Reviewing the OLDEST Avatars on Roblox

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hey y'all before we get into things I'd just like to say that this video has been sponsored by Microsoft rewards no I'm not joking we've talked a lot on this channel about old Roblox avatars from the classic era of Roblox AKA from the platform's Inception to around 2012. from the histories of various different ancient Roblox hats to a full-on tutorial on how to make your own classic Roblox Avatar I've shown you a lot of how to make your avatar look veteran but there's still a pretty important Gap that I recently realized I haven't covered yet in my tutorial video on how to make classic avatars I showed you a lot of examples of what classic avatars looked like however the majority of these avatars didn't actually exist back in the day there were definitely many out there that were similar but the specific ones I used were mostly whipped up by me and catalog Avatar Creator specifically tailored to emphasize the Avatar techniques I was discussing when I showed them they were created using my extensive familiarity with classic era avatars sure but they weren't actually created in the classic era what I want to do today is explore some actual classic avatars avatars that were legitimately created and worn in early 2010s late 2000s robloxia but Nitro you may ask where can one possibly find such a heavy enough concentration of Avatar that haven't been updated since 2009 in order to make an entire video about them well as it turns out there's a pretty good answer for that the Roblox Forum archive for those unaware Roblox once had a thing called the Roblox forums if you've ever been on the developer Forum it was pretty similar to that except instead of just Roblox development discussions it played host to all manner of conversation not even just about Roblox you can make a post about anything you wanted provided it was in the right sub forum and random robloxians could see it and reply to it it was basically a less sophisticated version of the Roblox Discord before the Roblox Discord was a thing one of these subforms you could post in was rate my robloxian where formers would simply rate your avatar usually on a scale from one to ten it was shut down at the end of 2012 due to a lack of posts and as a result it now acts as a hotbed of Veteran Roblox accounts once owned by people who cared a lot about their avatars now lying abandoned join me as I dust off the Corpse of this long dead Forum by searching for the keyword outfit in its archive and ratings some classic robloxians thank you before we dive in let's kick it over to and I still can't believe I'm saying this Microsoft rewards because they've partnered with me to do something really cool for you guys this is Microsoft rewards's exclusive plasma Wings accessory I told you guys in my notes of the sweatshirts guys video that I'll only ever promote products to you guys that I think you'd genuinely like and speaking as someone who's seen a lot of Roblox accessories in their time this one is genuinely one of if not the best accessories out there the wings themselves are super detailed and unique and the particle work they've got going on here is flat out amazing I'm not sure how they even did that but it's the best I've ever seen on a Roblox accessory by far not too sure how effective they'd be at flying considering that they're just big chunks of metal but looks wise they're an easy 10. now as stated in their description you can only get these through Microsoft rewards which is a service offered by Microsoft that allows you to earn points by interacting with Microsoft products and services and then exchange those points for rewards anything from virtual currency to gift cards to real life products and as you can see the wings are at the top of the list from here there are two ways to get them the Normy way and the special secret way if you you get six thousand twelve thousand or fifteen thousand points by completing tasks on this earn page here you can get a free Roblox gift card by going to my special link which should be on screen and in the description after you get it you should get a congratulations banner and a confirmation email the email should contain a pin that you can enter into the box at redeem to get your free Robux and the congratulations Banner should have a button that you can click on which will award you these awesome plasma Wings a little time consuming six thousand points is no small amount but honestly the more you use Microsoft rewards the easier it becomes and you'll be able to get more than enough points before you know it and as easy as that already is if you're lucky you might be able to get them even easier using the special secret one Microsoft rewards has given me a handful of codes that can be redeemed at redeem to automatically get these wings for free and since I'm just one man I might as well share the well all you gotta do is join my super epic Discord server links in the description and enter the giveaway in the nitroblox events Channel which should end exactly one week after this video goes live which