Offer the Sacrifice of Praise by Keith Daniel

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father and I mercy and all of us come protect us from all the powers of darkness under the blood of Christ have thou great mercy on us tonight draw near to us put a hedge of protection around us we are thrilled that Satan had to say to thee there's a wall a hedge of protection I can't go near him concerning Joe put that same protection around us we trust thee for that tonight through this meeting in thy mercy and come a fresh wash me in the blood of Christ create in me a clean heart O God renew a right spirit within me fill me with the Holy Spirit take complete control as I yield myself a fresh and anointing visit us here tonight through thy sacred word in Jesus Christ's name Amen I'm going to read to you a few verses you need not follow because you'll all be turning up and just get there when I'm too ahead of you of all the verses I want to bring but I want you to listen to these verses carefully to see the train of thought that God has in this sacred book I want to start with this verse in Hebrews 13 verse 5 sorry verse 15 by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of it's easy to say praise the Lord when everything is going right they want to know who you are let things go wrong when it's a sacrifice to still say thank you in spite of all these things by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name giving thanks it's a very precious precious vessel offer us sacrifice of Thanksgiving Amos 4 verse 5 says with the sacrifice do we do we forget all the good the devil does a one or two bad things and all we concerned in our war was me on our faces and an empty heart and no thanks for all the good that still has come on us that others would crawl on their knees and class to have offered a pinch of salt of what we've got we forget to say thank you when the devil just gives us one thing to moan about where's the sacrifice quite a thought in Habakkuk 3 verse 17 in the Old Testament although the fig tree shall not blossom neither shall fruit be in the vines the neighbor of the olive shall fail and the fields you know meet no fruit the flock be cut off from the phone that's tragic they'd be no herd in the stalls yet I will rejoice in the Lord I will joy in the God of my salvation amazing amazing testimony lovely to read but is it yours in the school of God in Daniel at godly men mr. handful did not one failure recorded against him Joshua was one Daniel was another and God recorded the failures of David Abraham he didn't hide anything of the godly but Daniel not one thing against him in God's sacred record of his life in Daniel chapter 6 verse 10 now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed these wicked men orchestrating the devil working through them to destroy him in a jealousy the sign of total hypocrisy and evil jealousy when Daniel knew that the writing had been signed he went into his house his windows being opened in his chamber to George Jerusalem as Solomon asked Moses had been received from God but Solomon built the temple wind we turn no matter what happens to this earth so he opened his windows being open in his same width toward Jerusalem he kneeled upon his knees knowing what these men had done knowing the consequences and he prayed and gave thanks before God as he did a four time isn't that wonderful the whole world once you destroyed and now they've done something that you can be totally destroyed what do you do well Daniel got on his knees as he had before when he did what he did yesterday and the day before it happened he gave thanks to God as he did before time that is a sign of great maturity and depth with God Philippians 4 verse 6 also very staggering verse in the New Testament be careful for nothing they don't be anxious and no concern concerning material financial things particularly contextually be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving don't forget that let your requests be made known unto God but don't forget when you come to God supplication and for your needs and trusting and resting in him don't forget to say thank you for all you have God with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God and the peace of God shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ is something attached there that has to be done though you can't omit those little phrases that with Thanksgiving is very very very essential with Thanksgiving the next book letter Coliseum's chapter 4 verse 2 continue in prayer and watch in the same with Thanksgiving don't forget that with Thanksgiving 1 Thessalonians 5 the next book in the Bible verse 16 rejoice evermore pray without ceasing in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you in everything a staggering statement Psalm 37 verse 4 delight thyself also who that also is so important in this verse in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart you see there's a condition to every promise in the Bible if you're honest it might not be in the verse but in the context the verse before or after you will find as a radical and many times a costly condition attached to every promise even concerning prayer if you're honest with God that is delight thyself or so in the Lord and then okay he shall give thee I'm waiting for this child I'm waiting for this then he shall give thee the desires of thine heart Psalm 37 verse 4 staggering well one could go on and on with all these staggering verses strewn through the Bible if one has to be totally honest don't be negative you know we bring every thought into captivity unto obedience if their wickedness no I don't want that God but what about negativeness no bring that thought into captivity in the light of all these things no God I once worked 50 something years ago when I was very young and I was a young missionary with a young man called Philip sibylla's hmm what a godly godly man he was so godly that I actually trembled young as he was anointing oh my and what a lovely life I was so honored to be with him dear dear Philip I just knew I was being honored by God in a peculiar way giving this young man to be my co-worker and my captain we called him captain like when the Salvation