omg... (Minecraft Caves and Cliffs Update)

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[Music] look at this the new minecraft snapshot is here and it shows us what the new caves and underground biomes gonna look like in minecraft and you're not gonna want to miss this they are incredible [Music] this looks insane just before we get into it if you could check just below the video and see if you're subscribed if you're not it's free and it really helps me out so if you could hit the subscribe button that would be awesome enjoy the video guys welcome to the brand new minecraft snapshot which includes the lush caves and the brand's new generation of caves which i haven't actually tried yet this looks crazy my mind is blown and this is just one of the new biomes as well we still need to test out some of the other ones but look at this it's like a massive lake underneath the ground oh the oars have changed as well look at this redstone actually blends in this is crazy is that gold iron it is whoa dude it looks so different i think all of the ores now kind of blend in with the environment so a little bit harder to see but it just looks so much more natural well there's like stone here as well new block ah no way we just found one of the geodes that was so lucky ah here it is dude we've seen these before look at this ravine it's even got it on the ceiling as well that's oh it's so cool it completely changes the way the game looks there's this massive pink flower random dungeon big pogs diamond horse armor random spore blossom look it's dripping it's dripping green stuff so you can go lower than one now i think like zero isn't the bottom look at this it's like a completely new game thank you for holding my torch small tree we're at -20 right now oh my goodness this is this is insane it's like playing a new game this is exactly what i wanted minecraft to be yes so like all of the we're still in the lush caves because i've got just a world with lush caves we'll change over worlds in a second but are you kidding me this is my first experience of it in game this is yeah look this is gold right deep slate gold so it changes depending on what biome you're in this is nuts this is actually insane i love this how low can you go we're at -52 oh there we go okay so you made it to minus you go to -64. that's crazy right let's hop in another new world and um see what we can find that's redstone what does diamond look like so you get diamond deep slate and then just normal diamonds so oh that looks kind of cool you know i don't think the normal diamond texture has changed that much but that looks really cool right let's see what other new stuff we can find guys look at this have you ever seen a minecraft cave like this before it's even got um it's got diamonds down here it's even got the open amethyst geode as well this is actually just crazy look at you you're just chilling in here rich is galore this is gonna be a normal minecraft i mean it's you can play it now it's in the snapshots right now but this is this is insane we've wanted this in minecraft for so long if i go into spectator mode look at the caves and stuff there's another amethyst down here there's a massive whoa whoa what's this oh man look at this look at this let me uh upon some night vision real quick so you can see it much better this is crazy can you imagine trying to traverse this that's right i'm using big words they kind of changed up the uh they kind of changed up the mine shafts too they have stilts and they can hang from the ceiling that looks so good imagine coming across this everyone's gonna have to learn how to do their um mlg water buckets just a little bit better this is mental how do you think it kind of looks better with um with normal minecraft lighting it just looks a little bit more epic if we go back into uh game modes spectator we can go and see even more caves i think there's a stronghold around here somewhere and also look there's these large just cracks in the ground which exists now these didn't exist before these used to be like glitches i guess like world chunks but no these are real they don't lead to anywhere in particular but if you fall down one of these you're dying ah here it is look strongholds right here there's the end portal wait hold on a second what has happened here a geode has spawned in the wait hold on a second a geode spawned in the end portal room it's deleted the blocks the geodes deleted the end portal this that ain't cool that is not cool if you're playing this in survival you literally could not get to the end that's bad that's so bad it's deleted it i've never seen that before in a naturally generated world that's hilarious oh look this is a drip stone mine shaft this looks cool oh look with the drip stone and the uh stalagmites and stalagtites everywhere makes it more challenging but this is what we wanted from minecraft right look at all of these caves they're just they look so good whoa this is crazy guys like if you want to see if you want to grab what's ever in the ceiling it's going to be tough it's going to be way harder than before there's a fully exposed mine shaft here i actually like it with the chains and stuff oh man it's gonna be it's gonna be way more rewarding as well going mining because you can go this far underground but there's diamonds down here i