Kingdom Hearts 3: The Best Kingdom Hearts to Complete?

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It's only the best to complete cause you're so glad it's over.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ihrie82 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Been waiting for this one for a while.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/resident16 📅︎︎ May 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
Kingdom Hearts 3 was easily the most anticipated game of 2019 for over a decade fans have been clamoring for more of that Disney cross final fantasy goodness and I gotta say that the weight has been worth it because not only is this some of the most varied combat in the entire series but this game has been more fun to complete than any other Kingdom Hearts game thus far that is until the very end you'll see what I mean when I complete Kingdom Hearts 3 hey everyone and welcome to another brand-new episode of the completionist we don't just beat the games we complete them for me these last few years have been filled with every single Kingdom Hearts game except for New Game+ of Kingdom Hearts - except for Union cross so I am ready right here right now to finally tackle Kingdom Hearts 3 Oh Who am I kidding there's probably gonna be some kind of mobile game attachment or things I don't know about after all this you know how it is hold on one sec yep new mobile game regardless of this new mobile game I have to say I am so excited I am so happy and I'm so thrilled to say that we're gonna complete Kingdom Hearts 3 let's begin earth [Music] it's about damn time I along with gamers everywhere have been waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3 for just over 13 years and it hasn't been an easy journey for example how many numbers are between 2 and 3 while your answer may differ depending on how you math Square Enix seems to think that there are 5 all 5 of these games took place in different time periods played on different platforms featured a ton of different gameplay mechanics and had very different silly sounding names it was hard to keep track of all of them not to mention that this isn't even including the re-releases in collections and with those it looks more like 11 games and with each additional game the Kingdom Hearts lore got deeper and infinitely more confusing usually when a new game in a series comes out they'll answer some old questions and maybe introduce a few more questions Kingdom Hearts just seems to keep on asking more and more questions and their answers just raise up even more questions it is really confusing now that doesn't mean I don't like the games when it comes down to it Kingdom Hearts is all about the power of friendship and engaging in fun battles with Disney characters but you got to admit the details of the plot can be befuddling and I'm not the only one who thinks so there are so many articles and videos across the internet that attempt to solve the insane story that belongs to Kingdom Hearts but on January 25th of 2019 Kingdom Hearts 3 finally released with the DLC following up about a year afterwards this is it this is the culmination of what all these games have been building up to finally all those questions that we have been asking for over a decade are going to be answered what is the plot of this all-important game here we go yen Sid the wizard from Fantasia needs to gather seven Keyblade wielders in order to defeat the evil masters and Hort and prevent him from using the members of organization 13 to reconstruct the Keyblade in order to do this yen sid sends Riku and Mickey into the realm of darkness to save aqua from when she was trapped within the game of birth by sleep and while he would like to send sora as well sora almost lost all of his abilities at the end of dream Drop Distance ink the power of waking which gives him the ability to awaken people's hearts in order to regain his strength Sora sets off with Donald and Goofy towards Disney worlds with his Keyblade and friends by his side Kingdom Hearts 3 plays very similarly to every other Kingdom Hearts game hack and slash through enemies while occasionally using magic and use the gummi ship to visit the new Disney Luke house and these new levels look incredible you can go from the colorful vibrant world of Monstropolis to the warm forest and the kingdom of corona all right that didn't happen to age well right now during this time but you get my point we're getting really contemporary with these selections now and we're starting to run out of Disney films but I feel like that just means that we need to move into the more roots of the acquired properties like Star Wars from the MCU or ESPN or espn2 can you imagine Sora battling the Heartless with LeBron James and Joey jaws chestnut I think I just described the plot of the new Space Jam movie but either way that's the dream now I've completed many a Kingdom Hearts game before so I'm not afraid of this one the only thing I am worried about is getting bored doing the grinding I know I'll have to do to gather all the items in the game however I soon learned but I had nothing to fear all right so I'm ready to talk about the elephant