One wrong decision can ruin your whole run (Vampire Survivors)

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just want to say if you're mad that we've been cracking jokes at other jobs expense you have to realize that i am an influencer they say don't uh cast stones if you live in a glass house my house as an industry is made of such glass that it has been shattered from all comers for years is the most derided job on earth probably next to um those those clowns in washington [Laughter] so all i got no glass left all i got is stones man and i'm ready to whip them out anyway uh we're playing vampire survivors it's about you know i want i want poe to work and then i also want to be real with you i'm going back to the inlaid library because we won on our last episode on the forest all right i thought i died you can't harm me give me the cross oh hello i don't know if she should watch this this game is like so violent it's like whoa she's probably like whoa i've never seen this level of cartoon violence before what is this hello baby oh hello yes yes who's your favorite sesame street character abby elmo ernie bert how about oscar not really yeah she's talking she's walking and talking she was telling me yeah yesterday on the couch she's because like for about six months yes i quizzed her ah and i was like what's this what's this you know i point to her mouth or i'd be like where's your nose and then she'd be like it's right here now she does it to me um but yesterday she was like daddy eyes and then i pointed to my eyes and she said off like take your eyes off so then i took my glasses off and she laughed and then we just did that for like an hour and that was it you know she loved it no yeah don't take your eyes off guys yeah the baby's not in daycare today because it's um it's a holiday in whatever religion our daycare provider observes she's not a scientologist it's tom cruise day this is tom wouldn't it be funny if it was tom cruise's birthday today and we didn't know one in 365 chance i don't know why but just in my head i've always thought tom cruise was born in june he just strikes me as like a june birthday something about it it's july 3rd uh well to now or to june [Music] no but i kind of got that vibe from him that he's like a jun for me i already know my birthday so i know but then you're a november i wouldn't know it's impossible to judge yeah i would say that's true [Laughter] yes hello hello oh my god hello hello okay bye bye bye bye yes don't let her see the slot machine it's too the infant brain the infant brain is not equipped to handle this slot machine can you say bye-bye yes bye bye okay bye bye now see you later honey bye bye that's cute it's national penguin day what are you talking about national penguin day where antarctica i mean if we are the national penguin day in like well i say we but like in the united states of america i'd be pretty surprised you don't have any penguins up there there's no penguins in the arctic right there's only penguins in the antarctic what do you mean up there i'm talking about alaska which is north of me smart ass what'd you think i was talking about like you know pensacola there are some penguins in south africa i i watched a a david attenborough video on it and they were like these penguins are like on the tip of south africa and it's like hot as hell and they gotta sit here for like three weeks in the blazing sun to incubate their eggs i gotta admit there was a part of me that was just like can't you just like swim to antarctica and like maybe at least it'll be like a little bit more temperate for you this seems like a damn nightmare man it's a bit forehead like maybe they don't even know that antarctica exists now that i think about it they are birds but you ever try swimming i'm not that far just cross half the globe yo just look at a map it's not that far no pentagram we take last give me knife on this map you know what's interesting to think about like as human beings certainly any day could be your last i'm not trying to make anybody feel weird but like it's the truth you know i i could suffer a heart attack this stream i could get hit by a bus or something when i you know leave the house later today but for the most part i think you kind of get the vibe that you're like you kind of most people probably are like it's around the corner you know what i mean that's not to be i guess unnecessarily uh macabre maybe like as a human being if you make it to a certain age you're like oh i've come down with some affliction and this might be it but as like an animal like any weapon found character earns 10 percent more coins what a rip but i'll take it but as like an animal you don't know man like you could just be like okay honey i'm gonna like dive into the ocean to get some lunch and then you just dive down and then it's like you get eaten by like a shark or something like that that's crazy i mean are we farming maybe we're just farming here no i don't mean like a house pads it's a different vibe i mean like you could be like you know a two-year-old like you know fox cub in the forest or something like that and you're like i'm having the time of my life and then you're like oh no it's a bear i guess bears don't eat foxes but you gotta admit they are larger in many ways so they could yeah in a way you might think that it's