Full Surrender by Keith Daniel

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and here Amaya 18 verse 1 the word the word which came to Jeremiah the word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying arise and go down to the potter's house and there I will cause thee I will cause thee to hear my words then I went down to the potter's house and behold he wrote a work on the walls he wrote a work on the wheels and the vessel that he made of clay was marred the vessel that he made of clay was marred was ruined was ruined in the hand of the Potter a vessel that he made of clay was ruined in the hand of the Potter so he made it again he made it again another vessel another vessel has seemed good to the Potter to make then the word of the Lord came to me saying o house of Israel cannot I do with you as this Potter behold as the clays in the Potters hand so a year in mine hand o house of Israel at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to pronounce I will and concerning a kingdom then I will go and they said and they said well what does the nation what does the nation say in their hearts to God when God sends a creature like Jeremiah with such a message and they said this is the heart of a nation responding to the message of a man sent from God and they said there is no hope there is no hope but we will walk after our own devices and we would everyone to the imagination of his evil heart we will everyone do the imagination of his evil heart verse 18 then said they come and let us devise devices against Jeremiah for the lair shall not perish from the priests nor counselor from the wise never waver from the prophets come and let us smite him with the tongue and let us give he took any of his words I would like for us tonight to look very carefully I would like for us tonight to look very carefully and caringly and Clare only at the life and Ministry of a disillusioned preacher I would like for us tonight to look very carefully and caringly at the life and Ministry of a disillusioned preacher in a decadent doomed nation in a decadent donation and perhaps it would be good for us perhaps it would be good for us to all look back to the beginning tell him and look back to win gob at first called him to preach Jeremiah look back to win God had first called him to preach and he wrote in chapter 1 verse 4 then the word of the Lord came unto me saying in the belly I knew thee I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations then said I but the Lord said unto me say not I am a child now thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak be not afraid of their faces touch my mouth and the Lord said unto me behold the road I have put my words I have put my words [Music] years later years later deep into his ministry deep into his ministry in chapter 15 verse 15 a disillusioned confused and away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] therefore thus saith the Lord the next verse it therefore thus said the Lord where what can God say to a man in such a state as this what can one say to a man in such a state as this therefore thus saith the Lord if if thou return if thou return then will I bring the again and thou shalt stand before me and if thou take forth the passes from the vial if thou take for the presses from the vial thou shalt be my mouth these words that God said to Jeremiah in verse 19 a staggering words beloved they are staggering words one of the greatest theologians in the history of the church said that the most accurate interpretation the most accurate interpretation of what God was actually saying the meaning of the word that God was saying to Jeremiah in verse 19 would read like this if you give up this mistaken tone of distrust and despair if you give up this mistaken tone of distrust and despair cleansing your own heart from unworthy suspicions concerning God's faithfulness cleansing your own heart from unworthy suspicions concerning God's faithfulness you shall be as but if you don't saw her I can never use you again I will never use you again child if you don't if you give up this mistaken tone of distrust and despair cleansing your own heart from unworthy suspicions concerning God's faithfulness you shall be as my mouth Jeremiah you shall be as my mouth but if you don't child I cannot use you I will not use you again it would be the end of his ministry if he didn't do something about this distrust I want us all to take careful note yeah I want us all to take careful note here God does not come to this man God does not come to this man and say old Jeremiah I'm going to take out of your life and circumstances all the things that are hurting you God does not come to this man and say I'm going to take your life and circumstances all the things that are hurting you the things you feel I should never become in your life in the first place no Oh beloved God does not come and say that to this man these things were never meant to destroy you or your faith and trust in me child these things were never meant to destroy you or your faith and trust in me these things in his life and he wrote in 2 Corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 and lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations and lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations that was given to me in the flesh the messenger of Satan the messenger of Satan to me to be this I should be exalted he said unto me and he said unto me my grace my strength is made perfect in weakness is made perfect in love Jeremiah sank in despair and bitterness is difficulties and troubles Jeremiah sank in despair in the same difficulties wrote in 2 Corinthians 8 we are troubled we are troubled on every side yet not distressed we are perplexed [Music] [Music] almost gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me it's a staggering statement beloved but in the school of God in case you don't know