OLD ROBLOX Explained

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if there is one thing we can all agree upon it's that Roblox is a massive massive website just in the past month there have been over 210 million people who've interacted with the site in any way that's two-thirds of the United States population visiting Roblox every 30 days and within that massive Community there are new players old players YouTubers and developers alike all with different perspectives experiences memories and other such things that alter their view of the platform however within such a divisive Community there is one thing that sticks out amongst all players no matter their views and that's the sentiment that old Roblox was better it's a statement you see everywhere on social media the cries of old and new players alike screaming old Roblox was better and new Roblox sucks but I ask you to please consider the phone what is old Roblox because if you ask someone like myself who was there for the collapse of tickets the Roblox twitch Channel and real unsponsored events I would say that 2014 to 2016 is quote unquote old Roblox but if you ask literally anybody on the platform you'll get different answers from everyone the fact is that quote unquote old Roblox means something completely different for different people so what I'm going to attempt to do in this video is to explain the Allure of quote-unquote old Roblox and if it was really better than what we have now or if us players are just looking at it through rose-colored glasses now with that out of the way let's begin thank you now despite what I had just said about old Roblox being subjective there is a time frame that I would like to discuss today in fact it's what you all consider to be old Roblox I asked on my Discord server and in a community post what people considered to be quote unquote old Roblox and it was very clear that the time frame 2007 to 2015 is what the majority of people think of as old Roblox that's a huge time frame eight years is half of roblox's entire lifespan up to this point so that begs the question why do people consider this time in roblox's life to be so much better than what we have now I mean really ask yourself did we have it better back then or are we just row Boomers well let's break this down step by step until we find ourselves a real definitive answer to the question was old Roblox better there are four major categories that I want to talk about the website the games the community and Studio I'm going to be pitting each of these categories against their older counterparts to see which ones come out on top for the website I'm going to be using three major categories feature function and form feature simply refers to how many features the website has this can range from items to groups to games to literally anything you can think of function is pretty self-explanatory is the site easy to use does it work does it make sense you know ux UI type stuff finally there's form does the site look visually appealing does it draw the eyes well and are things easy to find these three categories are what I'm going to use to judge the website the other categories are slightly different so I'm not really going to be able to do the feature function form thing for all of them but I'm going to try to go as in-depth as I can on each one okay hopefully you guys got all that because it's time for a death battle who will come out on top old Roblox with its early internet charm and classic feel or new Roblox with an updated take on an ancient platform let's find out starting with the very thing that all Roblox players experience the website the Roblox website has been through the rework grinder so many times to the point where I can't even recognize it the site had very few features to speak of back in 2007. there was a step-by-step guide on how it worked with three easy steps a member login panel to the left and a bunch of big yellow download and play buttons that look like credit card scams now since 2007 and over the years Roblox has added a bunch more features to the website fast forward to 2015 near the end of the old Roblox era and there is just so much more here the catalogs the forums assets for developers I mean this is just a vast improvement from the 2007 site so for feature I'm going to give 2007 Roblox a 4 out of 10 2015 an 8 out of 10 and now it's time for modern Roblox the Roblox of today is strikingly similar to the Roblox of 2015. how however there is one major difference that I want to point out and that is on the games page before you could sort by genre but now they just have every sub-genre in a row this sucks let me sort by genre like back in the good old days they're missing like all of the good genres too and just keep the ones that most people are playing why is popular worldwide at the very bottom of the page okay rant aside the new Roblox website has a similar amount of features as the 2015 Roblox website did but it's also lacking some stuff specifically the forums now the Roblox forums used to be amazing and were primarily used by Traders but in 2017 they were removed for good and it's for this reason that I have to give modern Roblox a 7 out of 10 for feature Now function is a different story the old Roblox site had a lot of lag I mean you guys complain about the servers being terrible oh boy you have never seen anything like the old Roblox servers you guys realize that all the games on Roblox need to run on basically one server thank you and the servers back in the olden days were so much worse than the servers nowadays sure there were less people but the quality was just not there and it sucked the lag was bad the Ping was bad in game everything was just slower and it's not just 2007 Roblox but 2015 Roblox as well 2015 may have actually been worse there were more people in 2015 but they were still on the same old terrible servers so for function I'm going to give 2007 Roblox of 5 out of 10 2015 Roblox a 6 out of 10 and modern Roblox an 8 out of 10. why well it's just the fact that I have not had one single issue with roblox's new servers maybe it's because I live like two hours away from their headquarters but I digress the new servers don't lag like they used to you can actually play multiplayer Shooters and not want to die there's simply no denying it the new Roblox servers absolutely destroy the old ones now for form here's where things get a little weird the way these three eras look