Falling from the Sky (Extra Stuff++) - Forts RTS [148]

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[Music] low-end welcome back to Fortson if you guys remember we were playing around with the extra things mod and last video we were playing around at the absolutely extraordinarily overpowered cannons that kind of thing that kind of frustrates everyone in the community and this time we'll be playing around with something a little bit different extremely overpowered missiles specifically the orbital missiles now these are the missiles that are unlocked via the orbital command center and haha they are they are quite fun we got to see a sneak peak of them in a little bit in the and the last episode of the teammates were using some of them and that is for good reason and this time we were playing on this map ice wall because I don't want to be shot with cannons while trying to trying to build trying to build the missiles coz there's boy those cannons are scary let's go ahead and just keep building up now just like the cannons I'm gonna want to focus a little bit more on economy than on technology so despite it being already one minute in I don't have a technology down but let's get this actually go ahead and fix that real quick that way we can continue continue up of the tech tree and actually build things faster after we have all of our stuff ready to go so now we have our economy decently sets we have a technology down and a giant wall between us and our missiles but thankfully the missiles go up into space and then rain straight down from above so that's not the hole they're being well they won't be a concern not that I expect that wall to live for very long let's go ahead and get this a little bit more defended and just form a place in my base for all of the things I'm going to need to build a factory that's the laser laser technology before I get up to the command center as the orbital command center requires the factory it's like a tears of a third level of technology I'm also gonna want to get this at some point so we'll go ahead and get that now and then just save up for the factory I'm not used to having this much economy this early in the game it's kind of a weird feeling but you know I'm okay with it I can always just sell this off to to make sure we have enough enough metal as soon as as soon as possible to put this guide down perfect got it's all right so next up we're gonna be doing the same thing again we are gonna be saving up for more more technology I think that'll be all now I didn't think very hard about this map probably gonna have to build a sniper like really high or really low probably really low in order to get an angle on the enemies here as otherwise I won't be able to paint targets which would be really rather unfortunate if I just put in these missiles for no other reason that I can't see my enemies this guy in particular I have a straight shot so I can I can put a sniper like right here and I should be able to should be able to see his base and paint the target there but the other guys and not so much so let's just set this up like so another one of these guys I believe it costs there's a 10,000 energy to put down the put down these missiles yeah so it'd be good to go but it also costs a thousand metal to put down that the next technology we need and that's a little bit more a little bit more relevant right now so let's get this guy down I don't how much mm energy only costs 2,000 energy to build that alright doesn't matter the middle cost is going to be the big factor here so now we just we're just gonna wait wait for elite game technology and a hope that this guy and that this guy this guy looks like he's built so many cannons you can you can see it here he well he just put that guy dead he just put down his munitions plants so he's a little bit a little bit behind the the theoretical the fastest speed or the regular fastest speed which you can you can get out these cannons if this guy put down right here and can you be placed there yes you can all right awesome there we go one more these guys know I I see that my base is wobbling a bit back here and I could kind of like the idea of that happening cuz that means my base is being pulled backwards so I can do a lot of defense from the front though realistic being didn't need to be doing a lot of defense on the on the on the top as well as for example this guy is gonna be building his cannons there and he's gonna have to aim them up so haha but first off I need to prepare to put down my my missile silos let's get this set up here I need at least one more battery but I'll build two before I can actually afford the silos and looks like this technology builds really quick which is uh I didn't expect that to happen honestly I should probably have experimented with this mod a little bit more before just jumping into it so let's go ahead and go for the asteroid diversion this is the one if you guys remember last video was doing a little he's building a tier 3 that's not gonna be defended very long and you have literally nothing in front of your basic your core except for one one layer of metal that's not going to fly okay uh probably this round is probably not going to go very well I do not have a lot of faith in my teammates right now let's go ahead and put down our asteroid diversion right here and next up I'm going to want to put down the next one which is going to be the orbital strike there's a couple other options here the orbital strike just brings regular warheads from the sky a shraddha version brings well the asteroids from this guy the other ones don't do direct damage this is an orbital EMP which just EMP is the entire map which is you know it's it has its ups and downs we're doing that we've played around that kind of thing before and the other one is the emc jammer which for ECM jammer which takes nukes like regular ngon orbital nukes and makes them go right back to where they're launched which is you know it's it's useful it's kind of kind of expensive kind of hard to actually wield but it's it'll it'll do its work when needed but for now I need to get up a segment of defense here come on there we go just in preparation to take hits from what is likely going to be the fragmentation cannon because it's a fragmentation cannon everyone loves it this guy here although I think I want to bring him a little bit lower actually let's go ahead and build another sniper right down here like so that way he can see the target base and I'm going to want to target his