Roblox Doesn't Care About Its Legacy

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[Music] I usually tend to make videos about some kind of objective fact check out how rare these badges are or look at the super secret thing I found that's not what this video is was really going to be something similar to the previous video but then I realized there's a lot more to be said here if you didn't know Roblox recently joined a Nostalgia bate train sitting proudly among the leges of Disney and epic games the classic event is the latest example of Roblox getting Brave and finally realizing that they have a legacy that they can make Bank off of after several grueling years of them running away from their past seems that they're finally embracing it how we're making a reskin of the hunt now with a classic Roblox theme and it's really sad because I remember just two months back when crecraft and the entire Community were going crazy over the prospect of events returning we were so desperate for events that people actually liked the idea of having another giant de hunt everyone had seemingly forgotten about meterse Champions and pretended that this was the first Roblox event since 2020 which I mean fair enough that event sucked but then the hunt released and the reception was lukewarm don't get me wrong though this event was a great success for Roblox they successfully integrated the battle pass into an official event without too much backlash their Planet worked it could now make incredibly marketable events and everybody would play them and obviously everyone has already sung the song about all of roblox's decisions now being driven by investors the Republic the company of course that's the case after all everything going downhill pretty much aligned with the company going public and having to police people who can care less about the platform itself but is it really all investors cuz I don't think so I think that Roblox simply doesn't care about its Legacy obviously I don't know what goes on behind the scenes of Roblox corporate I've never worked there I'm just speaking from the perspective of someone who's 10-year anniversary on the platform is later this year put that into perspective I'm a high school student I've been playing this game for nearly two Furs of my life and I was there for echon 2015 2016 2017 everything everything in between as well all the way up to now and having played all those previous events it's pretty clear to me that something has changed these events they're no longer meant to be fun and the thing is the hunt was playerwise the biggest event Roblox has ever done because they advertise the living hell out of it so the fact that EG hunts are a massive part of roblox's History doesn't matter to them CU now there's a bigger thing which more people care about and it's always only been a small percentage of Roblox players who care about events most people even if they joined in like 2018 probably couldn't care less about these old events so they have successfully diverted attention Roblox events will now simply exist in people's minds as having always had battle passes and Roblox will continue making cheap events with tight deadlines and with that being said let's take a look at the classic the result of everything I just explained [Music] I got to say going into this event pretty much blind this integration set a vastly different precedent than the hunt did and by that I'm referring to the fact that it took me two whole hours to complete which is longer than any quest in the hunt did that is obviously to be expected seeing as there's five badges and 10 collectibles in each game now but if each of these objectives took me 2 hours then I'd be here for 30 hours total and that was honestly just a scary thought now I should probably explain the format of this event for the uninitiated basically there are five blue tokens and 10 ticks in every game tokens are supposed to act as the main objective you have to work for them and complete different tasks the ticks on the other hand are just collectiables which don't award any prizes per se all they do is let you purchase items in the classic Hub this format is good in Fury but it backfired pretty hilariously with most games simply using the tokens as checkpoints in one larger objective which very much could have just been one singular badge also I wasn't really speedr running the event this time considering this released on a first day and I had school the day after so I wasn't too worried about [Music] time found my first piece of dicks right at the start and then spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how to start the car until eventually just rejoining I mean I genuinely fought the game sorry about that the car actually started this time and I drove to 2,000 M and shut up some orbs which awarded me my first token and and I also found my second tick nice but then I accidentally mixed oil with gas which forced me to restart I reached 4,000 M this time and drove across this really scary bridge where I also found two more ticks then I somehow managed to launch myself in this rocket ship and it clipped through the ground on the way back and I guess that's the first revive when I got to 6,000 M I realized I didn't actually have any weapons to fight these pirates with because I left all my guns behind so I frantically run around on the map un realizing there are no weapons to be found here and although I didn't want to give up on searching for a weapon the game seemingly decided for me cuz I fell through this brick into my death on the third though I purchased a second revive but the game must have really not wanted me to continue because the revive spawned me on an island which I couldn't escape without another revive so I gave in and just restarted it was here that I realized that I had somehow missed a piece of ticks all the way back at 2,000 M and then I proceeded to die to the orbs that was the first but this time I wouldn't be as lucky with the bridge accidentally shoving my car off while trying to save it from falling and then I had another close call on the bridge but this time I successfully pushed it back on track now prepared with some weapons I took on the Pirates again and managed to find my sixth piece of ticks and then I just jumped off into the water I mean I genuinely have no explanation for this thankfully this time the revive put me over the ship so I was able to continue onwards to 8,000 M where there was was a haunted mansion I found