Army you know captain's general sergeant oh my he was my captain a couple of years in the mission six years before me so he was given to look after me and teach me dear Philip we had to report all of our workers they call them pilgrims in our mission all of them every week we have to write a report how many attended this meeting how many responded in the report and they put it in this little green prayer litter that went out to all the workers a little extract or somehow a summary of what you said of what happened in that place because everyone's praying for each others far away as we are and so the reports would come and he he read these reports on one of the lettuce that got to us from all the different he says listen to this oh the devil really attacked us oh woe is me you know it was a hard mission hard outreach oh oh he used to be a bit dramatic too but you can't be like that keys this is two ways of giving a report there's two ways of speaking negativeness breeds negativeness no matter when you're negative it breeds negativeness to whomever with you from the pulpit wherever you are you- it breeds negativeness to you he says listen you could say Oh watch me I poured my life had we went to all the doors of the entire town inviting people we're going to put tracks and imitations and all the car windows right through the town stood there everything all the pure boxes invitations and the church was half empty he said you know you could reword that you could say hallelujah the church was half full no you be careful boy be positive don't do that ever make you negative despise not the day of small things sometimes more happens in those small meetings and a great great crowd he taught me something wonderfully something wonderful when I was at Bible School theological seminar my brother was also there had just been married and he started at the last day of his honeymoon in theological seminar to go out to serve God in this world well all hell comes against you because one or missionary lady said to us if the devil can destroy you here he would because if you can't make it here you won't make it out there in God's mission so he knows if he can just get you on your face crawling and negative and self-destructive you haven't got a hope out there that's why he comes with all his powers against you so we found it's true whoa what you have to come against us you think in that beautiful place it would be heaven on earth it's like all hell broke out against her so Oh many would weep and all the things Satan would try and do well I got a bit negative at one stage and I said some negative statement to my darling brother my good brother and he turned around one day to me and said yes you're right Keith expect the worst always just expect the worst okay you will never be disappointed try she looked at him okay tried not to complain in front of him again didn't help here good brother of mine there was one young brother Bible school I met him the other day oh he's old I suppose he thought the same of me we were both young 21 what was it I don't know anyway they're in Bible School estrada he would complain oh oh oh no Oh more practical you know we had to wash the toilets and the frozen cut the grass and dig trenches for all the rains not to flood though oh my what we didn't have to do in the practical times which was many times just to teach you not here but every way how to be a missionary it's not the Sierra nonetheless he would always moan sure we had this great big missionary convention in the Great Hall of the theological seminar and all different missions from all over the world had their little boxes that we had to make a little and they put signs of who they are and had tracts and people representing all over when every night they would testify the leaders and tell of the work to all the Christians evangelical minded that came from all over to Cape Peninsula very evangelical town we had to do that we had to make the stalls put up the paper and make it look perfect you know everything perfect and this boy was complaining as mr. Peckham our good principal what a godly man would say no we're all gonna do this all you fellas oh no he's just Oh one day our principal a very godly gracious young man raised his voice very loud and shouted at him brother like that that's succoth brother are you capable of doing anything in life without complaining he just turned and walked the brother never complained again it worked he needed it when the godly mr. Peckham you didn't play the fool with him but oh what a wonderful man he was it worked he worked we had a domestic helper across Africa we do that we used to but anyway many needed the work and were grateful for it because there was no other menial tasks for them to bring an income so we did the best we could to help our wives especially if they had other things to pour themselves out and give them something to do the domestic part of the housing and we loved most of them some of them educated us and told us what to do little or not tell them what to do lovely godly people some of them well the one made this domestic worker she's dead now but this was years ago and Jenny and I were first married and she had an amazing ability she actually just confused after we were standard C I said would you we're gonna go out I'm gonna leave you in the whole house now we have to do all sorts of things and visiting and I'm preaching that could you please just make sure you do this and clean up all that would you do that you saw you all right you're gonna be all right not too much holy praise dear I praise the notices you go crazy you saw oh praise you know and then we noticed something from the first time she said that as soon as she turned praise the Lord yeah that's a terrible word madness in our country he heard me mention eveything sure I said Maria have I given you too much are you unhappy we couldn't believe it I said what are we gonna do it was like she honestly thought that if she turn around and even if you're speaking loud nobody heard her first that was her heart you know how many people who when no one's watching oh the things I was watching what she was quite a character I was in a home once a very wealthy