Online Sunday Service "Get Rich, or Die Trying?" - Ps Isaiah Simmons

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there back when i wasn't saved um but it is still bangers but anyway get rich or die trying was the first album i think that i got and i listened to it all the way through because i've already explained my era was the single generation right so we just listened to singles radio hit studio version and a bonus track that no one listened to right this was the first album that i listened to had bangers in it like in the club in the club you know in duck club not the in duck club was on there and um this is just in case you're reece it's in da club uh many men were on there do i don't listen to it i'm just letting you know that i listened to this back then dabble every now and then but listen to it back then get rich with die trying fantastic album but this whole idea of get rich or die trying if we're going to break it down and understand why would you label a money series like this i want to explain it says this and this is the definition for get rich with dietry it means a person is so dedicated to the goal of making money a lot of money right that they will never stop trying until they succeed even if it means dying now you might be like well you can eliminate me out of that isaiah because i don't really want to i don't have a really driving force to go and make so much money and whatever it takes even if i might die trying you can eliminate me from that but i thought this morning as we're sort of talking around this and this is also the title of message many of us might eliminate ourselves from that statement but i really feel that the reality is we can be driven by the pursuit of money sometimes over the purpose of god now every time money gets talked and everybody gets quiet so do me a favor break that barrier little giggles we're getting there you're at a two i need you out of seven okay we might not be so focused like 50 cent that the goal is to get rich or die trying but i reckon that some of us could probably say although i might not be on that extreme sometimes i feel as though man i do sort of like drive towards making money and doing things that are going to make me money rather than doing things that i feel like god has called me on this earth to do this is the tension that we're always wrestling with because doors that open that seemingly seem like more value don't necessarily mean that that's the door that god's called you to walk through and sometimes we equate value and open doors and blessings to well that is god but i don't necessarily think that that is always god does he want you to be blessed absolutely but without realizing realizing it money can drive us money can drive our emotions money can drive our mental health money can drive our happiness money can drive our security money can drive our worth and how i wear my own personal worth money can drive our confidence there's some people that are getting married i get the privilege of doing some marriage counseling with some of them and one of the things that i feel like i always need to set to say is it's important that you try and see the person that you're marrying in as many seasons as you possibly can before you get married and the reason why i say that is because if you only see me making money and i'm pumped on life have you ever seen me not make money because i'm not always pumped on life i remember there was a season where i was making a lot of money and i was smiling every day how many know what i'm talking about like you're not worried about anything my shout my shout my shout you get a coffee you get a coffee you get a coffee but when the money starts to dwindle down i noticed that my interactions with people immediately changed and and so isaiah i'm not 50 i'm not getting rich i'm not trying to die trying but i reckon that we can all identify that sometimes money drives us in an unhealthy way so thank you it's we're just having a conversation this morning i really feel like god is going to challenge us but we're going to leave here knowing that my value my worth and what god has called me to do is not based around my income but god's always going to challenge what i have in my hands he's going to ask you to lay it down over and over again remember what he said to moses throw the staff down in other words with that staff with what you've got in your hand you can lead a flock of sheep but when it's laid down and my supernatural power comes on it we can lead a nation through the red sea there's something very important we have to understand when things are laid down we give god opportunity to do things that we can't do when things are held tightly we're pretty much saying god i'll drive my life god i'll steer my life and i'm encouraging anyone who who feels like money has sometimes had a grip on our lives that this morning we would ask god god would you take a hold of that i don't want to grip that as tight anymore society talks a lot about fruitfulness grind fruitfulness gotta make money gotta do this but one of the less sort of hot words that are used is this word faithfulness fruitfulness is what we strive for fruitfulness is what we want but we don't talk about faithfulness i get to speak to a lot of young adults and man this new batch of young adults coming through on this next generation it's amazing super confident i know what i'm worth just graduated school i know exactly what i'm worth in fact you know what i didn't just graduate school i did a course in school i know my worth you like shut up now all these young guys and i love the confidence but this is the issue with gary vee gary v is making these young guys feel that they are it i'm like bro you just need to go to iga and push trolleys for a bit talking about working at firms oh my goodness but this idea right of of fruitfulness outside of faithfulness there's a big gap here in fact the story actually says in the bible i'm not going to read it all but basically that jesus is is basically the boss and he gives three different people a measure of talents based on what they could actually achieve so he gives one five he gives one three or two i think and the other one won and basically he goes away and says you know do what you need to do with it increase it etc we know that one doubles it the other one doubles it and the other one buries it and he says this you wicked and lazy servant to the person who buried it see i would have thought that jesus would have been a little bit happy because at least he got what he gave back but every time god gives us something it's an opportunity for us to be faithful with it and being