Offcenter chuck

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how come back to your shop we started a new small project I for the small steam engine I'm building right now I need some mean of turning eccentric parts and four-jaw chuck is fine for that but most of the stuff I do is very small and also the parts for the steam engine are very small so I decided to build my own device for eccentric turning and this is what I came up with this is my this is a miniature faceplate that bolts onto the spindle nose and has a single t slot in it the T slot is exactly in the center and it's machined to be 10 millimeters exactly 10 millimeters we're close fit and what I'm going to make is an angle plate or a V block it will sit on top of it registers in the slot and can be slipped in and out so it's very easy to Center apart and to offset it by a given dimension using dial caliper steps mics or whatever you want and I did this off camera because it's nothing special it's just turning a big hunk of Steel done machining D the centering recess and back drilling and tapping D 10 millimeter shreds 40 standoff bolts and machining the 10 millimeter t slot into it but now we need to make the angle plate and I found this piece of 123 12 tool steel there's a pre hardened tool steel I used this also for the Chuck jaws I made and for for my for some other crotch hinge I like the stuff it's almost free cutting its pre hardened and machine drawer nicely and this is the top view of it if the end plate we're going to make this is the fixed we block that goes on top of it one which will have a ten-minute key on the other side and this is the whole town which can go in like this for small diameters down to three millimeters and can be inverted for dimers up to maybe 40 millimeters eevblog will be held down with one single eight millimeter bolt that should be adequate and the whole town itself will be held in place with two six millimeter screws and what else yeah the design is a direct copy of the Keats angle plate you can google that it's a very common design and model engineering for small Leafs these steam engine builders almost all noticed design and we will make one out of this block of tool steel and most of the work I think we will do on the shaper okay we have the block squared up all all around and should be to size and the surface finish as usual from the shaper is pretty good it's really not bad and we're just going over to chamfering machine and break down all the edges there we go all edges nicely chamfered pretty fast pretty even all around and now we can proceed on okay let's do some layout first of all we want to send a lot and I'm using again the gauge block and describe for layouting because I still don't have a proper height gauge and I'm especially looking for the mid tutorial on with the dual round columns okay we got the centerline now we want the width of our of our D notch that's 20 million so centerline is at 30 1/2 20 is 10 so 10 minus 10 is 20 so you use it 20 millimeter gauge block 4 for the width of e of the V and just flip it around and do the other side it's okay now we have the width of our gates of our V not knowing the 45 degree angles and half a block here and this is another position layout now so we can use the girl stereotyped page or surface sketches as it's called and we just set it to to this line and scribe a line say this side and to cause everything symmetrical we can just flip it around and do our layout line on the side to perfect layout lines weren't happy with it now we can machine out this v-notch yeah and adjusted us a second set of lines because the v-notch just looked too small didn't look right with the 20 millimeter wide v-notch now it's 20 20 full 26 millimeters wide and that looks way more proportioned so let's go to a shaper and cut this cut material okay I have to swing the Wyss around to machine D we cut out and for this operation twice needs to be trend so let's let's do a quick trim half twice using the dial test indicator just move it to a convenient other and tighten the screws and traverse across e acrostics chaff device and yeah this is one in 1,000 it's almost that not so great yeah I want to show you how I trend device but yeah and it has full contact with the wise charm and @s travel in both directions though no need to trim the wise here yeah that's that's pretty darn good down and do a quick check if it moved but this wise doesn't tend to move when you tighten it down so no worries okay we have two part already kind squared up and wise or at 45 degrees and wise and how I set it up is pretty easy I used a we block which is a precision we block and I set it on top of the part and then I had a level surface where I could indicate I just use my darkest indicator like this and traversed across e across the B block like this here you can see it again I set the dial to 20 and Traverse across and there we are at almost 20 again okay this should be good enough yeah nineteen nineteen perfect pretty easy to set up something at forty five degrees when you have a pretty precise meet block and you're part of squared okay right now we're cutting the v-groove and they're just roughing out the material using the power feet in the table power feet to work a way up against the described line I have their take cups off one and a half millimeter depth there that's a pretty substantial cut for this machine okay I got to be blocked finished and I checked it on the surface plate with dial indicator well test indicator and it's on all dimensions within about one hundredth of a millimeter for the V slot itself it's seven and a half hundreds offset to the other dimensions of display but that's doesn't matter very much because doesn't matter this is the this way this configuration that we block will go on to this face plate and we want it to slide in this direction and we're going to use this key which is a which is a very close fit and the T slot to go on the bottom side of this we block and I want to cut a slot in here where this key fits or close in and yeah this key needs to be centered to the V or otherwise we it's it's pretty useless and it's I I have an idea how to Center on this we're going to use a dowel bail pin hardened and ground we will hold this in device and we take this towel we click the place with one with a can twist clamp or with C clamp or whatever and we can use our towel test indicator to Center on this pin and then we get the center of this V we cut out very precise then we can use that zero to machine the slot for the keyway here ten millimeters wide and I want this to be a really snug fit in the slot so machine and said okay I have to be o'clock already in device and it's clamped up device is of course trend and now we're going to use AC clamp to hold this pin and place so we can indicate it okay okay I already sent it on the style pin I just went down with the with the indicator and spun it around together even reading all around now we can remove this whole setup step and machine our 10 millimeter keyway slot is there okay six Milner's roots will cover a 10 mil I touched off and we're going to cut this slot only one millimeter deep okay should be the ticket oh yeah this is this is really perfect fit no weight at all yeah that's that's fine okay little time warp I finish the Vblock