wealthy wealthy beautiful palace we've often stayed in those homes as emissaries god-fearing people and this very gracious lovely woman was in the kitchen rather late and talking to me a little bit and with the other missionaries up in the house staying as they were preaching or something and we said upstairs the workers but I had left my torch that's the flashlight in the kitchen when I had gone down there for water or something I don't know fresh water and she was praising the Lord and laughing and talking with me you know I walked out went to the staircase and either owned my I've left my torch my flashlight Troy turned around and walked in and I was shaken that same woman that half a minute ago was praising the Lord and laughing at me she were oh friend she was angry she was miserable oh I said I don't wonder they didn't know that I heard this in front of people it's easy to say everything's wonderful being a Christian the moment they turn away from you what are you in truth what are you in truth there was a godly man one of the greatest soul winners of these in Cape of Africa you go everywhere souls came to him mr. peasley no peasley what an incredible life they should write a book about that man particularly him and Archie got one that whole section of Africa to God there was no way the farm laborers people everywhere saved through this godly men and artigas - yeah another godly man he had been in the mission and our mission was a young person and right to the end just was a great soul winner but he left the mission he was working with all these drug addicts drunks this beautiful home he would drag them feed them pray them through and set them up in life as they came to God he was so great so when and a great work in his old age well in East London so I'm preaching and something you do not do in southern Africa and this year with wild charismatic sounding talking really wild is you don't do anything while the preachers preaching but I just suddenly heard hallelujah I nearly died you get thrown out of a church in Africa if you do that America's a bit different okay anyway so I carried on after little one paisa Lord Oh God I thought we were in trouble that I noticed somebody I noticed something no one was getting upset people were spying others were beginning to say hallelujah Amen name it man saying it in the right time I was in a meeting with this preacher I said you there's a hell [Music] that's oh man in the front Hey and that's priests attend to this man reeking of drinking you're going to hell hell yeah you can say how to do in the wrong time you know it doesn't make you spiritual you can say it in the time when can destroy the whole meeting everybody's were saying what's wrong with the man he meant even the priests who doesn't know what to say anyway this man was saying in the right time in the end I got to quite appreciate him I found out who he was he was build peasley the great godly bill priestly whoa great big staggering size and he came up to me afterwards he'll show you come into mission you coming to ie be maybe he told me things and I realized this is this great so when everyone speaks about it right it crosses everywhere people speaks as a godly man he was the one shouting hallelujah no one would get upset with that well he's come up to my home tomorrow to your mission up on the hill outside they've many dormitories and that for all these drunks and broken lives that they minister to so come for tea you and your coworker I want you to come my wife and I can fellowship with you and pray with you so we went the next morning we found the place and we walked in godly wife he had it many Ray's wife yeah but he wasn't there he rushes him and she says darling my dog used to speak like that okay and his wife sitting there and he looks at us oh I forgot about you oh sorry I didn't know your l forgot you were coming but he had this book from prison to praise merlin gorillas those days that were taking the world by storm listen darling no what does man says in everything give thanks you know better what happens it's just thank God for it I'm gonna do that and it's aimed I haven't done it before he was always excitable some woman you know or ankles they called his ankle from in need that or they make self-destruction they destroy they so jealous they need to be held back a bit yeah some wives saved their husbands who are two on fire and would ruin everything if they did never stank all she wishes ankle so he said I'm gonna do that praise God think of everything she says oh no you're not we go stiffened up because she was deadly serious and he look at the dancers I'm not oh she was the authority most women are in a very humble way haha anyway a good wife is someone who gets away no matter what she wants and her husband honestly thinks that she's submitting to him anyway oh no you're not I thought I not because that sin that would be going against common sense and conscience God doesn't want that God forgive you and that poor man that wrote that book you don't thank God if tragedy or sin comes into your home or your children's lives you don't thank God when death comes to wickedness and sin in your children you don't thank God for Tanzanian times no that's ridiculous and against common sense but you thank God in spite of these things there's a great difference bill you give God thanks in spite of these things not for them you never lose your sensibilities Oh common sense mo where we all look to turn utter reverence and respect as her wisdom and we all learned a great lesson that day we all learned a great lesson than that room that day so did he that's why a man needs a wife who findeth a wife findeth a good thing if she's godly otherwise you really gonna go through RFC's into not a good thing you understand brother okay yes well there was a man called Bertram friend and we heard of Bertram friend book son's life and oh he was loved and revered across our country and Britain and even America I believe and says many years ago I was a young preacher when he was old but he was revered in our country and they say when he preached the anointing of God just fell down upon him in a way people would broken in weeping I was looking forward