ONE PIECE D&D #46 | "Every Little Helps" | Tekking101, Lost Pause, 2Spooky & Briggs

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to episode 46 of one piece dungeons and dragons uh first out of the way happy birthday noble i hope you had it i hope you had a great 46th birthday i could see you're celebrating your 46th birthday and your mega milk shirt which is that's right if i if i saw a 46 year old man wearing a mega milk shirt i i just don't know i'd be inconsolable yeah imagine being at like denny's and seeing like this 46 year old man in a mega milk shirt like looking at you from across the denny's well it depends is he like is he like super jacked like a chad or is he just like that sounds kind of balding yeah kind of yeah all right whatever gives him the most milk oh man i think dwayne johnson is over 46 years old if i saw dwayne johnson with a mega milk shirt i would be like you know i'm not going to mess with that guys you'll be like well i think i should go grab some milk i would actually yeah i'd be like you rock on man don't build strong bones man you know that's fair enough all right well you guys enter the denny's and you see dwayne the rock johnson with a with a mega milk shirt um rolling this tip all right let's do this oh man there's no way you're legit right now no no the snap you got the snaps duplexes i've never even watched wrestling this is going to suck i've just seen this perry this is going to suck tells me to roll initiative i'm rolling him in pokemon now he's in one piece johnson tell me it's all forms of media okay okay so what actually again i'm here with doris lost pause hello everybody i'm here with william tecking how you doing i'm here with verona double spooky howdy and i'm here with ragnar briggs what up everybody and today we are playing a game of dodgers and dragons together as friends and as family um where you guys left off you had finished fighting yourselves thank god they're all dead they're the mannequins which uh were sort of the last remnants of the puppet boys oh nice little heart uh the puppet boys uh abilities on the island and he cursed at you and that was the last you heard of him but he's obviously still alive because he's not here um so that might not be the last you hear of puppet boy didn't he tell us to find him in the new world he said don't you dare enter the new world it was more of a threat okay then you made it sound like it was a nice little invitation he said he said hey guys hey guys i i think we should go to the new world i think that sounds like where we're supposed to go he was like just despite that guy i know there's really good denny's in the new world i got my buddy dwayne the rock drain d rock johnson okay just add to wayne johnson to issachai d and d and just like you know you really want him in here all right um well okay here's a question so the only people that know about the puppet guy are us in this room right like everybody else assumes big top is like still alive and running the show right yeah i guess everyone else except for probably like dane uh because he's affected by him but yeah well okay if if big tops body he's still in here right yeah he's dead all right ragnar can you cut off his head so we can like show it to everybody oh sure captain i forgot that i mean he's already dead we don't have to brutalize no no no i'm doing a thing this is like this is a big coup d'etat right now i'm gonna walk out with his head and it's like it's gonna get a huge reaction you say that and louis clock's like william i didn't know you started to learn my language oh my god am i just turning fro oh i get it because i said kudai i learned that from boss i've just been saying it randomly but i don't know i don't even know i don't know he just said it at once and i just kind of kept saying it throughout my life and hoping at some point the context would be appropriate and i guess now is the one at five i still don't know what it means because you're telling me that you were just like you would go like that could be like could i yeah i would get like get out alone please please one time i was ordering coffee at a denny's and i was just like can i have my coffee coup d'etat please and the waitress just looked at me weird but she gave me extra sugar so i was like all right maybe that's what it means but they only but how are you they only have daddies as a new world well that's a story for another day it is a new little chain of restaurants oh i'm sorry it was benny's not not dennis benny yeah it's in this half of the grand line yeah this stream is not sponsored by denny's by the way we are we are not affiliated with denny's in any way hope i can get that bacon avocado burger that i hear so much man i really like their sandwiches though shut up okay oh man i should go to denny's tonight after this i do not want this to be a denny's endorsement listen the only thing i endorse is pineapple juice because there are lots of people who watch this stream and they're like they send me pictures of them with like a bottle of pineapple juice like i'm ready for d d and i'm like hell yeah that's what i want to see i don't want to start seeing people with like pictures of sandwiches being like i'm ready for d d too late i was in a bar like i was in a bar last week and right behind the counter there was like 30 bottles of pineapple juice and i was just like going to send them to you yeah yeah and yeah yeah all right anyway fuel there yeah of course okay there you go then all right well i gotta get myself some all right anyway yeah ragnar cut off his head and i could use it for something okay are you cutting off his head then i assume i yeah i did i said chop all right cool i i just pick up his head and like all right i i go is there a window that's like this is a high floor right yeah no there is a huge window but the window goes out into the ocean oh okay so you're gonna have to like leave the building all right i'll just keep this severed head on with me until we get to that point then all right that's cool it sticks like see it all right anybody else need anything in this room louis clock pulls out some french perfume and sprays the severed head with it sprays the severed head here you go what's better well i guess i'll look around the office to see if there's any clues at least here what happened or if they are yeah we're trying to steal some money from this place yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's look for a safe or something there is there is plenty of money in here um so there's there is like money just scattered around the place you know like gambling money and stuff and various desks and things um could i search the room because i'm like a thief kind of can i search them for like hidden safes under the carpet or the walls or anything like that yeah oh investigation i feel like william would be good at that kind of do an investigation yeah there you go money all right yeah yeah yeah you're like looking through uh he has bookshelves on either side and you're like looking through the bookshelves and then you like pull one it's it and it's like a switch and then you think the bookshelves can like move over to one side but instead the bookshelf like splits up into lots of little pieces like moves around like really crazy-like then reassembles itself and then the book just opens up and there's like a safe like it's all it seems very unnecessary so there's like i had way too much money on time um so yeah there's now there's a small safe that's inside of like that all right i will attempt to lock pick go ahead and actually do that all right i mean 29. uh yeah you work the safe and you slowly open it up and inside the safe is like good for all the crap we had to go through is um this like ring okay it's it's shining uh it almost seems like rainbow luminescent oh shiny uh did can i determine any is there anything written on the ring is you know there's gems in the ring on the ring there's like lots of like it's like patterns of numbers and dice hmm i'm not gonna put this on yeah i'm like last time like duros you just picked up a shield randomly once and then ended up being cursed and tried to kill what are you talking about fred's such a nice aren't you grateful i am so great oh life is great every day that's right you guys can't hear any of this it worked out for you i'm not i'm not i'll pocket my i'll pocket the ring but i'm not gonna yeah i still worry about him i do too we'll just have to keep an eye out for him someday i don't know what we might have to you know but we might have to imagine that there was like an amazing devil fruit in there for jimmy that would be i was thinking there was i was hoping there was gonna be a devil fruit well he had the big top had a devil fruit but then bullet stole it and then you stole it from bullet yeah which is which is your devil fruit that was the one he had um but yeah there's a ring okay i have a ring i'll write that down okay i mean huh how are we going to find out what it does captain i'm not sure it it's going to animate it but i can't oh that's right you're out okay well i'll just keep it when we you know when we recover because it was a pretty tough battle after everything's settled and done we can uh we can investigate that later yeah that was a tough fight yes by the way verona when the hell did you i didn't have time to bring this up during the fight when did you get that banana-shaped sword well you see somebody mentioned the word banana and then all these memories came flooding back into my head about this magical time that we were on vacation right i wonder if there's some sort of way that people can find out what we did with a link in the description this is part of the playlist i feel like most people who listen to it would probably listen to that but yeah now i have this banana okay add that to the arsenal another thing i found rather strange is i this is the second time i've killed myself [Laughter] that's going to be a thing like every arc now like every arc of ours every arc of our lives we're going to rather not face myself yet again yeah well the next time it would just be like you're facing yourself emotionally like well wait is there a is there a mirror in this room like because then you could just look in the mirror [Laughter] oh the third time now [Laughter] it starts like seeing um anything that vaguely resembles duros you just see a suit of armor in a shop you'll be like you again see your shadow on the ground [Laughter] stop following me um i don't know if i'm crazy yet i mean i do talk to a shield but [Laughter] i feel like yeah is going slowly insane [Laughter] he is the one of us that is like the closest to that i would say with everything that's happened to him yeah [Music] um yeah well you guys uh you find various coins you know belly berry coins um how much how much money if you want to say i i would say a decent amount but not like whoa no he's a rich man i'd say uh i'd say about 460 000 belly that's not a lot of money but okay um but you know just in terms of actual in terms of coins that are around right obviously most of his stuff is in assets the castle the everything you know all right i'm just rounding this up we have one million five hundred thousand barry there we go isn't this chair made of like solid gold shouldn't we holy [ __ ] then yeah oh well if you want to take an entire chair with you i go right here we just start throwing furniture at ragnar to carry out a chair that's not made out of wood man you don't have to sit on it we'll melt it down we'll sell it and we'll buy you a wooden again this is like just this is just the value of all of the coins that are scattered across the room this isn't like big top's net worth you know 460 000 uh belly is just the amount of like coins he has