Onething 2018 - Session 2

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important things which meant her time with Jesus was filled with duty and distraction her sister Mary simply sat at Jesus feet listening Midori focus Martha complained Jesus tell her to help me tell her to do her part Jesus invited Martha to realign her thinking and reset her priorities Martha Martha you are worried and bothered and anxious about so many things but only one thing is necessary mary has chosen the best part of all what is the best part [Music] life has many moving healthy our days fill up so easily with many responsibilities over the last 19 years thousands of people have given their lives and hearts to sustain 24/7 prayer and worship at the International House of Prayer yet slowly our days have also filled with Martha's burdens some gaps developed between our heart connection to Jesus and one another still the deep longing of our heart cannot be denied him above all Jesus our great love it's time to reset it's time to focus adore reconnect with Jesus and one another so like Mary we choose the best part all over again not just prayer - for the schedule but the beautiful man who fills our lives with meaning [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here [Applause] [Music] funny [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this looks this is my [Music] [Music] this is my around to throw around to throw it's looks familiar this is my home around you're thrown around you throw sticks familiar this is my home around your frog around your frog this looks familiar this is my home [Music] I'm at home I'm at home [Music] in the center of the world [Music] as it fills the throne [Music] I am [Music] reminds my heart again this is your home [Music] holy spirit tell us bear witness once again this is a whole [Music] [Music] I will just roll in your presence this is our whole to throw around your throng in your presence this is our all around around in your presence this is our home [Music] in your this is [Music] yeah this is this is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] feel we we are seal it again that I'm right [Music] yes we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo we are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] together together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the house of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stand [Music] [Music] we just [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like you Jesus [Music] like you cheese like you Jesus you Jesus [Music] No like you Jesus no one jeez Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh he said on the promise ho ho you sit song is God in God alone [Music] we behold your love [Music] this [Music] the Sun train [Music] years love beauty [Music] period me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] please we see [Music] we [Music] please [Music] see we see [Music] we see [Music] mici [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Gracie [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you they're the god of holiness a delightful pleasurable purity that we find our greatest liberty and pleasure walking in holiness in agreement with your leadership we say we love your holiness we love the Liberty that's released in your holiness we love the freedom from darkness the freedom from all the negativity of the fallen world in your holiness our holy God the God that is delightful in his holiness we thank you in Jesus name Amen and amen we're gonna ask you to all go grab a seat if you would and worship team we're gonna call you up in a few moments or you know however let goes but in a little while so and we want you to stay in the same vein when you come up because the Lord is speaking to us about well wait a second Allen come on up here real quick wait I want you guys to stay up here just come on up here no no not not behind those up here there you go okay yes cops do it let's turn all the lights on if we would just hang in here for a minute let there be light light I know you're singing it out good well I just wouldn't talk about this group for just a minute yeah we gotta love the iHub staff right here and we want them all on the front row here I want you to cheer I hop family for who these guys are you know this is our Night Watch - this is a other two teams on this two teams together on a cassette yep let's go ahead and turn the more of the lights on I want to get the whole room fully light but you know 20 years ago most of you know the story the brief story we started IHOP near 20 years ago but the problem with doing 24/7 prayer with worship he's getting people to do it all night long that's that's a challenge Alan that's challenge Alan was here from day one when we launched 1999 to us I hopin we had - lord help us and the Lord began to send mostly young people but not entirely but mostly young people and they said we could because being on the IHOP staff this is their full-time occupation a lot of folks don't understand that we have 600 staff members and the majority we raise their own support this is our occupation this is what we do we keep a sanctuary we do outreach in ministry know things but our assignment is to keep a 24/7 sanctuary of worship because he's worthy but also to release his power in the nations but the challenge of it is the Nightwatch well there's a bunch of other challenges but that's the biggie so we begin to claim the promise on everybody to grab a seat just I'm away for a second toe II and Isaiah 62 this might be a new verse for some of you eyes but weak we claim this passage all the time so I'd like you to all know Isaiah 62 verse 67 what the Lord says I will set intercessors in the night he said I'll do it I will put Watchmen or intercessors I myself will set them in the nighttime so we begin to claim that promise Lord would you raise up Nightwatch people that will do men 9 to 6 well they begin to come young people I'm sorry Lea get over Lea 20 years ago they joined the Nightwatch 18 years old and she's still doing it they're sisters I'm 20 now you're 20 that was only she was 18 20 years ago but she's only 20 years old now wait 20 years you guys have been doing this and your mother too and your father why do you do this this is all spontaneous it's not part of the script but I am so blown away by these guys now the two o'clock set was also to worship teams from the Nightwatch and these are two more but here's what you got to understand tonight at 10:00 or whatever time we go home and some stamp fellowship you go to bed 11:00 12:00 they go to the prayer room 2:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. they're there until 6:00 a.m. their day is starting right now they're gonna lead here and then lead through the night when we're all sleeping there crying out or getting dreams and visions because they're changing the spiritual atmosphere over this conference while we're sleeping and getting dreams they're crying out to God for us yeah in fact do you remember my we began the fire in the night with the slogan taking back the night taking back the night what about 15 years ago that's right but I just Alan I want you to gush over these guys I mean I love these guys so much and I went on and on at the 2 o'clock set with with us and you guys I don't want to overdo it like grandpa Bickle you know he just can't quit showing family pictures but I love these guys yeah I have this thought they know how I feel about them personally these two are likely to make girls up here - I want everybody get off this come everybody come up here they're beautiful but it's bigger than that you're gonna hear a lot of talk over the next four days about Mary of Bethany and about giving him everything and I think the picture of extravagant devotion upon the entire earth is the Night Watch it is the picture and it's not just think about this after Mary and Bethany did what she did and broke over that perfume over Jesus he said wherever the gospel