cannons it's good this is actually gonna be real sharp angle here right this guy might actually no he won't have a direct shot on me might have a direct shot on me that made some fragmentation cannons even if he doesn't he can still we can still still get some hits Oh hope that was a mistake that was a big mistake actually targeted right here that's okay well that's happened just like just like flip the mouse and away it goes on lettuce field up and up and up and up and up and here we go oh no that's not how that works there is gravity and he must be new to this mod there was a couple players here that's you I wasn't paying that much attention to the lobby to be honest his Goods gets it up presented successful tier 3 that is a successful tier 3 fragmentation cannon nice oh he went orbital strike nope that's a standard standard vanilla all right this is fine welcome to these guys there are now a bunch of bunch of nukes coming down about that darkness and goodbye your cannons I'm sure you won't miss them I miss them greatly go ahead and do this and that should actually splashdown and probably finish off his base and secure this here we go I need to get rid of this I need some movies back here this is well probably also gonna want some more batteries but I'll save that for a different location I was just looking god ooh that got hit by the - a thief admin tation Kennedy I take news flash from that I did not nice awesome okay so where are they here they are these are our friends from outer space coming down figure out his weapons I don't know they don't do a whole lot of Splash Damage they do a lot of direct fire damage but we can we can fix the whole splash damage thing by hitting them with the standard standard nukes let's get some more prints here for these guys did this get hit by another - no that's just standard fragmentation I was I kind of there's no way he hit that same spot again that's here three great you have some nice sturdy upgrades across the front sounds like they're nukes coming down from this guy that's because there are nukes coming down for this guy we're nukes coming down from this guy that flex gonna be a little bit a bit disappointed to deal with fortunately it's only gonna be temporary once we remove this guy into the front it should should to see us having plenty of time to eliminate everything else all right there's the collapse all right come on break something important hope that wasn't the whole string of them that was just fun sometimes they kind of scatter about a little bit so that'll happen right nut bridge you guys do I want a third one I can actually play around with getting this EMP but that's gonna leave my base extremely undefended endear from a space we strike not enough we do have machine-gun us and we'll be okay I'm gonna open myself up here gonna be real careful about that okay oh I remember this one this is the holographic swarm these don't actually deal damage they just confuse machine gunners like no damage here literally no damage at all the we are we're safe there's actually happening it just looks like there's a lot happening and we'll be okay look no damage anywhere let's go ahead and invest into the orbital EMP so I'm gonna put some metal back here yet new King on you right there that's perfect shot and right there the fragmentation cannons guys you see how much damage they do I'm going to need suit I think ramped up things here especially my defense cuz I just sold off a lot of it let's do this this this oh that's bad bad for Team Oh the tier 3 here we go a lot of damage there where's my I need I need the orbital to string to come down let's invest into some point defense lasers where are they defense point defense point defense laser here it's way in the back that way we can use you if necessary next up I'm gonna fire pretty much all three of these at the same time I wish to get away for the cooldown they really don't cost much to fire so we'll be okay and come on one and two and before it up they go now this is going to hurt my team a little bit too because it's an EMP and I hope all right so it's gonna go up to they not have Fleck oh yes blew em awake Oh got him one down all right there we go that's one player down there's the EMP which is unfortunate because there we go yeah we left the time that a little bit better I think because this is the scenario that builds builds builds builds builds well you know builds we will have to time the EMP usage a little bit better than that Oh Oh it actually blew that guy away two meats oh that's a standard nuke oh dear oh dear they have a lot they have a lot coming in here what am I gonna need to do I think we could actually could actually target those guys so we're just gonna wait for these guys to come off but I'm gonna I'm gonna build a sniper down work I suspect you're going to need to you know need to get a better angle here let's do this so here we go wait for that EMP to come off this time we'll use it properly must be a good angle I think this should be a much better angle there we go okay yeah this is gonna be a real rough angle let me wait for other sniper here just sell you point defense Laser hmm yep okay you were ready to go let's do this right there and then this right there and this right come on oh you just fire stir it up you got to be aims that's weird oh well let us try to snipe out some of their orbitals as they launch there's one nope alright I should probably invest in something a fire beam back here see if I can't do that Oh got him so there impede right now which makes the whole defense thing very difficult where's my where's my fire beam I need a fire boom fire beam should be more than sufficient to remove all the enemies at least all the what I calls the orbital orbital missiles I hope let's see and done good luck using your cannons if you don't if you're all the MPD you know you can you could rebuild you see the teachers quit I don't I don't know nope nope he's just a that's that's his desired based design see these guys do and they are they're building up they're building more anti-air they're probably gonna try to intercept my stuff a little bit more which is unfortunate I not not a fan of this no Becks random asteroid I think there's just a delayed effect on some of the asteroids which is not a surprise got it nice that is so hard to snipe it is so hard to snipe but just that okay oh-hoo-hoo that's here three fragmentation it's it's dangerous guys don't you got to be careful with it nope there's a nuke Oh Oh these things are flying in