I Tamed a Max Level Rex! - ARK Survival Ascended [E30]

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I think it's time the great Theo Purge we will go through these lands we will kill every single one of them that I can find they're not going to be able to stand a chance so we have something that I want to try and tame I just found it um and you know what we made a mistake here a little while ago and I cannot make that mistake again I found a 150 rex on this River not to mention the fact that it actually kind of looks like Barney it it's actually getting attacked by everything right now wait what level was that Iguanodon I thought that said 150 as well for a second yeah we need to tame this thing we really do um oh that's a beautiful dorph as well oh my God there's so many great things here terrible level though um yeah we need to tame it it's killing a family of stos love that um it it's going to fit right in at my base with me uh oh I got spat on crap so yeah I was just out drop hunting and I've got a bunch of really good things um and yeah we we have this 15 Rex right here we need to drop back to the base though cuz I don't have anything on me to tame when I come out drop hunting I don't usually fill up on um on things that I usually carry around so I'm really hoping this this thing is going to still be here when we get back but who knows um it's beautiful let's just you know we're across from the green OB hopefully I can get back in time before this thing somehow manages to disappear or die or who knows what else could happen so yeah we're going to we're going to take a quick trip all the way back over to the base and try to get everything that I'm going to need to knock this thing out and tame it up we might have to um I don't know if I will but we might have to slaughter my office cuz I wouldn't mind trying to feed it mutton I do not have the kibble for this thing that's tier five kibble that they need I do not have that I do have some Rex eggs but I'm holding on to them and I want to save those for the moment so yeah maybe I'll I'll kill my office we'll see so yeah long trip all the way back to the base where even are we uh it's probably in this direction here uh yeah roughly in kind of this direction nice so um yeah guys welcome back um hopefully you'll enjoy this one hit the like button if you do and I'm just going to fly all the way back we we need to get this thing before it just disappears like the spinos did um I'm never going to live that one down anyway Let's uh let's get back we actually got a pretty decent uh fur boots blueprint right here so I might actually start wearing shoes after a long time um I have not been wearing shoes and people have been complaining but you know what guys I'm giving it away for free just you know like God damn you're getting them for free okay the the feet you know usually people have to pay for that just saying just appreciate what you have well we're going to be down south so it'll probably make a lot of sense to wear a bunch of Ghillie um I don't think I have any ghilly pants or a Ghillie hat blueprints so yeah there we go oh we do have this one this one's slightly better all right cool so mostly ascended and then the rest is primitive that's amazing okay we're heading back out now I've got some taming trap stuff I've got a lot of TRS and we should be good to go the only thing I didn't bring was my other office and the reason why I didn't want to do that is by the way one of them actually got killed I don't know if I even mentioned that it was an RG flew directly into my whole base and killed it I don't even know how we need more plant species around I know we we'll get to that anyway my point is is that that's my only office now and you know I have two veggie cakes and I could tame two more so I think what I might try and do after getting this Rex down is going out and looking to see if I can find a couple more office if I can get a female I can breed my one with that one and then use the baby as the mutton if not then I I don't really know we're going to have to kill it um I could feed it Prime but I don't know like an extra level can go a long way so it does make sense to to do that I might try and grab that yellow drop over there they're way too tempting I cannot by the way we got a slightly better Pike now it's like I think it's like five more damage but a lot less durability but that's all good it's the damage that I'm mostly worried about anyway yeah I don't know there's a yellow drop I think over there it might just disappeared though I actually don't even see it anyway yeah we're going to we're going to head maybe towards the green OB instead and hopefully we can manage to get this dude but we'll see oh yeah there you are beautiful wow yeah those colors are insane what even is happening with this game I love it but like what the hell usually we'd have to work for these nice colors but yeah I don't it's just like the simplest thing anyway nowadays um H what's the best way of doing this I honestly kind of think is this even a good spot right here walk can come out of the water here think I think he can have barries in this River but I don't think they're really going to rush out and go after the Rex I think if anything a dow could come at us but I don't really know I feel like this is a better spot let's actually go ahead and kill this D while I see it nice level 50 um okay maybe the best way of doing this would be to try to trap it while it's attacking me I would say yeah that would make some sense um all right so let's see if we can get us attention then just shoot you with one TR Arrow if you're not going to like come to me at all no probably not um you know I could just rush in there and try to actually get it trapped but maybe not let's actually quickly just Place some Billboards behind us so this is probably the best way to trap pretty much any like large creature let's see yeah we're going to just like roughly make a little box around it we might have to I don't know let's actually move maybe I shouldn't move back a little bit I don't