goes this story will be told now we have to understand that after Pentecost men gave the equivalent of millions and millions of dollars and laid them down at the Apostles feet their story is not told Mary a Bethany did it before it was popular she was that forerunner of abandonment and that there's something about first fruits first things when that when it's done it means like when you're Labor into your youth the love of your youth God remembers that all your days when you give him the strength of your life of youth he remembers it wait a second you guys gave the strength of your youth for 20 years I mean a number of you have done this how many years have you done it 15 years you've been doing the House of Prayer for 15 years plus there's but here here's what I want to say Mike they're doing something that is so unique and precious that in the next stage there will be no opportunity to love him in the night in the next age in the next stage the Bible says clearly there will be no more night there we will love him with all we have all day you can worship Him all day but you will not be able to worship him all night you talk about in the New Jerusalem that's right the Holy Spirit is putting out a call of abandonment extravagant devotion and wants to fill the prayer rooms of the night all over the world and right now I even the Holy Spirit is beginning like in that day when we called for Take Back the Night another call of the Holy Spirit is going out do the night houses of Prayer do the night churches do the night it's easy for you to set a 6:00 a.m. to an 8:00 p.m. setting so all the business people and everybody can go there the adults God is calling for radical abandonment of our young people in their teenage years their 20-year olds to go to the Nightwatch and so the strength of their NICU in the Nightwatch fact there's many places right now the Holy Spirit are speaking to you young people want to go in your city to a Night Watch they can't why can't that God is waiting for you to open the doors and give the clarion call and just take the leap Mike you did it with like two adults in the night you went you're in charge and all the 20 year olds rallied around oh who start at the Night Watch yes your boy my son Luke wherever you are thank you I love you Lukey boy he started the night once he came to me 20 years ago said dad I'll take any position to help the House of Prayer he goes what's the hardest one I go the son you don't want me to tell you I sense the Night Watch because he's newly-wedded and he said we'll do it I said no I can't have you do it he goes I'll do it and they did it they did it and many are still doing it one where everything this is out of protocol but I want to do this this is not on the schedule but before you do wait wait wait wait before you do it yeah one quickie yes all spun day Richard towns you gotta come up here you can't do that i watch about richard standing out there this guy is mr. Dai watch Jay and Kris if you're here come on up here too they just did it forever they're in the day now it's kind of but they still do Night Watch but they've done it for so many years that Jay and Kris are here you got to come up here I think the holy Lord Oh Stuart where is who is Stuart the leader of the Night Watch SATA said Stuart Mike wake up Stuart he's been leading it for almost the 20 years wherever Stuart's at anyway now anyway I love this guy Jay Thomas dinner for years but I love it it's like a big homecoming David Damien weren't having a homecoming up here Stuart come over here please this guy's been the leader since my son he started it for about the first year and he's ran it the last 19 years why on earth and then you give your excitation so you go Stuart one of my dearest friends one of the guys I trust the most man of God why do you do that don't start moving back don't start that I want you guys up front what do you do this well there's a cover there's a couple of things that come to my mind one of them is is that it is amazing how in the end times you know how often the end of the age is described as the night and the night watches in the earth part of the thing that drives my heart is that the night watches they are a prophetic statement of a generation that will emerge in the earth that will await the coming of the Lord like the coming of a new day Matthew 25 verse 26 makes it very clear at midnight a cry will be heard a bridegroom is coming go out and meet him and I don't know how long the Lord will give me grace to do tonight while we have done it 20 years 20 years but if he wants to give me grace that the thing that I want to do is to stand with a company of people to hold the banner up so that when an 80 year old joins they can look at us and go wait a minute if you guys could do for 10 20 years we can do it for 10 20 years and that is the thing that actually touches my heart is to hold a banner high so that the generations can come and do this and if by the grace of God if I can be 80 90 years old and sitting the backroads and close my eyes and whisper prayers to the Lord and go to the Lord in that chair I would be a very happy man man can you imagine Stuart and I hung 90 years old I'm 120 by then and we're just enjoying the Lord together something like that and then B the other thing is is that there is actually a flower it's called a cirrus flower in the desert it is the only flower that blooms at night the night watches in the earth are like that flower that permeate the nations with the fragrance of the knowledge of God and so those are the things that are in my heart as I think about the Nile watch I think about a changing of the spiritual atmosphere not only where the night belongs to the Lord but where the dream life of a city actually get trenway's then again I want to see the dream life of a city change why because you're crying out in the night while we're sleeping we're getting dreams and vision exactly where believers get dreams and visions and where nightmares for unbelievers get turned into a prophetic encounter you know the dose of the kinds of things that that we're believing for is for the shifting the speech atmosphere of in Kansas City for a breakthrough of Revelation night on tonight reveals knowledge and so we're believing for a realm of Revelation to be released in the night where's Amanda Amanda dead 15 years where there you are what are you doing you know 15 years she goes well I went today you got a month ago 15 years come on up here mama Cassie Campbell I'm hearing rumors that around here somewhere seer tower get up here oh you come up here I'm hearing rumors please come there you are Cassie wheeler get up here as a matter of fact just for fun anybody that's been on the IHOP night watch staff at any time come on up here real quick we'll do that I will go too long but I'm just having I'm gushing right now this is still gonna come on yeah oh my goodness oh my goodness come on up here this is our Night Watch family the ones here at the conference they're all over America there are cities everywhere as many of them have moved but we're gonna give you a minute come on up here they have given most of these people five and ten years to do the night walks look at this this is a prophetic declaration to a generation that's passing Jesus look at this bed right here come on these are folks most of them have done at five six seven years they gave their strength of their youth to the night come on all the way around come on let's go up here come on wait wait good this is mama this is their mama she's been doing it for years [Music] come on up come on that squeeze in Donna you and Robert where you add where's Don and Robert that's okay they can stay where they want to be Don and Robert where wait wherever you are other way over there they've been doing the night watch for the Holtz 18 years or sub number they're my age they've been doing it literally 20 years in there my age Rick ruff where's Rick hey little girl on the wreck Rob areas coming up bridge coming