ONE PIECE D&D THE MOVIE | "Lost In The Crystal Lagoon" | Tekking101, Lost Pause, 2Spooky & Briggs

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[Music] hello everybody one and all and welcome to the first one-piece d movie number one the number one always sucks to just understand that when noble does his movie and briggs does his movie and spooky does his movies so what we're gonna do is everyone here will have a chance to do their own version of the movie yeah and then who was the best one at the end of it yeah we have that big pole yeah yeah yeah all right but i am here tonight with two spooky verona howdy briggs ragnar yo what is up boys and noble duros what's tracking everybody but tonight we also have rustage playing a new character if you want to say the name of your character now do you want to keep it now we'll wait until the engine juice we'll wait until the drop happens it's like in like an anime movie there's like a character that gets introduced yeah of course yeah added um and also at the same time for whatever reason some other characters might get pushed to the side and not have much to do in this episode i wonder if that might happen i'm sorry verona's not just going to be doing anything in this episode i'm sorry yeah um just a little uh heads up i i i have a touch of the sniffles at the moment so if i'm coughing at some point or yeah we're all six for those who don't save if my voice goes right in our voice goes i might have covered um yeah i hope i don't have covert i'm gonna get tested i had covered last week and it it destroyed me and it was awful but i'm feeling a little bit better now but i will okay i still have a cough yeah i think we all have coughs that makes me feel better i'm drinking this nice like throat soothing tea out of my robin mug so hopefully that'll help g-fuel with code rings i wonder if you got your hands on code briggs there okay oh my goodness but hey if we're ready to go let's just go and um you know this is a movie so we have to have a really cool bombastic opening theme to the movie yeah and thankfully thankfully spooky has animated a three minute long opening [Laughter] all right now that the movie starts with the yogi poo too just say well we actually don't have that because this this movie takes place in between uh leaving chronograd when we defeated the all mother and before we go to the oasis so if you want to put it into the timeline of one piece between pits so it's like it's kind of not cannon but it could be cannon because it's not gonna like make any plot holes yeah well uh let's not say things we can't take back here it's a bit it's a bit like the it's a bit like so find my hair academia movie where that could feasibly have happened you know yeah so fine i forget which number it is but find the episode number when we leave chronograd and it's 0.5 whatever that was okay there you go all right so basically though we're sailing away we're going originally we're gonna go to the oasis but instead uh william's reading the paper one morning and he sees an ad for this luxurious hotel and resort it's like it's the best resort in all of the grand line better than spa island better than holiday island both of those places exist in the one-piece world it's like this is the best though and william's just like you know what screw the oasis we're going on vacation everybody and they feel like they need a vacation after the horrific incidents of the last ark that they've just had after all that crap that happened after william blew his hand off by you know his own hubris that was the worst thing that happened but to william it was and uh it's just like you know we're going on vacation you know ragnar changed direction we're going to this this place instead okay so let's go uh the name of this hotel and resort is called the crystal lagoon and it's a really cool name and we pull up to it and the island looks absolutely immaculate like just picture like the one-piece equivalent of hawaii or whatever lush lush green forest hill in the background sandy beach like a modern day resort like you know big skyscrapers and buildings you see an amusement park off to the side and um the most striking thing about this place are these giant blue crystals that are just covering the whole island some of them are like the size of like houses others are the size of like like bigger than the skyscrapers they're just huge and they're covering the whole place and they look really cool and so it's like all right this is a nice place to relax you know so we dock our ship uh william gets into a little argument with the guy because he's like charging us like a valet fee in order to like park the ship and i'm just like well what is this crap i could just park the owned ship it was like you got like like 10 000 berries man i'm just like what and so i'm arguing with that guy um but eventually we we all get our our luggage and stuff and we walk into the hotel lobby there and we're all just kind of you know there use luggage yeah yeah he's he carries all of his personal belongings on himself he doesn't work well you have other personal besides clothes i assume i i have an x that's it that's the case william just looks for ragnar and it's just like all right ragnar you want to carry my bag here you go just like i got you i got you captain all right thanks so we all walk into this hotel lobby william walks up to the uh the counter the front desk and i'm just like ringing the counter i can't really see anybody behind it i'm just like hello service anybody yo i mean you still have to describe again and then out pops from underneath the desk i'll let you do the voice cause i'm assuming you've oh yeah but a um small monkey oh wearing hotel attire and uh he just pops out and lands on the counter and just looks at us i you know the notes that you set me teching like i accidentally brought it up on stream by mistake for a hard second that's they i don't know they were just nobody sorry it was for a split second and it would have been fragmented because it would have been where the cameras were we could cut it out through the river don't worry don't worry you guys didn't see anything i'll black it out in the in the edit my god i just yeah all right then cool anyway your character makes his introduction [Laughter] my character is a monkey mink he's a monkey mink uh and when he pops up he's he's dressed in like almost like um it's it's like fashionable uh yukata but with like a like a shawl sort of thing um like a like a scarf um and i don't know he's got something like cool clothes on difficult to explain he's probably gonna be the one drawn for the thumbnail so anyway watch this on youtube already knows what he kind of looks like and he makes welcome well he sounds a little bit like mickey mouse apparently welcome to um welcome to the crystal lagoon um i see you a lot of pirates if i'm not mistaken that the the devils like pirates yes devils luck pirate the brochure said that pirates were it was cool if we came here right it's all good uh pirates are good we pirates could stay here we just have to charge our extra little uh uh a little bit extra um but you how much is extra um let me do uh the calculations here hmm we about three times extra you have to understand like we put we take a big risk having you guys here so well i'm taking out like our wallet like the collective wallet and i'm like all right how much is extra triple what is it it's about 1 million barry holy [ __ ] that's like all the money we have well three hundred and twenty how much you forgot to stay here i i know it's a really weird number divided by three but you know my boss didn't think about that part of it that's that's like no i guess he didn't like i didn't get the repeating three part don't know why our regular price to stay here is 333 333 belly he likes repetition he clearly must like some form of repetition um we could always we could always get more i'm like dunstan checks in this is a robbery well it is a really nice area i did see that amusement park out there that did look a lot of fun so i mean we have we have plenty of abusers we have uh let's see here a beach an amusement park a casino restaurant okay restaurants slash bars uh scuba diving nature trails the lot that's that sounds lovely we need a break from our piratey deeds that we've been in the last couple of weeks i hesitantly take out the money and just like lay it on the counter and just like there you go fine do we have that much captain we like we have like 50 000 berries left so don't don't tell him that of course we have all the money duros we're pirates after all we're super rich what if we just win it all back at the casino i think that's the plan all right we could do that maybe give that a shot i might hit the casino um wait could we have just said whether we weren't pirates and had more money he well we sailed here on the giant flag thing so i recognize one of the most wanted pirates in the grand line you guys killed vice admiral arsene yeah we did do that that was pretty cool you you're lucky that i mean we don't we don't you know this is is essentially protection from ratting you out to the marine money fine whatever just take it all right um everybody um captain's orders go have fun i guess we'll meet up back here at the hotel lobby next to the fountain in a couple of hours um yeah sure so at this point i'm going to and just assume that like cyril pearl everybody also just kind of goes does what they want to do yeah i mean i can try to do their voices really quick here like pearl's like pearl come with me oh darros i just i i really want to see the amusement park and then cyril's like i want to go to the amusement park with pearl and so she they're gonna go there that's my best pearl and that's my best cereal that's what's insane louie's like i i see in the brochure there is a mime performance on the beach i i will go there [Laughter] no there [ __ ] isn't there's no vibes on my island that's his first advertising then why would you know it is advertising it i love everything in this gosh dang word but i i just don't like mine nobody likes vibes that's why we don't have them on the island none of us anyway um at this point i just want to ask uh your individual how do your how would your characters relax guys so i guess we could just start with verona and see verona would be doing a tropical hotel resort so verona's just sitting here like i just finally got revenge and closure from my father's death after all this time i have not had one waking moment of peace and tranquility i don't know what to do with my life right now i have no idea what to do as you're standing there having that crisis a large mascot appears behind you i'll put it in the discord what he looks like um oh gosh oh there it goes there it goes there it is all right oh this guy just kind of creepily appears behind you all right well i i i don't know how i'm going to show this on stream for the i mean this will be on recording but he it looks like a giant face just made out of crystal and rock with like mickey mouse hands and feet and he just kind of like waddles over and he's just like hi there are you having fun at the crystal lagoon wait i could get it i could get it i could get it i gotta switch over to this for a second download it uh download it put it on the stream it's take me a hot second now it's fine it's cool uh we go back to uh we'll go back here okay i think you need a fourth monitor i think i need like yeah i need so many monitors for this we need like nine monitors to make this work yeah i'm thinking about getting another monitor too i have two and that works for me here he is yeah there he goes that's the character all right oh my god what the hell yeah this thing just appears behind verona just like hi there i'm calvin the crystal i'm the mascot of crystal lagoon you look like you're having kind of a bad time why not take a mask and relax young man what kind of mask does he have what's he handing me um oh no no he's like take off your mask because i'm assuming you're wearing that yeah it's just like that doesn't seem like it's cool to relax in the sun [Music] i can't have sun my skin will bubble oh well here you go have a stuffed he gives you like a little miniature stuffed version of himself like here you go then i'm gonna stop talking to you and he just like walks away is there a fine for killing that thing we try to kill him begins we just can't catch him captain's orders were to have fun william william by the way has already wandered off at this point williams just left yeah the captain told me to have fun that thing says i'm not having fun i need to do something now so i just take i'm gonna animate the thing oh my god okay wait what are you animating the little stuffed animal i gave him a little plushy version of calvin all right well yeah that's up to you all right yeah you can 100 animate it that's your devil fruit power so you animate it and going by the logic of your devil fruit it grows a second pair of arms and legs and a second pair of eyes over his giant bulbous eyes and he's just like what am i this is just the soul of corporation what is this i feel so completely hollow inside how do i have fun i guess this place you spend money i guess that's how you have fun here i could take my ragnar's money out of my pocket whatever little i have left there's a gift there's a gift shop off to the side of the verona feel free to get verona feel free to gamble with it buy something but honestly the reason i don't carry money money doesn't does not uh help with happiness come with me to the beach let's have a couple beers there you go ask ragnar what he's gonna do next yeah how's he gonna have fun yeah what do i do ragnar do i go gamble or do i go to the beach i need help it's your call whatever you whatever you'd rather do why not both let's let's go have a couple plushies we have actually on the beach it's totally a thing that you can do okay the plushie is just like you know however you spend money that's how you have fun in this place i set it on my shoulder and i walk with ragnar to the beach okay there you go um you guys go there's a really nice cabana kind of on the side of the beach it's the sun is shining there's giant crystals everywhere it's just it's it's just fun you know there's people there in swimsuits having having a good time duros what are you doing well duros hasn't really seen much of resorts so i'd imagine i'd be looking at the technology and trying to figure out what is that i am seeing all right what okay well like a roller coaster you mean like yeah yeah if you want to [ __ ] figure out how roller coasters work yeah what if i've never seen this kind of device okay so out of out of character i based this amusement park off peanut park from super mario sunshine so if you've ever played that game just picture peanut park from super mario sunshine um it's got a ferris wheel it's got a roller coaster it's got a giant mechanical dinosaur that is some form of ride you know there you go do not know the threat level of these devices do you wanna do you to roll like investigation or something to see if you make head or tails of a roller coaster uh yeah sure let me just get on roll 20 rook sure let me just look around a little bit hmm what's here wow this is quite the sight here seems like uh someone really cleaned this place up with some sort of device some italian plumber man and um yeah um okay hold on let me see here uh derose uh i'm being really quick about this investigation uh i have never rolled this before i don't think once there you are um it's 11 so you know that it's some kind of machinery that they did not have in the terraco kingdom or pretty much anywhere else like you like like there was some stuff on planet duros that might kind of be similar to this like you guys did ride in a spaceship after all so there's something with that but like you don't know how any of this stuff works yeah well then no time like the present uh duros sits on the roller coaster in his big bull boy hold up now the guy in front of you kind of stops you and he's like hi how how are you doing and he just looks kind of like it just like you're clearly a pirate because your duros he actually has like a pamphlet with like all the pirate wanted posters and on his person it's like yeah the boss the boss makes us carry these around hold on a second uh he holds