scattered across the roman tables and stuff does he have anything in his pockets oh you want to look at his pockets i cut off his head and you know what i said cuts off his head and now we're just sticking through this well there's blood everywhere like he might have something important i mean we did just i pulled up his head and i'm like what what's this ring about any any questions you you look into his pocket and you actually pull out um a uh like a a small letter uh it's the letter b for big top no i'm joking it's a letter oh no no no no no it's a small letter okay and i mean do you open it up yes uh you open it up and it says um it is it is a a loan repayment letter like a big debt thing like saying you have uh one more month until you have to pay back and it's like 10 million no no even more like [ __ ] like 20 million barry he's like deep in debt i just slowly put it back in his pocket oh my god well it's it's rough on all of us out there i guess you know hey at least hey we freed you from your debt i hold up his severed head and i'm like [ __ ] dude uh so captain what's up actually check it out i cut off his head without asking any questions what are you what are you planning what are you planning to do with that thing a little no no i'm just gonna walk out and just like throw his head down it's like it'll cause everybody to like rally together under a common cause like we the whole reason this is happening is to kill this guy so it's like we killed him and it's like yay and then you know it makes us look good i guess so are we not going to tell them about the puppet guy uh i guess we should probably talk about that should we tell them about the puppet guy oh we don't need to tell everybody i mean i feel like hemlock yeah hemlock in them we could tell them yeah but we can say that we fought a puppet guy we for all they know that he worked for big top yeah i mean i still want to take the credit from killing you know big top because i feel like that'll just give us like some clout around town oh absolutely yeah for sure but i don't really think we should mention the puppet guy personally because it's kind of our fault he's even yeah i don't want him to like yeah let's just keep that to ourselves but we don't even know who this guy is i think it'd be it'd be smart to like learn about him a bit you know like this guy could like what if we have to fight like arson again or something if that that guy comes back to life again i will literally eat my hat he comes in his slime yeah he can't even sure how he cloned us all he can't uh i think he said this but at least i'm just going to confirm he can't uh mannequin copy dead people how the mannequin sort of devil fruit works is it it uses the dna to like locate you know identify and then it will like make a copy of that person you know through [ __ ] one piece magic you know devil fruit one piece magic it's not a science it's magic you know okay all right then so but if someone is dead he can't use it so that's why that's why like dane goodman was still alive when they when he otherwise he would have just killed dane goodman that's a good thing too he could have brought back adam and that would have been a hell of a yeah um now all right let's go guys all right so uh yeah let's just walk out of the office and uh i guess down the stairs right we run like a yeah yeah yeah kind of thing i mean you leave the room you see that killed card man yeah in pieces on the ground when i head back to that area where we fought the dice guy and the in the slots guy because that was like i think like the lobby area yeah yeah that's where you would be going all right is there anyone down there still fighting as you well as you leave the castle and you're at the top of the stairs leading down to the lobby area the great golden casino you see that the the fighting has died down mostly everyone has kind of won their little battles oh perfect oh so there's like a one-piece thing where like hemlock was having her own battle we had like side chapters where they're all fighting stuff but that's cool though the fighting has died down uh there is argument going on um you could see roulette elephant and the prospector all bickering at the bottom of the courtyard okay i throw the head over the stairs and i just hope it just lands right in front of them they all yeah i just chuck the head yeah [ __ ] it do it do it like a dexterity for that i just want to see how good you're gonna i wouldn't normally but i want to see how how good you are aiming this head just a deck safe deck not deck save just a dex roll just click dex it's on the left 24 yeah lands perfectly in front of them eyes looking up and they all look down at the severed head of big top and they look up and you're standing i mean the the crew is standing you lot louis clark and jimmy jimmy's like doing a little dance problem solved guys just play it off like it wasn't a big deal problem solved killed him wasn't a big deal and then roulette goes and as per agreement william that means i must be the new um leader of the oasis and then the elephant goes no he said that we would be united and the prospect is like i ain't want to be united with the likes of you lord woohoo you like how got bones for brains that's what i'm gonna say i do you know what democracy is maybe you guys could have like a vote or something democracy schmoyer democracy i don't even know how to write my own name let's vote well you wouldn't write either other people would write your name that's voter fraud i might no no no about democracy but i know voter fraud and ruler actually goes you know he has a point this is the city of thieves and gamblers i don't think we will be able to handle a democratic vote okay that's fair um i also don't think it's smart to have one leader in life yeah you should have criminals all right can you three run this city without killing each other no do you think this is at all possible how could you tarnish the first thanksgiving after all we went we tried to make this work we're not miracle workers here huh all right uh well didn't you mr elephantian i guess roulette did you used to get along at one point ah does it pass me i ain't going back to the old me i have some self-respect now i know when i was being used oh what about you roulette you feel the same way those are just rumors she says looking off we literally heard don't tell me don't tell me you believe i literally heard you says you were in a relationship over on thanksgiving dinner i believe i i let that slip [Laughter] so i know there's some relationship and some love that you used to share between one another is it really all gone yes he's a brute yes she's a witch and the prospect is like yeah they both suck okay i'm not sure if this would work and i am i'm just a humble gambler from the south blue i don't know anything about how governments are structured or how you lead a city or whatever but roulette and elephant you guys are all like you kind of are on the opposite side how about you guys make decisions and it's like best two out of three and if it's a tie between you if you can't decide on something then the prospector who is clearly the embodiment of everything random in this world decides and just you know who's who's right there and that's how like the you three run this place did that make any sense teddy well what i'm trying to say is i can definitely sense some affection still lingering between the both of you and the pros roulette walks up the doors and goes i beg you shut the [ __ ] up whatever happened between me and the elephant is dead and gone in the dirt i do not want to see his face i don't care about no [ __ ] counsel you promised me that i would be ruling this place and that's why i helped you you know he you know he's he's still in love with you right he told me this i mean well he didn't tell me but when i when he snuck into his office to steal the thingama what's at the diamond i saw a picture of you and him on uh his desk and he was like you know it clearly is not over you you want to do a deception yes oh my god i'm also just going to whisper over 25. captain i know i'm also not the relationship expert here but you're kind of throwing boss under the bus [ __ ] it he doesn't care wouldn't be the first time anyway roulette gets taken aback a little bit and no that's no no that can't be no but she's a little she's a little stunned in silence um i mean clearly these three do not what are these oh well um clearly these three do not get along with each other um um well are you guys gonna fight to each other to the death right now if you're not there right god wants to speak are you guys going to fight each other to the death right now or grow the [ __ ] up and learn to work together okay that's [ __ ] that's not a bad you know what ragnar said it best that basically cut right to the gym they're arguing like a bunch of teenage girls right now it's driving me crazy honestly like if you guys i mean like look big top is dead if you three just argue and bicker the whole freaking it's just gonna ruin the whole place and it's just gonna burn down within a month probably so if you do you know put on your big boy you know pants or whatever and just run this place it could be a pretty cool place down here you know and what i'm saying is also you don't have to get back together so to say but the feelings of being able to understand one another are still there perhaps you can still get along in some capacity roulette growls i don't really see much other option i know that if we fought i would probably die she's looking up like i would say your options are work together and make a cool place fight each other and ruin this place or or just leave and find another line of business i would say that would be your three options on the table here okay sure she turns around to elephant in prospector uh does that make sense to you guys the elephant go elephant just nods summonly while crossing his arms the prospector looks around he's like i don't like this can we not like just have like someone else someone else lead what about you and he just points to like a random guy and the random guy is like shaking his head and like runs to leave this place once before we do have a friend in the underground do you think she would be up to it if she's leading the candles right now hemlock i mean hemlock would be pretty cool with it me hemlock point to herself [Laughter] i mean you would represent us so technically you would be under our domain oh yeah i should say our captain wait did you are you putting the oasis under the devil's luck pirate's domain oh yeah we did we talked about that at the dinner oh yeah yeah then yes if it's something that i've already talked about then yes sure i mean this place will not come to harm as long as captain williams stands tall i give a half ass and some people cheer some people like yeah and they get 14 hp points [Laughter] wait wait what is this it says the elephant you're taking control of the oasis no no no it's just like i and william kind of begrudgingly says this but it's like you know if it ever comes under attack we'll help but i say it in a way that's like not sure if we will but we will you know the uh and roulette like thinks it's like you know what if if the oasis becomes like a protectors i'm not i'm not against that idea yeah um like like put put a giant flag of our stuff like in the front of the place that's cool but then yeah that way that like you guys would still like rule and make everything happen in the city but there's not one of you that's the actual leader because this is our territory now so we won't always be here but we'll come back and help hemlock will be like your uh almost like the ambassador like the go-to person exactly that's fair well i'm not i'm not mad at that