up here's he was making a six-figure income Rick he came to me about 18 years ago he said I think I want to do the Nightwatch he did 15 years raised his own support as a missionary gave up his six-figure income now he's bringing it to the Solomon Islands establishing the House of Prayer throughout the Pacific Islands Rick come on up there not anybody that was been on the staff for a number of years in the Nightwatch come on up here yeah well we've really overdone this we don't have that no we have we'd happen no we haven't this is right this is good this is the guy running the stage he's in another city but hey you're here you're one of us baby yeah that's why I mean he's one of us he's in another Church inland I know but he's running the stage here but he came up because hey I'm in this thing now I want to say one more thing two more things and then you guys can gush another moment and then we just got to do what we do because we got a lot on our hearts tonight to go over but this is a prophetic statement to a generation look at this they said young people won't pursue the Lord heart they said young people won't paint the price this is a statement shouting out to the spirit of compromise in the body of Christ young people will say yes to the Lord look at this statement right here second thing and last thing I hope it's the last thing I say Diane my wife Diane I want you to jump in here - wait where's Luke you started it Luke get up here wherever you are son Luke they are where's Luke come on over here the most handsome kid on the stage here is come on baby Luke deco I love it thank you for doing that did you know that you said I'll do the hardest job what is it I it's the Night Watch the Night Watch is by far the hardest job so these guys totally deserve the credit that they're getting at this month so 20 years ago you said dad I wanna help you do the night one I mean I would help you build IHOP I'll do the hardest position did you think that it would end up you doing the Night Watch I did not I did not know that was the hardest position but I learned quickly what did your new wife thing Shh we had breakfast and not dinner let's just say that we've got another son Paul who's just as handsome and just as dynamic is there somewhere okay but the last thing I want to say hopefully the last thing I'm going to say about this we this guy Daniel Liam wave Daniel Daniel lives our CEO I always say this he speaks six languages Mandarin Cantonese and four more languages he hates it I say that I love to say that I just don't know how you do that but anyway Daniel came to us a few months ago cuz I got a vision I got a vision let's raise it'll be seven eight hundred thousand dollars enough money to put a hundred young people room and board pay their tuition for training put him in the Night Watch with a scholarship they'll cost seventy at whatever the number is and I said a hundred of them he goes where we pay the bill we ask our partners to join in with us and we're almost there where have worked over halfway there of having a hundred scholarships starting in September to give a hundred young people a scholarship to do a year of the Nightwatch paying room and board we're gonna charge him a thousand dollars because one guy a really smart businessman said if they have no investment in it it's not fast and he says I'll give you a six figure I'll give you a couple hundreds of thousands but they've got to invest a little bit so it's mostly a full scholarship and I like the I ever thought that that was wise but we are an inch away from having the funding of a hundred full-time Nightwatch could you imagine us having a hundred coming in August we're gonna pay room and board at school tuition did I help you for a year and they joined the Nightwatch - again the one thousand they would pay but the six or seven or eight thousand whatever it is I don't know the numbers what we pay for thank you for that patient we're almost there we've almost raised all the money for it and the reason why we do that one of the reasons because we recognize the glory of Christ and worthiness of Christ and the dignity of this calling is a what the best way we can celebrate 20 year milestone of 24/7 prayer is to call another generation of a hundred radical young adults that will give their life for one year if you are willing to take the challenge we will match you with that scholarship program at International House of Prayer University starting in August starting in August by application open right now so we we don't really we don't have applications yet not really there's no we they can go to where your stall ask the program that pamphlets us around we will give the forms out it is going to be a rash way we just raise the money a week ago we've already got the fish the money is coming the students coming at the same time it's the journey of fake my so Daniel came to me a few months ago he goes for 20 year anniversary I'm believing God for a hundred full-time fire in the nighttime night watch in its we're almost there were mighty predominate percent there God is raising the full amount God is raising the hundred radicals he is sending them to us okay I'm done for now I got news for you it's gonna be a whole lot more than a hundred went on is gonna raise up thousands of extravagant lovers of Jesus all over the world and the two things that I felt impressed about is that we have I feel like the Spirit is stirring you already said the first one I won't say it which is all this stirring folks to fund the night watch all over the world he's stirring more Asia all over your all the world America he scare them in fact there's there's 20 year olds in the room and teenagers yo I don't forgot I may not feel called to the night but I'm going to give extravagantly for the night God is raising up people to fund the night and the second thing felt like that spirit just that spirit that rests on Stuart that same spirit that laid hold of him to and say to pass we're stirring the hearts of young people again for extravagant devotion and that if you feel like you may be called to fund the night or to stand at night it may be for a season of your life it may be one year two years five years a tour of duty where you're giving that extravagant love in the night I want him to stand I want us to pray for okay let's do it dr. Markham okay we're gonna pray again we're gonna talk about this more we don't do this all tonight I just got a year there here yeah there are two words here yeah you're good point now those are those people that get all romantic about it remember this team they're going to the prayer room at 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. while we're sleeping so don't have romance in your mind this is real this is rigorous this is real there's a glory to it but there's a recur to it because we go yeah you know heart of David put our hand on Jesus's breast but they gonna be there every night so we'll set six times a week they rotate and cover something David tell us this is worship we're not honoring people when someone honors my son he's honoring me I get so excited when my son gets honored and I believe honoring them is honoring the father that's right and we need to look at this in this way because this is not about putting people in a pedestal this is about sacrifice and we're honoring them and were honoring the father and I want to say this I believe I believe the mic wants to push it little during the week I believe tonight we need to release a call for tomorrow morning and offering to cover the Night Watch I mean the rest of that seven or eight hundred thousand or whatever is left and I'm not talking about I'm talking about more than 100 I want to believe to see whatever the logos doing so I believe like 100 whatever it is I believe the local wage Nightwatch did you guys go for 200 they won a thousand okay let's go back to the David here I I really believe that not only from the people here I believe we need to open the online giving of all