The BFC (Indefinite Upgrades) - Forts RTS [118]

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[Music] low-end welcome to another episode of for two today we're gonna be trying these super upgraded cannon we're gonna see if we can tape one of our standard vanilla cannons and turn it into something that makes the atom cannon look like a weak little water gun let's see just how far we can take this one so for that we're gonna need a ridiculous amount of economy probably probably will want to do this on I on a kind of a larger map where we can get well a ridiculous amount of economy and then just maybe like battleships or something I don't have to give that a thought but for now let's go ahead and work on our tear boxes as we found pretty pretty quickly here um we need more energy than we need most of anything else so this is gonna be gonna be an exciting one to say the least go ahead and work on these to put my mind down and then work on an upgrade Center let's like pull this down there we go if someone sold off the fronts here just redesigning the base that's good for them good work good on you you've done good things uh let us see next upgrade Center and let's go at the upgrade Center next started been a minute into the game nothing terribly exciting is gone has gone down but I'm really looking forward to these cannons is like we know regular vanilla cannons there they're quite powerful there's no direct count'em there's no way to stop them so when upgrading them to beyond destructive I can only imagine just like no no way to actually stop the incoming pain and when that incoming pain is like atom cannon levels of just ridiculous oh yeah oh yeah this is gonna be great I'm really really looking forward to this one look go ahead and start I'm wearing up our base as we know everyone's going for upgrade centers first yeah you can already hear the upgrades coming out and because of that we don't want to have our core gonna bow to an AP sniper lord knows you all love your AP snipers now for no reason in particular so we'll go ahead and do that once these upgrades come outs we're first gonna start upgrading our wind turbines cuz we need them upgraded put those down and then another wind turbine and then the upgrades upgrades come flying through good all right we're good upgrade and then upgrade and you next just need a little bit more metal and there it is ready goody next up Don the upgrade list shall be selling off this guy for sure need to just move him away from the front line so we don't have to deal with him being well there this guy over there as well do it so of self deal with moving a battery later upgrade this guy and then upgrading minds will be next so you and then you but thing we have those turbines upgraded because we're already running out of energy and next and then I think you starting coming out of them probably cannons get me out of them worth keeping an eye on need more energy give me that energy I'm actually kind of concerned that we won't be able to fire the cannon at we hit a certain upgrade level because well every time you upgrade it it costs more and more to fire more and more to use an upgrade itself and the amount of well costs inflicted upon our resources is a little bit much this is why I'm thinking that we're gonna have to do a larger map where we can get like 40 mines in order to sustain the amount of income necessary for oh geez that's already been upgraded a couple of times so we're gonna need two energy shields if you guys remember the last video we did um the slanted armor didn't do nearly as well as I would liked it to F and so I got to keep that in mind I just kind of goes straight energy shields here which also means that's got to cut pretty heavily into our production costs an economy so gotta go out and move this over here get him out the way upgrade you to make up for it and get a couple more of these going just to keep things stable upgrade these guys a little bit let me go my good good I need to armor all of this up I get all nice and dense and tights and put well put together and well-organized that should be decent protection against the mini guns many guns not terribly accurate so just oh geez that's gonna be a super upgraded sniper as well I don't think they're gonna let me build a cannon here honestly which is not not ideal but not terribly surprising so let's go ahead and build a little platform to put our own sniper is we're gonna need to start counter sniping them make them regret shooting at me but things go ahead and move this but sniper here put you here we need to work on our technology as well you can't build cannons if you don't have the cannon facility put this down very good like one of these here just take keep that the appearances of having turbines there or something I don't know but a second or two keep him safe against the ap sniper for the moments do this continue working on our own economy oh the joy of working on our turbines first we can actually upgrade these mines pretty quickly isn't that nice alright now where did doesn't that sniper came from up top I believe I've met sandbag there is a good thing I'm just hearing more and more upgrades out of them just extremely concerning no idea where sniper coming from the top oh no right there goodbye one less out of you oh that minigun came from the top though it's right there it was right there in service okay this not her pre ain't there I do need to work on more these go ahead and do this war I need more turbines yep I didn't getting up on that fast enough I've quit this guy now then upgrade this one come on come on come on come on come on gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme we don't have enough energy as what's going on here you I'd do it do it nope no I'm not gonna do it okay I start getting our cannon production facility come on energy what was that that a shot get was a shotgun okay in that case let me do this oh it's bottom now bottoms do one doing this shenanigans but his was an upgrade so don't worry too much about that I just want top to open his door now I could blow him out of this guy and the air and everywhere else Goodin we're gonna need these two need to start putting doors on this guy well we weights it some more armor going around here what much better so I'm not finding upgrading this knife because we don't need him upgraded he is not the star of today's show yes oh jeez just barely didn't make it but that is that is enough grated mini gunner over there so I need to make him go away that's for sure better bring that up to par let's see nice and stable base I'm gonna go ahead and put some rope back here not that we really need it but I just kind of want the rope to be here it makes me feel safe just not usually how games work but hey Mordor but you here like to always have my armor a little bit slanted just to give it that chance of deflecting something oh wow okay