Impossible Pie - Super Easy - Coconut Pie - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're making an impossible pie this pie is my new best friend you literally do not need a pie crust for this it makes its own crust all you have to do for the crust is just take a little bit of cold butter and wipe it in the bottom of your pan and grease it good and that's only crust it has now what I like about this pie other than the fact that it is incredibly easy is that you can do different variations of it and if you are trying to lose weight or you have a diabetic in the house or someone with celiacs who is gluten free this recipe is perfect for all those people it only has a half a cup of flour in it and you can use any flour for that so if you need it gluten-free you can do almond flour rice flour potato flour whatever kind of gluten-free flour that you prefer and there's the crust that's all you do we have a few other ingredients in this pie but like I said it's so easy you want to go ahead and turn your oven on 350 degrees and preheat it because you're gonna have a pie ready way before your oven gets preheated you need 2 cups of milk and you can use any milk in this recipe whole milk is probably best you could use evaporated milk even use powdered milk if you had it and you wanted to use it up I'm putting a cup of coconut in mine and any flaked coconut will work this is actually unsweetened you can use sweetened whatever you got or if you're not a coconut fan leave this out and you will have a vanilla custard pie if you want some other flavor you could put that in this would be really good with cons in it or something it just anything we're going to probably do some variations on this - I have six tablespoons of melted butter here if you're on a serious diet you can cut this butter down to 1/4 of a cup if you want it a little bit richer you can go all the way up to a half a cup our 1/2 cup of flour any flour will work a cup of sugar and I have a quarter teaspoon of baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon of salt now if you're using self-rising flour if that's all you got you won't be the baking powder and you'll just want a tiny bit of salt but this pie has four eggs in it so you are gonna want a little salt in it and I have 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract now you can use any extract in this like because I'm doing coconut I can do a teaspoon of vanilla and a teaspoon of coconut I don't have coconut so I just have my two teaspoons of vanilla and like I said if you're not a fan of the coconut leave the coconut out and you'll have the vanilla custard the variations we're gonna do some and when I put this recipe the next cookbook I will definitely have some variations for this pie in the cookbook you can mix this by hand you can mix it in your mixer with a in a stand mixer with a regular mixer the blender tends to work best for this because it whips it up really fast and there's no slopping because once you put it in there you put the lid on it and just blend it up so we're just gonna put all the ingredients in there except for the coconut we're gonna leave it for last you do want to let your butter a cool down after you melt it so that it's not hot eggs in dump the sugar in go ahead and that's the flour in and this just pretty much I feel your blender pepper for at least it does mine baking powder in the salt and go ahead and dump the vanilla in I said we got everything in there except for our coconut if you were doing for cons you would want to leave those of course you want to mix it until you don't see any more flour and it does work best if you save your flour to last and you put it on top I don't know why if you put the flour in there's your layering ingredients it tends to stick to the sides of the blender and now just dump in your coconut if you want the coconut and hit it again just for a couple seconds and that is all there is to mix and that's pie now as this bakes its gonna make a crust on the bottom that will release when your pan and it'll look like a really thin crust on the pie this recipe has Amish origins pretty much anywhere you research it it says that it's an Amish recipe and I suspect it was probably one of those accident recipes we've talked about some accident ingredients before but I think somebody probably had some leftover custard pie filling and they didn't have enough crust you know they just made too much and then over fill their crust and they baked what they had leftover and it formed a crust all by itself so that is most likely where this came from like I said it was probably an accident recipe but all you do now is you're gonna put this in the oven for anywhere from 50 minutes to an hour maybe a little bit longer it'll get all nice and golden brown on the top and if you don't want it really brown on the top you can tint it we've done a full 10 before but I'm just letting mind get really brown on top if you wanted to do it you know maybe for a fancy dessert with dinner you might not want it quite as brown and you can tint this you just pull the foil up and put it over at the top of it you can serve this with whipped cream you can serve it with ice cream you can serve it with fresh fruit maybe some crushed pineapples would be good with it but like I said if you're looking for something that maybe isn't it won't have quite as many calories in it something for diabetics and if you need a gluten-free pie recipe this is a really easy one because a lot of gluten-free baking doesn't you know well if you're polluting free baking you know it's really hard to get a pie crust or anything like that to come out there's a lot of tricks you have to do but with this you don't need any of those tricks you just put your gluten-free flour in it to thicken it and then bake it okay and when it comes out of the oven this is what its gonna look like it's all nice and golden-brown you can see some little tiny cracks on the top and it's set but it's still a little bit jiggly that's okay it's gonna be a little bit jiggly but it will be set it won't be the liquidy anymore like if you tip it it's not going to slosh way up high but you can tell when it starts to crack it's done and as this cools you can see how high it rose up here - I mean the pan was completely full but now it's well it's already starting to settle it was probably mmm 3/4 of an inch above the top of my pan when I first took it out of the oven it's gonna settle down to a little bit below the top of the pan that's okay it's a custard pie they do that when they cool now you're gonna want to let this cool completely before you cut it and you can serve it at room temperature or you can put it in the refrigerator and serve it cold but you can't get it out of here until it cools so you're gonna want to let this cool an hour and a half maybe even two hours don't put it in the refrigerator until it cools to room temperature you don't want it to cool too fast that will affect how well it sits up so I'm gonna put a whole lot of pictures in the end of this video and probably one right here so you can see how the crust forms and even when you first take it out of the oven you can take your finger and kind of push the edge of the pie over a little bit and you can tell it has a little thin crust like on it where the bottom of the pie baked so if you need a recipe you're stressing over the news lately and politics and stuff this is the pie recipe for you and I absolutely love pie so like I said this is going to be my new best friend because it doesn't have as many calories as a chore additional pie with a crust on it you're avoiding all that bread and all or all the flour and all that fat that makes up a regular pie crust and this is really really tasty even when just the the cup of sugar in it it's plenty sweet enough and it will give you that satisfaction of having a piece of pie with way fewer calories so give this one a try it's too easy not to try you saw how quick it mixed up and put it in the oven while you're cooking dinner and by the time you're done with dinner and you're digesting you've got a fresh baked pie for dessert that you don't pat feel guilty about eating so thank you so much for joining us in the in Willy kitchen if you haven't already please click like and subscribe and until next time remember to cook dog first [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 504,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the hillbilly kitchen, bret and becky, Crustless pie, diet pie, diabetic pie, gluten free pie, easy pie, no crust pie, custard pie, coconut pie, coconut custard pie, coconut cream, Amish pie, Amish recipe, vanilla custard pie, vanilla cream pie, impossible pie, impossible Amish pie, Crazy impossible Amish pie, Super Easy Coconut Custard Pie, Crazy Impossible Coconut Pie Recipe, 5 minute dessert, baking, dessert recipe, recipe, coconut recipe, pie recipe
Id: jbzEY8KMG-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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