what God will not rest until that is your testimony from your heart in case you don't know in the school of God God is not interested in your comforts there will come a day when God requires of you to say from your heart to him therefore I take pleasure in infirmities and weaknesses in reproaches in necessities in persecutions in distresses for Christ's sake for when am i strong Oh beloved be honest even if it's going to be just one night in your whole life in a meeting you're required to do so every one of you be honest if it wasn't for if you had no witnesses no infirmities no problems no difficulties no trials you would never once in your Christian life to look away from your own strength and had to look to God for his strength for you to be able to survive you would never once approved the power of Christ in your life if it wasn't for all these things that make you know you are weak and without his strength you cannot survive God wants that in the school of God from every one of you he's not interested in your strength child in your abilities and your gifts don't you know that's why the things you cry out cold three times he cried not just three prayers three times he got so desperate with something in his life that the devil sent it was the devil but allowed by God because God knew this is needed for what I seek in his life the fruit I'm looking for is not the food you're looking as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts there's no comprehending fully the thoughts of God and his dealings with us but you honestly believe God just has lost control or isn't even looking when you despair over things the devil is bringing in your life cleansing your own heart from unworthy suspicions concerning God's faithfulness you shall be as my mouth but if you don't shine I cannot use you again how can you install faith in others if you have no faith in yours yourself if you have no faith yourself do you know God does something to all of us when we're saved and in the school of God and that happens the day you get saved you enroll in the school you enroll in God's school and trust me about this and you want to walk with me you want to be your best for him God does something that almost seems cruel that seems cruel and unreasonable God gives everyone of us no matter who you are a thorn in the flesh a thorn in the flesh do you know what a thorn in the flesh means God gives us something that handicaps us don't doubt this don't doubt this or you won't know anything about what's going on in the heart of God or in life once you're saved if you doubt this God has to deal with this God has to deal with this thing in my life it means to punch so hard literally that I lose balance something God lets the devil have consciousness of in your life that will literally make you lose all parents God does that God stands back and allows that why does it seem God would allow such a cruel why would God it seems like it's cruel God three times three times he laid down everything in life not just three prayers he laid down life he withdrew everything in his despair of what was in his life and he sought to deliver it that it might depart from God didn't deliver it I want this thing time to make you bring fruit that you're not looking for the things you think God needs to deal with this not the things God wants to deal with the things you despairing about how many times the things God knows he's not gonna take out of your life because that's gonna bring the food you're not looking for God looking for different fruit than you and I are looking for in our lives you know just looking for brokenness and let me tell you young man brokenness is not the tragic thing it's the first step to greatness there's no religion there's nothing there's nothing to compare with Christianity there's only one way friend in God's eyes and that's to get you broken yourself and you can see that written across the man and by the way if God isn't having his way it's not a nice to see it in a Christian but oh Christ begins to come up to a man when God starts making a man conscious he's nothing he's too weak his gifts aren't good enough his own strength isn't good enough and he begins to reveal Christ all God's ways are not our ways God gives us a thorn in the flesh deliberately in mercy in love and wisdom that you and I don't have he gives us the thorn in the flesh the messenger of Satan to profit me to hit me hard it is Satan sent by Satan to destroy me allowed by God to make me do you honestly think God loses control when the devil comes and really makes you lose balance and stagger you so staggered you despair throwing in the flesh you know when I was a little boy now let's see how little I was I suppose as little as you were right in the middle there now everyone has been look at you so that's how terrible I am to make you get embarrassed [Music] [Music] in South Africa my daddy didn't like a city very much but he had to be there but he built our home on the heads of the city way out on what we call the wiles I tell you people call woods like forest what we call forests but in Africa we get thicket it's like what you people would refer to as jungles you know it's really think you're gonna be small to be able to get in there you know how we got in the monkeys in the baboons they made paths through all the monkey jungle Oh big people will be scared to venture in there many of them at will that was our playground and we would run you wanted to see me I was always the first you know they didn't like it it was fun well one day me and my friends were running and I was usual in the front of the Rossa liebelei and I was running there was no how it got into the thicket under the plank a piece of wood the mail fluid I rested long nail I don't know how they ever got there for I was running we got back to where they have a pharmacy you people call a pharmacy I can't believe what you got