in fact I just added these red atolls I took a key I drilled it and screwed it into the slot we just machined then i relieved backside of this Vblock just to make it look nice give it a good a good appearance almost make it look like a casting and also reduce the weight a bit because this thing will rotate off-center on the lathe and if we make it the lighter we help with the we help the machine that way so it doesn't wobble around and that's how the the Vblock fits onto the faceplate I made a t-nut and when I use a long screw I can reach through the Vblock into the t-nut and I can clamp the Vblock and position and as the d-block is guided by the key the adjustment for eccentricity is very easy you ate it has only one degree of freedom so it's very easy to align normally a keeps angle plate has just bolted to the face of the Milan face plate and it has two degrees of freedom and it's really really hard to set up and quite tedious so this is in my mind break pretty much an improvement and now we just need some some kind of a strap clamp or a clamping bridge or however you want to call it to hold the workpiece in the in the beam the v-groove the most simple form would just be a piece of flat material with two bolt holes that can be screwed on to hold of our piece then you can set it Center or off Center as you want and do your machining okay we're roughing down a piece of tool steel that will be the strap clamp for the V block it's the same pre hardened material I also used for the V block itself it's a nice material and I had a piece about the right size and we're running a certain millimeter shell and mill high speed steel at 200 rpm under power feet that's girl okay I have brough down the block of raw material to final size so it fits like this and as you can see this is quite a chunk and there's a reason to it right now I couldn't clamp say the screw like this because the screw is due to its modern diameter below this the surface so you can't clamp it and for that reason we will define the strap clamp like this this blue material all will go away and then we can just this this pyramid-shaped will engage into this we cut out and can clamp smaller diameters okay we have a three flue carbide end mill ten millimeter in our spindle and will go down almost the full Sortino meeteth and we will just hog away a material until we are almost at their permit and then we will tilt the part for the five degrees and Counting the sentinel at 1000 rpm okay we just talked away most of the material and we took the full 13 millimeter depth of cut at once and we get incredible nice shape okay ah we made a mess of nice long chips by the way these chips really hurt if you get get bills stuck in your finger so don't play with okay we drilled or two clumps holes for the six millimeter clamping screws and now we'll change to the counter or contouring tool and give these bores light to count the board this is just purely for optics I don't need to do that and that's really only because I like to look at this there is no real technical purpose for these counter bores and we'll add some on the other side too we cannot rest this piece that way and parallels because it pointed so we'll hang it on the parallels lay down the Pearl S on top of device and clamp it like this and the parallels will support the part for counter board this would not be an ideal setup for milling but for Caliburn is perfectly fine there we go we'll clean up the surfaces just for parents of 180 grit Emery cloth here and put it over a flat file there just clean a surface okay and this is how it looks finished we have the strap clamp on our V block and can reach down into the we to hold small diameters and just to see how small I have a piece of this is two millimeter drill rod and we can perfectly hold this perfectly clamp it there we go nice and secure and if you're worried that you might damage the surface you still can put in a piece of brass shim stock now I can set your your offset from the center lock it and do your machining and now go to the leaf and would just turn a piece for fun okay Merle at the lathe and just about to set this thing up and just let them oh sweet bowls and now with the use of the indicator here we can determine the overall totals row of the after later crankshaft or the crank I set it down here and when we come up we have about three millimeters but we want only two millimeters so zero it and give it another spin we have one point seven that means we have to get yeah 1.95 yeah this is 2 millimetres pretty much now we can clamp or in the plate with the screw okay put on them your hardhats we do a speed test we see how this behaves when we run it up at quite some RPM let's start slow and crank it up okay we go up to about south-north p.m. okay we didn't get much vibrations at all in this configuration this offset in this angle plate and the Vblock and all stuff on here is pretty much balanced there is only one spot where I got patient that comes from the motor I have that also when I run the three cha-cha on this machine the whole machine gets four and a band of about ten to twenty rpm into harmonics and starts to swing and you have to skip that that speed it's only a very small band where it it gets into harmonics but that's not the fault of this off-center Chuck so we can run this at pretty high speed but yeah it Vblock is head along with one six millimeter screw which can these can exceed quite a lot of force and part is healthy even with two screws and this is also very secure and the whole chuck will also not come off as its hold in place with three 10 min less that but still you might be better off playing on the safe side and not max out the speed with one of these okay there we go that's our prank pin let's take a closer look Masada the machine went very well at the beginning I was taking a bit of a heavy cup for this much overhang and I got some reparations but I backed off and everything was good and what you can also do is you can use this if you want to work on a you want to set apart to run true like you normally would you would use a coloured Chuck but if you don't have one you can use this you camp your part and then you can adjust it for several run out as precise as you want and then you can do your machining and be happy also it's interesting when you use a tool post grinder because there are no moving parts in this and users reach out Chuck for grinding you have to take it apart and clean it completely because of all the grinding dust and taking a three jaw Chuck report is not the most fun activity this thing is cleaned in a few seconds you can't you can't this is a piece of tooling you can blow off compressed air without any worries no worries there cos there is no moving parts work and blow stuff in so you can also hold square material center and off-center like you want and this thing has quite a lot more uses so you will see this in future build videos of mine and until then thank you for watching see you next time
Channel: Stefan Gotteswinter
Views: 86,055
Rating: 4.9611053 out of 5
Keywords: exzenterfutter, exzenter, offcenter, drehbank, lathe, crankshaft, camshaft, kurbelwelle, excentric, offcenter chuck
Id: 8d61F_EhiX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2015
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