Convergence Gathering - Session 08

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[Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] mm-hmm good morning international family chinchilla tapping battle and you look beautiful it's in the context on a long way you are beautiful you should may lead up we're coming to the father this morning like I don't kill for the median as a family we don't eat Chari yeah so welcome you to come well no way man I don't bring others with you I don't know he reaches out she means right we no longer worship alone possesses it you getting it is it your gym bag good [Applause] [Music] [Music] we invite [Music] we lived eyes come on all over the room just lift your voice which is [Music] increase your presence [Music] but every time [Music] for the law [Music] for the Lord [Music] we're on the same island [Music] for the Lord God oh my [Music] we invite you here we see [Music] are you [Music] were these [Music] are you [Music] holloa yeah [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is freedom [Music] at all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me just see the voices singing [Music] [Applause] worthy [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's with his own blood blessing honor glory power to Hitler sits upon the throne and redeemed us with his own blood blessing glory power to window sits upon the throne and Remus with his own mother blessing father glory power to win we'll sit upon this with this blessing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you [Music] Oh worthy [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] carrying candy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we sing a brand new song he ends up here begun and every nation try to talk will join sit war to the i won let's see [Music] we sing a brand [Music] from nation tribe and [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we will shine and see we will lift one voice to the nation tardily your worth will give you everything make a joyful noise to the fame Jesus feels dear we will shout and sing we will to me give you ever make a choice [Music] [Music] Laurey [Music] every nation will declare beauty [Music] we'll take her Laurie every nation every tribe will declare you [Music] make a choice [Music] ever try the time - I love it [Applause] [Music] may [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] buddy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] where's her head - Reza waves [Music] so you're worthy Jesus be worshipped and not Oh in the nation's because you [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the nosecone finish there dear the school job Wars new [Music] see her video cause they're lost convenience there school [Music] Gloria who's the red [Music] Gloria coolster [Music] - your me [Music] Gloria Leu [Music] [Music] goichi [Music] yes SOI [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we make sit down [Music] [Music] we are the church [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is not a prayer this is a declaration to secret so you don't need to close your eyes and open your eyes sisters friendly push your face ing Jetson can take underneath all of these homes hear me and don't be shy because this is our declaration who behind show us assume the shingle look at the face of your brother your sister and say we are the bride we are the church we are they and I kind pieces for my system for mrs. your way and let the principalities and powers know our boldness and declaring it don't insult is in town Trinity so mister my use cease Unitarian go and don't be shy to look at someone's eyes we are high show country for me it's because when we stand to declare our faith we will look right into their eyes and we will declare our faith your meals are yen do you I'm Akane you know I should go under CC so if you're shy with your brother what are we going to do when we are questions impressed with principalities from rural Canada Jean Genet the way they should hold somewhat you me and a kibbutz isn't on gender open your eyes and declare it some kinda angel I should go and the worship team will lead us to sing it together to make my our daily woman shisha a chair trunk [Music] but you're spinning with it don't you say faith come out who should then a chunk [Music] you say thank you [Music] we [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] we [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] think of your own church think of your nation and as we sing this together we are including all of us together down into the joke we need to teleport out on Miche channel so bottom dopo quasi-linear let's go to Israel and all the Arab world that think of them at this moment and join with the family of God in this nation's mission is additional Chandra no podía Zambia charity life so me gerund OC d'harans let's go to all Asia and think of all the nations s normal sugar yards or shouts initiative or job [Music] let's go to Europe and embrace all the nations woman she chose your bow that is Sawyer to courtyard [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go to Australia New Zealand no Sheila [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go to Africa off hey Joe [Music] [Music] let's go to Latin America Central America North America shoot shoot alive emails automate obey me [Music] hallelujah there is something that's happening in the spirit that our minds cannot understand but our spirits feel it you're just reading faster imatinib I mean by that soon bring me back I'm sure though there is something about the body that's being revealed to us in a new level that will increase and increase and increase from which sended agenda so since the Putin Putin Ettinger we are about to enter from another glory to another glory to another glory o me o Putin Latini wrong song joong wrong songs are oh and were so grateful for the iHub family here home awaits City I have the charm face on the Karen one of the things that Mike was saying to me I said to him is there an offering that is going to be picked up now Mike so foolish Emma I said I don't know I said to him what are about all these expenses that is your father face im a banna they said we will carry it it doesn't matter we wanted this coming so milk-white see woman this woman Jaromir wise and when he said we will carry it I thought that means us to not so warm away food that poor woman tiny because we made a covenant together so what does it mean we will carry it home a cheerleader you are not warm and the Easter semana the word me we now means a lot a lot of people saying that warmer soil and I really believe there's over 30 or 40 thousand US dollars for the expenses which are in Jamaica a sense that's the ones I always say when whenever there is a birthing I wanted not to come with the minimum to cover the expenses this is a blessing for the family here from the fortune possesses an en channel go to focus the sky short tingly on okay and I know many of us are students here what salsa be unduly Shearson so these are the rich people that they use a huge general because always students are allowed to go to your Papa and mama's and ask them for money kid she can papa mama yo share and last night there was a release of the fathers and the mothers story wives are fumu by Suppan su Lila so anyone here that you feel he might have money go and ask them Neera tanden are Jeff fukken a agenda she shantamma Yan and tell them Papa please I wanted to help in blessing IHOP xufu I have and I'm not joking really well bucyk heroine shot do you think I'm joking anyway what how I saw try it go and see Sousou kinda chooses you will find many of the fathers and mothers will will stand with you if I do the food we're working it'll tell me and if they say to you how much what a movie for to a sauna don't go small we also saw the Zulu and if they say well I don't have cash take their credit card and don't worry gonna marry sensing joking on the THC old car yo it's time to live the family that's why I left all my money in the hotel before I came all about sensing though so let's draw the card I I wanted you to begin to ask the Lord how do I bless this baby that was born of all you kinda went through me on like truth with the consensual either you know we go with a blessing it's not about expenses it's about a blessing to what the Lord is about to do in IHOP and we want invest in that would say - not cement we all woman to me and I told you that I have gone through and I don't have any shyness because we are actually blessed beyond the measure how many of you agree don't call me are you really blessed is to be fed them all full enough one time I heard this preacher I don't know you must have heard it I heard this preacher say it's what you know you could find also I have good news and bad news well how shows you can crisis which one do you want first you know same thing nya they said the good news so how so she said God has all the money in the world say how's our co-chairs yes for the chair and they said what is the bad news some movie so White House uses Imam it's in your pocket finally reptile Amir so I want you now to pray and ask the Lord and here at the buckets in the front and while we're singing the song go and get the money and if you don't have go and ask someone but put your faith with it because we are believing for multiplication so your dog always say you're fully endorsed all do a mail or 2 ampere not semi-loads any this is the season so secret easy of the supernatural Southland as each year the Lord can create the Lord can multiply the Lord can send a fish with a golden bracelet whenever lights on those women goal I pay - Anika titanium a hundred sing be so go quickly Hank why don't you China and if you don't know how much as the person next to you ruining Park I fortune goes on une pump in there how much do I put those out my phone see and bring your offering from the Fujian Taylor Heights as we celebrate together Tomas sherek wines in the soul [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] in song [Music] and for all those that are watching a live stream soon this is a