Keith Daniel - Last Days Compromised Christians | Wake up Call - Must Watch

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I am deeply grateful to God for this privilege of being here tonight and I do thank our dear brother Don and all he does and means for us and for so many for the extension of God's kingdom and the glory of Jesus name it's a blessing to know him thank you I'm honored tonight in a peculiar way in that most of the men who brought me to America in this meeting support them one or two and the first man was Harold Warren the heroine I believe spoke he was the first one to bring me to America and I had been in Canada extensively but somehow Harold was the one who got me here to your country many years ago now and that was lovely to know he was going to be on the program and then Jenny Kenaston the charity mission work he's also here he gave me many many puppets and spread the messages I brought in such weakness in love for God's kingdom he spread the messages very widely and I thank God for him and then after Jenny so there was that rough cetera I believe he's here also the good hands down and it was his lovely to see him him and Nancy wells and how they organized with her first heart cry for revival conference which mr. Stephen offered there and they somehow trusted me to be the other speaker and I was very very humbled to stand with the great godly Stephen offered before he died in one of the last moments he was spoke publicly anyway but it is lovely seems to cetera hero show and then there is mr. Gotthard who's not yet tonight but we must make a plan next year or somewhere will you want to get all these men together please it would be lovely to have them all everyone that brought me to your country and then of course brother dawn who for a number of years now is kept the doors open and I don't do anything just arrived in or done all the churches realist invitations across this country to preach for 10 weeks of preaching annually like this so thank you and thank the dear Lord that these dear men and the godly wives can be here tonight finally to thank Greg Gordon you see Gordon Greg or Greg Gordon I was so scared before going Leah Greg Gordon is a young man and a man who has vision like very few in a whole lifetime and he has somehow in a remarkable way but a websites that has been honored by God's in a very unusual way across the whole world and the conservative minded people of God's kingdom those who want no compromise no matter what the rest of the church does are deeply grateful to God for the messages this dear man has somehow made available on one site in such a very godly way and I have been so blessed that the dear man for some reason though I never met him in my life did put my messages on alongside of some of the names that I did not even think my messages could be on the same website but when I looked at how many people across the world are downloading the messages I've realized God is with this man and his vision in a very remarkable way so this is his first convention that he just stepped out in faith as a 26 year old man you just don't hold convincing like this but he did and we blessed God for him we thank God for the vision he has and we hope but as he stays now at the feet of Jesus the Lord will really use him mightily and more and more mightily as God leads enables him and Unser noises his ministry so thank you very very much to your brother though I've never met you your hockey I hope somewhere much prayer goes up to you young man and we long to see great things in this world for Jesus kingdom through you beyond this meeting these meetings can we bow for a moment of prayer please and I do hope this large speakers been put up a bit because last night I said and I didn't hear everything so I'm sure there are others that needed it to be much louder than last night forgive me for telling you what to do but I have one fear that I have in life I only have one fear that someone could walk out of a meeting I preached it the same as they came in and because of that fear I'm hearing - nada hope you're not going to be offended by asking me to peace with this love enough not to offend but so loud that no one could fall asleep can we bow before our God the Creator the savior in the coming judge can we all humbly bow before Jesus Christ our high priest that ever liveth to making decision for us our Father we thank thee above everything for Jesus our Savior we bless me but the Holy Spirit shall not speak of himself his whole work is to glorify Christ to conform us into the image that Jesus Christ - George - Christ into a result Christ's name through us we bless thee for our savior for his blood freeze risen resurrected power and that he lives in us Christ in you the hope of glory we bless thee Leah God for this book the darkest in mercy given to man we asked me for without thee we can do nothing we are nothing as well as carefully choose the base things of the world the weak things of the world the despised and things those things of the display that no flesh can glory in my presence I would never present myself with a man such as the glory or once it's now we all can J preconscious without here we can do nothing nothing nothing nothing and so all of us look up to thee our expectations and V and the Omni the letter killeth but the spirit gives life come give life to thy word those promise that is honor thy word above all things that is honor thy word above all things and because of that promise we all come to thee tonight and ask the honor its honor it's that which thou seek for men to honor above all things honoring tonight though it comes through the weakest basis and that is best most unprofitable servant does not need to remind me of that father please don't have to come wash me in the blood of God the Son the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin without the blood I have nothing to show you as to why that could possibly use me but there is nothing good in me please God wash me in the blood that I might be a vessel meat for the Masters use hear me was the Holy Spirit annoying to Nansen eyes me and take my word and give it life and in life indeed come through the hardest heart and break it come to the proudest heart and break it come to the most closed heart and open it sockets one that thinks they can resist God come visit us rebuke the devil Satan our only enemy away my the risen resurrected power of Christ from this place surrounded for the angels of God and let them do battle with swords drawn through the battle with the powers of darkness that would hurt us ruled upon us with the Holy Ghost come rend the heavens and come down God in mercy stand beside me and let me be thy mouthpiece to which sly boys can be heard and speak Lord to every single soul in a way they will never recover now no man can do that no man dares he sir presumption cease to believe that God would do it for him apart from that that was promised if two or three of you agree touching anything that's the will of the Father in my name it shall be done in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus