Spanish treasure found

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thank you all for coming it's a great pleasure to speak to the audience here I'm going to surprise the a HRF and I'm not going to speak on the roads minds and you know that subject has been hashed and hashed over for so many years and there's been so much introduced into the forums and the things that have been written that our sole faults and blatantly wrong that it's hard to really put a handle on anything unless you really get down in and do studying on each particular mind location where the information come from when I first started prospecting back in the about 1960 it was very evident to me that there were Spanish in the area because I had talked to many many old Indians who were I was 19 years old and here they're 75 and 80 years old and telling me stories about their father and their grandfather encountering Spaniards and people with iron shirts when I first started prospecting in the U NS and all over the western United States and God blessed my wife for putting up with me and that I'm still alive because of it but there were there were approximately three maps that were available to look at that were authentic Spanish maps at that time as the time grew on people done more research and then people started writing books for money when that started all of the sudden maps started appearing not by the not one or two but by the dozens and it's funny if you look at those maps they all fit on a piece of copy paper eight-and-a-half by eleven pretty astounding isn't it I've seen some original Spanish maps that were made by the Spaniards in the 1850s one of them was about the size of a man's hand that was owned by a woman in Goshen Utah her name was Mary diamond Sulzer steel more so you know how many times she was married she was a good friend of Ed Hartzell and Edie Hartzell of course knew SIDS erodes and after Caleb Rhoads died then SIDS erodes had came into possession of this map I seen that original map well I'm not going to say that the Mary Guymon stole that map I doubt SIDS II would give it it would have given that map to her but anyway it was in the possession of Mary and I was privileged to see that map she wouldn't let me copy it but I remembered in detail what it looked like and it was of the kidney Lake area so all kidney Lake no kidney Lake it's a West of Moon Lake in the kidney lake basin and it showed brown duck basin showed approximately five or six mines up in there and were where they was located anyway as you can see the a HRF is is involved in many many different projects mainly ancient discoveries archaeologists today tell you anything that's over 50 years old as ancient you try you find something and you want to dig in it you better be real careful about how you handle it because they'll make it an archaeological site on you if you don't handle it and get your own archaeologists in there to protect that site nothing against archaeologists just that you have to you have to follow a rule of thumb as to the best way to handle though and how to bring them to pass the topic that I chose to speak on today is Spanish but it has nothing to do with the roads mines per se except for the fact that in the 1850s it's well documented that Spaniards were in here through the Indians and from the Pioneers that came in here and talked to those Indians as well as a number of people that I was personally had came in contact with and known had actually been taken to mines and shown many things which in turn I got lucky and they were shown to me both on Indian land and off of Indian land there are three main faults that run through the UN a mountains there's the upper fault which runs right along the upper crest line of the Uinta Mountains and then it's associated with many cross faults and that creates block quality then you have the mid line fault that runs through the mid part of the you ennas which runs through the kidney lake basin and all the way over to Eastern Utah there's a third fault which is not very well known and it takes a very trained eye by geologists to pick it up but there's a lower fault lower than the South flank fault that runs through Indian land but you can pick it up in four different places across the UN stand and this is where the gold on the Indian land comes from is the I just call it the Indian fault but you can pick it up in Hana between Hana and Rock Creek there's a very well faulted area that can be seen if you know what you're looking for anyway I've chosen to speak on a area that's not in the Uinta Mountains that's closer to the Wasatch Front and it's between East Canyon Reservoir and the Wasatch Front a few years ago there was a gentleman that had body I guess it's a recreational permit with one of the recreational people that you have to buy a permit for I think it's three or four hundred dollars a year and then they allow you to get onto the property in campus parking trailer camp do whatever you'd like to do there fish if you want to travel to the spring to the streams anyway this generally there was a gentleman from bountiful that had rented a parking place up a canyon called Sheep Canyon and I'm not giving you any names of these peoples because they haven't given me permission to do so and so I wouldn't break their confidence in what I've been told and what I've learned and then my five years practically up there on that property documenting this all of this stuff that I'm going to show you is on private property they're locked gates you unless you go on the east canyon side