think yeah diamonds down at bedrock level but bear in mind the bedrock level is now minus 64. so there's a whole lot more that you can explore of course i've generated this with the driftstone biome let's do one more world and let's do the spectator thing again but just in a normal world with every biome and see what it looks like so game mode spectator going under so this looks a little bit more um normal but look how deep it runs and this cave down here huge this one down here absolutely massive i just got like a mini lava ravine what on earth oh that's crazy i want to play this so bad i want this to be now i want this to be available now i mean i guess technically it is but this is mad quite a lot of geodes as well which is kind of cool to see this bit as well you stumble across this you're just gonna be in or of it i could do this all day this is um these are crazy changes but so good so next thing i want to do is just have a quick look through the creative inventory to see what i've missed if anything so you've got the new deep slate blocks uh loads of woods nether gold kind of exists already oh look the trees can like flower now i did not notice that so the trees can have flowers this is the uh copper ore this is polished deep slate which looks super nice and cobble deep slate as well here's all the new leaves and stuff we've got drip leaves small ones hanging roots the spore blossoms we saw earlier as well chiseled deep slate deep slate tiles there's so many different types oh oh these are in here i did not know that glow berries there's glowberries as well i want to take these they've changed the spy glass texture as well candles look slightly different powder snow bucket i forgot about the powder snow too there's so many things i completely forgot about there's now a farmland block not sure if that existed before chiseled deep slate deep slate tiles which looks super cool nether quartz has changed a little bit as well but this bad boy right here wireless redstone i don't know how this works i think it works by um sound and stuff yeah look it's activating right now i don't know how you make it activate something you have to hook it up yeah look it reacts to sound so because i'm far away it's not reacting if i fall next to it it activates and you can make things make different noises like i think pistons can activate them and stuff so we got ourselves some wireless redstone right here which is i'm sure i know i'm happy about that because this wired stuff just just ain't it i like the look of him a lot it's like a it's like a cake with tentacles so can like sheep and stuff activate these they can wizard sheep activated that's not me i'm not moving the sheep can activate it you have to be so careful with your redstone now yeah i think these can um i think these can kind of talk to each other loads of them are activated at the same time now exactly then he scored loads of uh baby sheeps i don't know about you this new snapshot is really really exciting is this whoa dude i don't think this is supposed to be flooded with water but it is at the moment i kind of don't mind it um actually maybe it is supposed to be because it's got magma blocks in i don't know about you but this is an extremely exciting update the caves and cliffs are crazy so the caves are starting to be generated but now we're just waiting for the cliffs uh because i don't know if you know because we can go to -64 now i think you can go up to like let me let me test it you can go way higher now with this i can't remember what build height used to be but it's way higher now 160 170 you never used to be able to build this high we're so much higher than the clouds i think it's like 320. there we go height limit is 320 so high that you you can only just see the ground so you can build all the way up to here now which i think means that we can generate up to this height which is mad this is already 120 blocks high i can't remember what the normal build height was so it used to be two five six so this one's pretty high up but i'm pretty sure we're gonna be able to get mountains that just make that so much higher whoa what is this oh this is just loads of the cracks put together there's emerald ore in there you don't see that that often look at all this this isn't a ravine this is just a straight up death pit look at that just a giant crack in the earth earthquake have happened here man i'm so excited to explore this properly this is mental guys i hope you enjoyed my first reaction to the brand's new minecraft snapshot uh all the other features i probably missed some as well but this is just my initial reaction for now at the moment you can't load old worlds into this new generation so my hardcore world is kind of just stuck in limbo at the moment um until this releases officially i guess i hope you're excited i am definitely excited for this if you enjoyed this video then please leave a like that'll be awesome subscribe if you're brand new as well minecraft's about to get insane see you next time guys [Music] goodbye feeling sorry for yourself
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 2,493,264
Rating: 4.9717021 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, minecraft, funny
Id: xzn9BDHVy1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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