conundrum water do you have the privilege of not paying air first all the expenses of the people that are here even ago with no food yet see fuel you wanna to supe on so I want you to think this way beef in your town with shop I am blessed beyond a measure by the sacrifice of all these people and I want to be part of this so you have on the screen how to give please give from your home whatever the law hi Slaney kids on tiny bit we won I have to say please keep the money we don't have any stores anymore [Music] the Lord's need to make people but freely volunteer and freely give in the day of its power then I see no game so you're fine structures of the swallowing [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] and [Music] Oh [Music] or you and I see so [Applause] straight to you Jesus and [Music] [Applause] and now pouring up so I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] father we thank you care for me see any that this family was not just created today you paid the price Fred so child push the tenant Itron told you and it's all you footed a job when you died on the cross Daniel Soho you saw the joy the kind genders Sheila you saw us being restored to the Father we can young woman by way foo-foo sure but not just individuals restored to the Father you saw a family restored to the Father but then in skyrim way fufu sanic why strange I see and now we want to bring pleasure to your heart so now I'm John the sealer tied on the syndrome that you're taking us into a new revelation and a new depth retirement in those synergies you can do because you have been leading us from glory to glory to glory you and each entirely woman's home roams on Charles H our own you have released many reformations needs is Sir Francis you daughter casing and starting from Martin Luther for 500 years you have been working on us Martin Luther the chi-su pioneer life and now you're bringing another restoration Reformation insights that I will focusing of your family - data from every color and tribal nations home good who coming careful you're melting us as one these are all cuts a week and that's what you prayed for in John 17 that you have wish she sounded all God when you said I have given them the glory you saw it turns erroneous forget hammer that you gave me Sunita K water that they may be one whole system of her way as you are in me and I am in you rouhani's I was an Emir waterlily me can be one of us thomna go crazy on the world might know Roger sir ensued all that the father have sent his son here foot inside in her eyes so father is a careful we long to see the fulfillment of that in another level and their measures moment she that kananen the talk of way into in offenses so the veil over the eyes of the world will be removed for the Syrians and a part in Illinois and they were recognized that Messiah has come hammer in Susa me sizing Lila the veil over the eyes of the Jews will be removed Roger you turanians and partying and pain Walker and they were recognized under guarantee that Messiah has come miss I are eating Lyla father careful this is your time searching the sukkah and we offer ourselves to you boom Johnson teasing Guinea in Jesus name we pray for yes one being woman talk man amen amen amen if you can take the baskets and leave us two empty baskets because I know some people will get convicted we're saying you're sharing so Joey sound by or typhoons here and I don't want you to carry that guilt until you go home so to pretend to joking with you leave one basket on this side one basket on this side because I believe the Lord is going to move on us and we are going to see every one of us bringing our offerings and our blessings to the storehouse changing to what you can don't woman the maker and tonnage oncology centers on Tonto I I am deeply deeply touched by being here what I said one since in the so kind don't and I'm sure all of us were in those roots but for some of us especially those from the homecoming episode on oyoshi I don't wait charlatan later we have been traveling in many nations and in many ministries in many places woman do you see should opportunity fungal quota and the speed that the Lord has been moving in in the last three days is something that we are in a trance with you watching what God is doing so coaches Alan sunny and true so I wish you know pseudo Omaha chance to eat see for you Shang Whiteside Cindy we if you asked us we will say yeah we expected but actually I realized that I did not believe that the Lord will do what he did watching you whoever was so weird she that I saw so the male power charging to told Thermidor and I believe that is due to the sacrifice of many of you in the animals floor and as a system function the pleasure of the Lord is not because there is a speaker here that's anointing and imparting to people through the syllabus seniors were Yoga Yoga more Italians at the Miss Afonso more pleasure is that the Lord saw the obedience of every one of you to the silicon anima mega and the shrimp's many of you took time in a very very hard time for you noumic under entire container culture if MBS regional told any of you it was not out of excess you bought your ticket and you flew and you stayed in a hotel or you stayed with people but you sacrifice to be here and reducing you in your origin as she sang the cello light also that evolved a GPIO angle because this conversions gathering is not about an anointing that you're going to release receive from people you are inserting equate you to choose you push you in your own high sounding you shows an angle defensive and I want to say there is a time and a place for importation traces of your jet Yvonne you're just so instead of engage and teaching her chodo I have an anointing and I love to impart it and teach were your angle where you a life incident your door and this house is full of of people not say it's just I have my loads on the right but this is not a replacement but another expression of the people coming together now push the teeth and I see also woman so each side she is impaired are not coming to get but you're coming to give from push light or so like a I call it like the feasts in Israel certainly senator Jets young the Lord gathers the people to celebrate him to tell you tell about in a white sheet are so we are here to celebrate the Lord and say Lord here we are whatever you want to do do it once as there are wines in true won't so true pukani Osama Cheney I saw and because you have given and given and given just to bless the Lord the Lord's pleasure and then he begins to open the heavens for us you ain't put on put on a Kate I get to the Schiller Institute Shanghai tell Solomon without you this would have not been possible Romania and about the simple fashion because we overwhelmed the law with our heart and longing and sacrifice and cry and tears and and desire for him to come human machine - Hermann a coal miner who church that held home say in satellite so I want to say to the what I want you to say to the one next to you without you this was not been possible Oh Tony Torrance or Romain you know what I just seen topic on unfasten thank you for coming je ne Lai no charlie I'm not complete without you Romel me or the porn chain but let me ask you a question no I won't go a go aunty how many of you not repeating after me but you really really really really meant it no those aren't girls so say what possesses its although a source and he's cinnamon buns and towns and the cities your hand touch each Isola you really meant it from your heart he'd send 10,000 signatures okay that was a good exit practice let's do it with all our heart unfaithful it's the tracing I saw like saw because I will tell you something your Akash we're sitting this is true to surrender God was looking for 10 to redeem and reverse what he was going to do in Sodom and Gomorrah to the Indus River life and transferred Omar Linares sugar just 10 sugar he couldn't find 10 the mubahala sugar isn't that true super simmer so just 10 would have redeemed the whole region of Sodom on was super into a shrew quest for Mawlana with shield I don't know what how many of the Lord needed here but we have more than enough because we saw the blessings of God those who say they are sure to attend so much kind of talk was fortune fortune without your brother without your sister we would have not broken through Romania t shown that the Mesa is any woman me about to boy I want you from all your heart to turn around to the one in front back right left and say you without you we would have not the breakthrough about in your change in the notorious shareholder Georgia missile Romania it's a 34 well my mailbox II need to pour thank you I want to say thank you to our Chinese family for this offering well wait the same point yeah I sound gonna fire and it says this is the strangest offering I've ever seen this is what kind of lets you know that you could show phone yeah he said go to your somebody and say give me money to give to China and so what you can also need go anyway I wanted to their their credit card that's okay look O'Malley said you know honey ago you know how do this you know I was enjoying it well hey sound so we got blast won't pay to for that but I am terrified to go to the next meeting with him thank you thank you any wallets or any credit card let me see those you put Ida chamber there since all right I got you those that have the money those who are new to this gathering by the Chamber I saw the pieces and Giada actually this is the first time to do it Suzanne says on pieces on so next time I will not do it sighs the boys on sir so bring your money and wallet but I cannot promise to go to the next meeting with you Santa ahem Park and easy G to where the other thing I wanted to say is the idea was for the still it was not for the IHOP staff and leadership we would have not been able to do this Rosa I Hamid Italian family Showtime do it on the mailbox and suggestion first of all I want to thank the worship team so say while I say searching by turn three in the finale is certain everyone on those two teams on the worship team a guitarist when you come on the stage quickly