The Centrality of Christ in Eternity Future by Keith Malcomson

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let's come to the word of god this morning please turn with me to the book of ephesians and chapter one we are actually coming to our very last message in this series on the centrality of christ and we do welcome you and all those online as well uh we pray constantly for those that listen to us and other countries and other lands we we take that very seriously not just that the right thing is taught but that we pray for those that hear the word of god we need god to speak in this heart and we're so grateful for so many and other places praying for us in this hour but going to ephesians chapter one in this last message of our series on i believe it's the right way to finish this series the centrality of christ in eternity future the centrality of christ and eternity future reading from ephesians chapter 1 and verse 7 through to verse 14 and it says in whom speaking of christ in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace wherein he has abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence having made known unto us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself that in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in christ both which are in heaven and which are on the earth even in him in whom also we have obtained an inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the council of his own will that we should be to the praise of his glory who first trusted in christ and whom he also trusted after that he heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation and whom also after that he believed ye were sealed with the holy spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory wow what scriptures here this morning let's pray together father we do thank you for the power of your word this scripture is dynamic nor god we can never merely learn it academically and think we understand it we come here with this word of god will you open it up will you speak to us were you minister of holy things even in this room this morning will you allow your holy spirit to move on every life every man every woman every child lord god i pray for divine revelation that the eyes of our understanding our inward eyes of the heart would be open that we might see the lord jesus christ my god we want to see him central in eternity future not in time not on this earth alone lord god not only in our lives but oh god that we would see him high and exalted and lifted up outside of time into the future when this old earth of ours has been wrapped up and put away nor good when time is no more the christ will be central in eternity future lord god when sin has been put away when all of our failures and frailty are long behind us all that we're going to enjoy and benefit in is worshipping the lamb following the lamb adoring the lamb looking upon the lamb serving the lamb of god and he will be central in eternity i pray that you'd help us this morning to make him not in our lives this morning and lord god to see you far off that he'll be central in all things in jesus mighty name amen amen here this morning ephesians chapter one our message the centrality of christ an eternity future ten messages ago we started with the centrality of christ in eternity past we have not done this complete series looking at christ in creation in the church in the bible in bible prophecy at the cross his centrality and all of these things in the family in our own christian life but we're finishing where we began in eternity remember how ten messages ago we took a look right back into eternity before time was created and time is a created thing that means one day it's going to pass away we look back beyond there there was a cosmos a creation before there was a heaven before the the whole cosmos was created or there was an earth or man or even sin or even failure all the way back to the lord jesus christ he was central in eternity it was in eternity before time before creation that actually god chose us in christ loved us in christ predestinated us in other words he had an entire plan that he put in christ and he didn't start anything you know we're so restricted to our lifetime and if you're really amazing you see all of history you have that expanse but you know what that is very very restricted if you cannot see into eternity past and then into eternity future and this is what we're finalizing here this morning read with me again in verse 10 where we have just read as we begin to look at the centrality of christ in eternity future it says in verse 10 that in the dispensation of the fullness of times he that is christ might gather together in one all things in christ both which are in heaven and which are in the earth even in him i want you to notice here as we come to this first this term dispensation of the fullness of times there is times restricted within a boundary of time it's not speaking about eternity but it is speaking about a dispensation of the fullness of times time has a beginning time has fullness when it's going to come to an end but outside of time there is eternity it says in psalm 90 verse 2 before the mountains were brought forth or ever thou has formed the earth and the world even from a neurosis even from everlasting to everlasting thy art god notice in psalm 90 verse 2 it's speaking about these two times from everlasting to everlasting what do you have in between you have time you have creation you have all that we know but before that you have everlasting after that you have have everlasting and if you have no history in everlasting eternity past you do not have a future i want to assure you my all of my life all that happened with me began an eternity not at the cross not a creation it goes way back when christ was central before there was anything god the father made him central but let us turn our view now to eternity future and again we're going to say christ is central there is nothing future if it is not christ everything that we look forward to there is christ right at the center it says also in psalm 103 verse 17 but the mercy of the lord do you want his mercy this morning but the mercy of the lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them who is it upon upon them that fear him do you want his mercy then fear him if you have no fear of god