you can buy a permit from the East Canyon people where they I think if you'd like to hike around you might want to give them a thousand dollars to do so but you get the you get the picture there anyway this fellow had a campsite up sheep Canyon and there's a hill that goes up on the west side of where he was parked and I would say it's about a sixty degree angle it's very very steep and there's a trail a very definite trail that winds up that you can see quite easily from his campsite this gentleman is about 300 pounds and he's not in very good shape so he's starting starting up this trail and he gets up Oh maybe 20% 25% of the way going up this trail and all of a sudden he starts slipping on a rock comes out from underneath his foot and down he goes as he was falling of course the natural instinct of a man is to put his hand behind him and to stop him and that's exactly what he done and when he hit the ground he laid there a minute and then he looks over his hand and there's a piece of metal sticking up between his fingers and he thought what the devil is that so he reached down and he pulls it and it's partly embedded in the rocks and the ground and he pulls this piece of metal out and it's a cross and it's written in Spanish but the amazing thing about this cross is that it was a map that was on a cross and the cross is quite big it's a well over 12 inches tall and in fact in my demonstration I've got two slides because I couldn't fit it on my scanner you can't scanned across and get the lower portion I could have stitched it together but I'm not electronically come inclined like my comrades are if I have trouble I just send it to him anyway this cross was made out of lead and silver and he got quite excited when he found his cross and so he went back down to camp and then I don't know how many people was in his camp but the following weekend he got his nephews and some other people involved and they needed metal detectors well I have a good friend that lives in Farmington and I tell you his name is Peterson very well-to-do man they went to Peterson and asked him if he had a metal detector and they told him the story and he says well I'll just go buy some so he went bought a a dozen metal detectors and they all went up and went up on this hillside well what they found was astounding up on that hillside they ended up finding about 18 silver bars one gold bar they found a lead pouch that had little nuggets all over in it they found balls that you would use in your old flintlock Spanish guns they found a knife that had in Spanish inscriptions on it on one side just barely visible they found two rings that was in the same place where there was some other things which evidently when the body rotted the Rings just lay there there was a number of other things that was found there that that were just pieces of gold pieces of silver all different kinds of things that they had found well what they done is they went up and when they found an item they would stick a wire with a flag attached on the on the site and then they would take and draw that now I believe they had probably had cameras I was never told by the nephews or by Peterson whether or not they had taken actual photographs of these things on the site but they recovered a great number of things when I first visited the site it was very evident to me that it was a massacre site because of the way that the gold bars and everything was strewn well there was a trail that went up through a little flat area and the personal items of the Spaniard was in one place and then this trail went through and then things were on both sides as if somebody had got into a backpack grabbed him and just threw him like an Indian would do so it was very evident that it was a massacre site and whoever was involved in that or how many of them that's exactly where they stayed in leh and it wasn't until just a few years ago that that this was found now if you turn the lights off we'll go on with the presentation this is the cross which was found by the fellow that had the camp and if you'll notice in the right hand arm there is a gold nugget that's embedded in that cross there's a bracket that you can't see very well you'll see it in another picture that I have but it's enclosed in a bracket you'll see everything is written in Spanish you'll see a trail or or a place where you have either a trail or a drainage going up with a quite a few indications on the right-hand side and then you'll see two x's on the other side now I'll explain those two as we go through there the arrow is showing the gold nugget that's embedded in the right arm of the cross and you'll notice that it does not have a left arm but it my opinion that there was a left arm one of the things that is pretty striking is you'll notice this line would have continued and possibly connected to this right here right here is the translation of this right up here is a ha Rico to soar now most of the Spaniards that came into the western United States were not real edge people so they didn't spell everything exactly the same for instance the word to soar in dictionaries would be Tesoro which means treasure in this case is just to soar that translates to a wonderful rich treasure read Otero is a word taken from the dictionary in Spanish called de or Edie tattle which means charted course by water Rita Tarot in this case means charted course by land now this can be confusing if you look at it to tesora de Jindal poor and the other day what does that mean treasure abandoned for fear for fear of what on the bottom