in our country a pharmacist where you get medicine not everything else in the world like America but we had a pharmacy a chemist there and the old chemist knew all the children he was an old uncle you know and when they laid me on the table he put me down they had snipped the wood off and there was the nail and the piece of wood of course pull this thing out and pretend to septic anything to try and help the to stop them get here but you know I I couldn't walk I had to be carried there was no such a thing as standing and taking a snip there was I was finished with what went through my foot I couldn't walk I had to be literally carried out of laid there unable to get a step but the thorn in the flesh is not like a thorn in the flesh that God allows you can walk you can walk but you know it's not easy to walk wizard or your conscience all the time there's something that makes you have to walk carefully and slowly you can't walk like you want to you slow down it's like a handicap you're conscious all the time this is difficult this makes it difficult this makes it hard we don't have the slightest ability to even begin to reconcile apart from his word and really thinking and allowing the Holy Spirit to give us revelation he knows why does God do that why does God do that now we must take careful note what do one person is a thorn in the flesh is not necessary to another person that's why don't expect sympathy from anyone concerning your people will look at you and think you you notice Paul didn't name it you dare not either most people won't to you so despaired what to one person's the thorn do you know dr moody moody was one of the five greatest soul winners in the history of the church don't doubt that one of the five greatest soul winners that ever lived in the history of the church was dr moody your dr moody from america he brought Scotland to God John Knox brought Scotland away from wrong but moody brought Scotland to God as no other man is history Scotland began to seek God Moody was amazing they say 1 million people came to God through him without loudspeakers but they're wrong you know that was far too conservative other books are written saying it cannot be the million like the original book ends of telling us of his biography approximately 1 million of people came to Christ no he bought whole nation is back to God brothers sister moody brought millions I would say for me is a conservative that's not taking a chance so don't just go by this 1 million oh he was one of the greatest soul winners in the history one man without radios or out loud speakers without televisions of videos to spread his ministry one man million people very conservative a man who'd he was turning the world upside down even in America but now Judy Moody what to one person is a thorn in the flesh is not to another and moody proved there one day dr moody was walking in chicago now Chicago and yoohoo moody was let me tell you something everyone you in that city he walked down the street with the president one day you know a president and you know what made him walk away from a president a drunk in the gutter he left the side of the president never to be near that president began in his life that wasn't to him what was needed he went down he couldn't pass a soul that he saw need if he had this compassion no darling the gutter oh no wonder God used movie no wonder God used moody all he saw was the soul our moody one day was walking down the street in Chicago he had his old suit on and his old bowler hat I don't know you've seen the pictures of moody with his old suit I think he used the same suit most of his life once he put in a bit of weight anyway well he was walking down the street now in Chicago and Moody was doing something strange he was looking down but that's not a good thing for a Christian to do you're supposed to look up brother but he was looking down and here he was this great soul when I stirring the whole world becoming a household name across the mood he was walking down the street now and he was beginning to really was really concerned nothing has gone wrong suddenly the devil had a very uncouth hard cruel man standing on the other side of the street to his full of sin and he recognized Moody and he shouted as he was standing there by the tram stop waiting for the tram with a whole lot of people he [Music] [Music] abusive language I believe he was a really uncouth man screaming me across the corner Moody was look at this man what Rudy do takes of his hat [Music] that must have confused the devil what to one man is the thorn in the flesh is not to another man here exactly opposite he wouldn't understand he wouldn't identify with all you're going through with that you must remember that I want to read something to you and I want you all to listen carefully very carefully all thorn in the flesh may be so different to other people what is your thorn in the flesh will you listen every one of you and let God point to you why he's a lot of things it's different it is to others we might not understand to some people were born in the flesh is physical you've been given some physical setback with sickness a handicap that you must bear all your life got a lot it slows you down it drives you to despair you can you can't be what you want to be for God what you wanted to do for God it's so conscious to some people the thorn in the flesh is physical you've been giving some setback in a handicap that you must bear physically all your life it seems to others the form in the flesh is something about your character that you become conscious as a deep setback in your life where people misunderstand you because of this in your character they misunderstand you constantly you know we have a in our mission which is probably the oldest missionary society in Africa one of the oldest in the world to survive when other missions collapse our mission is in there many many