don't think the mercy of god is upon you we're living in a generation to say i want the mercy of god but live like a rebel but i will assure you unless you fear god his everlasting mercy cannot rest upon you his mercy is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him in other words if i fear god mercy coming out of eternity pass and mercy coming out of eternity future is actually blessing me the mercy of god is coming down on me what is the mercy of god do you remember what grace says grace is god giving you what you do not deserve what is mercy mercy is god holding back what you do deserve and i want to assure you from ever asked into everlasting you sit in this room you deserve an awful lot you deserve the wrath of god you deserve the anger of god you deserve eternal punishment and yet his mercy holds all that back and dismisses it dissolves it because of the lord jesus christ and so he says and upon them that fear him and his righteousness unto children's children do you realize this mercy coming from everlasting to everlasting it even begins to affect your children if you fear god it'll not only affect you but your children's children down to the third generation oh that would raise up a holy household that we had raised up children upon whom god is going to work when we come to ephesians chapter 1 we see god's not only his past plan his present plan but we see that god has a final plan or a final purpose it is greater than personal salvation it is more than being washed in the blood of the lamb and you know how much i believe in being washed in the blood but this is far greater than that it's actually about world unity a term i never use but when you go to ephesians 1 you know what i see i see world unity no bigger than that i see cosmic unity reconciliation in its ultimate form i see the ultimate plan of god i see god's plan that came out of eternity that is gonna carry us into eternity after time is no more after this world is no more there is an actual plan but it's only in the lord jesus christ it is an everlasting plan and it's in him if you find christ you find this plan and all of a sudden when you come into christ as you grow you find out that you've got a part and eternity pass and then you begin to realize how much you've got an eternity future this plan is in the lord jesus christ and verse 10 it says that in the dispensation of the fullness of time notice something's going to happen here in the dispensation of the fullness of times when a dispensation comes to its fullness or its climax or it's end something is going to happen it's predicting something future that is going to happen at a certain set time in the future that we have not yet experienced this term dispensation and i know there's a lot of teachings on dispensation it's best you don't go there or you could get very very confused i'm mature in my studies and i i believe me when i try to study what men teach on seven dispensations it's so confused you may never get out of of of that desert i sure you'll walk in circles for a long time but the bible does talk about dispensing it uses it here what does the word dispensation mean it means a administration of the fullness of the appointed seasons in other words when it talks about the dispensation of the fullness of times it means that god has a plan he has an administration or a way of disposing of all of the times what he does when he does it how he does it there is an actual plan and so when he talks about the dispensation of the fullness of times he's talking about an entire plan in which he has a way to operate now this word dispensation paul uses it three times in the book of ephesians he uses it here and he also use it in chapter three verse two speaking about the dispensation of grace then in verse nine in chapter three he speaks about the fellowship of the mystery in other words there's a great mystery and this time he calls it the fellowship or the dispensation or you enter into this mystery so you're getting brought out of time into eternity you're getting lifted out of your little um limerick ideology or your irish vision and only seeing as far as your nose and as you walk in christ if you mature and go on you suddenly have a perspective that is absolutely dynamic it is remarkable this is the dispensation of the fullness of time how did god operate in time he laid out a way the fullness of times is the end of something there was the beginning of times in galatians four verse four it talks about christ being born of a woman and the time divided the how time divided the coming of christ the christ came into the world at the fullness of time you have two things the first coming of christ the second coming of christ when he come the first time it was the fullness of time it came under this dispensation there's a dispensation that's came from the time of christ all the way through until jesus christ comes again for the second time you see this plan is in the lord jesus christ it came out of eternity it was in him in eternity when you come into christ and are found redeemed by the blood you enter into a plan where you're a part of an eternal everlasting plan it goes further what is going to happen at the fullness of time this is what i want you to notice here at the fullness of time what is going to happen that he that is god might gather together in one there's something going to happen in the future that has never yet happened this gathering together is going to happen in the future but it's only in christ nothing outside of christ is gonna be gathered but it says that in jesus christ this dispensation of the fullness of time there's a certain time in world history where christ everything is going to be gathered together in him and for him it means to unite in him the word again is used there so they're going to be gathered together again in other words things are going to be reunited that have been split for a long time he's going to bring together everything in the lord jesus christ he is going to restore everything in the person of the lord jesus christ now let me warn you of a false teaching it's called universalism they take a verse like this and they say oh that includes judas who's now in hell that includes the devil all things are going to be reconciled that is dangerous heresy and it actually denies the bible i'm not saying that but i'm saying