the Christ we all unitedly agree and ask these things of our Father in heaven our men tonight I would like to speak on the single greatest tragedy this world faces today the single greatest tragedy this world faces today compromising Christianity compromising Christianity and all that every Christian in this building would cry from their inner being right now at the outset of the sermon search me search me O God and know my heart try me try me and know my thoughts and seeing if there be any wicked way in me and lead me lead me in the way everlasting lead me in the way of a lasting Psalm 139 verse 23 and 24 search and know my heart forever heart if our heart condemn us if our heart condemn us God is greater than our heart and knoweth all things 1 John 3 verse 20 you're all Christian if your heart condemns your life if your heart condemns your life than I am to know you I implore you tonight tonight to show to yourselves in righteousness so to yourselves in righteousness read in nothing reap in mercy break up break up your pedal ground for it is time to seek the Lord till he come till he come rain righteousness upon you do you think the self throw to yourselves in righteousness tonight mercy to what God requires of you drink up your panel ground break up your fallow ground that hardened crust that hardened crust if somehow is formed of the fertile soil of your heart tragically enabling you to tolerate and to accept the life of shameful compromise break up your fallow ground but home you may ask who I believe the fennel ground that paragraph that hardened crossroads wake up in Mormon tonight but only of you only if you carefully carefully and prayerfully expose your hearts expose your heart tonight to the unadulterated uncompromising standard of this holy book once again there is not my words like as a fire say the Lord like a hammer a break up the rock and pieces than a Maya 23 verse 29 the Word of God is big and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow discerner it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart Hebrews for the 12th come Christian non-christian expose your heart carefully carefully and prayerfully here tonight to what this holy book declares to what this holy book declares when a Christian when a Christian lives in a continuous state of shameful compromise so what this holy book declares when a Christian lives in a continuous state of shameful compromise to what this holy book declares when a Christian continually fails God continually fails God firstly firstly with his eyes when the Christian continually fails God with his eyes when does a Christian pair God with his eyes according to this book in 2nd Samuel 11 verse 1 we read that Israel Israel went to war Israel went to war but David tarried still at the lucilla and it came to pass in the Eventide that David arose from off his bed and walked upon the roof of the king's house and from the roof he saw a woman a woman washing herself and the woman was very beautiful to look upon and David sent and inquired after the woman now beloved you may believe the David later tragically went on to commit adultery with her you may believe the David later tragically went on to commit adultery with her but Jesus said in Matthew 5 verse 28 whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart that first look that first look was not David's fault but the second was the second was in this world in this world that never will place many things before us that we did not choose I want to behold but it is our choice if we look again it is our choice if we keep on looking and Galatians 5 verse 9 warns that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump that's all the devil needs David it's all the devil once David leaveneth the whole month God sees in James chapter 1 verse 14 we read that every man is tempted every man is tempted when he is drawn away when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed enticed then when lust hath conceived when lust hath conceived that bringeth forth sin temptation is not sin but the second look is brother the second look is sister thou shalt not commit adultery Exodus 20 verse 14 thou shalt not commit adultery but this verse in God's Ten Commandments is strangely linked with verse 17 thou shalt not covet my neighbor's house but wait it doesn't end there there are cells not covet thy neighbor's wife also David Oh should not covet thy neighbor's wife oh sure David this holy book condemns men having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin this holy book condemns men having eyes full of adultery full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin 2 Peter 2 verse 14 when a Christian when a Christian but a Christian continually fails God with his eye that is tragic that is fetchick I made a covenant with mine eyes I made a covenant with mine eyes why then should I think on a maze why then should I look upon a young woman job 31 this one I as a married man came to a place where I made a covenant with mine eyes North to look the second look but I know that ever will continually place before me in his life like young Daniel who purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the Kings meat he came to a calculated moment a calculated choice a covenant that he would not defile himself in God's eyes by going against the known will of God the commandments of God and become defiled in the sight of God he purposed in his heart he would not define himself so I I purposed in my heart I came to a decision moment a moment in life where I made a calculated decision I made a covenant with my eyes not to become defiled in God's sight by what I allow my eyes to look there was a moment a calculated covenant moment with his eyes in Romans 6 verse 11 Paul asks Paul writes to all Christians likewise likewise reckon ye reckon ye awesome yourselves to be dead indeed Utterson brethren ye also yourselves to be dead indeed other sin but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that you should obey it in the lusts thereof neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin but yield yourselves unto God as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness under God even your eyes brother there's a moment you've got to give these in the Covenant the purpose in your hearts let God deal with this even you arrive sister give one sacred moment and district moment that by faith forgot the youth an old godly woman recently stood with me when her godly godly husband died that I had known for many years and she shared with me how when they were first married as a young married couple they were unsaved I'm converted but she said in that moment after the marriage she began to fear she began to fear because of his eyes the way his eyes looked with lust at women in front of her you forget the people you love when you're sinning when you have a dealt with sin she said she felt he filed by his eyes she felt betrayed I rise his eyes betrayed her he was fearful because of his eyes they could not see I'm sin in front of her but then she said cry stepped in and saved our souls and he was gloriously saved