Largest gemstone results in Biggest Payday yet!

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[Music] foreign [Music] prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earn your subscription today I'm back here at the ocean picture stone quarry we're here to harvest some more of that premium blue beautiful gemstone we get from this site so wish us luck and I hope you enjoy [Music] and of course I have my beautiful wife Dana with me today and it is a smoky September Day what is it September 4th today I think it's September 4th and we have some forest fires in the local area creating a nasty Haze in the valley let's see what we can find now last time we were here we were way up on the hill and we were harvesting a new seam which got some good material but mostly like mid-grade today we want to try to get this shelf right here out of here this is all beautiful premium like the best blues around doesn't look like it right now because we had some good rainstorms that wash mud over top of everything but the mud is all dried up I can break that all the way I can get into this material here which is the best material I think I'm going to start by drilling a whole line of holes for Feathering wedges and see if I can break off a great big slab off the front of this this mud uh turns concrete on here just gonna remove some of the mud where I'm gonna drill the holes so that I know what I'm drilling down into and get a good idea and so that the mud doesn't fall back down in the hole once it's been drilled foreign got my trusty Honda 2000 generator and the Makita hammer drill or rotary hammer and let's get drilling I love this thing it is so quiet [Music] [Music] foreign holes along the back edge here all in a nice line I worried I got too aggressive with this and went for two wide of a piece going so wide means there's a lot of material underneath still holding on I don't know if I can break it free and I wasn't planning on actually putting any flaws down below I was planning just to hopefully pop that all off I may be you know doing more than I can we'll see what happens when I put the feather wedges in what you getting Dean yes because I'm always looking for the chips for the chip bag and then I found a couple of neat rocks this one looks pretty good I just found that sitting on top cool and then this really oh you like some of the gray stuff there's a whole pile down here that has lots of that gray stuff in it yeah definitely different yeah I'd like to cut it up see what it looks like cool and on a side note while I'm getting the feather and wedges here I have finally put in the permits for this site here now permits take about a year to go through but what I've uh permitted what I've asked for in the application is to get rid of this lump of rock right here so that I can you know bring in a big machine scrape off this lump of rock and expose more of the good seam down below that's the plan hopefully the ministry allows me to do that anyhow feather wedges let's get them in 10 or 10 hammer time and again if you're new to my channel and you don't know what feathered wedges are I have lots of videos on these things how they work why you use them all that kind of stuff and it's just a type of wedge that you put in a drilled hole that expands with a humongous amount of force pushing the rock aside and creating a flaw and a crack hopefully breaking the rock free and the more you put in the more Force you can put on that rock they're all in place just setting them down so I hear the Ping there we go good ping there we go got good ping on all of them now we start hammering them down and in the more I look at this the more I think I have gone way too aggressive on this but let's see what happens I'm wondering if I should have a hole right there maybe one more okay one more in the gap Dina wants me to play a tune Three Blind Mice three blind no not gonna work her to crack oh heard another crack a little bit worried these first ones are a little far apart they got them nice and close here and then far apart there maybe should have gone more Come On Pop nicely give it a second give it a sec I think we're gonna get this chunk by itself I think it's cracking over here yeah oh big crack ideally the crack needs to go straight down but because ocean picture stone is layered often it goes down and then comes out on one of the layers there's lots of noises going on all right so I was just hammering in the rest of the wedges all the way down wedging out the pieces that are broken free they're all going down easily now oh yeah we got stuff free oh we need water to show this off oh yeah we need water oh yeah hold tight I didn't bring my spritzer bottle but I do have bottles of water to show this off you ready for this one two three one [Music] beautiful oh this one's solid oh no just breaking off some of the overburden off the top that's kind of mid-grade Stone there this rock is definitely lifting from right here so I'm getting a big one off this is going to be epic if I don't hit my knee oh nice you ready for this water water water no water it's right behind the white bucket again foreign that is awesome that's what we're here for today that premium material speaking of Premium water's at a premium drink something you think this is coming up it's just wedged in because of this one over here here we go Beauty