circles now okay lapse collapse we hit something what did we hit I think we hit one of his missile launcher so it just it didn't explode this is fine those things still in this guy yep asteroids going in going in circles you did it guys I think I need to fire the EMP link first or something or much much faster than I am see this has not that much range but if we catch it it always should be should be okay I need to fire things faster hmm yes I have a long cooldown or a long recharge rate and the TT r3 he's rebuilding I think he's I think this player has either given up or left the game other way there's yeah there the missiles yeah he must have he must have given up a he I don't have a way of telling who was who so he's just uh just letting it happen see I'm actually gonna wait for his base to cease existing that way I don't have to wait for the super long recharge time are these four things to collapse because his base is about to go away and then we could target this guy and this guy's got a massive base for which we will probably need the orbital strikes don't have to deal with it let me just do this is that hostile man is hostile nice that's not gonna hit is it oh oh that actually doesn't cousin it at all that's unfortunate okay they're good they're good we fire we have all three coming down now where is this this is going to hit my teammate okay we have the three going up yep and can I get this guy before the EMP lens got it's nice that there's the EMP so these nukes are going to go wild fortunately their drunkenness and one of them still hits there we go I may need to fire the EMP EMP first otherwise this could cause some problems yeah so now it is 1v3 where it appears that we are going for some interesting tactics where's my low intensity we go this should just should really help out against this we put a low-intensity over here that way I can just just fire it because it has ten times the duration we go there we go this guy for single point defense manual miss guy for manual are just clearing the sky of all things so I want to fire the EMP first I think and then then we had these guys know does this sniper have a shot that isn't okay so I can't really hit anything else here I am relying on relying on the laser not having gravity yeah bye ru bye ru and fire you now those will go up pretty quickly and the EMP should detonate y ou bees are off-screen and not affect all the goodies as they come back down it to go and do I have this guy right at you now my good defensive laser is not ready to go yet oh well the EMP triggered unfortunately I can't stop this guy so that's got to be an asteroid diversion coming down but we did manage to land the orbital strike see he's building nonsense for you because we just blew it up actually I think he's got another one in there no I can't help let's see we could try to connect to this just to feel some more defensive weapons I could also use these guys for defense let's do one two three and put you guys on their own or said four thank you five and then six that way I can just four five six and refire all of them because they were fired in a pretty good spot Wow those tier threes man alright there we go nice go wait alright so those should go up and now all I have to do is defend against his orbital opal the EMP went off real quick but I think those are gonna make it anyways yes yes they are nice whoo it's fun to do the to do the EMP first we just collide into his base and this should take out the last of his specifically trying to okay so we need to aim this a little bit higher if we can paint up here may need to bring the sniper a little bit lower that's that's um delete some of this excess weight we don't need all that weight in there these centerpieces aren't going to help its the stability of the thing yeah but if that sniper should be good to go now next time you launch is an orbital if he ever manages to again we can use a low intensity laser to just clear everything out of the sky that should be alright but we have one sniper oh well this sniper hit this that might be an unfortunate experience kind of having some issues using only these weapons to eliminate this player and particular teammates having a little bit better of an angle but you know I suppose I can just as long as we aim higher on this insurance should be good okay that was that was brutal fire we go nice you see you got so close it went so far away I like watching is just this poor guy he's getting hit from war/battle fragmentation cannons orbital missiles orbital asteroids I mean it just keeps going on and there's the EMP he can't shut anything he can't defend it anymore and here come the missiles all right and we just get any bread we're getting the asteroid it's awesome we're given some real all right we actually damaged his economy a little bit that was good I do like the snide replacement let's boy his poor guy this poor guy I could do something like connect to here or just build the cannons myself I gotta look out for those fragments they're dangerous definitely want to be hitting at the EMP first way first as the EMP doesn't appear to affect these guys too much but it affects their the missiles that they spawn excuse me what are you doing okay okay with this just check out that sniper oh dear let us fire the next wave so now this should detonate and this missile and this missile shouldn't be affected I hope by the EMP that way the re-entry targeting won't be a mess there is no reentry targeting is definitely amiss about you guys all right there we go it appears that the re-enter targeting is destroyed if it's even if it doesn't hit the triple missile before it splits off oh well will he survive my allies nukes the best amount of them will go up my teammate is correct I believe the EMP is no longer necessary is he there we go with the tier 3 fragmentation alright guys if you want to see some more in-depth experiences with the ups and downs of all these weapons make sure to hit that subscribe button because we'll be will be doing more of these episodes coming up soon but for now I'll see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 417,959
Rating: 4.8995976 out of 5
Keywords: Forts, RTS, Incursus, Project Incursus, Sattire, No Swearing, No Cursing, No Foul Language, indie game, family friendly, forts strategy, incursus forts, forts game, Muliplayer, Online, Gaming, forts rts, forts challenge, base building
Id: IAhwD5eEsPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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