Regrinding a drillpress spindle

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[Music] hey welcome back today we have a small drill press quill completely assembled here at the hidden bench that needs the taper to be reground it has a relatively large taper not sure where this belongs originally but the owner of the quill wanted to have a be 16 taper which is like a Jacob's taper in the u.s. just it's another style of taper the beat tapers are basically a short version of Morse taper it's cut off Morse taper and we will rewrite the end of this as quill to be 6 and taper to match this drill chuck and I figured the easiest way is to do this on the tool cutter grinder with the quill set up on the table in to vblocks magnetic Reeboks but first for good measure safety I added a strap clamp up here that holds it securely in place with a key here in the key slot so do not damage the other diameter of the quill we're going to adjust it to 1/2 the taper angle and we're driving the spindle here via o-ring larger ring and two pulleys off the motor drive in Birkhead here like Birkhead was reach out Chuck and and there's just a pulley with a dowel pin as a shank I made this some time ago when I read round a life center for a leaf I could grasp the live Center with drill motor and I have a pulley clamp on here on the on the output shaft or input shaft of the quill with a little bit of run out this is the pulley I used for the Life Center and boardís match almost it's not critical because the o-ring drive doesn't give any major side loads on the quill and will not have a problem there and runs very nicely next step will be to adjust the taper angle and figure out the dimensions of the taper I'm going to use this scissor type sign bar I make this years ago years and years ago before I had a surface grinder this is completely machined out of pre hardened tool steel all pretty much all down on the shaper and as you can see it's it's not ground it's it's a shape or finish wood but still it's quite it's very decent it's a relatively precise for what it is and we're going to align it with the base against the quill here and we will hold it in place with two precision ground magnets like this and the second one over here make sure it's contacting to cool nice and tight now we put a gauge block stack in here that indicates our half half taper angle and we indicate it in by loosening the strap clamp and tapping the whole setup around until we get a zero to sarah reading on this sign board okay get the reference book out and as I said be 16 taper is just the end of a more steeper - as you can see I have the B 16 drawl Chuck here and one more steeper - wall hopper and that's the that's the double ended drill chuck will help there so you can adapt it to an to a straight output shaft of a milling machine very useful slightly lacking rigidity so look in the reference book here more snippet - we need more snippet - down here and back here we have half the taper angle which is one point four three one degrees the funniest thing about morph sleepers they all each size has a different angle keep that in mind and we want the outer end here d3 these three is fourteen point five millimeters that's our narrow end of the tape of fourteen point five basic that's all we need to grab this taper the overall length is determined by the drill chuck I just measured down it's a drill chuck how much taper they ground in their overall length and we'll just grind the taper on the spindle a little bit longer 23 millimeters in this case one point four three one degrees that's what we set with the sidebar sinus one point 4 3 1 x 65 65 is the distance of the rollers on my sidebar gives us 1 point 6 2 millimeters my sidebars find in a way that you have to add one millimeter to get to get 0 so plus one two point six two three something sounds you're suffering so we will build a gauge block stack of two point six two - until you check 2.6 - and if we put that in our sign bar we will have our angle and loosen the bolt up here not so it can tilt the whole set up and I already checked that I need to go a little bit out this end okay that's almost zero zero in to end it's clamp it very I hope you doesn't don't shift it okay that's over this sense of about 60 millimeters and we get about nothing it's it's pretty much zero end to end makes a little bit of bow in the middle keep in mind there's a two micron indicator should be alright for such a short taper keep in mind the taper of our grinding is just 20 20 something 23 millimeters long and you're indicating over a length of 60 so we will almost a third the error at least half the end era okay indicator out of the way and our sign bar out of the way marking off the length to where to grind the actual overall length is not critical at all just needs to be a right diameter here and the right taper there is the wheel again if you want to know more it's a 46 grit Horvath eye aluminum oxide wheel I have these made especially for my grinders because usually you cannot get surface grinder wheels that small captain from HP life I'll be life Mittal EMB Hall here in Germany very reasonable price I think I paid something like 14 euros apiece [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I roughed down all all the material by plunging in next one full wheel if so I do not wear one side of the wheel completely dominant to have to redress a whole lot of it the end out here is about fourteen point six forty point five nine which is very close to the diameter we want tapers ground and we check with our Chuck here this check will supplied that's not mine looks pretty good I just pushed it on and it's it's a and so it so it has to be a good fit I set the quill to the correct angle using relatively precise equipment so I do not have to tweak the angle probably so I will change to a fine it will at 46th grit wheel we've not not what I want for a machine taper so I'll set up a finer wheel probably an 80 grit and just dust it off very lightly and it's done okay I finished ground to taper off a 60 grit Norton deal relatively hard wheel not ideal but it worked looked quite decent finish is okay Ronald is not brilliant this is a two micron indicator and I get about to get about one division off Otto's round and round that's true microns considering that we are not running spending bearings in this quill probably that's that's that's okay and it's a real press not a precision Ryan door so I'm I'm happy with that two micron for such as for a drill press tapers in my mind okay okay ish while I'm very confident in my taper setting here with the sign bar I still want to double check just in case something happened by blowing up the taper and checking with drill chuck that I got supplies to for testing I like the that I can high spot you for four tapers holiday gifts even with a very thin layer of painted gifts gifts a very good print a very good readable print I wear gloves with the dye count if you look in the metal material that material safety data sheet for for the back end there are some things in it that you don't want on your skin and for checking a taper right just take the mating part get it on the taper and it gives a very light maybe five degrees of rotation and and I pulled a Chuck off and take a look at the print on the inside you could try to blue up the inside of the truck and get a print on the taper and that's very hard to do because you cannot get a very good coverage of paint a very even coverage of paint on the inside of the taper here I just put a little bit off I came on my kid wipe and I just dropped the taper down with it while it's spinning so I get a very even coating and when we take a close look at the Chuck we got a very good very faint blue color all the way around and taper and that gives me the indication that our taper angle of the of this and this are spot-on I have a nice lead out radius here to the to the old diameter of the shaft just very good because I get no stress risers there so the taper will not have great cast easy yes it it was a very sharp corner or even on the cup and we're good to go that's another one another one done we're done regretting the taper I ran a flexible crate X big over it just to give some nice shine and doesn't change the geometry at all removed also the hairline burger here on the edge I wrapped the world over the edge here in front with a stone just headed running and who stowed to roll it over there's no shortage yeah upstairs is setup down pack it up send it back hope you enjoyed this short one thank you all for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Stefan Gotteswinter
Views: 53,368
Rating: 4.975862 out of 5
Keywords: knuth, t&c grinder, werkzeugschleifmaschine, spindel, spindle, spindelkegel, b16 taper, B taper, morsekegel, B16 kegel, cylindrical grinding
Id: L3J5rRhpO00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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