to hearing him when I heard he was the main speaker one of the speakers in a very large conference in Cape Town which I attended and I couldn't believe it when he came out he was a short little man thin and he had this terrible voice here I guess quicker you're looking over the but it was spotted this is Bertram friend Shane gaunt and I saw the young people laughing they also got a shocking all the children and I felt shame that these young people were nothing but as he carried and I started smiling no he really was funny and he wasn't trying to be this is person friend well I said there and the minutes went by five ten maybe more and suddenly I looked around all the shoulders that stopped shaking mine and we since God just coming in that meeting we forgot about the man the voice halfway through the sermon I looked there wasn't a young person with a dry eye there sweeping and a conviction few people can do that was when young people are broken who got with you because their hearts are so still hardened even been slashed down yet you see God says he chooses the base things there were the weak things the things that are despised that no flesh should glory in his presence now under God's prisons was felt he couldn't glory he's had nothing to do Orion his wife was a strange sort of lady - she would joke with him in laughing she once turned and said look at what God gave me to marry him the strange little funny Maneki man a very Congress you know sentimental citizen would but she would laugh he would laugh they were really funny yeah anyway he was a great man of God revered loved and people flocked in a multitude to hear him when he was preaching in our continent he lived when his wife died he lived not far from Jenny and I he loved to walk oh my he walked to keep himself alive and I stopped once when he was in the middle of a great big forest and our country's not all that safe I said I missed a friend where are you going oh I'm walking oh it's a bit dangerous yeah don't you want to get in the car take you where you going no my boy I'm praying it's why I walk please don't interrupt me go now and he walked on he used to love to pop into our home we had a very poorly home but it was our palace Jenny and me when we were just married strain with all the old-age pensioners missionaries were all retired it couldn't afford any better so we stayed there but oh we loved our little apartment and these dear people next door but he would like to pop and he loved Jenny and Jenny loved tea and he loved tea and a little squeaky voice would come through the door Jenny it's uncle Bertram ha it's their energy on the catalyst we take to hook off the door and come in mr. friendly he loved to come and have tea with Jenny's anyway one day he comes in Jenny who didn't kids and he's making the tea and he sat there in the lounge and there I was sitting and he looked at me and I saw his eyes filled with tears so I stopped speaking and he stood up so I stood up he walked close to me listen carefully my boy to what I'm gonna tell you now all my life I have been mocked laughed at ostracized picked on in schooling I got so self a bore off' so chef destructive I was scared to get out of bed in the mornings I hated life from a boy look at me people laugh at me all the time and I can't change me and then God saved me wonderfully it changed a lot in my heart and then he led me to be a missionary in our mission as a young person with great privilege and I loved to preach but on the other hand I was scared because as I preach people said there is nothing and I soon got scared to stand there poopit knowing as I looked up they're gonna start laughing I began sitting here so angry so disillusioned so herself abortive as a young preacher and one night God spoke to me oh my boy you might not believe this because I know that people who go mental talk about hearing voices but God spoke to me in a staggering and unusual way that shook me I lay in my bed I shook me that I stood trembling and the Lord said to me that room the devil is going to destroy you totally and your ministry unless you discipline yourself as the greatest discipline of your life from this day onward to reject negativeness negative words negative thoughts and to offer the sacrifice of praise no matter what comes from you to praise in spite of those things unless you do that I was so staggered at the vividness of what was happening to me and I just fell on my knees and in obedience and fear to be obedient I began to praise praise give sangs joy so what can I say God for so I started racking my brain thank you lord I'm saved some of the billions who are not saved who are going to be in hell for eternity I have been saved that I'm not going to hell I've been saved from hell and judgement for eternity through Jesus you reached me with it thank you thank you for health my millions millions are suffering right now across the world in hospitals multitude screaming in agony across Africa without any medication in the clinics that aren't even given medications thank you I'm not suffering thank you I can see my billions cannot across the world born blind they've never ever seen the face of their mother they've never seen the beauty of a tree the sky I can see I'm not blind thank you I can hear where millions have never ever heard of a bird they've never heard of singing you know the voice just did silence from birth to death lip-reading they don't even know their own voice dead thank you I can hear I'm not born deaf millions on thank you I'm not starving across Africa their babies have blown up not to too much food but because they have no food little skeleton bodies but wind starts blowing up that means they're gonna die there's no food as their mothers and fathers look at them in the drought to me terrible places that there are across the world when done all these places with a stars children starve to death and help from outside goes to the corrupt not to help that people who was meant for thank you our food thank you have a roof over my head where millions don't Calcutta alone 1 square over a million people they've never ever slept under roof in their life they sit with these that have cardboard plastic things from birth