as a young man but when you're still young and marriage and from that time brother Keith who the earthly diamonds all day I never saw him betray me with his eyes once again that's Christ's salvation Keith Jesus didn't come to save his people in their sins but from their sins if you have it if you'll have it brother if you have a sister Oh Christian Oh Christian if you continually fail God with your eyes then I implore you I implore you tonight for soul to yourselves and reap in mercy break up your fallow ground for it is time to seek the Lord it is time to seek the Lord till he come and reign righteousness upon you till he come not just some short prayer at the end of the sermon but he come I will not let thee go except thou bless me except you have your way and you will with my life they destroyed everything your unsaved I will not let me go except thou bless me have my way no matter what it cost God oh you should seek me you shall find me when you search for me with all your heart concepts that cost you everything but an issue winning for that price it will cost you far more than everything it'll cost you everything yeah you'll st r oh it's time to see the Lord till he come and rain righteousness upon you when a Christian when a Christian continually fails God firstly firstly with his eyes but secondly secondly when a Christian continually fails God with his thoughts with his thoughts with his thoughts men of corrupted minds men of corrupt minds to to millisievert eight and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind so do those things which are not convenient Romans 1 verse 28 fulfilling the desires of the flesh and mind fulfilling the desires of the flesh and mind Ephesians 2:3 for else he thinketh as he thinketh in his heart so is he as he thinketh in his heart so is it Roberts 23 verse 7 for out of the heart out of the heart proceed evil for Matthew 15 verse 19 and heart that devises wicked imaginations feet that be swift in running to mister listen the order as he thinketh in his heart so is he what you think you are you are and heart the devises wicked imaginations feet that be swift and running prophets 6:18 their feet run to either their thoughts or thoughts of iniquity as I 59 verse 7 you see as he thinketh in his heart fully God says what are you filling up in the reservoir of your heart their feet run - Eva why their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity Isaiah 59 verse 7 woe to them that divides iniquity and work evil upon their beds in the morning is light they practice it you see as he thinketh in his heart so easy don't forget that God tells you think these are you let this in your mind you're dying what do you think you are hold to them the divine is iniquity and work evil upon their beds when the morning is light they practice it they practice it because in the power their hands like a true verse 1 let the wicked let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts Isaiah 55 verse 7 you know how that goes it's not two men who shake his way and another man he's short it's the same man it's literally like this in the Hebrew that the wicked forsake his way the unrighteous man his thoughts you see as you think it was hot so any you wonderful shake that way you want God to deal with it deal with it yeah that the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts - 5 or 7 a green bringing into captivity bringing into captivity every thought every thought to the obedience of Christ through Corinthians 10 verse 5 bringing into captivity every thought you can you can you're as holy as you want to be and then this yellow thing that tells you different is a life don't you blame God that you live in shame why you name his name bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ 2 Corinthians empathize and be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind Romans 12:2 by the renewing of your mind finally brethren finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things Philippians for the Saints I dare you young people to put that on a little plaque boldly and put it over the music before you select a CD that you hope your mother and father won't even hear the same I'd a who have televisions to put that on top of your television do me a favor give it a chance the charts the same size as the screen put it on top that whole verse in poor black letters as you sit listening you know you are saying to God you're as good as putting your fist up to heaven in his face knowing what he says how easy it is to throw us out everything other countries you haven't got the strength to put it off yeah tell me something young man with the videos the music the DVDs the programs the books is being entertained worth ding defiled once your God why are you here tonight does it offend you that someone speaks like if someone else to someone have to dont you judge me judge me if I don't before there's nothing left of the standard of the world will be the standard the church's nothing left be careful be careful Church of Christ if you name the name of Jesus whatsoever things are true that's like it's scared of not whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure music including books magazines whatsoever things are lovely lovely put it off child of God if it's ugly music if it's filthy words ha ha if it's drowning our decency throw it out what's everything's of good report if there be any virtue child of God if there's anything that can build you up morally to the standard of God to a life of holiness if there's anything that can do anything like that to keep you anything with the music you listen to and it can it can build you up music of its godly and lovely and pure it can keep you from negativeness God the Holy Ghost can use even music but the devil will destroy anything you would ever know but you walk with Jesus Christ through music and it's not even got a question mark you're finished as far as it's in to walk with God but a Christian continually fails God when a Christian continually fails God firstly with his eyes with his eyes secondly with his thoughts with his thoughts but thirdly with his lips when a Christian continually fails God continually fails God continually they've God with his lips when does a Christian fail God with his lips according to this book when does a Christian fair God with his lips according to this book earthly with lies lies lies thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor God said to his people what's the answer Exodus 20 verse 16 thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor and hypocrite and hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbor destroy his neighbor proverbs 3 verse 9 the tongue the tongues an unruly evil full of deadly poison God says James see verse 9 lying lips lying lips are abomination to the Lord from a service finish if you believe as you like abomination God says about you what you do abominable who does God play with words that you don't need a sermon about lying lips are abomination to the Lord forever senator but these lips can lie in other evil ways custom these lips can lie in other