years is that many godly people when I was a young missionary in Africa our leader he had been 50 I think 55 years in full-time service for God was burning his life after souls and his wife he had been a leader in this mission for many years respected revered but he was now old and they had this big farewell you know in the great hall and the missionaries and the fruit of the mission came in their throngs to hear them speak and they let his wife speak she was allowed to get up and share a testimony at this farewell as she was saying goodbye and withdrawing now from full-time capacity in leadership but with his missing and she testified something that staggered that congregation to the depth of their soul this godly woman she testified she said none of you have known I have had in my character something that has kept me in the dust all through the years every day people were scared of me but as I had more and more leadership because my husband was an authority the ladies had to be dealt with if something went wrong with the lady missionary work is all over South Africa in Africa it was my responsibility to confront them and I didn't want to but I had to my husband didn't go to a lady to dinner I was the one is the leader's wife and often times I had to but this something about my character that people were offended it I think I'm conscious of it it seemed like I was angry and people became fearful of me I began to really stagger me that people were so wounded by the way I spoke I didn't mean it intentionally as sinfulness and I began to weep before God when I realized the hurt and the shot and she said I came before God one day and I said to him I wish God the dogwoods make me like this if a bird snips Ethelbert Schmidt was one of the greatest preachers in the history of South Africa he was probably the most loved man in our country's history apart from Andrew Murray himself who turned our whole nation to see God when he was alive Ethel Burt Schmidt she said I would like to be like him he never gets angry no matter what people do wrong as a leader he just so gently there's no anger there's no harshness and there's no strength in his way he's just love you know when people fail what is ever breadsmith do he goes and puts his arms around another man once they get angry I look for anything to encourage them with you he really was an amazing person nothing made him angry he was the gentlest and then God said to me one day on my knees I want you to make me like it in God said in her heart fo Bert Schmitt was born like that he didn't acquire that through going through with God some people are born with a gentle character he just happened to be you are like your mother do you remember she thought about it you're not full of sin you've got your mother's care because she was like that when your mother said jump everybody's out just the way she said it now you've got your mother's character I think you're sinning against me and met and then God said to me but in spite of this in your life I can still bring grace I can give you all the grace to make you christ-like as you stay in the dust because of this thing something great can come out of it she said you know I was in the dust daily I went down before God and I would grow before God I would cling to God very few people might ever need to so that I had the grace to walk out and not react as my character naturally wanted me to and we just react without sinfulness in my heart I had to stay down at the cross daily through the years as very few people conscious of my desperate need for God to keep me quiet to hold my lips and to give me somehow wisdom to know what to say in spite of my having to be a leader it kept me in the dust this thing guard left some people the thorn in the flesh is physical to others the throne in the flesh is something about your character have you become conscious as a deep set back where people misunderstand you constantly but God doesn't take it out of your life it's not sin this means if it's gonna be refined by the blood but controlled by the Holy Spirit because you need grace and God gives grace to those who know they need it kept you down it kept you careful to make sure you draw strength to psychological you could have a deeply negative character a hypersensitive spirit that the devil aims at always to study you through insensitive harsh and cruel people I'd like to repeat them just some thorn in the flesh is psychological you could have a deeply negative character a hypersensitive spirit that the devil plays chaos reliever he aims at always just knowing what to do he's got enough insensitive people in the church and he tell you he just knows what the didn't set them off through insensitive harsh and cruel people the devil is staggering but if you noticed something about such people I'll tell you pick up their Bibles and you'll know immediately if you want to know the mind of Christ why God didn't just take it out of their hearts are they not insensitive anymore these people they survived by the Word of God every page it's almost like you can see the tear seeking for God to comfort to heal the wounds daily they devour the scripture they identify with every promise the dates and they're the marks what God promised them concerning the hurts concerning the people that were beginning they had drawn near to God in a way no one would ever draw near to God for survival they devour the time with God they have to they seclude themself every moment they can get for healing for comfort for faith for something can get them up and go back he spotted the cruelty that's going to hurt them and they know it well God has his way and not taking another lies there's somebody who devoured the Word of God as a source of survival but others who are not sensitive we never devour the word and identify with every promise others reformed in the flesh can be a person the messenger of Satan sent