On the Day of Battle | Steven Francis

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[Music] we need to bring our attention to some hundred and ten I want to build upon the word which the Lord gave to us in our church but looks like I may not be able to complete today so next Sunday we will just follow suit along samsara and 10 now particularly though it's a Youth Sunday I am speaking and addressing to them I also want to address to all of us because right here we see our future sitting listening and it's not that you're going to take over or run over the church I'm not saying that there's going to be such an anointing of fathers and sons in our church there will be mentored to do what God wants you to do there so that we can do other things like that's what I'm saying it is not it is not to say that you will take over because that's such a distorted view today that people are looking that they will take over and I will retire now God will ship us to do other things it is not a taking over but it's a continuation of what God has started when I'm thinking about you I'm just putting myself what I did when I was 16 just sitting there and listening to all the things that were saying never knew I knew that one day I will do what God wants me to do that was very certain he I there was a time I doubted my even my salvation you know it's whether do I really get safe but I never doubted the call that was on my life that I couldn't it was such a strong hand I knew that I would be serving God I did not do other things because I didn't want other distractions because of God sent upon my life some 110 the Lord says to my lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool now for this study for this morning I just want you to focus on the NIV version it's more powerful more direct and more easy for you to understand can you look at verse 2 and verse three the Lord will extend your mighty scepter from Zion and you will rule in the midst of your enemies but I'm going to talk to you from verse 1 and verse 3 and verse 3 says your troops will be willing on your day of battle arrayed in holy majesty from the womb of the dawn you will receive the dew of your youth can we draw our attention to verse 1 the Lord says to my lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool and because it's you'd Sunday it's not that you don't know what I'm talking about however I do want to emphasize some foundational statements this morning no one grows suddenly amen you see every growth is a growth of effort no one grows suddenly and those sudden growth moments are interventions of God but in everybody's testimony even today we heard the testimony of Esther that the mum got saved because for thirty years she has been sowing the seeds of intercession do you realize that no one just suddenly gets said every one of us who are sitting here are a seat of testimony because someone else prayed you may think but in my family I'm the first one to get saved now you we are not aware of those hidden prayer warriors who were led by guarding the spirit to pray for someone they did not know and that person could be you and that's what God does to us when you are praying in the spirit and you're praying in tongues you don't know for who you are praying and the sudden burden comes into your heart and lo and behold it could be someone sitting here and you did pray for them God has hidden prey ammonia so therefore everyone have accepted Christ because someone prayed for you all of us all salvation are a respond of Prayer are you with me and this is what God does today I want to remind you and God remind ourself I just want to remind ourselves today everything that I preach we try very hard to follow and to implement from leadership level it's not just Sunday preaching because it's nice to preach but then we do a different thing when it comes to a momentum setting the Lord is saying sit at my right hand the fact that it says say I want to remind us this morning know your position in Christ he wants you to know that you are to sit means I wanted you know where you are standing in your position whipped right you are not far off the Bible says in Ephesians 2:6 you are sitting in the heavenly places I don't know how much it means to you it must mean something when you are reading God's Word because God never jokes about it he doesn't trigger you we were positive promise kind of led to you and that but that he means something else he will never say you know actually this is not what I really meant because he's not a human he meant this is a good place to say Amen but I'm saying for you so that he will continue saying later how is that okay okay and the former youths you are encouraged to say as well in this end times to know your position and where you are with Christ is absolutely critical because every time you are praying the enemy will try to displace you I asked brother Hong Liang brother where were you he said I'm there but he didn't say I'm there he said I'm being displaced by the youths I got to get to sit there you see every time you engage the enemy he will keep shaking your position you are not fit to pray you're not fit to push me down you're not fit to pray against your challenges because you are sinning because you are this because you are there because you are here because you're not praying enough I wonder why that God has to answer the prayer of of joy because she may not be praying enough for the level of miracles that God is the judge of every prayer we we judge by the time factor but God judges by the faith factor isn't it true you may not pray as long as who else is praying but God judges you with the given time with the given H and with the given knowledge that you have about God but in that five minutes or five seconds your heart is so full of faith rather than someone praying for five hours and they still not sure whether God heard their prayer and that's the problem with the church today it's a very easy test I've tested many people like this over the years they could be praying all night and he asked them so you believe in the morning usually allows them do you believe that God heard your prayer I think soul I know I prayed all night and we'll see how and that very answer cancel of your eight hours of ranging away I think because you didn't pray you are just binging away in the presence of God I hope that if you have more faith you could have done it in