some clarity met when they see some time run run run on the stage tonight all the helpers all the people that were serving with you boy if my team my time doing it bound to the EC it all the side checks all the sound texts that are serving in come on not that sound check with everybody else yes thank you and this is another example there's a new leader without them we would have not seen the breakthrough to male coming home with me and maybe I'm not too boy [Applause] they love excellent leadership excellent leadership I I will not highlight Caleb well it could be so this is not a highlight just put it under normal honours there's the epen dirt railroad visitor beer caleb is actually pastor gideon and pastor mace son since all bargains are moderate and the thing I love about this generation is they carry all the anointing but they are very considerate of one another they walked in Durley they walk sensitively and that's what I love about the way they function and they'll eat together Jonathan truly pieces you know each incoming ray I don't want to highlight anybody but I'm gonna talk about two since it's normal meal to be up y'all fell to a nod to you ladies so now ATM is row of Taiwan Korea sorry Ben either they are both worship leaders of the Nightwatch every night their hair them to be here now let me see the end of the day without means their sleep schedule is very disruptive guess what I'm assuming this gets out on a beach already and so but I'm not highlighting them they won't what's in a town Yama and as he is Gideon said these are my daughter's this isn't what in your I have Asian daughters I just want to say for all of you we are really proud of you and Caleb woman anyway wrong Caleb was telling me something you can just clean up there are a few people that we hardly see but when they're not when they don't show up we all recognize and those are the ones are doing the screens they're in a trailer not even in the building but they're with us and they're the back there in another building behind it love you trailer people there they are okay I don't want you to leave but you can step back and I want the dance team [Music] [Applause] if I say the dance team all of you will jump because I saw Manny dance teams in the front but I want those that have given many of them have been I don't know if you know how much they need in their body to do exercises just to train their body to do all the dance team and their helpers clear that without trying to again future though sample [Applause] and i want i'm not highlighting but i want to introduce the youngest dancer on the team australians in a water we want to thank you really see any man there was no attention to yourself there was no attention to anything you're just giving it to the Lord and you blessed us very much thank you bye - I'm missing a mouthful there is a whole whole discernment team a whole people on the cameras whole people on the ushering is Italian ponte de buses all the drivers taking shifts and we are really blessed without you this would have been run smoothly like Romeo Neiman's and Jimmy Abaza but surely and turn around even just as a symbolic thing for those who are wearing the yellow jacket just say thank you for all your team policy are facing de Souza humming how much other need for your cell phones the doctor this is it on there I want to say something about the IHOP workers than many IHOP workers Jimmy o'phelan told it just today just said I have that uncle there serving at this gathering how many is it GG thought on humming down folks we're also keeping their hours in the prayer room because it can't stop Donna hi suppose I'm there or four hours run here and serve and they have to go back we have to keep the fire on the altar how many Johan down the sadducees and lucky enough way that pushed it that way of all those janitor up here but they're there during the day and the night but my teammate today is yeah literally have no that way to get treated alcohol and thank you very much really appreciate you thank you Shanee I love these teams walking with my please be seated I love this team's walking with mothers and father I'm dead wandering waif away with a home ec there are many intercessors here intercessor a team and what I doubted hoodie man standing up forever you are those who were praying for this gathering in particular topi I totally shouldn't I doubt it's a 20-18 CD on the necessary team can you stand up please Title II thank you yes any man thank you thank you they are all over the arena comment pseudocyst actually thousands of us have been praying and they are not here even some are here some are not yet and all of you have been praying so we are really grateful for those that took the time to focus on this in particular in general thought I will atashi time but I some cases and two neutrons without the song with little co and I want to honor the leadership team and I hope well that song I hardly need to come on the stage sing hum a song hi all the leadership that was in the discernment room fetch high and Pangilinan early so trendy [Applause] [Music] I want I want to please be seated but that is all I want to say something well short it's because I believe this is not what we're doing here is honoring the the the people that the Lord has given us as a gift well children to salute home will do you bind the children but this one I want to say something that's a while swooshes i last night literally when I was lying in bed my tears came down Santa hundred tongues on which will catch the Olay and I said to the Lord is this a dream so to see is this a dream or is this a reality what's your sweetie how can we see all these things happening so quickly which woman will continue fastened to acquire soon it's almost beyond our capacity of preparation it's like we are catching up with what the Lord is doing really Barrow Hajj and the tree and fruits and they taught us ooh and I believe we shall see that the purest heart I have seen in very few ministries in the world that I can say that the pure heart and really humility that I have found and IHOP team or cannot tell em tell em down doing attention Michigan twenty naseeha chamber service all gender I want you to smile it's okay to smile okay always yeah it's good to be humble Jim basis wowed if you know you're humble you know you're all against no I I wanted to say this from my heart we have seen things could not have been possible if you did not open your heart open your arms open your place open everything for the Lord to just do what he wants Rosaleen some kind machine some guy named Earth so it's a light beam the t-phone sacred divine your branch to me about change on kind of hustle changes if some of you would have been in the first meeting you will understand the transformation that we have gone through together rotten tomato china tea some chichi the SONA they waited all kpn towards I was afraid to take off my shoes I was afraid to do anything I don't know what's the protocol of the house put kind towards the Punto now you put salt to it t finale so we were trying to get to know one another in a closer way because this is not just a meeting and going this is three days day and night together from such a system a promising you push it's the transition ourselves from using juicy such not not all of us in the night together but in the day that Pythian but the amazing thing is every break when you had a break these people went into the room and they ate lunch boxes they talking together discerning together so we're really really from 8 o'clock in the morning until 11 o'clock at night it was continuous plus all what they are taking responsibilities and I have family here like oh it's only a sore thumb though that's high and tender and he may eat ah gotcha Xin chào so it hums homes out ah welcome to zucchinis at that shit'll I heard about I have but now I have seen I have how could you think so I have seen our Cheney enjoy on behalf of the Asians on behalf of the nation's retiree artist for entitled everyone to honor you go to uni mug and I want to one second this came to me today someone gave it to me I looked at it but I hear and I wanted I wanted I wanted to say what the Lord is going to do here is royal we also to rezidentura see you see go from Japan alone yo it is not just it is not just producing other children it's producing the children of the king good Samson 51 are yourself wrong the are new so I hop is going to be transformed and everything I hope will produce from now on it's going to be a royal family trying to hustle sense and at those so funny do you agree with me and I wanted I wanted pastor Eddie because you're going to speak now see come off a somewhat Luiza can do is I see now I'm wishing I wanted to present this on behalf of the Chinese to Mike and Dan sir type of foreign but the do some game Ayodhya this is there's other I hope leaders in the room please come up if you're out there you didn't have to read the discerning group somebody there yeah to come up quickly your teeth are down hood I have the leash yes this is our grandson Hudson so this ends the Hudson on behalf of the Chinese family which anti-bill horns yarn that's including Chinese from mainland China ball courts Hong Kong go down low like that in Taiwan some Taiwan I won't call Hong Kong Macau all men and overseas Chinese Shanghai why the heart has been all Chinese the chill mood of iron we stand in one heart well mr. Eason Tom Tandy to received all of you as part of the Chinese family dude she inanimate Cherry Point Charlie puffins and not only that what you would say we believe that through this convergence or Michelle sincerity wit see that would produce a royal race on my way since you got Jews and ceases they that so on behalf of the family the Chinese remedy they bill find this Yaran we have the privilege to present this to Diane Ching kill me down there don't seem tenser without gaining the mother [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna ask Paul look our two sons and got a lot coming too scandalous real quick I would like to the pickle family all all anyone with the last name beaker can you come out