by Satan to perfect me like John Wesley do you know who John Wesley's thorn in the flesh was you know Wesley they threw him off a cliff left him for dead he got up and he walked to the men who threw him off the cliff I mean a high cliff he was left for dead they were scared that what was happening in all the towns and cities would happen in their town these men of sin he got up he walked into the town oh he was in a state covered with blood and bruised and limping and he led the whole talent of God beginning with the men that through her more nothing could discourage him I stoned them do you know they stoned him for fear of what was happening that the stones literally covered his whole body he's about a hundred men stony we don't want this trapped in here they walked away he wasn't they all came to God the whole town turned to God the drinking places closed the dance floors the world places closed for some two hundred years they he was a very short man you know I wasn't he was they walked away because he was angry him against mended in the end the King of England by law said the stocks I know the king all of us persecution against wisly and his followers toughs the cost there's a bloodbath in France and Europe most of nobility were killed but a guillotine by that time through the anger and the hatred and the resentment of the poor had been unjustly treated but wisly stopped one man stopped this bloodbath through England and he was gonna start don't doubt it and the poor came to Christ in their masses and they forgave the rich they didn't have anger and the rich came to Christ in their masses from the royalty on and they found suddenly compassion to the poor and they began to set up a nation where no other nation was doing these things of good coming from those who had worked because God brings healing in a land and he did to this one the King said this lend the history of England has changed through one man and we've been spared of a bloodbath we've gotten acknowledge that no manners to touch this man or his followers again I know the king let bad turn us all together to God oh it was wonderful but one thing one thing he drove Wesley to despair of life they say he despaired that he saw nothing leaving him for dead not a hundred men trying to murder him in their anger that didn't make him despair that didn't sit him back one iota only one thing made Wesley despairing life was his wife she was godless she at some point decided she didn't want gone she hated God and she ridicul din she made his life such it was like a scourge came upon do you know nobody judged wisly not one even the unsaved didn't dare to judge them and say how can you preach certainty or what doesn't even love you everyone knew it wasn't Wesley's fault it was Charles Wesley's fault his brother his brother in those days a brother older brother had Authority a great Authority once the father was dead the oldest brother was the authority it was just that way of life and Charles Wesley stopped John Wesley with marriage and chose someone else for him and he made a mistake it was his mistake it wasn't what wisly wanted there was even some summers stand trying to stop but because of Charles resistance and strength of character Wesley submitted and he made this terrible terrible grief because this woman this woman made him despair he drove into his knees and you gotta love it God didn't want it because the devil is dreaming but God allowed it to a man that made our nation to God some thorn in the flesh can be a person listen carefully here well how often the thorn in the flesh is a person sent by the devil to stagger me allowed by God to help me virtually a person who thinks that is their god-given duty to criticize you and undermine you and treat you with contempt because of something the devil has told them about you well often it's a person like that that God allows to come along your way whether you a preacher was someone just wanting to go through with God the phone in the flesh can be a person who thinks it's their god-given duty even in the church to criticize you and undermine you and treat you with contempt because there's something that Devils told them about you at times you think it is their life mission to destroy you it seems that nothing will ever pacify them until you've destroyed but these things will not destroy you beloved they will make you trust not about that they will make greatness in your life that would never have been if it hadn't been for the very thing your despairing about God doesn't allow any not to torment you but to bring you to a place of greatness so others that can be one of their own children the thorn in the flesh can be one of your own children now that's tragic when a man's enemies of the members of his own household is five verses in the Bible five passages sorry where Jesus speaks of this and my cast exhibit we're because of Christ the manchild rises up against him in variance and against a hate his father because the side wants the devil all children who do not want to follow God not to follow your God they want the world that can drive a man to the dust let me tell you as very few things can God didn't want it but he allows it he could deal with that child and I've seen him actually do it when it got too much I want to speak about that now a man said to me one day here in America when I first started coming over here he said to me Keith my boy and I think all of you will know this man a great man of wisdom you want to be used in God if the devil sees he can't give you keys he's gonna now that you've made a desire to serve like this now that you have this desire to make a mark for God in this world I guarantee you the devil is gonna come against your children you can't get you but he sees what you wanting to do what you wanted to live God do and my boy you can be sure the devil's gonna aim at your children a million times more than