you have simply ready T it'll charted course M spawn yeah with two x's well if anybody knows the Spanish language they know that the Spanish talk backwards from the way they write they don't write there is a white horse they write there is a horse white and the same thing is here charted course M spawn you would translate to two Spanish minds it's just how they do things lui Gallego so si is one League West or three miles west so they're giving you a starting point here and they're going three miles west if you'll notice this area here and that there that there the X's or the marks if you'll see that there they're turned slightly they're not the same they have just a little different meaning and I'll show you what that is this is just another one I turned sideways so you can see the patina that's on the cross you'll see it's been rubbed off in this area and in several other areas where it got heavy rubbing and this end on the end where it says UTA's is turned up just a little bit now the approximate size of that cross is 12 and 3/8 inches so it's a very very large cross now I have taken that cross and I have placed it on a total POC map and as you can see it fits absolutely perfect now I have to cut this part of the map off and made a cross out of it so that you could in your minds place that map on there and see how it perfectly fits and you'll see that this is again is missing here just like I pointed out on the lead map now here's an interesting area here that for a long time I couldn't figure out what that was but believe me I've covered every inch of this ground from East Canyon to the east face of the Wasatch Range putting this together and it took me quite a few years to do that now I place four dots here on this map and the reason I did that is because I couldn't tell when you go back to this and whether that is a fourth mark on there or whether that's just a flaw and I couldn't tell at the time so I just left it on there right here is where the actual cross and all of the artifacts were found and dug up and they was they weren't too deep in the soil maybe six eight inches so from the time frame and you'll learn the time frame here in just a little short while this here I've crossed and come up on this side of the road and there's a formation of rocks right here that pretty well shows that area there and I believe that that's the mark that it is what this is up here I've never been able to determine whether it's a smelter site or what it is the line that connects the two is what's confusing to me but it looks like something in going into another pot which again I thought might be a smelter but I could be wrong because when I got to this area there are three large rocks up there one of them oh maybe 20 feet high that shaped kind of like a mushroom on the top again you'll notice I've placed the X's the way they are on the map the the positioning of them now I've transposed this on this map same map onto a aerial right here this little circle I've drawn is where the artifacts were found if you'll notice the three dots here here and there there on the points of three ridges and I'm positive that's what they that's what they meant I don't see a fourth one and nonetheless they went to that one right there well this trail winds up and goes up here when you get to this point right here you see the shape of that Ridge I've put a black line across the way the ridges are running if you compare that back to the Spanish map how they're running you'll see that they line up perfectly and this'n is the same way that's the that's the interpretation they're trying to tell you something there's a rock spanish monument right across side of the trail there and there's a rock spanish monument there i followed this trail all the way up and there's a trail that comes down and goes across the ridge of the mountains right here going to the west side this is where you get up here where the three rocks are that i told you about that might have something to do with the smelter or what excuse me now if we go back to the map itself get back here you'll see that there's a half moon here and there's a triangle here i've never been able to find out what this half moon is but I did find get to this point and it's a point of a hill that comes right to a point right there I would suspect that there's probably some kind of a mark there but I during the time I was there I was never able to find it now I have moved this over on a aerial map that shows this going over where I showed you the trail went over this is the ridge line dividing the drainages in each one of these little areas that I've outlined and you can't see them in this photo and they continue on down to about right here or a series of ledges that are in those covered areas and they show up very nicely as rock ledges all Drey all on the east side so if you go back to the if this computer a little time to work if you go back and you see this line right across here that they've got drawn they show a trail or a drainage right through there I think that's that trail that I drew however this right here is what I'm talking about that would be these ledges that they're showing which to me is a very good landmark now I believe there's a lost leg to this map and I'll tell you why I put this other stuff off to the side this is where that continues right there and they've just cut this portion off right there well back back about eight years ago there was a Mexican American that it was working at Hill Air Force Base his name was vigil and he was deer hunting up on Burt