two more ticks here and quite easily killed the zombies however during the token claiming animation a zombie ended up killing me which was just great at least it was smooth sailing from here though I defeated the 1x1 x1x one boss and obtained the final two ticks luckily I didn't miss any because doing this again would have been pretty painful although I did briefly think I miss one because the final badge I got was for having nine ticks and not 10 but eventually I did figure out that the badges were just awarded in the wrong order [Music] [Music] this here is another jandelle game and this one was a bit more in line with what I'd expect from an event integration in one of his games and if Dusty trip was a pleasant surprise then this was somehow actually worse than I imagined this game is the first other ones which use thetics as a choke point before you can get to the blue tokens instead of as Collectibles which is already pretty funny example of the format backfiring the ticks are really easy to find though you can get them effortlessly pretty much without even dying at all which makes sense because someone told me on the last video that the team you play against of this game is all Bots if you check they don't actually show up in the player list anyways when you find the TIC you have to get a ton of kills with different weapons luckily my friend told me you can just blow yourself up with the rocket launcher and bombs which made it way faster but still a very long time and as for the other free weapons there's nothing you can really do except spawn Camp the Bots for a solid 30 minutes which is not great but it's also not [Music] surprising the official classic event Hub released around the time I finished doing gunfight Arena and I got to say this Hub is absolutely stunning I know I was being really negative in the intro but this here is one especially good part of the event there's so many little details in here that I absolutely adore such as the animation of the door not being smooth or the chess secret actually using the classic chess hat or the water clearly not being Union because it leaves these little gaps behind all these little things just come together to make this Hub feel very authentic and it was definitely made with a lot of care however it's important to remember that Roblox commissioned twin Atlas a pre-established Development Group to make this Hub a group consisting of people like abstract Alex the owner of world zero or arifia the co-owner of sonar Studios which has just way too many games to even mention and bza the creator of miners Haven which actually met in the classic Hub and a bunch of other people as well who let me in the server anyways yeah it's very likely that none of the people who made the Hub actually had much say in the actual events so this Hub is likely just a result of very passionate people putting their all into the very limited part they played and Roblox didn't even let the inhub quests get their own hats on the catalog all of them were either for in-game accessories or just contributing to the mainline of awards which in my opinion is such a missed opportunity because the Hub is one of my favorite parts of the event and Hell one of the only good parts it really just makes you wonder what twin Atlas could make if they were ask to do say an egg hunt or any other event it doesn't have to be Easter themed and I stayed in the hub for over an hour and a half just finding all the secrets and completing all the quests because it was really fun but in reality there wasn't much point to it which means now we go back to the death hont God help me what before I start complaining I got to say the players in this game are actually really nice literally as soon as I joined some gu sent me a trade request and gave me really good Towers which probably saved me a ton of time shout out to this guy anyways I usually give a t of game props because I just enjoy the but h ly this Quest just feels so uninspired there's been all this talk about games like work at a pizza place and epic mini games being in the event you know actually classic games so why on Earth did this get in and they couldn't even be bothered to make an original classic map all they did was scale Crossroads down and the tix Hunt is entirely in the lobby as well I just I don't know this Quest is lame [Music] this one was taking me so long that I had to go to sleep and finish it the next day also isn't this just the echon 2020 Quest this game had but longer they genuinely might have used coat from 4 years ago for this and the ticks are just impossible to find without a guide so I eventually folded and had to use one this isn't a good Quest [Music] I hope this one Burns in the fiery pits of hell for the bedwar integration you have to reach wave 10 in the new penguin attack game mode simple right well let's see how my experience went in attempt one our bed was destroyed and we died on Wave three [Music] this one we actually made it to wave five but that's still only halfway this one actually raised my hopes a bit because we reached wave 9 but the bed was destroyed so it's kind of unwinable at this point and this also would be the last time this happened so this attempt already puts us at 1 hour so I've started developing a strategy by now first of all you need to make sure it's this green map here because you can block off the entrances for better protection secondly you need to get obsidian as soon as possible to cover the bed with trust me no other material will do so surely with this knowledge I'd be able to get a win pretty quickly well it was wave n again this time but that's a good thing right we even made a two wave 10 with the bed destroyed it was at this point where I decided to go full pay to win and bought a kit but it wouldn't end up being very useful so this one's on me also this attempt was on the winner map so I just rejoined winner map again and again and again in this one I tried communicating the strategy to the others but we just ended up dying on round two we uh we we died at wave five at this point I invited scanx because it was becoming increasingly apparent to me that you need to play with people who actually know what they're doing if you want to win and we died with wave 9 again wave three here wave four wave two wave three again and wave eight and here I invited two more people to the team so maybe we could win this time who knows nope wave five at this point our strategy is really refined block off the entrances