what do you guys think that sounds fine with me as long as i get to keep my territories and my wealth and you give back my um ivory um ivory um [Laughter] then now to be fine with me roulette it's complicated just give him back the ivory well if he gives back all the stuff he took from me then sure a prospector goes whoa you guys like stealing from each other ah fun facts i like stealing from you guys too oh my god oh my god this place how about we don't steal from each other anymore how about that you know what that might quite work maybe you should try it it might actually work if you ran you know crime syndicates without stealing from other crime syndicates i stole all of that [ __ ] and i didn't even sell it i just stole it because it was fun i wanted to see if i could oh prospector i make enough money from the mines yeah well i'll i'll give back your stuff easy as long as you stay away from my minds elephants i'm not going anywhere near your mind she's he's pointing at roulette well i'll give back my stuff as long as you don't steal from me and you stay away from my territories and roulette's like well same to me you stay away from my [ __ ] and i won't steal your stuff okay i lean into verona and i'm just like oh this place is [ __ ] in a month they're gonna kill you they're good they're gonna tear each other apart like there's no way this is going to last yeah we're going to come back here like in a year and it's just going to be a smoldering crater in the middle of the ocean i feel kind of bad for hemlock i i kind of do too you know walks over to william and goes what do you put me in uh you know what i i trust you i appreciate the trust my dear but i um about this as well since hemlock is going through the trouble of relegating all of this she gets a little bit of percentage of your business revenue to help fund and make the city a better place they all give you such a death [Applause] we are pirates we are not great at like charity and like organizing like like i said complex like city council meetings and stuff ask the dane guy he seems like he has a pretty good you know handle on all this stuff yeah dinkum is not here right now because he didn't want to come into the battle but i guess so he's not going to be here forever as well he's just running his business yeah um i'm i'm sure there's like consultants you can hire to talk about how you organize your did somebody say someone who can help and then you hear the noise of a little bike hello guys it's me helper and i'm here to help i just imagine he's on a little scooter yeah it just appears out of nothing hey guys it's me helper and i'm here to help did someone say the word i need help i used to work yes but now he's dead so i am unemployed i need a job well uh can you help organize a effective city council yes you see a tear in his eye that is that has been my dream i've always told big top we should run things like at a proper city but he always said no gamble we got a gamble all right awesome listen to this guy then i mean i wouldn't drop the whole gambling thing that's kind of what this like city has going for it no i mean like yeah you gotta keep you know and maybe open it up your tourism and stuff like that you know yeah get rid of that weird wheel yeah oh the murderer [Laughter] in the future i would lead with that in the in the uh like the little flyers you hand out like visit the oasis we don't have the death first order of business get rid of the death wheel turn it into like turn into like like paint on the images of torture like happy bunnies and stuff into a happy wheel yeah everyone gets a happy wheel [Laughter] you spin it you get a prize yeah wait does that i i i draft up the official documents to get this as a official protectorate of the devil's like pirates it will be named the devil's lock oasis okay i mean sure i mean you're gonna have to pay us royalties for that but like you know okay that's how this pockets i do not have any money but yeah i would take it alone oh hey helper you uh you hung out with big top a lot didn't you i sure did all right cool do you does this ring ring a bell i pull out this ring yeah no i don't know what the [ __ ] that is i've never seen that all right thought i would ask all right goes back in the pocket we do have some funds that we gathered from big top perhaps we can give it to help to help make this place a little bit better yeah sure that would be a caring plenty help yes yeah there's a solid gold trailer up upstairs yeah just i'm carrying that right now here is a gold chair okay was like casino that's pretty good deal that's a good one yeah yeah yeah yeah all right well this you know right here isn't owned by any of the yeah yeah the big stops casino could be rebranded as the devil's luck casino i like that that's nice oh there we go that way we don't need to split the territories at all and you guys can keep your revenue as long as we get some business there then we're good and if we ever come back and visit we get like we get our rooms comped and like we get a penthouse and everything for free and like an empty endless buffet you know every time you show up i think that sounds good yeah hemlock actually looks around at the place and goes william my dear would you mind if i relocated the uh the candles to this new abode yeah you can do whatever you want in our little hideaway that's fine wow that sounds good it'll be a lot a lot easier to find you guys next time yeah we don't have to go through this we don't have to go to sprinkles shop and go through all of his [ __ ] oh my goodness i still have like the rainbow sampler i didn't even he could be listening oh that's [ __ ] that's right yeah he's everywhere don't say his name three times you're here on the wind [Laughter] um hemlock looks down at helper and goes is this little guy supposed to help me yeah he'll help you yeah well what's your name again little fella my name is helper um nice to be of service help her have you ever killed a man i can't say i have well there's a first time for everything welcome to welcome to welcome aboard you'll do little timmy's name proud um yeah helper is his actual name he was just named that by big top um so it's you know they're all very creative with names around here bullets oh by the way jimmy you are you you are past the test you're an official member of the devil's luck pirates like slap him on the back you know hey i'm a pirate over here that was luck pirate we got to figure out we got to figure out we did not die but we got to figure out some way to uh you know you know proceed with that you know pop up [Laughter] louis i think we found our official musician louie's got tears in his eyes he's beautiful i i can play backward music and you can you can sing for me a lovely song okay i like this guy i like this won't get annoying at all i love this guy this is a good decision i feel like jimmy gets a new character trait every episode yeah i mean that's what's going to happen when he was originally just a character i made the name up for on the spot yeah he was just a background character for no reason yeah okay all right uh so don't we have like a tournament coming up or something we do but that's not for a few days and i'm really tired i think we need to just to take a nap somewhere actually are there are there any bedrooms in this casino i mean yeah there's definitely bedrooms yeah it's like a las vegas hotel i'm just gonna crash here then all right you guys sort out all these corpses that are lying everywhere and [ __ ] you know helper's already doing it very good help is a little bit it's going to be a little bit like um miss pauline from tf2 if everyone knows that that little bit of tf2 law that's kind of vibe he's going to have for all the listeners these guys don't like tf2 so um tf2 team fortress 2 i've never played team fortress 1. nobody has i have actually oh you have that's crazy yeah because he's 46 years old okay all right uh cool i'm gonna go get a room you guys can yeah yeah okay uh i'm gonna sleep like a bear okay so you guys will have a nice i mean you go to your these are like really nice rooms luxurious rooms um and i'm gonna say i'm gonna roll a little dice okay i'm gonna roll do they have mints on the pillow uh are you guys going are you guys going straight to your rooms or are you gonna go get your crew members from the ship uh i'm really [ __ ] tired hey helper can you go deliver a message actually you can chief can you just tell our the rest of our crew on our ship that we're going to sleep we won everybody's dead we're just going to take a nap for like a while and they're welcome to join us at our new uh headquarters here yeah at the dc and our endless shrimp buffet after after we have our nice sleep we can have i will deliver the message straight away i assume that means i'm allowed to leave and go up the elevator yes you wait you were never allowed to leave the elevator oh my god i was never allowed to leave before you [ __ ] and feel free to get some pineapple juice yeah that is pretty good yeah your name may be helper but who helps you no one i've always had to do everything myself i was the only man that i i always tried to do my best to at least give people a positive impression of the oasis it's it's difficult you know being the only man on the pr department of a ruthless uh gambling city i can imagine i can't actually but you know good talk yeah i will head off now thank you i see a bright future ahead of me and he gets on his little his little i'm gonna say it's a tricycle now [ __ ] it and he bikes away um godspeed helper godspeed all right i'm gonna go to bed how do i get this strange feeling like he's never coming back all right so i'm sure he'll be fine our crew are up there too yeah you guys you guys all get into rooms uh you know they're just empty rooms except for ragnar when you open your door there is there is just a man sleeping in the bed still and he's just i don't know if i don't think i'm gonna wake him up are there any other rooms nearby that i could just like open the door even if it's locked like break it down yeah probably all right i'm gonna close the door leave this guy alone and go break down another door now you're just gonna walk in and like sleep in the other bed without even telling him was there what was there more than one bed no it was just one bed one double bed okay one double bed no i'm just gonna close the door i just never mentioned it he wakes up next to a bear yeah what does the guy look like by the way what does he look like um he had uh half tone green and black hair um and that's what you could see from behind because you just saw him behind a half tone green and black i changed my mind i broke down the door i called i'm like actually never mind i opened the door back again i walk inside i tap him on the shoulder i'm like hello my name's ragnar and i'm a bear just another 10 more minutes i know i know big top called for everyone to get down to the courtyard but i'm so sleepy oh you're uh you're one of big tops guys he he he's dead we killed him what a funny joke jeremy it's slots with you jeremy who are you talking about i'm ragnar i'm a bear ragnar i've never are you a new hire if you're a new hire fetch me some wine i i have a terrible hangover all right i'm done with you good night i go back to the other room to go to bed i'm too tired for this [ __ ] i'm already asleep but this is not worth the effort it seems like nobody okay so you go back to it you just go to a different room let's go to sleep i'm tired all right everyone goes to sleep all right we level up yes good job um that tries the needles out of like the blue and red one that'd be so mean i'm good i'm good i'm saving it all right so you guys wake up in the morning the sun shining through the dome glistening