I think they suspect something... | Octodad part 2

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all right we are back I'm looking at this holds breath forever pretty sure 29.5 seconds Amazon arcade where is Scarlet donations free money yes please oh that man's like how I'm watching you no why would no I'm gonna play some games first not when you start the conversation like that who wants to start a conversation like that can we talk owl I'm playing games I am not good at this [Music] oh this is not okay [Music] [Music] matched I got seven I got you a present take it I always suck at these games thank you that crane game is Rick be rigged maybe you're just bad [Music] there oh [Music] sort of thought maybe you're just bad man hey give me that ah fish tots knock down the targets and win easy looks like the rainforests are being cut down I guess nothing lasts forever huh why would that's odd why would you say that she's here like insinuating things and I'm all like why would you say that while throwing piranhas at vlogs like playing my game oh it's a good one this one wrong if I get you all the prizes will you forgive me well We're alone without the kids for once concerning talk about what I thought the aquarium was more I pick your nose educational well you're in the arcade woman that's not educational it's meant for you to be fun for children I wonder what our lives will be like once our kids grow up and move away they're like three and five to travel maybe don't worry babe we got this we've got Gears everything is fine am I reassuring you don't worry babe we got this we're right someday I'll be strong enough to pull this I don't what am I doing wrong one these strange incidents keep happening and you brush them off like they're nothing like when your foot got caught in the ceiling fan not a printer ink and you just made more and I keep buying those brushes I mentioned that in the last episode I can just make more you're you're sad because we're saving money is that is that an issue really [Music] we ran out of ink once and you just made more is that not a skill that you have I mean maybe you're the weird one you thought about that Scarlet Gaslight you but there was that time you were fixing the sink and the disposal came on but you wouldn't go to the hospital yet somehow your arm looks good as new because I'm so strong we're going to explain but I'm strong what do you care I'm good as new we didn't have to pay the bill again we saved money give seem to hate the aquarium because it quote quote yourself what was it it was a aquariums are festering prisons of iniquity I forgot what it was but you put it perfectly what am I trying to do here oh [Music] what am I trying what what am I doing [Music] am I done what am I missing Pump It pump it up pump it up pump it up bump it up bump it up bump it up bump it up bump it up backwards [Music] look at that I got you a largemouth bass I think you like Bass on the bias here oh you look so like sad and happy at the same time it's weird remember when we were taking that cake decorating class after that Bakery burned down I had a lot of questions to answer if I told you it wasn't my fault I probably told you that it wasn't my fault I don't think Turtles can really do that you don't know I knew a turtle one time he could do this okay I have to get 20 20 of these things do not fail me got it look at that little turtle sorry honey I've always wondered what you keep that musty old basement but I respect your privacy thank you that's one part that I love about you you respect my privacy Stacy would be so happy if she could see you you know she thinks you hate dolphins I do oh he thinks right oh my gosh uh just dunk it I'm not good at accuracy I'm good at Power ah finally I think you don't have like a limit uh [Music] I'll just make it in yours can you shoot for me oh that was a good one ah nice okay oh yeah this is life imitates this game is imitating me in real life this one's a peak dolphin pink dolphin did I think you don't seem very happy with any of these usually so talkative but when we're talking about us you clam up as I'm just nervous even after every year that we've been together I just get nervous all right chump ready to lose so you think you can beat old air hockey mad at his own game huh brilliant hang on Matt I'm not letting you show me up in front of my wife I have to win every game when she's in my vicinity okay you're a little aggressive because you suck no rematches either I I'm the undis Undisputed World Champ ready a crap you like it oh no the tank has sprung a leak my hands are full why don't you try to fix that instead I got I got it anything for you honey I'll fix it I'll plug it with my identical that didn't sound right yeah okay okay okay you don't want these anyways Scarlett I don't think I can't drowned no yeah why am I doing this shouldn't there be workers here doing this they're in danger Oh yeah double entender I think that's what it means why am I being suspicious when I'm just helping I have wasted enough time here I've got work to do when you feel like having a real discussion find me at the Shark Tank okay okay Scarlett I'll just help these fish back I think can I yeah yeah plus I'm not done with all the games I want this one is this blinko I love blinko so much skill yeah you have to grab a ball that's available not through the wood okay how is it supposed to okay it's supposed to go through the side and then get bounced in like that yeah I like that I'm good A little frog I'll give that for CeCe JC gotta got your gear off foreign that's a safety hazard you yep okay that explains why it's employees only Charlotte why would you oh all of them that's all I don't believe me that's all I'm gonna sing stair climbing champion put these on nope hi come on what's that tie a spiffy tie any magazines in here we need pills syringes um I know how these locker rooms work [Music] oh no one works here go times ten one four please be patient they know a fish when they see one all right let's not safe over