good thing we scented that armor because that was a extremely upgraded shotgun all right cannon time you need to go here I've a commander ability for build speed I need someone to open their doors that way I could snipe them come on you can't do it accidentally until he did his MIDI gunner oh well rip him and all of his opportunities let's go ahead and upgrade these while he waits I miss as well and some of these guys and some of those guys go on shotgun boy come on hmm not enough yeah well I tried I can only do so much we just need this guy to finish building it takes so long and hey at least we've got all the economy in the world all right just put some more doors here and here jeez just blowing up all of my sandbags what's going on here good thing they're practically free down to nine and energy per second that's not ideal ooh that went deep that's where I wanted to be right there we get some more upgrades on these guys you you you the moment I look away you open your door that super if get his shotgun oh oh he changed the position of things okay that's not ideal there was a shotgun man there's now a gunner rippy Tippi turns out there's a yeah one of those energy shield things so we start up getting this guy you do a hotkey 3 I see something exposed at the top there I'm a sniper got it I think that was the super upgraded shotgun which is kind of saddening for him like really saddening for him we've got so many energy shields now it's so much floating away - I'm gonna put another I'm gonna I kinda want a double layer these energy shields just to protect some of my investment here yeah let's let's go ahead and do that sell this off but a second energy shield around upgrade you you're gonna get real expensive real quick I don't think I've ever seen so many energy shields on one of my own bases it's kind of a lot but we did take out there one of their super super shotguns so I'm happy with this I'm gonna go there you go there you need to be opened just have the ability to be opened oh geez I wasn't even the one who suffered in that it was my teammate he'll figure it out eventually I'm sure I've read this and this great some more of this this what was that he's going at the upgraded sniper route - okay good be careful with that where did that come from is my question got him take him off he was already green so we know that he's gonna be pretty powerful activate the commander ability from bonus upgrade speed up to 126 medal per seconds when this cannon comes out it is going to be absolutely brutal and that's just the way I want to see it did you rebuild minigun same spot I don't think so does that door wasn't fully closed but then again I didn't hit the dead center the door so maybe it was maybe wasn't the same spot how defecates more batteries I'm kind of upgrading that same one I don't know if that's the better idea let's go ahead and get it another battery here lord knows I always end up with bases that have massive chain reaction wanted just waiting to happen with these battery arrays alright so I want to fire him now or wait a little while is I could just keep waiting as a sniper I'm doing good work with them and keeping all their stuff down okay that's a serious that's a serious laser just burning all the way through that I'm gonna go ahead and keep armoring up a little bit because I can and I'm waiting more on energy than anything else where did that come from why am I not seeing it yeah I might be able to at the reflect oh he's right there right there is where I fell okey I'll keep that sniper lined up right there so I could quick snipe whenever things get a little bit closer I need to grab that again we're go ahead just pretty deep on these upgrades I don't think I've ever gone this deep on upgrades like this it's definitely not worth it for sure how much it costs to upgrade oh my god is the answer to that question yes one thousand okay oh geez well that's one super laser right in that case let's go ahead and open fire with our own cannon but these got pretty straight so we could just kinda not quite that straight but look we missed I did a lots there one more upgrade how much do you cost a fire now 9,000 energy to fire and get one more rep nah no no we're just gonna fire him right out the gate let's go no please nope my god please he has energy shields you know he has energy shields uh I almost lost almost lost mic added to my own own teammate okay could have gone very wrong that's a good way to put it alright alright let's let's just get this going get you repairing alright alright dude seriously I'm gonna need I'm gonna need you to not please it's just like the only reason I'm alive right now he says I covered myself with so many energy shields okay let's go ahead and fire this straight up into his background bracing that yeah yeah yeah that just kind of did that we'll give him one more upgrade there we go okay oh wow you nailed that that was beautiful that was a beautiful combo not gonna lie that that made me happy and we're off to round two this time I have the top position but we will be doing the same thing these same tactic these same super Kenan and this time think we should to open up fire a little bit earlier I'm not gonna go with a full turtle because as fun as it was it kind of kind of needed to fire a few more rounds to feel the full effects as we last round was actually really nice the teammate managed to make that beautiful laser shot speaking of which turn that on at everyone see so it was very nice we kind of destroyed pretty much all the armor in the front and teammate came through in slice the base just in half luckily as I was very I was just more excited about not having my face just obliterated by my own friends laser so I'm happy with the way that wins but this time we're gonna be opening fire much earlier on with a cannon instead of using snipey to defend us which snipey did an excellent job by the way like yes please like sniping literally saved us on so many times but this time will be will be replaced season ID with the cannon after getting up just going a little bit crazier their economy first just just just just a little bit alright so I'll go ahead and put down our upgrade center here and start these upgrades rolling I mean come on come on need more resources come on yes there we go okay much better like everyone else is going the same route I'm kind of concerned he's going for he only has three mines right now so I have to have to think about that maybe's went for a rush but well I'm sure we'll figure that out pretty quickly here my team or turbines what I need Lord knows he needs so much energy like without having overdrive like this the strategy is just not viable it's just not something you can do there's there's so much economy needed it's ridiculous and the upgrade times tactile and do it it's just like oh my god it doesn't stop I suppose that is kind of the point so let's