and cover the bed with obsidian as soon as possible but we still died at wave 10 and then a wave s of but it's on the snow map so this is actually a pretty good sign and on this one we just restarted because my kit disappeared for some reason and then finally this was the perfect storm we had five fully Ked out people in the game and everybody had their own role to play my role was to collect the obsidian and protect the bed after which I covered it with blast prooof concrete we finally managed to get to wave 10 without the bed breaking and completed the quest and it only took 4 hours this was the most painful quest of the entire event I feel sorry for anyone has to do it alone the public service rarely get far at this point I was just really hoping none of the other quests take anywhere near this long [Music] [Music] another game which no one wanted to return from the Hunt is blade ball and it came out swinging I'm hly just not a fun of how this game plays it feels like you press F to deflect sometimes and it just doesn't register in time with that being said how about having to play it for nearly 2 hours and so just completely arbitrary quests one of which being collect all the ticks so much for the being optional Collectibles I guess I'll give them props for making a 1x1 x1x one boss but then remove the props for making me play the game for 2 hours this did happen though it was pretty [Music] [Music] cool I'm going to be honest I really dislike the quest this game had for eons 2019 and 2020 but this this time around Don had actually nailed it this is one of the better quests in the event especially the fing and it does make sense considering he joined Roblox in 2009 this one actually seemed a lot worse than my first time playing because we died on round one but it turned out not to be too bad you just need at least one person with a good Hive to attack while you spam the Trel second time around I left at round six because I guess I thought that was the end for some reason but the next time around I got all the badges so it was fine and the ti hero hidden creatively as well being split between three different areas the main game the Met ring Hub and the mini game map honestly this is just a great Quest good job on [Music] it Dress for Success dress impress going into this one I was thinking oh God not this game again it's true I really hate how this game looks it's just uncanny but the quest actually isn't too bad this time around it's another one of those games which make you collect the tis to progress instead of making them optional Collectibles when you get all the ticks you get brought into this very nice looking Obby which Doesn't Remind Me of anything at all naturally the up is very easy but this is a fun Quest maybe it's not so bad that this game got brought back for another event [Music] [Music] be honest I'm not really the biggest fan of shooter games I find them to be really frustrating so of is considered I probably shouldn't like this Quest but it's just really awesome there's one Central Mission and to get all the tokens you have to meet certain conditions while doing it the standouts of course being beating the mission in under 15 minutes and beating the mission with a pistol this is a really creative way of going about the five tokens and I don't think any of the other games really do it it's probably actually closer to how they intended to be used my first round clocked in at 48 minutes which which was actually a long way off the 15-minute Mark but then I did it with a friend and we did an 11 minute run first try so it turned out to be quite easy and then we tried to do a pistol only run but I accidentally picked up a weapon so we just got all the ticks instead I really love how the ticks are hidden in here as well they make you do parkour and had actual spots TI dets instead of just placing them randomly around the map it's nice the pistol only run somehow took me even longer than my initial run but it was actually just as fun because this mission is really replayable [Music] [Music] ter defense games are good but only in moderation this is not moderation basically you need to complete five maps with one tick in each of them and five more ticks in in the lobby three of them ABS simple enough you might fail once or twice but in the end you should get through fine Maps three and five are absolutely diabolical each one of them took me over five attempts and five attempts in a game which has rounds stretching up to 20 minutes is a lot of attempts this was just extremely difficult I'll give them props since you can kind of strategize through the trial in eror and figure out what Towes to plays but it's still just a whole lot of waiting this Quest essentially just has the same problem as bedwars but to a lesser extent and I can't believe I'm saying this but I almost preferred the toilet [Music] [Music] I don't know what it is about it this game is Just perplexing for some reason my mind just cannot understand this game it doesn't have any gameplay all the gameplay is US regenerated and the way you play it is just by begging people to record videos with you I guess also the game literally just makes both the tokens and the tick into Collectibles you can find with the only difference being that you need to take a selfie of NPCs you find for the tokens although apparently they R some kind of mad murderer map for this which is pretty nice I wish this game were in this event though or any actually classic game for that matter [Music] this one effectively does the same thing as clip it where both the ticks and tokens are just things you have to find but this time it might actually work in the game's favor the game just has this really smooth flight system which makes searching for the eggs and exploring the maps really fun and they were pretty easy to find as well well until I reached World 3 This One Singular egg had me flying around for so long that I eventually just folded and purchased the egg radar for 99 Robux and I mean the egg was on top of a tree there are no other eggs on top of trees how was I supposed to know come on but yeah this game just has these really stunning worlds which perfectly mix meshes and terrain actually I think this art style would fit perfectly in an egg hunt and what do you know this game is made by sonar Studios you know the development Studio from earlier which had a lot of same members as twin Atlas I mean the quest in this game is literally about hunting for eggs it's like there were