five minutes rather than it I was wasting your time away do you get what I'm saying hey are you listening think about it God wants to remind us of your position it's a position of sitting in the presence of God and Jesus always uses the word right hand see the word right hand in Bible language is absolutely critical it's not left-side the Bible says when God Jesus resurrected from the dead and he went to the presence of God the father told him to sit at my right thing and I mean every time God uses this kind of a term sit at my right hand it's a position of favor it's a position when God says the word sit it's a position of rest isn't it come and sit it's a position of don't worry come and sit and I found this with God when God says it and when you say everything else that worries you will be commanded to be frozen Bing everything stops I don't really have to worry he has this capacity you may be thinking God if I'm sitting but what about that now that's human thinking it's like God is telling you Lord I'm cooking something in the pot and if I sleep that will be burned it's not about that all the time when God commands you to sit everything else in your life that requires you to make an immediate decision will be frozen in time the guy who's pressing you and forcing you to make a decision tomorrow will just give you that space of time the favor of God will come upon your situations deadlines will be extended the that the most monstrous manager will turn his heart into something different that have got no clue that God can do it and that's God and if I would give this opportunity to all of us to give testimonies like that I think this day is not enough for God's goodness to be safe in it because we all have experienced when God freezes time over your life and all that is because when God says sit and there is something that I want to remind all of us when God say come and sit with me when God say come and pray don't remind him of your worries because when you sit in the presence of God all things can be accomplished in that five minutes then your entire day put together because when you sit then he releases angels because of that obedience when you sit you know that you're sitting with the king you're not sitting with an ordinary man when you sit you know you are sitting with the Almighty God not even ordinary man I mean even those who are running after you to embarrass you those who find things to speak against you they will even forget your name God will erase their memory of your name do you understand I'm not saying because it's faith talk I'm saying what I have experienced in the presence of God you know those who run the gossip channel there are people who run gossip channel in the YouTube now because the more they gossip the more they are ratings goes up the moment you cross 1000 YouTube pays attention to you the moment you cross 10000 YouTube starts paying you every viewership you get money so people get into gossip channel there are gossip channel against men of gods there are gossip channel against celebrities there are gossip channel over everything and then we get very frightened to be dragged into gossip there is a place in God that he will hide you in the secret of his fabulous that he will continue to grow and not be afraid by the things that people are going to comment are you with me you know sometimes you refuse to make a stain because you are afraid of being commented on you just don't want to go through that but you see there is a place to make righteous stain because of God isn't it God reminds us to come and sit and every time you have a busy moment a busy things you see if you learn to sit today you will learn to sit tomorrow so cultivate the sitting practice with the presence of God you think now you are hurrying you never know what life is all about at the moment yet everything is running for your time everybody every advertisement says hurry two days more there is a shop near my house for the last 28 yes that says closing down sale then I realize the name of the shop is called closing down sale it's not that he is closing down he never closes and hurry two days only every day the banner is still up there because they never close but we have learned how to respond to the world's hurry and the walls hurry has become your hurry and so we learned how to sit in the presence of God and do not respond to the world's hurry are you with me because when the world says today's today is the last day that last day will come again next month you know that right that last day will come again next year it always comes so do not respond to the world's way of hurrying because the moment you start responding you will never stop and some people are hurry to get married hurry to have children hurry to buy a house because house is almost everywhere and the worst is when you see advertisement in the newspaper of a beautiful condo see sight looking everybody in the red but this one is like this smile I could see that and you can see the whole family swimming in the advertisement ah beautiful coastal living what they never show you in that advertisement opposite to that condo is full of HDB flats and the actual swimming pool go to the condo no one swims because there is no one at home there is no one to swim there is no time to swim who else uses the swimming pool your uncle's auntie's and relatives because you are paying the service charge you tell all of them come and use my pool I'm paying for it you know because you are responding to advertisement and so if you will learn to sit in God presence it's a position listen carefully when you sit you know why God wants you to sit it's a position for you to think over your life to ponder over the things that is happening over your life to meditate whether you need this or you don't need this my brothers and sisters if you are not glue how God is willing to tutor like a father a person who's willing to say baby you got no clue where he teaches you step by step is this right or is this wrong we will not even believe when we tell the Father in heaven who controls heaven and earth will take time to come and sit with someone because you do not take that relationship as serious as the father would the Bible says because of the blood of Jesus we don't call him God you know we call him Abba Father and when the Lord sees is sees you sitting in his presence he's not seeing a believer he's seeing his son