yep that's you right there okay so he's gonna charge you like 500 barry 500. the regular price is like 175 barriers wow so you have to pay for the you have to pay to enter the resort and you still have to pay for the rides yup yup and i suppose i have 500 berries laying around somewhere okay all right thank thank you he waves you on yeah all right so i get on with my big bulky armor and i guess assume the thing attached i can't exactly close yeah you're wearing armor so hold on i'm just gonna roll to see how well this even functions okay all right there you go um you managed to get the roller coaster on perfectly fine like he comes over with like a special strap for like their huskier kind of patrons that come on the roller coaster they strap it around you you're good you ride the roller coaster how does duros respond to a roller coaster oh my god [Laughter] i see like ragna you can see the whole resort oh no [Laughter] are we under attack what's going on it goes around it goes like through a crystal and around it like a spiral [Laughter] you puke all right um well yeah no how much money do we actually have left since we spent like almost all of it i mean you have some money left i mean like you probably have like there's like 50 that you had like 1 million 100 000 i think so you you have some spending money right but like i'm trying my best here to make verona have fun one i want to get a drink can we get a drink you get a drink absolutely we're gambling can this be free please um bartender walks up he looks like some kind of like he doesn't look like a bartender he looks like a homeless man that just wandered into the bar and he's got like scraggly hair and he actually has a crystal for an eye and he's just like he he doesn't ask you if i want to drink he just like slams his hands on the counter and stares you dead in the eye and he's like have you seen the crystals i looked to my shoulder i think so he's like where are they at um they're literally everywhere hey get away from that table huh what's going on and he just like jumps over the counter in between both of you ragnar and rona and runs off into the beach uh well then that was that [ __ ] thing that's the homeless man i'm so sorry i could give you a discount you could have a five percent discount on the alcohol on the next drink if you buy one i just want one free drink we're gonna go gamble whoa that's a [ __ ] what type of casino is this no that's just that's just crystal pete he's a homeless man and we we're trying to get him i don't know he just he wanders the beach he collects crystals and he keeps bubbling to himself he's harmless i swear that you are you're you're under no threat but he's wasn't exactly scared buddy but he he is a nuisance yeah um some of these i can see you over there get away stop arresting that child pete [ __ ] this get my 10 000 it just runs off yelling crystals some of the hotel staff just run off onto the beach with brooms and kind of like chase them off i get out like like i get out like a walkie-talkie but it's in the shape of a banana and i'm like yeah by the beach and get him get him i want all divisions oh that's bad then i put the um they're gonna catch one homeless dude as uh as you're making that call in in the banana a couple seconds go by and a man appears uh next to you verona and uh ragnar and he seems to have just like he's he's dressed in the hotel garb like he has like a like the crystal lagoon logo and like a little like a a bellhop hat or whatever like a little circular hat but you didn't even notice him like showing up next to you and he's like you called boss to me you you talking to chip yeah he's like you call boss oh yes um yes yes ah finally three days and he just kind of like i'll i'll take care of it don't worry and he just wanders off toward crystal pete and that's yeah all right but other than that um you know the other bartenders help out and they they serve you guys some drinks there these ones i guess are our regular price they're not going to give you a full not going to give you a full discount but like there you go i mean um i tried to rag i expressed my humble apologies um if you have any other any other issues i i mean i run this whole joint uh just just ask any of the people to refer me my name is chip by the way i realized i didn't formally introduce myself um and i i put up no problem can we put ten thousand on red i'm this is this this place is driving me crazy we need to we need to have some fun all right hang on i need to ask my fun inspector sir what do you think red or black 500 on red 500. ragnar 10 000 is too much got to go 500. all right i mean if you want to go 10 000 that's fine but the minimum bet is whatever what's the maximum bet i mean probably more money than you have yeah we're we're broke now all right ten thousand on red he gave me all right baby um all right so a roulette board how how many spaces are in a roulette board a hundred or is it 20 i forget tell you what how about we just roll i'm gonna roll d d100 it's d100 150 is red 51 to 100 is black so you just do what do 102 if it's one if it's 101 or 102 that counts or zero yeah yeah sure sure i doubt that as it happens 13 that's red you guys have one you got red let's go over up buddy all right so you guys are hanging out at the cabana you're you're playing some roulette you're doing a pretty good job you're winning a fair amount of money uh you don't make the million back but you make a decent amount of money you're drinking you have a good time few hours pass and uh you feel like it's about time you reconvene in the hotel lobby so i'm just gonna say you guys all meet up back there um however it is uh just the three of you it's just verona ragnar and duros everyone else is not that william is not there pearl cyril louis uh gravy lissa they're all gone and so uh chip is though there at the uh the hotel desk though still oh gosh guys i just wrote terrible death machines i had the greatest day of my life i recommend it oh it looks like you're enjoying yourself yes yes i'm a little broke now wait that was right this monkey has he been following us this entire day i mean i just keep i keep i make sure all of the visitors are having a great time oh well that's good how many visitors do you have um i don't keep you know i don't have a it's like it's like a disneyland resort so probably like thousands it's like a one-piece disneyland resort yeah yeah you know a few thousand um it's not a very big disney then it's like a small disneyland resort i said disneyland not disney world i've never been to disneyland which one is in florida because that's the one i've been to teching lives is such a small town that if you go to a place that's like a hundred people he'll be like whoa so many people holy [ __ ] it's like disneyland it's like disneyland rustage got to experience small town pennsylvania life which is actually big town pennsylvania life where i live but anyway it is no it is you didn't visit my hometown that would have been worse okay anyway god he's so as you're all gathering here though talking about your day or whatever um a siren begins to go off in the distance like an emergency like um and so a bunch of hotel employees just kind of burst through the door and they run they kind of like push you guys aside like duros ragnar they just push you guys they try to push ragnar aside they try to but they're just like oh excuse me sir i'm so sorry i have to talk to my manager they run up to the counter and they're like he's like mr chip oh my god it's horrible pirates i think they're just attacking the the beaches they're just grabbing people the crystals are turning red people are just passing the hell out i don't know what's going on man wait oh my god what what what wait which pirates wait i don't we're supposed to have records they don't they just showed up out of nowhere we didn't even see a ship they're wearing like gas masks and dressed like cats or something i don't even know what's going on oh no oh no so as that's all happening as that's all oh my god that was perfect just at right immediately pretty much right after um the people run in um the front doors just open up and like a bunch of armed troops just walk into the hotel lobby and they're led by this extremely impeccably dressed uh elderly gentleman um and don't go there chat cause william's not even close to around here right now so that's not how that's gonna go but he walks in he's dressed like bow tie very fancy like tail coat and he's whatever and he's just like uh hello there can i have your attention please everyone um i would just like to say that um this island is now under siege by his esteemed lordship avalo pizarro uh so i would just ask that everyone just stop moving and allow us to feed you to the crystals where your life force will uh supply a greater weapon we promised you we promised you a substantial reward if you did not get into our way what so don't get it tell me this was part of it you just wanted to mine some crystals and i didn't think that you would you i start going i i have no time for this i mean chip jumps on the onto the counter he's got full monkey he's like he's his tail behind him you know he's like at the monkey stance yo yo you'll stop attacking my island this instant he's like beating his chest and everything there's a very charged monkey i will agree with this i do not like i mean unless do you want to if you wanted to uh do you want to do an intimidation roll wrestage on that can [Laughter] oh yeah i'm a player character uh i know weird isn't it i realize i didn't actually choose my skills don't worry intimidation would have not been the one with the skills that i i would have chose so you don't have to worry about that um all right intimidation 22 though holy [ __ ] all right so uh the man is actually well hold on i i guess it would be intimidation versus his um uh doesn't he i don't like a charisma safe yeah i guess i'll just do a charisma save for him uh let's see here now it becomes the now becomes the real test of my metal yeah yeah ten oh okay so um the the butler is actually fairly phased by this he's just like oh what what uncouth actions you take i i shall not stand for th ah he just kind of backs off a little bit he's not like scared he just you get the impression he just doesn't even want to deal with you so um at that moment he his arms turn into scissors and he literally just cuts a hole in the ground and then just like i shall leave this to you and then he just falls down the hole and then as he said i'll leave this to you crystal pete barges through the door with a shotgun and he's just like he's just like ah everybody give me your crystals i want the crystals let's do this the fancy man in the goat give me this i call it my crystal pistol let's do this it's clearly a shotgun but he's calling it a crystal pistol so yeah and uh yeah i guess roll for initiative because this is starting a fight oh man i turned around i'm like guys [Laughter] i mean i don't want to get shots you are literally dealing with a hobo with a shotgun right now you got i assume women [Music] you know interestingly enough where is your where is your captain uh yeah has anybody seen william williams gone wait william captain ah he's probably just having fun somewhere he's not there oh no all right so the first person to go is chip oh yeah cause i'm a [ __ ] monk so i i get out my my monkey pores they're not pores or they're just hands and like i'm in like a stance you know kung fu panda style um i didn't become a um an owner of a multi-million berry luxury resort just by my good mind i i had to i had to fight some people um and i like i got these kung fu moves um i actually have quite a lot of movement i know they're quite far away they're like 50 feet away but because i am a monk i have like 50 foot movement speed so i'm gonna just [ __ ] like somersault jump and land right in front of crystal pete uh okay and i'm gonna just [ __ ] start karate in his ass go karate away um so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna do my first hit is gonna be a stunning strike okay if it hits 23 does that hit uh yeah that hits him so my first hit is being is a stunning strike uh so i was spending a key point he's got to do a constitution saving throw or as he's going to be stunned for his next turn okay so i'm like and he fails so i'm like i hit all the key points of his body constitution oh my god why then i i hit him again monkey that definitely hits them and then all right and then i'm going to spend another key point and we're going to go fl flurry of blows because i'm just [ __ ] going cr i mean i'm monkey mad i'm monkeys so that means i get to jack dude make two more um you know [ __ ] monkey foo attacks 19 and 16 do these hit uh the 16 one does not hit 19 hits yes all right so 766 so my total damage isn't he's stud now so you get advantage oh yeah oh if he would be stunned then yes you you got him dude yeah he's he's stunned until the end of my next turn so yeah so i get advantage i'm gonna put a little stun thing on them there you go so the 20 the final one's actually a 22 instead of a 16. okay cool i do a total of oh i'm gonna i'm just doing my math yeah in row 20. 29 damage these are actually not very good rolls they're all there there's a lot of ones well you did uh you did a good number on him like you could tell that you know he's a homeless man he's pretty stocky kind of dude but you you jacked him up pretty good i jacked him up and because i use fluid blows i also have open hand technique so um i am going to uh knock him to the ground as well as stunning him so he's not he's got to make a dexterity saving throw but i think he insta fails if he's stunned anyway i've never experienced this but i'm gonna assume house rules i'm gonna assume if you're already stunned then yeah he's not gonna be able to like at most disadvantage with that but i'm just gonna stay he gets knocked out not knock knack but uh knocked prone yeah so i i i stun him knock him to the ground and i'm like why are you doing this to me little monkey man i just wanted the crystals i'm a mick monk monkey and this is my property damn this monk can hang that's that's that's my [ __ ] monk turn all right that's your turn now up to verona's turn i thought the soldiers were before me uh oh yeah they are i don't that's because i don't know which number is bigger 15 or more no i did that you can there's a button to sort the turn order by uh biggest the lowest oh cool didn't know that existed well there we go whatever all right let's just go ahead with it all right um so now the soldiers are moving up uh they are just gonna shoot you like you know chip uh because uh yeah i'm gonna say considering that this monkey guy just showed up and just started ripping this homeless man apart right in front of them yeah so this guy is gonna use uh a gun attack go ahead that doesn't 14 14 doesn't hit all right other soldiers up 21 does that hit yes that does it okay and then the gun does 12 damage so just boom um let's see here i'm gonna have uh one of the two of the other soldiers kind of move around crystal pete because they don't really want to get mauled by a monkey and so they're gonna move up here and they're gonna take shots at you've got to describe where they're moving you can't say oh yeah yeah i i know i know it's picture a hotel lobby and a fountain in the center and then the hotel desk after the fountain chip just jumped up where the fountain was and just started mauling the crap out of crystal pete these two soldiers are next to him the other two soldiers walk up to where the counter is which is where verona ragnar enduros were at um and i'm gonna have both of these guys i'm take one of them fire off at verona and another one fire off at ragnar so this one fires at verona so critically fails he shoots himself in the okay now something that i like to do is i like to roll for severity when i get a critical fail so i'm gonna roll a d100 uh and one one being like not super severe 100 being the most severe um and so yeah like a percentage so 26 so not super bad uh he goes to fire his gun like misfires a bit and he's just like wait what the hell's going on with this and it fires off and it just like you know it doesn't hurt him or anything it just pings off to the side and just hits one of the you know hotel employees or something he was surrendering why