off the golden uh furniture in your rooms and the golden table casinos you see the paint slightly rubbing off a lot of this is not gold it's like wood but it's been painted gold um please have a continental breakfast one piece doesn't really have continents it has a continent does this place have continent breakfast there's one i mean you you hear a knock on your door william um and uh yeah william is wearing like a bathrobe and like very you know okay hello there and help is there and he's got some sandwiches on a plate oh that's good you didn't die that's cool i i i went and told your crew everything uh they uh they said it was all all good and they're all resting on their ship that's great i really don't want any sandwiches i kind of want waffles and eggs because it's it's morning but thank you these are breakfast sandwiches otherwise known as this language i walk right by him and go back [Music] [Laughter] we don't serve waffles here i'm so sorry son of a [ __ ] um also i eat this i i eat a slam witch fine also boss um dade goodman is here to see you he's just right my god it's early [ __ ] all right i'll go gather everybody else up is everybody else awake i go over to ragnar's room and i knock on it yeah oh how about cold i'm not hearing open that door yeah yeah yeah you would actually if you knew what to ragnar you would go to the guy at the room of the other guy because he didn't know that he changed rooms yeah okay i just knock on i just pound on the door like ragnar wake up and you there's the door opens off and you see this man with half green half black hair he's got like underbags uh he's kind of he's almost like he's wearing velvet with like little red and black on it and he's like yes is is that marissa oh no it's a just another dude hey is there a is a weird question but is uh there happened to be a bear somewhere in that room i'm kind of like looking over his shoulder to see if there's like a frag nars in there a bear that's not really my taste personally but about yay i hope you enjoy your search for that bear of yours okay i go to taros's room instead you close the door and you go to the next room over and yeah that's uh doris you're awake buddy yes captain how's it going did you open the door i knock on the door and just say doris you awake yes captain always at the ready yeah always here okay yeah uh sleeps in for llama yeah i was just like i always sleep in full armor i imagine the kicks are is like all right time for bed and he just goes right on there he just like lays vertically in full armor that must have been awkward with luna but okay uh what she told me to have protection yeah that is true yeah um yeah because i'm like i don't even have my hair my hair is like out like all long and stuff i have the bathrobe and whatever and duros just opens the door to full armor um all right well apparently dane wants to talk to us and uh also we have uh uh i can't find ragnar i'm gonna go see if aron is awake um i'd imagine william would have saw that across like the all right uh okay so me and juros then i guess we'll go over just like ragnar are you you're in there man i'm really oh man i slept like a bear uh that's right we're in bad form the entire night fantastic yeah i get i get better sleep than barefoot does redner does he sleep nude i feel like if any of us did he would ragnar is awakened [Laughter] it's a kilt all and he wasn't waking up and i was too tired to deal with him so he he called me marissa i have no idea who he was i don't really care okay all right now we knock on verona's door and get him up as soon as the second knocks hit a bullet flies past you like what holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i woke up i forgot we slept here i was on high alert i mean that's good but you almost walked out wait do you want me to roll to see if i managed to avoid that no i would have missed all right yeah okay fair it was more like a warning shot to ward off predators jeez jeez all right well i guess everyone's awake old habits die hard by the way did anybody else like this doesn't happen every time i fall asleep but did anybody else feel that weird sensation that you leveled up after you wake up for some reason i don't know what happens every now and then did it feel amazing did everyone make sure to update their max health on their sheets yeah i got that right now oh mine's mine's 102. yeah yeah right now enduras did you update your max healths yeah dude did you do this because i thought you had 69 last time i did have 69 and i got six so you 75. you should be on 75. yeah nice on your sheet it doesn't say 75. oh i thought it was good did i know i changed it to 102 and it went back i might not have it on it well i'll fix that for you 75 there you go i was just double checking okay take it just making sure yeah change your health and stuff okay okay you guys all got up into the into the lobby oh you go into the lobby you see dane goodman he's sitting there all perfectly perfect suit page next to him um he's he's like eating uh like a singular sausage he goes my friends my friends my friend he gets up brushes himself down he puts out his big hand to shake uh william's hand sure morning dane what's what's going on i hope i hope i hope you had a nice long rest congratulations on the recent coup d'etat i must add yeah it was good i do like my coffee with sugar oh you would like some coffee yes make the boy some coffee great and uh paige is like yes yes sir and she she gets out a portable coffee machine called [ __ ] that's that's pretty fancy and gives everyone a cup of coffee oh nice um yeah new invention coffee um i made the beans once so yeah i i read about it in the newspaper that one time um anyway i'm gonna cut straight to the chase um uh it seems that the structure of power in this place has uh rearranged a little bit and it means that my previous business partner has been deposed now no no hard feelings obviously yeah he was an awful man absolutely terrible paige goes terrible absolutely awful man yes um i just have to renegotiate the contract is it okay that i still host my tournament here oh of course yeah we were gonna enter it oh perfect right well ragnarok ragnar has been excited about this for days we're not going to ruin that for him yeah we missed it we've just been trying to kill the time and some stuff happened but yeah yeah we ended up liberating the city and killing the main the leader of everything but you know it's just how we kill time we can run it this this evening if you want oh [ __ ] wow ragnar are you up for that i'm in i i i i was i was hoping it could be done sooner than later [ __ ] yeah dude let's do this this recent coup d'etat as um the uh he points over to louie the clock these guys nicely put it it it it really like boosted tourism surprisingly um people love a good bloodbath and yeah they also hated big top so um this new welcoming atmosphere is attracting a lot of new audiences i mean yeah a lot could happen in one night that's crazy how long were we asleep like a weezy you're that might have something to do with how like something will happen in our lives and then it'll feel like it's been two weeks since that moment and i can't remember anything that happened we're sleeping for weeks at a time here in this universe all right i i assume we could just do a verbal contest on this i know how adverse you guys are to signing contracts i'm not signing anything instead um as long as they have your permission to still host the thing that is fine with me you got the like giant arena thing all set up like we're not going to ask you to take that down so yeah we're good to go all right paige write that down we're good to go put that on the put that on the posters can we quote you on that sure put out a quote william d chapston we're good to go so how does this work do we like show up like and draw lots for the tournament or like oh um yes this evening big old coliseum outside you saw it uh yeah some of the other participants are getting ready out there um where i can show you to the uh to the preparation area and we will announce the brackets for the first round of the tournament you can meet your fellow competitors and uh when it comes to rules are weapons allowed anything goes everything's allowed killing killing is not disallowed but is discouraged uh that's all i needed to know we won't fault you for murder but people are allowed to give up if somebody gives up and then you kill them then that's murder well it depends on whether or not they're an old man but yeah sure i could yeah sure sure i'd rather keep this a friendly competition guys no no no turo i didn't say i was going to kill anyone yes i did not say it either [ __ ] competition we're here to you know to have some fun we don't need to murder everybody yeah i didn't say that it'd say that unless they're trying to kill us oh yeah i mean like if the prize is the new world there's gonna be some strong enemies here which is why i'm excited i don't care about the new world i just want to fight someone that's strong yeah hopefully we don't there's yeah to be some strong enemies i do have to warn you there will probably be some weak ones too some people uh secret between you and me some people think they're a little bit too big for their boots but um but not you lot you lot uh my favorite is to win the tournament honestly you lot have great strength you've really proved yourself and you saved my life i'm not saying that that's gonna add to the favoritism it's still gonna be a fair match isn't that right paige yes fair and square but i'm saying that you've got my support oh it's very kind of you i'll be cheering you on i'll i'll get one of those big big fingers that devil's like pirates written on it big fingers yeah sounds fun paige make me a big finger i i i'll do it as soon as i can get it done the next few hours i need a big finger stat all right well i'm glad we could come to this arrangement uh again let me congratulate you on your new territory uh do we refer to you as kings or are you fine no don't do that just this by name is fine just william i'm more of a knight the king is kind of i mean you can be called whatever you want duros is a knight ragnar is a bear verona's what title do you want for ona okay well then it's just verona then sniper yeah i wonder what it would say like ragnar the bear i could put in a good word for you with the man who writes the bounty epitaphs i've got a lot of business connections i'm all about pr and advertising with the marines that's pretty impressive i'm a neutral party marines pirates as long as i can make money i can make money i mean hey that's a business man right there what's up rona tell them that i don't want one unless it's really really really cool all right what is really cool that's not for me to decide okay i mean there's a guy that probably decides all this there actually is he's a vice admiral oda revealed his name but i can't remember what it is um yeah he's a good friend of mine yeah there that guy yeah yeah oh god talk to him about it well then there you go then yeah what suggestions do you guys have i mean just like devil's luck william would be good for me i guess you know i am trying to be really funny okay verona the funny man you can't just say that like it would be like the clown i don't think you would want that but we've been clowns multiple times i don't see the problem here do you want to be the clown verona i mean like that's fine i mean clowns are funny right joe they are yeah that's pretty good cracker shot a crack shot yeah you're a genius yeah i like that killing joke that's just pretty good too actually yeah uh what about you right now kill people with my jokes oh i i said it already ragnar the bear the bear and dyros hmm i really thought of it i would just