here [Applause] nowhere to run this time no tell me octopus what are you plotting how many others are there why is everybody fish it doesn't matter go back where you belong [Music] goodbye octopus I'll tell your family the bad news why is everybody fish [Laughter] [Music] foreign why is the boat stopped where's the captain you know him probably taking a shower in the middle of a rainstorm the best time it's got me a whippy I have you Brothers oh oh yeah don't let them eat you this is the whole reason why I came here I don't know I just somehow climbed up on your boat we have you can't stand up I can't brother brother come to me brother I'm not long enough brother foreign okay well sorry hopefully you don't drown that's okay there we go there's so many of you I'm here on a mission yeah let's go be ready ah I got an arm ah was that a sea monster that's mine a little Joe keeps me up that extra 17 hours hey where'd my coffee go fine now I can save my brother no there's more here we go go okay I can't save all of you sorry let's rival the fittest at this point I did my part our next process went up oh good one net profit I don't get it Stop Dancing get up there no ignore me bright yellow thing in the sky what come a long way from that that's not stick iPhone 6 yeah that's right that's fine I'm not weird I'm not weird you're weird of course [Applause] ow okay don't complete it was time I saw a woman two days two days meaning bananas you know you gotta keep yourself healthy [Music] more bananas on here is this Donkey Kong chip okay we're okay slippery in here have you seen how many bananas Captain's been eating coffee don't mind me just getting my my sea legs t-legs sea legs this is all this is see legs hoisted oh how would I just beat you across the head with this that's right get out my freaking way mom I have to do my job you should call yourself a emergency I guess we should be cold [Music] oh only this box says you guys seen this new guy work this guy stinks well Hmm this feels R for the course everything breaks doors don't work anchors break I am super strong dude you're in the ocean of course you do wait hold on let's get on my way [Applause] can you get to the helmet get us out of the storm did I get did I suddenly start like frowning or get like a serious face on you got it sailor not my way I'm the captain I thought I saw somebody snooping around the front it could be my eyes playing tricks what what is going on yeah yeah like a man this boat dignity the captain's back thank goodness sorry about Captain hurry uh we need help put this out there This Is Us that's us in three minutes where are we going been lit that new cook on board I heard he's a real piece of work this is mine we're going this way you're spearing me right what are we doing oh starter so we're moving again three foot hey who's that what's my wife's name who is that woman hit her with the better with the bow hit her with the bow I mean no don't hit her is it just me or did the captain seem jigglier than usual that's just you it's down here hi I'm great at this guys oh do I have to use the bow to hit this box I got it here we go back the other way who is this woman that's right you're in trouble throwing away please don't throw me overboard well now we're both in trouble aren't we a pair safe where's the octopus yes that's Chef he's been watching for stowaways something is different about you Captain record this Captain then dance the captain's jig I want all your night wow this is all I do are you gonna dance with me or not and it would be such that sweet a fight but can you tired here you go I would if I had it I have I had if I had if I had enough line I don't have enough lines I'm the captain you are not even sure man hey big guy yeah you what who are you stole away wait before you kick me off can I ask you some questions about the warm okay I actually care on careers no I'm good foreign [Music] why would you do that close one man is okay all right all right so what about you mystery man who are you well someday I'll get an answer out of you yeah we'll just get married and have two kids first though for a dance let me show you the captain's jig again that always gets all the ladies but look at you go you do P90X [Music] yep [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] that's not good that is the opposite of good look at that serious face [Music] if fall no sharks don't like confined spaces like that I think [Music] that what's with that front it's almost like you're a hammerhead with a goblin shark mouth all right casual 360. nice [Music] foreign [Music] ouch good thing I don't think I don't have a health standard self gauge standard all right good thing my Noggin is super hard [Music] foreign how did you find me again yeah that's right I forgot what those are Narwhals [Music] I don't know what they are but they're pretty they look soft [Music] foreign [Music] have you seen your father it's almost closing time I saw him go in a weird door another mystery well well wait as long as we can excuse me ma'am it's that weirdo I have bad news about your husband don't trust him have we met wait I've seen you are you an old friend of my husbands what can you tell me about him everything [Music] you must come with me to cafeteria come on Stacy [Music] nice the power of the stash you know that's why he's he's hesitant to cut his stash because that's that's his power all right I'm ready I'm ready I feel like there's a tie here I don't know why that's wrong okay maybe here do not break okay sense says to go this way first of course yep it's only the gold ones silver ones break the old ones work but I'm still gonna grab every single silver one that I've seen bunny bunny wrong animal sorry there at least now I'm not fully naked hold on there we go now I won't become I see those guys out there now I won't become translucent when I pick things up I didn't know that that's what it was I realized it while I was editing the other video the uh that was one of the options was translucent body okay so there's