want to get stuck between the Rex and the sign because then I'm G to have to hop off and that's just going to be a bad time for everybody um dude in all honesty I should just rush in and freaking place the gates around it or not the gates the Billboards yeah I could have actually put a re uh not a Rex trap a a bear trap down here um could have done that probably should have but we might be okay let's see are you going to like what's happening are you seriously so dead set on killing those dimorphs that you don't even care look at it this is this is absolutely hilarious okay hey how are you just like oh it's 135 I don't care um there we go come on bro I could just start tring it these Dior are going to be here forever yeah and I don't okay here we go it's going to come for me now hello hello gorgeous let's get your butt in here okay let's place that there I don't know if I have another One queued up oh it's snapping I don't want them to snap there we go I think you might be but you might actually be able to get out of that cuz it leg is like mostly out no I think we did it uh yeah I think we should be okay here I'm just watching it I'm just I don't want to like run out halfway through so I don't know if placing that there would help probably not let's um let's go ahead and try and Tran this thing then so what do we have around here we have a Theo you probably won't run in at me but who knows um what else do we have don't see any like d besides that one over there but I think that one's far enough away that we should be okay all right let's do this then come on you and me we're going to be friends I can't wait oh my God yeah so I have uh I have normal like dinosaur Gates that I'm going to place around it and that's going to essentially help us out later on um let's see that's going to basically create like an octagon around it and that should be enough space to keep it safe cuz obviously you know you never know like it's just the smallest little creatures can run in and just ruin the team so we don't want that happening um I'm not sure how close this thing is going to be at this point my crossbow is quite good you know I I don't want to brag but you know 330 on the damage and I got it out of a drop like this isn't even a blueprinted one honestly when we get a blueprinted one I cannot wait we're going to have such a good crossbow I've hardly even used my Trang rifle I think I used it like for the first time in the last episode so yeah here we go Oh I thought was about to be knocked out there I could run in and check I might actually I think we should be okay it's mostly like running I think it's tour running uh maybe not yeah you're going to be pissed at me aren't you I'm also afraid that it's going to somehow glitch out of there so I guess we'll space out the shots then a little bit um yeah just don't want to screw this one up like that's a freaking 150 what the hell is that that giant fish that we saw before yeah it is you're still here but the spinos weren't that is ridiculous how dare you the giant s oh my God come on bro you and me those colors wow all right I keep thinking that there's like bushes coming into my frame but that's just me with my ghilly suit it's just like getting in my eyeline a little bit um I really want to check your torpor like they have a good amount of torpor but I feel like I don't know good good quality crossbow I feel like we could be kind of close but I might be super far off I don't even know let's just keep shooting it yeah maybe I could sneak in here just a little bit you know just let me let me have just a little peek huh just a little just hello okay well we might as well just take a hit then yeah okay you're getting quite close 12K out of 15 so yeah we're pretty good ooh it looks like it's going to get get out of there for a second like when it runs in this direction it definitely looks like it could get out all right so 12K out of 15 um so probably like just a couple more arrows here and then we'll be good that giant fish is really distracting me here we go come [Music] on all right the only issue with the crossbow is the uh the oh okay that I think that should be fine right I think so oh look at what the hell happened to your neck right there nice um yeah we should be okay right I'm just hoping that it didn't somehow mess up cuz like I've had it happen okay know we're good I've had it happen so many times even in videos where I go and I shoot the last shot but in the second that I shoot it and before it hits the animation for them knocking out starts and then it just gets ruined and it looks like you did everything perfect but just ever since that kind of stuff is happening to me I'm just you know I'm just way too cautious and I have to be I think um all right so before we do anything let's just do another quick little scan of the area don't see anything beside the giant fish over there um we've got this D over here we'll just go ahead and kill it uh it could easily run in at us uh what the hell did that tree just do what the hell okay we're good um I think we're okay so let's see oh I can hear a raptor yeah you just ran in from the forest didn't you didn't even see you a second ago All I Got You Killed probably like that's it's honestly a good idea to actually like leave the bodies there sometimes just because you know you could have something run in and eat it and then you'll know that there was something else around the place uh maybe not an ARG territory cuz obviously argies are just little fiends for corpses um okay so I'm wondering if a uh I don't know if it's actually going to cover it completely probably not so maybe let's try a different shape for this box so if I kind of like maybe just go like this yeah we'll just kind of like place them around just to cover it up as best as we can um we might not be able to fully cover the reck though but we'll see that works a little bit um that uh we might Place some Billboards back here to cover that up cuz if we keep placing a bunch of them back here we're not going to be able to cover up the whole thing um there we go