faithful with something means that god i'm believing that you're going to multiply what you've given me in my hand god i'm believing that you're going to be able to do what i cannot do and so we see that the met and this is what i love jesus said to the guys who were able to increase what they had he said this well done good and faithful servant because he's been faithful in the little ready here's more and a lot of us are wanting to hears more but we're not faithful in the little we want the fruitfulness but we're not faithful in the little we're not faithful with what we have you cannot have fruitfulness without faithfulness i want my business to be fruitful you're great i want my job to be fruitful great i want my relationships to be fruitful great i want my life to be fruitful great my question that i need to ask you today is what are you doing with what god gave you that's it we're done but really what what are we doing with what god gave us and it's okay to believe god for blessing and increase but not if we're sitting on the side of i haven't been faithful god with what you've given me very important that we understand that how do i be faithful so that i'm fruitful i wanna i wanna preface it by saying this from the outset you and i as christians as believers we live in a different reality than everybody else okay i'm just gonna get straight biblical with you this morning we live in another realm another reality the bible says this so don't worry about these things saying what will we eat so what are the things let's look at this together the things are what we eat what we drink what we wear the essentials of life don't worry about these things these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your heavenly father already knows your needs in other words we live in a different realm where people are dominated by what will i eat what will i wear what will i drink the bible challenged us us and says that's what unbelievers think like we don't think that way and if you do maybe i need to take a step back and see how where is god in the order of my priority because if god is first in my priorities i'm not worrying about these things but if he's not first in my priority i'm overwhelmed by these things now today it might not be food drinking and eating which that's really what he's saying is the essentials but i reckon there's a whole list that we can say that god is challenging us with the words of jesus are don't worry about these things they dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your heavenly father already knows your needs and the next part says but listen seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all of these things will be given to you so i need to start by saying this first things first we talked a little bit about this last week when i first met ren some of you heard the story i need to explain it again so i could give this context when i first met renee and we started dating and she rejected me a lot guys dealt with that router rejection of my heart um and then i went silent for a bit guys do it if they be ice queens pull back don't go too hard just relax eventually what happens is they start to come back anyway i'll talk to you about that later it's a new game plan i'll help you with that so eventually we ended up dating saved up enough money to get a ring and uh i went to pastor adam and i said pastor adam i want to marry your daughter i want to have a hand in marriage and he said to me great praise god very intimidating by the way he's like he would be like al pacino like he is the mafia he is the godfather he's got more hair on his arms than i do on my whole body like he is he is scary when he lifts his arms off the bench it's matt you know what i mean you're like oh bear you know he's scary man and he said to me praise god that's awesome fantastic i've got a question for you though and i'm like okay just prepare yourself the question is going to be have you gone to jail are you like have you got any like charges on your name like i'm just thinking like what is he going to ask me and he asked me this question do you tithe i'm early twenties and i told like an exaggerated truth and i said yes yes i do interesting that you asked me that question i thought you would have asked me something else start sweating sort of caught off guard here like where do we go from here but what i realized is that if he was going to be like yes you can have my daughter the first thing that he wanted to know is is god really first in my life that's all he wanted to know he doesn't really care about the value he didn't care about that heck i was doing some some work i don't know what i was doing so i wasn't making a lot of money but what he really wanted to understand was am i giving my daughter to somebody who knows how to put god first because a lot of us have the intention to put god first but oftentimes we're dominated by these things you know what i'm trying to say these things are not meant to dominate the headspace of the believer these things dominate the unbeliever so i realized at that point in time and by the way i started consistently diving after that man i was like oh my gosh like i was scared i was like he's going gonna be able to tell anyway why do i do it why do i why do i say first things first we talked a little about this last week but it is a show of my reliance my utter dependence on the provision and the favor of god that's why i do it that's exactly why i do it now the bible says this and just so we understand we talked a little bit about this last week but i'm just going to touch on it really quick really quick malachi 3 8 says will a man rob god yet you're robbing me but you say how we robbed you and your ties and offerings and i realized something you can only rob when something's not yours do you understand you can only rob from someone if it's not yours and so what he's essentially saying here is the tithe belongs to god this is what he's saying this 10 this here it actually belongs to me that's why the bible says listen to me bring the tithes to the storehouse it doesn't say give the ties to the storehouse it says bring bring so okay how do i be faithful in what god's called me to do i bring what doesn't belong to me back to god now for some of you have gone quiet i'll explain it in scriptures psalms 24 1 says this the earth is the lord's and everything in it the world and all its people belong to him haggai 2 verse 8 the silver is mine and the gold is mine says the lord of heaven's army before we start getting precious about what is mine can we all agree this morning that everything belongs to god before we start being precious