I found a *HUGE JADE* boulder on the Fraser River

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dan herb again her prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earn your subscription today I am here on the Fraser River a beautiful Winter's day I think it's January 10th today the weather's warmed up a little bit down on the Fraser there's some Rock counting to be done today I am looking for Jade gem Serpentine and agates and of course anything else that you know catches my eye so wish me luck and I hope you enjoy [Music] now just on my way down to the water's edge to do my intro there I picked up a few rocks that I liked this guy here I can tell from the wear patterns on him let me wake him off uh is black nephrite so it's a type of Jade that is jet black and I can tell because of how hard it is uh from the wear patterns I got this guy here which is either a jade or a gem Serpentine let me wipe them off for a second that is a great little palm Stone and that polished up would just be outstanding and then these two little guys here not long ago I did a little video for one of the rock club members who want to see what one of these rocks looked like I forget the name of this rock here but maybe I can look it up and put it on the screen or something there's something that we find commonly on the Fraser and they're really neat I think those are feldspar crystals in some sort of Matrix some of them are not quite so square and angular but same kind of rock anyhow time to start looking at the bar and seeing what I can find and here's a piece of serpentine this is typically what your typical Serpentine looks like down here a rough weathered surface you can definitely see the green in it if you cut that it is translucent but it's a very soft rock it's not even gem Serpentine so some of the serpentines down here are beautiful Gemmy inside like it is almost Jade but this is not it this is just your typical run-of-the-mill Serpentine that we find on the freezer and here is a piece of what we call Fraser River turquoise it's not actually turquoise it's just turquoise in color and kind of has the same patterns and everything as turquoise it's a really neat Rock we don't typically collect this too much it is everywhere but a really neat looking Rock look at this one this is your typical slick of either a low quality jade or gem Serpentine this looks like a gem you should have to go and find it specific gravity in its hardness and everything like that but that is an awesome looking Rock very nice the sun is coming I am sure looking forward to when the sun gets on me because the wind is chilly today need the warmth of the Sun what's that foreign that's just an ultramafic Rock um ultramafics are completely opaque where Jade and Serpentine are translucent so not what I'm looking for there's another piece of that Fraser River turquoise oh look at that piece of Chinese writing Stone nice there's a nice one that is nice and green very green very green translucent too you can see right into it let's grab a hammer and see what kind of sound it makes if I can tap it sounds kind of soft probably gem Serpentine that's one worth testing [Music] beautiful color into the backpack it goes this is turning out to be a very nice bar to hunt on oh switch the finger I need both hands give that one out of there very interesting very very interesting definitely some sort of nephrite interesting but I don't know it's a bit big and my backpack is already getting full and after getting it wet in the river the bright green here is definitely Serpentine because it's softer than the dark green dark green will be a nephrite of some sort the bright green will be a serpentine so it's kind of cool but not quite what I'm looking for leave that for the next guy Comes the Sun come on son there's another one of those rocks with the white Felts bar and the green Matrix there's another piece of freezer River turquoise look at that that's a nice piece of Jade I think oh yeah you can really tell when you're looking for Jade whenever you see a crack crack like that you want to be able to sort of see into the stones on the Cracks now Jade doesn't crack often because it's such a hard rock but when you do see a crack on if you can sort of see a light green along the edge of the crack that means you're seeing into the stone it's a little bit translucent nice oh how about some red jasper look at that Jasper piece knock here collecting Jasper today though now this doesn't look like it but experience tells me that's actually a serpentine or Jade inside a yellowed skin I've seen lots of these you cut them open they're green inside unfortunately not too many of them are very nice Serpentine or Jade but that there and I can feel it it's heavy hard that there is actually a piece of serpentine or Jade but [Applause] [Music] there is a beautiful Rock of jade Jimmy Jade but you can tell how hard it is by the wear and the shininess on it so you can tell it's hard it's definitely green I'm not sure if this low light right now picks up how green it is but uh that is a beautiful Rock it's kind of big that would be sort of you know filling up my backpack if I threw that in there that'd be done for the day but that's a nice one see if we can get some light on it that is such a nice rock I would hate to leave it I don't know I'll fill my backpack and I just started so I've decided to leave my backpack