that's not good that was jeffrey my favorite employee i actually wrote jeffreytown as one of the employees they were all j names he was he was one day away from retirement he's been with the company for 50 years he's been um employee of the month every day there's a giant wall that i just didn't mention up until now which is employee of the month and it's just like he's on every single picture chavery's on the last like 36 of them he's just like strange how that bullet deflected off of all 36 awards and then hit jeffrey like every single award has a bullet hole in it now jeffrey this is not what you deserve the bellhop from earlier uh who was also in the hotel lobby at this point rocky he just sees that and he instantly rushes over to jeffrey and he's like like he's done this before he just takes out some dressings and starts like patching up jeffrey he's like it's okay you're gonna make it through this you'll be all right you're getting a promotion after this sure whatever okay so uh that was just the one soldier the next one's going to aim it's really weird that that one employee of mine doesn't begin with a j would the rest of them apparently do yeah it's he looks at you and he's like yeah do you really think this is the point to point that out we tried to we tried to rename you to jockey but you didn't like that okay 11 i'm assuming does not hit ragnar i i would know that these guys are really bad it's just like they fire it and it just like one thing i've always wanted to do is just like bounces off your chest hair just boom just like it's not even a not even what are your bullets even made of that's pathetic just like the the guy looks at you the soldier and he's like maybe we should have stayed with the crazy monkey oh god all right and so then after the soldier 14 now it's verona's turn there we go okay uh i'm gonna assume that the soldier that shot at me i didn't realize he was shooting at me because he screwed up so bad he screwed up so bad you didn't even but the one that was aiming at ragnar yes i'm just gonna take a second realize he just shot at my my crewmate here we are here to have this fun is responsible for me having fun and you're trying to kill him what do you want the crystals i grab the stuffed animal and just chuck it at the guy no and as i do that i take out my rifle and i'm just gonna try to shoot like through the stuffed animal before it hits him twice dude that guy actually three times oh my god all right get a face full of crystals that hits okay well there has to be one of those oh man all right okay so both of the 23 the 23 and the 16 hit rustage there's a rule of thumb should i do the critical fail first or issue the ones that actually hit first what are you what do you usually you do you do the first hit then the critical fail then the second hit because just in order okay all right well all right let's do that i thought one time you did uh the fail first and okay whatever anyway it doesn't matter okay so 23 so do the damage for that oh i did okay i did that i hit basically all right so 21 then it won okay all right so you hit him it you know really [ __ ] up his shoulder blasts off part of his shoulder part of his mask i mean he's he's pretty banged up from that shot you know um but as for the critical fail let's roll on the percentile dice again oh boy oh boy see how bad 73 oh that's the runescape number yep it sure is um who's the closest one to you okay well it's pretty much impossible for you to hit ragnar with that um i i would say just take one d6 damage you know okay or kill jeffrey yeah yeah oh no no the bullet it just killed it finishes off jeffrey no okay am i gonna have to roll for jeffrey's damage now no jeffrey's just a civilian i assume he's dude's got like no that's the thing all right holy [ __ ] okay all right so let me dude yeah that's gonna kill jeffrey all right so that's seven damage let's say let's say jeffrey was like he worked out enough so that first shot didn't quite kill him and then rocky went over and patched him up and then the second shot hits him and then he just [ __ ] died how did it even happen you guys are firing in opposite directions rocky is just like stay with me you're gonna be okay bam and just like right in the neck and just like oh my god you were like a father to me an older brother to me and uncle to me i was gonna jeffrey you're freaking out you're crying rocky gets up and rocky looks like once again he's he's not like somebody just got shot in the neck and jeffrey's blood is all over him and he's just like once again shocked but kind of like used to that so he gets up and he's like okay and so now rocky will join the battle rocky i'm gonna call you jeffrey too or is that okay i just jeffrey the second sure so what has the camera is like a seat it's fine all right um so next up is uh let's see 14 and then 13 is ragnar ragnar your turn well verona i'm glad you've been having fun but see you got to make the best of everything and like ragnar looks really happy right now he's like honestly fighting fighting's a lot of fun he's like spinning his axe but skipping towards the enemies i just killed an employee jeffrey that is calvin is off to the side the mascot dude and he's just like well if this is how you have fun i guess it's all about having fun right he just starts like hiding off to the side like behind a pillar wow i've become a little desensitized to to a lot of bloodshed i'd even i didn't even even acknowledge that yeah i saw it it's just a dude you know in comparison all right teching am i close enough to walk to them how do i do that again uh yeah i would say you're within 30 feet as long as you get there yeah okay we're gonna be playing a lot of loose rules this session all right which one was the one that's damaged already um that's the one that we can't see because you haven't showed us the health bars so we have no idea the one on top the one that got shot yeah ragnar uh skips over spinning his axe turns into a bear obviously rage frenzy all the [ __ ] this swings his ex that hits him uh that's 20 damage this is the one that was already damaged by the shot is he still alive he has he is hanging on with him all right i swing again he is on the ground bleeding you you basically cut off his damn arm he's just on the ground and he's like okay so i was like i'm like skipping over i just gotta like swing my ass like at him a couple times swing at him twice like very like nonchalantly okay uh does he die i hit 17 and then that hits him you just you golf club his head off dude like if you just swing his your axe at him how are you killing the guy you know i was literally spinning my ass like on my finger and then just like like just hit him twice i guess that's it bam bam dead all right so this soldier is sliced to pieces all right um i could i could attack a third time yeah you could go for the other guy too i turn over and just left that guy's dead he's just like ah okay that hits 14 damage all right you slice him up um he's wounded he he you know his fall back falls back a little bit he blood starts pouring out he's not having a good time all right good time at the resort no not a good time it's just like this this is a lot tougher than i thought it was gonna be i thought we were just gonna like walk in gunpoint that was supposed to be the cool the whole gist of this you attacked devil luck pirates on vacation what are you thinking it's like why why are you on vacation your pirates everyone deserves some time to de-stress for their mental health i work for pizarro i work for king pizarro dude our we get one day a year where we get to chill out and that's the day he throws us all in the freezer to chill out that's it that's better than my employees to be fair they don't get any breaks oh my god listen we i gotta keep this place running somehow rocky just looks over at you like you are a horrible boss i give you vouchers for the resort all right um duros you're up next uh can i reach pete or the other guard you can reach the guard that ragnar was fighting i'd say uh well let me just check to see if it's yeah you know actually no yeah yeah yeah you can reach pete go ahead yeah you can reach pete he's on the ground prawn and paralyzed yes i'm going just to non-literally beat the [ __ ] out of him so i can carry out him because i want to understand what the heck is going on why are you doing the soul pete pete didn't do anything to you i really do want my crystal pistol i really don't think [ __ ] pete here will know anything we might as well interrogate one of these guards this guy is just a crazy homeless man that they've given a shotgun to who is surprisingly resilient for a homeless man i mean i monkey fruit is bad crystal pete works out crystal pete butt bench presses the crystals every day for six hours crystal pete's buff crystal is amazing to take this guy out because i mean crystal pete drinks crystal g fuel by hashtag crystal code bricks does 12 even hit yeah no 12 does not during him wow oh okay okay there's 21. 21 hits him yeah all right and let's go seven hole damage seven hole damage um i mean it does seven damage yeah and one final strike that i guess right i mean you bash him pretty hard he's not quite out yet i mean he's well the thing is he's already knocked down and paralyzed by the key strikes so he looks pretty immobile to you but he doesn't look like mortally injured or anything like he's gonna die or anything how [ __ ] tough is crystal pete crystal peter's swole dude i mean now i understand why i lost a couple of employees trying to track him down the uh the crystal in his eye is glowing as well so you know if you wanna be [ __ ] you know like i can't really do anything else i don't feel like he's this is that much of a threat to do anything else so i'm just using my bonus actually who sent you why do you have a shotgun uh you want to roll for uh intimidation or persuasion or whatever you want to do with that uh oh timothy because i am looming over him you're looming over him he's like oh crystal okay oh sorry that's normal sorry so that's an eight yeah it's just an eight uh let's see charisma save i guess 12. he's not like super perturbed by you he's just still mumbling nonsense about crystals it's just like crystal peach just wants to find the crystals they asked me where the crystals were and i told them where the crystals were and they got the crystals and i wanted the crystals and i wanted those crystals and speaking of it speaking of it is now crystal pete's turn but he's stunned so he doesn't have a turn he's he doesn't have a turn so crystal pete is just still mumbling to himself [Laughter] and then oh duros is still on here at zero but that's from before okay so chip it's back up to your turn now okay um i'll just check if crystal pete could still speak him even if he was stunned i guess chip's going over to the other fellas okay um there's the two fellas right next to um crystal pete and chip looks at him gets start stuff and he's like you're gonna regret you're gonna regret fighting me i'm a mink monkey monkey i'm a mink monkey monk they're just still like holding their guns at you they call me eminem [Laughter] um oh [ __ ] i realized i could have done looking at you and like you're pretty terrifying but you know it's not worse we can't run away our boss would literally kill us so it's a chance i realized i could have done something last turn but i'll do that next time um we work for a literal dictator man i mean you're a crazy monkey i'll still take odds with you okay he's gonna [ __ ] punch him all right he's just punches him oh thirteen that doesn't hit actually oh well i have a second attack that hits that hits um and i i think i will just i'll just do my regular uh my regular bonus action on arm strike strike which is monkey for again just add a normal thing i don't want to burn all my keys straight away oh it's not the 18 it's just 24. oh perfect okay so i do uh six plus nine damage okay sixes uh 50 do that to the one right there diagonally from you okay punch him twice why i guess i punch it three times he dodges the first one and i go twice it is [ __ ] right in the it like it's like a gas mask but it like flies off when you punch him and just like bloodied in the face he looks like he has like when you knock his mask off like he has a bloody nose from obviously fresh blood what you just did but he also has bruises like on his eyes and stuff like this guy's been beat i spit in his face roll for spit damage yeah no okay is your monkey foo so powerful like the spit is like a bullet yeah yeah yeah um all right uh that's the end of my tone for now okay oh he actually gets pushed five feet away from me i'm just gonna say if there's anything else because you're i've never played a monk before but i i have the crusher feet so that means that when i deal blunting damage which is all my uh on arm strikes i can move a target five feet away from me oh cool um so i i push him away from me five feet all right um okay is that your turn then is that everything you do yeah okay um so then next would be verona wait no soldiers soldiers how did that right oh right okay soldiers are next right when i killed that one soldier they all got off the initiative rule yeah anyway yeah it's fine um okay so the soldiers i'll start with the one that you didn't hit that's right next to you and it aims the gun just like screw this and just like just just opens fire wait who who who's firing the soldier in front of you that you did not hit back uh he doesn't hit with a ten no he does not hit with a ten um and then you push the other one back but he could still yeah he's still fighting yeah all right cool cool cool all right 22. that hit but i'm gonna use do the damage for it i'm gonna use deflection i use protection no no no let me let let's let it hit me because i'm going to use okay i'm going to use deflection 24 so 8-24 is zero so that means i as the bullet flies towards me i catch the bullets in mid-air with my monkey foo i i catch the fit bullet with between my monkeys what the monkey [ __ ] is that and then i like i have the bullet in my fingers and i flick it back at him which is just mean it does damage yes and it ain't damage and well it no it does whatever uh i make a ranged attack does a 16 hit that is his that the soldier has an armor class of 16. so it does 13 damage actually actually no the armored class is 15 so that just hit okay so it does 13 damage it counts weapons so so i flick the bullet right back into his eye oh god he's really wounded this is the same one that fired at you the first time that attack that you attacked last turn so it goes right back in his eyes it's like work should have done that last turn when i got hit before i forgot that i had that ability i don't even know what you are are you a monkey are you a man i am a monkey mink monk ah eminem and i also own a luxury resort why well you've gotta make money somehow i'm not gonna become a pirate i was a bounty hunter for a few years but that sounds like a very interesting rich character backstory that i hope is explored through the rest of this adventure all right so that was those two soldiers the only soldier left is the one that um is up there by ragnar um and he only has i think this guy only has like like yeah he's he's weak but okay so he's gonna go up and just actually he has um a steel knife stick so he saw he see no no not a knife stick a night stick and so he saw that a gun literally did nothing against you guys so he takes this like big steel like giant night stick and just tries to like smack ragnar in the face with it he's just like i think we're all gonna die here might as well try something different out now it's your turn nineteen that hits oh that hit he's just like he's he's trying man he's like okay for pizarro eight damage clocks you in the jaw with this night stick thing it's actually four for him yeah yeah because he takes half damage because he's raging right now yeah well that was an attack good job good job you tickled him yeah you want more bring it on bear guy i i can take you my name is ragnar and i'm a bear right i i wrestled five bears for breakfast this morning oh my god really we don't serve that at the i'm so sorry ragnar i'm so sorry we do not serve bears as part of our breakfast resort menu would ragnar actually believe that [ __ ] he's not dumb he's just not perceptive yeah okay hey i was i