don't say that 70 relatives by marriage your blood within five miles can you cut the livestream for fairness for Oregon Luke well there is no son Paul but the lake do guitars about oh yeah or daughter mull over that with it Ricky cannot be here she was here last night but do you want a nice seafood she don't go putting eggs Angelino little baby Angelina we've got some others of the back room taking nap but anyway we love our our sons are the joy of our heart but ours is so much easier to produce royal kids you have to be a queen so you know you're wrong she's quite a queen that's true all day but the amazing thing is I wanted to say this no I I don't know if I say if here or in the room I said to Diane because of you there was something very significant that happen in this house you fought inside I heartily the first meeting eat some Jukka she released a cry - Susanna hoo-ha Mike said I have never heard my wife cry that loud microtrauma cannot see she's in love who hang war and she cried to the Lord we want our sons and daughters back haha won the argument we lie we want the family well majorica ja and we wanted the this whatever the purposes of God to be fulfilled you guys and I see do mr. Sam O'Meara Changjo because of that cry you no harm in the sequence of events the Lord really honored that cry oh jesus oh father who seduces true that children had a which because that cry represented the whole team here in a know who Joe type outcome - not one - but the Lord used a mother tantrayana Meucci and also this is her inheritance so you should have a train here and because of that I watched the sequence of the event you it kind of shooting designer fashion and last night when I was praying for this is our last session I'm sorry my son was at all guru and the Lord spoke to my heart they was so he said to me that's all then cried for a baby then had a gooch Oracle in high and I have given her a baby on behalf of all the family here wait single attorney did forget hugging her it's not her baby boots the family's baby changing but because she was the voice that cried out that I responded to the whole family it's a person who chose her I said cinquain signature and he said will you ask the end to take responsibility of that baby now to Sonia watching then I filtered in height the change on and I felt in my heart what every show that I know Diane is in business she is a businesswoman song if I know I know she carries many responsibilities I don't know her role here I don't know how much time she has yet but then the Lord spoke to my heart and he said to me actually that when she stands up I will mobilize and rally the whole body to make sure that the family the baby that was born is a healthy baby and will live and will be a royal family right sue so at that time that signs that ways on through it so to be cheered that out so it shooting the heights okay check on the trench ah one child who died so I waited and then at the end of the time in our discernment she said I want to say something water swooshes and she was commenting and I let her share her comment and I wanted us to pray for Diane and the whole team there is a new father heart mother heart and a family spirit that is going to be nourished in the next few days faith is not kind of took us in the Tottenham a way for him with machine sitting with a single but tree fat my brother Rafa where the tissue brought this verse to me but that you anti-gay war it's a I would read it before Diane chairs why that happens on such a it's a scary verse it's from Ezra chapter ten 9 so this she's on duty from the book of Ezra chapter 10 verse 9 he slashes on the duty and I'm reading from the New King James so new King John so all the men of Judah and Benjamin gathered at Jerusalem within three days you see Yoda opium in Torrance alginate Oh chichi sarasaland it was on the ninth month on the 20th of the month now Jesse Joey oh I know the month is are different but I will take it and on the ninth month on the 20th of the month just Joey or she was Thursday that was September that was the day that the bird the whole thing of the birthing justice since ride an ATM and then on the ninth because 19th was your anniversary it suits your costume that's the whole thing of the cry and the the whole thing of the analogy and the symbolism of a new thing happening we call it baby whatever you call it now the new thing which or how single suits in cause what baby that on time since the 20th of the month and that all the people sat in the open square in the house of the law and so on so we are showing those of that sentence in a coin courtroom and because of what the Lord asked them it took three months you were a Hollis technically decision so I want to Commission you Dan then we all eyes side changing we don't have years to fix things and to establish what the Lord wants Romeo to onion Lydian etude houses we have until the end of the year so in its in ent you have three months because you need to take care of your business Oh sang-jin your talk will not love fixing the family will be a long time in it I believe this next three months is going to be a turning time in the history of AHA or chance that's John sang earlier so I have these system Vega to a lady and after they am shares that I have faith until I want to call on all those that will stand with the and from the stage and from all of you here whatever role you're going to take even it's in the role that I will make sure my heart is clean so it's got ties our ties apparently on Sonia Mehra can I eat it's an either/or I wanna see all maybe I'll make sure no negative word will ever be coming out of my mouth over anyone or over anything in this family which I own a home in Ohio is home record attached and unknown truly I think all of us can do that want okay it's on that's biblical to the point of I will take care of this group of people and I will make sure that they are safe and secure and they are listened to and they have a friend and a brother or a sister now trillion say you can chart a terraeum and hummed oh you're in Saco pieces a shy a to the point of I will make sure that I whatever the Lord I mean your you don't lack prayer and think so I'm not going to mention that so you wait a bit are you an input Oh God everyone will be positioned on the post main road signs away shun for the next six three months until the actually my sister was talking I just remembered about the fourth prime minister she jumped like the Sanger immigrants an ovation suddenly hit me actually the fourth Prime Minister is after the baby is born you take care of the baby so there is nothing danger happens to whatever the baby so you send your short Kirby of oestrogen South America hottest I'm not here we're not here to tell you what to do but everyone will be obedient but there will be instructions corporately to make sure this family is safe so here is an image is illustrating the Chairman so ancient and can a family be born in a day you catch annual years Narasimha okay few of you believe me sorceress on scene can a family be born in a day sorry Semih the the bleachers I watched you there is no movement at all so can a family be born in a day shine of a year or someone so I'll let Diane share and then we will pray over her and Commission her she is not going to do the job she is going to be responsible before God to mobilize the men the women the young the the school students whatever it is to make sure that we pass the critical stage of the three months coming until the new year ten nine ten nine it says on the ninth month the 20th day they gathered for three days yeah it's that right they gather the the call went so they gathered within three days out Gianna kgt and then there was heavy rain it was the Lord asked them to do things you can read the following part of the of the chapter the Lord gave them instructions what to do but they said it's a heavy rain we cannot finish that quickly give us three months and that and they finished everything within three months say it's the Lord are you straight hums of new biosensor kid I'm saying we're sitting there saying you thought you thought or chenla so whenever I brought this word to me it just hit my spirit and I knew it is the word of Diane has let a real estate business started it and let it for 20 years funky China don't go say recently she turn it over to our oldest son Luke and he is now the leader of the business Luke when he hears that mom's going to be busy he's going oh because mom's still helping him he's I saw the look on my job just got bigger I love you Luke okay so first on I have to say this first show yeah sure on behalf of our I hop leadership team the bellman I had the link show today and on behalf of our I hop family and the development I have the Chairman we thank you from the bottom of our hearts almost home Cindy like the initial coming we thank you crazy other today's we thank you for coming seasoning light on the tongue Joe can I call Vivian and may Gideon ma can you jump on the stage with me please open change all watch on my used on patiently pastor to I would tell ma hey this would not have happened you you you ever heard David say that you know this this transformation would not have happened then we agree about social it would not have a doula Monument know what gender you type in poet Sam Jones in fashion and so we are so grateful to the Lord and we are so grateful to you so lamentation Dyneema want those Shanghai can see for obeying the Lord you an emotion cushion for being the Lord and for coming to us sure food true the timing light on the dungeon all of them came to us we are grateful and we love you Oh Murphy Tomica and she she animal woman I Neiman and and the testimony of what has happened here Thai chili so fashion attention and and what will happen throughout the nations of the earth are it's a trendy who teach young with passion attention it's our testimony Joshi want attention we own it together we'll meet Sheila yo-yo and so I'm so grateful I just have to say that to attend the facial face on guys next I have to say I have to bless my own mother dear my own physical mother like Joe for what she