my game went VIRAL… but it isn't finished

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so my game kind of went viral the only problem is it isn't finished yet my dad said I should make this game it's about horses that can blow up have wheels and need to go to the hospital for some reason yep it's as bizarre and genius as it sounds ever since my video popped off I've had people asking me almost every day about when they can play this game so in this video I need to make some actual progress so that I don't have 13,000 little timmies waiting outside my door anymore wait wait wait wait I need to quickly mention something as of recording this I have exactly 8,680 subscribers what when I uploaded my last video I was just a little over 200 subscribers but now I'm about to hit 10,000 which is just insane thank you guys so much make sure to stick around my Twitter and Discord links in the description by the way because at 10,000 I've got some plans that involve Robux okay I'm not saying anything more see okay so basically the idea behind this game is that you the player have to drive your horse to the hospital because it got sick or something this journey isn't going to be as easy as it sounds though you and your horse LED W12 are going to have to Traverse through a bunch of crazy obstacles in some vastly different environments to reach this [Music] hospital so that's going to be the main objective of this game but then I also plan on making a PVP mode where you can just go into the arena and beat up a bunch of random 8-year-olds driving on horses I also plan on adding abilities and weapons that can Aid you in your journey to this hospital I've got a lot to do so I'm going to get [Music] started first things first this game needs a Lobby this is where all the players and their horses will spawn in I wanted it to be so that would spawn in a garage so I began by building a house with a garage and then spamming a few of them around the lobby my building skills were non-existent at first because I've been editing this video for the last 3 weeks but I started making some progress after a few minutes after that I made a small script that makes smoke come out of random houses the next thing I began working on was clouds I started randomly placing clouds around but then I remember that I can somewhat script so I wrote this code that can randomly spawn in clouds clouds are very essential to this game play so I'm very glad that we got this out of the way and then I added some mountains in the background to make the game feel a bit larger than it really is the next thing I needed to do was to make it so that the player would actually spawn inside one of the garages as you can see from the footage here everything was going exactly as planned after I got my last 1 and a half brain cells to start working together I started building a path towards the first area in this game the forest [Music] now since I've gained an extra half a brain cell since yesterday I decided to create some assets for the forest area that I can use to speed up the process I wanted there to be some bumps and pills to challenge the play with so I made some along with a few trees I had all these assets now but I was feeling a bit lost because I hadn't planned out anything at all so I decided to try out a few different ideas one of them being that there would be two separate routes but I scrapped that I ended up making it so that the player would be led down a very narrow path between two dirt mounts on each side of the player I then went back to the lobby area and added the sand just in case it wasn't obvious enough that you were supposed to go in this direction now that I'd gotten all of the important stuff out of the way I decided to start working on this little obstacle course it has some ramps and hills and stuff to keep things interesting wait wait wait wait wait wait it honestly looked really fun so I decided to test it out and uh it's game time yall ready for this oh [Music] no I then got the idea to add a maze so that's what I plan to do next but I got a little [Music] distracted I started on a knockback system in the last video but I had no clue as to what I was doing so I just abandoned it to be fair I still have no clue what I'm doing but I tried to make it anyway so on a bright Saturday morning I woke up fresh and attempted to finish the knockback system it took me 7 hours the system itself was actually really simple and easy to make and I got it done within like an hour but the system had one little floor and I just could not solve it normally the knockback works as intended but every now and then it just gains the power of Garfield's middle toe and the player gets blasted way further back so after 7 hours of scripting I just accepted my fate and decided to realize that this is just a silly Roblox game and I'm bad at physics and scripting so I was going to work on the maze oh let's go that's class but then I remembered something else that was extremely important [Music] basically I've been placing a bunch of trees around the map but I wanted to make these trees destructible I wanted to script the destruction mechanic before I place all the trees just in case I run into some sort of problem with the trees that would prevent me from making them destructible and then I have to place all the trees all over again so I cooked up this little system that knocks down trees when you hit them fast enough then I remembered a comment I got that said I should make apples that the horse could eat to he h so into blender and made this yeah I'm uninstalling blender so then I went back into studio and made whatever this is after all of these humiliating failures I got the idea to make the Apple an image instead I hopped onto Photoshop and cooked up this fire pixel art this turned out way better than I thought it would then I gave the apples some functionality but they work a bit too well once I fixed that I made it so that the trees would respawn after they had been destroyed now that the destroy struction system is complete I can finally move on [Music] to so I finally made the maze this took like 30 minutes and uh yeah that's all there is to this [Music] chapter 1 2 wow now that we're nearing the end of the game we're finally going to need a hospital for the horse to go to since this is the whole point of the game I started by expanding the map out a bit and then I made this mountain so that the hospital could stand in all its glory and Tower above everything else then I made this very trustworthy bridge over a suspiciously large Ravine now all I had left to do was to create the hospital itself I didn't really know how I wanted it to look like so I searched for an image of the hospital and found this I'm not a professional Hospital design critic but if I were this would definitely be about a 9.43 out of 10 let me know if you agree with me in the comments below anyways I got to work on the real hospital when I was recording this I didn't exactly realize that this cloud is in the way so here's what the hospital looks like now the game is done right no not at all you guys are not ready for what's coming next I've been cooking nah [Music] [Music] [Music] before I started working on the Underground facility though I had to actually make the bridge collapse this was a little bit easiest said then done I was having problems because I only wanted the bridge to collapse for the player who triggered it at first it would begin to collapse but then just completely freeze my theory was that this was happening because the physics of the parts falling were all being rendered on the client or the player and Roblox simply didn't like that so Roblox just gave up rendering them and they would end up freezing in place but I had an idea I decided to try and render all the parts falling on the server which means that everyone in the game would be able to see it but make it that only the person who triggered the bridge to collapse would be able to see the parts actually falling but for everyone else they would be invisible at this point I hadn't designed the underground facility yet so I decided to draw out a few of the obstacles that the player would encounter in this underground facility let me break it down for you and now that I had something to work with I began building I made the entrance this hallway and in these really cool LS that I'm extremely proud of like I didn't even know I could make stuff that's this cool but but I guess I can after that I made this obstacle which is inspired by get hit by a speeding wall basically there's this giant red laser wall that you really don't want to touch it's constantly going backwards and forwards and you as the player have to try and navigate through it with these little sections on the left and the right I then made this weird little obstacle where you have to wait for the lights to turn on and off but it's kind of boring so I'm going to redo it at this point I realized that it had already been almost a month since my last upload so I decided to pause the development of this game so that I could make this video this project is definitely a lot more than I was originally anticipating but the weight will be worth it thanks for watching have a great day and I hope your pillow is cold on both sides [Music] tonight I've got a lot of work to do so I'm going to get it's all [Music]
Channel: mini
Views: 106,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mini, yerboimini, roblox dev, roblox horse game, roblox dad game, roblox game dev, roblox devlog, roblox game, roblox game development, roblox, roblox development, roblox games, game, devlog, game dev, game development, roblox developer, roblox youtube, roblox horse game dev, roblox dev video, roblox unfinished game, unfinished game, incomplete game, buggy game
Id: wsZlX7z_qa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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