on that Rock right now I'm just gonna wander around the bar see what else I see and determine if I want to take that one or if there's better to be had today it wouldn't be the first time I put a rock my backpack later to take it out and replace it with a better one so uh I don't know let's just wander and see what we find green ultramafic another big gorgeous Rock of dark nephrite as we'll go put that with the first very dark greens like a very very forest green here but again I can see some flaws some little cracks and whatnot that just you can see right into the Rock and when we're talking about sound when you're tapping nephrite there's another big piece I don't know if microphones on these cameras get overwhelmed or if you can hear that it's almost like hitting glass it is such a high-pitched ping because the material is so hard the proper microphone to grab that I think but there's another one very thin this one um awake oh yeah great piece of Jade great one that one goes straight into the backpack most of the pieces so far have been a very very dark forest green once in a while in the freezer you do find a bright apple green type Jade I'd love to see one of those today but those are very few and far between the good stuff is hard to find the sort of mediocre quality black nephrite or green jade dark green jade dark green nephrite that's more common here you get some really interesting looking rocks it's definitely not Jade that'd be some sort of Maverick Rock this here tapping it against other rocks it sounds soft that's probably a piece of serpentine very similar in appearance to that Jade but I can just hear the sound of it is a much softer Rock so probably Serpentine what is this some like a piece of black jade maybe not and I should also note I'm not filming every Rock I pick up and check out I pull out the camera for one out of every 10 maybe but I'm constantly sort of bending down and looking at rocks just to determine what they are and then when I see something really nice looking I bring the camera in on it [Music] that right beside a piece of serpentine or Jade that might be a nice little palm Stone Jade very hard rock very very dark but it it's looking right beautiful you'd get some sunshine on this so you can really see these colors very green very very green but looking at this one compared to the one I saw earlier the nice big one this one is greener but it has a rougher surface on it more of a chance of being a gem Serpentine this has more of a chance of being a nephrite getting quite the pile of big rocks here I need a bigger backpack and a bigger back and obviously a piece of serpentine again this is just your run-of-the-mill low quality General everyday Serpentine now you've heard me talk about Serpentine gem Serpentine and Jade I guess it's time for the geology lesson of the day what is Jade well there are two different minerals that are 100 True Jade one is called nephrite the mineral nephrite it is Jade the other is jadeite here in BC almost all of our Jade is nephrite Jade now nephrite Jade belongs in a family of serpentine rocks now this is a whole gradient of rocks starting with talc at the bottom soapstone Serpentine asbestos what we call gem Serpentine that Serpentine that has gone very very hard and ending with Jade Jade at the very top which has been baked and under pressure in the Earth a serpentine that has just been compressed so much it's turned into this hard rock called Jade now it is a gradient going from all the way from talc all the way up to Jade and when you get into those harder and harder and harder serpentines they start becoming almost indistinguishable from Jade it's a gradient at some point you have to draw the line saying this is no longer Serpentine this is Jade and then at the very top then you get those what you really think of as you know carvable Jades there we go geology lesson of the day BC Jade I don't think we have jadeite here in BC I could be wrong but I've never heard of any jadeite being found it's all been nephrite Jade now since my backpack is too heavy for me to lift anymore I think I'm just gonna go for a walk without it and see if I find anything of really high quality I'm not bringing any kind of bag with me so if I find anything great I'll have to carry it all the way back to my backpack only coming across some nice looking rocks down here but nothing I have seen that makes me want to carry it back to the backpack quite yet lots that make me wish I had you know unlimited room in my backpack and an unlimited back for carrying what is this that is a nice one wow this is something that is sort of in that transition between gem Serpentine and Jade and you can tell because of the very hard dark green lines those are Jade the dark green lines are Jade the lighter stuff in it is the stuff that hasn't baked enough and sort of got you know made homogeneous in with the Jade so this is something that has transitioned to the Jade point but still has pieces of what would be serpentineish type stuff left in amongst it that isn't amazing Rock beautiful that might be the one worth carrying back I'll leave it standing up like that if I don't find anything better that will be the one I bring back hopefully I'll be able to see it on the bar as I walk back very obvious Serpentine again you really know that stuff from its rough surface woohoo look at this guy very cool another one in