see cover these guys up keep them all safe we don't need any nikka tear bands around here go up with the sandbags down there in a moment back to it right now well we wait when I get this guy going and work our way up to additional turbines one more turbine and then up grids oh sweet look at that percentage it's so beautiful so almost almost perfect get these upgrades rolling so that the opponents are slowly adding on their minds they keep that in mind then upgrade more I need to upgrade these more there we go let's go ahead build a couple batteries back here definitely want to have more storage for energy one do you want to move this one move this guy all the way back here do I want to go for batteries I don't know but well I'll make the decision when we get money when the time comes but for now we just need just that one so that we can get the munitions plants nothing exciting came out of them just yeah just looks like they're focusing on economy and I used to build it in rounds getting more space for things this is fine we shall survive but I'm a she's plant right next to record because ministers plant explode and I love having explosives next to my core just like I do every every other match I got to stop doing that it's a it's an actual problem yet I continue doing it in every single time you know the turbine get one more turbine up credits and then I'll jump on city upgrading mines is that's that's where all of our energy goes every single time without fail let's go ahead and increase this a little bits just an extra layer okay upgrade you and then we'll go help on the upgrading mind strain for once metal is the limiting factor and this is fine because metals generated pretty quickly when we have upgraded minds like this go ahead and double brace all of this our cross bracelet a double brace down here spanned this little bits keep this up to up to building standards give it the connections to be so necessarily desired much better don't embrace all of this and kennen time now this cannon goes it's good to go with our core but that's fun because we're going all in in this cannon no one's stopping us now so I definitely need an energy shield up here by now should have had it down probably right before the cannon because of that reason right there P got my turbines that have been real sad but uh yeah that's that's why you generally repair yourself do it thank you make me up make me panic all right a little bit more wooden layers that's probably gonna be a super upgraded laser so layers are not gonna defend this very long and I want to have a few just to keep us safe but if flares are gonna be defending us I need to work on additional turbines and then sooner than later additional energy shields layering the entirety of our I kinda want to start working on that sooner than later like right now let's go ahead and do this what do I want to put a most button right here work our way from the bottom bottom to the top get another door here because we have the metal for its very good and then actually I'm gonna do another round of upgrades on the mines it comes that laser again wait that's not a laser those are Rockets oh god no Gunnar's I need you I built this here I can getting pretty close to my teammate space if I get it pretty much any further than he won't be able to build and well I already can't build further so that's not ideal connect us here and connect you can I connect you here can onsets just connect this right here try to keep the base from rotating a little bit right upgrade this you finished up good in these mines it did not what are you Steve great on you you two need to be upgraded oh that would right through my teammates base all right we need to start opening fire here we need to open fire pretty quickly just fire this right across here oh that was fast that's what I call a nice shot right across the top start opening the destruction I like these cannons just kind of upgrade them and fire them and upgrade them and fire them and we need more energy shields actually who had the energy shields I think it was bottom base wasn't it so I don't think I know he had the Rockets so I don't probably don't need these anymore I'm gonna shut these down and if I suddenly die because of it I will understand the risk involved fire that across very good upgrade this you upgrade this need to actually get some our metal storage Husum gonna start peaking on my metal needs solace guy off just so they don't have expensive things near the fronts keep those guys upgraded shut this guy down I kind of like the idea of having the energy shield there even if it's shut down well fire the same spot just looks like he didn't repair enough yep didn't quite repair enough so that's gonna cost him let's go ahead and upgrade some more things he's this guy to take out that flak so that the flak does it take out my Gunners oh no just as I was saying come on come on you can do it fire a cannon again same spot let's hit him in the same spot oh no the same spot kind of changed take the flat gap do it gutters do you I do so it accurate this is what snipers are for already upgrade you again I'll build a snack right up here to say its desired if Gunners not do it their jobs I should keep they're doing quite fine it's just kind of can I do really want them to do more than quite fun I want them to snipe everything that's not their job well go ahead and fire this again same kind of position same position yep yeah there it goes all of his hopes and dreams so now we have a sniper let's go ahead and use snipe each to blow that up with very good Snivy thank you you I've done excellent work once again put another door on you upgrade you again you wouldn't it's good another round of appraised on these minds these are getting pretty expensive it's get it honestly at this points doing upgrades on these Minds just means it's gonna take another like five real-time minutes before these guys to admit positive which is I'm not sure the games gonna last that long how much you cost a fire only six thousand to fire many gonna cost more than that so we're good in any but I do want to upgrade these anyways because I don't like waiting to fire my weapons actually something not all these rep rate at the same you are that much 138 oh but what no I did you catch him it looks like he's sold up he gave off in fear of the super upgraded cannon but for now have a good one everyone and I'll see you guys later [Music] you
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 426,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forts, RTS, Incursus, Project Incursus, Sattire, No Swearing, No Cursing, No Foul Language, indie game, family friendly, forts strategy, incursus forts, forts game, Muliplayer, Online, Gaming, forts rts, forts challenge, base building
Id: eofWLNoh4Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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