Eva where's Kristen these lips can lie in prayer but a man's prayers are not meant for God but to impress others his words his worth rise to heaven as a stench of evil hypocrisy when a man's prayers are not meant for God but to impress others his words rise to heaven as a stench of evil hypocrisy Jesus Christ condemned in Matthew 20 verse 14 Christ condemns those who for a pretence make long press who for a pretence make long prayers in Matthew 6 verse 5 Jesus warns us when thou prayest thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are do you know what that word means now the original usage of the Greek word hypocrites was an actual on the stage now jesus knew that when he said these terrifying words when thou priest thou shalt not be as the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the state that they may be seen of men verily I say unto you they have their reward they have their reward what reward don't doubt this nothing from God please stop nothing from God there's no reward from heaven for such a man Christ is talking of what they want they want to impress men and then are so gullible you've just got to pray loud and long and they think it's spiritual didn't they have what they want that's the only reward they'll ever get they impress me they have their reward but thou when thou prayest when thou prayest enter into thy closet the most private place you can find in your circumstance of life and when thou hast shut thy door when thou is shut thy door to the eyes and the ears of men not for the eyes in the ears of men be careful when you shut that door for whose eyes prophetic at 4 o'clock in the morning be careful this operates the hypocrites from that which has any IOT of reality in Christ site more than anything else when thou hast shut thy door pray to thy father which is in secret which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee open if you are not faithful in your prayer life when no one is watching your public prayers are evil hypocritical lies if you are not faithful in your prayer life when no one is watching your public prayers are evil hypocritical lies in a Christian continually continually fails God with his lips with lies firstly with Lions secondly secondly with blasphemy oh not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain it's 24/7 neither shalt thou profane the name of the LORD thy God Leviticus 19 verse 12 Christian don't ever use God's name irreverently don't ever use the name of jesus god's name don't ever use god's name the reverently or as a swear word or curse word in a desperation or anger when a christian continued fails god with his lips firstly with lies secondly with blush thirdly by making oaths by making oath to try and add credibility to what he's saying in Matthew 5 verse 33 Jesus said again we have heard that it hath been said by them of old time thou shalt not forswear thyself but shalt perform unto the Lord thy know but I say unto you swear not at all neither by heaven for it is God's throne nobody earth for it is his which - neither by jerusalem but it it is the city of the great king it is the city of the great king neither shalt thou swear by thine head by thy head because thou canst not make one hair white or black but let your communication be yay yay nay nay yes or low for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil for what there is more than these cometh of evil in James chapter 5 verse 12 we read but about all things my brethren about all things my brothers ran up either by heaven neither by the earth neither by any other off your AABA and your nay nay lest you fall into condemnation it is an insult to christ's name if a christian is required to say anything more than yes or no to be believed it is an insult to christ's name if a christian is required to say anything more than this or not to be believed when a christian continually fails God continually fails God with his lips with his lips firstly with lies secondly with blasphemy thirdly by making all earthly by using coarse filthy language by using course filthy language put off till the communication out of your mouth Colossians see verse 8 didn't know corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth Ephesians 4 verse 29 neither filthiness the foolish talking Ephesians fibres for this holy book condemns condemns those with mouth is full of cursing the great dancers of singles this holy book condemns those whose mouth is full of cursing drama see verse 14 but all with a Christian if a Christian continually fails God with his mouth by using coarse filthy language that is gentle that is shameful enough when a Christian continually continually fails God with his lips especially with lines lines secondly with blasphemy thirdly by making office costly by using coarse filthy language stiffly murdering [Music] with murdering you all things without murmuring and disputing Philippines to verse 14 do all things without murmurings and disputed but careful now that's not the end the next verse tells you why verse 15 that ye may be blameless and harmless the sons of God without rebuke this insist beginning in the hole you will never ever be blameless and harmless the sons of God without rebuke until you do the statement not just look at the fruit of the statement the statement does this do all things out in your home anyways you've seen your children do that ye may be blameless is the result of this harmless the sons of God without rebuke that will never be possible until you do all things by God and the Spirit is in everything give thanks not for everything that would be obnoxious to God but King spite of anything God allows in your circumstances in the school of God in spite of anything God allow he's still God nothing will come near you if it wasn't for you to pass an exam and we're all in the school of God in everything in spite of anything but I allow in everything don't let the devil just took one mountain that's all it takes to become a perfect memory when all God cries out to make you a perfect worship what are you not in the building we're sitting in now that's easy to say you are as real lady and when everything goes wrong that you can say thank you otherwise you've got very little in the school of God it's a fast in everything don't stop to shoot one object of all the multitudes of things I've given you that most people in the world millions in Africa millions would crawl on their knees and glass for one kilometer for one mile to have one-tenth of what you've got don't stop thanking me if that ever gives you one problem don't start becoming a perfect murmur but Deborah will put one mountain in your life everyday for you die if that will keep you from fulfilling in everything give thanks for this this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 18 although the fig tree shall not blossom neither sell fruit be in the vine the labor of the olives shall fail and the fields to you know meet the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there should be no herd in the storm yet I will rejoice in the Lord I would draw in the God of my salvation had the 3 verse 