3 Extremely Scary Horror Stories Animated

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my name is chloe and this story happened to me two weeks ago i'm 32 years old and have a 10 year old son named jesse every now and then the company i work for requires me to travel across the state and other parts of the country to take place in important business meetings that are mandatory for me to attend thankfully my bosses are understanding of the situation jesse's father isn't in the picture so my work allows me to bring jesse with me on business trips most of the time we stay in a rented lodge or an apartment a few weeks ago i had to go on another business trip it was out in the country which was nice because the house me and jesse would be staying in was a real small lodge which was very secluded the night before the meeting i was on a zoom call with my colleagues at around 10 pm while jesse was upstairs playing on his nintendo switch during my zoom call jesse called me from upstairs telling me i needed to see something i excused myself from the call and headed upstairs i went into his room and asked him what was wrong he told me there was a man outside looking up into his window i looked out into the dark field and couldn't see anything i told jesse i couldn't see anybody out there he said the man walked off into the darkness as he called for me what he said concerned me but i had to brush it off as maybe it was a dog walker or something i usually think rationally when it comes to things like that i told jesse to tell me if he sees the man again i then returned to my zoom call about an hour went by when one of my bosses suggested we took a quick bathroom and drink break leaving the zoom call on as we usually do i went to put a pot of tea on and went upstairs to check how jesse was i asked if he was okay and if he saw anything outside he told me he hadn't seen anybody since i took jessie into bed and went back downstairs to continue my business call on zone most colleagues were back on from the break apart from a couple one of my bosses said oh that's strange i thought i just saw you walking around the kitchen the laptop that i was using for the call was set on the table in the living room which was opposite the kitchen which also had a back door i replied saying no i was just upstairs he said he was certain that he saw me walking around the kitchen i laughed and i told him he was seeing things my pot of tea started to boil i had forgot about it as i walked into the kitchen i noticed the back door was slightly open i thought it was odd especially being what my boss just said to me but i chalked it up to jesse forgetting to close the door he was outside playing earlier that day after all i closed it and locked the door poured myself some tea and sat down and continued my zoom call about 10 minutes go by and i started to feel funny like really sleepy all of a sudden but it wasn't a normal feeling i felt fine and all of a sudden i felt like i couldn't keep my eyes open and that's what happened i fell asleep on a zone call i didn't know at the time but i was out for about 10 minutes until i woke up to jesse frantically pulling me trying to wake me up he told me there was a man outside trying to get in i turned around i saw a man on the other side of the back door pulling the door handle in an aggressive way he looked furious as he couldn't get inside this means that what my boss said to me earlier when he thought he saw me in the kitchen was true that man did get in the house as i was upstairs checking on jesse he must have spiked my teeth and that's what made me fall unconscious once unconscious i think he was planning to enter the house and assuming the door was still unlocked to take my son away the thought of this makes me sick to my stomach i thank god that i noticed the door slightly open and locked it shut this story could have had an awful ending otherwise we called the police and they searched the area and not surprisingly they found no one jesse and i returned home after that this incident will hunt me for the rest of my life in jesse's too i'm an office manager and being the manager of a company has its perks sometimes but it also means i have to be the one to let people go in this one instance i had to fire a man named hooper what made it awkward was he was dating my best friend olivia she had asked me to give hooper a job and she's my friend i gave him a four-month trial basis i won't go into detail too much about why i needed to fire him but it was basically he just didn't know how to do his job i had to let olivia know the day before i was about to let hooper go she was understanding and thankful i gave him a chance that following morning i called hooper in my office and told him that we were letting him go he didn't really say much but the expression on his face was surprised but also a little mad which is understandable as he had just got fired from a job but he left the office and i carried on with my day as usual later that evening i got in my car but before starting it i received a zoom call from my bosses i will skip most of the conversation because it's private and irrelevant at one point one of my bosses said courtney please tell me you have finally fired hooper i replied saying yes i have then my boss said thank god he was useless and letting out a laugh with some of the other bosses later that night i was in bed asleep and i woke up to what i initially thought was my phone ringing but after listening more carefully i realized it wasn't a phone call it was a recording of some kind i kept hearing it on repeat thank god he was useless thank god he was useless thank god he was useless with laughing in the background over and over it was the zone conversation i had with me and my bosses earlier that night i looked around my room and there was an old tape recorder sitting on my cabinet someone had broken into my house and put that there i went downstairs and saw the front door was open of course the first thing i did was call the cops and i told them i suspected it was hooper who had put the recording there what's creepy was no one had seen him again not even olivia she said that he just vanished and stopped responding to her calls and texts people lose their jobs every day but it's scary to think how people will react i don't understand what hooper's intentions were with recording and quite frankly i don't think i want to know you can call me derek in this story i'm 23 years old and had recently landed myself an intern job working in the office of the city that i moved to it hasn't been as good as i thought it would be my boss and other managers always drop extra work on me and i usually end up staying in the office way later than everyone else when everyone else has already gone home this one thursday was no different i was stuck in the office past 11 pm it was on a zoom business call with people who were across the country and some were across the world there weren't many people in the zone call it was about four people not including myself i looked up from my desk and i took a look at the zoom call three of the four people were guys i knew they were from the same company across town the other caller i didn't know but on the zoom call you can get dozens of people on the call at once i don't always know everyone so i didn't think much about it the fourth person i didn't recognize was in an office that was dark but there was no doubt that there was someone on the call i could see them sitting down in a dingy office but i couldn't make out any features whatsoever one of my co-workers left the call and then i asked the remaining two who the other person was they both said it was probably someone i won't say the name obviously but they had just gone to make coffee or something the two co-workers then signed off and it was just me and the other person on the call as my co-workers said they probably just went to make coffee so i got my head down and i carried on with my work after about 10 minutes i got up to use the bathroom and i got myself a coffee as i was pouring myself a mug i heard something tip over on one of the nearby offices it sounded like a stack of paper falling i called out hello i was startled yeah but i wasn't completely terrified i assumed i was there alone but this is a massive office building there are plenty of people who could be here working late when i got back to my desk i took a look at the zoom call that's when i got freaked out the one person who was still on the call had stuck a piece of paper on his computer camera and said hello with three dots next to it i typed in the chat box who's the person on the call unsurprisingly there was no response and then the zoom call ended i was pretty scared and felt like going home and just taking my work with me as i was packing up my stuff i received a phone call i answered it and said hello there was no answer but there was definitely someone on the line i could just tell by the noises and i could hear light breathing as well i spoke again saying hello who is this that's when the phone went dead i put the phone down it's bad walk to the elevator one stepping inside the elevator and pressing the bottom floor button a light turned on an office down the corridor and i heard a door slam shut right before the elevator closed this all happened that was the last weird thing that happened to me that night it was the creepiest experience i've ever had unfortunately i still have to stay late and i'm always paranoid of who's around me and i never feel alone when working late [Music] there
Channel: Mort
Views: 250,816
Rating: 4.9217772 out of 5
Keywords: mcdonald's horror, creepy mcdonald, horror story, reddit stories animated, true horror story animated, ron mcdonalds horror, scary clown, mcdonalds clown horror story, animated horror compilation, deep web horror story, deep web animated, kfc animated horror story, school lockdown, school horror story, school lockdown horror animated
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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