in the room when I complete a dream Drop Distance I said that it had the best combat in any of the Kingdom Hearts games this caused a lot of controversy in the comment sections and I gotta admit at this point I was wrong this is because Kingdom Hearts 3 uses the best mechanics from the older games while also introducing fantastic new mechanics that gives this Kingdom Hearts the most varied and fun combat in the whole series let's look at the old here Kingdom Hearts 3 doesn't just bring in highlights of the best systems from previous games but also improves upon each of them an example of this is the situation commands which serves as a combination between the drive system from Kingdom Hearts 2 and shot locks from birth by Sleep these allow you to lock on to a bunch of enemies and change your form while also transforming their qiblah into a completely different weapon depending on what Keyblade you're currently using this is not only highly effective but really cool-looking it's awesome to see sort of picking up a tattered flag and slice through enemies or go all black and white cartoonishly charged with a heartless I love it and one of the cool things about all of this is that you can equip multiple key blades and switch between them to vary up the combos giving you tons of variety and customization to how you want to play the game another returning ability is flow motion from dream Drop Distance but now it's called athletic flow this was my favorite part of dream Drop Distance and my only real complaint was that ma the different levels seem so much smaller really weakening the platforming now most of the worlds are built around this mechanic with an emphasis on vertical exploration and using the environment to get to new places it's a ton more fun and makes you really appreciate how cool and beautiful the different worlds are now let's talk about the new one that all of the worlds are brand new each world is based off of more recent properties except for the 100 Acre Wood they also bring in completely new combat mechanics that are unique for them except for the 100 Acre Wood that's still a minigame world that's pretty forgettable when it comes to the other worlds I love them all and they also love the new mechanics they introduced to the series in the pirates the Carribean world you'll be engaging in massive ship battles while you can wear a toy mech suit in the Toy Story world these are all really creative and serve as a great way to insert the Disney brand not just into the level design but in the gameplay itself another way Disney is involved in the gameplay is through attraction flow this is a new mechanic that works just like summons used to work however instead of summoning Disney characters who are so many different rides from the Disney parks that's awesome and while there are only five of these each one is visually stunning with stylings reminiscent of the Main Street electrical light parade my personal favorites are the ones based on the mad teacups and grisly river run mostly because those are literally my favorite rides from Disneyland but if you like the regular summons don't worry those are still here too my personal favorite thing and that made the return is the stalwart duo that's been by your side since the very very beginning Donald and Goofy after playing dream Drop Distance I really missed these guys and the best part when you bring on a new party member depending on what world you're on you don't have to get rid of Donald or goofy this time around this is great and leads to a ton of cool team-up moves on every world like having Rapunzel whip you into an enemy with her hair but through everything new and old the thing that shocked me the most was the return of the gummi ships originally the gummi ship sections were on rail shooters that really didn't need to be mentioned who shot other ships and moved to different worlds they were basic and didn't only affect anything too much that is completely different in Kingdom Hearts 3 there was a massive focus on exploration with the gummi ships in Kingdom Hearts III you can go and find consolations and treasure in the cosmos but the most fun is in the boss battles I had a blast just building up a tank of a ship and barely my way through all of my enemies however this really didn't prepare me for the final gummi ship boss which require you to have less defence and more speed but it wasn't credibly satisfying once I figured it out it's astounding to see how far the combat has come since the original Kingdom Hearts whether it be with a keyblade or in a ship the sheer variety of what you can do here meant that grinding never really got old and I was always engaged taking on every heartless nobody or boss this game threw at me and that joy and engagement carried on throughout the completion process when you complete a lot of games in the single series you can start to get bored with repeating similar objectives I was worried about that happening with Kingdom Hearts 3 but it doesn't in fact I'm going to say that Kingdom Hearts 3 is the most satisfying Kingdom Hearts game to complete until you get to the very end every Kingdom Hearts game has a list of collectables