at something please Roblox let these people make an egg hunt or anything similar to [Music] [Music] one I like the fact that they didn't C out with this one and actually modified the 2011 starter place instead of just adding it in without any modifications but also this just seemed like it was was going to take forever so I bought the two times progress Game Pass you basically just raise Builder man over and over again in this one there's a delivery service desk as well but it gets you Points Way slower so it's not worth grinding I guess I didn't mind this Quest too much though I'm used to doing things again and again in a loop by now [Music] Liftopia brings you through the average day of an Amazon delivery driver for its Quest there wasn't even an attempt at sticking to the theme here absolutely nothing is classic Roblox theme that than the name for the delivery service I guess this might be the most boring one you just get orders enough to find them in the store and trust me you're going to know the store inside and out by the time you're done also for some reason the binoculars are called telescope that's not a critique by the way I just find it fun [Music] [Music] this is the only one which I prepared for before the event started so I was able to just find the ticks while the quest completed itself if you have a good restaurant you can literally just AFK for this one while occasionally collecting the money because it blocks the tables for some reason [Music] and yeah that's the last game by the time I finished the event there were only about 2 days left on the clock the whole thing just felt so miserable to play that I kept putting it off I don't know if it was all the objectives essentially being objectives from the hunt but five times longer or maybe wishing this game format got cannmed and this event had turned out far better but I mean listen I don't want to just complain about the state of Roblox events without offering a way to fix them and historically there have been three different ways the def fun format has worked number one is monthly events which made developers put a lot more effort in think stuff like super blocky ball making a custom map for the Kids Choice Awards or escape room doing the same thing another one was egg hunts where every Quest would award a hat this allowed for a large number of games while also remaining rewarding though admittedly this format had a lot of the same issues as the current one and lastly my personal favorite gunting events things stuff like Ready Player 2 or RB battles this format is very rewarding to the dedicated players and provides far more gameplay than any of the other formats as long as someone participates in the solving process the downside to this one is that it does tend to lead to some rather convoluted quests and it's not very accessible it's good that Roblox is trying to do events as tedious and soul ranging as they may be but these aren't events that will be remembered by people fondly there's a reason Eon 2017 and 2018 are still talked about today they are made by genuinely great developers who are passionate about their craft that and they made something which was truly special but as unit stated on Twitter those events were an overall loss financially for Roblox that's why they didn't continue making them after ion 2018 and in my opinion the last truly great event was ready player 2 in 2020 the RB battles events were fun but I don't think they really lived up to some of the best official Roblox events and this newest event in particular really has me wondering where did all the effort into pushing developers to do their best go there's some quests which you can tell had a lot of effort put into them such as Arsenal or a Dusty trip but the rest of the Integrations were seemingly frown together quite haphazardly and made only to maximize play time and you can tell Roblox tried to take criticism from the hunt into consideration by making the number of participating games smaller and giving them more badges to work with but in the end it all just ended up as one big objective with offshoots or the tokens were used as checkpoints I think what they perhaps wanted to go for was something like Ripple mini games's echon 2015 integration where all the X had Fairly distinct objectives however similarly to that event I'm not sure Roblox gave any of the devs enough time to do something like that but even if they did get more time I doubt most of these developers really care enough to make something great it's already pretty obvious that the games in this event were chosen because the devs wanted to participate and make something good but because they're part of an inner circle which Roblox can rely on to consistently turn out event Integrations as sloppy as they may be and I'm not going to pretend to be knowledgeable enough about the Roblox developer Community to know which developers would make good objectives however I'm sure someone like Hyo who has land at top 10 on the lead boards twice now would push their game Power Heroes to have a great objective and crazy blocks has even stated very clearly on Twitter that if they had asked him he would have made an integration for a classic flood Escape in a heartbeat so I'm really hoping that the next event whenever it may come has good games in it with all the padding removed and it's a fun experience all around however Roblox has proved proven time and time again that even when they do take some kind of criticism into account the end product ends up with even more issues due to the misinterpretations of that criticism and I'm rooting for all these people who do devil and organize events over at ROBLOX crecraft says they're good people who want to make the events as good as possible I don't want to make a video with a title something along the lines of the absolute state of Roblox events whenever the next one releases but if the past is of any indication of what's to come things won't improve despite any One's best efforts we may never get a truly great Roblox event again because Roblox doesn't care about its Legacy or perhaps the devs don't just maybe [Music]
Channel: Feodoric
Views: 201,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox classic, classic roblox, roblox event, roblox the hunt, the hunt, the classic, Feodoric, roblox egg hunt, egg hunt, egg hunt 2018, Roblox Doesn't Care About Its Legacy
Id: 5RjMN93fhis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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