melancholy i i think it quite the opposite i'm more like i think it's kind of freeing that animals they don't concern themselves with like a legacy i think instead they're just like hey man any day which i get to like turn over a log and like eat a bunch of grubs or something like that's what more could you ask for dude people are so disrespectful to fish man that's got to be the only like it's clearly an animal but it's like the only animal on the planet where if you tell someone you're a vegetarian they're like oh do you eat fish like that's honestly so sad for them not true i think it's true actually i want bracers it's very true and very legal thank you i appreciate that fish don't feel pain yeah but like i would think that even if i couldn't feel pain i wouldn't want someone to feel like a moral permission slip had been granted to consume me if they had said i don't want to eat other animals i feel like that's just a rip-off for fish i i think it's a little bit of like it's like a get out of jail free card that people who aren't ready for pure vegetarianism use in order to be like you know at least i got some something meaty here i need to get oh no we're not even close to an evolution here i'm actually a little scared i'm thinking maybe i shouldn't expect eight levels in the garlic immediately oh hello hello bye bye there's a cute baby bro i'm so looking forward i don't even know like i think kids are in car seats now if you ask like a regulatory body i think they're in car seats until like they're five or something like that i am like hitting the fast forward button on my adam sandler click remote 12. like i i'm done with the i'm not done with the car seat she's only like 16 months old but like i want to be done with the car seat like when i pick her up from daycare i don't know it's like it's probably like a 15 minute drive then to get her into the car seat is like another five minutes especially in the winter time because i got a like right now i gotta take her coat off and like if she's got snow pants on i gotta get like the snow pants off so that she actually fits like snugly into the car seat it's height that matters you gotta be over four nine it can't be the whole story because there are adults who are under four nine and they're not i mean if i see a an adult that's under five feet tall they're driving the car and they're not strapped into a rear-facing car seat i'm calling the cops think it's kind of messed up that you know we we have double standards for adults then i want the adults to stay just as safe as the kids but it's funny how things change for sure because like i think i stopped being placed into a car seat when i was like i don't know like four maybe something like that so they hear that like it's recommended until possibly like the ages of 8 to 12 is kind of surprising to me but at the same time that doesn't mean that it was like you know better when i was a kid i think if anything safety standards continue to evolve in like a sensible fashion for the most part i mean i can't imagine so it's possible if you were like a short 12 year old and i'm not exactly the tallest guy in the world so i'm not trying to say it's like a it's a judgment thing but you know 12 is like sixth grade so it's theoretically possible that if you were short enough your mom could drive you on your first date you pick up your crush at her house and you're in a car seat that's going nowhere man i'm not saying it's a common circumstance but it's it's at least mathematically possible i mean like that's tough to come back from i think the lie in bc is they got to use a booster seat until they're nine okay i mean i feel bad like for my daughter because like i had car sickness as a kid even as an adult if kate's mom is driving those places because she's like really she's heavy on the gas heavy on the brakes it's not a luxury experience um but anyway that that was standing a cheap shot at my family notwithstanding um i feel bad for my daughter because like i got really car sick when i was a kid often and she is my child you've seen her head and she is in a rear facing car seat so we went on like an hour and a half two hour drive you know to get to whistler she's spending the whole drive facing like out the back window let's go heaven sword and then uh you know we're going up to cedar sky highway if you look at it on google maps it's like [Music] like i i feel like for her own sake it would be nice if she could just hit four nine like as quickly as possible spellbinder for holy bible unholy bible so true i'm just happy we got our first evolved weapon this runs got a chance maybe her constitution is stronger no she threw up a little bit on the way up but she was okay there's really nothing you could do about it i mean i guess i could drive in reverse then she could look out the front [Music] clover fantastic one more involved weapon we're right back in this one give her a vr headset i think that's a way to get lethal carsickness unless maybe you get so nauseous from the vr experience that you don't recognize how nauseous you're getting from the car is that possible yeah i don't believe there's an evolved garlic i but like thematically i think it would be cool if there was an evolved garlic but what has a more stereotypical bad breath aura than garlic maybe like beer durian sardines okay