17 and 18 do you think these words this is you only have one set book in God's crew everything you read you suddenly will face an exam until you pass what God says it's not words to read as you know this you will face every single one of you when everything goes wrong when everything was taken from job in one devastating tragic moment when everything was taken from job and one devastating tragic moment his wife has helped me turn to Him in brokenness and confusion in septa 2 verse 9 and said curse God curse God and butt he said unto her thou speakest as one of the foolish woman speaketh what shall we receive good at the hand of God so we not receive either here we only trust God and serve Him if everything goes right in life shall we receive good at the hand of God and so we not received evil in all this in all this did not job sin with his lips hallelujah and sister if job could do that you can you can brother and gods waiting waiting for you to before he'll stop putting you through these exams you've gotta pass the exam you'll face it to death in God's hope that you might just rise up to prove that he can give you the grace you need to pass the sacred book the standard of God in this book is not to tickle our ears to lives it's to live it's to live by him by him therefore our high priest Caesar let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name Hebrews 13 to 15 by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise when it's not easy listen an unsaved person with a Bible and I wonder how many of them are can shout hallelujah louder than anybody in the world every son if everything goes right but when things go wrong God's itself the truth from the force and you find out fast in the home with your mother and father truly right with God will save us religious how let's let things go wrong brother just let things go wrong sister those that it's a sacrifice that's when praises with something to God until then lady your praise is as good as an unsaved to appraise gods that had never been born again if everything goes right and they do praise God until and I watch them until things go wrong they throw that book down and curse God like the devil said job with the job didn't buy him therefore changes our high priest that us offer the sacrifice when if not easy but you're still gonna go on praising know that devil heard I can all his demons billions of miles screaming and fear with a man Francis but everything God allows the devil that's godliness I will offer to the sacrifice of Thanksgiving Psalm 114 were 17 when a Christian when a Christian when a Christian continually fails God with his lips firstly with lives secondly with blasphemy thirdly by making offs earthly by using coarse filthy language fifthly with murmuring my rings until they in the church with the hymn book then it's a lie because that's not what they are when no Christian watch 6ly with whisperings with whisperings with whisperings speak not even one of another brethren James for was 11 he that uttereth a slander he that through the slander is a fool proverbs in verse 18 a whisper whisper separated truth friends no one can do that in the devil's hands but it was a whisper cheap cheap brand promises in the funny well no wood is when no wood is there there the fire goes out so where there is no tale berra the Hebrew with whisper where there is no tale there the striped ceaseth show me a church divided show me a movement crumbling crushing divided I'll find you just one whisper I did that that's all the devil needs so where there's no tail bearer whisper the strife ceaseth God sees God since proverbs 26 verse 20 when the Christian continually fails God continually fails God with his lips ghostly with lies secondly with blaspheme thirdly by making off awfully by using coughs filthy language fifthly with murmuring snoring swiftly with with Springs with Springs whisperings whisperings seventhly with endless endless endless fabulous avoiding pain babbling empty chocolate 1 Timothy 6 verse 20 but son from vain babblings worthless talk but they will increase unto more ungodliness they will increase unto more ungodliness 2 Timothy 2 verse 16 in the multitude of words in the multitude of words they wanted not sin he lets notion in that life trust me God doesn't make a mistake if he tells you that it's true in the multitude of words they wanted not sin but he that refrain of his lips his wives prophets chambers 19 in the multitude of words they want with not sin you can be sure to get away from them in the multitude of words they wanted suffer not thy mouth to call thy flesh to sin Jesus is five by six so is the tongue among our members that had defiled the whole body and sitteth on fire the course of nature James Lee bishops chose the tongue among our members that it defined this the whole body this is the tip of the iceberg no control yeah no control anywhere God says and God doesn't lie you have no victory anywhere the devil wants to come suffer not thy mouth to cause my flesh [Music] so is the tongue among our members that define if the whole body and upon fire the cause of nature in three verses in the multitude of words they want a feel that's a terrible word God says you must dare never call a man a fool or God will judge you but if God calls you a fool a fool God says also is full of words full of words his assistant was 14 a fool accurate all his mind probability Levis 11 a bull's mouth his destruction from the blatant verse 7 he that had knowledge spare of his words pervasive is finished even a fool even a fool is counted his wives and he that shattered his lips is esteemed a man of understanding father 2787 he met friend but great now beloved to conclude this point listen carefully a man hath joy now if you all had a piece of paper and you were utterly honest with what you think would make you happy if my children were all godly and none of them were rebellion if my wife finally becomes a slave listening sample over her it doesn't say boo which she said you and your understanding of the scriptures yes O'Connor a man has joy if financially he prospers and isn't got any fears about tomorrow in his workplace oh I could go on but les isn't my God who created you and who shares to you what will give you a man hath joy by the answer of his mouth by the 15 verse 23 why you think the joy of the Lord is your sin and the Holy Spirit's joy when you've passed the exam no matter what ugliness was happening for your children for your wife even for your enemies a man have joy God's joy you want to know why so many Christians look miserable like it's a curse to be saved all the time here as God's grief it's not your grief when the Holy Spirit is in you and you fear with the tongue because that's the tip of the iceberg of what you're gonna sail with anyway oh the grief of God written on people drives because they fail all the time they're getting in the hole it doesn't work in the home it doesn't work anyway the reason is the same use real as you are in the heart and your children just a minute is all you're worth if they understand a man of joy God's the joy of the