spend the night really you could be like the devil's night or the royal knight you could you could be any type of knife the wolf knight that'd be cool pirate knight yeah the pirates knight oh that's a nice vibe the dark knight no that sounds copyright yeah so we've got the killing the dark knight the black knight no that's another problem wait yeah i guess he's got issues with that and louie's like can a white knight no that's even worse hold on larry says can my epithet be louis clock the battlement begins [Laughter] louis the batman starring robert pattinson leclark [Laughter] do you want to be the the golden wolf oh the golden old wolf yeah the golden wolf here because golden means golden can be like good but it's also your armor is golden and you are the wolf it is very iconic i should say cyril's got to be the water boy that's that's a good one for him yeah all right see you guys at the tournament all right we gotta prepare we got we got stuff to do tonight oh man we got we gotta we gotta plan this this is gonna be one-on-one fights it's not gonna be one-on-one fights oh it's gonna be five and five fights oh okay it's a crew it's a crew tournament oh all right then perfect versus crew 5v5 all right we have to pick our top five fighters or the top five people that can contribute to this fight so we got to pick one more person jimmy how do you feel captain no captain i'm jimmy over here so pearl yeah pearl's been with us for the longest i think she's also the dragon thing i mean you can't have a competition with that pearl it wouldn't feel right you know what here's a dark horse gravy because he won't kill anyone it's not it's not a fight to the death it's not an assassination it's just he doesn't like that but he doesn't want to hurt people he doesn't like to hurt people maybe if we're up against like some robots yeah but that's not a guarantee the robot the robo pirates do we know who we're fighting before we go yeah can we see a bracket please um oh wait i did write down some names bumblebeard crumblebeard and mumblebeard the record the uh the groups will be decided um once you guys arrive at the uh arena but you'll be able to talk to your opponents before the match are we allowed to swap between rounds like once we submit a lineup for top r5 each round the next round okay oh cool we could switch out people all right nice i think jimmy should get a little bit more fighting experience hey i'm jimmy over here [Laughter] we should all have r we should all have really cool team outfits that's what that's on williams okay okay okay okay all right who are you gonna commission for those outfits we could go around town i mean we're safe we saved this entire town whoever is in charge of making outfits in this town all right is helper still around we could ask him do you want us to help her i mean he's right helper who's the best tailor in all of the oasis sorry you hear a jingling and a bike rides up did somebody call for helper i did in fact take this he gives you a little bell ring that anytime you need me oh that's convenient okay so who's the best uh tailor who can make a set of like like like a team uniforms for the whole crew in time for tonight oh you know who was a really good taylor please tell me he's not dead please tell me it wasn't uh kevin do you know do you know who's the second best tailor kevin um there's a little there's a little joint down the way um it is uh oh no i'm not quite sure on the name i never visit there myself i i get all my i do all my tailoring myself okay he shows his jacket that's kind of like got patchwork i mean he's kind of dressed a little bit like a substitute teacher um okay he looks like me yeah he looks like me with a little bow tie and a little patchwork jacket on do you want to be a substitute teacher no i just think i look like a substitute teacher i don't think so but okay alternate he's alternative timeline me um but he's not because he has a slight american accent i think that we should there is a tailor place um just down the yonder i can't remember who runs it but i could vouch for a couple of my friends went there um okay i'll check it out and i'll uh i'll see if we can get some cool cool outfits thank you yeah okay so you guys gonna go to the taylor shop i mean i i could just i mean you know what do you guys want for outfits i mean uh i'm thinking of something really cool and opposing you know imposing i guess i should say why don't we just get like ours i think i would like a cape a queen king and why doesn't everyone just get capes yeah yeah i was like we could have like cloaks and stuff and like we could take them off if it could get too encumbering but like yeah let's get capes and [ __ ] yeah yeah oh no team you uh that works for me i don't really wear clothes yeah with nothing underneath that sounds amazing i want like you know a really cool cloak kind of like i want like a really anime ridiculous kind of outfit you know like black but like gold trim you know like that kind of crap yeah i can't really change my outfit captain so a cape is really all i can do maybe i can have a hat though yeah we could get you an awesome hat yeah it's a really cool hat and cape i'd like to we could do that with like the devil's luck sigil on the hat and everything yeah yeah yeah we could do that all right so you you go um you you go into town explore into town do you go down the sh the street that helper pointed out and you do find the uh the taylor's shop um and it's it's called olden fabric nice um okay and it you know it looks relatively well put together uh but doesn't look prosperous put together but non-prosperous if you can put two things together sure um i walk in you walk in and behind the counter is this like really old man like i'd say like maybe even maybe in his 90s he like looks up slowly and goes oh who's that is that you no uh i i get in front of william and just kind of hold him back a little just in case i i i i'm not gonna kill him although thank you for your concern this guy's about to fall over and die any second we have to be i just wanted an outfit i didn't want this to be a struggle of my character hello hi what is your name welcome to olden fabrics my name is is william this is my crew my hands like on my sword william what a lovely name yeah um anyway to cut to the chase uh we are here we're gonna do this uh tournament tonight and we need team outfits so i was wondering if you could just make those for us team outfits yeah something really cool with our with our pirate sigil on it hats and i i wanted like a uh i wanted like a yellow shirt with like a vest like a black vest and like the sigil on the back of the vest that'd be cool yeah oh show me this situa young man all right i show him i could draw it or if i have anything with it on me you know like what it looks like what a nice design it was designed by a fan of ours i'm gonna put the it i mean it's it's in the wiki i'll put the link in the description as well um yeah i forget who did it but he was an awesome guy have you ever done art before this is incredible i mean yeah no i i mean like yeah but in universe it was designed by jasper yes yeah jasper was the one yeah yeah in the universe yeah so yeah now this was a friend of ours that uh drew it for us back in the day did i come with william or did we stay at the i'm assuming you guys are all i mean i must have came with to hold this guy back right now so yeah yeah yeah i'm just assuming you all kind of came with me yeah um i just want to cape with our with our cape i can do capes science honestly there's a black piece of fabric that could tie together as long as it has the design on the back i think that's cool that'll work yeah yeah he doesn't like clothes well i can um i could put something you want it by when uh like tonight [Laughter] don't have a heart attack old man we could we could pay you very well are you okay sorry ah i felt my life flash before my eyes almost almost died there um i don't think i i don't know if this guy could actually i can do it i will just have to charge extra oh yeah sure that's fine i mean we did save the city from everybody but okay sure wait what we killed big top big top is he in any way related to big bozo yeah i thought so too yeah but maybe not is he anyway related to the dice king oh my god is he the guy is he is he the guy that killed the dice king i don't know who the dice king is wait a second i take out the ring and i show him the ring like does this mean anything to you yeah it's too small for me to see all right then put it back in my pocket um i um big top he was the new guy right i i guess he was the new guy that killed the dice king i don't know the history of this place um right all right sorry i don't keep up i don't read the news so big top your big top yeah sure we're the new big top yeah oh nice to meet you mr big top nice to meet you too old man i like i shake his hand but very like you hear like the crunching of his bones is he shaking he needs those hands he needs those hands look look look we just we'll pay you whatever we'll pay you whatever we just need the outfits by tonight i can make it for free guys don't repossess my house like you threatened to do that one time no we won't tell you what we've changed our minds you can keep all your property what was that uh what's his name card man we definitely killed the we're the card man too yeah we're everybody yeah well cardmakers before dice king your dad is all now gone you're good outfits you'll be good yeah right also wait throw some t-shirts throw some t-shirts in there too for the rest of our crew are you saying i'll be free if i make these yeah make these do whatever you want we don't with your very short life yeah yes oh yes yes you hear that martha she he looks over at an urn on his desk i'll finally [Laughter] oh my lord verona can you you can animate the ring now right i thought you were going to tell me to animate the iron no no no no no we can find out please we can find out the rig where the ring is not important how many captain i know can we like how many animations do you have a day now six i mean we're gonna fight in this tournament but if you want to use one now i think we would be okay i mean hand me the ring no no animate the urn i don't really care about them i will not allow you to desecrate the dead it'll give him a chance to talk to his dead wife all right i think this guy's probably gonna actually die if he sees his wife's urn running around save your animations we might really need it further hey you could before the battle though we could look around town to see if you can find any objects like weapons and stuff to animate in the battle that would be cool you want to look i mean we see if they have any shops that maybe you can get something because we have a lot of money now too yeah yeah i mean you you i would like a nice gun you also run this entire place now so doesn't it matter maybe we can find you a gun that never misses if such an object could ever exist i could really use one of those yeah okay let's find a gun that just received a gun that maybe fires a bunch of rounds at once maybe that like like is there like a firearm shop nearby that'd be cool i think shotguns we could get you a shotgun's existing one piece like that's like you know spreadshot something like that just something to increase range with you let's go see what they have if there is decreases range wouldn't it i mean no it decreases spread decreases range yeah okay well okay let's get a long-range shotgun those problems okay right you guys head out that ring first okay you're looking at the shops wait are you animating the ring yeah no i'm not i i don't i don't really care about it right now i feel like this of want is hear about this ring all right all right fine wait i don't