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well I guess things can't get too much worse ah maybe they can jon hamm welcome back to Octodad yes back in October I know we are thinking how on earth can he be playing Octodad again because we've already completed the story and that is correct but the cool thing about this game is it has the ability to use the Steam Workshop which means custom levels and some modded content as well and I know you guys love this game I do as well I get tweeted all the time to play this some more and now we can so let's do this here is the workshop right here now there's not that many new custom levels at all even though the games been out for a while but I have tried to select some of the best ones I haven't tried out any of them yet so I can share that experience with you guys so let's let's try some of these shall we first one is called little add a dining room now apparently yeah look I will little look at this it's the dining room from Octodad and look at all my goodness yep son hey buddy how you doing I like half the size of my son can I can I kick him can I can I kick him yeah oh I'm still powerful I'm still really powerful I just knocked my son over even though oh geez what have I knocked over I like dragged things all my goods I can still drag things like I'm a super human squid look at this oh this is amazing so some levels are modded kind of like this but some levels are like completely new ones what an earth is this this is a shark what what is what is this it looks dangerous oh that is terrifying it's like a monkey I don't even know what that is like a monkey shock oh that's so weird okay so now that we're tiny we should be able to explore different bits can we not we're not open these we know open these at all am I not close enough I can't open them oh geez can I climb it let me see if I can climb it this is gonna be tricky because you know I'm small now you know what I don't think there's a way but I might be able to climb this one over here and it looks like there's some interesting items and I should be able to there there we go there we go stick my feet in there come on though make this work please octodad's come on yes yes yes I've made it I've made it a dinner so you've got a very very nice painting here there we go oh geez oh no um can I can I clear it up with this I thought this actually I thought this was like a roll of kitchen paper but it turns out it's just a vars its I oh dear I broken the ornament of our marriage oh geez well I guess things can't get too much worse ah maybe they can destroy destroy it there we go oh that is tight look at this tiny book Oh God small this is one tiny thing has matched the size of me ah that's so cute let's see if we can pull this chair over and see if we can get back on it can I can I use it to get up please I want to try and get on the table oh oh I thought that was something spilled it's okay I thought the red was some spillage or something oh oh oh I'm being all chaotic up in here I should be able to climb this stair now and try try and climb the stair now there we go it's so difficult and then climb this chair and then Oh No although I've fallen through a 403 what's going on I do some kind of weird dance oh haha oh I'm stuck in the chair I wanted to try and get up there I don't even know how I'm gonna do it oops I'm so sorry so sorry keeps kicking all cheese and keep kicking my children can we go through any of these doors I want to see if I can go in the kitchen that would be absolutely amazing if I could go in the kitchen as a small little octodad's that'll be so cool I bet there's so many things you can go inside and mess up I can't even remember which door it is actually it might be that one over there I think it might be this one right in front of us next to look at our VARs VARs is almost pouring water on my son's head and also I really don't think there's any way I'm gonna be able to get on that table I really wanted to play with the crayons and the apple and stuff can I go through this door though can I can I though no I'm too small well let's move on and we are going to to 0ag grocery yes zero-gravity in the grocery store the grocery store was difficult enough in normal gravity but with zero gravity what is gonna happen um oh oh I'm flying I'm flying don't mind me I'll look everything is there Oh gravity all this is going to be perfect we just need to cause as much destruction as possible look at all that stuff up there it's all flying around oh my goodness this is awesome ha ha it's like it's like a grocery store in space I don't think there's a way for me to get down there's no way for me to get down - look there's trolleys up there there's all this random stuff what even is this koala milk of course it is look at that everything is just gone crazy I can still kind of move around but I can't go up and down because it's zero gravity I am stuck in the air look I'm just hovering above the pineapples don't mind me sir don't mind me apparently it doesn't affect the NPC's they must have really heavy shoes on or something but look at me look my legs are all completely tied off I just want to touch the bananas come on please go go go go I want the bananas to join me in zero gravity please oh oh don't mind me madam don't mind me I'm just trying to find some corn and stuff flying around ha ha what we also have is zero gravity in the aquarium now I have no idea how this is gonna work we've got to watch the cutscene once more of me being absolutely terrified of the aquarium BOTS it's gonna be zero grounds and so I think it's gonna be a little bit more fun than it used to be here we go what a great way to start haha she's looking at me like what are you doing what do you I can't help it it's zero gravity I am a space octopus right now that's what's happening that is what's happening right now ah I am so stuck to the ceiling this theory of gravity is even worse it doesn't even it doesn't even let me go to the floor until there's no way there's no way I could good choice I can't even cause any car what is that what is that Oh what is that is that a lizard's why is there a lizard up here ha ha ha oh this is so weird and finally just a tiny room of zero gravity look how beautiful that is everything is gliding I really like octo Don's outfit really really nice look who just flying around is an absolutely insane little squid can I use my arms in this one I can there we go we could actually throw stuff around space squid has arrived there we go he goes a chair ha ha this is amazing this one's the best zero-gravity so far because you can affect everything you can actually grab it and throw it around look at that that is so awesome oh my good as I'm kicking things all over the place there we go zero-gravity space squid incoming ok nope zero gravity now we are controlling dad Zillah octodad's illa yes that is true look I'm a giant I'm an absolute giant can I pick up this car I can get out of here this is a