nice yeah that should be good I think all right let's get these in okay I feel like the tail will probably be fine but I might still Place some Billboards around it just to be extra safe but uh yeah let's quickly just go ahead and uh drag this body away I want to go ahead and eat that over here just so it doesn't uh attract anything right beside my trap maybe we should get you killed as well just uh just run away bro just just run just keep running turn around and just leave this place that's you're not helping just go that's right get out of here just leave okay we're fine anyway uh let me get in here and grab those Billboards back again just being extra cautious definitely Overkill I know but it can't hurt really I mean like if I can pick up these structures I'm not you know wasting things or anything like that you know it's all good it's all good I could surround this all by spikes as well but you know we've seen in the past that spikes sometimes just don't even help uh so yeah anyway let me actually give you the narcotic that I have when can I access you probably from back here oh what the hell was that did I just hear a tree break oh it might have been the gate closing oh that scared the crap out of me I didn't like that at all there you go we'll just uh give you that to hold on to um and yeah Let's uh place down the Billboards here and just kind of block up this area it's not really going to stop anything small from running in but you know what if it stops anything at all then it's okay I'm going to put this away I don't trust myself here we go uh boom then yeah you know what I'll just place them along here kind of just blocking off this area we'll do the same here again super Overkill I'm just you know I've had how the hell did you place like that I did not have you like that at all what okay it must have switched at like the very last second there we go um yeah like I said super Overkill but I I can't you know I can't have more Tams get messed up it's just not fun for the video so yeah we're all good anyway let me see if I can go and find a an office um we'll bring it back to the base trying and get it teamed up that Rex should be okay in terms of torpor I would say oh hello we got another Rex up here level are you level 35 okay we'll go ahead and kill you real quick so yeah Rex should be okay in terms of torpor that should all be good and yeah we'll just um we'll just focus on trying to get food for it cuz like you know we're kind of still somewhat early days in the series you know I don't have all the stuff set up and I know I could just go tame a bunch of uteruses but I still don't even have honey yet so we got to work on things progressively and um I can't just like Rush ahead and do all the utrus taming right now so I'm hoping that we can get an noice but if not we have one to feed it it's fine um yeah anyway let me uh let me fly all the way back over here yeah finding a is not the easiest task cuz they're just so wimpy they usually just end up dying almost immediately if there's things around them uh speaking of what the hell where the hell did you come from nice uh yeah so we're still looking here hopefully we can manage to find one but we do have plenty of time you know I just need to not let that thing drain down by too much and then I can start heading back down so I think once it gets to like a quarter of its tour left I'll fly down it's not even going to take that much time to get down there but yeah um should be okay all right well yeah back to the search really trying hard to find these things hello terrible me even a dead one would work you know we just we could just go ahead and harvest it I really doubt I'm going to find that though oh man wait no way yes oh it's a female too yes oh I'm taking you home look at you beautiful level 50 not amazing but it's okay the better the level I think the more mutton I'm going to get but also eventually if we can get some higher levels we can get like a proper hide Farm going with them that's okay though I'm I'm perfectly fine with this I've just realized crap I don't have like basically any stamina okay let's try and fly back to where we were cuz it seemed pretty peaceful enough oh this could really go bad okay if it dies I need to just get a bite in that's all I need just a couple pieces so yeah uh let's go ahead and drop you there okay so we have a level 20 the one that we have back in base and then we have this one okay wait don't they usually spawn in pears I didn't see another one huh yeah I don't think I saw another one I kind of just got so excited when I saw this it definitely was a mate boost I would have noticed that um all right let's bring it back now I missed crap damn it okay hang on let's do it now nice and sweet so yeah if we just uh fly this somewhat kind of close to the base I can't fly it all the way back cuz it's going to get killed by the turrets but um yeah if I can kind of fly it like close by we can um get like a tame going on it oh yes all right there we go we um didn't even actually take a huge amount of time it's just it's very hard to spot them like this one was so obvious cuz it's like freaking orange but um yeah I don't know like uh for the most part they're quite small they're very slow moving and you have to have like a Keen Eye to actually spot them through all the direwolves and everything else that's around the place but um yeah so maybe what I should do is I should drop it up at the very top of my base in fact if I drop it onto the roof I can could probably just leave it up there and then it won't get harmed unless it falls down which I don't think it will yeah we should be okay let me uh let me fly it all the way back and just put it up on top of the base that way it's not actually going to get like shot or anything by any of my stuff all right cool um and then I have the veggie cake yeah we're pretty much good to go we just need to obviously get this thing in here we do have an RG right there crap uh you see I don't want to put it right there cuz there can be things around the area let me um let me drop you