should be June 16th and I'll DM you a code if you win that's literally it this is a limited time promotion so if you're planning on grinding out the normal way which need I remind you will get you Robux in addition to the wings you should probably join Microsoft rewards now to start earning people on rollermans have legitimately been offering Robux and limiteds in exchange for codes for these things I have a feeling they're going to become very valuable and coveted in the near future so if I were you I'd get them while you can thanks a bunch to Microsoft rewards and thank you if you actually stuck around for that entire ad you supporting the things I promote does support me a lot and I really appreciate you for it now back to the video up first is our boy Cherry muffins Rock valid the Cherry orange muffins at Dunkin Donuts slap their God tear my outfit pones one to ten how much would you rate my outfit let's check it out so it's a very simple outfit as you can see here the man is covered in waffles from head to toe and he's wearing that one hat that every old man with a trench coat wears that's not a fedora one thing I am noticing though is that uh these waffles seem to have seen some rough stuff these waffles have seen unknown Horrors that no man should ever see I can see it in their eyes those are War torn eyes they know some messed up stuff so it's a little bit callous that this guy is kind of just smiling as these waffles ride around on him with clear PTSD and Trauma so for that factoring in that I will give you a 7 out of ten nicely done now I think we can agree that his outfit is a little weird but it gets a little bit weirder when you take a look at this man's friends list because as you can see he is friends with two cat girls one of which is a normal cat girl and one of which is what I can only describe as a reverse cat girl everything is human except for the face I would almost call this a cat Skinwalker instead of a girl and I don't really want to unpack that trauma tonight so I think we're gonna go for the normal one okay it's our girl purple muffins Rock two for two muffins Rock names tonight that's interesting so as we can see she has the classic cat ears I'm like in the top and pants combo those bracelets would impale me if she were to slap me in the face one thing I don't like is the hair it's like she took a piece of black felt and sort of dripped it over her head like a nun I feel kind of bad for girls in like the late 2010s early 2000s era of Roblox because I don't think Roblox knew what girl hair looked like at all I think they got all of their girl hair advice from those videos uh where boys would play Girls by just like draping towels over their heads other than that it's pretty unassuming so I'll give it like a seven out of ten I'm adding a point because she doesn't have a bunch of traumatized waffles all over it that's always a plus now this lady ladies and gentlemen is what we call a true flexor let's take a look at the hall let's take a look at the get out so we got this extremely blue pair of jeans The Bluest pair of jeans in the world we can obviously tell that these are made of fine Royal silk because they are shiny as I'll get out we then have a Jake the Dog shirt which signifies that this person is probably a little younger so just kind of flexing that you have so much wealth as probably like an 11 year old or something indifferent face he does not care what you think of him he's got the shades on to prove it of course a head covered in spikes just to prove to you how rebellious he is how he doesn't care about anything and this looks like it might be a piece of like Mario merch or something that was probably purchased at like a comic convention and those don't come cheap he probably paid good money for this and then in case the message was lost on us to top it all off we have the giant Robux sign we can tell that this person is loaded he probably has like seven Lamborghinis he is more Rich than we will ever be in our lifetimes so just on Audacity alone I'm gonna have to give this like an 8 0.5 out of 10. you my friend are an absolute Legend we only have one more viable option down this friends list path line his name is fireman dude six and all I have to say to him is that that is not the greatest ninja disguise I think if you were trying to sneak past your enemies while wearing bright green sleeves and pants and having a giant white image of a boo ghost on your chest they'd probably see you you're about as good of a ninja as ninja himself and that dude literally has bright blue hair so maybe rethink your strategy we have another failed ninja here his name is jeffrey1331 now here we see a ninja outfit that is a little bit more impressive he does have the traditional robes and headband no mask but I'm assuming he just kind of tucks his head into himself and rolls around everywhere so that people can't see his head also got the classic throwing star which works great against your enemies I wouldn't really want to come across this person in a dark alley but then he ruins it with the emo jeans the washed out pair of tick tocker jeans as far