very very interesting statue indeed look at it it's like a base what's this very talented fish I'm not gonna live with this there we go Oh basking on the building I can pick up the trees as well this is so cool that dad Zillah right let's see what happens if we stand on the road does anything happen oh yeah it definitely does oh jeez what if I grab one of these cars let me grab one let me see if I get it on the way past yes alright so quick so quick I can't even grab one I got it I got it I got it but it doesn't drag me round ah you've disappointed me calm okay let's try this again there we go all the cars absolutely destroy me no way to defeat a giant octopus just drive a car straight underneath it whoa okay the whole burger comes off that is all so it's like a giant krabby patty that is so cool can I grab the ketchup as well just in case someone ketchup on my burger I can Oh Oh I can actually destroy the buildings oh I didn't even realize give me this burger I need this burger I need to destroy a city with a burger take this take this because I to destroy that's so funny ha ha oh oh there's a giant turtle over here I mean why wouldn't there be what is this can I do anything with it oh geez you know what it's a ladder it's one of my worst enemies don't fall ah there's a train set there's not a train anymore I mean it's not a train set it's actually a real-life train I really want to go over to this stole but I have no idea how I'm gonna do this because let go yes you're doing it you're doing it you're living the dream oh it's so difficult just slips through the rungs there must be something on that turtle there must be here we go here we go speed run Smee run don't let go yes I made it ha ha oh it's just a shark costume ok I can put that on backwards if I like and then they sit on the bottom there we go I'm a shark to the waves I thought I was walking on water then I thought that I thought oh jeez that looks so weird that is um that is a rare species right there this is the UM this is the squid shark everyone very very rare species that there's a reason why you don't see many of these what if I stand in the middle of these buildings and just go absolutely insane with my legs huh what if I just do this oh but just draw the buildings destroy them all I am mega shark squid and I will destroy all of you this is tryin don't slip sign haha get out of here oh my goodness look it's a giant a hockey stadium you can actually play no way that's so cool get in there oh this one's really awesome and next up we have the dialogue of the Colossus he is massive um I'm a little bit scared is he gonna crush me he's gonna crush me it's like a giant chef oh I have to climb his legs oh ok I'm not sure how I'm gonna do that I'm gonna let him step down and then see if we can climb him and I'm guessing that button at the beginning is something that we have to come on climb climb climb his leg climb is leg oh this is weird this is really really weird it's so difficult when it lands when it lands we can do this don't land on my leg please there we go let's do this come on up to that you can do this all by yourself so back over the sides just climb up is strangely ladder shaped leg please this music is epic it's kind of making it feel more epic than it actually is oh my goodness this is gonna be really difficult oh I'm making progress I'm making progress I've just lost that progress it's okay just stay on the foot Octodad to stay on the foot there we go that's how you do it you just stay on the foot and take a little ride on the Giants Colossus chef come on come on No oh don't act come on I think I found another tactic if I wave for him to go up if I don't get crushed off no don't crush me off there we go I'm stuck haha I think I should be able to go up yes go up Octodad please don't crush my dream this is very very difficult and I've been playing this for so long I should be Otto oh no he's crushed how is he even hanging on I have no idea oh no oh no oh no oh he's crushed me oh oh no oh oh oh come on this is so difficult this is so much more difficult than any of the original dr. Octodad levels so hard here we go here's my chance here's my chance go up the ladder there we go here it is No oh yes yes I've made it up to the top of the knee just don't fall off Octodad keep those splits going I have no idea where to go next I'm just stuck on this thing I don't really want to move I think I can go into his other knee or the hands I don't know what to do but we need to get that button up the top it's going to be so difficult oh no no no don't fall off I need to make my move now no did he fall no he's still there he's still that okay we need to go now now now yes I made it I made it swing rounds yeah there we go ah what where to now though this is um this is gonna be really tricky okay let's go over over now oh it's a stupid level any worry and finally we have the real Octodad check him out look the tides have turned we've got doughnuts we've got doughnuts mash them into ads but what huh we can also put it on the fire there we go wait I've just realized the real dad there was no dad's in octodad's and now he has merged into all that's creepy um hello oh jeez this is this is really this ad she really deep so I go out and meet him let's even go outside could we do it I don't know let's hahahaha there's a fish in the oven I mean it's not quite how you do things still reminds me of a squid can I get out of here tonight no oh we're stuck inside we're stuck inside this like a squid stuck inside a fishbowl while he stares at me can I get out can I get out check I'm gonna smash you against the window I can't get out this is really really creepy what about this door huh what about this door no it's locked as well okay now my haha my foot is stuck in a painting I mean this day could not really get any worse could it and what why is Octodad being Santa in this painting and so weird anyway guys there you go that is some of the the weirdest sides even weirder side of Octodad if you enjoyed it please leave a big fat thumbs up or leave a link in the description below where you can check out all of these workshop things for your very own Octodad game and see if you can beat that giant one kids a giant one is really really hard ruffnut I hope you enjoyed a revisit a quick revisit back or two Octodad if you get the close that would be greatly appreciated and if this happens to be the first video you see by me please do consider subscribing to join team TD unstaple daily gameplay videos partner thank you so much again for watching our amazing day
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 6,474,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: octodad, octodad dadliest catch, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, challenge, app, free app, free app game, free game, octodad mod, octodad mods
Id: i7P-fFhhEdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2016
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