here at a certain point in the future all things all things are going to be re-gathered reunited restored and actually brought back again to a perfect unity when do we see a perfect unity in creation a man you need to go back to the book of genesis at the beginning you see man in his right order you see the family in its right order you see nature in its right order you see all of creation in the right order you see the entire universe in its right order you see everything in its right place functioning according to the will of god you know what the bible says in christ and i'm preaching the centrality of christ in eternity future do you realize we've yet to experience this that it's going to be in the future beyond time outside of time that christ himself is going to gather everything he's going to restore everything he is going to bring it back you see when we read the bible there was a revolt a rebellion in heaven satan lucifer got cast out with a third of the angels then in the garden of eden there was a fall when adam and eve rebelled against god and disobeyed him and sinned and got cast out of the garden you know what that was that was paradise lost but what i'm talking about this morning is paradise regained it will not be at this hour or in this lifetime i assure you we're living in a fallen world and yet in christ we have a glorious promise it says in colossians 1 verse 20 and having made peace through the blood of the cross by him that is christ listen this by the blood to reconcile all things all things unto himself by him i say whether they be things in heaven or things in the earth do you see here there's a plan in the blood not only to save you and to reconcile you personally and to deal with your sin but there's a plan in christ in the future to reconcile and to restore all things to restore this world to restore the universe to restore the animal kingdom to restore this earth that we are a part of here it also says over in the book of romans and chapter 8 verse 21 because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption when is that going to happen at the fullness of times do you see in romans 8 he's talking about our world has been corrupted our world is fallen our world is decaying and yet he said there's an hour a time coming where the world nature itself creation itself is going to be delivered from the bondage into the glorious liberty that god has planned a purpose for the creature was made subject to vanity not willingly by the reason of him who subjected the same in hope we are told in verse 22 for we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now you realize all of creation is groaning it's actually travailing waiting for a day when it's going to be redeemed restored and brought back into god's plan and god's purpose you see it's talking about a certain time when everything is going to be reconciled in christ when all the saints who have died and are in heaven and all the saints on the earth and all the saints in every nation and generation are gonna be reconciled and dwell in the same place god is gonna bring all of it back together and on the earth he's gonna restore the earth and he's gonna re uh re-gather and restart again it says in chapter 1 and verse 14 here which is the earnest of our inheritance you have the holy spirit in you if you're born again the holy spirit is the earnest or he is the seal he has sealed you until the day of redemption and it says there which is the earnest of our inheritance you've got an inheritance do you realize you've got a wonderful inheritance only you've none of yours have seen yet oh you've heard about it you've read about it it's even been preached about in this church but sitting here none of you have seen the inheritance if you're in christ if you're born again if you're saved by his grace you have the most remarkable inheritance you know i thank god for the day my great-aunt cheney died and i got a phone call from my mom and said guess what she's left you a thousand pounds i thought i was the richest man that ever lived i went thank you great aunt jenny what a blessing on what a time and it was the perfect time i needed that money at that time well you know what that was an inheritance left to me you if you're born again have the most remarkable inheritance you'll never touch it in this lifetime you'll never touch it while you're in this mortal flesh and yet it is left to you it is written about in the bible it is explicitly stated here that the holy spirit is given as an earnest of our inheritance in other words he keeps saying you've got a future you've got an inheritance don't get tired don't leave where you are don't get tempted by this world stay here but i'm not enjoying it of course not you're you're only getting a little touch a little taste of all do you realize none of you have even begun this journey do you realize you haven't even begun to enjoy the joy of the lord or the peace of god or fellowship with god you've only had a small tiny taste of that and since this is so good if this is only a little taste of it what's it gonna be like on that day but how long do i have to wait listen verse 14 until the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory when do i get this inheritance when do i enter into fullness unhindered by my body my mind temptation the devil sin the world until the redemption of the purchased possession there is a day of redemption when your body is redeemed in ephesians chapter 4 verse 30 it says grieve not the holy spirit of god whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption i'm already born again i'm already sealed by the holy spirit but i'm sealed until the day of redemption there is a future day of redemption when all my battles are over it says in romans 8 23 and not only they but ourselves also which have the first fruits of the spirit even we ourselves grown within ourselves waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of our body do you begin to see that in all of this he's speaking about something future outside of time beyond your small lifetime there is something massive here most christians live in time they don't have any vision of the centrality of christ in eternity do you realize how small this is in your christian life do you realize how short the time is do you realize how brief it is that you've got to live your life then it's