that you can find usually in Jimny crickets journal these include an enemy compendium secret reports synthesizing items every treasure that's been collected in chests and plot summaries of every event that you need to know to understand what the hell's going on in this game this has always been necessary for the completion experience but has never been done as well as it has in Kingdom Hearts 3 instead of Jiminy's journal we now have the gummy phone the gummy phone is a smart phone that can call between all the different worlds while also keeping track of everything in the game this includes additions like recipes the flan tastic 7 and the classic Kingdom games when you return to Twilight town you'll learn that scrooge mcduck is opening a cafe and the head chef is none other than Remy the rat from ratatouille you need to go out of your way and find all the ingredients for his recipes in order to make each one in a mini game as you get a ratings on all the recipes you'll earn various items and even a keyblade another food based objective is defeating the fantastic 7 these are dessert based heartless that each challenge you to do a different objective ranging from shield surfing to combat to photography these are each delightful and are a welcome addition and then there are the classic kingdom games these are small minigames found on your gummi foam these feature Sora Donald and Goofy as the main characters finishing small tasks in the style of a game and watch they're really quick and a lot of fun but these of course aren't the only minigames in this game pretty much every world has their own mini game for example arendelle sets you on an exciting sled ride gathering treasure while the Toy Story box has an actual video game you can play venom wrecks beat of lead these are all a ton of fun and I enjoyed going out of my way to play them all now one of the coolest additions with the gummi phone for me is actually the camera sure you can use this to take selfies of yourself and you'll have to if you want to get a trophy but it's mostly used to find the lucky emblems lucky emblems or something familiar to anyone who's visited a Disney theme park there Hidden Mickeys see in Disneyland or Disney World or wherever you go in the parks there are these things arranged to look like Mickey Mouse and there are a ton of fun to seek out so for instance some plates arranged in the haunted mansion or pools cost by cannon fire in the parts of Caribbean rides look like Mickey Mouse and it works exactly the same as it does in this game but instead of just getting a sense of accomplishment you unlock the game's first secret ending that's right there's more than one but just because you found the secret ending doesn't mean that the completion experience is over oh no now beat in Kingdom Hearts 3 wasn't that hard the collectibles were fun to find and proud mode wasn't that difficult compared to the difficulty of other Kingdom Hearts games then came the DLC this was the first time a Kingdom Hearts game had DLC in the entire series it was to be expected well for one thing things got a lot harder Square Enix created a free patch and introduced critical mode it is so much harder than proud mode game moves away from situation commands and focuses more on being skillful in combat this includes a lot more blocking and countering with a lot less HP and MP while this can be frustrating it feels so satisfying once you get the hang of it it's hard but never unfair you just have to keep learning and improving which is how all games should function this becomes evident in the official DLC in Kingdom Hearts 3 remind more mini episodes are added to further the story along with the battle gates after you beat the main game you'll receive a notice that the battle gates are now open these are 14 blue spheres that you have to engage in different combat oriented challenges and range from relatively easy to really flip it hard but all that combat is so much fun that I didn't even mind failing the hardest one of these multiple times it meant that I got to keep playing this game more and more speaking of combat there is another major addition while you spend most the time playing as Sora reminde brings in some playable characters of the past yeah Riku was available in the main game but now you have access to Roxas and aqua once again this is a great homage to the previous games and each of them plays a little differently so it's not just a full pallet swamp well my favorite new addition to the game has got to be Kyrie she is no longer the damsel in distress waiting for the story to happen around her no no she's now a full-blown keyblade wielder and not only that she goes up against the main bad guy himself Zayin or she has come so far from the first game it feels so satisfying to get to kick some butt with her with all the return of these original characters and some of the Disney characters it makes you wonder what happened to the Final Fantasy characters Kingdom Hearts becomes famous for its combination of Disney and Final Fantasy and one single universe but starting out in the vanilla version Kingdom Hearts 3 didn't seem too have any of the Final Fantasy characters