a key hidden somewhere in here oh fighting for me snake oh good shot me three points okay I don't really know I know where every key is ever given enough time is that it no it's like I'm wearing a skirt nice except my leg is my leg is stuck in it my leg is stuck my leg is stuck my leg I think I'm sick I can't even use my arms fixed Nothing Stops the octopus get off get off me [Music] they didn't say the register foreign there it is I told you I find all keys don't change the camera don't don't change the camera thank you you can't keep me out they're mermaid in there don't worry I'll free you give me a hammer yep oh crowbar up there first my thinking glasses you bird [Music] I'm kind of curious about what's up here though if anything probably nothing I don't want to risk it and fall down can I wear this I'm just saying it's theoretically possible if one of them could figure out how to breathe they could walk among us and we'd never know for the last time a jellyfish couldn't raise a human family that's right jellyfish are dumb you have to trust an octopus not really I don't know I like jellyfish who wants to go through the lost or found me me I already did I could use a new watch I blend in while you're in there do you mind unclogging the toilet yeah I don't mind I got it it's doing my job write it like a pogo stick first [Music] is it this one it get in there get in there get get and get in get in get in I wasn't my part I got it oh it's a tie oh [Music] it's a pie tie -doo well I'm stuck come on [Music] there's something coming from the break room no it's probably just Joe that's me [Music] I need me some coffee first what's going on I mean I mean not me hey you're in trouble okay this is ridiculous Joe let's go in there and make sure he's all right I don't know what I'm doing holy him holy shrimp what unbelievable he makes this huge mess then splits hey give Joe a break he probably had to get home ah the day is done time to head home alone what a nice shot like always what another nice shot oh you don't see me you can't see me I guess I'll have another TV dinner probably fish sticks again don't mind me that's backwards nice you don't have what it takes to fill my shoes you sure I've got eight legs to do it with you think your two is better than my age if you do you sucked at math foreign wet what are you doing that's why you have to come down there and show you how it's done [Music] what are you guys trying to do are you just exercising to move I sure hope nothing happens to this giant pane of glass Joe are you out of your mind okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry clumsy do you have butter fish fingers uh yep sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I have to order more carb my biologist sense is tuning ew no one wants to hear that it looks like there's some increasing growth new cafeteria Chef was screaming at everyone to leave he is a strange strange man standing around have you ever tried asking him for pineapple I know you're in that tank somewhere leafy sea dragon that's it I'm coming down there okay exact natural am I right Joe some people what's that Bob I'm just trying to be a team player it sends trash to the place trying to help I just shimmy my way in here [Music] no no no no you not get it he was octopus let me go that why is he tied up why is he the only one tied up clearly I guess you don't know anything after all well then we're leaving it's past the kids bad times you not leaving until you understand she knows nobody else knew she knew you see here's octopus I'm not crazy awesome just because you're right doesn't mean you're not crazy this explains so much you have them be coiled octopus but I still caught you down uh fried octopus coming up don't burn me more fire than I expected I think any fire should be more than expected suplex a full-grown man honey you're okay honey my hero why would my foot why is it red [Applause] horse it will not match you will fail I won't I can't fail my family now can't fly there steady I'm glad that she knows she thought I'm clumsy [Music] I'll come and stay here honey um honey oh I started the beginning all right speed top speed oh hey that's a tie hold on I gotta follow one more time I'm gonna grab that tie grab the attack got it [Music] I'm trying okay gave me a handicap because it knows that I'm bad foreign good job sweetheart honey over here take this shove it into those fish's mouths [Applause] oh is it still over here look great and I'm fine cafeteria ouch yep love all right try it why would you grab that one if he belongs in the opposal I belong Where I Belong you belongs now you are fish no no no no no no what is happening really forgive me even for the wall a war your family really loves your octopus I not bother you again Eric girth honey so this news will take some getting used to but I was imagining much worse yeah like what but next time tell me 10 years earlier wait a second if Dad is an octopus then where did me and Stacy come from [Music] [Laughter] seriously that's a fair question eight yay crash yay got it you know who's that man the book was better excuse me you didn't like my uh my portrayal of the character does she walk away from me I don't know yay Tom taylorson well done sir I can't wait for this sequel I'll tell her Tom taylorson did multiple voices Sharp [Music] oh yay what's this way it's a gold door it works oh no oops well I'll free play oh I could get all of the themes I get all the ties [Music] yeah that's that's it that's the end ladies and gentlemen [Music] uh yeah we'll probably do I saw these between uh recordings uh two shorts and then maybe I'll try to get all the ties I'm probably gonna have to look up ties where they are yeah we'll do that in the next episode alright later guys [Music]
Channel: Clewless
Views: 44,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fmy_jHw8uNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 6sec (2886 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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