believe this guy he said he wrestled a bunch of beers would do wrestlemania in the morning i didn't if we're doing that then i'm just gonna roll for deception i'm not gonna be scared of him bro he has destroyed his body yeah he's not gonna be scared of him obviously i believe that he wrestles he's just gonna believe it and it won't change anything he'll be like oh this morning okay i'll make him more motivated verona you're up i'm just wait is there the last one left there's two left well i got a keyed in the guard yeah yeah there's one left but he's like very there's three left but one of them is very injured okay okay so there is three guards and then the homeless man all right well i'm still like fuming from before dessert all right ragnar what would be the funnest way to take care of that guy right in front of you i mean loosen up and go with it man do whatever you want to do that's what that's what having fun's all about that's what being a pirate's all about loosen up i don't even know what that means you seem stressed i'm just gonna run right up to the guy and i'm going to uh to animate his gas mask okay okay um okay you um would you have to roll to like hit him i guess i mean i would say probably yeah you're trying to touch him so yeah i'm not the dm anymore i ain't wrong [ __ ] should i just roll like myself roll it yeah roll you don't [ __ ] it roll d20 all right well yeah plus your proficiency and yeah dexterity it's my proficiency just just roll the scimitar attack it's the exact same thing okay boom that's not going to work that doesn't hit him now he has an army class of 15. well you know what i have three attacks i'm going to keep going okay try again that one doesn't say that you do the same thing again with the with the mask so just like smack him really hard to animate his gas mask it was like it was like what did you just do and then the mask grows legs grows arms and eyes on the lenses so he can't even see through the lenses now because there's eyeballs like he sees the back side of this thing's animated eyeballs and he's like oh god what did it do it he rips it off of his head and he just looks at it and he's like i'm the gas mask i protect you from all those horrible gases what well nothing's going to protect you from the gas we're about to give to you so that i'm going to have it attack him just start swinging at him just start swinging and then it instantly goes from like and then it just like jumps on his face and just tries to like get his face off i guess try to rip off his face yeah wait i couldn't do an attack and an animation in the same turn right you can [ __ ] no no you can you can now well you you you can it's like spiritual weapon okay it's then i'm gonna roll that just to make sure so i guess yeah okay so i guess i probably should have rolled the damage for the the hit the first time right probably yeah yeah punching him to animate yeah punching him to animate and then you can do the other and then it's swinging well yeah a punch would be um a different role than a scimitar because it's an unarmed strike so you would do a i think it's just one damage plus your strength oh okay which i never i felt like should always be more than that it's just one damage oh my god really yeah so he takes 10. he takes 10 damage all right but what about the animated thing what does that do that is nine yeah yeah it's just nine plus the one so yeah i i thought the nine was the uh with another attack my bed so now okay to recap homeless and not homeless pete crystal pete's on the ground completely stunned one of the uh you know soldiers has a gas max just on his face just ripping stuff apart but he's not standing there crystal pete's not stunned anymore but he is on the ground he's on the ground he's prone and then one is getting ripped off by the gas mask and then the other soldier is just sitting there with a bullet in his eye like ah why so yeah um okay after verona ragnar's turn if you just wanna this guy is in front of you here that was a cool attack verona now let me show you how it's done what verona still has an attack oh after that i thought his last one i was just gonna let the the i'm just gonna stand back now i'm not gonna do my third attack okay this is all about having fun it's not about fishing go ahead go ahead go ahead all right i jump over kuma flat side of the axe so non-lethally bonk bomb that hits him oh god yeah i think it's a good thing that's not non-lethal you knock him down and like tweety bird starts spinning around his head he just like i don't want to be soldier anymore out of here will be sued i do not want this place to be soon let's let bird go return him to return him to the mouse i can't even say his name all right guys we got one guy knocked out for questioning okay i do a little twirl and throw a javelin at pete on the on on the whatever the drunk guy on the ground i did advantage because he's on the floor right yes no it's actually disadvantaged because he's prone it's a range yeah also eros and verona are in front of you in your line of sight so that's going to depend on well bad well so what do i do now i rolled already with advantage federal disadvantage oh disadvantage was 25 you did fine yeah you were good you got it he still hit him he's also all right yeah who are you i spin i like lean backwards and throw it straight up in the air crystal pete's on the ground he's just like reaching for a shotgun like crystal pete's gonna get his second wind and then ah yeah still be advantage if he's prone all right that's 13 man he's not down yet he's so strong terry what the hell he's very bloodied at this point though he's very bloody he's very bloody this crystal must be affecting his body in some way and making him stronger it's glowing now it's going red it was going blue earlier now it's glowing red yeah because there's no way the [ __ ] crystal pete is this strong he's messed up he's all crystal in his bones he's like oh you got some you got some booger sugar you got that what the [ __ ] is that we don't do drugs here this is a drug-free resort well i sh not anymore now the crystal pete's come to town if you want if you want a resort that does drugs you've got to go to mickey mouse's clubhouse he oh my god he's he runs the other resort we have like a rivalry thing going on he's a mouse mink i'm a monkey mink we we have this whole thing going on oh my god okay we used to be really close friends listen but but we got a strain over the years he does drugs and i don't listen let's just kill these guys calvin's up there and he's just like mr chip you got to be careful he the mouse owns everything but he doesn't own this [ __ ] resort does he not yet but he's going to suffer i will die before this result goes down it's the only thing i have left me too cat me too boss me too calvin just starts in the fetal position like shaking in this giant costume thing okay uh uh duros on that note it's your turn oh well so this peat man he's down on the floor he's prone and he's getting yeah and he's got this okay uh if he's if he's messed up i guess i will use my i wanted to try and rip the gem out of his eye but it's probably bad to do that i think that's a good idea um oh scrooge i'll try and rip that thing right out of his face while he's on well he's on the ground so i'm gonna say whatever you do you do it with advantage yeah all right so how do i rip it out what do i what do i roll for that um i would just say like a strength check basically very good yeah all right um with advantages okay 18. all right so you reach down grab this crystal and just rip it out of his eye socket it was really in there like it wasn't just aesthetic he literally did take a crystal and shove it into his eye socket um when you rip it out i'm just gonna say he loses consciousness crystal pete bites the crystal dust of crystal faith oh and then just passes out um the crystal is growing red in your palm uh even after you rip it out of his eye socket uh so that wasn't the thing that was like causing it to glow or anything um you feel slightly just not like drained completely but you feel more tired when you hold this thing you're telling me it was making him weaker a crystal beat was actually it was holding him back how are you inside my mind chip how do you know i'm weaker i can see it your muscles they're they're not as big as they used to be armored i have x-ray vision what can you do i am part of the x-men as well holy [ __ ] i have a very complicated backstory the x-minx the x-minx stop looking under my armor jars like covers this like body perfect you listen you have a very nice crystal pizza crystal pizza on the ground he's kind of like you didn't believe in the crystal [Music] should i smash the crystal or should i just keep this thing i don't well anyway that's about all i can do for this turn since that was my action so it was good it was a good it was a good use of your time all right so next up was pete's turn but he's never gonna change he's never gonna fire that shot he never got to do he never got to fire his crystal pistol which wasn't even a pistol um so next up is rocky's turn the bellhop but he just kind of shows up and he's like oh okay you guys look like you got most of this taken care of um i mean i could take care of one of the soldiers if you want me to they both look pretty weak go for the one that's bloodied the one that i reflect the bullet into okay roger that he just takes out a [ __ ] giant combat knife he just had in his like uniform it's a giant combat knife it's got like one of those circles things it just like twirls it it's just like all right and so rocky just goes to stab one of the uh the bellhop not the one of the soldiers the wounded one 17 that hits and 16 and that just i'll say non-lethally severs is trachea and job i order you to kill him oh all right we have one that's we have an unconscious one over there we only need one kill this one sure boss whatever slices his throat okay there you go and then it's like all right i guess you are definitely getting a promotion i don't know where you got that knife from you're not allowed to have that but i'm gonna let that slide because it's very useful for our current predicament i don't think i'm gonna be around i think i'm actually going to turn in my resignation after today boss you can't quit you can what you're saying after jeffrey's death you would quit the company okay all right um hold on i'll there's only one of these soldiers let's let's take care of him and then i'll i'll i'll explain just like let's take care of this [ __ ] okay all right so that's it's your turn chip that soldier's gone so you just got one left and he's he's actually not doing too bad compared to the others but you're probably still gonna kill him on this turn i i maybe not um i'm just gonna punch him three times one of them is a crypt though wow two of them hits and one of those is a crit all right so the the critical hit because i have the crush of feet when i was when i critically hit all attacks made against him until uh my next turn now have advantage if he's still alive if that is um sorry i thought only two of those hit no all of them here because they only have 14 armor class apparently oh damn all right that's it eight plus eight plus nine plus eight thirty three and he's dead i mean how do you tell him how do you kill him i i just i get on the ground i like stab my hand go straight through his body i rip out like his [ __ ] heart that's what i was hoping i'm looking him in the eyes and i grab her by the forehead and i i like jump into the air what i do i spin doing like a spin on top of his head i get my tail wrap it around his neck rip his head off and crush his heart in my hand as i land on the ground and his body behind me like explodes into blood and i'm like you don't mess with my business fatality pause for a moment because yeah you guys have seen some messed up stuff but what is your reaction to that that is that is some next level murderosity right there that was the coolest thing i've ever seen if william was here i'd ask him to join i would tell him we need him to join our crew where is william where's actually william where's lissa oh [ __ ] where's cyril sorry it's like rocky sees that display and he's just like okay um and you get on my case for having a combat knife you just murdered a man with your tail what i'm allowed to have my tail on me it's not like i can remove it but you like you've done that before the reason why i got so good at being able to fight people with just my bare hands is because i'm a lot of the time in situations where they confiscate weapons of you you learn things you learn how to use what you have i don't need a knife because i have monkey foo okay well i can imagine like stars in her eyes like in one piece yeah sure whatever um okay well anyway um i'm assuming you guys are all curious about what the hell is going on right now so um i'll explain that first of all i am not a bellhop if none of you could like figure that out by now by the way i i quit i'm just i'm not even gonna do a two weeks notice i just quit you quit it's not gonna look very good when you try to apply for your next job i'm a marine okay he takes off his little bell hop hat and throws it to the ground he's like my marine code zero one seven four six i'm a lieutenant from my recording i did not write you out this he's not here because listen calm down calm down i'm not here for you guys i'm not here for you guys um i'm here to bring in avala pizarro um basically what happened was he is everyone ever hear this guy he's kind of he's from the north blue if you haven't heard of him it's okay in this part of the grand line he was a despot like a really cruel king um people hated him he was a total douchebag anyway uh the people rose up to overthrow him he left his island because of the revolution but not before stealing the heavenly tribute for the celestial dragons and that's a big no-no so he has a bounty of i think 400 million and um i was sent and my commanding officer is also here on the island somewhere and um we're here to like you know go undercover and take him in oh um yes i followed exactly what you said right i mean mostly just to make sure our captain's okay i'm aware of you you guys are from what i understand we've been on the island for a few days gathering some intel basically from what we can understand these crystals normally they don't cause a lot of problems but pizarro i guess figured out something going on with the crystals in their the mine underneath the hotel like the origin point so i've been scouting that out for the last couple of days something's going on down there he probably wants to turn them into some kind of weird super weapon because he is a cruel dictator so that guy with the scissor hands went downstairs so i'm assuming there's some way to get down into the mines from the hotel basement we're gonna head i'm gonna head down there and i need to figure it out if you guys want to come help me i'd be more than happy as long as my resort doesn't become a crime scene listen make a deal i'll help you get your pizarro fella as long as you know after he's out you leave this resort alone we have nothing to do with your resort okay in fact you run a horrible operation here i mean i might say something but the more to like the hr department because the way you treat your employees is horrible no they it's good listen you don't understand most of the people who are employed here have no other they don't have any choice like most places calvin has i've been here working for two weeks calvin has been here literally every single day he did not have a single day off this i've seen him sleeping i haven't seen him take off that outfit in two weeks calvin can you take off the outfit don't take off the outfit calvin this guy's a member do not reveal yourself to him calvin do not reveal yourself to him he is a member of the marines the outfit is me the outfit is me i am the outfit you are safe when you're in the outfit calvin you're safe when in the outfit you've not committed any crimes when you're in the outfit you are a different person this marine man will not find out who you actually are okay okay okay well whatever um things are happening all over the i wouldn't worry too much about what's happening like there's soldiers everywhere but my commanding officer the captain he's going to be out