he's seeing his daughter and he gives an entire universe is at chaos he's willing to sit with you and talk to you because he's got his angels carrying out his duties because the Angels listen carefully the Angels can be your father only he can you care what I'm saying the Angels can't do that job he's got everything at his disposal there is only one thing that can't be replaced that's being a father to you so that he does it personally you know when I was in Israel last year I saw this I had a visitation I went I think I did mention to you I went to the the the room where they utility room I was staying in a different room so we had to go out to do the ironing the whole hotel was fully booked and they were not giving iron and iron BOTS to personal rooms anymore you got to come to a utility room because just too many people so after ironing about 10:30 in the 911 when I was walking back when I walked back to my floor I saw an angel at every room standing outside I was wondering why these angels are outside and when I stepped in I saw a saint and I went to the room I saw Angeline was already asleep I knelt down to pray for a minute and the Lord said tonight there is an angel dispatched by God to every room to prepare them for tomorrow's service I couldn't believe that can you believe that the father has everybody's thought in his heart to speak to them personally now please do not try to compute that because we are human he's the Heavenly Father he's God Almighty it's a position of non or and hurriedness and there is something I beg of you to place in your heart never hurry in the presence of God God is teaching you today how to cultivate that heart to come and sit and not be hurried about you may think well if I sit now I can't do this I can't do they know sometimes it is worth not doing some things they know you know sometimes you do things and you forget that appointment right because you're so busy and engross how about so engrossed in prayer and with God and you forgot to do something else and that's okay isn't it because we tend to replace God with everything else and we think everything else can be replaced but the truth is God teaches us the priorities of time God teaches us what is important what is not God teaches us what we should and what we shouldn't be doing and if we will cultivate this today even in church not every ministry is given to us when Esther told me Esther found that she has requested the church faith Assembly of God in molestia Road who after Chinese service and their parents are living in one PO his name the Whomper region and that's the nearest church I said praise God we don't have to try to do a Chinese service just to cater for the parents we should send them where they already have an active mature ministry to cater for people in it if not we will try to do things which God did not tell us to do for now if not when people who can speak Chinese walking then you need to pray like the way joy prayed Lord either make me speak more or they listen less and the glory will shine on the office what did I say you forget think about it for a moment sit is a position of under witness the thing that I want to ask you is are you well are you making the world to hurry you are you conditioning your mind to hurry you all the time hurry I don't have time a hurry we don't have time you just have to condition yourself it is something we need to cultivate you know when God says and the right hand the word right is a place of favor I mentioned to you the Bible says in Psalms 5:12 you surround me with favor as we perceive my brothers and sisters listen sons and daughters I'm sharing with you every scripture that I cried over and prayed over over the years because I did not have I think many of us go through the same thing right I mean our father your natural father is not a king of this country to tell you I will surround you favor like a chi the no clue was that but I saw my Heavenly Father saying that and I cried over such scriptures what he said to be surrounded by favor like a shield many times when he go to school you exposed everybody tend to bully you every teacher tend to do that not every teacher shouldn't say like a teacher sitting here I know every army guy tend to do that but you know out of the worst case scenario God will always someone who favors you who will give you that break who will give you that opportunity and that is because you are asking and the father to respond and the father will send his choice to that person there and by the way I just want to tell you when God sends people they don't have to be Christians they could be anyone whose heart can be changed because you think about that guy is a Christian and that fellow would be more worse than the other fellows you know isn't it sometimes you wonder why they are like that because not every Christians heart is conditioned by God some leave almost like the world there is no difference they only have a Christian name therefore today God is not going for your names God is looking for your heart my question is today when you have tasted the goodness of God who are you going to become tomorrow that matters now like people in the Army they say since I got Sabo it's my turn to Sabo you since now I'm an officer I'm a high-ranking guy I will give them the same hell I went through for there are others who will say I have experienced what it is like that but today I will not return the same thing but I will be more kind than that isn't it you can allow God's love to condition you and that is the right position of favor and that's what God wants to do to you today we are living in the end times you Church we are living in the end times we cannot do what we are doing if you would just sit down with some pastors and dog they will scratch their head and they'll wonder how we are able to do what we are unless we are sitting with the right hand with Jesus because we're sitting with Jesus is the position of favor Sam's chapter 30 verse 5 your favor now put this up Sam's chapter 33 0 in verse 5 1 2 3 go for his anger law says only now shout out the word only earth but he's law says I'm not convinced sorry I'm really not going I feel very disappointed today I don't know whether is this the same God we are talking about today the life time should be the loudest okay let's one day three go for his anger losses only but he's favored can you believe this or not it's a lifetime