all over and then you enter into eternity non-ending ages no end to it absolutely no end well that's only a foundation now i begin my message okay don't get worried don't run out i told candace this morning i said uh-oh i think i've got an entire series here i don't know what to do but i'm going to keep this very brief but i want you to hear this i want you to see this i've got three points concerning the centrality of christ in eternity but two of them are in the realm of time but you're gonna understand why i have to cover them the centrality of christ at the second coming then in the millennium and then third of all in the new heaven and earth outside of time i want to put these together because they're all future they're all knock-on effects one of the other we're looking forward to him and i assure you i'm not going to enjoy all three of those things in this mortal body thank god it's not going to be in this body you know when jesus comes says in the twinkling of an eye we're gonna be changed i'm gonna be like him i'll be caught up to be where he is since what a glorious day in an hour where the world is falling apart politics health everything it's disaster what's happening they're destroying the education system they are destroying the fabric of society can i tell you we need to look beyond this we need to look outside of time number one the centrality of christ at his second coming when you go to the bible there are more than 1800 references to the second coming of the lord jesus christ you actually have his second coming referred to in 17 books of the old testament 23 books of the new testament and when you come to the new testament the second coming of christ is mentioned more than 300 times the apostle paul in his letters mentions the coming of christ the second time about 50 times and in fact the scholars say one out of every 30 verses mentions the second coming of the lord jesus christ jesus himself and his ministry mentioned his second coming 21 distinct times and remember the bible's condensed everything is condensed down so when he mentions it 21 times it is fundamental that you understand that and in fact most scholars say that the second coming is mentioned eight times more than his first coming just notice here for a minute we do have a prophecy of the second coming way before the first coming i i mean millennia before his first coming there are prophecies about his second coming we read this in the new testament in jude verse 14 enoch also the seventh generation from adam prophesied of these things saying behold the lord cometh with ten thousand of the saints to execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them that are on of their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all of their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him jude seven generations from adam is prophesying about the end of all things that the lord is going to come with ten thousand of his saints to bring an end to ungodliness in the world i think i think um enoch was praying for this i think in a wicked generation in a wicked r he was saying come lord i'm looking for your coming again in daniel's prophecy chapter 7 daniel had a vision i saw in the night visions and behold one like the son of man came with the clouds of heaven and came the ancient of days and they brought him near before him and there was given him dominion and glory and a kingdom that all people all nations and languages should serve him his dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed saint i want to tell you take your eyes off the news here this morning take your ears away from what you're hearing every single day jesus christ is coming when i say all of these things lift up your eyes why behold your redemption draws nigh what is your redemption he's going to lift you up out of time we're going to be get caught up to meet the lord jesus christ this is the greatest event in world history is the second coming not as birth not as birth but this second coming it dominates the bible he's coming again and you know what he's coming soon and in fact jesus taught all the signs that i'm coming very soon i want to tell you we're very close it's at the door it's so close you could reach out and touch the second coming of jesus in matthew 24 jesus speaking about bible prophecy he gave all the signs that were at the end in the last generation then listen what he says for as the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even under the west so also shall the son of man be he's talking about his second coming it will be public visible every eye is going to see it then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory this is my first point here this morning the centrality of christ in the second coming i am tired of the church debating about things they don't know what they're saying where is the centrality of christ you know what i'm in awe that he is coming i am in all that i'm living in this are i'm in awe that all the prophecies for thousands of years it's here saints of god you are the people and generation that are seeing all of these things come to pass christ actually spends much time in matthew 24 mark chapter 13 on luke 21 he actually devotes three chapters to teaching you to know the hour of his second coming he gives you all the signs that are happening politically socially nationally and then january says you know why i'm telling you all of this i'm about to come i am gonna come in all of my glory and majesty when you go to first and second thessalonians the second coming of christ is mentioned in every chapter bar one in two letters to a young church they're only saved about two years you know what paul's message is get ready since he's coming jesus is coming again and he begins to explain what the second coming is when you go to the book of revelation again you read about the seven seals that the lamb of god is going to begin to open let me just explain something here the fifth seal is the great tribulation in matthew 24 jesus talks about the great tribulation he says when you get to the end of the tribulation there's going to be a cosmic blackout the sun is going to stop shining the moon and the stars do you know why at the end of the tribulation right at the end of three and a half years do you know why there's a cosmic blackout while all the lights in the universe go out why