there he's going to take care of that i need to head downstairs um from what i understand though is that these crystals seem to drain life energy seemingly from some people other people apparently make them hulks like the homeless man over here i'm not really sure what's up with that oh i should drop this is what you were saying i mean are you feeling weak when you're holding it a little bit yes yeah i would probably say that um all right i throw it on the ground and i smash it hang on yeah that's fine it just it just smashes it's not that it's like quartz crystal it's not super sturdy um he takes out a dent and mushy really quick and it's just like just just give me a sec here just like yeah hello captain yeah okay what's going on out there um okay so he does that for a little bit he's like okay so i think what the likely thing to happen there is these crystals drain life energy they were taking the citizens all the guests on this island throwing them into the crystals they're absorbed into them and taken down into the mines that's probably what happened with your crew so i'm gonna head down there you can follow me if you want what he walks off and just heads for the stairwell to go down into the basement i can't guarantee i can't guarantee that's where your captain is but that seems the most likely like wait a second is your captain someone that would do something stupid yes all of your time all right probably going to be down there then well there's one thing it's one problem here yes ragnar is this going to be fun it's fun as you make it my friend calvin's up there all right let's go like i'm glad you're having fun and you blew up the last one so he tosses you another plushie have fun at the crystal lagoon he just doesn't want to do his costume calvin it's okay listen calvin listen you you can't be caught crying in the costume people don't like that okay you don't want to know what happened to the last calvin the crystal oh good i've heard i've heard horrible things i'll be a good calvin the crystal oh we're the best one you're the best you're the best we've ever had okay listen and thank you we will forget about hobbs and the whole situation i'll tell you all right okay good so anyway i just got that i never watched calvin hobbs growing up going down into the basement um rocky gets down there and uh he just kind of looks around he's like all right there's probably some oh he sees like footprints from the soldiers like oh these are obviously coming from up here that's how they got in here so easily um let's see i was like okay and he does some trickery and there's a not a very well hidden door behind some lockers down there so he's a hidden door behind some lockers down here why didn't nobody tell me i know you would place okay you would have known that because they i'm excited ignorance yeah yeah i rocky just looks at you and just like sure you had no idea that the door to the mines in the basement of the hotel we're down here no there's no you cannot call me complicit in anything i claim ignorance i'll say this i we're not gonna bring you in or anything because we have bigger fish to fry here this bizarro dude is a big threat but like seriously you know we were investigating you too mr chip so yeah well i unless you have good lawyers we know you accept okay let's go yeah good point let's go they walked down the steps my vacation god damn it gonna hurry up to get back to the vacation all right okay so you walk down the steps creepy well lit mine area let me just get to that here so you get down into the mines and as you uh walk down there the uh butler gentleman is there and he's just like crystal pete he um he didn't work out did he i mean he definitely worked out yo yeah he was small as hell i mean did you see those guns yeah and also he was useful because apparently if you believe that the crystals have magical powers glow and behold they give you magical powers but you literally have to be off your rocker in order for it to work so so you have to be mentally unwell for to be able to get powers from crystals the butler's like i'm not from this island i don't understand the point is i can't have you interfere with my captain not my captain my king and so behind him you see this big tall dude blue hair weird mustache dressed in all like he's wearing like seven layers of like regal cloaks and stuff like way more regal cloaks than anybody should wear and he has these giant gauntlet arms that just look like he's wearing like you know giant like machine guns for arms and he's just like i don't know who you are but this is my milan now i'm going to harness the powers of the crystals and i'm going to use them all to make a weapon to take back my kingdom and the butler's like as i said you have to be emotionally unstable in order to actually use these things i i can't allow you to pass all that in good with what forth um i've these crystal minion things also exist down here so they will attack you and i shall as well on god and he creates like giant scissors out of his arms i mean you could try to talk to him if you want but he's attacking you i mean i want to i want him dead okay i also go ragnar why are there two of you there's there's one of you next to me and there's one oh in the lagoon he's gone that's not that's not a lagoon that is a solid just to give you the idea that is like solid crystal crystal crystal vein kind of coming out of there it's supposed to be water on the map but you guys can't even see this right now so it makes no no sense anyway anyway um yeah roll for initiative hey do we see all of those other characters trapped in the crystal or yeah i mean they're all chapped in the cr in the crystal at the moment you know all the members of the devil is that your captain and all of the other members of your crew trapped in the crystal william is frozen in the crystal in the most like undignified like did you take it captain are you squeezing one out captain he can't hear you so we see like all of our cruises crafting crystals yeah yeah yeah so you see like part of the mine in front of you like the rock of the mine and then you just see this giant crystal vein on the floor um and then it just like rises up to the walls okay and then so you got these three crystal-like monsters that are approaching you the butler is with them and then standing on the crystal vein doing something weird you can't really see from this distance is this guy wearing all these fancy cloaks and then not just the devils like pirates but all a bunch of these random citizens are all frozen in the crystal varroa you have um ranged capabilities right i see you have a gun well i do tend to hit my shots one way or another oh yeah yeah you see the uh you see the pizarro guy yeah i mean he's the head hodge of this whole operation yes we just shoot him okay i mean we it's going to take us a while to get to him because we got a lot of dudes in our way but i feel like once he's dead these guys are going to stick around i know what it's like if i were to die my employees wouldn't stick around he's not gonna go ahead right well here's what i need to ask you and by contrary ragnar would that be the most fun way to do this oh yes he's a king right i mean killing kings are fun and smart but we've already committed the aside okay yeah you've already killed one king so an extra one's not gonna matter and these the crystal guys actually thought about this ahead of time they're color coded so now we know which ones we're attacking yay i think it'd be more fun to shoot the crystals first i'm getting some mixed signals here guys i mean from what you saw when duros broke that one of them they were fairly fragile i mean i don't know how much a bigger one would be different but anyway all right all right i know it would be really fun am i up first by the way yeah i did i did it right i did it right okay so verona goes first okay go for it i'm gonna pop a nice good old explosive bullet into my weapon and aim for the middle crystal yes that's good there's three crystals lined up a red crystal a yellow crystal with a green crystal all right next to each other a crystal people i assume crystal metal it's like light for whatever reason i have a picture of those things too i can throw in the that's okay what they look like okay so i'm gonna aim right for the middle one hope for some collateral collateral damage here all right go for it adam smash boom all right so you got a 29 that doesn't hit i'm just kidding it hits their armor class is 30 sorry guys adventure is over rude yeah there's damaging yeah it does eight damage to the main crystal but only three damage to all of the other ones well do we do we find out are they pretty sturdy like are they just falling apart actually you know what they have the same consistency you see as the um the other crystals where like the quartz crystal kind of situation so you shoot them and a big chunk actually flies off as as they hit it even the shrapnel from the other ones so the main one to the yellow one takes eight and the other two take three okay how that works i'm talking about that the main one takes eight plus three the other two okay three okay cool okay then for my other two attacks i'm just going to shoot one at the red one and one at the green one just right here go for it boing boing oh my god okay you know what first off that's crazy that a crit fail is still a 14 which by the way is their armor class so that one does not hit any crit fails but you got another 29 though so that's cool so that takes eleven so that's at the red one yeah that's the red one okay so i'm not listening i'm not lining up my shots properly i'm just trying to have fun guys i'm just trying that takes the mistakes i made that takes a good chunk out of that one like you blow its like arm off entirely part of its head is like fired off as for the qrik fail let's roll that d100 hey i imagined like ragnar got excited for verona and like slapped him on the back after his first shot that's what i'm talking about yeah oh that's rough uh okay yeah you hit uh i'm gonna say that one bounces off the walls of the mine and just like ping pooping and then like lands right on like eeny meeny miny moe this is dm stuff at its finest right here uh and you are it hits ragnar i'll just say it's a ragnar slaps me on the back of him i mean bang hits him i mean a little bloodshed is bloodshed fun to you right brother this wouldn't be fun if it wasn't a challenge so that's that's amazing did you roll for damage on that one the 11 the 11 was the damage for the red guy but i can do the damage for the do the damage for the crit fail yeah right i mean you've got a crit fail plus an 84 with the severity i'm like you're hitting somebody it really hasn't affected right now that much he's still in his temporary hit points oh my god all right and then next up here after verona is chip all right hold up uh why are you wasting your time fighting yeah i'm gonna say like on the map there on the map there's like a little shack there i'm assuming you can just you could just walk around it so i i'm with my movement speed i am actually can reach pizarro yeah you can climb on vertical surfaces and stuff right i can i can run yeah so you're fine you're an entrepreneur [Laughter] and i like jump and i just go straight for pizarro because he's the big boss since you're running past the butler would he get an attacker no he i'm not running past him because i'm running around him oh yeah you're all the way like i'm on the wall like there's no i don't come in i go nowhere close to them the butler is just looking at it like like [ __ ] like running on the ceiling [ __ ] you know what are our plans going to be foiled by a monkey i followed many plans before don't take it personally okay i will not i'm the monkey mink monk manager man x make i think i'm going to have to seek new employment after this i'm eminem and eminem all right you're going for pizarro well yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna try and stun pizarro tell you what you're actually gonna kind of get at an advantage here like a surprise attack because he kind of is like messing around he's so sure and he's also kind of off his rocker that his uh butler and the crystal guys are going to like hold you guys off for a little bit he's not expecting this yeah well uh 14 does not hit him yeah i imagine that wouldn't but i it's you know i still have more attacks gets his attention though so what do you try to do when you hit him um i monkey foo okay i i'm flying through the air and i'm like i don't know i'm spin kick him okay you're trying to spin kick all the kicks as you're sort of coming at once like and you go and you end up kicking his like arm which where that gauntlet is under underneath all of his like regal robes you don't really see it and you hit it and it's hard and you don't get hurt or anything but you get like boom you get knocked off and you're just like ah what are you doing now he just looks at you all right well a second kick to his face all right second kick to his face go for it uh yeah well 28 was the second one that hits yeah okay um and then i'm gonna try he has to do a constitution saving throw okay because this one's gonna be a stunning strike 22 abby d succeeds but you know what um and then i'm gonna flurry of blows uh as the second kick goes to his face i flip around and i'm gonna bring two feet down on top of his head for a 13 and a crit with a 29. jesus christ all right so 13 i guess one one of the feet doesn't make contact but the other one [ __ ] lands directly onto his forehead smacking him down so hard his headphones fall [Laughter] um so you hit him right on his head which there are decent amount of damage so a total of 26 damage and every single attack because i got because of crusher every he's like dazed every single attack this round against him until the start of my next turn will have advantage i am so glad i gave this guy a lot of hp i i still i saw i thought ahead on that one he's the final boss if you can't tell so like uh which yeah and i i yell out to the other people i've got him i've got him someone [ __ ] attacked this guy yeah he's the boss don't care about the crystals ah you want to be part of the crystals no you would make a fascinating subject to be drawn into the crystals yeah no no i am not he's just looking at you like you know you're a freak why did 20 26 damage then 26 damage yeah okay and as you by the way when you hit him in the face you knock out one of his teeth damn all right i'm the monkey monk mink a masterful monkey manager with a major mistrust of mickey mouse what's up damn rustage you got that where the [ __ ] is mickey so that's going to be the sequel we're going to have to go fight wagon for that one in the chat okay that's a good one all right so who's next up after chip uh the crystal men are going to attack you now aye aye aye aye that's filler men sorry um sorry wrong wrong anime that's all right yeah we're good okay so how's this gonna go all right so the crystal man um the one that is critic that is pretty injured at this point the yellow one that's injured in the middle he's going to just basically just they're kind of like robots they don't really you know have a lot of emotion they just go runs up to you duros like right here and it just [ __ ] explodes well that's unfortunate yeah it sure is sorry well i will vlog with my with my shield at the very least i have a logistical question if they have the ability to explode how come they did not explode when something exploded into them so you know how like that's a great question spooky okay so you know how like in movies when things happen that make no damn sense yes is that okay this is a movie i i can't argue that one it was like anime movies where it's like why didn't the characters just do x and finish the movie in five minutes just had to ask yeah there you go let's just say it's an ability he was a normal color and as he walked forward something i'm going to say a voltage doesn't explode when you tackle it yeah a full torque doesn't blow up when you hit it you know i see it blows up when it chooses to yes all right but this is an attack um seventeen and i'm assuming that does not hit duros that does not hit me that does not hit you pull up my shield are me and verona yeah i'm going to say wait so it's not it's not wait they don't make well 17 is my armor class