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he's got a broken box hey guys Daniel welcome back it's you Octodad yes Octodad again so I was reminded by a couple of you guys on Twitter that there is actually more octodad to be played so I was like you know what yes and I know you guys love this game as well so last time we played custom levels made by the community but there's also - a custom levels made by the developers of the game in here in the shorts menu there's dad romance and there's also medical mess now I have no idea how long these are buts I think we should give them a go because this looks awesome and I think octo Dan would be perfect at being a doctor so today Wiggly playing medical mess let's do this grab your scalpels grab your blue rubber gloves and let's become a doctor for the day oh geez wait nice oh geez okay I'm wearing a wrestling ring um I thought I was going to be doing a doctor oh oh yeah yeah cool okay so I am now octo nurse or octo Dan Oster nurse Soh first need to go to the nurse's station but what do we have in here we have ourselves some hospital Isha's doughnuts cookies and trail mix gross and this guy on the right is watching us very very closely can you can you not stare please I spent ages on my outfit today please don't stare right let's uh slowly shift away from him okay stop staring that's perfect right where is the nurse's station going to be it's either this door or this store I'm gonna guess it's through this door so let's have a look through here shall we hey everyone I've arrived for my new job at work I am a nurse hey why are you staring to stop staring okay so it looks like we've got different rooms this is really quite calm believe I completely missed that this was here we've got 201 202 I don't know where I'm supposed to be only this is a person in there we go and see them hello hello I can see them oh my goodness they're just laying there and their machines aren't moving is this person okay let's hope so right let's go to the nurse's station I have no idea where it is but we're gonna just make our way around to it the kids got watermelon that is amazing and I don't actually know where I'm supposed to be hey I made it I made it find the patient's records oh geez is this guy gonna stare at me I think he's gonna stare me right what's inside drawer number one I can't open it I actually can't open it what about this one this one this one never you're oh jeez what's let's put it down put it down put it down you're gonna break everything okay that wasn't that wasn't good um help your patients can I grab um can I grab the records back Oh doh I'm so sorry I'm flipping the drawer everywhere what's the chair doing she's walking through me you can't just do this what's going on she's trying to walk through me this is I'm not gonna lie this is really awkward so I'm can use go past me please scuse me scuse me can you just can you just walk past me there we go right I need to pick up my patient records because otherwise I'm gonna have no idea one earth these guys have wrong with them right let's go for this one this one says 205 he's got a broken putz okay I've not had that happen before by a per ticket for rich room is 205 it's this one it opened oh no it's watermelon kids guy okay calm down oh no I have their justice bed oh this is gonna go terribly terribly wrong I thought this was a kid but it turns out it's a fully grown man and it turns out he's a very rude fully grown man so um can I put this record down now there we go we just need some adjust these beds is it one of those that kind of like goes up from a button or oh jeez okay you know what this chair can go out the way there we go you get out of here and this chair you don't need these chairs you got a broken pot get off get off I'd stuck my tentacle no no it's AB see stuck away Ted school help me I mean hello I am your doctor I'm your nurse for today I can kind of see up your gown sir this is really awkward so this you want me to adjust his bed this way let's see what happens oh no no no don't make me do this you don't want me to do this sir you really don't want me to do this right let's see if we can beat this guy here we go here we go wait wait a second I thought your butt was broken not your arms you can do this yourself geez this guy is lazy but he's gonna regret the day he wanted me to feed him God shoot you in your mouth in your mouth in your mouth open wide sir open wide yeah I don't know how a that you gotta eat it with his forehead right let's grab another slice there we go and eat it up eat it up apparenty you eat through your forehead which is pretty interesting can we reach this one we can eat it up and eat your melon sir thank you and this one as well eat it eat it eat it eat it yes like I'm gonna put this book down before he hurts someone I'm bored gets me a book you know what I should have fed you that rotten banana peel over there you are so rude sir oh geez the chair situation it's got a little bit out of control did these chairs breathe cause look there's four I swear only threw two out of there right let's grab ourselves a book for