right here okay hopefully I'm not going to regret this but you you know what at least we'll still have mutton you know we can still we can still pull mutton from its corpse if we need to all right here we go so yeah I have two cakes and they are in here let's grab one and nice yeah so I've been getting these things from drops in case you're curious cuz um I did I did have a couple comments randomly on on like some old older episodes where they're like you clearly spotted those sheep and I'm like what like we're taming these things in the videos guys like so yeah sometimes I'm I'm feeling the need to OV explain certain things even though you probably already know but yeah there we go nice oh yeah that's awesome okay let's uh go ahead and unfollow and then what we need to do now is we need to breed this one with the male and then we'll take the baby down south and Slaughter it for for its meat um pretty horrifying but it's fine you know this is the lifestyle of the office they they knew what they were getting into my one is a male okay yeah I was about to say there for a second I couldn't see the horns and I got very worried but we're okay um let's go ahead and just really bro you really pushed me around let's go ahead and just get you guys onto meeting and boom and let me get out of here nice Okay cool so we got 10 minutes before the baby pops cannot move you at all I could use the kangaroo though let me just move my bird away though here we go uh look at all these hungry wolves waiting for a baby um yeah I'm going to use the kangaroo to just slightly move it into like the middle of the room and then we should be okay so yeah 10 minutes is all I got to wait and then we can can bring this baby all the way down south but I got to make sure to put some freaking um some berries inside of it as well yeah definitely we'll need to do that in fact actually if it's a male and it's a higher level than a dad we could just kill that one and keep the baby and and give it a bunch of food so it doesn't potentially die and ruin my day um yeah cool all right well anyway we're going to have to just wait here now pretty much all right you can see that this uh this mama is about to pop she's got like 9 seconds she's so thick look at that damn all right cool here we go little baby office give me the baby office it's all we need there we go whoa wow I think it was going for a freaking trick shot there that was insane and it is a male so there we go I guess we'll be keeping this one and um and getting rid of my other one there so let's see let me just uh give it a bunch of uh thingy here probably going to have to wait around for just a couple minutes just to make sure it's got enough I should still have some inside the trough though let me just see definitely should have some but I've got a lot of creatures right now and you know they they're hungry uh yeah we've got a little bit not a crazy amount there we go yeah we'll uh try and get some more berries in here real quick um maybe I'll just use the kangaroo cuz it's like a quick in and out of like the bushy areas yeah that will make sense Oh cannot have you on following all right we're fine for the moment let me just go grab some more berries though all right got a ton of berries so I'm just going to fill up this trough and then I will put some onto the actual office as well all right there we go so this thing should have enough and then yeah it's basically a 10% already so we're good to go it's going to be able to eat out the trough all right so real quick do I have a Rex saddle cuz I actually forgot to check see Rex I do not actually I want to quickly just grab the oil out of here oh wow you made so much oil wow okay let's uh go ahead and just I'll be honest I've been doing this I don't need this much fertilizer it's just it's making way too much and I I don't have anywhere to put it and I don't I I I don't need it I really don't um let's see let me dump this oil in here I actually really have not had to actually even go out and and get any oil the dung beetle kind of giving me almost enough like on the odd occasion I probably will but yeah we don't have a Rex saddle let's see do I have enough points for a Rex I do barely any left though wow yeah we're um we're still kind of working on catching up we actually have caught up I didn't even realize this happened so we have caught up to where I am technically supposed to be to be a level 90 Survivor um we still need to get this much for another level but we've basically caught up after I don't even know probably like 15 episodes after we changed that setting um but it's all good we are here um amazing let's see uh so yeah Rex saddle let's get that crafted how much is that we need some hide just a little bit all right now we just need to fly all the way down south with my office and we will go ahead and uh and tame up that Rex oh man all right you know what maybe it's probably starved down enough right it is starved down by yeah starved down by like a thousand that's more than enough H trying to think cuz I should probably cook up the rest of the mutton that we have in fact let me actually what is it food or health I think it's Health right I think it's Health that we pump I believe if I'm wrong then yeah let me know me go ahead and drop all this fertilizer in here this is where I've been keing keeping the uh the fertilizer just inside of creatures cuz like realistically there's there's no point of filling up a bunch of vaults with this crap um all right let's go ahead and just turn you off of mating so you don't immediately start making more babies and you um should I just fly you down yeah we'll just fly it down we'll just fly it all the way down Mir bro oh we actually have a hang on we have you in here I didn't even realize it threading the needle and nice so yeah we just got to fly all the way down to this Rex and then we should be able to get it I do have the Rex saddle nice we're all good to go look at his little happy tail oh he doesn't even know what the hell is going to happen this is horrifying oh man sorry little guy