the people who are watching a live stream because this is a time this turn of 2018 to 2019 what you said well what Stuart said we're taking the night I believe this was a word of the Lord in the spirit realm so Stuart released the call not only for people for funds and people released the call over the airwaves to go to Asia to go to Latin America a regular Europe to go to everywhere in the world of people and finances and it is time for us to say keep the money we don't have places to store the money anymore we don't have bank accounts big enough to store the money it's the building of the temple and the first offering that was taken in the Bible it is people give extravagantly and I believe with all my heart that when Stuart releases the called the repercussions in the airwaves are going to go into all the continents and I believe tomorrow morning the line will be open for the nations and here for Denise just for the night /i I have faith with Ellen to release that car with Stuart and say it is time because 2019 on we will set the stage for the next 10 years of what the Lord why he is there because they're so many night watches being inspired by what this team here they look at Kansas City they go they can we can if they could do a week and you guys have been an inspiration to thousands of people to do night watches across the earth but we want to double and triple that impact we want to see a million young people doing not much not just young people there are some Ana's and simians that will do than I watch as well as some older ones actually this is going to be a habitat the body of Christ you don't need to join a House of Prayer to do the Night Watch in the hi brothers in the pile of places because we need to take back we there are people who gets up at five o'clock in the morning and release the call there are people who gets up we need to take back what belongs to the body so I wanted first of all before we pray for the for IHOP I wanted if Alan Kennedy when you spoke about many of you have been hearing here and feeling stirred in the spirit about the night watches in your cities in your places I feel a faith for that if you can release that call again speak it out so the people can rise up and take the place and then Stewart will pray about the I hop night watch for finances and people to be released at this time in fact the clarion call of the Holy Spirit is going out to the ends of the earth he's setting Watchmen on the wall for Jerusalem he's beginning to stir the hearts of his people lift up your hand the Holy Spirit lift up your hand is beginning to display the infinite glory and worth of the Lord Jesus to be worship day and night night and day a cloud by day a fire by night and as the Lord is stirring the hearts of his people if you're stirred right now you go that's me I'm called to fund it to give to give a season of my life to give myself to this call in whatever shake the Lord does it I want you to stand right now to your feet we're gonna respond to that call as Stewart prays for us wait well I'm gonna clarify it anyone in the room that says in your heart it's in my heart to do the Nightwatch in my city we're some now or in the future might even be a couple years but it's in your heart and you say Lord I don't know how I don't know why I matter how ork but it's in my heart if you would make away where there is no way so if that's you any city of the earth you would be it's in your heart to do it first season six months a year 10 years doesn't matter right now so Alan you could see even over even over the web strain I believe there's people in the nations right now that God is marking he's putting that fire in their hearts for the night for extravagant devotion the spirit of Revelation is resting upon them to give their all to him in the night even at home I want you to stand right now the Holy Spirit is beginning to mark you for this very thing Stuart pray for him now a father you are the god of Daniel 7 you who stir the Seas by your spirit father I ask you in the name of Jesus that you would stir Watchmen who will stand by night yes Father I ask you that you would release the winds of heaven yes Father in this room father in this nation in this city father all across the earth father I ask that you would release the winds of heaven you who said that you would set Watchmen on the wall send your spirit and stir your intercessory withstand by night father I ask you even so God that you would stir Cyrus by your spirit father I ask you that you would stir men and women father all across the nations father who will prove of fun singers musicians preachers teachers of your word father in the night yes who finances father I ask you to you would stir up Watchmen by your spirit and stir up Cyrus in Jesus name Amen I want to ask Leah I want to ask you to tell us yeah you to gather two sisters well let's get mama mama BriTANicK mama get up here they all do the Nightwatch and dad did the Nightwatch too before he went to be with the Lord Sun Leah Diane's asking you a question I just want you to tell us why you spend the night talking to Jesus singing to Jesus I feel like there are so many reasons one of the first things that comes to my mind is though I remember reading in Matthew 25 the story of the wise virgins and I always was like man I want to be that person with oil in their lamp and I remember the first day I read it where it struck me and I remember reading the part where it says that a voice cried out at midnight behold the bridegroom comes go out to meet him and I thought who is that voice telling people he's on his way get ready you need to go meet him and I thought man wouldn't be awesome for the body of Christ to have voices throughout the nations in the middle of the night alert aware ready watching prepared for his coming because he's coming Jesus is coming back to the earth for real like it's not just a story and how amazing would it be if there was a company of people who are actually aware of the signs of the times and the seasons that were living in and like Stuart said would stand and be a witness in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation behold the bridegroom comes it's time to go out and meet him you've been doing this almost 20 years yeah I wish I wish I was 20 again so I could pick it all over again idea I didn't lose one year I didn't waste one day it costs me nothing you have no regret no I love the prayer that they just prayed the extravagant the extravagant sacrifice your sacrifice won't be extravagant he's the extravagant one your sacrifice is nothing you have a weak little yes he's the one comes with this brilliance and this radiant glory and he comes with majestic splendor and extravagant strengths and he will equip you and prepare you and make you ready you don't have to have anything extravagant or anything beautiful I had nothing to give to him I was I have I still him I'm nothing there's nothing spectacular about me I'm very average he is so beyond average and every time I've needed strength he showed up every time I needed money he provided every time I needed grace he showered it down on me I have never seen the righteous forsaken not one time I will do it as long as I can stand okay one I got it ask Jay Jake 90 seconds you did four years but I want to ask Jays boss you trained him jay says say to trade me is this real tit Tillis why you did it really just a little bit just a little bit because he came in the help no yes he told me he wasn't famous I don't know how I'm supposed to follow up anything Lee it just says but just amen amen but I've had the privilege of being in many places and traveling the world and many of you've heard me tell the story but and I've traveled lots of places and taught and trained singers and musicians on prophetic say musician singing in musicianship but I want to I have to give honor where honors do the one who trained me it was SATA it was Leah it was Alicia it was cleared Sarah it was it was all the folks have been