what he does another Christians home because if he can get one of your children keep your having you in the dust so much of your time would be in a dustbin heavens when that man said that you know what I did I started daily including today brother a few times through the day today and every day since that men walking down the street while I'm preparing your praying suddenly I diverge from everything and I cry out to God with such a girl God whatever the devil is doing to try and put a seed in my children's hearts that might bring forth a hatred of God and God's ways and a love for the world God undo it now by the blood of Jesus undo that nothing grew bare of the devil's efforts Lord whatever he's doing whoever he's influencing my children through people other Christian children who were just playing the fool with God who could influence my boy God protect anything that was doing any seed any word blood of Jesus mercy I am in warfare for my children daily since that man said that to me I have said to God oh god if the devil gets my children I I will die right God knows I mean it but when it happens and God allows it don't think it's gonna destroy you it will destroy me that's why God hasn't when a man's made enemies of the members of his own house so children don't want to follow God they want the world oh that can drive a man into the dust it can drive a man into the dust - sunda thorn in the flesh can be a weakness that could lead to some moral failure a weakness you can't understand why God hasn't dealt with young boy younger married man preacher to some it can be a weakness that you cannot understand though you've played with God that you despair though you beg God here with this God I want to serve it but this thing is hitting me back this is already back it can be the thorn in the flesh is a weakness that could lead to some moral failure or that has closed-mouth failure in the past but that God can give you total victory over and he reveals that to you as long as you draw grace from him and strength today you find a man with this in his life for a young boy who really means business with God he spends more time with God than anyone else because he knows I can get up from my knees and through that time because no hurry just drawing strength tries to get you will have total victory child but I'm leaving that weakness to make you become someone who spends time with God more than others greatness is going to come into your life through that weakness if you let God have his way if you don't it could destroy you though symp by the devil to destroy you allowed by God to make you there is nothing that will come in your life when you name the name of Jesus that isn't intended by God meant by God allowed by God to make greatness in your life though you despair about it no matter who you are to some the thorn in the flesh could be something in your past that the devil accuses you of and puts fear in your heart about again and again I want to repeat that to some it may be something happened in your past that you're so scared will be brought out and destroy your home destroy people's respect of you and how many have that a weak moment like David even the man of the ghost something in your past of the devil continually accuses you of and puts fear in your heart again and again now I'll beloved if that is the thorn the flesh God knows what's that man and that woman what's the brokenness rather Dawn was asking me about how many people I know that in the ministry fell into sin and yet we restored and give him the right brother I didn't tell you fully but many were given the right to get back in the pulpit but every one of them including some of the leaders people who knew of this and they made those men the leaders of the whole mission of the jé be the largest missionary society in Japan the leader head of time when one day he fell into sin terrible's and all the reverence of the Japanese bobbington because through one day he met with God again he got restored eventually he found a walk with God that he had never known before because there was something that wasn't there before there was a brokenness a brokenness of self and so did he walk with God that eventually his life found more impact for God than before the fall they made him the leader the president of the chain and they didn't make a mistake many people there's things in your past that haunt you and you have fear of repercussions that are gonna go into your dying day about even if you're true but listen even help the man it accuses you of something in your past heaven help the man that touches you who is he that condemneth who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect it is God that justify who is he that condemneth it is Christ that died yea rather than has risen again who is even at the right hand of God or fool method that maketh intercession for us beloved when God forgives a man no man be careful I have seen God deal with men who rose up he would not forgive somebody who God wanted to restore because of something bad in their past they wouldn't give mercy and when they fell no one wanted to give them be careful it'll come back with you on you like a vengeance that you are going to play upon somebody's past and think you can haunt them God will like you he will wipe you out if you dare to do that so you people with something in your past when you get restored to godliness you when you get restored to God rather than most of them like restore to God but I know for ministers some leaders oh did God use them from then on no one wanted to bring up their past of the ones I knew anyway or prayed with should I say why would God deliberately allow a man to be handicapped a man who wanted to serve him with all his heart why would God handicap a man to the point that he is driven to despair because greatness is not wisdom child of God it is not abilities or giftedness that God