is drastically different from one another I touched on this previously but come on Comic Sans now hear me out just because it uses Comic Sans does not mean the website looks bad altogether there is an undeniable fact that old 2007 Roblox and even the 2015 Roblox website had an early internet vibe that just can't be replicated it just screams Nostalgia and for that reason alone 2007 Roblox gets an 8 out of 10 2015 Roblox gets a 7 out of 10 and modern Roblox well it looks fine but it also looks corporate Hollow without any sort of flair or interest to it a site that has been dumbed down to its core components until there's just no fun left I mean even the logo is a shell of its former glory and for that reason the new Roblox gets a 3 out of 10 perform but enough about the website it's time for the main event the games now this is an interesting topic to cover roblox's games are completely created by the community there really are no Roblox games only user generated foreign experiences so what we have to do is instead look at the Quality and creativity of each game to find a good score for each one so 2007 back in the early days of Roblox it was extremely hard to make a game I even made a video exploring the old 2007 version of Roblox studio and it was horrible it was just too limiting which in turn made the games themselves very limiting in nature now that's not to say they're bad but play Mike's Paintball for more than five minutes and you'll see exactly what I mean the physics were non-existent the movement was janky and everything just felt so slow now fast forward to 2015 the movement was crisp the camera Flawless and everything just snapped perfectly into place and over the years Roblox has only improved their formula for movement but that doesn't really explain the quality of the games you can have the most powerful game engine in the world but if you don't have the creativity to make the game game there is no game so how do these eras Stack Up in creativity well 2007 is pretty unique for the given circumstances this was back when Roblox did sick building competitions you know it was a smaller platform and people weren't really convinced that this site was going to be something special yet the games were very simple paintball obstacle course Domino's everything was very very linear but for the time people were able to do some pretty cool things with it so for 2007 Roblox I'll give it a 6 out of 10 for creativity now it's a different story for 2015 Roblox because this is where things get interesting it was the time where people were finding out that this website wasn't a joke but rather a really good place to make your games come to life this is a time period where we got mad games murder mystery 2 Phantom Forces and a bunch of other fantastic experiences the list just goes on there are so many Classics from this era that honestly some aren't even around today it really was just a you had to be there moment for the website events were in full swing everything was working as intended and for that reason I have to give 2015 Roblox a 9 out of 10 for creativity now fast forward to today and we have seemingly lost a lot of that previously stated creativity we still have some unique game Concepts like shovelware's brain game and doors but take one look at the front page and you're met with clicker simulators adopt me clones and Anime fighting games there just isn't any soul in these and they come across as something AAA Studio would make rather than a passionate solo developer everything is just low poly boring eye melting mush for actual literal infants to play thank you guys it doesn't have to be like this Roblox was not meant for this it was meant to show your creativity the engine has never been more optimized and there have never been more features for developers and it's for that reason that I'm giving modern Roblox a 5 out of 10 for creativity next we have a spicy one the community but wait before we talk about that have you subscribed to the channel no well what's stopping you I make videos a lot like this one so if you've been having a good time up to this point why not drop us up okay now back to the video now the Roblox Community is an interesting Beast to unpack on the one hand you have the older players being the Traders developers clothing designers UI ux modelers and basically everything that keeps the site running and on the other hand you have everyone else now I'm not saying that the people who just play the games aren't valuable after all if there weren't people playing the game there would be no game but it seems like ever since a certain pandemic hit the quality of the Roblox Community has dropped substantially part of this is due to the ugc program and the sudden influx of new players I mean just search black hair in the catalog and you'll immediately understand what I'm talking about honestly most of the pain and suffering that is wafted across all of Roblox is due to a certain category of player the community themselves have coined the Slender not like Slenderman man or anything of that nature but those who decide to make their Roblox character the one thing a Roblox character should never be baller baller tall and skinny with long black or brown hair and some kind of weird designer clothes on think just like the classic Tick Tock e-boy and you'll get a much better understanding of what I'm talking about now there have always been edgy players on Roblox but ever since the ugc program released the edge alerts have been able to craft the exact perfect annoying ass avatar for themselves for all of us to enjoy we went from like two options for hair to infinite options for hair we went from a few you know quote-unquote edgy hats that were worn by people who wanted to be cool to literally infinite edgy hats now compare this to 2007 Roblox that was more like a caveman learning how to use tools for the first time and it's not even a contest I mean look at some of the old Roblox video submissions from days gone and you'll see what I mean this also kinda of ties into the early internet vibe that I was talking about before you also have to take into consideration 2007 meme culture internet humor changes so rapidly there are entire channels that have dedicated themselves to keeping up with it internet culture now especially after kovid is so wildly different from 2007 internet culture from memes to Etiquette to pretty much anything you can think of there's no