this earth is shrouded in darkness do you know there is tribulation then a cosmic blackout and then the lord jesus christ comes do you realize what god the father is doing he's turning the switch off for the greatest event in world history you know what bothers me with these blood moons and people have taught on it and then preached it and they sold the book and they came became famous on teaching on blood moons i don't ignore blood moons but they've got nothing to do with what this bible says in bible prophecy nothing whatsoever the verses that talk about the sun turning to blood have nothing to do with blood moons whatsoever it's to indicate the end of the tribulation when jesus christ is going to come physically and visibly and literally in divine glory and power and you know what the bible says every eye is going to see him it says that israel's just about to be annihilated and when they see him they begin to mourn the one they crucified the one they rejected they're gonna behold them you know all the great kings and leaders of the earth you know what they start doing they cry for the mountains to fall on them they instantly know what they've been doing they instantly understand that the lord jesus christ has come back when we go to the seals in the book of revelation the fifth seal is the tribulation guess what's in the next seal the sixth seal the cosmic blackout then in the seventh seal jesus comes in divine glory when you look at the book of revelation the seven seals the seven trumpets and then the seven vials the seventh of each of them jesus christ comes again physically literally to change everything since this is the centrality of christ that is coming christ is going to be central i want you to know do you realize our entire world every nation every government everyone is going to see him i assure you everyone who is alive in that hour in the nations they're all going to see him nobody's going to hide nobody's going to escape he is coming in divine power they're not going to mock him anymore they're not going to scourge him they're not going to reject him the bible says every knee is going to buy when you come to bible prophecy it's like a journey from dublin airport to lcc in limerick city you arrive into the airport nearly to travel to limerick to visit a message or a service in lcc and i'm not encouraging anyone to do that but you get into the airport and you ask for instructions how do i get to limerick how do i get to that church well let me give you some instructions first of all get in your car and i'm going to start giving you a number of bits of information but once i get you onto the m50 i say get on the m50 drive until turn off no no seven or fourteen make sure you get the right one don't listen us whatever you do get your facts right get your gps i'm giving you much information then when i say get onto the m7 drive for two hours i don't give you one bit of information get on the m7 and you stay on that for 200 kilometers don't go off don't stop unless it's a toilet break just stay on that road well you say i've been driving 30 minutes what should i do give me more information just keep driving you don't need any information you get an hour down the road and you go well where am i just keep driving but i need all the information no you don't no you don't not until you reach the limerick as soon as you come into limerick you're 10 minutes away two hours have gone by i didn't give you any instruction not one instruction but you know what you're getting very very close it's only down the road 10 minutes and you're here do you know what all of a sudden the information begins to build i give you lots of information you're trying to keep up with this two hours you didn't give me one instruction now that we're here in limerick do you realize what i've just told you there with bible prophecy 1900 years we didn't need much but all of a sudden all the prophecies are lining up we're saying what is going on you're getting close you're getting close do you realize how close you are i can't even preach enough sermons on all of the events that are happening it's got too quick there's too much happening i want to tell you where they are saints of god the point there's going to be a point of almost total destruction in this world they're going to destroy this world i assure you if the days were not shortened all men would die this world would be destroyed israel would be annihilated they're going to destroy the nations these men of peace who think they know what to do i want to tell you if jesus doesn't come back we are in serious serious trouble that's the first thing the second thing the centrality of christ in his millennial reign when jesus christ comes back he's central saints i want you to be gripped by this he is central this is the dominant event of the future don't get sidetracked on anything else jesus christ is going to come back no nation is going to ignore this no reporter is going to ignore this no film crew is going to ignore this no atheist is going to exist at that point in time i want to tell you the second thing the centrality of christ in his millennium is millennial reign he is central when jesus christ comes back he is the center of everything i mean when he comes back to the earth to the mount of olives he is going to dominate it it won't be his church it won't be israel it won't be jerusalem it won't be ezekiel's temple all of those things are written about in scripture but if you think that is the center you're utterly wrong i want to tell you in the millennium we're going to be consumed by the lord jesus christ i'm going to be there i hope all of you are going to be there 1 000 years where in this world in the nations we know christ is going to be central it says in zechariah chapter nine and nine listen he speaks about his first coming and then immediately his second coming rejoice greatly oh daughter of zion shout out daughter of jerusalem behold thy king cometh unto thee he is just and having salvation he is lonely riding upon an ass and upon a cult the full of an ass is that future or is it past it is past it happened two thousand years ago jesus christ the king of jerusalem cometh ryden on the back of a donkey we knew that verse 9 is fulfilled it was fulfilled literally physically visibly as he rode into jerusalem every eye saw him enter into that city