in the night wash for many many many years and the list goes on and on and I remember village it takes a village and I remember I was the guy who said I would never do the Night Watch I'll never do it I will never do it Night Watch and the Lord said oh yeah watch this I didn't I watched for five years and but when I went to the Night Watch to say that I had a meeting with Satan my very first title that I watched she I won't tell her the whole conversation but she she basically rebuked me in two seconds he just looked at me she said she said who are you are you famous or something and I said no and she goes yeah you are and I don't care and then she said here's the plan you're gonna be you're gonna be on Nightwatch you're gonna be on my team you're gonna sing on the third mic and you're only gonna sing the Bible and I looked at her and I said I always sing the Bible and she said no you don't have her to you there was a lot of oohs sounded nice but she forced me to sing the word five years night after night she said don't open your mouth if it's not in the Bible I don't want to hear your diary I don't want to hear your opinion I don't want to stay here which is what you're feeling don't open your mouth to singing if it's not in the word but she taught me how to sing prophetically and so as a result is something that real quick open your Bibles and see what you see done I like that don't pray your diary don't pray your opinions pray the Bible but it ended up we found out you were famous but wait yeah we do but she said you think you're famous you're not you're gonna be one of them I love the story now he leads our Music Academy and so he's doing a great job well I think we're done for now we love the Nightwatch I just gushed when I saw them but remember we're going to bed in a while they're gonna be in the prayer room tonight singing and crying out for this city and for this conference and that touches me I can't get over them thank you thank you thank you thank the soldiers say thank you let's honor what the Lord's done you [Applause] well that was a pretty long announcement ooh I'm glad we did it though here Alan just hold this please what a noble you know a spiritual fathers Alan this is our family this is what we've so reserved we've sown our strength does it what does this do to you to look at this because there's many more that aren't here because there's many of them are across the nations you know we've had 16,000 people that have been full-time with us over the last 20 years and 15,000 of them around the earth somewhere building houses of prayer or businesses or homeschooling moms or at the university yeah you know all kinds of different assignments and entreprenuers marketplace it touches me this touches me it's precious it's really precious really precious let's just be quiet for a minute the whole room I'm just thinking of the man with eyes of fire looking down on this room and we're looking up at him man with eyes like fire revelry should want he loves you he loves this room he loves this group of people he loves those folks out there we love that man when a bunch of you just a whisper don't even with the folks next to you here just whisper your love to him for a minute don't look around disclosure eyes everyone just whisper Jesus man with eyes of fire just take the moment the next 1 or 2 minutes he's looking at us I am My Beloved's his desire is for me it's what the bride said in Song of Solomon to the king I am My Beloved's his his desire is for me holy spirit touches this all the room Holy Spirit's stirring hearts right now we all know we're weak we all know that were broken in our humanity but the holy spirit strong he's stronger than our weakness he's stronger than our dullness he's stronger than our broken is he strong jesus said I know him he'll lead you to me jesus said the Holy Spirit he'll lead you to me if you talk to him Jesus was saying I know the Holy Spirit he loves me he'll lead you to me he'll let you see me he'll escort you to my heart it's the Holy Spirit we're asking all over the room I was watching on God TV and the internet and all the different groups that are connected all over Lord's Holy Spirit lead us to that man you're stronger than our dullness Just Breathe over this room is first spirit of her Newell all over the room way back in the bleachers we knew us we came here to be renewed Holy Spirit you're moving you're brooding over this room even now we came here because we want to be renewed in our love my love is weak my love is real but its weak I want to be renewed Holy Spirit Jesus said you'd leave me to him he said you'd give me desire for him look at this room brood over a stress we came because we want more desire for him and for the things on his heart man with eyes like fire men with burning eyes beloved his burning eyes his holiness but his holiness is love love and holiness as identical in God's personality when his eyes blazed with fire when he looks at you he's saying I love you you're mine you're mine some people look at holiness they go oh I got to be holy oh no no no no holiness is pure Liberty and delight of love that's what holiness is it alight freedom to love now they're more powerful than feeling loved and loving back the power to love back Holy Spirit we want the power of holiness the delight of feeling loved and loving back holy unto the Lord holiness unto the Lord he's gonna wait a few more minutes just again whisper hole the room just whisper I Love You Lord says tell me that more I want to hear you tell me that more I want to serve you it cuz that's good good good I want you to love me to love me do you tell him that much holy spirit help me engage in that conversation Lord I want to tell him more Allen what are you thinking right now I'm actually have a song in my heart that I've just keep saying declare it over us you're beautiful beyond description too marvelous for words too wonderful for comprehension like nothing ever seen or heard who can match your infinite wisdom who can fathom the depths of your love you are beautiful beyond description Majesty enthroned above and I stand I stand in all of you but singing and I stand I stand and all of you holy God to all praise is due I stand in awe of you let's do the first part this is so beautiful oh Jesus in the second that guy feels on his favorite only one of my mother it's important to open our hearts to this palpable love of the father Alan just said I'm his favorite that's for each one of us that's what the father is declaring that is what he is saying through his tender heart through his kind eyes do you see that twinkle in his eyes do you see that smile on his face as he behold to you this isn't just for one or two this is for each one so don't hold back throw wide the door of your heart in this moment the Father's love is here and it's for you receive it even as we declare our love to the Lord it's as we receive his love that we have something to offer back to him I want to just encourage each one to stay in this moment do you feel his affection for you his favorite one enjoy being enjoyed by your heavenly father enjoy being enjoyed by your heavenly father just like a little child lights up when daddy walks into the room you're that one you're that one that the father has set his gaze upon enjoy being enjoyed by your father he really likes you you're his favorite one it was 30 years ago Mattel short testimony and then pray for you it was 30 years ago July 1988 I was in my office pastoring here in Kansas City and I opened up a wedding invitation and in the wedding invitation had Song of Solomon 86 and it said put me as a seal on your heart like a seal of fire and I don't know that I ever read that verse before I'm sure I must have but I was new to me you know I went set me as a seal still a fire on the heart it says a fire so strong that nothing can put it out water floods can't put it out I read that and very unusual I wish this happened all the time but I'm almost never I read that and the