denying the fact that internet culture in general had a lot to do with how the Roblox Community has evolved perhaps I was slightly short-sighted when writing this video because there's no point in time in roblox's life where the community was vastly better or worse it simply changed with the internet as a whole so I'm not going to give them a rank per se but I will put them in order from my least favorite to most favorite first we have modern Roblox which I'm sure is a surprise to no one it's fine I mean there's more opportunity for modelers scripters Builders Etc to make a living but you also have the trade-off of more slenders it just feels too big in a way next up is 2007 Roblox which is not only more easy to understand but just smaller and therefore a more tight-knit Community Roblox was Niche and kind of unheard of back then so finding a group of Internet Nomads to play Roblox with was something special and then finally we have 2015 Roblox the point at which the mainstream met the Indie and the diversity in the community of Roblox exploded into what it is today such a defining point in the site's history and it's not hard to put it at the top however the same cannot be said for our last category Roblox Studio I'm going to be ranking these just off of function because that's really all that matters and if for some reason you don't play Roblox and have made it all the way here first of all nice that means I'm doing something right and second of all get ready for a bit of a Brain Blast Roblox is not a video game but rather a distribution platform to share game made in the Roblox engine think of it as a diet version of unity or unreal with a steam Market attached to it Roblox studio is the program that every developer uses to build their games and they don't even have to be games sometimes people have made cafes Hangouts and other virtual spaces that aren't really video games but more just places for people to talk starting with the 2007 engine this thing was bad I mean come on guys like can we not kid ourselves for a second you had to type a command to spawn apart there was no like part button you don't just click part and the part appears you have to like type in a command to get the part to spawn I would love to hear from some really old school players in the comment section who had experience with building in Roblox Studio back then let me know how bad it really was on top of that Roblox Lua which is the coding language was just the beginning and wasn't by any means stream streamlined or optimized like it is now Roblox Lua today is an absolutely fantastic coding language to learn as a first time Computer Science Guy it's intuitive precise and most importantly optimized the same cannot be said for 2007 Roblox and for that reason I'm gonna give 2007 Roblox Studio a 3 out of 10. now fast forward to 2015 and things are way way better there still isn't a whole lot of user-friendly features but it truly does work so much better now I can remember the first time I opened up Roblox studio in 2016 and there were so many things that I just understood immediately building was easy and user friendly everything just made sense and it was a much more streamlined experience the language was more optimized and there were more lighting effects more services more ways to make your game actually work it was just a better version of Roblox studio so I'm going to give 2015 Roblox Studio a 7 out of 10 because it simply cannot hold the candle to today's Roblox studio so refined so simple so easy to use it's a dream come true for both new and old developers alike new devs love it because it's so easy to learn with just a few YouTube tutorials or even on roblox's developer Hub which didn't really exist back in 2015 and old devs love it because it makes their workflow that much faster Scripps autocomplete there's an AI feature that predicts what you want to write the building tools don't suck and everything just flows so much better no lag no pain it's the ultimate version of Roblox studio and for that reason I'm giving modern day Roblox Studio A Perfect 10 out of 10. so where does that leave us well if we go back and look at the scores that were given and we crunch some numbers the final tally comes out to something like this for the website 2015 wins it had all the features plus more of modern Roblox retains the classic look while still functioning like a modern website for the games 2015 also takes the cake here because the level of creativity was so much higher back then compared to now there was more diversity more variation of games to play and so much more than what you can get on the modern website however for Community 2007 Roblox edges out 2015 by just a little bit while 2015 was a defining year for Roblox the tightness and small nature of Roblox just cannot be beat back in 2007 so they went for community and I know I said in the actual section for this that 2015 was better than 2007 I decided to make 2007 the winner overall because again this can't just be only from my perspective finally we have the only category where Modern Roblox didn't suck which is the engine and Roblox Studio it's just so much better than old versions but that's to be expected everything just works and it's the first time I've ever been able to say that and actually mean it so in conclusion 2015 is the winner 2015 was easily the best part of roblox's life the games were fun and unique everything felt new and the site just had an error of something great to come it's a shame that modern Roblox keeps removing features that we used to have but I understand why they have to do it at the same time sometimes features that are implemented in a website don't always function as intended as time goes on hopefully you got out of this video what you wanted out of it again this is all my opinion so don't treat it like a fact after all it's subjective so if you've made it this far thanks for watching make sure to subscribe to the channel and I'll see you next time peace thank you [Music]
Channel: Bedsheet Ghost
Views: 173,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: old roblox, roblox, old roblox vs new roblox, new vs old roblox, old robblox sucked, roblox is bad now, roblox story, roblox history, roblox edit, nostalgia, roblox nostalgia, nostalgic roblox, old roblox games, old roblox footage
Id: nScZ12UcJy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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