guarantee can you believe that all you know no one can believe because we we are so used to when people say lifetime guarantee that is always a trick because nothing in this world is a lifetime guarantee that is all the people will tell you did you read the fine prints or not but in the Bible there is no fine brim God promises you that when his favor is on your life it's going to be for a lifetime somebody say he says there is another thing that God wants to adjust your mood are you ready are you ready tell your name are you ready to have a mood adjustment because some people are possessive their moods it takes five weeks to recover back look at what the Bible says ah are you ready or not we peel me remain for a night but rejoicing comes in the morning isn't that a mood adjustment there sometimes we have a habit of carrying of a mood to the next day but God by the time you wake up he creates an adjustment so you need to respond to the Spirit of God in your life rejoice comes in the morning when you are with God why you know there are terrible events but the day test is going to happen some event is there some principal want to see me some challenge is waiting but I don't know why there is a peace in my heart all your friends are worried and frantic when they look at you you are in a divine mode there is something about God you cannot understand there is a peace inside your heart the Bible says you will hear of evil news yet your heart will remain in peace I've tried that before you know when people tell me an egg worried are you really a ha ha but they are usually they end up telling pastor please don't pretend because your face expression doesn't show that you are really worried your heart remains at peace and I tell you why it is not my conditioning it is the conditioning of God's Spirit in you he places a peace that God will take care of the matter I want to encourage you don't let the world steal your peace don't let the world steal your joy don't let the world steal your faith jesus said the peace that I give you it's not like the world you cannot complete or match like the world's peace because there is no thing as hell God's peace is totally different it's something that you cannot define you have angelic assistance you can't see I tell you last at the Bangaluru strip I wanted to motivate the guys that many of them they are caught into a super spirituality and some of them cannot just tone down they they live in guilt above their spirituality so I thought this is a good time to talk about the biking thing so I said guys Sunday let's go for a bike trip up in the mountains it's a two hours trip it's a beautiful upper here you'll see the entire valley of Bangalore it's a cold area it's about one and a half hours right up 20 of them 18 bikes so we prayed together I told them about what angels will do and this and that and and I was really panicking because in India there is a a miracle that happens called the eighth wonder in the world it's called organized chaos there is no traffic lights everybody is going everywhere but no one locks into each other how the crossing takes place in the major road it's a miracle no one can explain it's called the eighth wonder in the world you know when you stand there you're always wondering when to cross no traffic lights and I was worried because we are all riding our bikes and I don't know how to go you know singaporean light thing go green it's like God watch out almost for everything I was really praying God please like can you please help me it's like okay what do you want to do just clear the traffic I just right can you believe at 6:00 in the morning when we wrote off the cross junction basically was empty oh they say haha yeah it's a six o'clock thing okay we came back at 1:00 p.m. when a major highway was closed there was horrible traffic when I was coming no one came and now as well please can only be wowed in India there's no other way you can explain I was just wondering there were in gellick traffic marshals stop stop the police come in please after ed after the angels o chão oh what if God is exactly doing those things in your life when you are willing to sit with the Lord Church are you listening are you listening what if God wants us to build our church regardless is 30 million or 50 million dollars in the same position of sitting with him and not running or trying to build it like the way the world is building it without begging any people but stirring up faith whom God will send to do it in a way where God tells us to do it and so one day we can declare God built his own house and we did not do anything about it think about it sitting at the right hand it's a place of power I don't know but your parents and I want to say we've all politeness don't get me wrong I'm not willing to give any of our yurts to the world I'm not gonna give up on them I'm gonna pray till God's power rests on you that you are following the things of God because sitting on the right hand is a place of power you know when God invests his spirit on you in Acts chapter 2 verse 4 says when the Holy Spirit came he came with the power over your life so it is not enough to speak in tongues it's not enough to say I'm coming to church you must feel his power going through you if you want to save your life from a lifetime of tears today you need the power of the Holy Spirit it is very sad for parents I've seen so many parents coming to see me and they say their daughters have got a girlfriend in lesbian relationship I met another parent the other day her son brought a boyfriend and today those things are coming to the door steps in parents do not know what to do because they thought they could give a permissive lifestyle in the hope and the enemy challenged that statement you see when God's Word doesn't rule the house the enemy will try to patronize it isn't it there for today have a strong firm foundation I tell you why because you'll be going to university where the education system is being compromised today the philosophy class is going to be compromised it is compromised to question the existence of God it will be compromised to question gender equality it will be compromised to question marriage between a man and a woman on that day because of popular word if you're not strong in God you will not make a voice you will not make a stand because you are afraid of losing your position and those who have not been to