soli skirt touched me instantly and I fell to my knees I mean to read something and be on your knees in two seconds maybe three times in my life that's happened where the whole experts on it and I find myself crying out to Jesus I never thought of Jesus in that verse I didn't know that verse really meant honestly at that moment I said Jesus be a seal of fire on my heart let me love you let me love you oh by the power of God and I was just groaning in the spirit I saw whoa what's going on that went on a few minutes and I was aware this was very unusual that this was something holy was happening I pick up the phone in my office where I'm pastoring I said call the receptionist I go something strange is happening don't let anybody come to my office the Lord's touching me I don't understand it so I put the phone down and I'm kneeling and that wedding invitation song is all in eight-six and I'm saying oh Jesus ceil it's a couple minutes later the phone rings Oh like I don't want me to serve I'm just so in this moment hello the receptionist says Bob Jones most of you know his name of prophetic man he goes he's on the phone he said he's just heard the audible voice of the Lord right now for you hello Bob I'm down here I'm wrung out I don't talk to Bob we talk to anybody he goes Mike I just heard the audible voice of the Lord he told me audibly this is a absolutely profound story for me and for you actually yes I can't talk he said he told me he's going to speak to you from Song of Solomon chapter 8 verse 6 I I don't go I do nothing he says I haven't even looked at it yet I don't know what it is I just called you he goes whatever it is he told me he's gonna talk to you about tonight today and he wants you to know here's where it fits in your life whatever that verses he's gonna release it in the body of Christ worldwide in these coming days this next generation Song of Solomon 86 which is the first commandment to love Jesus Oliver heard he's gonna release a seal of fire unbroken lives to love God because that's the first thing he wants you to know he said the second thing he wants you to know he wants you to proclaim this all that is your life never ever get off of this subject I mean I preached other subjects but always by the grace of God weaving this into it beloved the Holy Spirit I know this from this testimony curse bomb I just hung up 4045 second phone call he says I gotta go I didn't say yes no thank you wow I just hung the phone up I just groaned the Lord saying I'm gonna put a seal of fire on broken lives all over the world and they're gonna love me by the power of God they said I don't want I want you to make this a primary emphasis all the rest your days I saw there's two ways I'm gonna apply this I want us to pray that the Lord had touched us with us but there's many of you you're called to make this not the only thing you talk about but a primary one of the main one or two things you talk about until 19 your ministry in your communication of the kingdom you don't have to quote some of Solomon 86 it's really the first come happen to love God and God's called many view to that same focus and I think it was 30 years ago and I remember I was disheartened I didn't quite know how to walk that out I've never talked on the first commandment I didn't know much to say I was more of a warrior you know go to the you know warrior for God Rambo for God guy I wasn't more of a I love you I love you Olivia I loved him but I never thought or talked much so much about that that they said all I'm gonna change you thirty years now I look back and I say Lord that was one of the most gracious deliverances of my life that I can imagine where would I be today if you would not have intercepted my life with that audible voice through Bob Jones and that anointing of the Spirit I mean I've stumbled many times but I tell you that thing set me on a trajectory and I believe that part of the reset he wants us to be intentional about the first commandment we called the Mary of Bethany heart response yeah that's what we call it a lot of time around the IHOP world we call it Mary Bethany cuz in Luke 10 Mary Bethany she said at the feet of Jesus and loved him and we'll talk more about that in the next couple days but it's the first commandment it's loving God by the love by the power of God and I'm thinking my father was an international champion boxer he was a national international he won many trophies he was famous in everywhere I went Kansas City as a boy everyone that I met I would meet somebody and the father would say do you know Bobby Bickle ask my dad you know and so I grew up in a boxing home and my dad wasn't a spiritual man at all I mean I think he met the Lord I'm like literally the right before he died he died suddenly of a heart attack but all of my days never had any sense of that and he I was raised in bars I mean I went to the taverns every not every but many Fridays and Saturdays 5 years old 6 years old 7 years old eight year old 12 you know 15 years old you know you or some of you were raised in Sunday school and you were raised at church camp I was raised in the bars and I had barroom theology I all I knew is what they said at the bars about God it wasn't the truth when the Lord said I want you to talk about the first command I said Lord I'm the son of a boxer that's not my way I mean I love you I do my oh I love you I do the Lord whispered oh you don't even know your way I know your way you don't know your way this is really true and there's a lot of man out here and some women too that are Rambo Christians you're just fearless and bold and you'll take on anything and the Lord says I love that don't let go that that bold faith but the greatest of these is love faith open love bull courageous faith take the mountain he says don't ever let go that but the greatest as the tender exchange with my heart with yours and your heart with my pea with people that's the greatest I'm gonna pray all over the room I'm gonna ask people in the room to stand if you want prayer for this specific you say I think or or I know I think or I know either one will work I'm supposed to focus in on this message the first commandment the beauty of Jesus the love of God to call people to look not just to receive love yes you got to receive love if you don't receive it you'll never give it you'll never love God more than you receive it from him for free but I'm talking about more than just receiving a lot of people talked about receiving and I you can't over emphasize that point that is the greatest point of the gospel in my opinion receiving it but I'm talking about you're called to call people to the first commandment if you think or you know that's one of your primary assignment since all social media writing acting preaching praying homeschooling mom de cycling your children in it because those are disciple makers you know some ladies go when I raise my children I'm going in the ministry I go no no you're in the ministry you're a disciple maker right now you're doing a great work in the kingdom you don't have to get on an airplane to go to another nation you're in the nations right now anyway if that's you I just want to take a minute if that's you to preach the first commandment song social media of one on one disabling whatever praying writing acting dancing whatever that is one of your primary things I'd like you to stand I'd like to pray for you because the Lord part of this reset is to reset that let's get him a mic here David most of who you guys are you're just meeting David David born and raised in Egypt just lived in Canada the last 30 years and he's connecting with us and him and the homecoming and I've asked him to help me lead this conference and to take full liberties and so he's not been against it many times does it know our team so well but I he's a spiritual father and a prophetic a messenger of the Lord but yet more than that so I said David just any time come and just he's whisper in my ear I just said just say it whatever