about allocation and about these things can we make a decision and say hang on god but everything is yours and i want to even say this this is like oh god is that we're going there this morning yeah we do once a year we're going around this series of money and then next one's going to be fantastic but i reckon it's going to leave you really encouraged this morning this whole idea around tithing and bringing i want to explain something to you in the nicest way possible and i don't know how i could say it nice so just bear with me when we understand the reality of bringing the tithe to the storehouse that does not make me a generous person generosity is not giving back what belongs to god do you understand what i'm saying here this is a principle in which you and i live by this is the first step of obedience of really declaring that this is not mine god i honor you with what is already yours it's very hard to give something that doesn't belong to you and i had to make this as a bookmark as a crease paper as i'm going over it a time and time again until it became a revelation in my own life and i want to encourage you i have seen the faithfulness and goodness of god in my life again and again and again and again why because i understand that when god is first in my life everything else falls into place everything else falls into place are you a mechanic all the steel glass rubber but plastic oil gas a product from god's earth are you a craftsman your talent or skill to work at a trade is given by god he's given you brain eyes ears mouth hands fingers legs and feet that you use to earn your living even the silver and copper in our coins and the wood pulp in our paper currency comes from god's earth it is truly fair of god only to require the tenth of what to be returned to him since he owns 100 of the planet see some people will say today well i can't afford to tithe i can't afford to be generous i'll i'll say this too yeah you you you can't not afford to put god first over your life do you understand you can't not afford that and i promise you the whole other end of the scriptures where he says he'll pour out the windows of heaven like and pour our bless that you cannot contain and that he'll rebuke the devourer on our behalf that's the sort of the fruitfulness that's the blessing that comes when we obey is everybody with me this morning fantastic so just this year we felt personally i'll give you a story we felt that god challenged our giving and challenged our generosity and so we were like okay god what do you want us to do and we were sort of wrestling with the notion how many of you know every time you feel like god challenges you around giving it's uncomfortable it feels a little bit strange and i remembered uh we were faithful in our ties and i felt like god said no no there's a family that i want you to bless so this is above and beyond your tithe there's a family that i want you to bless that that is doing mission work over in sri lanka and um i want you to bless that family with a weekly or fortnightly commitment and i remember the commitment that we both spoke of we were sort of like well we can't really afford this and then i remembered no no if god is asking me to be obedient in this there's something that he wants to show me and so we decided we prayed you remember how jesus broke the bread and prayed and said thanks god and then there was increase in multiplication we did the same thing we prayed we said god thank you for the seed thank you for that this would be able to do far beyond what we can do with it i want to tell you something that's interesting literally seven days after we decided to do that as an act of obedience god opened a financial door that we had been believing for for years seven days exactly afterwards now this is what i've noticed this is not this prosperity idea that if you give you're going to get a lambo or if you give you're going to get a porsche one thing that i've realized is god gives seed to the sower do you understand he gives seed to the sower so every single time god blesses us he is always going to require for us to be more generous and that's the principle that i want to live my life by but seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you who would you tell with me to mark 10 17 25 it says this this is a man in the bible that embodied this whole get rich or die trying as jesus was starting on his way out to jerusalem a man came running up to him knelt down and asked good teacher what must i do to inherit eternal life why do you call me good jesus asked only good only god is truly good but to answer your question you know the commandments you must not murder you must not commit adultery you must not steal you must not testify falsely you must cheat anyone honor your father and runner father of money mother sorry teacher i've said money a million times there we go teacher back masking no teacher the man replied i've obeyed all these commandments since i was young sorry looking at the man jesus felt genuine love for him there is still one thing you haven't done he told him go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor and then you will have treasure in heaven then come and follow me at this man at this the man's face felt and he went away sad for he had many possessions and jesus looked around and said to disciples how hard is it for the rich to enter the kingdom of god and this amazed them but jesus said again dear children it is very hard to enter the kingdom of god in fact it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of god if we flick to verse 28 as the bible says this then peter began to speak up we've given up everything we've given up everything to follow you the bible says that he went away sad the rich young ruler went away sad he was challenged to do something and he couldn't follow through so he went away sad the reason why the bible says that he went away sad is because he had many possessions and i want to tell you this as i move on to second point really quickly i want to tell you this when our mind is caught up in many possessions we are at the risk of listen to this worshiping the grind because the grind is the avenue in which i'm able to make or get my possessions it's very important that we understand from the outset that the grind this whole idea of grind is actually quite overrated the grind is it's very overrated i need to say this from the outset listen to me you are not what you do do you understand that you are not what you do what you actually are is a child of god who is blessed and highly favored you are not what you do remember when i said that we can be driven by the pursuit