has she's not in the room she's she's a little bit under the weather not touching that would say was what I'm so forward to this talking about it every day and then she got sick she's recovering but I I just I have to speak a blessing over my own mother so what's rooting out to what city the mom elect you fool oh sure I have to just say mom I am so grateful the mama or your life and I bless you as a godly mother you know what gender sound like tofu new und she got scenes hidden in a strong woman of faith she got COC Cena for one who has believed in me and stood by my side he's seen John Warren he's shouting why you know the Pompeian and and most of all you have you have been a friend to me in in my adult years you've we've learned from one another you and chocolates it's our challenge alone you tell what about your pizza Jessie I have been enriched by that by loving you and being loved by you enjoy what I knew and yeah engineer I wall with the shimmy and your love makes me strong neither eyes you look intelligent and so I bless you back with my love and all of our families love and speak healing over you now in Jesus name that you change on that I wanna show we tell each other who'll get sue to the me you know we're gonna do Hudson he preys on the microphone done it I hope all the time yeah Utah Hudson tell him that I'll go brave for great-grandma she's she's on the film she said homesick she tried to come will you pray for her ok I won I feel the Lord spoke to me he wants when Diane will rise up he wants to cut any sickness in the house don't they I see two so trio like they're charging email each other it's seeping and I believe that this is not our inheritance and whatever the enemy has done we need to say get out of this house every body will be aligned with God's will when melted Saudis or decayed Sejal soy or descended oil concerned the singing so if you're watching on the screen ticket because this is the season of alignment not only our spirits but our minds our soul our body our spirit all aligned with God's will for our life so see you teach silat cj1 descend ceiling it says are you sandy she retreats so would you please stand up with with Hudson when he prays because I believe for me succeed you can ha st. on Sally God hears the heart and this prayer is going to be far over airwaves and to all the house here and all the family here sorry sir talk or chilled omega t know the talk or the chart him so let's believe together that there is a breakthrough in the in any sickness in anybody or any mental torment or any headaches or anything that the enemy has attacked the family the omission say all right coach will I eat each energy being lift up your voice while he's praying Jesus we ask that everyone just feel better in this room me a slit special solution for that routines at the Parliament though without you did yes let my grandma just my great-grandma just feel all better and let her just be able to come here and we s let her be able to watch us pray for her and then name of Jesus when we asked to let everyone every Chinese people here and we ask that everyone here just not be sick at all we ask that let them have dreams and visions we have let them just see heaven and see God's beauty and the name of Jesus amen [Music] cuidado de Fonteyn million homes to avoid soy el techo para algo Tammy each ad TV no Choa Choa Choa Choa sugidama Keyshia emotional o UT Lankan jolijt for gear tsujido me Joe I meant beauty of Jesus and Chinese believers [Music] [Applause] so I say yes to being the mama so what thank you oh joy even achieve and I say yes to doing that together with my my leadership team what time to tell Jenna she'll come with me show time they eat she like holy city lights on and and we say that we will seek the Lord for wisdom oh my gosh on choo choo choo way and for his his heart for this body it's so true John how the Shinsegae woman yo she talk to you Jake Ashanti the see you for our families the two will meet each other see you for our city we want to change to the sea for our nation will watch out to you we will seek the Lord for his heart and for his wisdom for the nation that you came from no one shall Jojo sing her to your nation your willing he will cry out and ask the Lord for his heart well Mukesh antoku cho cho julianka the Chingay woman and we are submitted to the lordship and the leadership of Jesus woman now show for years what you do tell Natalie and I want to thank you for being here well she assumed that I'm John and this is weird for me to say but I'm just gonna say it what y'all challenged on change everything quite been show high school I thank you for trusting me or in my senior war it's weird for me to say that each other do it's young flesh but I do feel that you do trust me vegetable cake and I do know your love boy you can't cheat on tomato with the iron and and I want to say about this Papa no way shank Johnny sad you're going to a Papa that his love is great top island or that his love has secured me enjoy Dada I sure can't un chien and that his love is so generous how that I should see on the concave it's bigger than he can carry you and talk with how to seduce one inch inside them and but he is a good Papa and he is a safe Papa Kashia how the Bob is she gonna unchain the Papa he is a kind Papa she got engines to the Papa and I am so thankful to Jesus that he joined us together or honking see you soon at odds coalition air so Joey and that together together we have a very large family well Monsieur you got that tattoo multicolored baby - multicolored baby - your total who said the baby I would love the end to release the call now well chimpanzee phone shoots under who can please be seated between so I want people to respond by standing and they are worth waiting attention for the leadership team by raising up their hand socket so the call is what Moses dead actually I'm going to make me make you uncomfortable sound John quicken whip to the moshu Moses said Moshe sure when when the people started going astray and so on he said whoever is unto the Lord come unto me not so let's say who it's added to the Navy a manpower table the Lord is commissioning you to detach you need to take responsibility outside and if Aaron and he is asking all the people that will take responsibility with you Yahoo Yahoo Chitauri each if you will say if your heart is for the family when this seems way the child of iHub way I have my heart is for her family if I hop what's a waste well the same way I had a job and I want us to walk together y'all never eat or missing if this is your heart lift up your hand or stand up what does this thing get you so what Jillian and please don't do it as a Christian act instant aqueous or paralysis and potato soup and some of you might need to think about it and then come to the end later and say actually I thought about it and I'm really feel my heart is committed question is Jamie Obama that doesn't need so Judith Suzanne joy back in time oh you will need to deal with some things and it's good to deal with them before you make a commitment Nia can be reach out so light through the treaty we're not we're not hearing a show one bushel i POS is a family she's chargin because once we once in the presence of the Lord we commit we are accountable not only to the people were accountable to God you down the Senate on that on the one-way ANOVA your sample is anger and concern some food and we will not do that as a homecoming if we don't know that this is the time dose occur and I believe this is a time in the fear of the Lord we come and say doesn't mean that you're able you will do exactly what the Lord is asking you to do this is a woman named course a woman she need to a true yawns audition if there is any assignment that they were released to you you will pray and ask the Lord and you will consult with them your semester and so to talk a lot to life it's not a blind it's not a blind thing it's actually why that's the reason the Lord has brought you - I have to assume an imitator I have light so when the end release is the call now which I'll put it in her own words how you not see I sure if you if you feel yes from the family that's here please stand up and for the leadership they will lift up the Rings I to engage you so and I want you then after you see the people responding here I want you to turn and see the leadership responding here to the ARCIC without consuming home here because I believe the Lord entrusted Diane at this time not alone but entrusted her because of the cry of her heart she was a cicada answering hashim in the future so as the mother of I hop shall we I had a machine I declare that my my heart is jealous for our family was shingle was a kingship William that Jaffa roasting I am jealous to see every heart secure in love uggg we are kind of making solid oak Andrea and she every mother every father every son and daughter to take their place may um cherlene approaching watching our new art o transit of the with session we will set a large table for you to come when we take your place when we should shy you go to you the other choices ganya McEachin light and also to the way see our family is not complete unless you come to the table Roman Ebola or chill on the church your pension so you have to make the choice Sweeny piece yoga center if you want to be seated at that table do a nice trip four shots towards actual pond nobody's gonna push you to the table me Leon quit funny Twitter job huh nobody is going to put some big marketing banner up there and call you to something that's not real yeah boy that's all you share boo Jen should have want gone we are calling you to love one another and to love us and to let us love you Wilma who John Yoo Jin Lai normalize be shy Daniella I will make your own amla I'm Eamon and together we can love a multitude of people know me Ichi does your home and Jonah go your I like your boss you don't you do Darrell we can liberate a multitude of people make a condo Honduran total chiffon Co so if you want to have a seat at this table and you want to follow me so you wanna shot so that change don't choose the pump you say what 20 the one as we follow