know are you hearing something in your head like is it calling to you is it your precious [Laughter] i'm assuming there's like a little end table or something in this room anything like that someone else's object talk to them too i pull i pull the end table i pull the end table in front of all four of us i lay the ring right on the center of it i'm like okay verona do your magic do your do your thing i just tap the ring and the ring grows little arms and legs and eyes and gets up and looks around thoughtfully howdy it is nice to see you um i wondered when i would i would be brought to life um that's so okay who are you that's the thing oh i i haven't i don't have a name um all right well what okay who who do you um what's your deal just tell me your deal oh oh my deal yeah oh i i have been around for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years oh [ __ ] you sound valuable i am very very valuable maybe the most valuable thing whoever owned me before had um but i uh possess other qualities as well okay such as are they rubber and gum they're rubber oh my god are you serious no no of course not um i don't know if i want to tell you who are you guys well i command you to tell us so you don't really have a choice yeah he looks off at verona and goes you've got a really good point [Laughter] the supreme the supreme ruler i make whoever wears me extremely lucky oh in more ways than one such as uh well i i so such as in all things um mechanically it lets you uh grant advantage on a certain amount of things a day it's just sort of a really good [ __ ] boon um but be warned if you put me on you may not be able to take me off oh so that's the catch okay is that yeah is that all knows [Laughter] you're just a ring i mean the only real downside of having a ring stuck on your finger is you know if you get you know if you gain some weight and it gets stuck on you that's pretty much is that the only downside i can't really think of many of them i guess worst case scenario someday you might have to lose a finger i don't really lose i don't really wear rings so i couldn't tell you the downsides i mean i would love to put it on but i don't think it'll fit these hands i'm [Laughter] good question uh it's always been your thing captain i'm already lucky enough i'm thinking about verona getting it because maybe he won't shoot us if he's wearing the thing i don't well i mean i think we are the devil's luck pirates we could all use a little bit of luck and we all have a little bit of luck of our own i think any of us could value this ring i guess the question is what ring size are you we need to know oh i am he i can adjust myself you should be like pretty funny i got the properties i saw someone say like oh why did you could just ask them to to what they want instead of you could skip all this role-playing stuff but it's like this it's not just a dragons this role-playing stuff is the whole point that's why we're here that's why we're here if that's the case it'd be like oh you guys wanna you wanna go find it you guys want outfits okay you got em yeah okay great um i'm fine with pretty much any of us having the ring but i feel like the fact it was calling to ragnar so much is a little scary so i don't know i don't know i feel like i'm set with my luck i just seem like a lucky guy and i have something that already talks to me yeah so ragnar verona i'd say either of you if you want it you can have it what do you think i'm already wearing a wearing i got my wedding ring oh that's nice i i think verona should have it all right okay i just slip it on all right you slip on the ring not that fingerprinted there's a code okay is ragna is ragnar's wedding ring made of wood is it ragna um i would say partly it's like wood with like gold embroidered okay that's cool okay some good wood okay yeah okay i'm actually gonna add hot change it to the this is exactly gonna be it's gonna be like the wizards divinity ability where at the start of the day you can roll two d20s and then during the day you can change out two roles for those d20s because i think that's a really fun than just giving it advantage or disadvantage or something so okay so do you do that now then yeah so i'm gonna it's gonna be like a ring of divinity um nice so yeah just roll roll 2d 20s um verona right now all right so at 14 and an 11. so at any point during the day you can replace a roll with a 14 or an 11. and that could be an enemy's role your role or teammate's role wow okay that's not bad that's bad that's basically like the luck feat essentially what i do okay yeah but it's like you're specifically you get to choose the number and it's right it is like wizards divinity if your division divinity wizard is what they get but you just won't be able to get like for two shots if you get two crit fails which might actually you can switch out quicker there you go yeah you can uh prevent a crit and you get two of those a day okay okay there you go i think it's gonna poach it or something you're gonna scrub it down in well while uh the old man's working on his uh on our outfits you know when you want to go look for uh like a weapon shop then oh yeah yeah he's working all right you you walking through the city there there is a variety of weapon shops um and when you look into the windows of a lot of these weapon shots it just seems like they're selling like regular weapons right nothing of crazy importance um i mean you can go inside one if you want to hmm we should go inside the shadiest one because they might have the they might have the you they might have the black market stuff in the go down you go down like an alleyway you go down you go through a bunch of weird it's almost like a maze of streets yeah and then you open up you see this thing that says like really shady weaponry please don't go inside the place right there that's where you want to get your weapons why would you advertise not to have business that seems weird because that's what that's how they get you that's how they get it please don't click on this video you know yeah don't click here if you don't want to win a new car you wanted an effective tactic yeah do you open the door hey turos you should open this door i will open the door fine captain yes let's go inside you're the one clad in heavy armor regardless regardless of how much force you open the door with it still slowly creaks open don't explain don't don't ask how that works but it must be some sort of weird magic door that will only ever creepily creak open no matter how you like try to force it open it the lights shine there's a hood and hooded finger behind the desk and he's like welcome um but you can't quite hear him because he's whispering he seems quite welcoming i think that's what he said i'm not sure welcome to my store uh hi hello we wish to purchase items from you you want to buy one of my wares excuse me let me come up a little closer [Laughter] what's really a friend it's really dark in here is there like a light switch or anything no don't turn the light on the light turns on and like this the entire room is like it's like pink and white and it looks it's like there's like plush toys all over the place and the guy puts down his hood and he's like why would you do that i was trying to make this all scary and spooky well you ruined my fun i told mummy to take that light away but she said i needed that i needed light but i want you want to buy a gun huh is that what you want i have a gun uh verona you you go ahead tell him what kind of gun do you have i have um he gets out what looks like like a multi-colored water gun i have this gun waters okay what is it it's a gun it's huge a million barry okay kid i like to slam my hand all right listen up that bullshit's not gonna fly with us i'm just telling you that right now as a warning okay what would you have over me huh you do notice that he is like a quite a young boy like probably like 13 14. what what is that what does that mean huh can we talk to your mother please oh excuse us grown-ups are here trying to do business with other grown-ups are you causing trouble again and you down the stairs behind of this this like kind of poorly middle-aged woman comes down what did i say about pretending to be an evil shady gun shop this is the third time this week it's all right everybody goes through the phase where they want to be like an anime villain everybody goes through it i apologize for my son what is anime uh that's something we watched back in my home village it's it's kind of an underground sort of thing you wouldn't know i apologize for my son semanium sommany emmanuel um when i gave birth to him i didn't have a name prepared so that it was so when the doctor asked what i should name him i panicked but don't tell him that all right he's standing right there oh [ __ ] i've actually heard of that happening before it's that's okay well we could say it in an accident to make it sound good sir manuel sir manuel that's a good one yeah yes well little sir manuel how about that i hate you mother you never loved me one day i'm gonna be the best gun merchant of the whole i'm gonna sell a big gun small gun medium gun all guns no no that kid's got yeah he's got conviction if nothing else yeah yeah i like that you dream big you want to do something try to be the best in the world i am i will be the best in the world at selling guns so you're telling me you don't actually have any guns to sell right now i have this gun one million barry points at the [ __ ] water gun do i is it like just a water gun yeah well because do you mind if i try it out shut kick down it's just on the off chance it's a real you can try it out all right pick it up i'm just gonna like fire away from everybody uh it just splits out water okay in that case i turn it back around and score the kid in the face as you turn around to the point of the kid he puts his hand up he goes do you squirt it in his face just very slowly just oh i am bouncing oh he's fine but he oh i'm dying no wow this thing is really powerful kid you'll find a good person to buy it someday was that an acid gun i already have one of those ragnar uh oh my god i'll i'll pay a hundred berry for it and the mother's like come on sir manuel you might as well okay fine 100 berry i don't have any money i'm like it's just awkward for a moment and then i put 100 berry coin on the counter here you go kid there you go is that like a fair amount of i don't know that's like it's literally a dollar okay it's like a dollar store squirt gun we just wanted all right kid i know you agreed to it but a thousand berries seems more fair i like your ambition you got this you could do it we're taking we're buying this water i just kind of look at it i look at ragnar like all right sure it's not all right we have enough but still like i mean what what's a thousand barriers i know it's not much i don't know it's a it's like a plastic squirt gun it's ten dollars the mother says thank you kind man what is your name no problem uh my name is ragnar i'm a bear frag no like the like the famous businessman no um but when we're when we're sailing the seas it gets pretty hot sometimes and my fur gets really uh my hair gets i get hot so this is actually might come in handy oh oh great you hear this emmanuel you helped someone out maybe i will become a really good merchant one day i think you will be kid just you got to work on your presentation a little bit yeah i will i'll do my best now i need to find quality merchandise i i think what you had going with the whole spooky vibe wasn't bad but you you can't sell a water gun for him for a million barry yeah you gotta at least look at this axe my oh [ __ ] my daddy always told me that you should always go high so the so that you can bargain for a good price that's not a bad idea but