now go to verse 10 we have the second coming will it be fulfilled literally is it actually going to happen it hasn't happened yet it's in the future i will cut off the chariot from ephraim and the horse from jerusalem and the battle bowl shall be cut off and he that is the messiah the one that ruled in on the donkey the very same one that rhoden to jerusalem and a donkey he shall speak peace unto the heathen there's never been peace in 2000 years this never happened and his dominion shall be from sea to sea and from the river even to the ends of the earth this is a picture what's going to happen when jesus christ comes back how do i know that's not eternity and it's in the millennium because in eternity there are no seas on the earth and the new heaven earth there are no seas that is only during the millennium look at this verse it says there's a time coming he's going to bring world war worldwide peace and that he's going to bring his dominion over all the earth in chapter 14 of zechariah we have an entire chapter teaching about the millennial reign of christ when jesus comes back that he is going to reign upon the earth for one thousand years and zechariah 14 and 4 says and his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of olives and he goes further to make sure that you don't spiritualize it which is before jerusalem on the east and the mount of olives shall cleave in two he is very exact here that the same christ who came into jerusalem on the back of a donkey is going to come back and stand on the mount of olives and split it literally in two zechariah 14 begins when jerusalem's surrounded by armies and about to be annihilated jesus comes back at that time in isaiah chapter 2 it speaks about this as well he shall judge among the nations he'll rebuke many people and they shall beat their swords in the plo plowshares and their spears and the pruning hooks nations shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war anymore do you realize for a thousand years christ is going to be the center he brings world peace he reigns with a rod of iron he is going to be the center of history for a thousand years it says over in revelation 11 verse 15 and the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ and he shall reign forever and ever here you have in a revelation 11. it clearly says jesus is going to come back and when he does in that seventh trumpet the nations of this world become his possession he takes them as his own he's going to reign over them all nations all languages are going to worship him you see i believe the bible teaches not only is centrality it is second coming it's a dominating theme of the bible but his actual centrality in his thousand-year reign on the earth do you realize for a thousand years ireland is going to come under the power and the dominion of the lord jesus christ that he is going to reign look at what happens over every area in zechariah 14 and the lord shall be king over the earth and the day that there shall be one lord and his name one you know what there's gonna be one political party he is gonna rule politically militarily economically educationally and socially he's going to change the education system of every school i believe he's going to use the internet or television and saying i'm changing the whole programming system of your nation your health system is going to be changed i am bringing in my kingdom and my dominion in isaiah 11 it also says the wolf shall dwell with the lamb have you ever seen a wolf sleeping curled up with a lamb he goes further the leopard shall lie down with a little kid a little lamb a leopard lying down with it and the cav and the young lamb and the together and a little child shall lead them since you begin to look at isaiah 11 it's never happened you can't spiritualize it during the millennium do you realize animals nature itself is going to be radically changed why is that land not going to devour a lamb because the lord jesus christ is here why will nation not go to war with nation because jesus christ is here why is there going to be new famine why is there going to be no earthquake why is there going to be worldwide prosperity because the lord jesus christ is here he's going to be at the center of our world this center world politics the center of every every area of life do you remember in daniel chapter 2 chapter 7 it speaks about a fifth kingdom coming from heaven remember all the world kingdoms right down to the ten toes then it says there's gonna come a a stone from heaven and that stone is gonna fill the entire earth what is it it's the kingdom of god on earth is going to fill the entire earth it comes through christ returning he's going to destroy all of the world's governments all of the systems of this world jesus is going to come back again in daniel chapter 7 we read of the fifth kingdom again that's going to come in the day of the ten kings and of the little horn that's going to abuse the world and almost half destroy it when we begin to look at the millennium christ is central don't argue about theology and doctrine there is an art coming to this world since i'm taking you into realms of future i'm taking you out of time i'm lifting you out of history and saying we ought to look for the coming of the lord jesus we ought to look for his kingdom to come on the earth but third and finally let me finish here the centrality of christ in the new heaven and the new earth it says in isaiah 65 17 in isaiah 65 for behold i create new heavens and a new earth and the former shall not be remembered nor come into mind i'm talking about a time at the end of the millennium where time comes to an end the physical it's done away with everybody is cast in hell who's not born again if you're not going to be reconciled in christ if you're not in him you're in serious trouble you'll be cast in the lake of fire for all of eternity hell is real hell is eternal there is no escape no second chance you're gonna get hell filled with many people that got very close but didn't come in they didn't put their faith in the lord jesus christ but after that we're told of a new heaven and a new earth you won't even remember the former things you say how could i enjoy eternity with christ if he or she isn't there i want to tell you you won't cry tears over them in eternity you know what god put you here for a time when you