Lord you think it's your own joy when suddenly when everything's come against everybody's crew everybody didn't just to you and you have joy with God it's joy unspeakable there's no way you can understand it in the chamber God just he gives you joy brother they might be a tear in your eye through who's doing it but it doesn't awake away God's peace and God's joy because you know God smiling you know God smiling and heaven sometimes standing and you're conscious of it don't send your not depending on how severe the trial is a man have joy by the answer of his mouth for he that will love life he that will love life and see good days tell me somebody in this building who doesn't want that be honest who wants to hate love and see everything wrong so you're honest of course you want to love life so God says he that will love life every one of us one day he wanted you want to do what God says no but God says will be the first time you honestly will love life and see good games and now we put the paper around the pins and if you see where you go now the young fella looks and says to love life she only that girl would just look at me let alone marry me he that will love like what reason would you give what do you want to put down in your conscience in honesty before God what you would believe you will never be able to love life and so such things happens they they were priorities and little something but God tells you what happens like this he that will love life and see good days let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak no guile nothing questionable to stop 1 Peter 3 verse 10 whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul who shall keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles for that's any wonderful fee he that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life God says keepeth his life from his setting mystery teeth thy tongue from evil Psalm 34 verse 37 watch Shanna watch Oh Lord keep the doors of my tips some 141 mystery if you all go and pray that every day I doubt that you're right with God because you know that this is the one thing that enters the capacity for the devil to reach every sincerity in life circumstance by circumcenter view not trying this from your soul to God I'm worried about you right now so what does this let me not let me not the unpriced like in this exam though making me face what's Oh Lord before my mouth teeth the doors of my when a Christian when a Christian when a Christian continually fails God continually fails God birthday with his eyes with his eye secondly with his thoughts with a start thirdly with his lips with his lips with his lips finally finally when a Christian continually continually fares God with his reactions with his reactions the fruit of the Spirit capital F is temperance that is self-control Galatians 5:23 the evidence that the Holy Spirit is in her life is self-control self-control t-that is slow to anger he's at a slow to anger is better than the mighty and he that rule of his spirit then he that taketh asipi private 16 verse 32 he that a slow to anger is better than the mighty he that rule of his spirit is not quick-tempered easily provoked then he that taketh 16 verse 32 he that is slow to wrath slaughter us is a great understanding God says but he that is hasty of spirit tricked em purred fro tempered exalteth folly destroys everything I was 40 verse 49 we not hasty in my spirits to be angry for anger races in the bosom of fools conscience it means yes I said his name he not hasty nice spirit to be angry for anger rest is in the bosom of four constants be angry and sin not let not the Sun go down upon my rough now be careful you're not like it's a hover witness they take everything are they context they so scared you read the second half of the verse they quoting yet they go fast to get past before you even look because it tends to like what they say just look at the context of anything they're saying in this context and write about scripture but it's fishing this context you'll find that they lie to themselves God gives them over to believe a lie because they leave the love of the truth they knew and now don't tell me they won't reject it can't be like them when God says be ye angry and sin not it's not a question mark that means it can never be angry it's such a thing as righteous indignation beginning in the whole and it's Christ like who you angry and shouldn't let not the Sun go down upon your roof don't allow other people's failures to eventually cause you to fail more than there in God's eyes and the description of a man defer of his anger and it is his glory through pass over a transgression the description oh that's something once you've seen in your discretion you've got some just read the Old Testament see what worth suspicion is that God gives man this wish the discretion of a man defer his anger and it is his glory through Passover a transgression from his man he was living it's his glory to love covers a multitude of sins love is not easily provoked you know the word there's agape it's not human love God isn't us you to do it in the human capacities asking you to yield and the degree that you hear to God and absolutely surrendered to that degree or your food with the Holy Spirit because being full of the Holy Spirit means nothing more and nothing less than being controlled by the Holy Spirit cannot control any life unless they totally absolutely surrendered and at that point the fruit the evidence that the Holy Spirit is in control of a life is the fruit of the Spirit love suffereth long and is kind you can't do it in a human capacity it has to be to the degree you are units about absolutely surrender to God you are filled with the Holy Spirit sir not by gifts 1 Corinthians 13 cut out Troy Trevor pond but don't tell me it gifts your theory the Holy Spirit to the degree that the fruit of the Spirit is the vital evidence and then you can think about it sports it I show you a more excellent way though I speak with the tongues of men and angels ever loved the fruit of the Spirit and there comes the Sun invoke the gift of prophecy and understand obviously own knowledge oh nothing worthless in God's eyes and men's eyes it's right dear deal with it absolute surrender for God's the evidence that you are filled with the Holy Spirit because of your yielding everything on the altar is the fruit of the Holy Spirit it is love it's God's agape enough that is not easily provoked you're just not easily provoked you don't get upset with people there is righteous indignation but it doesn't go on in a way that you eventually sin worse than them for harboring unforgiving hearts at their fingers they're getting in the hole an angry man stirreth up strife an angry man oh you get them stir us up strife and the furious man abound with in transgression gone she make no friendship with an angry man and the Furies mend I thought not go list I'll learn his ways and get us near to that so this you become influenced by him and land up a bounding and transgression my tears and God in them sites when a Christian continually fails God firstly with