you want to say I tell you the Lord's on you so I just felt when Mike was speaking that the Holy Spirit is hovering over the room I don't think this is a choice I believe what the Lord has sealed Mike with that made him a proclaimer of the first love first commandment love the Lord he's going to come upon you here and I would love to challenge all ihop staff especially all those in the front rows this is your destiny this is your inheritance listen to him listen say that again I'm up step we got our 600 staff they've I asked them please sit in the front I want to talk to you as a spiritual father and your friend I'm happy for everyone to listen out there I'm talking to those first 15 rows and David says God sent me here to talk to the nation's I go David you talk to the nation's I'm talking to my family and the two will overlap a lot but talk to my family I believe you have heard this message many times especially those in IHOP staff here I'm sure this is your drink in the morning I know that because I heard Mike speak about it everywhere so I know you have heard it but please don't despise the moment that were in now and don't count it as another time we are in a holy time and the Lord as he sealed mike-mike could not be a proclaimer without that seal he fell under the power of the Holy Spirit we don't need to fall that's not the issue the issue is there is a stamp there is a stamp over your heart a seal you will be marked from this moment on and I want to challenge because this is a command from the Lord it's not a choice I want to challenge all the IHOP staff receive what the Lord is about to do tonight I will encourage you I will plead with you for the sake of not only for the sake of IHOP but for the sake of what the Lord wants to birth in the global family at this time even if you don't understand say Lord I'm your bond slave let it be according to your will as Mary said and I want to also to encourage all of us here from all over the world and all those who are watching on live stream when Mike was speaking I felt the Lord said encourage Mike to declare it by faith this is not the normal routine that the Lord has spoken to him this is a moment of time it's a reset it's what the Lord is about to do in us as a global body so we are representing and if you're watching on livestream believe that at this moment you're going to be sealed so I want it I don't want to give you an excuse if you would like like Mike said Mike was gentle I don't want to give you that excuse I'm jealous over your destiny and I hope we are jealous over your destiny Mikey David and the nations please stand up at this time even if you don't feel it just say Lord I don't understand I don't know what is new but I am your one slave let it be according to your will do it lord I believe help my unbelief I have prayed it many times and I did not receive it but this time I will throw my net again even I have done it all night long and there was nothing so I believe when Mike is going to share this mike is going to pray I took the freedom to ask the worship team to sing the song so they are prepared if you come come on the stage and after he prays just release yourself let the song start sing it but when you take off don't listen to the words anymore just take off because I believe there is an impartation of the Holy Spirit worship team they're coming where art thou so I wanted when we sing the song it's it's the song that misty Edward sang from the songs of Solomon and they are going to sing it but I wanted to encourage you these songs are for us to meet him and it's words to help us but once you get in touch with him and your tears come and your heart is connected just release your harmony release your melody release your words just don't think of the next verse of the next words even if it is the verses in the Bible just tick off let him take you into that place in his arms and do what he wants to do because everything is about meeting that person and his name is Jesus so once you your hands get in touch with his hands just take off I'd like Alan you guys to stay up here we're gonna wait on the Lord and sing in thank you for doing this David I mean just imagine imagine if a million people in the body of Christ they say there's a billion believers I don't know the real number that's what a lot sing what if a million it's a tenth of one percent locked in to the first commandment as the primary assignment in the in terms of what they call others to they could shift the whole body of Christ I mean a million could affect a billion I mean what if there's little group here and the people in the internet what if a ten or twenty or thirty thousand people moved the needle moved and they shifted in this focus and it was intentional not just a moment you said no no I'm gonna do this I don't know how I don't I don't really get it fully but I'm going to that result because when the Lord did this to me thirty years ago I would I'm a boxer son I don't really do that he says all I know your heart I know your way you don't know your way I look back at all Lord you rescued me by that assignment oh my goodness where I would be I would be somewhere doing something in the kingdom I'm sure but not the same thing [Music] worship team father I just pray over these messengers social media singers intercessors poets film writers directors actors dancers children's ministry calling people to the first commandment glass for the anointing I asked for a seal that they would love you in a supernatural way but they would be empowered to call others that seal is about your own heart but it's about empowering you to call others I ask you for the seal on the heart and the seal on the arm that's the next phrase that's the ministry dimension I ask you to seal their heart and seal their arm they're labourers the whole trajectory of their ministry would have this feeling this vein of loving Jesus with over heart no matter what other subject they're preaching [Music] for say mr. Jesus [Music] I set you as a coelom I see we set here by making decisions to interact with him in this deep way is [Music] I mean it's the whole EU kid this the waters of temptation the waters of disappointment cannot miss this [Music] got TV in the other release the seal [Music] Oh [Music] generation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] our leadership team of your hearts that's the palpable sign but the Lord's on you there's already give a couple of you you want to make so you want to say something I need something in rare go ahead to three to come up it's real so holy spirit we say yes we set our eyes upon you Jesus you are the man with the eyes of fire you're alive you're alive there is no one more jealous in all heaven and earth you desire your people and all we just of to you right now and this word that you spoke to Mike many years ago that you wouldn't mark a generation that you would seal a generation with the fiery love of the bride that they would be consumed heart soul mind and strength Lord we say yes would you do that would you mark us tonight even tonight would you do something Ella gross all across the nations all across your church in the earth [Music] that in a love that is the first commandment all that we are all our heart all our soul all our mind all our strength God we avail ourselves to you come Holy Spirit have your way in our midst in the name of Jesus have your way in our hearts in the name of Jesus ndv that want to respond you want to come up or you want to walk at the house to ever do but keep you're free to come up we're gonna stay with us for a few for a few moments twenty years ago again with when we started I hop Dana was about twenty years old and she helped us start it and she was consumed with this message twenty years ago so Dana talked to twenty year olds go back to when we started I hovered the whole team we were all together on you know twenty year olds you were gripped by this but I remember you you were so fascinated but you thought can i is it