of making money and living on purpose for god this man embodies this reality this man embodies this rally he cannot part with his possessions and he couldn't leave the grind here's another story i remember moving here listen to me real quickly i remember moving here and um probably a year into it i started working at a company quite a well-known company i was doing therapeutic youth work and we moved from doing therapy youth work for a year it was fantastic after a year i had performed so well that they approached me like the head guy approached me and he said hey we want to offer you this job for this amount of money this job for this amount i always have this amount of money and i remember going hang on how much and he was like this amount of money and i remember thinking to myself i probably won't see this amount of money like this offered like this maybe again like it was a lot and i remember that it came with benefits it was fantastic and i remember i was sort of like you got to be careful by the way of who you talk to when you feel like there's a door that's opening in your life because you've got people who are like creatures of comfort who will be like nah that door makes sense you're going to be blessed it's going to be awesome but you gotta have people around you that are gonna challenge you and say hang on a second why do you feel like god has called you to this is this what god originally said at the start and i remember i was i was challenged by the door that was open and just the day before the interview i decided to pray i didn't pray for the rest because i was like nah this is a great door it's going to be awesome but the day before the interview i decided to pray and i said god what do you think and i felt like god said this i say oh what did i call you here for and i went ah i wasn't called it to be this i was called and left what i did in cairns because you called me to build your church and so immediately i had to lay this thing down if i was possessive about the grind and if i was possessive about possessions i would have said yes to this and i think sometimes we have to be careful not to walk through the door that seems like it's got more value and say that's god wasn't it the rich young ruler that couldn't lay his preferences aside to follow god i feel like you and i have to make sure that we don't just see an open door with a dollar amount and say god you bless me going in and you're blessing me going out i pray you don't have that outlook because what i've found is most of the times the doors that make no sense the doors that offer not as much money the doors that actually come against a routine or a flow sometimes are actually the the door that god's called us to walk in because even though it requires little even though there's little money maybe little opportunity little sense little this what it does require from us though is big faith every single time and so i pray that we would be the type of church and we would be the type of people that don't get so obsessed and possessed about the grind and start realizing that god you've actually put me on this earth to make a difference wherever it is it might not be necessarily in the ministry but god you've called me to do something and just because there's a door that's open with value doesn't necessarily mean this is the one that you've called me to walk through the rich young ruler was obsessed with possessions and was also obsessed with the grind i pray that we wouldn't be that type of people we become blinded when we're obsessed with possessions and obsessed with the grind i'm all about having nice things please trust me i'm fine about that but let not not be the thing that is driving our lives last point if you're taking notes and a couple of things it's really quick i learnt the lesson that day that good doesn't necessarily mean god i learned the lesson that day that comfort doesn't necessarily mean god i learnt the lesson that day that sometimes the doors that make little sense and have little benefits actually require big faith every single time my last point is this what is the cost what is the cost we've talked about first things first we've talked about the fact that these things they're not supposed to dominate the head of you and i as christians are not supposed to dominate our minds but the bible challenges us to say seek what first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you the things that we that dominate our mind we then moved on to say okay well we need to make sure that we put god first in everything but also we cannot be the type of people that are obsessed with possessions just like the rich young ruler he couldn't follow jesus because he was obsessed with his possessions and i also think that sometimes if we're obsessed with possessions we can be obsessed with the grind remember i said at the very start you're not what you do the reason why i say that is because our identity is not in what i do my identity in what god is what god has actually called me to do who god has called me by name very important that we understand that and then my last point is what is the cost because i don't i don't almost want to sort of make this seem like um you know there's a there's a value amount or there's some there's some sort of formula that gets us to hear and when we when we're here we're following god and it's fantastic i want to explain this the cost of following god and please hear me with this the cost of following god is it's not a financial cost the cost of following god is your entire life it's your entire life i i don't want to sit here and sugarcoat this and be like now you know what i say you know if you just or you if you just do xyz you're going to be fantastic you know just do this and say this and be this no no no the cost of following jesus is my entire life do you know what that means my preferences are down do you know what that means my ability to open doors are down you get saved on friday night at youth ministry or maybe you've been a church attender your whole life and it has been fantastic i've experienced god's saving grace and saving power but i'm challenging you today that you need to mature from god being your savior to now god being your lord what have you called me to do who have you called me to bless what have you called me to sacrifice what have you called me to lay down it's when we start moving into that realm that we really start seeing god do the exceedingly abundantly above all that i can ask think or imagine can i tell you something yes it's scary initially it is scary i remember when i heard the voice of god the first time when he challenged me