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[Music] hello from the swabian oh hello and this is where i come from yeah and we're going to show you a bit of it today and in the background can you see it you can see it here it is a castle yeah and it's uh very famous it's the book on salon yes on the castle of horn solon yes and it's a very beautiful castle when you think of a fairy tale castle in germany so many think of neuschwanstein and don't really think of this one which it is beautiful yes it is very romantic it is yeah and we just wanted to show you this place because it's it's stunning do you know how long ago we visited i don't know i don't know 20 years ago no no no not that long the last 10 years we've been yeah we we hope you will love this we'll love it will you share more information about the castle itself once we're up there yes i'll do yes so we'll drive no we're not driving up there we'll go to the parking lot first and then probably take the shuttle bus yes because it's a long walk up the hill yeah it would be too sweaty yeah i think so let's go there i'm quite excited come on with us yes we decided to walk and not use the bus because it looked so tiny and doesn't feel too safe so the walk is about 25 minutes it's quite steep but should be all right [Music] can you spot the goats they are everywhere but hard to see [Music] do so this is where i grew up and where i come from some hills and a lot of forests [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so we're now on top of a book on salon okay and krsna told me to give you some facts about the castle it's been built in the middle of the 19th century from 1850 to 1867 and it was a good example of a let's say a romantic castle of a view of a romantic house like that time and beside where we are is let's say the ant and special sight of the german kings of the prussian kings and the german empress that's why it's got some significance and i remember as a child the coffins of frederick were great and frederick wilhelm the first his father were at the castle because they yeah had to be safeguarded here after the second world war and i really remember how impressed i was [Music] okay and this is the statue of frederick the great to me the most important prussian king and as i said as a child i remember his coffin being at the castle but it's been transferred now to his favorite palace sansosi which is in potsdam which is not far from berlin [Music] [Music] so we were just inside and it's beautiful yeah and it's amazing because you see all the pictures of the german kings and yeah the rooms are just just very very pretty yes so should you be here make sure to visit because it's just it's different than an english castle yeah and that's why it's really worth visiting yeah it's got it has its own style yes we are so sad that we can't show it because i was so thrilled i checked on the internet last night and i just said drones aren't allowed so i thought filming would be okay but sadly not because yeah i don't know he would have loved that i'm sure so what's next are we going to the chapel oh yeah a chapel and then we're going into the to see the crown yes so the check where all the treasures are yeah okay so maybe we can film on the chapel i i have no idea no you know not allowed no no well we'll link the website so you can have a look at some pictures at least and yeah check that out [Music] okay we currently have heavy rain so yuck and i decided to go to a small cafe it isn't the most beautiful cafe in the whole world or in germany but we have some traditional german cake so we'll show you what cake we ordered has the very famous black forest cake and um i don't know the translation for that one it's a kind of cheesecake yeah a kind of cheesecake so i always eat just the middle part and uh eat eats the rest of it and yeah and i can tell you when i was small boy my mother made both of the cakes and they were just delicious enjoy it looks nice is it nice [Music] hello from bits yeah hello this is the village i grew up yes yeah it's a small nice yeah village in the middle of this wavian hub yes it has a beautiful countryside you can take wonderful walks or even go hiking and yeah it's lovely here and it's in a nice mountainous area yes about 900 meters high lots of forest lots of forest around so you can do long long walks and hikes yes it's really really it's it's a stunning area we love coming here yeah to just enjoy the countryside and we just thought we would go for a little walk around the village and film a little bit so you can get an impression yeah how beautiful it is anything else about this no no how's the belt don't try to talk to the people because you won't understand them oh that's true because the dialect here is very strange very strong very very strong just to give you an example so you get an idea my name is kirsten but they people here call me christian yeah because that's the way we pronounce it and when i got to know you i mean i knew it but uh when we met and he doesn't really you can you can speak the dialect yeah but um it's not like you don't we don't speak it at home or it's like you grew up high jam and speaking high german but when i met his family for the first time they were like christian and i was like stop yeah but now it's okay you get used to it yeah say okay let's let's show you around yeah let's show you around yeah and this is how bits looks in the wintertime usually it gets quite cold here and with lots of snow it's really nice yeah so you can do a lot of skiing [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] [Music] and what you see here is the primary