so i would be able to just not get hit by that wait here's the thing wait what i got i did not make this up these are actual creatures but they're not from a monster manual they're from like another thing like an extra like um dm handbook or something um and i and i just copied it so it should be you know so i'm just gonna say screw it duros doesn't get hit it's fine okay yeah it's just like a single target explosion sure oh okay so it's still alive it wasn't like self-destruct okay yeah fair point now as for the other ones the red one is going to run up and try to explode in front of verona yep look at it i guess yeah less than less than yeah this thing actually not detonating right it's just you dodge it just really well just yeah you hide you hide behind euros is right there he's like i have you buddy thank you darlis that's hilarious all right and as for the green one that did not get i mean he has a little bit of damage from verona's first attack um but the green one doesn't have any urge to just explode yet so he's just going to kind of stand in the center and just kind of be sentinel for right now okay um uh after the crystal men it's uh duros well all right then um you know how strong these little crystal boys are but i shall try to they have legs right or they're can i try yeah they're like i showed a picture in the discord like yeah yeah that's what they look like yeah all right i'll try to hit them with like a trip attack to knock them on the on their behinds there we are okay fantastic i'm getting the picture of him for stream these are both dead yeah wait it's dead well though those in front of you are dead oh they're dead yeah they blew up oh oh wait they like i thought they were still alive oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it was a self-destruct yeah it was a self-destruct sorry yeah the green one's only the one still alive now sorry i didn't clarify that that was on me oh okay well then i will go up to the green one then and i will slice into it go ahead all right that's what they look like um here we go there's one attack 11 damage okay oh it's still alive okay baby go for it still alive still kicking all right here we go eleven and nine so 20 more damage okay and uh it shatters but not in the bad way not that it would matter actually you know what when you destroy them i guess they do explode [Laughter] don't worry guys i got it oh no and i'd block it oh okay i can still block it yeah you can still block it i'm assuming you guys can still block these things i just block it and it just blows up behind me that was really good i did it boom and it just gets stuck in your arm and just bounces off of it oh that jiggled uh the butler is just there like i i'll be honest with you i don't even know what those things were we found them when they were down here they made good workers we just put them to work and they occasionally blow up for no reason but okay well um i uh the monkey man is attacking my king but i have to make sure that you stay back by all accounts so i shall take you on for i am reginald von alfred belvedere the fifth and i have giant scissorhands oh no hi my name's ragnar and i'm a bear i'm not like hi my name is ah nice to meet you ragnar i shall begin with you oh oh [ __ ] okay and it is bring it on this is your is your yes is your turn done yeah my i'm done i'm done actually he's not gonna start with you because duros is in in front of you doesn't get an opportunity attack there so crystal man explodified and so reginald's gonna run up to you and try to slice you with these uh giant scissors that it has so reginald has the the chokey choke you know me he has inazuma's fruit in case anyone's curious oh okay so he just goes in to try to cut you with giant pair of scissors first one is a crit 30 damage yeah does that account for the crosstag on here yes yes yeah yeah it does that's why it has okay okay yeah okay perfect all right so yeah he does he does a good chunk of damage on you he really just carves into your um he carves into your armor and slices you but at the same time your armor's consistency kind of changes to paper it's like how it's like he's cutting through your armor like it's paper what's this i'm joking are you all right [Music] the 20 doesn't hit though right because no the 20 does not you got good armor yeah his armor is freaking fantastic okay uh but that was his turn he attacked twice uh so next up is ragnar what are you gonna do ragnar ooh finally a worthy opponent i start like skipping forward i see a railroad ah i've been working on the rail the railroad is 100 down there yeah yeah hell yeah all right and then i uh as i'm as i'm running forward i go from bear form to big [ __ ] beer oh wait he just like just zoom in on reginald and he's like oh dear oh dear kuma spinner and starts like spinning with his axe all right that doesn't hit that doesn't hit that hits the last one hits so he like raises up his two's giant scissors and kind of uses them as like shields blocks the first two last one hits him oh [ __ ] i'm a little dizzy there god damn it you gotta make yourself bigger as well twice you take up more squares you're allowed how uncouth uh how do i make myself bigger you just oh wait you can't yeah tacky make it magnetic i could do it he's just yeah it's the gm okay yeah big bad big boy that's a he he's a huge boy he's a chunky boy isn't he yeah all right so you did 11 damage then he did because he missed his attack still i i imagine actually instead of like spinning around i like you i pretend like i have a pickaxe i'm like i'm working on the room like i'm just [ __ ] around all right well that's that uh now rocky's turn he's just like man you guys are actually worth the like the praise that you get i guess infamy as i'm a marine but like still this is this this might actually be easy might be able to bring this guy in no problems just promise you don't like kill any innocent people that would be great if you could just not do that rocky i've heard stories i've heard stories that you've murdered like look at you a lot are you gonna join the guy in your arms as he shot him that was played i mean that was clearly an accident the bullet like ricocheted like five times before it hit the guy i'm sure you didn't wait for rona do you often kill people like that not intentionally yeah okay i have good intentions it does you guys are weird rocky are you gonna help fight yes i'm a marine i can fight all right well it doesn't look like you're helping very much well my initiative was very particularly low in this one instance almost non-existent it looks like now he's on the list he's on mine all right that must be from the previous time that's why i got the scene i kept the i kept the same one why it's on there and all right all right uh he's gonna run up to reginald here next to duros take out his giant combat knives and just try to like slice into him okay wow rocky the bellhop 26 yeah you know rocky cuts into him pretty good does 15 damage okay he's like oh dia this is this is not so impeccably good i am i am a fancy butler [Laughter] okay all right i wish i was as swole as that homeless man right about now okay rocky does like a cool little twirl with his knives and stuff and that's it for his turn um next up is actually um it won't be bizarre yeah it would be from verona it would be well veronica's 21 and then it would be pizarro at 20. wait who has more decks wait is it monsters as well how are you ruling this i actually don't know what the official dm ruling is it but i usually sorry no the way i go with that when it's a player character is i usually only do the player character first and then i do the npc okay if they have the same initiative so i'll go verona then you then pizarro good okay that's the way i normally do that yeah all right okay verona your turn i mean i yell to verona rona he's [ __ ] disorientated please shoot the bat the guy pizarro well this guy with the scissors looks pretty fun to fight but i guess this is fun he's got four fabrics i like paint like a target on pizarro with like i have a paint brush in my tail and i'm painting a target i'm just picturing this sis clash of the ages right now this giant king is like trying to like get a monkey off of his back all right well what i'm gonna do is i'm going to animate the rifle of injustice go for it and then i'm gonna have that run along and shoot at pizarro so the rifle of injustice when animated uh talks like a like a southern texan right an american right oh yeah he's very much patriotic american sounding howdy oh i'm from texas greatest state in the union i'll tell you that right now let's aim that gun verona let's blast this guy to kingdom come hell yeah like a true american you have advantage you have advantage because he's yes you did because of my thingy oh okay so i would just roll another one yeah just drew another one all right that doesn't hit him well that wasn't very fun at all that was it wait this could you didn't shoot him you want the little [ __ ] to do it yeah that's right you had the rifle too know what wants to animate something and that's more fun let him do it shut up chip i'm sorry like at this point i'm just so like uh i feel like i have something to prove to this monkey so i just aim and i'm just gonna take two normal shots at pizzaro make sure you have advantage that hits that they both well i i don't know luckily i didn't need the advantages clackity you hit it right at the target yeah i painted on him you know it was kind of fun i know what's fun i created this resort rocky is just like are you gonna have a whole story about how you created the resort wait until after we brought in the class a criminal please what listen um all right is it my turn yes no as i just said listen i thought listen listen listen here rocky you're i'm your boss you don't talk to me like this uh you're not my boss anymore my boss is like he's a marine captain okay so just you know could you please stop with that you you haven't quit yet i haven't let you you you you get at the end of this day you still have one working yet do you still i still expect my paycheck though i will say that much like i worked here as a bell as as a bell lad for like a two weeks i deserve a paycheck rocky if that is even your real name i had to clean up children's puke in the bathroom four times since i've been here listen that's that's part of the resort just take your turn that's the children puking experience some people like to watch children puke i don't we make it a feature okay now you're just making it weird man now you're just making it weird just take your turn and and monkey kung fu the giant king guy sorrow you're coming in verona still has one more attack i do rifle over justice is a bonus action you still have attack rifle of justice most actually i thought he attacked four times he attacked twice no no no no no no those other those other two times are his attacking with advantage it didn't matter okay yeah okay but i think he's got four attacks that's a double critical oh god whoa have we ever gotten a double critical double critical for the move okay so that's that's the scene in the climax of the movie where you pull up some [ __ ] movie only ability that will only be used this one time and never be referenced again i mean verona i feel like verona should have the floor and what the [ __ ] what do you what do you call this new ability that will only be used it will never be mentioned again okay um what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna call this one the spit take and here's how it's gonna work i am just so frustrated with the fact that this monkey is forcing me to have fun when i feel like i should have been listening to ragnar this entire time so at this point i'm starting to sweat a little bit so i've kind of ripped my mask down for this last shot i pop it in and as i shoot it i spit out of spite and the spit touches the bullet as it flies through the air and hits the target dead on for corrosive damage and pizarro just gets wait the target's on his front or his back it's on his front right it's whatever was facing verona i don't know i would i would assume he was clashing with you so it was on his back so it hits his back but he's just like and he just like gets knocked back for this giant explosion i'm just asking hitting him in the back all right roll the damage okay does he get do you get extra acid damage that's techies yeah he does absolutely he gets 100 extra acid how much is that well hold on let's figure out how much this is based oh he's only did nine damage yeah [Music] wait a second hold on you know what you know we don't get to roll d12s very often roll a d12 for extra movie asset damage all right he's got a roll of water this d12 oh 10. that's good that's more damage the acid damage is more damage absolutely he deserves that for the double crit it burns right through all of his cloaks he takes off his cloaks now he just has like this leopard print shirt on has a giant like you see the burning scar tissue on his he's like his back is just completely inflamed with acid acid spit he looks right at you and he's just he has a moment like he's been looking just straight up crazy up until this point he has a moment of clarity where he just looks pissed at you you're gonna die you're on a vala pizarro's shitless now you're literally here you know like that's vibrating with adrenaline i'm i've been listening to you ragnar but i think it's about time i monkey around with this guy if you could be any animal what would it be can't be a beer that's not gonna be a bad copy of monkey you know i i want to do a uh movie poster for this i'm thinking chip and verone i think verona's gonna have like the the foreground in the in the poster this a crow a crow is exactly what i was thinking as well yeah what time it was i mean wait duros is a little bit more obvious isn't it a little bit what what animal would duros be wolf yeah because it was a wolf thing yeah but he gives more lion vibes as a character [Laughter] [Laughter] just like dripping acid spit like hyperventilating all right so with that being said now that's it's chip's turn next now it's chip's turn yep um i'm going to keep trying to status effect to this guy so give it a shot uh [Music] yeah there's no like limit it's just you seem out of key for something it's just as many key points and i have a lot because i'm level 11 so i have 11. um so i'm gonna i'd essentially smack him down on his head uh let's see if i hit 12 doesn't get that [ __ ] 12 does not have more attacks of course you do so i i like i try and smack it down on his head but uh like i guess he he dodges out of the way i i grab onto his shoulder with my tail spin myself round go in for like a kung fu chop that gets that's it's improv knocks out another tooth um does he needs to do a con save yep sure does 14 does that succeed 16 it succeeds and by this assumption he doesn't have any sort of legendary resistances so i guess am i stunning pizarro he has a legendary resistance he just has to him okay that was on the sheet i didn't pull that out of my ass he actually does have those two on there because i knew with your monk [ __ ] you were going to try this so i assume it burns one of those then he does it burns one of those yes what the [ __ ] right then i guess i'm going to continue i'm going to flurry of blows um keep [ __ ] attacking him you can't encumber pizarro i am a king these two bow yes and then i need him to make a deck saving throw or i'm gonna knock it to the ground throne six is he gonna use the other legendary resistance yes he's very vain he's gonna burn the other one like i'm not i am not i am not going to be defeated by a monkey and i mean i mean [ __ ] chips going crazy on here like jumping spinning using his tail just smacking him down beating the [ __ ] out of a vola pizarro this is how he ended up in level six by the way just got the crap beat out of them by a monkey by a monkey all right well that's a um all right so how much damage is that collected 29. all right okay well all right okay no i guess that was his turn it's pizarro's turn and it's like you know he's pissed at verona but he's like he is not i am not losing to a monkey my family ruled the valo's kingdom in the north blue ever since the germa got kicked out i'll be hell in a handbasket before a simeon shows me the door and he points