his eyes secondly with his thoughts thirdly with his lips and fourthly with his reactions the greatest single tragedy this world faces today the greatest single tragedy this world faces today is compromising Christianity don't doubt it don't doubt it the greatest single tragedy this world faces today is compromising Christianity beginning in the home to every so you approach daily compromising Christianity undermines the effect of the gospel I'm gonna repeat that slow beginning in the home to every show you approach daily compromising Christianity undermines the effect of the gospel and the honor of Christ's name in this world don't preach about it if you're guilty to you then you have the right to ask God to abolish until then you're the only reason God can't the heart is deceitful above all things above all things and desperately wicked who can know it who can note I the LORD search the heart I try the reins search me O God and know my heart try me for out of the heart out of the heart out of the heart proceed evil thoughts murders adulteries fornications sick survives that's false witness blasphemies these are the things which defile a man God says Matthew created me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me a steadfast consistent grace to live the standard of his book for I will from this night cease from a life of compromise in Christianity by thy grace god I want to ask you all I don't care if you a preach I don't care if you have a Bible that looks worn I want to ask every one of you this but one I also respect to God's left I want those of you who have to do with God's and like to know my desperate desperately require from God created me a clean heart O God by the blood of Christ renew a right spirit within me systems steadfast grace to live the standard of this book which they would not tell a man to live if he can't start not unholy integrity the commander who family can't is impossible not from this contract never I have to create a new tree when you were right absolutely sure I hear my own the odor of God I don't want gifts because gifts without the fruit for not of God they're of the devil according to 1 Corinthians 13 they're not of God I don't want if I want the fruit of the Spirit to be seen in my life no matter how trying the circumstances spontaneously reacting to me because God is living out his life through me being conformed back into the image that was lost as before the image of Jesus Christ God's Son sure is the fruit of the Holy Spirit holiness is Christ don't believe it's this you can dress like a nun and be a devil and send your children to hell this don't put the cart before the horse sir those things have their place thank God for modesty if it doesn't come swiftly up with God there's something wrong with you but be careful the fruit Christ's likeness in your reactions Christ living out his life Christ being formed this is what God predestined not for one to be taken to heaven one to be taken hell no before the foundation that somehow that you're three he knew before the funders and there would be lost the image of God would be brought back Christ likeness that men would be conformed back into the image of his son by the Holy Ghost whose own work is to bring us back into the image of Christ and he will the moment your eulogy totally absolute surrender when you cried to God to create a new a clean heart and renew a right to this book in the standard of it you are yielding everything to God because you can't live in your own strength only God can live this through your you can only check and give up the fight to come and reign righteousness appoint who know it's time to see everyone that desperately needs their soul I want you to stand those but it'll cost you a billion times more come come forward we're going to make something holy here come forward and don't start speaking speak in your heart so that the other person doesn't have to listen to you they can speak to God themself if you're a lady if you're not well don't you kneel it's not the outward kneeling that matters it's the inner heart for this man will I look even to him that's of a broken spirit a contrite heart if you're in contrition a boring what you've done to God's name your children to church all you need to do is come and bow your hearts not necessarily or your body those that are sitting you have the right to pray for these people ahead here please pray in your hearts that God will never let them recover and if two or three of you agree touching anything that's the will of God and don't tell me you don't know that's God's will it will be done so you all have the right to pray to become like you are obviously everyone please forgive me just remember this God does not look at the words that proceed out of the mouth God does not look at the words that proceed out of the mouth he looking at the heart from whence they come now he's looking at your heart and I'm gonna lead you in a prayer but that's not sin that's not sin as best as you can let God know this is from your heart we go prayer though another man's leading you cuz I don't want to leave you just to yourselves and I haven't got counselors here that can take each one of you so I'm gonna need you if best I know that you don't go in circles and walk out of here the same just confused I'm how to deal with it so everyone will you pray aloud with me but only to God not for the next man to hear you please don't make men look at you saying look at me be careful what you do any moment in the church it's saying look at me even when you pray or seeking God it's God along that message speak in a way you know and he knows you all play with me please please pray oh my god forgive me for the same of my life the grief that I have caused thee and so many who've been near me and a conscious that I am in compromising Christian forgive me for everything every defiance of the stand of this book in my merit toward my enemy in circumstance upon circumstance forgive me for defying me deliberately calculated me knowingly determinedly forgive me for the same of my profession and the grief I have been for gods and men forgive me for every sin things I've forgotten because I'm so base by overlooked to convince forgive me let the blood of Jesus Christ God's Son that cleanses us from all sin wash away all my sin in mercy make meekly make me pure in thine eyes let me have a fresh start as the I child because of the blood of Jesus Christ let the blood go deeper wash me through and through and through and through and through and through create in me a clean heart O God renew a right spirit within me a steadfast consistent walking in the standard of this book by the grace of God I lay my life on the altar of God I absolutely surrender I give up the fight on every issue and I implore thee that I would fill me with the Holy Spirit by that I mean take control of the special total control take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to thee and let the evidence of sincerity of my prayer be seen from the next step I think the next look I look the next thought I think the next word I utter the