patient 205 I'm glad I don't know his name I bet his name is something really aggressive but I'm not gonna suggest what because I could I could offend people wait are the books here I need a book oh my goodness there's no that is a Blood Pact okay definitely can't read one of those there's those lines why are there lines in there what's that down there is that a tie right let me get get the line out of here there we go anywhere what limes no watermelon man you want some limes I think there's a tie in here I'm just trying to fish for the tie that's a lime is there a tie in here come on lime stop this this drawer is defective look I open it and then it just closes again you know what I didn't want to tie anyway I need to find this guy a book there it is there is quick rabbit I grabbed the cyan BAM yes I've got me a lime tie perfect and now my hand it's stuck in the drawer this is this is the worst day ever oh geez this is not going well well our goods is all attached me get off get off it's a very important piece of equipment is attached to my body I can't even go down there why can't I see where a book is how about this drawing that I did earlier while I was waiting for your face and you broke them but to get into a spittle how about how about this you want to use this no he's falling asleep great you want it yeah he doesn't want it don't make me take your drip out because I will maybe there's one underneath this banana peel is there anything underneath this tray there's actually nothing here apart from chairs look the chairs are always stuck to me can I steal a book from someone else ah a book a book I found my right you are gonna read the North succour Diaries I completely forgot this room existed quick get in the book is gonna be oh my gosh that share that share with absolutely flying and I think I think it knocked that guy out that was epic this is actually gonna take me a long time I thought this was supposed to be called shorts we should probably call them Long's um this chair is in the way oh my goodness this chair though this chair right arm book book for you sir there you go enjoy your book read it I just hit him with a book I'm so sorry right I need to change his drip now where I need to be on the other side it's chair out the way oh no no no no the paintings fall down the paintings falling down you know what we don't need that anyway let's change his drip let's just leave this blood bag on the floor I mean that's fine and I think I know where to grab a new one my legs are stuck underneath the door I mean really really really there's one leg that's one leg come on come on just get the other leg out please your patient is there watching you get your leg stuck under the door there we go cheese all right here we go here is this and it won't even open it closes instantly chairs get out of the way what have I told you okay let's try this me to open it and then how how how how I supposed to keep open right let's do this there we go that's better it opens all the way let's change this guy's drip so that his butt doesn't get dry and there we go why you so rude why are you so rude do you want this plant pot to hit your heads do you want it No well you better you better make friends with that plan when I get back you're in trouble you're in trouble mr. right I think I have about two patients left so if I could get my hand out of this drawer but there we go I can I can help my next patients my next patient is pneumonia okay that's not pleasant whatsoever so let's go and find patient to zero 1 that's 2 0 3 we can help you later to a 0 1 the one I was saying was asleep earlier hello how's it going I am your nurse for today good yeah of course I can do that um turn off the TV first okay I was gonna fluff the pillow first but that's fine the chairs are gonna make it a real big issue here we go TV is Oh TV is definitely off at least the TV is off chair will you get out the way and now I need to fluff the pillow this is good this is gonna be a challenge this is gonna be a major challenge right just put the Potenza cool very very carefully to the back of the room yes there we go this is flop it flop it flop it there we go there we go there's feathers going absolutely everywhere is this working of course I can oh she give me money thank you thanks so much right I'll no we're going to use that machine and I've knocked over her IV drip her pillow isn't on her bed anymore I'm a terrible nurse I'm a terrible terrible nurse okay so we're back to the place where Sterry max garrison is so let's put the bill in the thing there we go and let's grab some oh no those doughnuts oh thank goodness they are doughnuts they're um they're stuck oh geez oh geez okay I bought I bought everything I know of this I know on this get out get out I don't want it I don't want it there we go we don't need those but you know what all of the patients are now treated to free food which is fantastic yes the doughnuts doughnuts are just there who will grab the dollars get your tentacle up there we go and grab the doughnuts perfect oh jeez the doughnuts are pulling out no no all the doughnuts are