as I know real ninjas did not wear these pants but yeah I do like the rest of the outfit the pants are just a minor deduction so overall 8.5 out of 10. David's Scribd 2 is next on the list now unfortunately Roblox did saddle him with the default pants but we can see what the Avatar was actually supposed to look like in catalog Avatar Creator gotta say I'm a pretty big fan of this one we seem to have a plant Warrior here the man has some purple leaves growing out of the top of his head and he's got a blue steel bat Helm which is a pretty cool classic hat I would not want to be near those spikes in battle but then there's the I Heart mom sign and listen I know it's great to love your mother you should always love your mother you should always love your father as well but a strong Brave Warrior like him would not really wear it on his sleeve like that or I guess on his head Warriors are already sick enough we already know that they love their moms so there's no real need to advertise it like this overall 7.5 out of 10 you just really gotta Nix the sign we know dude we know escaped cat so right away we can already tell how powerful this man is because he is lifting a whole pyramid a whole Egyptian pyramid on top of his head I think Vector from Despicable Me would be proud but the rest of him is kind of just a Discord edgelord we got the classic black hoodie we got the classic black jeans we got the classic black hat kind of boring but overall I'd swing this a nice seven We are continuing our streak of terrible ninjas this guy is called OMG I'm a fox and his ninja outfit is a disaster from his mask which is completely white which means it does not camouflage you at all you would stick out like a beacon in the bushes to your sweater of what might be a Pokemon but looks like what you see when you look at a Pokemon after taking 50 swigs of witch's brew I do see that you've armed yourself pretty well here you got two double swords which I think is good because you're going to be seen instantly and you're probably gonna have to fight someone and of course the emo jeans factoring all that in I'm gonna have to score you a five just because bad ninja everything does go together pretty well so I'm not gonna rate you too harshly but you've been warned put on a better disguise holy moly Mother of God what is this specimen so first of all we got this Assassin's Creed robe thing going on here very menacing very powerful but then we pull up to the head and we see just this creature if I saw this at the foot of my bed at 3am I would jump out the window it looks like the main source of the evil here is this hat car bot I have never seen this hat before but it might just be my new favorite classic hat ever we got the classic R here except on the other side it's backwards because they didn't bother to reverse the texture I'm not mad though it kind of adds to the charm then we got the four headlight eyes the lines look like they were drawn by a sixth grader there's like white artifacting around everything God this is a cool hat guys this is what bumblebee from the Transformers wishes he could be this is the guy who bumblebee has like a poster of above his bed and every day when he wakes up he looks at it as like my pronouns are he not him cause I'll never be him I'm gonna rate you a 10 out of 10 just because I worry what might happen to me if I don't X bone Man X now here's probably the weirdest Avatar we've seen so far because if you notice it seems to be just a floating hoodie with hands and a head not sure how he got this invisible legs and inside of torso glitch it's very weird this man must be very ahead of his time I don't know how he did this nine out of ten so this person here Chicken Man 216 was last online three years ago apparently but his Avatar does look like it has not been updated since like 2010 so I'm gonna review it anyway because wow what a guy so upon first glance you can kind of see this hardened military drill sergeant Vibe going on he's got a sonar dish on top of his head no doubt to suss out people who are speaking out a line make him do a billion push-ups or whatever but then if we flip him around we notice that he's wearing farmer overalls so I guess you just recently retired to live a happy peaceful life on the farm which you know good for him but then the main attraction for me we got this Meme here the voices are telling me to kill you this looks like a meme that would be posted like current day at 2023 but I looked it up and no it was made in like 2010 so whoever made this was actually like really far ahead of their time in terms of memes and isolute them for that this person is a God I would rate them an 11 out of 10 if I could we got Lewis Fox one he's a Dapper dude he's got the matching tie and Top Hat combo very purple very stylish yeah this guy definitely runs a Fortune 500 company I feel like this is Jeff bezos's account uh I do have an Alexa in my house so I will go ahead and rate this a 12 out of 10. I am very pleased with this outfit and I do not think it looks trophy or Bland in any way a Zeus he appears to be dressed as link but in The Purge I feel like