onions i must be a psycho man i don't mind the onions i mean like when i when we had korean barbecue on uh monday i definitely could taste my own garlic breath and i was like if i can taste it it's got to be not that pleasant to be around rip spellbinder i'm stupid turns out i'm stupid but like garlic i'm not sweating i think we can still make it i don't have any data to back it up i just have confidence in my movement stop asking me if i'm okay like why am i okay drinking cow's milk when i don't drink human breast milk i also think it's weird to drink cow's milk and i don't drink it it's it i've i've made the statement many times as myself you're trying to argue from a position that doesn't represent me i also think drinking milk is weird [Music] i mean it's it's not weird because at least hundreds of millions of people do it on the daily but it is weird when it's described in text okay we have to think about this for a second all right bible won't evolve rune tracer won't evolve knife evolves with please say bracer brazer got me a movie i to grow up to get get the brace and we should also take fire wand because it evolves with spinach that's my opinion there give me more track road man give me more bracer question mark question mark excuse me that's the baser side one track one off of the pixies 1988 album doolittle one of the most influential alt rock albums of all time honestly a little problematic that you don't uh know it already but i guess i'll educate you because that's my job or whatever [Music] spinach no it wasn't well i mean i put my own spin on it great album one of the greatest for sure a lot of amazing songs on it can i tell you something that might get me canceled in the modern environment i don't think monkey gone to heaven is that good of a song people seem to be all about it honestly if i'm listening to to do little you know if if i thought about hitting the skip button that would be one of the songs i would consider it on the other one would obviously be um silver you know in this land of danger there are strangers but like every other song on the album i'm lis i mean they're all like an average of like two minutes and 15 seconds long each i'm listening to every single one surfer rose is really good too i mean it's absolutely true no no doubt about it i think this is i i bet if i pulled chat right now we'd be at 50 50 whether or not we win this run i'm at 50 50 right now we get the upgraded knife then it's okay kill the gorgon get the chest upgraded knife [Music] we're off to the damn races 27 44. the heck we got the james murphy in the chat always like you're gonna die at uh 45 33. [Music] go over these references yes there's a reference to lcd sound system song commissioned by nike 4533 designed to mimic um the cadence and flow of your average jog many of the beats of which ended up being repurposed for um songs on sound of silver including uh most notably perhaps the backing track to someone great you know the one that's like wham kind of sounds like an old modem dying great song definitely great song definitely a 10. no doubt about it i just had a 35 minute run yo now that that intrigues me a 35 minute run did you kill dracula are we dracula no because we're embodying garlic we must be like van elsie dude how funny is it that in the francis ford coppola movie uh van helsing was played by anthony hopkins who was like in his 60s he's just like a normal guy who eats people in other movies not irl i think um although he's so good at the acting it really makes you think or wait no um so he's played by anthony hopkins who's just like a normal actor in like the the francis ford coppola movie and then in 2004 his play by hugh jackman he's like a bodybuilder with three percent body fat and adamantium claws the yacification of dr van helsing has has gone too far they're yassifying all the old monsters man they made dracula sexy they didn't they put james mcavoy in like some kind of frankenstein movie i think maybe fedicio del toro is the wolf man it's that it's gone too far man let me in let me in come on dracula was always sexy you ever seen nosferatu he looks like a streamer this looks like this is not a track door this is a blue head wearing headphones nosferatu is not dracula let's speak on this for a minute is nosferatu not dracula i thought nosferatu was like i thought it was just a different kind of dracula like i thought they made like a gross dracula just to be cool he's inspired by dracula yes he's a vampire but he's not dracula okay well i didn't know i guess all draculas are vampires but not all vampires are dracula's true true true that's pretty true interesting to think about yeah i've never seen nosferatu i don't think i will ever deliberately watch a movie that came out prior to like 1965. i told you i watched duck soup on tv one time people people are like it's the funniest movie ever made and then like i watched it on i don't know like some kind of public access in in bc and i was like this is probably the least funny movie ever made like if they it would be like made it would not surprise me if they remade duck soup it would be like from the people that made meet the spartans like the humor was on that level there's no dumb and dumber let's put it that way i'm not saying comedy now is the best it's ever been but comedy now is certainly like