Jesus to General Tom woman stop it you can say yes ooh if you want to trust us Joanna my shower single woman to steward the gift and the call of God upon our family just like coalition lianxiang woman choco Wilma change on the Jo Pooja if you want to trust us you animate yo with your hearts you don't need much English you know woman we want to entrust our hearts to you woman yes young John listen Jo Fuyumi so if that is you so you drew on you gentle and I will say this right here we don't want any premature births well boys she wants all time so this is sober and this is serious so Jessica han eunsu and this Shakur and and the Lord is jealous for something that is pure and holy and real Shahan Pawan TT Joe Chiodo you go one shinjuku cut rinsing them and our family desires holiness and purity and realism woman the Jonker Wang Sheng Jian Xiu miss 'ti Junction at every level chose its eight pom-pom Mian Mian toyou just yeah so the Lord has just put this on us Shinjo pot jiggly angular woman and we all wish some of you just got a go process or into the ocean canon email sunshine and you you you you have all kinds of emotions we realize that women can do though I'm in panimalai mikono your condo to change it so it's okay you're torn right now ruin you change your the strings solidify milk when she it's okay if you come to us two weeks from now ruin your Langley about your hotel I don't the maintain give our points from now question land vehicle meal while she and and you do business with the Lord and your own family and your own relationship knew she knew it city the questio honey the chances you see and truly hope but if you have a seed of hope in your heart this moment then drew what any additional gluten you because you want the Johnson that God is bringing you into something much bigger than you can even understand Georgia Shana paneer tikka and choco Nina motion Shang Shung coming back - its engine and that he is going to heal you and he is going to make you healers sigh Oh sh t generation you to seed in your heart and you want to follow us doing your children sign the scenes only one consume the quickest way to Apollo the Lord can say to walk in holiness and purity CISOs actions Yoko 20 neutral that is you we want you to stand out with Justin either watching stay adapt now or machine emergency line father we thank you but someone can't see any I bless this your hand resting on Diane in this moment in this hour this ocean there's an answer that illnesses and I see that this is the operation of the Lord and it's your good pleasure and we bless it and I bless it can assist an ETSU element in its I'm so sure with all over the room well go yell to me honestly do they change how do you a deliberate hearts and connect hearts no listen Tadashi Vanya told you me and you in the name of Jesus oh yes what I mean that what we're after is a royal family the next generation well Bushido soco why don't those out I saw me sigh you think I go home to it I want to see this crown on the next generation this is all about this generation having the crown this will be shy that make it look nice well they were born to have a crown on their head Casillas family because he's putting a crown on your head semi nice man that your dad Josie we need toes on your phone Gwen because we will crown Jesus amen we his royal family his royal sons and daughters we will woman chose another that oh we wonder why we around him with many crowns hey man can we you could look at it you can we all stand up and give this moment back to the Lord I love what they and just said well mrs. sherry but you could show that through the Saudi what Shiite and so sorta that the crown goes back to the Lord so fun kwok-wai me a quick a - can we sing the song all night sound - oh good you're worthy of it all he paid us for you I believe whatever the load has done which I want to tourism are even the gifts that he has given us the baby that was born so house what forget what they sing sending hi you are worthy of it all to me pay the chainsaw Oh from you Toni aren t you are you quick any are all things each head ocean so let's sing it together maybe someone can lead us a committee like follow no I wanted to sing it because let's stay on the stage and you stay standing we are all going to lift it up to the Lord won't you say you can wear some amici like out you too you were the [Music] from you to you you [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes you you you [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] as this is a convergence gathering TomTom where she died she I would love if you can be seated for a moment please sings times to torture I want to ask all the homecoming family where teams where each other tournament the I hop family opened their heart opened their home opened everything became transparent I hardly turned song title machine Sangha da mata hitotsu Tonka and they're going into three months period of revisiting and re-establishing everything that the Lord wants from the stage are a sanguinist yeah also machine ID any truthful yogi shirasu and I believe after that we're sharing that the true whole there is a going to be a much more connection so I wanted to ask all the homecoming family if you commit to stand in the gap and pray for this transition and help them to go through and then we will run together after please stand does interior wish I'm gonna meet don't I need to turn a pogo so I mean like when I'm talk about the Sangre de coeur Chinatsu or meat sheep and powder the case is always on chili [Music] here we stand Oh Lord Romans a name jelly with a heart full of gratitude and praise my so much Sammy McGavin weird a homecoming tribe oh ah miss no way dad it suits you I'll hop out together once again John listen say it's aroma Daisy to commit ourselves through I hope family continuation date on the hi-hat time is critical three months you said Chuck went in the sang of unity when when they are preparing this Royal nursery you pitching a quandary you see this a hole that we are committed to stand with that well man yo you'd have at home Tandy pray with that wait a minute all gone to stand in a gap chance a poor coach atoll and what eridan is we will back them up tomorrow we will walk with that well maybe you haven't told me Steve this is the heart cry of our Chinese family warranty our distinction in the name of Jesus yes what do you mean a man he's be seated seems long and all the IHOP family here would you mind standing up since on school I have charge in Chile and I wanted you to receive a personal embrace and a hug from the leadership family if they were going to come down to where you are and embrace you with a song I hardly show a shot a young bombing I have the journal so the leadership are going to take now run towards you like the father did in Luke chapter 15 to charge off wins we shoot on a footing powers on others yeah so do now embrace one another think about you young Bob it's keep standing so they can come to you all the hop family well I have the gerund xishi charlie so don't have me you're Barney I have family stay standing please but I have char and she she - charlie [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go ahead and grab a seat for a few moments we're really we're getting real close to the end of this Julia Montes routine that I chose or Eddie malls gonna share for just a couple moments briefly buzu atomic agenda and the finish on he has been a pastor in Hong Kong for how many years 30 years almost Ascension has led the pastor's organization for many years as the senior man in the city children to him and her moods HC but then he began to say yes in a deeper way to what the Spirit was doing and all kinds of things came out of that we're so grateful for you to don santino loosely defined so how do you consider might citizen visit us a number of times in Kansas City with my number times we love you Eddie note and open tiny HC how many men she sealed my fate not I have then after this we got to talk just a brief moment about the Truman property and then we're gonna release you and we're gonna go over there and pray pray walk it and do prophetic acts now not sound like oh no they're even right now prepared to take people out so much in AHA job at CCD you inside out and into a bus everybody grab a seat just real quick we're gonna be done just a few moments you owe me team a widow she not your Joe tour time moves much faster than I thought well she's young core to the pike Wyler is this the last session she wants to detox but what is excite me is we're just just the beginning there's you know what's even that she should finance its users just come down the high street and I've been to many many gatherings maybe over hundred gatherings well didn't you watch how are you by God he bites to the Jews many nations a shoe dog or dolly this gathering set the standard then takes the GG Tegel on the Belgian what standard so me on the Belgian now is the open heart of the leaders that prepared the soil for the work of the holy spirit Jessica Darlene Showtime Abbas in tag hide shallow chunk Idaho Joey Bailey go to TK wrong Junction in some Georgian town and the consumer can a family be born in one day job Sheena you Josh Edna yes oh you da amen amen not just royal family of I hope what's that - I have there June's window is the - family become one Archie Lee went bang good John don't cook wait you two want you and we'll learn so much from from the I hope family woman so I have the chance I'm sure she does she do out of 10 points well Ian but because of time that you wish to do in the Gracie I only share three points which is Memphis I'll send you the first one big Ian what the homecoming family learned from IHOP and in part for Maya so I have sensuality I have Johnson's almost you see darker paper inside order is the urgency of the end time jam or sure they're protesting why we are doing this flying to every Nations why we're doing is treating family which I'm a woman fade old city koala Georgie tyrants God because Jesus is coming soon yeah when yes to teach young John Salley but sooner than we think how did we want to make sure that we