falling on the bag how many doughnuts are in this bag oh my goodness this is great um so I just bring out one or you know what there you go enjoy a doughnut fella right the donut bag is just there there we go there's still doughnuts coming out how many doughnuts are in this bag this is the best bag of doughnuts you've ever seen in your life it literally produces infinite doughnuts this is great this is so cool right arm here you go madam here are your doughnuts it's no problem right that's that's you done um what about your pillow joint your pillow there you go let me just put this pillow let's put it on you okay you know what the pillow is not being constructive right now let's go help our final patient what's wrong with her though the final patient is nope that's pneumonia we've done that well on this one is 203 we've done that's where is the final card is it um is it under here oh jeez I've lost it guys have lost it anyway is two oh three question mark diagnosis right take that take that clipboard did you see that it flew straight on to the side table right um please please don't make me deliver a baby please that would be that would be so difficult but um you know what whatever happens happens hello how are you doing oh no you need to calm down madam calm down you're in the hands of a trained professional we just need to UM squeeze this thing over and over again and check your blood pressure I don't know where I'm supposed to stop I know when our arm to explode but here we go this is working she's working well I've got full control of my tentacles how's it going okay she is crazy I think she's going to be abducted by aliens or that's what she's gonna claim to have happened and then have maybe an alien baby inside of her you know what I said no babies but if there's an alien baby that would be phenomenal right that shuttle let's shuffle very carefully and shine this in her eyes and her eyes and her eyes there we go little higher little higher is that in your eyes oh geez okay we have to write something on the whiteboard right chairs get out of here this is serious no no no that's not it let's get that out the way there we go double chair destroyed get out there we go we need to write on this whiteboard what condition this woman has I'm gonna say a that's an A Hayley earns there we go that's how you tell you type alias oh no oh my goodness that was amazing I went I should have kissed that woman to catch unicorn itís another phones ringing right I'm who is it hello hello is an emergency let's hope it's not an emergency no where are they oh jeez to a five to a five to everybody oh no it's that guy it's that guy it's the guy we don't like oh my goodness is on the floor it's because I hit him with a potted plant isn't it get a patient on that drive to pick him up oh my goodness here we go don't worry sir you're in capable hands I've got you I'm gonna put you on the gurney i 100% know what a gurney is let's just um you know this is drag him that's fine just drag him all the way to where he needs to be don't don't um just close your eyes miss just close your eyes this is very very important oh no am I supposed to oh jeez I'm supposed to put him on his bed right quick quick quick this is not the perfect room to have a cardiac arresting why would you be so inconsiderate oh my goodness I'm gonna grab this I'm gonna try and get this off the table there we go I need the drawing and the book and the plan of I need the fork off break in the book there we go get the fork let me go fork is off the table and what about the book can i grab the book from here I just need to grab the book and then he will be fine got the book that we go get off uh right sir we're just gonna need you to get on the plane oh no right go on the bed please sir sir you okay oh no I think he's gonna die I think he's gonna die all down to me this chair is still hindering my progress right get him on the get him on the bed there we go on the bed on the bed get out of bed so you're stressing me out there we go he's on look at him raise the side flaps okay let's grab the side flaps real quick there we go raised them up and I'll have to do the other one as well just be careful sir please don't fall off the bed this is crazy this is absolutely crazy how do I grab this this chair is really not helping grab the way okay now I should be able to grab them right grab this grab this - we don't want our patient falling out okay we don't grab the forky but you know what the fort can come with us get into the prep room no this is gonna be so odd but also quite the learning experience right sir you just stay there in your Superman pose and we will be shortly taking you to theatre oh jeez the bed is actually moving here we go right watch out watch out I need some kind of an siren to put on my forehead so that people know where I need to go look at the trail of donuts as well this is the perfect hospital if I oh oh challenge okay door I'm not sure why I'm supposed to do here I kind of let him fool down a little bit so I'm squeezed through the door eyes are only like one way why can't I get through the door excuse