within reach is it practical is it you have four children a husband how does this work just give a minute or two on this talk to 20 euros of 25 year-olds and what did you think and how did you go forward he's really alive he's a real man he's beautiful as we give ourselves even incrementally to the gazing on his beauty we see his heart we see his beauty we see that he is altogether lovely there's no one like him he is worthy of our youth he is worthy like leas said we're not extravagant he is we're just responding and that looks a thousand different ways but what it means at the heart level is full given this saying yes here I'm sure you're 22 23 24 - you're reaching you're coming up short you're preaching on - you're singing it when you come up Shore he love why don't you quit because he delights in us and he enjoys us even in our weakness even in our monotony even when we're boring he loves us but when you get in touch with that real heart everything changes there is never a moment that is not a holy encounter because there is a man who is God who is seated on the throne who's ravished over us and your little glance the glance of your eyes causes his heart to move and that's what He desires personally and corporately across the nations just want to encourage us in the next few moments however longer however short there is something we call when if you drive standard you have to shift between one two three four five you cannot go back to three or two so let's what I mean by that is let's stick off in the spirit I will hold on the prayers at this time if that if Mike will allow me I will hold on the prayers I will hold on anything that will make me listen to anyone I just want to take off off of and then when we're soaring it's very easy to release declaration and very easy to release prayers we'll go ahead so we will just take off on the song and as I said to you the Holy Spirit is here he's going to touch you once you get that touch and just take off navigate he will take you to places you have never been and you don't know it it's okay don't be scared don't go into what you know don't go into Assam because once you take off in that place the words will hinder you it's go into whatever language you feel comfortable with just take off and allow the rhythm that the Holy Spirit will do with you take you it's a training process let's start it it will fascinate you that you're soaring with the one you love and dancing almost in a Tuesday and a twenty thousand room with him along you will feel you are with him with the family but you're with her I want to say this you were made for love you were created for long when I told the Lord through here that's not my way he goes oh I know your way this is your way now I want to say this is your way all over this room this is the way he made you go ahead Helen we're gonna hold off on the other person expectations at this time [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] made for love [Music] this is who I am [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the very flame of [Music] fiery throw great [Music] come again [Music] [Music] gaze upon you Michael under one [Music] shut your gaze on me [Music] because you [Music] you said [Music] [Applause] [Music] continue to house fake [Music] [Applause] [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hi 14 proceeds passion [Music] [Applause] you're and you're see you [Music] hurry resting Bernie [Music] [Applause] [Music] jealous [Music] jealous [Applause] god ah jealous jealous [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] she is [Applause] [Music] Jesus [Music] sweet [Music] Jesus jeez [Music] she Jesus [Applause] [Music] sweet [Applause] jeez [Music] [Applause] Jesus really [Music] Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what a beautiful way to spend the evening but you gotta be careful with these guys they go all night I mean they go all night every night so they're gonna leave here and go to lead worship sets through the night I just I love you guys I just so honor you I love the way you love him and the way you don't think it's a big deal you think it's a privilege I love that you said that well I know these three and they've been a part of IHOP for a long time just give us some closing thoughts let's be brief but I know I just know you guys have got a deep well all three of you just give us a couple of closing thoughts and we'll end with that it's real briefly they're our accidental parents but there's no such thing as an accidental child you are not a mistake I feel like for some of you tonight you know this is you God is looking at you and he's saying to you I wanted you I wanted you I love you and don't disqualify yourself you have a place in the heart of the Father who dearly loves you and that defines you yeah the Song of Solomon has transformed my life absolutely and I think something that I I will never forget and I'm always gonna grow in and I haven't gotten tired of it is the reality that I am still enjoyed in my weakness the beauty of Song of Solomon 1:5 dark but lovely and I have a lot to hide about there would be a lot of places I could stay in the place of shame but instead I've touched his beauty and I've received the free gift of righteousness been transformed and it actually has killed performance in me now I can open my heart fully because I'm not afraid of him he's not going to reject me and think of the beauty that we all have before God we make him our greatest ally in our struggle instead of trying to hide trying to cordon off other rooms that say no entrance here Jesus he wants every room of your inner man he's not afraid he's not ashamed he sees you where you are and he still wants you that is mind-blowing to me and I haven't outgrown that reality this is Jennifer she's been teaching Song of Solomon for almost 20 years and you're not outgrowing it I Love You Man like this cow teaches and prays and teaches and prays and teaches and praise Juliet yes I was sensing in my heart that there are some here that are struggling with doubt and skepticism because of past disappointment and I just says that the Lord wants you to know that when we hold on to doubt and when we hold on to skepticism it's a wall of self-preservation but it robs us of faith and environments like this if you can just abandon that and say father I'm not gonna hold on to that I'm just gonna open my heart I thank you for the times that you've proven yourself to me even if they seem really little if you open your heart faith will arise and I guarantee you he will show up Thank You Juliet just again to leave you with this thought that again this night watch team this is what they do go through the night you know there's four different teams of the night there's three four teams in the morning three four teams the afternoon but this is what they do through the night I was talking to them before the meeting the two o'clock set the 2:30 afternoon meeting they said this is what we do every night that's why it was so easy I assume I have some are you nervous no we just do what we do so you guys just do what you do and you do it well and you blessed us in Jesus name Amen and amen there's a hundred scholarships we're willing to give away for people that want to do this for a year so they said that infos in the bookstore or the somewhere the info center something I haven't seen that info yet but check it out or it's probably on the IHOP app probably the info about the hundred scholarships so check it out and put your name on it and see what happens
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 56,035
Rating: 4.8703704 out of 5
Keywords: IHOPKC, International, House, of, Prayer, worship, Onething, onething 2018, onething live, message, New Year, Christian, 2018, live, Hellen Lee, nightwatch, Mike Bickle, Allen Hood
Id: dl-gRTds6oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 23sec (10763 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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