Make 400 Damage UNBREAKABLE Fast Sword in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

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one of my more recent videos was how you can get the most powerful weapon in the game and have it unbreakable well no more this video is going to really give you the most powerful weapon in the game and also make it unbreakable turns out we're able to escalate the power of the weapon we have about three or four times to the power that we made in the last video like this and it's just insane it's just mind-blowing that we just keep coming out with new updated information in the power gap between the last time I did this and the time of doing it now is just huge you guys are gonna be able to get a busted weapon that's just never gonna break you're gonna be able to one hit lionels okay I'm gonna showcase this in action when we do it similar to some of my recent videos you're going to want to go to the sanctum in the Hyrule Castle the flying part and behind some Rubble in the main room you're gonna find a royal guards Claymore and that's what one weapon that you want I guess that's just a good standard for getting a high damage weapon but it's worth noting you can use any high damage weapon to do this the next thing you want to do with your high damage weapon which is unfused of course is throw it into the mouths of these guys right here the gray ones in particular because they're the ones who buff it now I just did four of them and I happen to have got 41 with attack up plus 9 which is just one attack off perfect so I'm very happy with that you can find four different ones of these to use one here which is just south east of Death Mountain you got two here which are just north of Goron City and you'll see them quite obviously this is near the skulls this is just past the mouth of the cave and then there's also one up here near the Lizard Lake the top one so there's four different locations you can use to do these Buffs another thing you're gonna need this time around which is very different from my last video is this armor set in particular this is the evil spirit armor set which if wearing all three pieces gives you a very important bonus the bone weapon proficiency you can obtain all three parts of this armor by doing all three of these mazes you'll find this one up here in the north in North lome another one down here just to the east of the Gerudo desert you'll find that in the mountains and the other one is in the most northern East northeastern part of the map which is in the water that's the next one you want to do all three so you can get all three pieces of this armor another thing you're gonna need actually is the molduga jaw so you'll be able to find any muldugo jaw by beating any molduga in the desert they do spawn in a whole bunch of places you'll be able to find some here in toruma Dunes for example and go ahead and knock one out pick up its jaw if it does drop a jaw and you're good special thanks to craze gaming for doing a load of testing on this and getting all the actual figures so we can calculate what kind of damage we really have so what we're going to be doing is we're going to be applying multiple Buffs from different sources to this Royal Guards Claymore to make it ridiculously powerful and we're going to attach it to this MSG not found Master Sword this is the master sword which is indestructible completely unbreakable from the prologue of the game we did a special glitch to get this sword highly recommend you get your hands on this sword when you do this so you can make an unbreakable version of this weapon if you do not have this you will be able to follow the instructions in the video Linked In the description so you can try and get your hands on one of these it's not too bad a glitch and yes this all works in version 1.1.1 okay so I came back to Innis Shrine which is the shrine you use to get the Invincible Master Sword I just showed you just happens to be just the one that I'm picking to do all these glitches but you will be able to go anywhere where there's a straight wall to do this but first we're going to do just a little bit of setup so we can properly do the glitch we're gonna go ahead and get out our mildugo draw and we're going to fuse that with our Claymore or whatever powerful weapon you decided to use the reason we're using this is because it's a bone and the armor I have gives me a 1.8 times bonus to the damage of any bone weapon I use fantasticals it's worth noting 1.8 isn't actually shown in the stats there the 73 and the taco plus 9. it's not shown there so the OnePlus 8 is on top sorry the 1.8 is on top of what I already have shown so next up we're going to prepare our double damage that we want to transfer to MSG not found now the Royal Guards Claymore has two stages of double damage its ability it holds massive destructive power just before it breaks means that it gets double damage when it's in the red rather than just before it breaks every weapon gets double damage just before breaks which means literally one hit before it breaks so that means if you're using a royal guards Claymore and it's on its last hit it's actually getting four times damage that's important we cannot transfer the four times damage to the MSG not found but we can transfer the double damage state that it