me give me door can you um can you open please there we go oh why why why in a hospital where you need to get a guy that's definitely dead now because he's having a heart attack what do you need to crowbar the door open oh my guess this is the worst day of my life actually worst day of my life right this crowbar the door open and ha ha I can't even see properly just boil it put out over there Pico get the crowbar out here right if you're still alive I really hope you're still alive we need to get you to the prep room that's recovery this is hope this is the prep room yes it is let's go let's go let's go right patient coming through he's had a heart attack please don't please don't make me prepare him oh we have to prepare him we have to wash our hands and we cannot operate on this guy I hope not right let's let go of him let go and grab this why do I need this I just want to wash my hands I don't want to inject him geez right tap Oh No okay I pulled the tap off there we go watch one tentacle that's perfect now I need to give him a disease yeah oh geez please this is such an important patient I really don't want him to die so let's just get beside him while his bed is free free roaming which is pretty crazy it's given anesthesia here we go ah ah is this how you do it is this how you do it there we go game anesthesia stick him there we go we did it get into the Oh our table I don't want to operate on this guy if I operate on this guy he will 100% die but now he's anaesthetized and he's ready to go right here we go oh we have to transfer him as well right sir this isn't gonna hurt one bit let me just put my tentacle on your heads on your head there we go and lift and transfer almost perfect almost let's see if we can get them on the table on the table on the table yes that's it right that's it there we go ready for operating now we need to pay into the real doctor around here and I have no idea where my pager is where's my pager look at him just chill in there where's my pager nurse oh wait on the nurse where's my pager I think it's this big thing on the wall right let's try this real quick are they gonna oh no I'm tangled in these tubes oh geez okay Oh almost kicked him in the head right let's get a page going on so after how do I know his number um let's just press anything here we go number number number number yes you pressed all the buttons how am I supposed to know what his number is is it this yes oh no way we got the wrong guy one more time let's do this so we're gonna go for bottom and then the first one yeah you're gonna be okay sir you're gonna be just fine no there is hey buddy sup Nigel are you doing so they're actually gonna make me operate on this guy okay fine let's do that right now let's grab the x-ray machine and let's um let's x-ray this guy shall wait oh jeez guys I just x-rayed the wrong person I just x-ray dr. Nigel and maybe what has happened to the patient of x-raying myself oh no look there's x-rays on the floor I don't know how i x-rayed the patient but you know what it's fine there's a tie on this one a scalloped own time nice yeah check out this x-ray look at it and look at dr. Nigel's face that's the x-ray we just got from ourselves where is the scalpel the very very dangerous scalpel I think it might be in the other room I think I remember seeing one in here yeah there it is right let's grab this this very dangerous sharp object and oh the x-rays still on okay that's fine let's try and pass him the scalpel without stabbing anyone yes bring Nigel a bone saw okay what are you doing to this guy seriously what are you doing to this guy this sounds pretty oh okay okay why haha look lab into this there's a needle stick it out of it oh my goodness right this box I need to grab myself the bone sauce let's just grab this I don't need that this is very very dangerous I mean there's so many rotten needles in here it is insane I just grabbed the bone saw please I got it dr. Nigel I got it I've got it it's all good I found in a very safe and stair our location there you go yes let's do this it was okay so oh no no I'm operating on a robot this is crazy hands Nigel at all so I think we're gonna have to go for the trusty screwdriver to see what's going on here at least I don't have to be the one to open all I do right let's open this guy there we go oh my goodness look he's actually got ribs and stuff clear the chest cavity okay let's grab let's grab this battery let's get that out of here why are we operating on this guy if we don't need to he didn't have a heart attack he's just a robot robots okay I think we're breaking him I think we're actually breaking this guy we're not helping him whatsoever oh we have a little robot oh look how cute that is please don't make me take that out it's too cute right here we go that's the last bit I hope that's the last bit is it this bit are we done yeah we're done okay Nigel white from Nigel's forehead where that right got some tissue here we go this is smack it into his head there we go I'm wiping his forehead I'm wiping your foreheads come on I'm wiping it Oh No ah that's the hot nuts oh my goose that