is wanting to use in your life brokenness is God's first step to greatness in Christian and God knows how to be young man is not a bad thing it's beautiful when I hurt and like rust before God when I hurt and like rust beyond belief and I think I am so destroyed that I shall never rise again God suddenly lifts me up to Heights and opportunities that I never knew or dreamt God would never trust me with rights that no one ever ever thought I would reach my father-in-law who is a loved preacher in our country and a man of great wisdom and one of the greatest men of God I've ever known in my life and I have known many of the world's greatest men of God I guarantee you God's privileged me you read their books God mercifully privileged me to converse with and pray with them and befriend many of them I don't know why God gave me that privilege but my father-in-law is one of the greatest men of God in the world today don't doubt it he said to me when I was once cast down and lying in the dust wounded all mine let me tell you people something you think there's glory in being a preacher there's no glory you won glory young men don't ever come to be a preacher go get some other profession there's no glory in preaching there's no gray you're in the dust most of your life if God's going to use you if God is going to use it to the degree God is going to use you're going to be in the dust you have to be that's God's Way and you learn to be comfortable there you're safe it's to safe places for someone God will use one is in heaven the other one is in the deaths so you want to be used by God and don't come for glory come to the dust my father-in-law looked at me when I was cast down once one of the times when I was down staggered beyond belief stung the wildered I think like drunk you could say that such things were coming on me I was just so staggered I was just losing guts and my father-in-law looked at me in his great wisdom God has given him and he said Keith my boy I'd noticed something about you and I want to share it with you right now every time I've seen you go down like this boy every time I've seen you throw him down into the dust every time it always was just before God was going to do something through you that would stagger this world so I'm not too worried right now walked away the thorn in the flesh sent by Satan to destroy me allowed by God in His infinite wisdom to make me to make me look to him for grace so we see that it has to do with war between God and Satan Satan has the right there to destroy me there and I could really make sure break even though God meant this to make me Satan's in something into my life hoping to hurt me and destroy me but if we keep our eyes on Jesus and God stuns the devil with most things he allows the devil to do by using that very thing to bring out greatness but would never ever ever be seen in our lives where we begin to glorify Him did you notice that in 2 corinthians 12:7 the thorn in the flesh there was first the desperation in Paul's life it was followed by a revelation always you will find when you get desperate about God's dealing with you God will give you a revelation always he doesn't leave you in the dark beloved God is love but you've got to be willing to hear his voice even if it isn't what you want to hear about the things you're praying about there was a desperation followed by a death by a revelation followed by resignation desperation a revelation a resignation that's what God wants of every one of you concerning the things you've been crying out and hoping one day he might deal with when God but I'll carry on until you deal with it hoping I'm not going to deal with it maybe it's the revelation God gave you tonight in your desperation suddenly God's given you a revelation here tonight the revelation he gave to Paul I'm not going to take it out of your life for one reason my strength is made perfect in your weakness but that weakness it won't destroy you this thing it will make greatness in your life I want resignation for because I'm not going to take my grace is it's all you need to not be destroyed but my strength is made perfect in weakness there's greatness coming child strength my strength is there it's going to become evidence in your life and your weakness so God gives a man in desperation a revelation waiting for resignation a resignation to God's will almost gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities in my weaknesses I'll tell you something child of God until you say that not quoting it but from your soul in utter sincerity to God you really are going to make a mess of things do you want that for the rest of your life or will you come to resignation Nomos getting a side laying everything down crying get this out of my life God so that I can do something for thee no God if this is what the revelation is that this is the answer of God to my heart I have a resignation to God's here no more desperate most gladly but I rather glory in my infirmities my weakness is that the power of Christ may rest upon me therefore I take pleasure do you know what that means can you think of saying that I'm going to be happy about these things that have driven me to despair these people and these weaknesses I take pleasure in infirmities from now on in reproaches in necessities in persecutions in distresses for Christ's sake for when I am weak I am strong do you notice that the Old Testament was never written as history people think it's history but it's not it is the history of the people of God in the dealings of God with his people but it wasn't meant to be looked upon or eras history it is meant to be looked upon as the Word of God as much as the New Testament to your heart and mind it was written for us everything every single incident dealing with God there's something of a spiritual significance in the names in the genealogy when you've been through the book a few hundred