instead of using that sword to go on Valiant Heroes Quest he's gonna shank me and dump me in My Neighbor's Pool just aside though this is a pretty cool Avatar I think it might like genuinely be the best one we've seen so far one of the only ones that I can genuinely see someone wearing today I'll throw an eight out of 10 at it paklak uh you look like if the Grim Reaper was a straight A student we can see we got the classic nerd bow tie and a medal for doing good school work and we can see that the classic High School bullies have gone and stuck a scissors in his hood probably gonna tell on the teacher for that and remind him to assign extra homework I kind of like this one 8 out of 10. Lego dude pretty cool guy uh one thing I note is that his sunglasses seem to be surgically implanted onto his face I think that might be taking the coolness a little bit too far I'm not sure if you need to go that far to be cool we can also see that he was cool enough to be a VIP in Nuketown which at that point you don't even really need the sunglasses everyone knows you're cool if you're a VIP in that game nothing really offensive here uh 7.5 out of 10. actually no he's too cool a thousand out of ten Joy bobbed uh this guy rocks that armor design I've always loved it it looks super cool I'm kind of impressed that it came from 2010 Roblox it looks really well done uh we can see that he is also a good student he got that same good student medal that the other guy did I do notice one accessory that he has that's a little weird it seems to be a bow that is in the shape of a present but it's not like encapsulating anything that's a little weird usually present bows have stuff inside of them that they're kind of wrapped around but yeah I don't mind that too much so uh eight out of 10. Lego Master 277 now this is the guy that that teaches pet Grim Reaper from earlier wants to be this guy's the real deal not too much going on here I am loving the robe design it looks very cool almost as cool as that armor from earlier I'm also a big horror fan nine out of ten this is quite the guy I'm equally as impressed by his choice of hat as the fact that he managed to find clothing themed around it let's check out what Hattie's wearing I want to see what it is z Balian 70 Robux me when it's 3am and I go downstairs and I'd see my favorite snack on the counter and I'm gonna eat it uh Scrooge four four five now this guy is not quite as Dapper as the other person from earlier the colors on his top hat do not quite match the colors on his tuxedo and as you can see he's also drooling from his open mouth I feel like that would definitely be a faux pas the fancy dining room table but if we look at the face he's wearing we can see that it's called Sapphire drool and it is apparently like the tears of an Angel so if this man is drooling a literal Angel tears I think we can maybe give him a pass uh seven out of ten I'll bump it up to eight out of 10 if you can give me some of those Angel tears oh my God this is the most intimidating man I have ever seen not only is he wearing a fedora the most Dapper and elegant hat of all time but in addition he owns a katana he's dressed like a gentleman with a nice pinstripe suit indigo's paintballing uh do not walk around with your girlfriend near this person he will snatch her away in an instant he's just too powerful Albania knows like six different martial arts ah who am I kidding he's too attached to his Senpai probably my official rating for this one is a master please forgive me out of 10. I think that'll about do it for today sorry if this one felt a bit shorter and more rushed than usual I wanted to get it out quickly because of one the time sensitivity of Microsoft rewards is plasma Wings campaign and two I'm gonna Begin work on a bit of a passion project after this video it's something I've wanted to do for a few months now and when I start doing it I want there to be as few outside factors distracting me from it as possible even still I'll probably have to drop another shorter video or two in the middle of making that video as it'll probably take me a really long time so be on the lookout for a community Post in the near future asking what that video should be about I do have some pretty cool video ideas kicking around in my head and I'd love to hear which one you guys think is the best with that being said I've been Nitro Lord and I will see you all next time bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Nitrolord
Views: 82,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: If you like Roblox, Classic Roblox, Roblox History, Old Roblox, Builderman, Telamon, Shedletsky, Builder's Club, Clockwork, Anaminus, Roblox Limiteds, Crossroads, Happy Home in Robloxia, Rocket Arena, 2006,, Rolimon's, UGC, Headless Horseman, Korblox Deathspeaker, Redcliff, Knights of the Splintered Skies, Wizards of the Astral Isles, Noobs, Guests, Buckets, Shaggys, Fedoras, Sparkle Time, Adurite, Valkyrie Helm, Headphones, Elemental Helms, Club Iron, Catalog Avatar Creator, Wanwood
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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