go into eternity if they didn't believe in christ you will not cry tears over them if you prayed for them and witness and evangelize you know why you're into eternity the former things shall not be remembered nor come into mind but be glad and rejoice forever and not which i create for you i believe eternity future has a glorious hope for you and i i mean you can't even imagine it here this morning no joy you've experienced yet would even touch on this i mean it is fullness of joy without measure it says in isaiah 66 22 for as the new heaven and the new earth which i will make shall remain before me saith the lord so shall your seed and your name remain forever in second peter chapter 3 verse 13 nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness we begin to see that the bible teaches a new heaven and a new earth what is beyond time it is eternity i mean realms of eternity a new heaven and a new earth and you know what saints there is undiluted joy peace and righteousness because christ is the center of eternity it's not doing things i've heard people say i get bored do you know one thing in lifetime i don't know what boredom means i've never once been bored in my life i can't even remember in my entire lifetime you know when i was a kid 10 years old 12 13 you get guys in i'm bored i i thought i don't want to sound stupid so i won't say it what do you mean bored can you explain it to me but i thought i'll sound stupid so stay quiet and try to look intelligent so i pretended like i knew what boredom was i never understood boredom people who say i'm bored i don't know what to do what's wrong with you i could live a thousand lives i'm telling you i every week i could live a hundred lives i can assure you i go can i cut myself up here there's so much to do i don't even know which direction to go but saints of god for someone to say i'll be bored in heaven you don't have a clue you're taught about ecstatically overflowing i mean being alive in god i mean worship in the lord jesus christ the bible speaks in 1 corinthians 2 9 but as it is written i your i hath not seen nor ye heard neither has entered into the heart of man the things which god had prepared for them that love him do you realize it hasn't entered into your heart if you love god here this morning if you love god with all of your heart it hasn't even entered into your mind your eye has not seen it your ear has not heard it you're sitting here you don't even realize you can't even imagine what is stored up for you i mean since you would be jumping hitting the roost this morning if you even caught a glimpse of this of what he has prepared for you but listen to what he says so you it hasn't even entered your heart but the spirit of god has revealed them unto us by the spirit who searches all the things of god you know what that tells me the holy spirit has revealed in this book certain things there to come you couldn't imagine this you cannot even fathom it but the holy spirit is put in here and he's actually showed you certain things about what is to come i believe this is like a child and forgive me it's a per example but it's only one i can find a child on christmas morning they don't know what's in the box they don't know what you bought they don't know how much effort all they do is walk into that living room on christmas morning there's a box wrapped up in paper they can't see anything and it's got their name on it they are smiling shouting jumping dancing sure you haven't seen it yet you don't even have a clue what's in the box it could be nothing for all they know but you know what that excitement thinks it's like us i believe we've been given little tidbits of information little glimmers into this but you know what i believe the lord is there going i cannot wait i have prepared for them if he prepared paradise for adam and eve if he prepared good things for you as a christian believer what has he prepared for us in a perfect state it must be glorious absolutely glorious it says in matthew 25 jesus speaking then shall the king say unto them at his right hand come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom there is a time where you're going to inherit the kingdom you haven't got it yet the kingdom is in you it's invisible it's inside you the kingdom of god but you haven't inherited the kingdom yet you're not going to do it in this physical life you're not going to do it in your lifetime you're not going to do it in this r the inheritance is still ahead and still future jesus actually says inherit the kingdom listen this prepared for you from the foundation of the world do you realize god has been preparing making ready a kingdom for you oh you're saved now but he's preparing it and it's in eternity it's outside of time you can't enjoy it here you can't see it here you're in the kingdom of god spiritually it's in you spiritually but there is a real kingdom physically that you're going to inherit but not now it says in 2 thessalonians 1 when jesus comes back again that he shall be glorified in the saints and he will be admired in all of them who believe in other words you're going to shine forth you are not going to look like what you look like at this present time daniel says in chapter 12 verse 3 and they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and neither turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever the saints are going to shine the stars it's remarkable it also says in matthew 13 43 jesus speaking then shall the righteous shine forth as the son in the kingdom of their father whose ears let them hear do you realize the righteous are going to shine like the sun have you ever tried looking at the sun can you comprehend the brightness of the sun the glory of the sun the amazing majesty of the sun and yet he says if you're born again if you love me you are going to shine as the sun in the kingdom there is going to be a remarkable glory sense of god you haven't seen anything yet i'm talking about eternity future what is coming but let me close on this point the centrality of christ in the new heaven and the new earth we've taught on the new heaven and the new earth we've detailed what it will look like what the new jerusalem will be like we've gone into entire messages showing you what that is like but there's a point i want to leave with you christ is going to be central in the new heavens