tell you something the great potter he can fix and smooth all of those cracks once again again what does it require from me surrender gotta surrender today we're gonna cancel debts and today we're going to surrender to the potter thank god i feel cracked and fragile but i know that you can smooth me out make me whole make me one again can we stand to our feet right across this place just in the presence of god amazing i'm gonna do something different i felt to do something different this morning and um this is different but it's so normal right um we're going to open up the altar call we're going to pray for people this morning um i don't want you to miss this moment in your journey of cancelling debt do you understand me this morning everybody understand me i don't want you to miss this moment of cancelling debt cancelling hurt we've already found that in the scriptures when we choose not to do that it is a slippery slope don't fool yourself this morning that i can continue to do what i'm called to do can we surrender to god this morning and say god would you take it away i'm going to get the house lights down and i'd love if everybody just could close their eyes i'm going to pray for you then i'm going to ask if there's anybody here that would like that prayer we've got our pastors here that want to pray for you in this moment holy spirit we know that you're here we're aware of your presence and god we are aware that you can make all things new god i pray for every person in this room lord that has a debt even now you bring into their mind debts debts god the whole idea of the commandments is that people would walk in freedom and god i thank you lord that you were going to set people free today god we're actually not going to wait till tomorrow or wait till the next conference now we're gonna right now say god i want to cancel the debt i'm going to cancel the wrong and god i'm going to surrender to you and lord i just pray right across this place that you would give people the courage to draw near to you that you would give people the courage to say that's me can we quickly sing this song have my heart have my heart come can we sing this together [Music] [Applause] oh yes scott even if it's fractured or broken happen [Music] come on [Music] if that message spoke to you and you want to respond or you want to give your life to jesus for the very first time why don't you click the description box there is a link that says new to faith and we will have a pastor reach out to you this week thank you so much for joining us today we cannot wait to see you next sunday we hope you have a fantastic week bye
Channel: Public Church
Views: 82
Rating: 0 out of 5
Id: iP53zgmQlqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 35sec (2255 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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