Most Oddly Satisfying Video to watch before sleep

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hello friends it's me and for a lot of people today is super bowl sunday but here it's satisfying sunday so prepare to be satisfied with the unrelated yeehaw wait it looks like it's not moving right the forbidden slime coming out of here looks like it's frozen right no touch it i dare you i have triple dog dare you it's pouring it's actually pouring out but it's not filling the bowl you know why because the bowl has a hole it won't fill up because it's draining this is called a laminar flow so it looks like it's not moving again looks like it's frozen but there is liquid coming out of this do not disturb the liquid sir it's crazy how it's not moving hey you get back to work but i'm working doing my job y'all ever blow bubbles in the snow uh plot twist you can't whoa it's freezing in real time like you could see the bubble juice freeze but then what happens oh it's so beautiful oh and just like that it just collapses rips it apart it looks so magical while it lasted oh is there ice in there okay pull it out pull it out oh that is oh that is a long piece of ice whoa is it hollow is it solid are you gonna break it i was gonna use it for a cane oh picked it up oh whoa you can see inside oh it is hollow oh that was wonderful but now i miss it you know with all the snow comes a bunch of satisfying content i don't know about you guys but i can watch ice tick tocks all day it's just so satisfying i turned off the cutter on the pasta machine probably gonna get fired for this so this is a pasta maker it makes fresh pasta and there's a thing that just like cuts the pieces into little pieces but wait what if you turn it off what if you let it grow longer it is no longer pasta this is turning into spaghetti whoa a rapunzel rapunzel let down your spaghett oh it's beautiful how long can it get you could literally make the longest piece of pasta what are you doing throw this into somebody's bowl of mac and cheese guaranteed to make their day oh what is that why did you do that you cut his tail off oh replace tail with holes what are you scheming oh no he's getting bigger very large very large red oh bubble rat shake him up why would you do that i feel like i've witnessed a crime are they making a curve oh that is nice i got real smooth real quick cut me a slice of that i don't know how cement can make me so hungry like look at that is that not the most delicious looking forbidding cake you have ever seen so nice to have a slice well so they dyed his hair but with this cap it's only the tips oh they pulled it open whoa sir is this the vibe i don't know about this one it's like bleach hair with the ends black i mean it was nice seeing it come off like oh what was the look you were going for reverse porcupine look at your car except it's frozen oh over a half a second i thought he just broke his car handle off no it was the ice oh no cars were harmed in the making of this video oh but watching that ice crumble oh it's like taking a bite out of an ice cream with a chocolate shell and it cracks very good can you make a sword what is this shiny soup and how can you make a sword out of it oh it is liquid metal is it that easy you just pour it and make sword oh dump the excess you cannot have any liquid metal hanging around you only got one free hand to do this tick tock and then you can pick it up and it's literally a sword you can pour in any shape that you want and it will solidify you can pick a metal sword just like that blacksmiths are punching the air right now for my male audience i'll pick it up oh whoa i didn't think it was gonna be that big on the whole side of the bucket has a piece of ice what are you gonna do with it where are you taking it are you going to break it i want to see this drop it drop the ice yes excellent love to see it something satisfying for you oh that was nice the way it just fell apart it peeled the wrapper off i just crumbled i wanna know how the snow gets like this was it coming in like one direction windy epic perpendicular snow oh i'm not gonna complain that was nice opening a dam's gate after years a dam is meant to hold in water you telling me you could just open the gate oh that's not water what's the letter out that's nasty it's been holding it in for a while several years worth of dump exploded oh there we go there we go here it comes whoa yeah now we're talking there's some liquid coming in hot after all that solid waste oh man that was cool oh this is how they make caramel apples and it is so satisfying oh the butterscotch chips delicious everything about this process is perfect it even has a hole for the stick i'll sure do know how to run a business i gotta watch them do this again they stab the apple whose device the stick inserting device oh that is one big pot of caramel caramel or caramel you choose oh man that's making me hungry i got to stop watching these videos so late oh this is a pov i want to see oh this is how they get rid of the ice in the road and i thought it was salt salt overrated you know we need this gun now just like claw pieces of it snatch it up breaks into such nice pieces get out of the way before i salt you are you going to put a hole in the grass i know what that device is for oh that was even better than i thought it was going to be the hole is perfect this is how they cut the turf which is fake grass oh is that cheese cut