chip look at that all the way around deep blue with great inclusions including a feather wedge hole and it's still a beautiful scene behind here all of this is still gorgeous we just popped off the surface not down to the the bottom more feather wedges and we'll pop that off too okay give me a moment I'll get these out of here [Music] it's got some of the top stuff free here those will be nice [Laughter] that is amazing this piece will come real oh yeah it's free now too look at that there's a thousand dollars worth of Motion Picture Stone in my hand right now easily a thousand dollars worth and some of these grasshoppers they're friendly Little Things oh some of these pieces are gonna be great for a friend of mine is making ornamental trees out of rocks and he uses some ocean picture Stone as the base and a piece like that would be an awesome base the tree would grow off it you know rocks for leaves I'm actually hoping to uh work out a deal with him so he'll sell some of his trees on my website so look back to my website and see if you can find some of the trees that this guy's making on there I'm hoping by the time this video comes out we'll come up with something [Music] might get the whole thing dude I think this is all one I think it might be it was really vibrating yes yes it is I think so do we have the big crowbarian look at you bringing all the tools today I'm sure I forgot something oh crowbar in the ribs might be too big to lift yes that's what I was hoping for though this will be amazing epic I tell you Epic oh yeah and that corner piece has come off over here yeah oh and that's perfect red blue white that's even better than premium that's stuff we put in for our special specimens because it's red blue white three layers it makes the perfect cabs here we go wow it went in at a flaw that's why you see rust in here that rusted fluff there is 300 pounds of Premium there's five thousand dollars worth of rock right there um carrying this out of the cork I can't carry this that's too much for me hmm Bryson look at this scene within it here yeah that's a really neat one cutting right down through it beautiful colors that is what we wanted one big chunk Breaking Free unfortunately now we can't do anything with it it's too big for us Dana just pointed out that there is a flaw there's a crack going right through here it's probably going across the front a good whack with the Sledge right there I'll probably break off this chunk here and then that Chunk we can move easy this one we're still gonna have to you know roll out of here or something I don't know how we'll get that out there's definitely a crack there I think the crack is getting ready as I tap it look at the banding are you having a good day I'm having a good day yes there we go two pieces we can actually move I know there's people out there just dying inside right now that we took such a big piece and broke it in half but we have to hey we can't sell a five thousand dollar ten thousand dollar Rock like this and B we can't move it so we have to break it down and that broke down quite nicely that one I can carry I think the other one we have to roll but Dan's heart is much much better oh ah this is when your years of making snowmen come into play [Applause] obstacle in my way watch your leg wow we got it in with Teamwork because she's a beast Dane is a beast I think I'm done for the day we made our wage for today at that one rock we should really get it off this tailgate though well we are out of Iceberg blue at home so I decided to come up the iceberg seam here and grab us a chunk just to you know restock the store come have a look at the iceberg material here we call this Iceberg because of the modeling that happens up in this clear white section it looks like ice and you know it's all really nice it's got blue with it but it's the real Iceberg the ice part that we really want so hammer to wedge in there put a feather wedge down below I should be able to split off a piece fairly simply here come on split oh I got my split it's just going way down deep I hear it cracking over there okay fairly simple may have been an understatement we'll turn the camera back on when we get it Dana's a beast she got the next big one all by herself two nice rocks yeah probably how I did that right yeah look at the blue in that bottom one a little bit water to toss on that to the camera oh baby okay this took me way more work than I expected I expected one feather and wedge would pop that off I ended up losing four Feathering wedges in there got one out already three still stuck in there and two chisels before it freed itself up it's now loose the pry bar will be able to pop it right out [Music] pop it right out just that easy right yeah right [Music] that rock was ridiculous it's now loose in pieces but we got what we wanted holy smokes he's right there Beauty that's Iceberg with premium nice Iceberg with premium on the bottom okay a very stuck Feathering wedge with some really nice material yeah oh no this is the one I wanted foreign okay looks like that next piece will pop off too this piece to your right here there's a crackle on there yeah I see a crack there for sure tired Dane I'm tired so Dina is getting the perfect shards right now for our buddy to make trees out of they're perfect pieces flat shards yeah that one might be a bit small but this