around a door i'll tell you real quick and we're going to close with prayer i remember i was 17 years old i was sleeping on the floor at ting's place and we're at a discipleship house and i remembered um i worked my whole life to be a basketball player you know my dad wanted me to follow in his shoes he got drafted by la he played college basketball in portland he was a big deal i took some photos actually of his snippets and it's like 30th best player in the us at his time like fantastic and so i was literally every single fortnight that i go and visit dad he'd be like hey son but hey dad he's like here's the rope give me a skipping rope and i'd be like literally like dreaming of like just sipping back on a beach with lemonade while i'm literally like sweating and vomiting like running hills doing suicides it was the worst i finally give my life to god at a later age in life and um immediately this door opens ready listen to this this door opens and the door is this guy by the name says isaiah we want you to join the taipan's academy now for those of you who don't know what the thai beds are it's not a big deal they're an mbl team in cairns far north queensland they were good last year apparently that's probably their only great year and so they were going to hook me up with a job it was going to be awesome and i remember i went like this man this is great i give my life to god and the door that i've been trying to open my entire life just opens i was called my dad i'm like dad listen to this blah blah blah dad's like oh you know this is awesome 17 years old and then i went to sleep that night and i felt like god invited me to ask him a question you got to remember i've only been saved for maybe six months and he invited me to ask him the question what do i think about this door and i said go what do you think about this door that's opened and i felt like god said isaiah and it wasn't audible like i said isaiah i've got so much more planned for you a good door doesn't always necessarily mean a god daw i know for sure if i went through this door i would never have met with my wife i would never be serving god at this capacity what are some of the things that have intrigued us by the value but we haven't actually brought to god and said what do you think about this why are we talking about this this morning when god's first in our life everything falls into order and a lot of you have tried to figure out why am i not fruitful maybe god is challenging you today around being faithful what has he given you what have you buried what does he bring him back to life what haven't you asked him about come on can we stand to our feet right across this place actually felt like there was a couple of things or a word for somebody in this room and it was just simply this and we might get the house lights brought down just so there's a bit of privacy as i was praying this morning i was driving um and i was praying and um i just felt like um there were people in the room and maybe just close your eyes you said there's no distractions i saw there were people in the room that um sort of were crippled by fear i i saw i saw that there was a person who was literally like sitting in a wheelchair and i was like oh god like what are we believing for this morning i felt like god said no there are people in this room that are crippled by fear like they haven't actually been able and they can walk though they can actually walk but they've been crippled by fear i felt like god said this morning when we pray for a boldness and a courage to come over people who have felt crippled by taking a step of faith that god was actually going to supernaturally lift you out of your chair and that you were going to start running again towards the purposes of god i felt that so strongly this morning there are people who the devil you've listened to lies that have said no you can't do this no keep that buried in the ground no don't be faithful with that nose take this door it makes more sense it's more appealing i felt like there was a there was a few people in the room that we needed to pray for this morning so just with every head bow and all those clothes this is a moment to be vulnerable this is a moment to be vulnerable because i know that in this moment the power of god can move and if that's you and you're like isaiah yes i have felt crippled in in believing god for things and stepping out again can i quickly see yeah i see your hand yeah people yeah i see your hand yes yes i see your hand anybody else yes i see your hand come on is there anybody else yes i see a hand paragod's gonna move today is there anybody else anybody else don't mess this up yeah i see your hand yes yeah with that just why don't you lift both of those hands up for the people who have like isaiah i don't want to be crippled by fear anymore god we just release your power in this place and god i thank you that you said this morning that we are going to pray for people who were crippled with fear and they were going to walk again lord they weren't just going to walk again they were going to sprint and god i thank you even now god you were giving them the courage and the boldness to sprint yet again this is a running season this is a sprinting season and god i thank you lord with where they have sat on the bench god i thank you that you were calling them out into the game and lord you were giving them the courage to run run run run again god i thank you that even now they're leaving the former things god they're leaving the former things behind and they are pursuing you with a new adrenaline with a new right god i thank you right now lord that you are lifting them up out of their seat of fear for god you did not give us a spirit of fear but of power of love and of a sound mind there's people here that that i really feel that are going to create they're going to blaze a new path in god that you've never seen before you were going to blaze a new path in god that you've never seen before courage boldness strength in the name of jesus if that message spoke to you and you want to respond or you want to give your life to jesus for the very first time why don't you click the description box there is a link that says new to faith and we will have a pastor reach out to you this week thank you so much for joining us today we cannot wait to see you next sunday we hope you have a fantastic week bye
Channel: Public Church
Views: 63
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: xYxgTVStWhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 16sec (2236 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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