uni as the ones who have already been to uni what happens parents this is what our sons and daughters are facing today isn't it and I'm not talking about foreign schools now I'm talking about our own universities here and when your children are going to foreign schools to study your challenge is much more than that right hand is a position of power you need the Holy Spirit to fill you with that sense of emptiness if not there is no way you can fill it up can I ask the parents today are you only echoing your children to study and study and study do you take time to tell them to pray to read the Bible to seek God don't you think your parenting skills involve their spiritual health or are you giving permissions is okay to skip Church it's okay to skip the things of God because you have to comply if not you will be punished for your life can I ask your parents for likely today it's a man of God are you an ambassador of God to your family are you an ambassador of the world to your family are we forgetting that it is God who gave us our children it is God who gave us the blessing are we forgetting our purpose in these end times this is what it is resting upon us I just want to tell you that our church is not an average Joe Church I am NOT an average job pastor where we have a lot of strawberries and cookies in the church and that's all we talk about their paradise and the la-la-land in heaven now we are called by God to prepare in our children for the days and the challenges that is coming to us the devil doesn't care if it's a baby or it's a young person if it's all or we'd say you he doesn't care if he can kill that day the baby when the fetus is fall he will kill that fetus he doesn't care he doesn't have compassion he doesn't give time therefore don't take time if the world run with God's time pray for the cause which God wants you to take for those who are still wondering now you may be wondering there are 500 causes God's wisdom is enough to choose among five million causes and give you just one amen some of us we get so worked up look I could 5000 to choose from at the end of the day you only qualify for five you know so why you worried about the 500 now think about the five God's wisdom is enough to choose but we always want what the others are doing not what God is choosing because we think God is too old-fashioned he God chooses something we will lose out in the world but when God chooses something he will create a job when you come out because God chose it for you I mean he has this power to create an entire department change the system of this world implement a new governmental paper table a new paper in the parliament just to make way for his children listen my brothers and sisters antek write Antichrist could take over anything when his time is there but before he comes God is going to raise up an army of champions who will come to him I just wanted to understand please do not think we are going to be all sitting ducks in the time of Antichrist there's going to be a war there will be a time of testing for seven years that's the only time that is given to him after that seven years it will be a time of victory and please do not think in your mind that in those seven years all the Christians will be wiped out no that's not what the Bible says there will be people who will be hidden by God there'll be people will be dying and there will be people who are hidden by God we do not know what we'll be doing in those times and if you are hidden by God I pray that you will be strong to remember all the things that you have been learning about that we are sitting in the right hand of God and God knows you by name amen the Bible says in verse three sorry sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool look at that until I make the word until is the most important scripture in this verse until now please don't waste time going search your commentary where these guys cutting those these are things that the Lord gave me in 15 minutes as I came this morning set down on the table boom the Lord said go and speak this so I know it is the Lord who wants us to know what we need to know this morning I mean until there is a time when God says until I make the first move you don't make any moves I'm gonna do something there I am going to make the moves for you I'm gonna make in the word make simply work is it another word from the word made the word made in Hebrew is Barak that means out of nothing I will create something new this would make is the word almost sound like sit it means I will appoint I will realign I will position people in certain areas then you have the victory and that is reminding us until I do it you don't force yourself to do anything God is reminding us every time we lose the war in the world call until because we can't wait to avenge people we can't wait to keep our mouth shut you have to voice out your opinion and the moment you open your mouth that matter just blown out beyond that what you thought because we just can't settle down let God fight for you you get what I'm saying until it's an important word in this end time not every warfare you have to go and pray no God can fight for you if we learn how to sit with the presence of God and we are reminded until I make your enemies hey listen God has the power to make your enemies do things first of all the Bible says don't make enemies isn't it rich you don't create enemies but if others are gonna make you an enemy then you can't do anything about people are the people feel how come you are being blessed not fair so they will start jealousy groups calm [Music] they will have what set groups how come they get to get off because that's the position of favor and grace when you work hard in doing what you're doing that's mercy and grace there were no clue how come you get promoted and I did not how come you get an extra appraisal and I did not that is the position of Honor which God will give to his children if you'll walk right with the Lord but if you all the time you depend on your own education ability I am so sorry for you you know why I see a lot of educated people jobless I see a lot of educated people who do not know how to choose a job they are so flattered with their ego and their abilities they can't get a job and a job to them because why I'm so educated I can't do this I'm so educated I can't do that you know when the simple-minded people when they have to feed