next reaction I react no matter how trying the circumstances that I will spontaneously have the victory of the Holy Spirit the fruit of the Spirit and I will reveal Christ help me to know that I am NOT sinlessly perfect 'add by what I have done tonight but that I can live in victory in the light had been given and as I walk in the life that God has given me the blood of Jesus Christ God's Son continued cleanses me from sins committed in ignorance with the Old Testament people had to make sacrifice to God for by shedding of blood and therefore Jesus shed his blood for sins committed in ignorance but I know that the path of the just is a shining light that's sign of more and more unto the perfect day until the day that has take me home more light must come but I must continually Ugur but I can live by thy grace in the light I've been given if one isolated failure comes my roads of the celestial city with all the powers of Hell against me helped me not to give up but to get up to confess that once in in Fame and to look to the blood and not to allow another sin to come in my disillusionment to get up and carefully see God for grace where there's a weak spot and I know that if I never neglect the quiet time to soak myself in the Word of God and in prayer morning and night if that is the greatest priority in my life but I will never let anything keep me from that nothing will divert me no matter what its cost morning and night beginning tonight till I die I know that I would grow from this time forth in consistency a consistent dross into more and more crushed lands which is the only desire of my heart live out their life within me oh Jesus King of Kings I have one deep burning desire well I may be like Jesus for apart from that I have nothing of any value to God or man for no man will no one we want what I offer if I don't Revere Christ beginning in my home in Jesus Christ name in Jesus the Christ name for his sake only for his glory on I asked this with all my heart I mean can we remain just as we are this for one moment don't move America as one hope if the Christians of this land seek God for the things you swore to God for now not for the vine that's an empty word that means anything today it can mean big crowds yes survival sir that's not otherwise the Jehovah Witnesses have got your mother it's not true until a Christian then there are multitudes of Christians in this land but the bark I believe are compromising and that's why we have lost our vital reality we as the salt of the earth have lost our savor and we become worthless the world that looks upon what we've gotten doesn't want to be trampled underfoot of men they don't want it and I don't blame them until we get back to this you want to pray for something God let the Christians of America seek this because until they get back to the standard of this book you've never known and your country will get worse but if Christians across this land see God through the standard of this book of just what I preached today let alone the rest I guarantee you America nothing this world will try will destroy his land though history will change and stagger the whole world because Christians on their knees is the only army that can save America from being destroyed your great enemy isn't Islam a great enemy those Christians who could have saved their land but are not hearing that's the army God waits for that's the only army that's gonna save this land the army of God on its knees right with God because if our heart condemn us not then have we confidence toward garden whatsoever we ask we receive of him they coughs we keep his Commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sights if our heart condemn us not and they don't condemn anybody kneeling here from this moment so right now if you started praying for your nation tonight the devil and all the powers of Hell will be screaming at hurling backwards and fear into the into eternity into space and what you're doing because when you write with God sir if our hearts condemn if not then have we confidence toward God churches in strife but not until and whatsoever we ask we receive of him because we keep his Commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight the open answered their prayers but the face of the ball is against them that do evil Christians including your prayers will turn this land history is not your president that's going to do that don't wait for politicians as a man said last night Nativity from my heart sir I'm not American so you're gonna have to forgive me here I have one fear for America if the Christians don't see God like this crowd tonight attention and then start praying and their needs for this land to be saved from what the devil wants to do if the Christians turned back to what they should be the godless will start at symbol that's they will open their mouth on their knees until then your only means now the world will be my don't stand here I wouldn't touch me if I don't get foul let's bow before a holy God please and Thea reverential fear here brought the dawn you must come forward but there's also one of the men that must come forward right now and that's our brother Greg Gordon will you please come forward the two of you wouldn't it be lovely if we asked brother Denny brother off brother Harold will you come forward to if you understand if you're getting tired and you need stand it's not it's no one matters it for God knows he doesn't want you to be uncomfortable spiritual God if your tire in your old get up stand sisters godliest meaning it's a heart that matters will you come stand here dear brother in the front please and would you please make Greg Gordon comes 10 next year here is better than in Kenaston and here's his brother Harold yeah he's gone his brother golf history forgive me dear brother asking you to come if you're still in the auditorium and our brother Greg dear brethren will you please each very short menu I can't stand your feathers telling you please something's wrong mr. desperation what you pray that brief moment I'm quite sure would be more meaningful than if we passed a million other preachers because you're men of God will you commit us to goddesses for prestige and then brother done you would commit us properly to tell us how to end this will you please just have a short praise
Channel: Ahava Jerusalem
Views: 14,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, God, love, peace, heart, hope, grace, mercy, future, heaven, youtube, google, facebook, internet, soul, best, now, bible, truth, freedom, prophet, life, right, overcome, pure, holiness, joy, will, conscience, time, believe, faith, sin, flesh, lust, sex, adultery, pride, humble, law, fornication, uncleanness, sorcery, hatred, heresies, murders, revelries, envy, idolatry, wrath, hell, damnation, homosexuality, gay, deception, last days, warning, filth, temptation, keith daniel, compromise, wake up call, must watch, sermon
Id: Qcl6NV-RrhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 47sec (6047 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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