these two giant his hands just transform into freaking miniguns and my voice is starting to give out now from doing that freaking [ __ ] but he points them both at your head and just fires them both there's two attacks with this minigun oh my god oh oh my god you gotta be [ __ ] me you gotta be [ __ ] me i mean i just i'm deflecting these bullets oh my god matrix okay so the second one hits thank god but that all right so i'm gonna say the left arm like misfires basically let's roll severity 13. all right so it just misfires it basically instead of all the barrels firing at once only like one barrel it's like and then you just like deflect it and it's not even that big do the damage to the other minigun yeah and then we have the other minions it might not be the only thing deflected 25 oh i would use that i just like these these mini gun uh bullets fire at me and i just just smacking them all back into pizarro uh i knock out another tooth okay i don't 15 doesn't hit though so i don't actually think it it i just i've just reflected them off okay so you just you're just like he just takes these two miniguns point blank and you're just like just reflecting all of the bullets away spinning around holy crap don't underestimate a chip was there a scene in hunter hunter about something there was i'm thinking there was like a scene where there's some martial artist that deflects like a bunch of bullets at once or something i can't remember what it's from though something okay so you deflect the crap out of him uh but he does have multi-attack the minigun fires twice and then he has another attack so he's just like ah and he takes the giant minigun that he didn't fire the gauntlet itself and he tries to bring that down on you next oh [ __ ] that was 23. i have no way of deflating i could i only have one reaction okay so that hits you and it's just the gauntlet it does 18 plus two budgeting so it does 20 damage oh that's just a gauntlet okay yeah just he's just bringing down the gauntlet of the uh the thing the smack you right now i take the i take the damage okay that'll show you he's kind of a little hazed right now all right duros your turn buddy well that was quite the display there but we still have this threat to take care of indeed and i see my big bear friend over there and i will use uh my mount feet to get on him and i believe ragnar is is bigger than him so i get to attack with advantage oh my god big brain big break mounting ragnar like a giant wall beast i have a oh dear mother why have i gotten myself into he just flashes back to his life as a butler his whole family was butlers he was butlering when he was like seven at twenty twenty twenty seven and this is a movie so you get a movie power move too duros and ragnar oh super duper this is perfect all right well let's first do the first two damage and we'll get to the crit move all right all right all right so seven eleven seven eleven let's go seven eleven slurpee time anyway um and then i want i wanna add into a uh i'll just say a goating strike uh you know what no let's do menacing i want him to fear me okay because it's gonna be like me and ragnar like slashing together as one um we call it the what do you want to call that ragnar i'll let you help me out i'll give you a second to think this is a movie attack so you got to take a second all right make it theatrical as you want you could have like energy beams coming off of it for no reason like that you know a combination of our names or their blast or we could call it um uh oh god dirt bear night blast during our bare night blast paradise blast that just makes me think like a yu-gi-oh like the dragon it sounded like a mountain dew flavor to me a mountain dew flavor and then i also add a wait don't you have uh yeah 1d10 to it well 2d10 because it doubles all dice on a critical so yeah so what are what are the logistics of this attack how are you terrible how are you attacking this guy um basically i got on ragnar and i'm just slash both of his arms away so i can get a nice big kuma bear blast into his face with ragnar it's gotta be cooler like we like i jump and do like a flip and that this way like you're looking directly down on him for the critical oh there we go you should do that it's super dramatic there's like yellow aura coming off of duros there's like red aura coming off of ragnar for no reason now just like in the anime when they're sort of do hockey for some reason like it's like super saiyan [ __ ] for some reason so you spin up reginald looks up and he's just like oh dia this may be the end he holds up two of his scissors to block you break right through to do the critical and you just it creates so much friction in the air it just like incinerates this guy where he stands oh my god oh jesus you you killed him he had 11 hit points after your first two attacks yeah my bad you did 41 damage to this guy all right so it's just like sliced and like his scissors fall dramatically the only thing left of him are scissor hands and they just hit the ground and they just crumble apart and then somewhere in the south blue some guy with orange hair eats the fruit and gets the scissors next um to the floor all right this is great you all got movie attacks now yes yes has just been dominating everything in the background our [ __ ] monkey is like almost like you know like when there's a big battleship and there's a small battle like a spaceship flying around it and like shooting at it that's like that's like chip right now but he's just spinning around pizarro bashing him hitting him being a monkey boy that's it all right this is the end of reginald von alfred belvedere okay so he did so next up after that is uh ragnar's turn yes sir all right and in bear form i should be able to reach our boy yes you can he's just like oh now what yeah now it's a bear did you just have a zoo on this island you attacked me with yeah oh well kings there are plenty full of greens the same but there's only one ragnar the bear [ __ ] oh fine brigaton i wrestle bears every morning in the vallos kingdom inspired by our monkey boy ryanair drops his axe goes like kind of leans back on like two legs because he's he's been mounted like a horse up until now and like with three kuma claws [Laughter] i don't think i need to worry about you i'm gonna worry about the acid dude and the monkey over here kicking my ass not that he is kicking my ass but yeah he's admitting that i kiki his house no i didn't all right uh after ragnar it's it's rocky and he's just like it's like all right you guys are actually pretty effective effective here okay let's do this so he takes out his knife and just you know he seems to move silently so to speak just over across the ground he doesn't make a sound and he just arrives to go and slice down uh pizarro not slice him down he's not dead yet but like he's gonna join tribute to the attack i try not to have npcs deal like finishing blows and stuff because that's not very dramatic but yeah if it happens it happens dude if it happens you've had cyril kill many people but not right now because that doesn't hit yeah all right i mean it kind of fit for cyril in my opinion i think he just tries to slash it it scratches his gauntlet it's just like pizarro you know you're such a dick you're just you're you're just come quietly and then you know we'll give you a nice cell in level six he's like yeah i'm going to get my kingdom back i'm gonna get everything back and just like yeah this guy's too far gone this guys i don't know who more who's more crazy him or the uh the homeless guy i don't know all right verona back to your turn all right i'm you're still all the way over at the end yeah yeah he's already trying to like catch up a little bit so i'm gonna kind of move to where rocky was before behind this mine cart like halfway to where he is and uh i'm gonna have the rifle of injustice run up in between um like next to chip ragnar and thoros yeah so that it's got a clean shot at this target that hopefully we can still see yeah or is that on his back i don't remember uh the target's on his back canonically now it's actually well it's just a big burn spot there okay basically i'm just going to have the rifle of injustice shoot first go for it that does not hit him jesus wow okay well in that case i'm just three shots bang bang bang all right whoa i mean wow whoa okay it's not a crit but pretty close those 25 32 30 hit yeah yeah yeah all right so a little damage for those okay so 24 and that's all i'm gonna do okay [Music] i mean this guy is such a loon at this point like you're he's bleeding you're dealing damage a giant acid splash on his back but he doesn't look like he's going down yet yeah um so next up is chip i still have plenty of key left um that's chip i'm sure you do [Laughter] i mean i'm i'm i put my finger up into his face and i just like are you gonna use the spirit gun on him yeah i'm gonna use the spirit gun on him i know i'm just gonna i'm just gonna like jab into his eyes called shot to the eye jeez you're it doesn't hit though it doesn't hurt it's a difficult fella to hit so i mean it maybe just doesn't hit just doesn't do any damage um and then i'm going to come in with an uppercut this one i'm just saying he's i'm just going to say he's blocking his attacks with his gauntlet blocks the first one but i managed to find a space and uppercut him the 26. oh no this one's this one's gonna i guess i'm just gonna keep trying to stun him um okay so another con save from this fella buddy oh critical success he seems unfazed i will not fall okay um and then i'm just gonna just keep trying that flurry of blows i'm just gonna go for two more attacks here we go punch on the side he blocks that one blocks that one punch on the other side get him across the cheek um trying to knock him down to the ground deck save deck save yes so yeah it's like we have like a proper like rocky yeah you're really having a dust up right like it's like a punch it's like a ufc match right now he blocks an attack i hit him he blocks an attack i clock it right around the face and his entire huge body plummets down to the ground okay box of the mouth with a foot dorky fob i used to log into my hsbc sorry all right now you're fine i mean that only did 10 damage so you did it 20 20 total 20 total knocked him prawn he's prone now so uh but it's actually really pointless because his turn's next he could just get up again and she's going to which she's going she's going to but he has to spend half half of his movement yeah all right so he gets up um let's see half of his movement so that's 15 feet so he's going to move back a bit he's like i'm not retreating mind you i'm not retreating but he moves back exactly 15 feet wait hold up but then we would get opportunity attacks right not in this direction right right which direction any direction wait where is he going well yeah yes he disengaged yeah he's disengaging from combat from us so all right [ __ ] it he's just gonna he's like he's a crazy guy he's just gonna do it now then so no no no no no no no he's gonna do something else oh all right he takes um a special uh like so he doesn't move a shell out of his pocket i guess and just loads it into his gauntlet and he's just like this will probably hurt me too but i will not be defeated by you here today and he just loads the shot and just fires it and i need you all to make a deck saving bro sweet does that include me way back here behind this no not you because you're still all the way back there so pizarro doesn't take a step back having fun i i because a friend i make a uh con save instead of dex that's fine boogie um and i have whoops uh it's seven so i'm just gonna say right now it has to be 15 or higher yeah okay well i take no damage because you take yeah because you have evasion i have invasion so yeah i just whatever explosion i just jump away from it all right well at least i take half okay and then ragnar uh he succeeds too so you guys all succeed on the savings well no you still take half damage because he's basically casting he he did fireball basically just ignore that okay but that's 86 damage i'm just going to say 28 because that's the average so you all take some half of that so 14 damage 14. okay i guess he would too as well because it's in a radius of effect and he just blasted it right in front so he's going to do a deck save as well he's going to do his deck save as well which he failed he is the only one he sets off an explosion which we either completely avoid or only take half damage from and he's the only one who takes four damage from it his own explosion this guy doesn't deserve to be on level six he should have put him in like level one he's on level six because the reason i came up with this he stole money from the tender veto and they don't take that [ __ ] he needs to do his safety as well he does yes all right so he he blows himself up in the face jesus christ that does a lot of damage all right so he's like reeling right now he's just like it's like smoke and his whole body's charred he's like okay and then rocky has to take the save here we go wait ragdoll doesn't take any damage either because he's a he's a mount all right that's that's on him then yeah he doesn't take any damage you're good that's it you don't take any damage i didn't succeed i got a seven i didn't get a 21. um oh oh yeah because it was 15 and yeah that was whatever yeah succeeded ragnar did right if the mouth is subjected to ragnar has succeeded he got 15. so he takes no damage instead of half yeah because he's like seven instead of 21 because that was with advantage and he didn't have an advantage there yeah yep all right so i get nothing nothing happened to me yeah nothing happened you're good i'm a big fan of you friend at least blocked you all right rocky takes damage and he's just like your freaking lunatic i'm gonna hold you in all right then okay so that was his turn oh wait no he can attack twice because he has multi-attack okay well well that's okay consider you oh go ahead no say something if you no i'm not going to backseat dio if that's if he could do that he could do that okay sure i'll just have him uh take out his mini guns then and try to fire shots with these then they fire twice why isn't it going where does it go who's he who's he having at with the uh minions oh my god they did it like five years [Laughter] all right so they didn't go at first 19 and then 29. 