that transition stage you can see all the little pockets of the minerals that didn't get baked into the Jade properly and they weathered away leaving the very very very hard model Jade behind oh another one you can see this one from a mile away well I say that is uh Jade rocks are often much shinier than anything else that's on the bar and that is much shinier although silver ultramafric and my mistake that's ultramafic they can really fool you and ultramafic rocks is a huge family of these dark heavy uh igneous rocks as well I'm saying that these are ultramafic just because they're one in that huge family that fool us when we're looking for Jade but it's a very very dark green hard Shiny Rock like Jade is the only time it's translucent is when it's an ultramafic Jade rock Jade does fall in the ultramafic category whoa some of these are just amazing I could you know take a dump truck load of rocks off these bars everything I find I love I love it Serpentine Serpentine the one of those are very cool rocks no agates of any sort yet that might have to do with the fact that there's no sunshine out egg it's really show themselves in the sunshine [Music] very green small enough I can put my pocket there's a nice piece oh listen to it there is the best piece of Jade of the day right there there is the one I knew if I kept walking I would find it and that is the one that's the best quality jade I've seen yet today very dirty so it's hard to see but you cut that it's going to be unbelievably translucent I can hear how hard it is very hard I can feel how heavy it is that's a really heavy Rock that is a nice piece of Jade and how typical of me instead of walking back towards my backpack I continue with the rock under my arm I don't know when to stop that is very nice as well as I walk down the bar I'm finding more and more and more great rocks there's obviously a lot more down this way on the bar than there was way up there but still that's the one coming back with me I might try to carry that one too and of course look at me I bought all four of them back plus the ones I had here I have no self-discipline that one is definitely coming with me I gotta take that and that was pretty nice but that pretty much fills my backpack by itself that is definitely Serpentine let's get rid of it this one I believe is Serpentine although it's a really nice piece oh decisions decisions I can lift barely it's only maybe a hundred 110 pounds not too bad oh my poor back I got a long ways to get back to the truck but I found too good of stuff too quick I got a whole day ahead of me maybe I hike it back and come back I don't know I kind of really want to walk the whole bar ouch let's see what I feel like after I get back to the truck if I'm up for round two or not why do I do this to myself oh look a pretty Rock oh my good God my back that's a piece of jade I can't stop I've got a problem I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it I'm making it back to the truck of course I found more on the way and not a bad little haul here for a great little morning hanging out on the freezer this is the Highlight just wait till you see that thing cut and I'm really eager to see this guy too yeah I took him I don't know why I really brought back the piece of black didn't need to take that a few of these uh weird things one little tiny Rock of Chinese writing Stone one piece of Fraser turquoise don't know why I brought that one back also guess my back needed a little bit more weight on it I think I'm up for round two let's go see what I can find so for round two I am gonna be more selective with my rocks I'm going to try to find Palm Stones because people love just having a small piece of Fraser River nephrite and palm stones are a great way to do it and uh that high quality green if I find a lot more of that dark nephrite I know I left lots of it on the beach it's gonna stay there for today I won't have round three in me so I better utilize round two the best I can just the Rocks I need and as always if you want one of the Rocks I've collected check out my website www.dam heard prospecting.com in the shop beautiful piece of dark nephrite but again looking for Quality here not quantity and there we go that's what I'm looking for nice Palm stones of nephrite still pretty dark but that's a nice size if anyone want a little palm Stone too big too dark not nephrite nice piece of serpentine but definitely Serpentine and there's that rock again it's a bigger one there's a wow Stone wow that is big that would be everything I had to carry that one out of here I think but that might be worth it that is a gorgeous Rock so I said I might not have three rounds that might be round three right there by itself that's the wow Stone lucky lucky lucky oh yeah baby that's what we're talking about so I totally got distracted way up here right up by well that's pretty close to the truck uh with all these small rocks looking for Palm stones my backpack's half full already and I haven't even gone for a walk down the beach like I wanted to so possibly I will fill my backpack with this stuff take it off the truck because the truck's close and then go for my walk maybe there is around three and four in me today best pieces I've found have been underneath this skin but many have been like junk I would say nine out of ten are junk when you go inside these skins and one out of ten is just freaking