The World is MINE (Well Defended) - Forts RTS [125]

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[Music] lo n welcome back to forts and today we're gonna be playing with the mod that we saw a little bit earlier in a recent episode of today's mod is going to be the well-defended mod it's got a bit of rework and perhaps more importantly it's got a bunch of new toys so if we check over here the materials the ones that I'm really looking forward to are the adamantium chain works just like adamantium except it's now a rope and can kind of go for a very very very long time yes yes that's really strong and it tends to rip things apart so you got to be real careful with it I mean every little little easter egg here in terms of smash gaming is mr. Frazee it's little li mode here it's it's actually pretty cool-looking I like it and uh let's see we also have another couple more materials this way that's a lot of materials by the way and we still have adamantium now I don't really want to play too much of the item as iam this time I've got other plans and I think I think you guys are gonna like what's gonna happen but I'm not gonna spoil it just yet we're just gonna take it nice and slow I'm gonna need a lot of economy for this that's why I'm not going too quickly here just slowly building up and moving on our way we did start with the workshop so that will start us on our way to forward progress and I really I just need to get some more stuff going more economy I built a turbine there but really that's not a good place for turbines as you saw that was only civil was at 50 something percent yeah 52 percent not great we're gonna build it's Irvine's a little bit higher for that we want to go up what does our teammate doing that our teammate not make it in Tim I didn't make it you know what that's fun I'll just uh I'll just sell them both as he was on my team so I'll just uh just do this do it go at it alone and we don't have any other mods enabled to know BFC this time though I promise you I will be checking out the power of the VFC in terms of how well it deals with adamantium is I want to see that interaction for myself and on camera but for now I just want I want much more economy and I actually haven't tried out this tactic against live opponents so I have no idea how well this is going to work but it's you know how bad can it be that's that's my motto with things that's not my model with things at all but how bad could it be yeah I could actually could go pretty pretty wrong pretty quickly especially considering I could just destroy my own base but we'll get to that in a moment we'll have a lot of action to stabilize us a little bit more we've got all our minds going oh five oh five fifth one goes right here work our way up to cannons and such I just want to get the technology or the economy going strong cuz we're gonna need all of it so next up I hope think I want to go with is it canons want to go with yeah let's go with cannons cuz can is make me happy they're also very exploding which mail is it's probably the reason why they make me happy I put this guy right here right here right here that way I could put other things behind it I'm sure what I want to have a possibility of taking more damage this tech structure where batteries tech structure is kind of expensive actually before before we do that we we need more storage sitting here waiting for my metal to pile up not not a good idea there we go one munitions plants coming right up coming two stories near year looks like the opponent's are doing what they do best which is expands building economy either they're claiming the other islands I not going to do that just yet I just need more metal for as much as I have it expended resources on getting an economy still it still takes a moment to get up there that's fine there's no harm in just waiting a moment's while we sit back relax and get all the money in the world because we have all the minds available to us if I wanted more it could actually build up here connect teammates stuff and keep going you know what I think I want to do that why for no reason other than I can actually so let's do that let's go ahead and set this up not much am I gonna I'm gonna need a lot of metal for this you guys haven't guessed I am going to be doing some kind of well adamantium shenanigans because I'm gonna need all the money in the world for its and for this actually I do you want to be using plastic at some points let's just go ahead and build up for now we'll come back to plastic a little bit later on plastic is a well-defended material that is very very good for building especially a building like this let's go ahead and get our nice triangles going and close enough it's really not close to my visit no it's not if it's not even it will topple you gotta keep things symmetrical right this needs to be right there they're about there we go that should do it I should be even enough as we go up we're almost there I almost made it there it is and up we go there we go nice sturdy connection all the way up done not even using plastic set a standard Ford's building okay now we can go up we could put another mine up here come on I want it I want it I do it do it do it right there nice those seven these guys around here upgrades out of the opponents there this is fine I've got an upgrade Center - speaking of which and start upgrading some of these guys it's