cry out for Jesus Maranatha Maranatha please come soon please come sorry Yuja war machines on the port Yeomans you put on the court your Maranatha marathon your joke while a and in a homecoming journey we need this kind of urgency say cuidado new tournament will miss your mean by John the porters this is what exactly I was carrying just wish it's just I have central search insane and what you have contribute to the body of Christ I didn't you my picture good see those chantilly my so choose the urgency of the entire not more to the poor taste thank you for imparting dis this DNA into the homecoming journey she's in you muchacha on the DA Charles our mission and I think we will run faster so what shall see well not every the one questioning the becoming banner of Jesus Joseph woman it she liked games your woman's true that's a lie the second thing D ardian we need we need knows well mushy RPG finally finally this is the string of this space she took a TD treat the other very strong teaching teaching foundation routine you might not show the can't you speak and everyone is those what they believe Jimmy don't you know Thomas or Serena she's from the call where you send your mother who sings how to do it no more teaching homecoming journeys walking for the next for the past 17 18 years oh wait elderly transients English it's you Shaban yeah you don't have one hopes wanna meet you Tom Pete's here and we need to learn how to do notes yes yes yes it's a mess thank you for the ayah family see see see I have this desire to to put in records and what the Lord has done among us just a silly woman partially so it's all that's a lie in a very clear way so that the next generation can pick it up no teacher that seed say you chew on the side I could show thank you what a notes say cesium and the PC we need to help watch out y'all the third miss Jessie daughter the third thing what is the third thing I don't know okay the third thing descend yes yes thank you I have to give hope and Kingdom dreams for the Chinese for the next generation Chinese say well I had a giant paw paw one hiyoko the power go to the motion font I want me to open the door for us that we can waste our lives on Jesus doc Hallie Shulman don't mean by druids Amish it means seen those are years of the means for Chinese particular the younger generation they have huge pressure cultural pressure that they need to be doctors lawyer or earn money and this and that this become a stronghold of the Chinese army initial quarrel against you and how much on shondo say you go Yahoo's just a video chance hi I already sent an Thunder sugar joke she searched our warmest Emily joins him but you have open a door for our next generation that we can dream the Kingdom dream we can waste our lives on Jesus there's anything can you l'uomo compassion means in doubt say yes to the music okay you go to the monsoon we can captivate by the beauty and missus and magnificence of Jesus why don't you pay yes with aromas with water and we can waste our lives our name you - I'm okay don't send me questions love is that you listen thank you I have family for imparting dis reality into the next generation or out tiny some people see you I had the charm party on the good ship ship on settlement Wireless iodide assumingly so I have 10 points but this is the three points thank you for your friendship we love you okay we're almost done some of you don't know that there is there are about 10 verses about Asia in the end time chapters of the Bible Makenna puts out that most any means you're from the east it's specific Yoshi get you and Tobias and I yeah oh so don't follow this and I say 24 verse 15 Yasuo songs of the glory of God are gonna come to the earth from the east house was sitting in a room yelled it down that you know it's on thumb fire : Isaiah 43 5 he said Isaiah 49 12 Jewish people are gonna find refuge and blessing in the east don't don't finally meet you the hammer did ain't you gonna say of 59:19 the glory of God is gonna come and a fear of the Lord from the east across the nation we should you dance in Judea so they said let's see where we don't don't fire live Jeremiah 31 10 that from the islands Malaysia Indonesia all the islands the glory is gonna come with the songs of the Lord from the east enemies who says he's our studio just sweet old tongue fathers cool hey Zechariah indecision Revelation chapter 16 to the east will stand in resistance against the Antichrist the powers of darkness to the very last moment don't on decision while we treat you that you each about Rijo you could hide that deed indeed you do no other bloc of Nations and the Bible's recorded as resisting the Antichrist totally to the end Shinya me real hates what you thought you'd happy cheetah to go on with your says the same thing thank you this is anyway I have that you know these vert all these verses right now Juden you could achieve but I said them because they're there and we're praying them we're studying them and it's our story together sot husband Jeremy mr. Latta cadet Deepa a woman I pour over these verses toward the east and here they are they're in our building so what you can say not don't follow on your illness story in a glorious way I want you to know we are the coaster that a man a man change subjects acquainted to achieve I want to thank this is very quickly the all the Chinese Korean any Asian descent that's on our staff who's been our staff I want you to stand up I want to thank yours first fruits - I can hit by either team attention well stay standing up they many of them they were not born in America campaign was a send em a bow and they left their families at the job Santa the language was strange here he really was strange here su-8 white people were funny [Applause] I think they said I gotta come because God sent me to Kansas City how much dough senator has a say about hey we really honor you for coming over face - outside owning you man Adam and I have the most special regard for our CEO Daniel M 18 years what they do a minute just in time Daniel Neos incredible dedication to Jesus laurels team on the team a team spirit with loyalty humility depended a genius now mad at the spirit a man of the word I said juice it has it is it ha ha those NTID Satomi I said Chinese work ethic he works harder than anyone I've ever seen but just how young harden that made that just happy no hair no continuity there's one little negative I feel it didn't I sighs he hates to be kissed there it comes I could say I'm ready I'm ready for you remember there's I hop before the Chinese well I me what I mean thank you Chinese thank you for many different nations from Asia thank you yeah so she don't go daddy don't make any man one more quick one hey quite a dad to you though yes Adams you see that man in the wheelchair wave your hand West no this guy's father before all of us here very very important man to us it was totally paralyzed over fifty years ago listen yeah you two had your has a chance to enter and they do it town high but it gave his heart to Jesus aged 17 Betsy is hard to Jesus should you okay she went to Bible School how'd you say you should wait to seminary just say no there's PhD yes sir in the seminary to totally began to lead all-night prayer meetings in Kansas City several years before I came here today I have many Antikythera Cassie oh yeah Jenna that's so I had a child heard of a professor in a wheelchair leading all-night prayer meetings for Kansas City he prepared the way for IHOP how have you been without Luke you I'm a king down together for 35 years 35 years now I need to come up quickly you're gonna give okay you could be seated now we're talking about the Truman proper open town down under the poolroom and then quite ten years you already know the story even though it gets out like a cool I'll give you the 60-second version to go oh yeah okay no schemata that gets home 135 years ago satchel uhm I met the prophetic man Bob Jones well you la population too we are young adult church was in the wealthy part of Kansas City know that cannonade she's singing in Tina's always said in years to come how's that whatever 24-hour singers and musicians she's gonna get Ching bad you're gonna be on hairiest Truman's property the president the president United States knew a technical may go don't do lumen don't wanna ten years off so you're gonna move out of the rich part of Kansas City to be on his property it will be a prophetic sign choose a new Alto Nido Toyota did you panic appendages changing that was a prophetic intercessor for Israel but God's gonna raise up spiritual intercessors for Israel who sing and declare the war of the word by prophetic singing so that Lainey mit has it sensitive huh Chancellor - in this unit that thought so will you cilia palace ouch into yeah I have that somewhere that dingy anemia okay so what you silly this great thing happens I'm gonna bring the Asians to connect with you in a dynamic way from all over the rice paddies even send you a shooter and then I can yell ingestion poverty was given to us debt-free supernaturally ten years ago now Shannon okay Jo Jo Jo Jo Ann Jenna Gilmer Tomio chin 60 acres right on the highway one mile from here just one day Vinnitsa way okay how about you bad little shitty wooden this may at the 70 year anniversary of Israel the IHOP family went and prayer walked it and dedicated it genius oh just you sitting here so what MIT saying I have the tyrant Johnny meat she talked about snitchin the Lord said it would be with Asians for Israel on hairiest room is proper to working yeah or et swear that you still there now how do I have lytic I tell you all we have to do this again with you together with us so do you eat you that I thought it is so you have a sheet of paper it's all in Chinese only the Chinese received it till hire another neither good downstairs I meet you mother so we know the ones at the Welcome Center raise your hand if you want this and you did not get it does this time is it don't wear that he got you good Tish it gives you ideas of what to pray or what to do when you go over to the land Sumiko sees when he cheat on you cut 2d sonic I saw someone he