their children they will do anything to feed their children in it now I'm not saying you should I'm asking you to listen to God to listen to God I remember when our ministry income was zero nothing no invitation I was thinking about how am I going to pay the bills how thinking about how am I going to the children were still in the topless stage where they were they were living like a king I should say every week in every month on tempest I need to spend $300 buying tempest no I need to spend $400 buying milk and the children don't drink are do max it's not like those below average Merkel their stomach cannot get through can you believe that ah the stomach also get upgraded is only the s26 you know that that range in the most expensive range only that one they can drink I asked the Lord why you give me expensive children God even that one I must spray so in my mind I said as a father I should work to provide for the children instead of getting angry why no church is inviting me isn't it yeah I am The Anointed soul who's got the word of the Lord so one day I drove past the Esso petrol station kiosk near my house and they said permit Endon wanted so I thought well that's a good position what I could what gets a permit 10 in the night in the morning I'm still available to go in breach or do whatever I need to do at least there is some money coming in for the children so I started to fast and pray asking for that permission can I go and do I wanted to understand our times I the hints of God even those simple things if you can get God's blessings you know so I fasted and prayed for seven days on the final day the Lord said did I ask you to go and do that work say no so why are you asking it's okay to ask father but what did I call you to do you say you called me to be a preacher but preach to who you see we are very focused in the work but we think the waiting and the preparation means nothing but the father told me this is your waiting and your preparation time and then he asked me a question who told you money will come only when you preach when you sit in my presence money will come to you because you are doing what I'm asking you to do my brothers and sisters my children our children are a testimony of what I'm saying even though I did not get many preaching opportunities at those time because God was teaching me face money and checks will just keep coming every my I don't know who these people are some of them I don't know not everybody I don't know some of them I don't know they say that I was left by God I heard about you and and they will just give any three years supernaturally was provided for by those things God just thought dependency don't get out of that position of favor I want to remind you today God is putting you in places of favor that can only happen if you sit with him and asked him Lord what do you want me to do I mean until God makes the move you don't make the move don't let the world tell you if you don't sign up you're gonna lose it don't let the world make you hurry I've saved myself a lot of heart aches by not listening to this world because the world will tell you when to buy and we'll say don't buy the world will tell you when to sell and God says don't sell because you think stops and exchanges are managed by the other economists but the entire economy is in the shoulders of God he commands what to go and what to come up hello do you know God knows stocks like change right you know right I was in Indonesia and when the economy went down I was in a church I was very frightened I didn't know how to preach because it's a high-fly church life I don't know why they call me very rich church ah you must be very careful what to say they told me all this before him how to say carefully this is how I thought so look at the scripture I'm going to read it the Lord says to my lord I'm reading carefully that's all I can be very careful about so that morning I nailed down or spraying in the house a huge angel stood in front very big I am the angel in church of Jakarta and the father has tell me send me to tell you what to say when you go to this church and he had a big scroll and he told me many many things that is going to happen and then while he was saying I saw money that Indonesian Rupiah was falling and then gold prices a goal and silver falling down but in my mind I thought when inflation takes place this one will go up right how can both be going down at the same time then the Lord said tell them this is the work of God and not men it will happen so I went to this church I preached us what the Lord said and this angel was standing beside me and the elders got very upset and they called me aside just after the meeting they said you know last week another Singaporean guy came another he said gold prices are going to go up so we bought gold last week these we bought a lot of silver and you are telling now it's all going to come down who should be listen I said that's your problem right it's not mine what you will listen to anybody you want but I'm not going to say I did not hear from God or I wonder when I heard from God my brothers and sisters the following man gold and silver prices went down now I'm not so I'm trying to crack whip you know I'm telling you the accuracy of God's Word that doesn't mean every time I look at the stock and I see a lot what you want me to do buy here a buy sell or so that I can make profit I don't do this I am The Lord's servant until God makes a way for you when God says until I make your enemies you know what I want you to write God is involved in my life you know I can cry while I'm saying this to you every moment God is so involved there is not a moment in your life when he's not he's trying to remind even if your enemy is trying to do this for you I'm involved in your life not gonna walk away which father mother have said that to you before I'm not saying they have not but there are many of you who have said yeah you have never experienced that kind of a parental love because our Asian parenting style is if you don't do what I ask you to do that I will give up on you and watch my ends boom we have experienced that kind of a love that give us up that when you read this Bible where the Bible says I will never give up on you you cannot understand the magnitude of that kind of love a father who never gives up a father who does miracles a father who stands in for you and makes decision for you