would make a beautiful big base for a beautiful tree look at that even had a whole punch Tree in even that would be perfect for a tree it just sits down like that so it's a beautiful display piece and it has a little tree growing off it I'm hoping we can get those on our website it's hard when a rock is down in a hole to use feather and wedges because you can't quite get the right angle at anything so what we're doing is we're doing like an ice cream scoop we're bringing them all around it scooping in hoping to pop this up this one was really tight but it's loosening up a bit and I can see the whole Rock jumping now so looks like we got things loose we'll get it we'll get it let's go okay looks good looks like we got it free on all fronts lots of beautiful oh yeah I don't even have water put it on it oh I have a bit of water split on it oh that's hot water look at that they just get better and better and better look at the patterns that's amazing that's best sunlight or no sunlight I don't know Beauty we got a really nice piece of rock that we realized is loose we were gonna leave it and we realized it was already loose we just have to wedge it out unfortunately we're both really tired already we were calling it a day yep we said we're just gonna fill up that bucket and color today then we saw this rock was loose almost oh you've got it let's get grabbed you got it it's moving is it it's moving you're lifting the mountain if you can get the crack big enough that the pry bar can get underneath it oh the pry bar will lift it easy I think you may have oh I hear it breaking you've got it second big chunk of the day changed it's tuned didn't it my wife's the Beast I don't know if that's a compliment or not I don't know want to take the pry bar to it I think so here you go oh where do I put it anywhere either end will fit yeah that's a good that's a good one just be careful if it goes you don't want to go with it yeah it's going to get me in the jaw isn't it oh okay a little more hammering you've got it you can do this looks real loose but the next one's free too I can get this you take camera yeah oh yeah I can get this it's tough going yeah see I just need an extra 100 pounds I'll trade you back you can do it what am I doing I don't get it out [Music] foreign Rock beautiful blue okay make that two 25 pound Rock best to stop it now rather than you know when we try to send it off to someone and have it break on them so that's good and then I guess this Rocky we've been too busy collecting rocks to just go and enjoy the scenery beautiful day [Music] and she just keeps grabbing more and more and more this is amazing eventually she's gonna go underneath the mountain though yep so last time I was here I was kind of complaining a little bit that you know it was getting harder and harder and harder to get volumes of material out of here and you know originally I'd get a thousand pounds in a day no problem then it was like 800 500 300 and you know last few times I've been lucky to get 300 pounds well today I think we're at five or six maybe even 700 pounds of rock which is you know pushing 40 or 50 000 of rock we got today we had a good day so making up for the days that were served not so good we did well today and it's all because of Dana I don't think so the rock is called BC ocean picture Stone if you want some it's on my website if you want to know more about it I have dozens of videos on my channel go and check out my channel explains everything you might want to know about the stone and I think so you can see what I'm talking about how beautiful it is I'm gonna leave some pictures of the stone we got today slabbed up and cut right here for you to check out [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] it feels so good to have such a good day at the Quarry we got so much today a big payday probably forty to fifty thousand dollars worth of stone today all because this person right here you're awesome oh thanks all right how many hours worth of work ahead oh yes yes it's not an instant 40 or 50 000 there's still hours and hours of hundreds of hours of work involved in cutting sorting it putting it up on the website and then waiting for someone to buy it so it's not an instant payday that's for sure hope you enjoyed the video if you did please leave me that thumbs up if I haven't earned your subscription already hopefully having gained all my video did it and a big thanks to everyone for watching especially my patrons because the support of my patrons I get to make these weekly episodes of Dan heard prospecting hope you're all having a great day and until the next one bye bye [Music]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 1,460,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold panning, prospecting, panning for gold, mining, gold, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, british columbia, bc, video, canada, finding gold, gemstones, gem stone, gems, treasure hunting, metal detecting, diamond mining, metal detector, gold detector, gold river, metal detecting gold, gemstone hunting, gold panning for beginners, finding gold with a metal detector, metal detecting for gold, sluice box, how to gold pan, gold mining process, ops, ocean picture stone
Id: i_F0NKJp3Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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