amazing now that's a good little palm Stone awesome nephrite I love it and you can see that Serpentine from a mile away right green and another beautiful Rock a little bit bigger than I'd like for a palm Stone but uh just a beauty probably get cut in half and sold as a specimen rather than a palm Stone wow that's a Butte I guess the last you know 20 Clips have all been just me pulling out rocks saying wow that's a beaut there's a lot of nice Palm stones on this beach here I even see some bigger ones Great Piece of Jade right there just a great big bit one I saw another one here somewhere I'm not sure where it went to but uh looking for the little guys looking for the high grade right now and then I want to go for a walk because I just like going for walks down the freezer my pockets are right right full I'm gonna get back to the backpack and empty as the morning warms up and the Rocks start to dry out because the breeze out here it's getting harder and harder to see what I'm looking at though Jade still should be shiny but it is getting harder to see each individual Rock because they're all starting to just get sort of a dull dry look to them still getting some really nice pieces though they're getting harder and hard to see I think that one is this that's one there too yep really nice piece well the second trip back was a lot easier I was a little bit more realistic in what's in my backpack but a great selection of smaller like Palm stones really beautiful stuff another one of these crazy rocks grab one big one but off for round three now for this trip I am just going for a walk I want to go and enjoy the sunshine the big expanses of gravel bars the nice day I'm just going for a walk but I do have my backpack with me and the only things I'm grabbing out there are those wow Stones anything that makes me go wow I'll grab otherwise I'm just out for illegally walking down the bar now there is still that wow Stone over there that I want to grab but we'll get that on the on the way back or on trip number four time to go enjoy the sunshine and get some exercise yay sunshine it's not too often you hear a redhead say that oh this feels great I've found a little Jade pocket this is the third one it's like it was right here that guy that guy and whoo that one's definitely small enough I can toss him in the backpack oh I want that one okay I left the two big ones I put the two small ones in the backpack that's willpower well I'm on my way back now I may have pushed it too far I think I walked about six or seven kilometers there on my way back here I'm walking like 20 steps stopping and resting stretching I got a lot of weight on my back walking another 20 steps stopping stretching resting contemplating all of my bad life decisions all that kind of stuff I'm almost back I may have pushed it too far here still stopping and picking up more rocks though of course ah well I'm back here at my wow Stone and I am you know contemplating committing more bad life decisions I think I can get that stone in an already full backpacking carried out of here it's huge and my backpack is already half full but I'm gonna try have to see how big it actually is oh why does Jade have to be so heavy it was a lot thicker than I thought it would be so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take that backpack back to the truck empty it out bring it back and just put the one stone in what's another half kilometer of walking even more than that much better looking rocks this time around but back for the big one well I'm back at my rock my backpack is empty the day is coming to a close I will be leaving lots of pictures right here for you to see the Jade and Serpentine I got today after it's been cleaned up a little bit maybe even a few cuts and slabs foreign [Music] [Music] all the rest were hard enough to be Jade this one is not this one is softer so this would be a certainty but you have to see the light passing through it what a beautiful green but again when tested this was softer so this would be Serpentine a gem Serpentine now that's a rock uh I really enjoyed this day and I do have a recommendation for you guys if you get a chance to unwind by walking down a Gravel Bar of a big river you gotta do it it is just the most relaxing unbelievable way to spend a Winter's day or anytime you need a bit of relaxing I really hope you enjoyed the video if you did please leave me that thumbs up if I haven't earned your subscription already I hope I earned it today and a big thanks to everyone for watching especially my patrons because the support of my patrons I get to make these weekly episodes of Dan heard prospecting hope you're all having a great day and until the next one bye [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 771,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold panning, prospecting, panning for gold, mining, gold, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, british columbia, bc, video, canada, finding gold, gemstones, gem stone, gems, treasure hunting, diamond mining, gold detector, gold river, metal detecting gold, gemstone hunting, gold panning for beginners, finding gold with a metal detector, metal detecting for gold, sluice box, how to gold pan, gold mining process, gupta dham, Real diamond, jade, nephrite
Id: aJDTtAE4dms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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