he counsels you tells you what do and what not to you can't believe it but he does it today we admire Sabu ministry whose churning up good money and they are doing good missions work every money come millions come millions are spent he doesn't stock it you understand him saying but no one knows the days when he had no money to even take a ticket and fly out of any country buy tea or coffee those were the taste because they trusted in everything that God tells and I remember I was praying for him one day I was thinking about this guy law and poor thing you know he doesn't have this he doesn't have that and and I had a vision of him going around the world a globe going round the world and I told him that you know God one day I was going to bring around the world probably in my study Malaysia because no one knows you even in Malaysia how to go around the world he was looking at me the usual style his common style and really okay if God said today today I don't know whether he's going around the world the world is going around him when God says something is this fellows all educated very highly no not according the world standard but when God prospers you he doesn't need the world's help do you understand what I'm saying I wanted you right in your DNA you it's what God has in your life we don't talk about the enemies we talked them about the later I just want to finish with this line before I load you even more in verse three your people what does it say in sums 1 1 0 verse 3 are you ready let's read the first line 1 2 3 go your troops will be really on your day of battle from the womb of the dawn you will receive the dew of your goo I just want to say the first line your troops must be willing can I ask you this question are you willing to follow God you see the word willing has to do a lot of your choices that you make there is a time where the parents thought you reach church to go they taught you to read the Bible they taught you to sing the songs they taught you you must pray and you must do these and you must do that but the moment the choices are given to you yourself you're not willing to do it but God is looking for people who are willing by their heart you choose to love me you choose to follow me you choose to serve me you choose to sing for me and sing about my glory we spend more time in Spotify who are you I know all these latest words you know I tell you by the way for those who do not know what is 45 do you want to know don't worry lies just tuned you forget it it is just a free it's not a free it's a paid service and also a free service it's music on the internet which is downloadable for some you know it's like you can hear a to sag without buying CDs it's just amazing you never heard about this before it's called Spotify not only I know I Yallah what I do Samantha thought me why waste money buying city gets 45 I say spot what my question to you whose songs are you listening all the time because that's the song that is going to play inside your heart are you ready for a prophecy some of the women and the man that you are admiring in Spotify they're going to be judged and brought to shame by God because they have become ambassadors of Antichrist to bring the youths away from God and so God is going to show them a public display you'll find their lives are going to be brought to an open shame some will end up roughly in suicide until they are no longer your Idol it will come back to our Lord Jesus in your life we're brothers and sisters sons and daughters whose song are you listening all the time are you willing God listen my elders our youth leaders you know what is the hardest ministry to accomplish is to prepare people who are willing another word willing that's the hardest because everybody needs to be told especially Singaporeans you don't tell them this is important they will not do it I've been into a church you will be surprised I tell you know their Sunday service what I call that the bulletin is 70 pages every Sunday 7 0 not 1 7 7 0 the church is like 2,000 people 7 0 you will you read it on every Sunday god I'm 67 0 someone takes time to prepare it you know and the worst is one of the elders were going give announcement every page flipping and say this is important God wants us to do it every page is God wants us do it 70 pages of a noun so I just want to say who they are not not our country salary everything is absolutely important but can you think it is important if you are willing the Holy Spirit will draw you isn't it I want to address our church now listen carefully do you believe when Jesus said he is looking for people who are worshipers in the spirit they believe it but in most churches people only come during sermon time they miss the worship time and sometimes it does happen in our church can I ask you is God looking for sermon listeners or people who worship Him in the spirit then why are we missing the worship you should be there when the worship start and you should be there on time regardless of what you have to say isn't it if you can be on dot for the world I don't know why the king has to wait think about it this is a question of willingness but in our church tens 10 o'clock service means 10 o'clock it starts we don't wait for a minute or a two it doesn't really matter you start attempt when we went to Bangalore half of the people were not there because they were all traveling from different places so they asked me can we start off an hour later I said what time did you advertise you said 9:00 we start at 9:00 let it just go on because we honor the timing of God are you are you listening if God said I'm looking for worshipers then be there when the worship starts you know what people say are you ready to hear what people say they say listening is a form of worship our giving is a form of worship 1 so I am worshipping so we will under Glade the entire worship effector to mean almost everything except for the real thing but the world says if I say black is black if I say white is white you are willing to buy their theory but when it comes to God you swallow the truth and you mix out almost everything my brothers and sisters Samson Doris I'm afraid when we stand before the presence of God if you color yourself so white or so black you may not know the difference when God is speaking to you in these coming times it is so critical for God to tell us what to do and what not to do now I'm not trying to