more mine's out of this I am going to want I'm gonna have to take out my teammate in order to claim the rest of his territory which is fine he's not here anymore it is possible for him to rejoin he may do so at any time however it appears that he has not rejoined yet and I'm just gonna take advantage of this by claiming his land let's do this there we go nice sturdy connection now in order to claim this land let us get one of these here was a good place for it right there is a good place for it we can ignite the bottom brace set that all on fire and keep moving on go ahead and upgrade these guys now I'm curious this player is probably going for a lot of cannons early on so I'm gonna have to start getting a move on here if I wish to have any opportunity of coming back lest I get way too far behind I've got a couple more batteries I think at this point we just uh just Waits ignite you and let you burn to the ground a moment that explodes all I gotta do is just reach up here and claim this for myself like to close this to close okay and that'll be nice nice new land mine mine mine I could move down here in fact let me go ahead and start doing that as I'm gonna need to you at some points your energy shields out of them now I can start building cannons but I don't want to do that just yet I have other other exciting things and I kind of want to see how how many of you guys can figure it out if you guess I figured out already go ahead go yep they're shootin if you guys have figured it out already make sure to leave a comment because I want to see how many of you guys figured out what exactly I'm gonna be doing here as its it is possible as you guys have seen this before perhaps even tried it yourself and I want to know okay if I've been doing this well enough rights they aren't working through the middle but what's they don't snow oh no oh that's bad oh that's real bad they don't know is that I just nuked myself in the worst way possible all right button fam this take all this over use commander ability what did it happen to all of my batteries are gone and my canna protector facility I have set myself back really very very far by taking over my teammates base not good ooh I am really gonna have a bad time here let's see ah okay I think at this point I need to start enacting the master plan because I'm not gonna make it if I don't I lost a number of my I'm gonna need to do this okay and now we wait good thing I still have some turbines under production oh dear oh my sounds like they're getting some upgrades over there it's not good they're about to add more firepower and I I'm Way far behind in everything because I knew to myself I don't even have the technology down I actually really need to start this right now I will not have an opportunity to come back I don't start this right now it's bad so this cool little trick oh dear oh my um how expensive are you about 17 can i connect to it ooh a little trick this particular rope allows you to connect to things like so so now I've just connected to the middle and it's mine now and I'm gonna repair it right quick because I really need to repair this I know I'm being sniped at the other side this is fun I don't care because I own the world's it's mine to play with alright you took out that mind you know you did all right so now all I need is to get this the ah--this going this was my original plan to have cannons ready to place the moment it moved across but that's clearly not happening anymore because I have been nuked by a teammate that doesn't exist anymore just great fun that's a lot of cannons all right activate commander ability more so for the build speed anything else that's right minds can't go here after facts I can't interact at the ground here at all which is suppose it is what it is get a couple of our minds up here moments these cannons are available - they're available let's start getting our own set of cannons let's put this right here put a couple of doors on this guy as long as I have two doors on this they won't get one shot by things so I'll be alright much better we're gonna be doing a 2v1 where I own the worlds and Scott nuked this is this is gonna be a difference different for sure I need more Oh God now he aimed up here which is not ideal for me let's keep this going if I could sell off this metal perhaps up here where it's adding weights then I can get some more cannons going I can get him going quickly there we go I could work on bottom base a little bit put metal back here oh please don't be nervous those are gonna be nukes aren't they yes yes they are oh do you ask to be a problem you can collapse us fairly quickly with those Madeira my so it's time for more wood I need metal and I need it in large amounts facts where did why don't I put this here kind of hope he doesn't realize that that's there and doesn't try to snipe it because that could be a problem all right that case let me go like this just a block off some of the perhaps missile up it's you know they'll be there for next time I suppose okay those cannons ready one of them is time for me to do one of these just keep you right there for now so you are having a bad day let me fix that real quick I'm gonna get the door snipe on you maybe maybe yes just I can't get the door snipe on you oh dear am i all of this is going wrong very quickly this needs to be middle this needs to be metal this needs to be metal like to