can't create some without car will brake buses over there another batch similar in the parking lot right now bastard she netted at Tinto town and you will just walk around the property with groups of three or four or five we're not organizing it just so memento be out these a monument it's awesome upon your children it is handy you get some ideas from the paper of what to do you can tone it that sound costing you so - Satine you can bring blessings I see this unit so for wax something in the ground now then let these sound Tony says who anything you want to do over there that you feel the Holy spirt shows you so real honeydew descending kind o knees or the you'll walk around the rat the ground for 10 or 15 minutes get on the bus you come back here you can come on so how's she - over now on your tour bus on credit bus will run for the next two hours three of them will just go back and forth it's only one mile o me gonna do send him i second aterial super easy dose with some a on your bus there is no parking over there so you have to take the bus really I'm a Latino sounds we need be she thought ambassador if you go for 15 minutes buses will be there they'll fill up and bring you back Jim intense I'm a chauffeur no another no pass man I had your help things to say about this okay okay I thought that was about true my property I'm sorry this is Anita this is Anita she is one of our leaders over our Israel mandate ministry house home away you silly as going it down that she's don't use a messianic believer hasta que yo with had to sing to her Jewish background has amis wrong woman in the world I see you miss all come and give the blessing of Aaron over this gathering tell him about of the Yaran the two for we go on the Truman property to declare God's purpose for Israel today I wanna go to laminate it needs a chance how I thought it is as she pray the ironic blessing Chinese the Chinese felt this property is going to be very instrumental for Israel for the back to Jerusalem movement for endeavor you loose on a surface and Quentin so they're going to come if the Chinese can come out you know this is your property this is that we thing you know how we took it off her that's right this is we own the property we truly we own it together as a movement they want to show me it's your fire me and this you own it with us see that out go it go me itchy all your daily this is going to be a first of many across the world of international prayer places sister transit jihad or the time quits ingenuity that our God we that we believe that Mike has a mental for part of the back to Jerusalem movement miss Yangtze Mike husband are you down there you go you can't go out and all what the Lord is doing here so they wanted to put this prayer shawl on you while she's doing the Aaronic blessing well I don't Pompeian I have to start calling you Queen Diane at home I think what the hell huh she said just do the dishes and I'll be happy on behalf of the Jewish people I want to thank I hop for having a heart for Israel but about what I would advise unicity I have and I want to thank the Chinese homecoming for also having a heart for the Jewish people and for Israel Jen go no Fudan from number 6 24 through 26 so me Susie Lujan or Siddharth Lucia I will say it in English and then I will sing it in Hebrew now I say you're in well I sure know your Sybil I went back on July the Lord bless you and keep you you enjoy what's it for you need the Lord oniy make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you you India wash Italian Guangzhou need sir Guinea the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you you in there was Sonny young lien sue nipping on and give you peace Sunni Pima you verify ha I don't know freshmen ha Yahiro don't know I pan over laughs ha vicuna [Music] ha yes I don't know i pun overlay ha fearsomely Charlo I needed to move she's a tiny to Eva a so far I don't know I finish my ride ha yeah arid own type a novel aha via Cunha ha you saw I don't know povel ever [Music] fearsomely ha Charlo [Music] Oh I'm in Baba Mike mama Dan Papa Mike and mom Italian oh my god so that's area to Deesa Johansson easily that's awful tsutago Amish action we have felt that on this land the prayer that's praying for Israel it's going to be beyond our imagination so intimate some go to China all important as your Chinese family we promise you over to Annie Machon really the Toyota we will be your strong intercessor soy our new Omaha Paul who took a NEMA as your children we will protect you so it's iron ore may your enemy eat sea lion sorted and as a family we want to accomplish this together watch on scene I believe scintilla take a job through this families a tribute tour these are on this land I ought to enjoy this what he's about to accomplish who idiot reading more so that Foofa it would directly lead us into the end time scenario phones automate sooo funny man and Jesus name we bless you I'm in this together and we say we love you Jesus coming to meet you shoulda show me Isola I need just whispering of her we love you Jesus okay looking awesome was a bang just take the next couple of moments it just whisper I know that we enhance a tiny ant huh we love you Jesus we love you chase Father thank you for Jesus was a boy year sort of guys Sydney's spirit of the bride said called Jesus she knew he seemed for sure like yes we love you this family loves you I need your leadership oh you're a tease we love your eyes of fire she told my whole youth a beautiful face your poor mom the Theriault you are you are a lamb he said go Janos you are our beloved and we are yours forever Oh yo yo leave in showing in ears so much it don't either Lord we ask you set the seal of fire upon our heart which one you tell me she saw me seven eight six Judas Yakka debate on the road you sure be the seal of fire on our hearts of love for you did I eat I had way too easy phones woman oh that we would love you Jesus more you look a good daughter I need our desire for you is your gift to us oh no go to New York yoga commotion ek woman daddy we love you thank you Jesus one last final egg but a very important one before you leave this place we as an I hope family if you want to give you a gift Tania Monique had secured my I have to get Josh on cake away eagerly you how did the overflow of gratitude to Jesus and you will see how about you see where that you will as the user case yes we is a cake oh when I ask Ellen and a few other leaders they have asked to come and black just give I had at you a lien show like a champion can we stand in five different station oh my let's hit me over your cheek by the grace of God in the years to the did through the simple yes in our heart believe in yogurt in that company or people but you each in toilet area have kept 24-hour prayer young young wait she's exalting Jesus for global harvests jiù zài culture year so it's you change oh you're telling when the so called for the last 19 years out now beginning the 20th year the city used to journey AA meeting cash at the arson years and we are together in this current which is it on that email so in these five buckets they're both eyeballs there are mustard seeds telugu teach another google Amina honey made use analogies hedge on for our friends who have come from afar Chinese friend and our leaders from the nations over women don't know Lee accorded darling show Hotel woman firing upon your we want to invite you before you leave and go on the boss today Nia choo-choo to pass to China to come and receive this gift of the mustard seed Oh My Achin imminent even neither the tears head on generally you as a prophetic symbol chances changes in the Adobe out of the Matthew 17 verse 22 22 if you have faith as a mustard seed choose the my nephew's Narciso Reuben decision to attend so you can move mountains Yogesh and so when you walk on the land Danny tonic Rhodesia when you saw a prayer you can so some seed on this land on the Truman land Tommy you gentlemen you can't eat honey doesn't okay tight on th zones' but keep some seed doesn't need powdered she don't you see a ring it back to your city and your nation there without Nagoya definitely attention and ask the Lord for a promises in your city in the nation I shall enjoy the issue should sin do either going to output this we are with you 24/7 in Kansas City to solder Kansas City Art Institute out that you need on tab amen and the second thing on your way out until you see Danny choo choo - aha Mike Bickle has notes Mike how are you Andy's in Chinese language co-domain share that he talks about 150 chapters honey mahogany Bey whooshes editing worm it is free so on your way out please grab a copy or more than a copy if you want to but let's be sensitive there's enough for everyone Justin you indigent okay doesn't me a fader keenachi you felt hurt you told out that you Papa go so just come let our guests comfort if you are local you can get this that should be enough family or per person Oh juicy fan always each hour that you can do now - just come if you are guests please come first nobody mr. blonde just a daddy don't get me Cheney me she not a melon if you were one family or couple please just get one packet first so that we make sure that every single gas have some I'll be showing man you waited a moment and Terrell Antonio not how you felt see Fuji for the challenge Jackie Jackie no tonight fell then proceed forward to the door the boss is waiting for those who are ready on your way I'll pick up Mike Bickle notes Roger Solomon chuchi chuchi tapasya your chin knife and my pakoda charity and for leaders the Sherman we will be planting seven trees near the highway at the end so you look for me reaching that awaits our human enjoyment emails I don't she and the seven trees are for Israel and different continents Jo Jo Seok is elegant cheetah cation toda
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 6,216
Rating: 4.5932202 out of 5
Keywords: IHOPKC, International, House, of, Prayer
Id: YRjlxqyqnA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 5sec (11405 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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