make a cult trip out of all us as original as we can we are being left by God I mean let me finish the last one as you are being willing some of the things you need to do is to fight against the virus of a hardened heart fight against the virus of a cold heart where you can sense the presence of God anymore let me read one scripture and we will pray Sam 119 Sam's 119 verse 69 in 71 1 969 look at this screen and we can all read together 1 2 3 go though the arigon have smeared me with lies I keep your precepts with all my heart and verse 17 they our hearts are callous and unfeeling but I pay attention if I don't take time to have God's Word in my heart then our hearts will become like them very callous and you can't feel the presence of God anymore and that's what happens when he worshiped you don't know Chipping God when you pray you don't know whether God heard your prayer you are giving you don't know whether this giving will be blessed by God and you're coming to church yet you have the sense that you have lost yourself somewhere all because the hardest become collapse and that's what the enemy wants to do for us today I'm not just talking about you being in school for those of us in work and for those of us in the ministry even ministry can take over time from waiting with God many pastors go through the same virus attack and I prayed that there is why one of the commitment we made when that day that church started our child started it's a strong commitment to preach the Word of God amen it's a very strong commitment do not give a bone message that's one commitment we did as an elder steamed the preaching team you want to preach preach well don't bring bones and when we select preachers who come to our church we bring people who bring the meat of God's Word not some some friis likes to take away two sermons 10 minutes installed done praise God God bless you and that's it we are gone no we want to have a conviction that God has spoken to us our men and that's what I'm asking you and today I have to acknowledge that publicly our first time speaker last Sunday Gerald did an excellent job so god bless you yeah so we have one more preacher in our team Gerald sorry brother stressful man I tell you see the elders the way they smile that means they know they got one more day to roster off last time some people who left our church they say this church is controlled by this view I look at them smile absolutely right how did you know it is controlled by the few who have been given that task by God the ones who God has given the command takes control but this control is not to keep the fortress you know is to raise up sons and daughters will rise up to teach them the Word of God and that we take this task very seriously precious before the presence of God because we are educating and training people to do what God wants us to do I mean my brothers and sisters you are in the right place you are growing up in the right place we do not have the facility with every other Church as we do not have the expertise everybody else has but whatever God has called us to do we are good in doing what God has called us to do and I pray Utes you one day be God willing either here or whichever country you think you are going you will be what God wants you to be you'll be the light of this world I mean you will not just diffuse yourself away you will be God's light in this world I want to finish by telling you this story of this recent case accident or mishap that happened the monk the coach has become the hero isn't it he shared his food to all the other young fellows and he was losing more weight and he was losing more energy by the day as they were there inside the cave many of the parents who said thank God it is God karma that sent him to look after the children you know what I was thinking when I read the newspaper imagine if they Singaporean parents lah what kind of coach who brought my children he should know that he shouldn't be going how far four kilometers by the way inside the cave I've done cave diving before he's close to phobic you will freak out if you're not adjusted to space you'll basically go in a panic mode and the moment you are panicking the first thing anyone will do is to take off the apparatus because you think you can breathe from this open space the cave will go to this way you got to take off your tank push the tank and push your hand to crawl put it on the tank inside and start going and everything is time if you panic you'll breathe more your your your your air is less nowadays in a cave diving they they call it the sight tank diving no more back traditional psych tank they may have to to survive the cave so when they were describing the whole scenario I tell I was reading the thing like a reading the Bible Wow how did they do it you know because these are strategies problem-solving and they basically sedated the boys where they were bringing them out of the cave so they don't panic when they panic their tang will finish pass they will die of suffocation today we talked about this guy who don't have parents who is a stateless guy who doesn't have a citizenship who had a rough background he wanted to bring self-esteem in the life of the other boys that they can become someone in life and today the world caught their attention through that crisis FIFA president for the World Football Association president invited them to join them for the final four free because their football they couldn't go because they are not well invited them the government of Thailand look into the applied for those boys who are stateless and without the citizenship they say they're going to give them a certainty based on one crisis one leader who was selfless Dino God is going to create a dark crisis so that we will shine as lights through his glory and that's the fate that we must have in this end times I mean do not think your crisis means God is away he said until I make your enemies your footstool come on let's stand up together can you take time as youths particularly [Music] you
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 2,090
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: Rivers media, rivers of life ministries, Jesus my king church, warriors training camp
Id: eQOtDbnEIy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 59sec (4139 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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