will be in when it's one hit away so in order to get there we're gonna do just Spin to Win attacks and slam it into the ground until we get the message where it comes up saying it's badly damaged so let's go ahead and do that real quick all right right there it is your molduga Hammer is badly damaged now big difference from the previous video from here once you get that message to pop up we still have to do two more one hey two okay so now the next time I do that the weapon breaks I don't want to break it I want to keep it one hit from breaking but if I didn't do that we would not have gotten the double damage transferred onto our MSG not found so I know there's a lot of inconsistencies with people getting this to work in the next part and that's because we used three of the cloned weapons but actually we're going to be changing that part right now because we're making a sword in particular we're going to be using not three of any weapons we're actually gonna be using three long sticks so there's an enemy right down here very close to the shrine we're using in Isa Shrine here and this guy as you can see he's holding a long stick so let's bash him up a little bit what happened to my sword where'd it go bash him up a little bit and uh take his long stick all right so we're back at The Shrine here with our long stick now if you guys remember how to clone if not it's all good I'm gonna show you we're going to want to make sure we have three long sticks total all right so equip the long stick drop a heart save in the grass over here let's go ahead and drop that save all right go back to our weapons drop the long stick clip anything else hit plus twice very fast plus plus and then drop that go over to your load and load up the hard save just like this that is going to produce for us a second long stick that we can now add to our inventory so I'm just going to Showcase that to you guys here on cut once we load it up and uh we do not lose anything by the way we just get the extra long stick the Zora's spear that I still have there it's still there and now we have a second one now in order to do this one more time you're going to want to go a little bit away from where you did the previous hard save so we're just going to go behind the shrine now we're going to do the exact same process dropping new hard save don't forget that part all right and then we're going to do the drop again so drop this equip anything else plus plus drop that and load and that will produce our third long stick and we're ready to move on to the next stage which is going to be way more consistent and work for more people now uh compared to the previous video so do watch on so we're ready to enter the shrine but what you should have by now with all the setup is the MSG not found the glowing one hit to Breaking molduga hammer or whatever weapon you're using to transfer onto the MSG now found and three long sticks as you can see I have right here let's go ahead into the shrine and we're ready to rumble all right so inside the shrine what you're going to want to do is get any decent wall that is just purely straight right any straight wall so for me this wall is pretty ideal here this is a straight wall it's very good and we're going to use that one so first things first folks we're going to go ahead and equip our MSG not found and we're going to drop our hard save always recommend doing a hard save before you do any of the messy more difficult parts of any glitch just so you can load back into it but now we're ready to go so stunning fairly near the wall that we're going to use we're going to go into our weapons and we're not going to jump we're gonna endure weapons and drop the flashing weapon that we want to transfer onto our Master Sword okay the MSG not found and then we're going to go over to the wall here we're going to tap down gently on our analog stick so we can turn our U-turn here and face the other direction we're gonna hit ZL I'm going to straighten our view up as much as we can so we're perpendicular to the wall I'm going to hit a three times one two three okay now we're gonna hit plus and we're gonna equip the leftmost stick we're going to drop the other two one to from right to left and then we're going to finally drop the equipped one as well we're going to re-equip the MSG not found we're going to hit plus twice very fast plus plus and then we're going to drop the MSG now found and you will see you can't take that out here that means you know it's worked but you should also see the three sticks behind you having dropped so let's go ahead and pick up the molduga hammer and now it's worked so now we can see the master sword has the 71 attacker plus 9 it's flashing red it's also one hit away from breaking a lot of people would have had the issue that the master sword here wouldn't have gotten anything it would just be still 30 and normal um that that issue is now corrected by using the long sticks so I just want to clarify that we've also picked up our normal milduga Hammer but the sword the big bonus from this now as well is as you just picked it up it's gonna work and the attack is gonna work very similar to just a normal Hammer but you could change that by removing it and re-equipping it to make the damage from the Hammer as fast as a normal sword and you'll see it's running low on energy we