you also have to you can't go too high okay you got to have you got to learn a little bit about like haggling and stuff i'll do my best now is there any story i look to the mother i'm like now we're looking for some quality firearms here he won't find many quality firearms in the oasis um do you have something that can okay verona gets the job done here verona has sometimes a hard time shooting things do you have any gun that could help him shoot more things [Laughter] yeah are you going to the new world i'm sure you'll find i'm sure you'll find good guns in the new world all right all right well that sounds promising well okay well what do you sell we don't we don't we don't sell anything i don't wait wait wait wait wait we just walked into their house this is just my house yeah this is just my house my son keeps doing this wishing he keeps changing whilst i'm upstairs cooking dinner oh oh i'm sleeping my son always renovates the house and makes it turn into a shop so we keep having strangers in here and honestly you guys have been the nicest strangers that we've had i mean yeah there's a sign outside that like literally identifies this as a store i mean if you read the sign it's it's clearly written by a child oh yeah she was inside and pointed it it's like really terrible handwriting yeah but we've also run across a lot of shop owners that don't know how to read or write properly so we just assumed that was a standard i just thought that was normal around here yeah aren't they all like written like that like i can't really write that well yeah so we just don't even pay attention to punctuation or grammar anymore we just kind of go wherever hope you enjoy the rest of your meal well thank you for your squirt gun sorry to disrupt you during your dinner thank you for being so kind now so manuel lunch is ready dinner is ready food is ready come upstairs we have our kitchen upstairs and we just leave and like that was a weird encounter i'm like girl's just like inspecting the door i wonder why it opened so slowly as you inspect the door you see there's like a heavy weight behind it like a whole bunch of like plush toys that are like making it heavier to to open up oh and oh my god and there was also a little a little like small little kids jukebox that's like playing a creaky creaking creepy noises it's quite inventive that little man he's gonna grow up to be a great like i don't know artificer or something i don't know it's the term a great guy all right so that was a bust i don't know what else do you guys want to do if anything until the tournament how much longer until the tournament i kind of just want to go i mean yeah pick up your you can pick up your cloaks and just get she said yeah apparently they're having dinner so we're getting close to the end of the day we got to get moving okay close let's go pick up our clothing all right you swing by back to the tailor's shop um he he looks up he's got all the cloaks on the table because i hope that to your liking i i also asked for like just some extra t-shirts for pearl and everybody i have like like band t-shirts or whatever like here we go all right thank you so much for that what was your name again oh i forgot how okay no no no no thank you how i just walk out the door i might know before you go am i free yeah oh yes of course okay free to do whatever you want and you see his soul leave his body and he drops down to the ground oh i didn't do it i didn't do it i didn't touch him you shook his hand earlier captain oh [ __ ] oh what have you done why i i mean this is odd we did a good deed right i robbed the cash register all right wait no that didn't i mean he's not using it anymore i mean yeah i put my hands on william's shoulder how did he do it huh how'd you do it he gave his last bit of life to make us badass outfits again why don't i believe that that's the story i'm gonna tell everyone verona that's what we're sticking to it's crazy i'll figure out how you did it i walk over his i walk over his corpse and i break into the cash register open up the cash register um you open up the cash register and it's just empty he wasn't dead wasn't he yes is there anything in there no it's it's it's empty all right well okay i put 100 barry in the cash register just for the sake of there you go buddy he had something to live for okay yeah there's a lot of people that have died in this city since we've arrived there's a lot of people who have died full stop uh yeah okay all right um but i'm up now yeah i put let's put on our outfits out wheel everything should be better from here on out leave the shop you turn around to look at it and the sign has disappeared and it's just a regular house weird i open the door and you open the door and it's just an empty like no furniture just an empty house oh guys i think it was a ghost i just slowly i slowly shut the door and i just walk away i'm like i don't even have we don't have time for this when i'm tired it was apparently a haunted shop and the old man gave his whatever okay so it was cloaks are done actually we have our really badass outfits that's all that matters you know all right so you guys get to the elevator okay and you i mean you go back up to the surface i assume you're heading to coliseum bound you're just swinging by your ship first yeah uh yes yes we gotta get well we have to pick up pearl and the crew the crew will come with us is like they'll sit next to in case we yeah so you you go up the elevator pineapple juice shop uh you guys had any pineapple juice before you head out we'll grab one just for good measure yeah bro grabs the pineapples we'll be upset yeah of course you head out uh there's your ship as they see you come paul immediately waves and goes captain captain yes hello welcome back congratula she just flies down and she cool we got your t-shirts here you go for me yeah for everybody it's the t-shirt on how was it how was the fight with big top how did it all go we've been keeping an eye on in inspector sterling up here uh all right let me break it down for you we can let him go now oh oh [ __ ] that guy yeah we were interrogating him sorry did you did you see a little little guy run up onto the ship by chance you see little ricky run up here she she looks down at her shoe i did step on some just joking yeah of course of course i did [Laughter] of course i was gonna say did he not get stepped on on his way up to the little ricky yes um he's on the ship right now we wasn't sure if he was lying or not but gravy trusts him and i mean gravy trusts everyone um so you're saying he was with you guys yeah he's gonna be our new accountant yeah an accountant but we don't even really deal with money we mostly just steal yeah but you have to keep money straight i have a hard enough time keeping money straight here you know so we just stole like 100 000 berries or 500 000 berries or something yeah you killed big so you're saying that little ricky's going to be keeping track of all the finances finances instead of you i mean i'll still okay out of character i'll still be taking care of it but yeah i was i was i was wondering if this was taking being like finally now keep track of all the money and i don't have to anymore no but um i don't know maybe there could be like maybe little ricky could make some investments in the stock market so we could get some money like he could invest in the one-piece equivalent of bitcoin or whatever and like ever yeah okay i i you you've lost your mind anyway let's get back with the come back to the ship um we've been um we've been trying to interrogate sterling but he won't tell us anything but i guess we don't need you anymore we can just let him go i mean it's cool i mean we killed we could kill this luigi looking [ __ ] he points over oh jimmy this is this is jimmy that was not very nice i'm jimmy yeah you try to kill me he's going to be our detective like our spy on the crew it's going to be cool i'm a spy now i thought he was going to be a musician i'm a musician he's both a musician spy he's a talented man what can i say yeah wow two new crew members wow right i wasn't expecting it either she goes up to shake jimmy's hand and goes well welcome to the crew jimmy um nice clay she points at the clay thing you made for for him they're like the little clay oh yeah yeah oh you mean wax the wax wax sorry wax nice wax and she leads you guys back to the ship and as you get onto the ship you see inspector sterling with his silver fox hair uh with a cigarette in one mouth kind of bloodied and beaten a little bit tied up to the uh ship mast oh god i am so sorry sir i go over i'm like look just you're free just don't fight us please we have other stuff going on i cut him free what's the situation with big tough he's dead we killed him and we're now the new leaders that oversee this entire city yeah talk to helper for more information on that yeah help is alive helper is alive all right he's the one good all i wanted to do was try and keep laura in a lawless city well now you can now with helper you can yeah you can try now yeah i don't know if you'll succeed but you could sure as hell try he opens up his other mouth sorry i didn't i didn't say he has a cigarette in one mouth yeah i meant because he had it on the side of his mouth that went like one part of his mouth very mixed emotions about this uh your redhead over here was beating the [ __ ] out of me alyssa that's awesome i just thought i could be helpful you know i thought i was trying interrogating him about big top but he was a this is a tight lip bastard this one verona you were right yeah you're not hurting i even got this fancy ring you where did you get that ring i found it in a safe in his office oh okay it looks great well i do love my man so i mean the captain loved verona so much that he decided to give him the ring i make a joke that it's an engagement ring i'm kidding i lean in to listen i'm like i'm kidding we all know it's okay what are you guys talking about nothing um verona i may just i made you something else um oh i uh i she she holds up like a like a ball um oh it's like a silver ball yeah kind of like that oh yeah um it's a it's an explosive oh um don't blow up your own hands just kind of steps away a little bit i was i was fantastic i was analyzing those explosives that you uh that you gave me to to look at that you got from um those uh from the those clown people you said you got them from um and i managed to make this thing it uh it explodes on on on contact i i immediately shuffle away from that one how big of a explosive radius are we talking about well here's the thing is i was trying to um that's the conversation i want to have with you would you prefer it to be a smaller sort of radius or a bigger one bigger one gets more enemies of course but you have a bigger risk of hitting yourself and i know that you like to hit your teammates but i don't know if you like to hit him that much i love how that's just like yeah verona hits and that's like yeah that's like as hobbies he likes to do that what is something i should know maybe not necessarily with explosives i'd say maybe keep the radius a little smaller a little smaller well she takes takes it out of your hand i can make a small little minor adjustments to make it a little bit smaller they do take a little bit of time to make but and you know they're not salvageable because they explode um yeah i still haven't thought of a good name for it but um she puts in her pocket uh i'll keep on working on it for you the bernie ball thank you oh the ball breaker that's a good one it's a jojo's reference because it's a ball and then yeah part seven um well just make sure you don't drop the ball on that dad you're not yeah wait yes yeah so wait it explodes on contact with enough force oh with enough force