anoles land and and all of that private land is up there and he claims that he ran across a wheel that was sticking out of the ground and upon closer examination he dug around and he found the barrel of a large large cannon sticking out of the ground and then right next to it wasn't he claims he covered him up and even planted a tree a small tree right there which indicates to me that there was no tree where he found those cannons now I can't substantiate that as being a fact however this vigil man never knew anything about this area over here or any stories this was just him and but I put it together and I've added these words here this is my own words meaning defense from the Indians this treasure was abandoned for the fear of death now we all we have a two different documents written by Spanish and Jesuits which are very well documented that use these same words for fear abandoned treasure was abandoned for fear of death and I believe that is the same thing on this and segi Estill Rita diddle which means is follow this charted course to the Spanish minds which are the two exes there's the bracket of course without the nugget being involved this is a number of the things that were found at the site and drawn and like say I think there was many things the Rings and different things aren't in here but you can see there's a lot of gold there's a lot of silver there's nuggets or just various items that they found this is the shape of some of the very crude silver bars that they found now these are actual these aren't photographs these are photocopies which were given to me and it shows the the bars and on the right hand side of this bar stamped in the side which I don't have a picture of but I intend on getting that was stamped in the side of it death to all those who follow now here's some of the bars that were found with inscriptions as well as a map now these things tell a real story if you look at them and if you I don't suppose many people would look at them and be able to come up with the fact of the things that I found but these things are all telling a story this guy that was evidently leaving this place that was in where the massacre took place was taking back the things to wherever he was going so that they would be able to come back and know what they was looking for and have the correct information to do it these four zeros if you know anything about the Spaniards and previous gold bars or silver bars that have been found either by Mel Fisher clear back that dates into the 1500s they all have an expedition stamp on them and that's exactly what that is it's an expedition stamp of the year of 1815 now I believe that the 1815 was the date that they left and I think they had all of this in their backpacks headed back either to New Mexico or to Old Mexico until such time that they figured they might be able to get back safely this is very evident there's five gold aromas now an aroma you can hear about different different weights is probably about 23 and a half pounds so what they're saying is they have left behind five aromas of gold and twenty arobin's of silver from the 1815 expedition now these four circles again represent the expedition and this is a treasure symbol here I go back and talk about the UNS again i said i wasn't going to do that shame up on a tree above kidney lake basin at the head of slate trick was a tree a lot of people think that had the words oral on it they have all kinds of different explanations of the tree as well as in 1856 I seen a drawing of that tree that was drawn by dawn foot when he was there taken there by two routes the Indian and it had this mark on it and I think that mark means treasure treasure of the expedition so it's almost identical to that mark that was on that tree this five I think represents a total of five expeditions maybe they were there for five years you know it's pretty hard to put these things together and to make them all really make sense but you have to do you have to you have to do what you've got with nobody else being able to give you any other information to par of course means covered so what they're saying is they covered the treasure of the expedition of 1815 at the place where the cross is well when this stuff was being found there was a lead map and this is all it had on it expedition with a cross and it showed the mountain and this is my drawing from the one I have it might might be a little bit off from the one that they pulled out of the ground basically it's what you see is what you get it's pretty accurate now this is what I found when I finally got to the site where I knew that the mines were I've developed some instruments called the the instrument I developed and invented is called the locked Ron there's a road down here that goes right on the base lung Creek which is a long way down from the mountain but when I got down to the area got my machine out I got to immediate lines they went right up boom boom right to here and so I followed those lines out and you couldn't get in there with a that his beaver dams had been in there and water and you couldn't get in there with the vehicle but when I followed them lines out to the right to a mine right there and it took me to now this other mix over here is a mine that I found around the mountain from these two I later found out in doing the research on this that in the early 1900's after a Morgan in that area had been settled and this became private land in there that these mines had actually been worked by people from the Weber County area Morgan and through there but