are now Unstoppable absolute Mayhem guys we can attack quickly with a double double damage 71 it's actually it's not even 71 it's actually 146 plus 9 at the moment as it stands but we're also wearing the correct armor which gives us another 1.8 times to that damage we are currently sitting on 262 damage but we can do better if you want to mess around with this a little bit more you are absolutely free to pick up the three long sticks so we're going to test this on all these lionels in the arena I'm going to demonstrate this but we're also going to get that last little boost that I'm talking about which will bring us to 400 damage folks or just under 400 damage for this weapon on a fast attack which is just chaos and it's unbreakable it's just Mayhem so let's get out of here and let's go into that Colosseum so the last touch to the extra buff that will bring us to just under 400 damage are the mighty bananas and of course we do have a new dupe option so you'll be able to duplicate as many bananas as you need to do this as well as as many transferable transportable pots very easily very quickly this is going to give you three stage attack up for four minutes you can get longer time on that if if you try a little different recipes or whatever but if you're just using bananas it's all good so uh what this is actually going to do is add another 1.5 times multiplier to our attack and that is going to give us exactly 394 damage on the specific weapon that we're using now do keep in mind you can absolutely do a little bit better than I did the Royal Claymore I used is not the highest damage you can use Gloom club which starts at 50 and then you can also get attacker plus 10 which is the highest you can bring that to one hit from braking and do this whole thing to get well over just 400 which you can absolutely do guys so good luck with that it'll be well over 400. all right here we are in the Coliseum all the linals are raring to go let's go ahead and pop this meal and we are good so now we have just under 400 damage we have a fast attack 400 damage sword let's just see how a Lionel fares against something like that come on buddy ah that was quite a bit there we go flurry Russia six hits he's done [Laughter] salute maniacal absolutely destroyed oh my God next up we have the next level Lionel I believe this is a blue one let's give him a flurry Rush one two three four five six seven eight eight eight little hits here one flurry Rush he's done uh can't wait to try this on the silver Lionel it's gonna be pretty nuts all right there's a white one let's try him next all right what do we got one two three four five six seven seven eight nine ten eleven oh come on come here come here that is done he's done next up this is the silver one right I think this is the silver one so here's the real test folks what I'm actually gonna do for this guy I'm gonna I'm gonna jump on his back for this one let's go ahead and get ready for a back hit here just shoot him in the head that will do it let's get on his back and see what he's made of all right four five six uh I've only got six hits on them oh all right I'll finish them off with a flurry but that did half his damage that just half his HP that's nutty seven eight nine ten eleven twelve oh one more 13 hits on a silver Lionel getting sneaky thirteen oh wow don't worry about the message coming up because it is a it is indestructible so 13 hits on your just your regular Master Sword here this is crazy and by the way this guy has the uh the stone armor okay but I know you will probably aren't used the idea that we can just go ahead and use this sword on it but it is in fact a hammer right it is a hammer so just watch and learn let's just get a flurry Rush on this guy and see what we can do there we go here it goes one two three four there goes his armor ridiculous man absolutely ridiculous you see how easy that was guys and we get all of the gear so this is beautiful this is an arrow farming method folks you can Farm arrows for days well everybody what do you make of them apples you now do actually have really the most powerful weapon you can get in the game it's not the most powerful in terms of the damage you can obtain however it is the most powerful in the sense that you have this huge massive damage of just under 400 with the demonstration I showed you and you can get over 400 but it's also unbreakable and it's also fast attack all the time so enjoy that and we also have a new method for how to make sure this works for everybody as well using the long sticks hopefully that fixes a lot of problems for everybody as well thanks for watching Everybody I'll see you guys around the next video till then bye
Channel: BLAINES
Views: 262,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, tears of the kingdom, zelda news, zelda glitches, how to make most OP sword, how to make unbreakable weapons in zelda tears of the kingdom, how to get glitch master sword, how to fuse glitch master sword, most powerful weapon in tears of the kingdom, tears of the kingdom glitch guide, totk, totk guide, op weapons in tears of the kingdom, blaines, blaines youtube, invincible master sword, make 400 damage unbreakable sword, how to make 400 damage weapon, op sword
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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