okay so don't drop that [ __ ] thing yeah don't drop it this does not seem like oh god oh [ __ ] is it look you are a comedian you are a comedian yeah i guess i'm getting better every day actually oh uh i'm just going to stay away but ferona your new your new uh room on the ship is like as as far away from everywhere else as possible uh okay like we're gonna have like a rope on the back of the the ship and there's just another boat behind it and that's your room and that's like because if you explode it doesn't take the rest of us with us um all right just for people yep go ahead i was gonna say for people in chat i already have a reference to adam with my explosive bullets so you guys he does yeah no yeah this all your entire arsenal was named after adam yeah yeah he left quite the impression he was a great man it was the ball if you could do that well anyway so uh we are all going to enter a tournament uh that's what the shirts and the cool outfits are for five of us five of us can enter per round pearl we're thinking about making you for the first round and then we could switch out depending on i'm you know i'm ready and willing captain i've been doing this awesome everybody can show up gravy i know you don't like to fight but we made you an extra large t-shirt you could just show up and just on the sidelines and make people snacks and stuff if you want that's fine you know jimmy's like looking at the ship like wow this is one mighty fine this is crazy how i'm on a ship over here never been on a ship i was on a ship once as a child and he looks down energetically well you're on now one as an adult and it's gonna be awesome yeah we're gonna sail the seven seas yeah gravy comes out from below deck with little ricky on his shoulder they're obviously having a little bit of a conversation a little bit of a chin wag and little wicky little wiki [ __ ] it ricky looks up and goes ah my friends um this is a mighty fine ship you have here i was just looking through your treasury and trying to organize all the things you have you have a lot of random junk um i like it that way we do yes there's like nothing but like like all of jarossa's hats and like i have lots of hats there's just a room on the yogi poo you just open up it's just nothing but hats um with help from gravy i've i've organized everything i obviously couldn't move it myself but he's a lovely chap i love this little guy gravy says um he like pats him on the head the little ricky it's good to have you guys back i made your i made you guys um some bacon sandwiches i heard the news i thought you would appreciate it oh my god we're still not over em yeah baby you're a good man good man gravy in honor of kevin okay i guess everyone has a the american national anthem plays i don't know why um [Laughter] just feels like funeral music is that like our national dish yeah i just felt i felt like it was right to have a bunch of people eating bacon sandwich whilst oh say okay can you see tears in your eyes it zooms out and there's like a [ __ ] kevin bacon's face smiling down um good old kevin we'll always be in our memories all right well uh let's just i guess head over to the coliseum with everybody and figure out what who we're fighting i want to change something uh my friend yeah you should flip it down where's cyril oh [ __ ] she was still below deck i can get him for you how's that i'd love to see him how's he feel um cyril the the captain's back cyril comes out he sort of looks up and goes hello to us fred we saved the city he was safe we established order everyone's alive and well there everyone's alive big top well big top's dead because he was evil and he literally tried to kidnap you and everyone else and he was also dead before we got there we could tell we didn't yeah yeah we could tell them yeah yeah people that worked below big top you should see helper right now this man is thriving yeah helpers working everybody else everybody else is alive and well yeah yeah oh yep that's that's he gives like a weak little smile that's good i'm sure there was some casualties we're not going to lie to you we we fought of war but now the city yeah should have less walking slot machine that thing we had to kill ourselves in the process that was pretty rough yeah don't call him a walking slot machine that's my father oh oh right yeah you hatched out of an egg put some respect on his name wait all right sure but didn't he leave before you even hash out of the egg how do you know that how would you even i just know it's in my dna i choose to have that make sense in my mind well he's alive so he's alive he should be right that card on the other hand no it should be oh yeah all right well i mean we did save this [ __ ] did i i and i stay true to my word and we saved this city cyril so you have nothing to fear we can be good friend you seem kind of dejected i uh yeah i'm i'm sorry i i'm cyril let me ask you something cyril i kind of get down on one knee i'm like cyril you don't want to be a pirate do you are you guys going to the new world we were planning on it if we were going to win this tournament which we're totally going to by the way i'm just i'm i'm i'm just hey pope puts a hand on his shoulder and goes it's okay sir you can you can say i'm just sick of seeing death i don't i just i just don't i just can't anymore i just i felt like i know you guys do try to do the right thing but and i don't i just sick of seeing so much death cyril you're not you're not a slave on this ship you you you're free to leave whenever you want i just don't know where i would go i just don't know what to do this is the only place i feel safe he doesn't have to leave captain if he says he doesn't want to see people die perhaps gravy could use some existence yeah yeah you could be a cook trying to talk to the boy a little bit it's just um it's really shaking him up what happened on uh chronograph yeah i don't think you're cut out for like marines or pirate life though cyril i mean you're pretty strong when you know every now and then but you know if you don't want to you don't want to see people fight and that's okay it's just such a waste i i just i get nightmares sometimes oh [ __ ] get them before and it it really i don't i know you guys are doing the right thing i just i'm so conflicted we really need to get a psychologist on this crew like a psychiatrist or something yeah i don't know what this name is i'm literally flying on the wing and a prayer here i have no idea cyril let me ask you a question what do you want to do what do you want to do with your life like what like you have any goals when i was growing up my only goal was to impress my brother i just wanted people to be proud of me and you shouldn't live your life trying to impress others you should follow what your own i never was able to now i don't really know i just want to be i just um i don't know it sounds like you sh it sounds like you should go to school and like i don't know pursue like some different options of your life i don't know i don't know well no no you're fine you're fine cyril tell you what tell you what we still have a tournament to fight in and you don't have to fight it and if you don't want to just think about what you want to do with your life and uh you know just let us know okay we'll support you in whatever you want to do okay thank you now let's go fight in this [ __ ] tournament we're having this really heartfelt chat and i'm just like all right let's but that'll have to wait until after we're done kicking at this time okay right so you guys leave the ship with the crew i assume gravy and cyril will stay behind i mean they can come and watch i imagine graveyard can run the concession stand or something steel doesn't want to see people fight though so all right maybe you should sit this one out too sterile gravy you guys could stay behind yeah well uh it's not a fight to the death or anything yeah well but it could happen we've already discussed this it might very well happen yeah i was gonna say cyril could be our water boy but he is literally a water boy yeah that's okay but we could do it well we never figured out if it was cannibalism or not still so we'll have the four of us pearl jimmy louie uh including jimmy in this fight no no jimmy will be on the sidelines he's got to watch and learn jimmy doing this captain this is if it comes down hey if it comes down to it and everybody else dies it's gonna have to be jimmy we need five people to fight this right right so if everybody else dies we need to just have verona animate something and that would be fun then probably jimmy no that's that's that's a fair point yeah okay if jimmy doesn't learn how to fight how is he gonna become the pirate king exactly yeah okay okay jimmy expressed no interest in being the pirate king but okay sure yeah hey i just go where the wind takes me over here pirate king [ __ ] it okay you guys walk up to the colosseum um as you hear the noise of the crowd and you enter through the doors into like the preparation room and you see the faces of the other contestants there's a man and his beard is made of bees [Laughter] there's a there's a man with like huge boxing gloves and he's looking around all real tough um does he have a beard boxing glove he has a big beard as well um oh my god there's a man sort of like almost looks like he's praying in the corner he also has a beard um there is a man you see occasionally like he's like falling over himself he also has a beard um oh my god we lack we have a distinct lack of facial hair for this ragnar you might have to carry us here and they all sort of look at you as you enter and yeah we might as well to be continued there you continue what it looks like no louis louie has louie has a mustache we can lead with the mustache [Music] oh my gosh oh boy hold myself back from laughing after i made the pirate king combat uh comment i read shy like hey you have the hey i hid it in one piece over here there was roger just died so this is like he's like one of the first people that wanted to be king of the pirates i'm i'm sorry the puppeteer cried out as his throat was crushed under the boot of a hooded man body pinned helplessly to the ground behind the hooded figure an older man adorned in lavish cerulean robes wrapped around polished armor with crown atop his grizzled face sat disapprovingly on a gilded throne you know how much money and resources that place would have given me the man spoke with gravitas to his voice i should never have trusted that mission to the likes of you the man's eye started to radiate a hot bright blue light i'm sorry it was the devil [ __ ] the puppeteer winston's the hooded figure kicked him square in the ribs you forget yourself you worm you address me as nothing but your majesty i tire of your excuses i am a king blue blood runs through my veins yes your majesty a pathetic whimper that bastard sebeks underlings are already taking territory to themselves that should rightfully belong to me i can't have you getting in the way of that i'm sorry your majesty you your royal highness please i promise i could do better i have good news the king paused interest peaked oh he responded i found someone that could serve to be a powerful member of your court your majesty powerful you say we shall see about that heed my words boy don't you dare let me down again my generosity can only stretch so far [Music]
Channel: RUSTAGE2
Views: 108,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Piece, Dungeons and Dragons, D&D, DND, one piece dnd, one piece dungeons and dragons, rpg, d20, tekking101, lost pause, rustage, 2spooky, Briggs
Id: E9zyKcy8AtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 51sec (7011 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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