and the new earth he will be central not you you're gonna shine as a star you're gonna shine as the sun you're gonna manifest the glory of god you're not gonna have a sin nature you're not gonna have any doubts you're not gonna have this natural physical body you're not going to have any pain any tiredness any sickness you're not going to have any i can't be bothered or i feel tempted or a failed god you're not going to have any of that since all you're going to have is a burning heart for the lord jesus christ utterly unhindered you'll never fail again in eternity you are gonna enjoy the things of god you're gonna shine like the sun but you're not the center of focus here you're not it's not the church it's not israel it's not any great preacher do you know who's the focus in eternity when you go to the end of the bible revelation chapter 21 and 22 just shows us the wrap box you get to peek in it then the boxes close very quickly and he says just love me obey me follow me and you'll get to enjoy all of this in the kingdom of god when you go there you begin to see that christ is going to be central in eternity in 21 22 i saw the temple i saw sorry no temple therein for the lord god almighty and the lamb are the temple do you realize there's no physical building or temple no place of worship jesus is gonna be the temple the place of worship then the next verse and the city had no need of the sun there's going to be no sun some of you are disappointed about that neither moon there's going to be no moon to shine in it for the glory of god did lighten it and the lamb is the light thereof do you realize the sun isn't going to be the attraction jesus christ is going to be the light that illuminates the new jerusalem the new heaven and the new earth he is going to be at the very center of it and the nations of them which are safe shall walk in the light of it listen to what it says in verse 4 of chapter 22 and they shall see his face what are you going to do in eternity i'm going to see him any of you seen him physically i certainly haven't but do you realize for all eternity i'm going to see him i'm going to be more intimate with the lord jesus christ who died on the cross rudin a donkey and who's coming back on the throne in glory i'm going to be more intimate personal with him than any of you i'm sorry to break my wife's heart but i'm actually going to have a greater intimacy and eternity than i will with her she always keeps asking keith surely not surely not am i going to be your wife in the millennium that's a hard question from your wife when you're a bible teacher i i've told her for 15 years no but i think she's worn me out i have to find a new answer i used to always say animals dogs aren't going to be there but since getting shallow i've had some second thoughts about that i'm just rethinking but it says in eternity we shall see his face there's going to be no tears no sorrow no crying no pain no curse no temple no sun no moon nor anything that defileth there's going to be no abomination there's going to be no lies no one who's so fearful that they compromise the word of god no unbelievers no murderers no whoremongers no saucers no idolaters no liars new dogs are going to be in that city and whosoever loveth to make a lie do you know the bible is very clear what is going to be there on what isn't going to be there but can i tell you in that city in the new and the heaven earth jesus christ is central i am going to be worshiping him and i'm going to be loving him and i'm going to be serving him and i'm going to be obeying him and i'm going to simply be gazing on his face he will be the attraction on that day huxley wrote brave new world but i want to tell you the bible speaks about a brand new world a new world in which everlasting righteousness dominates what men like h.g wells and huxley and many others they dream of what the present-day transhumanist says we're going to cure illness and we're going to bring world peace and we're going to stop famine and we're going to answer all the problems no they're not they're actually going to lead straight into the reign of the antichrist they're going to serve him and take his mark but i'm talking about a brand new world and it's not some sort of dream if you know christ here this morning if christ is central in your life if you've got caught up in this plan of the centrality in christ and eternity past i promise you if he is center in your life this morning you are going to get carried into a whole new dominion of unparalleled uh ecstasy i can't even i don't have words i don't have words but it's been prepared for you by the lord jesus christ and he says when i come you will receive a kingdom that i've prepared for you will you pray with me here as we close father we do thank you we love you for the word of god we thank you for the centrality of christ we thank you he was central and eternity past he was central in creation all things were made by him and for him and through him we thank you for the centrality of christ and the nation of israel everything about israel is about the lord jesus christ all of history has been about christ my god this bible is all about the lord jesus christ bible prophecy is to point us to the lord jesus christ we thank you that christ is to be central in this church and our preaching and our worship and our prayers and our evangelism we thank you he's to be central in our families our homes our personal lives and finally we thank you that he's going to be central in eternity my god what an hour awaits us when our eyes either clues in death or we're caught up to meet the lord jesus in the air my god what on our when we see the lord jesus christ the bible says that when we see him we're going to be changed to be like him now we know in part but then we shall know him even as he knows us we love you lord jesus and we believe in you we love you although we've never felt you and never seen you but what an hour when we see you i am gonna fall at your feet stunned worshiping adoring magnifying your name lord god help us this morning to love the lord jesus christ
Views: 98
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Keith Malcomson
Id: xxPgXEeUBC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 0sec (3900 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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