19 and 20. that's aiming at that's aiming at chip because he has caused him this is a match between pizarro and chip all right i mean they both hit i'm gonna try and deflect one of them i i will oh i know i use my reaction i can't you already use your reaction for what yep for blocking that's that takes my that is his movie attack that's his last ditch effort attack which doesn't really work but it looks really cool so there you go sure okay so do the damage for the two i mean okay so use my reaction now to uh um 33 and then 22. oh i don't even deflect it but i reduced the damage of the 22 down okay so what happens is it reduces the damage but if it hits zero i get to deflect so 22 minus 19 is three so i take 36 damage there you go so he just goes crazy he's so close to passing out now he's just like yeah oh bullet wounds ah this guy's mental die you monkey he's just like unloading trying in vain to take you down with him all right um okay so that was pizarro's turn duros you're up next buddy well then um i shall try to just knock him on his ass again because he's a insane [ __ ] so i'm just gonna slap at him a few times up here is is ragnar bigger than him oh yeah yeah yeah he's okay he's he's tall guy he's like seven feet tall but he's not like um he's not a big bear he's got babies actually i might be able to tell you for one time i actually might be able to tell you his exact height he is 16 feet tall so that's actually very [ __ ] tall okay so i'll just do normal attacks then he's as big as [ __ ] he is taller than i thought he would say right so let's say ragnar doubles inside that still would be less than to be fair though i will say he's younger here in the timeline because in the actual story he's 42 he's 20 here so you could say he's a little bit shorter but oh he's fully grown up normal attack because this is one piece though so yeah let's just go with normal attack yeah if he if he's that tall right north like six three six four i said so double his height for big bear form we're still not there yeah okay and then uh i will try to knock him on his butt with that there and uh so he'll have to make a strength saving throw all right but he does not succeed he has a plus to that too it's some remarkable he's not doing that great all right so i will roll the damage for that one at the very least plus a uh [Music] r1d10 so he gets knocked over to the ground again yep he's on the floor again we just keep [ __ ] clunking this dude you did 11 damage i did 11 damage yes to him and now i have two more attacks with advantage well you don't have to do that because with that 11 damage guess what oh no you don't kill him though because continues we've got to legally do non-linear damage here yeah you're not hit you hit him and how do you finish how do you deal the finishing kind of finishing doesn't he just get knocked unconscious by falling i'm gonna do i'm gonna do players that's my fall damage player character rules here yeah with the with the knocked unconscious death save thing yeah yeah so i like he falls over and hits his head yeah yeah okay go to swing and he like dodges it and he's like ha ha but then he's sliding in the water and then he just dog knocks his hand he like he like diamantes it he just like hits a object and knocks him out all right and so rocky's just there like okay you know what not the ending i was expecting but hey i'm not gonna complain and he like sheaths his knife and he's just like takes out a dent and mushy and he's like okay captain mamongo we got him oh that was awesome you took him out that quickly i'm like yeah i actually had yeah i took him out [Laughter] it's like i'm not that i'm not grateful but i should probably not tell the captain because he might actually want to like bring you guys in too so just like i was a pirate you could say i helped me and the monkey took care of it yes chip manager of this resort and i deserve some sort of reward i'm bringing the bounty hold of this guy okay so mamonga is the captain that's on the other end and he's just like now roshinate what did we say you were working undercover you have to follow the rules of the of the hotel you have to call him mr chip i'm like me and mr chip defeated him that's right wait your name's not rocky no why did you oh my god i'm i'm done i'm done um he just picks him up he just hauls him over his shoulder he's like super strong it's just like look i'm hauling this guy in until but you know trying to get this guy in before he wakes back up the crystal doesn't seem that difficult i could send a crew maybe down here later to rescue the civilians if you want to just pickaxe out your there seems to be like mining tools down if you want to picks out pickaxe out your crew go for it be out of here in half an hour that's all i can promise you hold on a second he snaps his fingers and it's like a bubble appears and it's like okay make as much noise nobody can hear you do [ __ ] down here i'm out and then he just leaves oh well then i guess you can hear each other nobody's going to hear you on the outside very good very good you can make as much noise as you can chiseling people out okay all right let's go get the captain and all the other people oh no then i rolled over and i stopped just like chipping away at uh i guess william's first yeah his head gets freed and just like oh oh god i was awake but also that was worse than the snakes [Applause] i was i was literally in the bathroom in the casino i was taking a [ __ ] there was a crystal next to the toilet for some stupid reason next thing i know crystal why i want my money back by the way i am demanding a full refund no no don't worry you guys are getting twice the amount i did not relax a single time on this island oh i had fun did you i'm glad you had fun verona i am glad i saw the whole thing of you guys like you know beating the [ __ ] out of the butler and i don't know what the story was with the king guy but i'm sure he's not going to be relevant later i hope not i i'm just i'm so listened guys i am so thankful that you were able to help me i'm not sure if i might have been able to take him down by myself now in hindsight but i was you know i i know you were just trying to save your friends but i'll give you your money back plus extra and i'm gonna give you this he hands you a little card unlimited access to the resort unlimited you know like it's like an ad it's like an annual pass but you guys have free access to the resort and you can come here and enjoy your stay anytime i am not accepting that but i will accept those because i would like some i i do like the amusement park that does have nice stuff okay and the gift shop can i get some vouchers for the gift shop oh oh yes of course thank you great all right here's a five percent off all uh items that contain the letter i there better be a lot of items that contain that damn letter i swear to god he pulls out the monkey banana take off all the items that contain the letter i take you off sale right now calvin is the only one calvin's the only answer everybody else is either dead or went home sir the marines are talking to a bunch of us right now like but we're still in business right we could still they [ __ ] they i've i have been manning the front desk the janitorial duties the gift shop the amusement park the bar the restaurants i've been doing everything at the same time you're amazing i try sir you're like the son calvin i've got one last mission for you yes you know that you know that item that i have uh a cathode store uh that i i never use anymore uh i feel like these people need an extra reward you mean your weirdly shaped banana yes the banana sword the bananas am i worthy of the banana sword um no not you i need to give it to one of these guys oh okay i'll come and get it uh i'll be right there and so he hangs up and he goes into the back room and he rummages around and he pulls out this very ornate oak box with like a banana sigil on it and he he brings it down he passes he passes rocky on the way up rocky's like hauling this giant criminal just like you didn't say [ __ ] crystal man and see [ __ ] and he just keeps walking up and he walks downstairs and he just like okay here's here it is i take it i would like to give this to you guys it's my banana sword i used to use when i was um uh well i i used to be a pirate myself and then i i was a bounty hunter that i have a complicated history right um i used to be one of the warlords as well but only for a short amount of time is with this guy i i have a liaison i could have been a warlord once too you know i but you're not so i that's what i have over you um but i quit that life and i put it behind me because i i wanted to make a resort an amusement park a place for people no matter who you are to just have fun and make me a lot of money um and i said one day i would go back to the life of piracy or whatever i wanted to do and i kept this as just a case but i think after today i don't think i i want that life for me after almost losing this resort i think i always i know that this is the place that i will spend the rest of my life so i want you guys to have my banana sword oh i already have a sword you could give it to anybody i i mean i would say verona yeah this seems like a yeah i think verona should have it he had fun yeah did you have a good vacation verona i think i understand what fun is now captain okay do i get to keep this sword in the continuity yeah yes i don't you do but i'm going to cast a spell on you so you forget it for the next few days and then you'll suddenly remember it okay that's the curse of the banana sword i don't really get it but okay that's a very specific curse so it only works for the first five days after you pick it up uh no so you you you have the sword right you forget that you have it and then once someone says the key phrase which is banana you'll remember that you have it okay that sounds great i think well all right then i guess we'll all forget this after so sure all right and then you all right then remember me and you'll remember everything at that moment you're going to forget everything until that point and then you'll remember everything you know what fine that's okay with me i could just forget about this day we'll move on here um so so now what do we do like what's going on upstairs uh well i could say it's quite bananas going on up there here there you go oh [ __ ] oh whoops i'm sorry did i say that too early the wait time do we have to go now or time goes by you free all the members of the devil's luck pirates you're all down there um roshanate comes back and rocky sorry there you go for those of you that figured that out that's cool rocky comes back um yeah he's 17 in this and he's a marine lieutenant he comes down and he's just like all right um so you guys you've got to get moving the marines are upstairs um i would really hi this was kind of a undercover operation he's going to a place that you're not supposed to know about so just i would be okay if you just never mentioned this again you didn't see me you didn't see anybody doing anything okay all right well apparently we're gonna forget about this for the next few days so i don't think that'll be a problem well that's just perfect then thank god i just okay that's a load off my mind i might be getting a promotion from this i'm actually in pretty good mood right now you can't tell he's in a good mood right now he has the same expression either way but he's like all right well it's been uh wonders working with you i'm glad we were able to bring in this criminal he like shakes your hands and um i guess if you're gonna forget about this then you know i i would say i would help you in the future but i don't think that'll happen although i did hear some stories from trevor from you guys and um william you're uh you're an interesting fella yeah all right well um later and he just soars away he just supposedly just flat you know disappears this so captain what's the plan are we are we able to stay here a little bit or do we have to get the hell out of here i mean he said we had to get out of here but you know i'm guessing wait wait can't we just like stay down here for a little bit wait for it to like die down upstairs could we still get this vacation you could still get at the vacation of course okay screw it we're getting the vacation yeah all right i'm not [ __ ] leaving into our flipping casino table after i win okay guys go and then william hasn't been in this whole thing at all but he like stretches and we all do a pose vacation and then if you've ever seen pokemon the first movie uh pikachu's vacation which plays at the beginning of pokemon the first movie the uh song um by vitamin c i believe cues up at the beginning and i was like we're on a vacation and i want to be everybody wait can i i can't remember don't get you perfectly attacking we might get copyright striked that was accurate the ending scene is the credits as the devil's luck pirates are all having vacation on the island and that is the end of one piece d the movie which is number one so funny that it's like it's a filler movie in a d game that happens to still be canon both in the dnd game and in actual one piece so that was the story of how avalo pizarro one of this blackbeard's men was captured and thrown into impelled down he was the [ __ ] beat out of him by a monkey buy a monkey man that's so funny yeah all right and that's also when you see him in the story he's missing like 10 teeth so i'm like at some point in this he can't die but he just loses a bunch of teeth like a monkey like i hope oda makes that cannon like i got into a fight with a monkey martial artist 20 years ago and just beat that rap out of me all right so who wants to do the next movie yeah which one are you i'm absolutely i think juris has his own thing to worry about so it's either verona or briggs i'll do a halloween themed one sometime okay we're doing a halloween movie yeah yeah all right too spooky halloween 2022 one piece do you d movie two wow oh wow yeah you heard it here first it's official all right i guess it's official all right after credit scene oh after credit scene we just cut to the oasis and blake's there just drinking pineapple juice and sadness oh that's his cameo in the movie we're having more of the credit scenes we just have the one after credit scenes although that scene with us vacationing that was during the crime yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um it's just blake no nothing's saying just the sound of the ocean as he's just drinking the juice um as as he's drinking the juice there's a hand on his shoulder and um and blake looks looks round and it's sort of you don't you don't see much you see a little bit of white hair and and you see them sort of his mouth move and it's like he's saying something to blake and then [Laughter] another after credit scene sure all right the blake scene was the half credits scene and then this is the proper end credits uh you see you see chip is hanging out with the the crew yeah and um chip's like oh well if you if you i might as well give you this and he hands over his business card and he's like i am so stupid if you ever need my uh if you ever need to get a contact um i'm always here at this island and then you look at the business card and his name monkey d chip i damn it so monkey is luffy's family name so does that mean he's related to luffy he's like he's like dragon's like weird like step uncle i think he's like luffy's cousin yeah yeah oh [ __ ] like dragon's brother's kid yeah yeah dragon's brother [ __ ] a monkey okay but he's a big so yeah after credit secrets yeah all right calvin the crystal just walks up to verona right before you guys leave for the last time and he's just like did you have fun verona i think i did yay and he just hugs you freeze frame come back again anytime end of movie did the captain ever finish taking his [ __ ] third after credit scene before it's fourth after credit sequence not the holders he's just in the toilet on the ship just making sure the toilet will not suck him in and just like oh good okay and then cuts to black as soon as he takes his [ __ ] fifth off the credit scene okay i got another one well i was gonna do this for until 10. i ended a little early crystal pete wakes up on the beach wounded uh but there's like there's something his eye is like infected and there's a hermit crab in his eye he's not like he's like a beach tent right he's like on a stretcher and like like a almost like a glass ball has been placed into his eye he's there's like a doctor working on him and um he the doctor looks down and goes you're very strong you know i could use a man like you sex after credits take it away briggs yeah i got enough i i said what i wanted to do to the last extra credit scene we're all gambling broda's having fun throwing like stuff on the table he throws it on red we win a thing and i flip the table you flip that shape hell yeah that's probably the best place to end it okay yeah unless durros do you want to do a seventh after credit scene after credit scene duros is on the frickin roller coaster again he's enjoying himself pearl pearl and all like this behind you she's having a good time cyril's there like yeah everyone's having a good time eighth after credit scene oh my god um it's the dead body of jeffrey marvel marvel take notes you know eighth of the credit scene there's some hands and it looks like they're like working something and it zooms out and this disgruntled man in this suit is next to this cow he's clearly milking him and he looks round into the camera he goes wait a second this isn't the right d d series and then it goes oh my god last after credit scene it cuts to a bunch of guys playing one piece d d and it's noble's birthday happy birthday oh my god all right hey oh my god keep this all in the youtube version yeah well you should do a facebook every every single time will be another fade-out
Channel: RUSTAGE2
Views: 176,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Piece, Dungeons and Dragons, D&D, DND, one piece dnd, one piece dungeons and dragons, rpg, d20, tekking101, lost pause, rustage, 2spooky, Briggs
Id: 1qAZ6bBcRyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 1sec (9121 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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