what they was doing this is a giant iron gossan if anybody there's I understand there's a couple of geologists in here but there's a giant iron gossan that runs through here and associated with that iron gossin were heavy amounts of gold and silver that was associated with him all three of those mines are cleaned out and who done it was the early 1900 inhabitants of the area that had went back and found those mines doing further research in trying to find out what they got out of them mines I found out that they was selling this ore to ideal cement company and they was crushing it making it into a fine powder and mixing it in with their cement and making a stronger cement it if any of you know what the term pozzolana is pozzolan is a volcanic ash comes from Italy and they use pozzolan to make strong concrete all of the Roman aqueducts that were built and are still standing today are a result of the fact that they use pozzolana in that concrete to make them and it made it so much stronger and this is what they mined that out for they wasn't mining it for gold and silver which was in the iron gossip down below the base there's an iron vein that runs right through here and up over the mountain and into the other side huge pieces of iron I seen one half as big as this whatever that is over there piano or organ but at least to half the size of that and maybe a foot foot and half thick numerous pieces and ranging from five to twelve inches in size pure iron big huge iron bank runs through there so it's it's associated with the iron and a fault system that runs all the way off of the Wasatch fault that is and it shows on a geological map that runs right smack through this portion of the property now I told you about a bracket and we could go back and I can show you the picture but I told you about a bracket that bracket is right there and what it is is a large shelf that runs right through the lower part you have to drop down in it it's quite smooth from here down you can walk down but it's quite steep on the other side right here is a tree with a Spanish mark on it but right in the center of the bracket is a hole about five feet deep now it's my opinion that at least a portion of that treasure may be all of that treasure they was referring to was in that hole and I believe it was marked with our big flat rock probably with the cross on it anyway that this is a modern day story dealing with the Spaniards they were in this area this is one of about 20 sites that I have that I researched that there is no information on in any of the books that I've worked in on I spent two or three years at this site trying to find out what it was all about I finally did come up with everything it was necessary to decipher it the only other let's go forward what are you doing to me Shawn it's evident if you look at the map you look at the shape of these there and you put it on a topo map you also put this on a aerial map there is no question that this is the area many times I thought this is where the treasure site is and I covered that heavy heavy there's a lot of oak brush there and it's hard to get through but I finally realized from this here one league west that they meant from these two peaks it's one league west to the Spanish mines well they're there so there's no question that the map is accurate the bracket with the gold nugget in I still figure heavily that it's the bracket that I found on the right there with the hole possibly one of those early people that inhabited it area found that cross turned the rock over and dug the gold up still still a mystery maybe I'm wrong I have some other theories which I haven't put on here because I'm still hunting however there was a story that came out of Morgan where a Scoutmaster took his Scout troop back into this area and the Scout boys just took off hiking they don't know exactly where they were but two or three Scouts found a rock with a mark on it and they turned that rock over and underneath that rock were gold and silver bars but they said they were too heavy to lift so they must have been you know pretty sixty pound bars or heavy that and so they just put the rock back over and cover the back up and went back and told her Scoutmaster from doing research and talking to people I found out that the Scoutmaster went back up with boys and was hunting for that area at first the first story I heard they never could find the rock whether that has ever changed and whether they did find it is another story if that story is true then of course there is another treasure that has been buried besides one which would have been in the bracket that was marked on the map that's all I have which walkers done well that you've been the one to scouts bound right now they slid it back over in place according to what we said whether they went back without it I don't
Channel: Terry Carter
Views: 66,536
Rating: 4.6052141 out of 5
Keywords: June Baliach, spanish treasure found, Terry L. Carter, spanish treasure, treasure found, spanish treasure markers, gold treasure found, spanish treasure symbols, Terry Carter, spanish treasure signs, spanish treasure map, spanish gold in utah, treasure finds, utah treasure, spanish gold utah, spanish cross, AHRF, ancient historical research fo, ancient lost treasures, whyte eagle, Utahna Jessop, spanish gold, found treasure, lost rhoads mine, treasure hunting
Id: 12x-JCGPVyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 36sec (2376 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 25 2015
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