bake commander ability you need to be door you need to be door you need to be repaired it's like playing a co-op map only it's not show up but I don't have friends which well to be fair is probably for the best okay this one unless cannon to worry about now what else can we do here may aim for his mines he doesn't have an extra mind I I'm dear I need to I need to have machine gunners oh that's new wait where'd the other one go it went down here no here am i that's that's a lot of a lot of stuff to take care of let me get a machine gunner here and here give him something to snipe at so I don't have my base disconnected give me stabilize this let's go ahead and just aim straight there thank you where can you aim down here huh let's do this Oh machine-gunners please nope nope nope nope flip didn't didn't stop oh good good put all this back didn't I fix this over here was that a different hole probably difficult I need another one of these builds right up here perhaps I need more energy production that's going on here alright oh dear oh dear oh my welcome ^ rope with your own adamantium ro beauty you can claim the entire worlds and then nuke yourself and get shot by everyone for claiming the entire world machine gunners save me no no that's a bit too close hanging on the commander ability right now for resources that's alright it's just a drunk Newt it's probably the worst kind of nuke I need more batteries go ahead open your laser door I know you're ready but let me just aim for what's the Everett down here then take that outs ooh no he was waiting for me is what's going on here I see what you're doing it needs at least three doors on you to do this I need some more batteries back here it's putting all the batteries exposed and in one place is a good idea don't do that if you can help it all rights that there right here right here I need to focus fire and one of the players don't you here and here and here I was gonna put you up here that's not supposed to be door with sniper coming from way up here activate commander ability Oh best problem oh that could have been a real bad oh dear all right that could have been way worse than it was you here and here I have enough power to fire things now all right good Oh right through his power abduction very nice if I could focus down those lasers I can take off some of the heat but I really need to be focusing fire on the same target here also I need to know the cannon it's not an ideal place for a cannon but it'll it's it's where it leaves now it's gonna block some of my firing angle oh no no no no no no no no no no no no okay I can no longer connect right up there luckily I have adamantium chains and here we go that should pull it together a little bit maybe maybe a little bit not enough not enough all right that's needs one of these to go right there I please open your door so I could shoot you thank you please remove this but I needed oh dear where did that come from that came from below that came from below that was you good bye all right I'd imagine chains holding this whole thing together at this point all right fire you I could put you back now that there's no longer something coming from below to take me out much better believe it or not I still don't have the money for a full-on adamantium metal Oh God oh good good thing I put that Dumbledore on there come on go out try to drain him of resources continue firing this way we can keep up the addition of more cannons then we'll be good to go eventually I'm going to do is stay on top of it find you to the hockey you and you and you to this hockey nope nope nope nope nope nope number that's fire oh do you have there it's gone that's what's there so this is the second time this cannon has been destroyed from below and I'm gonna put it back just right where it was what blew up she gonna but I think this time I'm gonna put an energy shield right here is I'm tired of him being shot and blue but you need to have your sniper removed much better oh yes oh yes that's beautiful goodbye okay now that's what I call surprising huh but that means boyos give me give me y-yes okay I think there's only one proper solution to this kind of scenario let's go like so I mean that's that that completes set it up here and I think we need to remove this friend let's go ahead and do this let's get a little bit more storages while he waits like I just this has just become my economic pillar and let's go ahead and build this down a little bit like so one and two and then wait for those get pleats before going one two three drop straight down three explosions oh yeah oh yeah that's that's good that's that's what I call the good old cannon drop I cannot build over here unfortunately now it's not gonna do it that is gonna do it alright that was good alright ladies and gentlemen make sure to hit that subscribe button for more massive materials and cannon shopping cuz we got more videos coming out soon so for now I'll see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 545,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forts, RTS, Incursus, Project Incursus, Sattire, No Swearing, No Cursing, No Foul Language, indie game, family friendly, forts strategy, incursus forts, forts game, Muliplayer, Online, Gaming, forts rts, forts challenge, base building
Id: Ufhebej3RyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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