it let me get a slice oh whoa there's like a big piece of mozzarella and they cut it and then it's like all the little balls oh man i should call him okay but i mean that is the most perfect piece of cheese i have ever seen the way it just explodes oh wait for it i know there's a glaze on that glaze is hard oh it's a donut oh my goodness it's like a creme brulee donut oh that looks so good bro make a protein castle so i scooped up some protein how is it staying how's it not crumbling that's gonna make it crumble that third one oh no there it is oh and then drop the protein straight into the shake i didn't know protein could be so satisfying for the male audience oh some more protein how is it so tightly packed together oh it's in there good it doesn't want to come out oh that's a good plot i mean that's the protein i use i hope that blub does not have a rat face on it no just normal blub oh oh i was like whoa it hit the floor it didn't pop or anything i was like nope just kidding oh that was like a tsunami blub went bloop and did the poop oh that is a mighty fine piece of aloe vera oh the knife is sliced so good toss away the wrapper like it was trash oh they got so many of them it's like fish fillets you tell me that's all it is when they say 99.9 percent aloe vera gel another 0.1 percent the container so they just puree it turn it into lotion yes ma'am oh you got a rice roll up in there dump it out how much rice you got oh very good oh there's a peel on it oh okay don't want to eat that oh but that is hot and steamy all the way it just came out one piece nah i see some stray grains of rice chilling in the wooden bucket they got a lint roller rolled it over the rabbit and all the fur that it was gonna shed peels it off and this is gonna be on my bed carpeting clothes and now it's on a lint roller a great success oh again oh even more can you do this to dogs too because they hate getting brushed but what if you brush with litchfrozer oh i have never seen anybody cut a cinnamon bun like this oh kinda weird but also beautiful in its own way they cut it with regular scissors look at the art project what's this bad boy look like when it's cooked don't be shy cut it oh let that mattress breathe that's not a mattress they're putting the weathering strip on the window and it's so seamless you gotta do it in one fell swoop oh no but he stopped near the end ran out of window slime oh very good oh throw it oh man that's beautiful it's like fireworks but it's cold and on the floor and instead of hot enough in the sky cold and on the floor like that way it just broke into a million pieces on the frozen lake the frozen ice store on the frozen lake excellent pressure washing this beautiful house starting with the path whoa so if you got like moss growing in between you have to actually get rid of that first oh that's a lot then you start pressure washing i thought you could just pressure wash the grass off i've only pressure washed my patio twice it was a miserable process and then someone stole my pressure washer so i don't have a pressure washer anymore anyways they're rinsing it off and he's putting sand i can't wait to see how clean this is oh it already looks like a new dryer i thought he just said epic and moved to another house i don't know this is the same house it's just clean now it was like a dark gray before with grass coming through this isn't even the same house anymore no honestly i kind of like the look of it before i don't like the color of this tile that's not a real window the window is frozen solid oh you can roll it up and down and the ice doesn't go anywhere break it push it off break it punch it put your hand through it maybe your foot no and this is a missed opportunity you could have kicked it it's been a perfect opportunity to just show off your ice cutting skills oh my goodness gracious this is so jiggly there's one perfect ice cream cone ah they look too good to eat not gonna lie the brown one kind of looks like the poop emoji oh yummy that's not spaghetti it is a dessert oh those are jiggly too cut the cake i wanna see what's inside they didn't show me what's inside that egg ain't cooked and i don't care how good that egg looks i don't like eating no liquid egg oh my goodness that is the most perfect pastry look how many layers it's rolled into oh gorgeous they took some snow oh they're gonna toss it in here oh i was like okay that looks hot but i didn't know how hot i think it's because the coils are like so tightly wrapped that it causes heat i can't believe that ice melt is just like like damn you're hot time to clean a coin this time we only gonna get to see one fourth of it clean it was that mustard i saw yellow bottle deodorant why oh it's not clean yet gotta put some metal polish in it oh i can't wait to see how clean it is when it's done all done oh no do you see how filthy the rest of the coin was you told me it popped out of a factory like this with all the dirt on it the finger grime from thousands of people handling that one coin ugh like brand new the treasury would be proud but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did i should hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 11,975,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, satisfying, oddly satisfying, satisfying video, oddly satisfying video
Id: WOEh8yxW0JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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