times you just see you don't stop it the story of David and Goliath and get excited as you did the first time through the Bible get through the Bible many times you come to the genealogies is the first couple of times were just agony to get true suddenly you wanted to stop nothing is in the Old Testament that wasn't written to excite you to give you some idea of the heart of God of the mind of Christ we'll be in poverty without the Old Testament it's not mental history every warning he gave to the people was the warning to us every dealing with the people was how he deals with us if we murmur his grief though he's great he's chasing everything is just grabs cried to you as an individual and sometimes to a nation to the Christians of the nation but the majority of every dealing of God to his people in the Old Testament was meant for you and I to get a grasp a glimpse of the heart of God of the pulse of God's heart of something of the depth of what he's doing and what he's allowing we get something of her glimpses through God's dealing with us what he's actually accomplishing and trust me about this every promise that he gave his people is mine I have held onto these promises old brother and found God honoring me those promises God had me in mind when he did that was words be said through prophets to a nation he had me he had my name he had my weaknesses he had me in his sovereignty in his greatness and he wrote her down for me to survive and you and to understand and not to lose heart now Jeremiah was sent down to the potter's house it was doing something with some work he was working on the wheels in the pottery and God said I'll let you hear my voice as you watch that man I'll give you a message to take to this nation Jeremiah and there was the Potter and suddenly that witch what he's trying to do they ruin it in the hand it was rude what he wanted to do is destroyed and that really wasn't easy Jeremiah watched saying about this how many of you sitting here you're lying in God's hands and what he was doing you like Jeremiah and God says to you tonight listen I can make you again in as much of a mess as you've made though it could have brought greatness in you your unbelief your fear of me and my will and my ways of my losing control in my wrongness and treating you Lyall eating you down Oh Jeremiah cannot I do with you thou give up this mistaken wrong tone distrust to despair cleansing your own artim unworthy suspicions concerning God's faithfulness if you do that child you shall be as my man yet which I wanted in your life I will do glorifying my name through you you'd be like the mouth of God what preacher could ask me more for the will of God too beautiful but Jeremiah if you don't even I is God God says to give an idea I do if you don't give up this distrust and despair because of things I am now in your life and I don't allow them in your life just for you to reach Israel Jeremiah there's no such a thing in God sovereign here's the preacher in destroyed the preacher gets made by what he allows in his sovereignty everybody's in the school of God desperations of what's going on about the story in the flesh that god is never going to take out of your life revelation tonight is that's what's happening one thing left resignation every single one of you sitting here tonight let's say to God in this moment resignation every one of you sitting here that God knows he brought that's been going on because of that thing in your life that you despaired about and wanted God to get out and haven't believed and distrusted can't you confuse your faith is staggering about God this desperation ends notes and I give you a revelation and I expect one thing now resignation I want those of you that need to say God tonight resignation from this night most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities of the power of Christ may rest upon me therefore I think pleasure from this night Carter I'm glad for the things that come on me from this night guard I take pleasure in infirmities and weaknesses and approaches in the cities in my stroke those of you that need to have resignation by saying those words that have this time from your heart till the day you die from tonight won't you who desperately need to say to God in resignation about the things you've despaired up to his revelation to stand and say it's me God and I'm gonna pray for those that stand no one else knows the devil knows with the thorn in the flesh is come all of you standing come stand in the front you let's make something sacred of us don't trip on the wires of this machine please just forgive me saying it but I see they're a bit hanging out just be careful as you come but come let's make something sacred before God that this is the turning point of what the devil thought he will destroy you God's gonna be able to make you as never before just come can you stand in the middle please just keep coming toward the center and pet people come be part of the sprayer oh God doesn't despise you God loves you you know I often was that God would just stand for one moment in my place and just move me aside and not say anything just look at you if you could just see his eyes when you year to his will like this just look at his eyes all fear would flee from your heart forever if you could just see Jesus eyes no words just if only God could just look at you as you you'd like this you'd never doubt again in your life that expects you just look in his eyes every one of you pray these words with me Father forgive me
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 9,801
Rating: 4.9136691 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Daniel, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Id: SZRm2DdI61A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 35sec (5015 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2010
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