just explodes him okay the heart is flying around the room excuse me mr. Hart can you not this is amazing is this so cool right I need to waive the heart I've got it I've got it um I caught his leg instead right mr. Hart you're gonna have to behave yourself please right describe it oh he's going everywhere every beat is flopping around the room like crazy right let's grab it is caught in the snake now come here I got it yes I got it oh my goodness right give that oh no way let go why would I do with such a thing what we're doing what am i doing accidentally clicked me up come here come here right now it's going out the door will you just stop hard to stop no I've got this got the wrong thing grab this grab it yes I've got it back home I ain't gonna say I was gonna leave the office alright Nigel I think you might need this buddy it's the hearts from our patient there you go nice attach the robot limbs really this is so intense right this is rib cage we don't need rib cage we do need this arm thing okay that's a leg that's fine doesn't matter let's also grab this over here this is our arm let's grab the arm and put that back on the poor little robot okay I did not mean to do that did you see that I kicked that properly right another arm goes on there you go for the arm on put the arm on Octodad please this is serious serious business put the arm on there's a leg it's a leg okay that's why it would go on let's move the defibrillator or you know what just grab that crew there that's fine that's why I'm an octopus but it's also very difficult to get my arm out and then attach the arm which is actually arm and not a leg and we're done there we go is he gonna survive is he alive yes oh no we do need to differentiate the patient right let's grab this and let's grab the electric things and we're gonna zap his heart back to life here we go here we go this is a very delicate and and and quick-quick he's gonna die burn no he's on the floor what am I supposed to do he's on the floor away cuz it's the worst day of my life actually the worst day of my life let's shock him shocking and clear again oh my goodness Nigel why aren't you helping me here why are you helping me Nigel Nigel our patient is dying there we go high-five Nigel our patient is on the floor dying look all he had was a broken butt and now it's just gone all wrong right fine Nigel I'll give you a high-five here you go boom at a low five there we go this give a low five awesome and a fist pump perfects put patients in wheelchair Oh No okay I don't know where the wheelchair is there it is let's go and find it here we are let's just drag you along now you're safe you're perfectly safe let's put you into here buddy here we go just to sit you down and plumb nice perfect okay this better be the end because I am losing the will to live in a hospital of all places all my goods my patient is not doing well is it stuck oh geez don't fall out excuse me sir can you just um you grab on just a little bit please be careful with the patient just be very very careful with the patient hopefully he stays in the chair cuz he's not looking very stable right now this is amazing I'm doing it look I'm an ass guys finally one task that I haven't destroyed anything excuse me madam can you stop yawning in my way this is a very important patient orgies no don't kick her don't kick her excuse me please I don't think she's getting out my way so I'm gonna have to carefully maneuver around get this chair out of the way and you know what you're so annoying oh no oh no okay he's floating he's actually floating look what is going on my patient is a robot and a wizard right this woman is right in my way made my job so much harder bears get back in get back in get back in your room okay here we are Oh No yes about you can I go unicorn Isis perfect right let's get out of here oh my goodness that was crazy absolutely crazy the devs managed to do in eight minutes 50 35 Wow guys I need a lay down I definitely need a lay down how awesome is that there's actually one more short available it's Octodad and scarlett up their first day of fancy restaurant and this one took the devs even longer so guys if you want to see that all you enjoyed this revisits you Octodad shorts then please leave a big fat like on this video that I'll be greatly appreciated and if this happens to be the first video you see my me please do consider subscribing to join team CDN today for daily gameplay videos you know what I enjoyed that way too much that was so much fun I became a surgeon on a robot and a human being so much fun anyway guys I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next video good
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 8,335,401
Rating: 4.8794875 out of 5
Keywords: octodad, octodad dadliest catch, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, challenge, app, free app, free app game, free game, octodad mod, octodad mods, octodad shorts
Id: BhJj-uC23I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 2sec (1682 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2016
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