until death that's all they had to cover them and their millions in one square in the rain in the heat thank you I have a roof over my head Romanians don't thank you God I have a vehicle when millions of never ever in their life set in the vehicle across Africa they walk from childhood to school miles to work miles old men walking miles and miles home they've never ever had a vehicle thank you I have a vehicle thank you lord he says brother after about 10 minutes something happened that shook me my heart flooded with joy and peace as I never known even though I saved a peace that passes all understanding flooded me as I gave thanks the offer the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving it's so super me it so affected me this discipline that from that day I didn't get out of bed Keith because I used to get out of bed and reverse gear when I should have gotten to first gear I was in Reverse mentally before I get out of bed Keith to this day I don't dare because of me I don't even dare put my leg out of the bed Keith in the morning until I've spent at least 10 minutes saying thank you thank you thank then I dare to get up then I'm ready he filled with peace and joy then he said these words to be now Keith my boy this morning in a very unusual and uncanny way but you will not be able to comprehend the Lord spoke to me about you that I was to come here and to tell you these words that God told me the devil's going to destroy you Keith Daniel and your ministry unless you make the greatest discipline of your life my boy from the state or the day you die to offer the sacrifice of praise Jenny uncle Burton's not waiting for tea I have to go now sorry I will come again tomorrow god I stood there trembling but that day I started to this day I needed to I found a staggering thing in coaching I was asked to go to a very exclusive more we have some of the most beautiful molds in the entire world in South Africa we are not third-world trust me there's some of the wealthiest properties in the entire world in my country oh it's a strange country you go a few miles from the most incredible wealth they say 20 of the most wealthy homes on earth are in Cape Town alone you cannot believe the palaces men can build in our country you drive a few miles and use thousands of sex and poverty our countries are so different the class differences in his Brooklyn more in the capital of our country very wealthy area affluent I would meet with many preachers Christians over the years in this restaurant that a grand piano you know it needs to play hymns sometimes classical music second-rate two hymns by the way from although they're beautiful but it wasn't rock and roll oh when you go to a restaurant you don't look at the menu say wait let me just listen to the music to see if I'll survive never it's decent you can go in otherwise you can't even swallow your food the music so devilĂ­s today they seemed to think it has to be loud so that no decent human being in their right mind could survive they only want riffraff there it seems nonetheless this place is as beautiful piano and I so enjoyed it over the years meeting up with all these godly in this lovely atmosphere in this magnificent mall in Brooklyn in Pretoria but I have made a mistake you see the first time I was taken there they showed me how to get around this way and that way this way and that way and I have a mind that some are remembers you know I can even think back to when I was a little boy and go through a situation I can even remember the room I remember exactly what's in Hawaii try and push that out of my mind but say I remember I remembered how they took me to this place before they find parking which has all these parking blocks areas and to get into the more which in the center and I would go down this road down this road down this road down this road into them all talking one of the and then I would walk right through the whole mall right up and down to the next six and the more until I came to this restaurant there I met all the people it was kind of procedure yes rent buy of doing this win one day some incredible mistake I thought well let me walk in this old entrance right here at the beginning when I walked from the old house in Sunnyside and I walked and walked up and down and I let me go in this entrance boom there was the restaurant I heard all these years I've gone there and there and there and there and there not panned down and through I could have walked through this door right into the fish oh I was a bit undone I really took a while to recover how's it goodness me we make mistakes but you know there's a staggering verse in the Bible you all know it and Psalm 95 verse 2 that has come before his presence with Thanksgiving and make a joyful you see you enter into with Thanksgiving in your heart how does that verse go you enter into his courts with praise you come right into the presence of God instead of going on none on your quiet time daily you want to go straight to God to the consciousness that you are in the holiest of Holies within seconds and minutes you just come with praise you enter right into the presence of God you don't need an hour of reading daily readings before you begin to consciously feel you close to God you're right there in the holiest of Holies commuting with him you just come with praise and you enter right into the presence of God some of us take years to find out yes before we do that discipline someone said something to me that's remarkable if you don't do what God tells you to do immediately if you don't start immediately you know what that means Keith you're never going to do it at all listen carefully to me Christians young and old you start this immediately it's a night you might go through life second-rate Christian's self-destructive self Borov and negative about everything no matter how good god is to you beginning with your quiet time praise
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Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Keith Daniel
Id: pJjmRhsve9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 24sec (3144 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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