school of pets i spent four years at this goal it seems to be a building site at the moment i don't know what they do here street and i don't know but um didn't you say earlier it's a secondary school as well yes yeah but it changed a lot yeah i can imagine yeah we never had such a lovely playground and this is the cemetery here in bits [Applause] and the church was built in the 1920s [Music] and i remember at that time they had huge discussions about the architecture as always because it was too modern [Music] and this here is the town hall york just went into the bakery sir what did you buy yeah we call it coffee stucchin in eye german hi german in our dialect we call them c stigli which says something which translates to sweet treat yes yeah are they all the same no what's this that's the one that's smaller and it's got a marzipan feeling oh yes that's good this has got some pudding this has got some yeah also some pudding and some fruit i think apple maybe yeah it's a different kind this has got some cinnamon yeah it's really good and in small villages like this you always have some very curious people the moment we stopped to film this someone opened the window and i don't know yeah he's secretly trying to listen to to listen and to watch so you have to be careful uh people in these small villages i mean it's probably the same everywhere they are a bit curious [Music] so yesterday we went to see castle hon solon and we just drove to a place from where we can walk um to a spot where you can see the castle from the other side of vermont yes and it has the most amazing view is this the place where where did we park the car yard the place the name solar stykov yes we will link that just in case you want to visit you never know and it takes us about half an hour to walk to the to the spot which is one of our favorite spots here um it is a very romantic view and we just want to share that with you just wait and see yes and also it's crazy i checked the temperature like 10 minutes ago and it said 12 degrees celsius i think yesterday was 25 degrees yeah so sorry so a huge difference and i i didn't bring winter clothes because i just didn't expect it to be that cold [Music] [Music] [Music] so what do you think isn't it just stunning amazing views [Music] [Music] so as you can see it's raining now it's always worth coming here do you think um right we hope you like the views as much as we do and um it's quite dark and rainy now and we're going to visit some family now and then head back to zarland yeah it was i don't know we were here for 24 hours and it's not very long is it but still it's good to see some family even if it's just a short visit we are on our way back home to the uk today and we're undock we got a train earlier half an hour earlier right yep which is good we're heading on the update oh this time we are on the upper level i have to say it looks a bit more narrower on the video than um in reality to be honest [Music] the light isn't too good in here but it's fine this wig has flown by yeah it was yeah just too short to be honest seems to be like one day yeah we are so lucky to have seen our families we feel really blessed and it was it was amazing it was a wonderful week yeah it was it was packed with meeting friends meeting family appointments and we also we did some some filming for a local tv station yeah which was nice it was really interesting and and nice and as soon as it comes out we will share we are quite excited about it was an interview it was yeah some kind of interview from the from the area where i grew up so there was a local tv station and yeah and yeah now we're heading back home and yeah we're on the train now and um we were quite some of you um commented on the train that you really found it interesting and um a lot of you said that you would um panic in on the train but it feels like a normal train ride doesn't it it's completely normal you don't feel that you're on the water or anything it's just it's a tunnel it's a tunnel so you're not underwater you're in concrete it's really it's absolutely fine and yeah and again that was super quick it's amazing you can't you can't even take a nap because it's so quick great [Music] a nice option to go to germany and back and we're now south of london and it's approximately a three hours drive until we're home yeah and well we hope you like the videos we would have loved to film a lot more in germany but sadly a week is just not long enough no we would have we were so busy visiting family members and other stuff that we said we would love to have like two or three more days the next time during normal times of course and maybe drive somewhere stay overnight and just film a bit more of beautiful germany that would be amazing and well we keep that on our list maybe next year yeah that would be so so nice and yeah well anyway we hope you like the videos and we'll see you again very soon and take care guys take care until next time bye-bye bye
Channel: Kirsten & Joerg
Views: 39,756
Rating: 4.9793878 out of 5
Keywords: 6.03.20, one of the most beautiful regions in germany: the swabian alb is joerg's homeland, kirsten & joerg, the chateau diaries, travelling germany, must see places in germany, our life in england, travelling from england to germany in 2020, travel during a global pandemic, visit castle hohenzollern, the most romantic castles in germany, must see castles in germany, the best castles in germany, die schönsten burgen in deutschland, couple goals, a german couple in england
Id: O5XK_AaBNd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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