much better than it was in like the 1920s without a doubt 1920s people didn't have anything to do they were just like going hey whoa wouldn't it be cracked if i went and sat on top of this flagpole for an hour oh don't do it oh i love her omg she's so crazy hold on we're moving i kind of i kind of admire the movies where like the house almost falls on the guy and but then there's like a little hole in the barn where he happens to be standing like that stuff's kind of sick it's kind of like the jackie chan of comedy in many ways keaton is great well you mean like in mr mom or the founder well you know he was kind of funny in the batman movies too he brought a certain comic sense ability a lot of people don't know michael keaton used to be a a stand-up comedian before he became what might be described as a a more serious hollywood actor thank you for the chicken i'm not scared level eight fire wand kill a boss we're right back in this don't even i want to get to level eight before we get the chest so we got the best chance to get the fire want he's using strategy it doesn't work that way okay i'll pick it up then or does it it does okay thank you i understand it's fun to lie i remember i told that lie about orange is the new black i said in the final season they sent crazy eyes into the astronaut training program and then i stole a joke from chat and said it's because they decided it's easier for to teach convicts how to become astronauts than to send astronauts to prison please please i don't see us i do see a skull i do see a skull in there let's go it doesn't work like that yeah you don't work like that please i want to see the meteors okay it it does work like that that's all i got it's fun though it's fun all right we got an issue um how are we gonna live i know how we're gonna live do we have everything maxed out once we get everything maxed out we just get infinite floor chickens and then we can't die what about king bible unfortunately this is as good as king bible's gonna get oh dude okay i gotta be honest i apologize for insulting attract orb earlier i'm now realizing the the error of my ways floor chickens uh oh that means this is as strong as we're gonna get that's really bad news level me just is the first time i've had to rely on the floor chickens i don't think i got this man i think i'm in a little bit of trouble i think i need some more attack speed a lot of coins though can't deny that also you gotta admit movement been kind of cracked so far just i'm just going to squeeze right by you hello hello i'm going to squeeze right up here because i think you're going to take a while to die thank you thank you thank you oh just gonna sneak right by you okay still alive okay okay i need the attractor of experience so we got an endless supply of chickens coming five more minutes of this i feel like butter spread over too much bread frodo there's another boss over here nice reference look i'm i guess i'm just a hater i got to accept it but i was laughing a little bit because there was a post it probably doesn't belong to be like laughed at to be fair but it was like man that bilbo quote about being butter spread over too much bread really it's different after like more than two years of a global pandemic and i was like i don't necessarily disagree but at the same time like you know he wrote that like after the war you think it's possible that he might have been also drawing from his previous experience having lived through like the war like oh i finally understand the the severity of that bilbo quote now that we've been going through the the pandemic for so long i got i'm pretty sure it didn't didn't he like serve in world war one i'm not saying kovis doesn't suck because it like definitely does i've had to watch hundreds of hours of netflix i mean look okay now because my take was bad now i get to jump on you for a bad take and make myself seem more based there's been like real consequences for people both like you know medically economically goodbye i'm gonna die now and like psychologically it just it it struck me as kind of like a i don't know a bit of a a strange take i'm like i think that i don't know it's like man wow after living through two years of the pandemic i really understand like uh you know loving the time of cholera a little bit more i'm like yo she i call her a dude i don't know i've never read the book but i'm assuming somebody gets cholera and falls in love keep me going keep me going we made it past 27 44. schmove pardon me excuse me pardon me just gonna sneak right by you squeeze me sir my bitrate i don't think the bit rate's ever going to get any better we don't have a pentagram look at the stepping man there's still a couple difficulty spikes i think we don't have a level coming up oh no is it there's an elite no get me out get me out get me out get me out give me i'll give ya i thought i was handling this movement pretty well in there i was doing my best we were dancing inside of the phone booth oh man at least we got stone mask slash marker vampire survivor one
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 140,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rEyuzDVR2pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 23sec (2303 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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