we love the developers wanted to focus more on the storyline and the original characters created in Kingdom Hearts so they felt kind of by the wayside they were brought back in full force in the DLC recreating battles with the members of organization 13 it felt really good to see all these familiar faces and I'm actually happy about that spike in difficulty however there was one addition that completely ruined my completion experience after you've downloaded the DLC you get access to the ez codes and pro codes in the premium menu on the surface this sounds like a cash grab but it actually isn't easy codes give you bonuses like health regeneration and bonuses to the various minigames however turning these on will prevent you from unlocking the connected trophies so knock them out if you can on the first few playthroughs then there are the pro codes and oh boy those pro codes bro codes are the opposite of easy codes they make everything harder much harder for example resetting all your stats to the very first level no matter what level you are or how about turning off cure and any battle items yeah this sucks and while the ez codes are just that easy the pro codes are just awful I had to turn on every single one of them to make sure that I could earn this trophy it wasn't challenging and engaging it was just frustrating what do I get for finally beating the game with all these extra weights throwing on nothing just a virtual trophy this sucks I was having so much fun now I was ready to say that this game could be my favorite game to complete in the series the stupid stupid Pro codes ruined everything and it's DLC it wasn't even in the vanilla game that's what it takes to be a pro all stay as an amateur thank you very much [Music] at the end of the DLC there's a secret boss fight against Yozora you battle him on top of the 104 building in Tokyo yeah real-life Tokyo there is a different ending depending on whether or not you lose this battle both are pretty similar if you want to get that platinum trophy in the crystal regalia + accessory you gotta win both cutscenes end with Yozora waking up in the back of the car looking almost identical to the trailer for Final Fantasy 15 then he and Sora say similar things at the same time and the whole thing ends with the line none of this makes sense to me yep that about sums it all up for me and this isn't even the only cliffhanger this was supposed to be the culmination of 17 years of some of the most confusing storytelling in all of video games and yet this ending somehow made it more confusing look I may have started angry with this ending but I'm not it may have raised even more questions but that just means I'm going to get even more Kingdom Hearts goodness in the future hopefully and while the story got even more confusing now that it was before and that's saying something I still feel satisfied having beaten this game I was constantly engaged and enjoyed every moment to minding the pro codes those can go back in the Disney Vault where they'll never be seen ever again when I completed Kingdom Hearts 3 there were 55 deaths almost entirely in the final fight and using those pro codes 50a trophies earned ranging from finishing the story to defeating the fantastic 728 cuisines perfected 88 items synthesized 90 lucky emblems found 180 hours of total playtime and seven Hidden Mickeys throughout this episode did you find them all let me know in the comments down below for the most part at the end of the day I love to my experience with vanilla Kingdom Hearts 3 I think the gameplay was fun story stuff aside I had an excellent time rediscovering these worlds finding new moments playing this game with so many different facets and so many new features that made me just want more Kingdom Hearts content in the end however with the addition of the DLC remind I love the boss gates the battle gates it's a very very fun content I even loved these Russian of these codes the pro codes however are a pain in the ass and in the soured my overall enjoyment of another wise pretty solid game i hope the series of Kingdom Hearts continues and I just hope for one thing that they really hone in on telling a focused nostalgic story featuring things from Disney and Final Fantasy and more screenings type based properties but in the end that's just how I feel and I'd love to know how you guys feel in the comments down below so with that am i guys I give this game my completionist rating of finish it [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 364,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kingdom hearts, kingdom hearts review, kingdom hearts gameplay, kingdom hearts 3 review, kingdom hearts 3, kingdom hearts III, KH3, kingdom hearts 3 gameplay, keyblade, kingdom hearts 3 dlc, barry, disney, sora, goofy, donald, kingdom hearts 2, square enix, completionist, jirard khalil, game review, gaming, game reviews, gameplay, review, playstation, sony, ps4, playstation 4, kingdom hearts remaster, squaresoft, jrpg, rpg, kingdom hearts 3 remind, kingdom hearts 1, dream drop distance
Id: pIncyopHg-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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