all right we have made it nice there is a theen over there it's 120 so we should be okay it's probably not going to mess with us I should probably kill it it's going to want to kill my office or something uh pretty nervous about that thing we might be okay feel like it might be a good idea to kill it though let me fly over here you just try and Lead it away see if we can kill it over here it's probably not even necessary I just hate these things right now like I love them like they're a great creature but like definitely one of the most annoying creatures you know they just keep messing with me well early on they did they haven't really so much recently but I haven't really given them the chance to do so yeah um it is getting quite bloody we're getting there it can hurt me a little bit but it doesn't seem like it has so far hopefully my obice is okay come on bro you and me there we go sweet we got some claws that's great um I accidentally hit a dorph it on okay we have a raptor right here where the hell did you come from there we go got you all right I think we're good right you're still good we're still good uh the area is somewhat clear we still have the giant fish everything's all good to go all right let's see come on little little obice how do we kill you again how do I Slaughter I think I have to have uh either a pick pick ax or a hatchet uh pickaxe would give me more meat so I will probably go ahead and do this so yeah it's this option right here you need just a blunt weapon um there we go we have killed you now let's grab a bunch of mutton out of that I'm going to leave the body there for the moment I might actually go ahead and uh Harvest some hide off of it as well all right here you go all of the mutton for you so this should come out as a chu4 I do believe right yeah it's eating nice okay cool how much is it getting per okay yeah so I basically needed like 10 wait no no not even actually it's going up by seven per yeah we should have more than enough in there oh man yeah here we go max level Rex tame that is fantastic are we going to lose another level I don't think that we will 224 right yes nice okay let me see how are those stats looking okay that health is actually quite good that weight seems quite good as well melee a little bit lower than I would have liked it to be but the health is definitely quite good I think at least again don't really know I'm more used to higher level tames but uh yeah let's go ahead and pick up all these things uh real quick I was about to say there we go we we already had a freaking creature coming in trying to kill our our stuff here let's go ahead and kill you there's more Raptors coming oh crap all sorts of bad things are happening uh is that an alpha or is that a regular come on Mr Raptor God damn are you like regular Raptor yeah you were okay I want to actually Harvest this thing up with my Hatchet then I want to get a bunch of uh health and a bunch of hide out of it yeah we're going to get a ton there we go nice well it's not a ton but it's a decent amount all right uh Nova you come here see should pick up all these things should just put all these heavy things onto Nova so there's all that and I don't think I'll be able to get back in time but I'll pop All That Into You Anyway just in case and then the gate and we still have more to pick up all right here we go Rex saddle and let's do it let's go ahead and do our very first Rex roar unfortunately I can't start it in orbital camera cuz there's this stupid I don't know if it's a bug or a change but I can't use rightclick uh abilities in this mode so we have to start like this and there we go nice yeah I don't know why you can't do it when you're in the orbital camera it's really silly doesn't make a whole lot of sense anyway let's see okay some pretty good damage there very very nice this thing right here is going to be our meat collector I would say and probably also hide collector Hello of course of course there's some Alpha Raptors here yeah like cuz why wouldn't there be there's always Alpha Raptors oh we should eat the summon of knowledge look at that thing wait hang on I got to hunt that thing down in a second here we're going to go ahead and eat that thing after going to get all the knowledge from it come on bro all right and not getting any head shot really I did get some a minute ago come on there we go nice okay didn't really get any cool loot from it at all all right let me go ahead and eat this fish this is uh this is it right I think usually you have to cook it but oh what the hell what did it bounce out of the water oh my God okay delicious thank you oh my god wow there's so much meat on this thing holy crap are you kidding me I just got like 300 meat out of it that's insane what I love that so much oh man so yeah obviously the uh the meat scales with the level but I didn't think we'd get that much that is insane level 10 Theo oh you know what I think it's time the great the Zino Purge we will go through these lands we will kill every single one of them that I can find they're not going to be able to stand a chance hell yeah come here bro come on you and me you and me and it's just going to be me in a minute now there you go give me those claws yeah I'm going to mount these claws you know I could probably make my own like uh claw Throne like the iron throne with just claws eventually if we keep killing all these guys this one was like a level 45 I think as well we saw this one earlier oh man yeah this feels good to have a powerful creature to just be able to take down these guys super easily it's a real shame that um Theos don't seem to have babies with them cuz man like with how difficult they are to like deal with and especially tame in the early game cuz they you know they take ages on a very tame and and they drain toror quite quick it would have been kind of nice to actually be able to just like get some babies of them but I don't think that they do have that I think that quite a lot of creatures do have the babies but not every single creature like I've seen Rex babies but I haven't seen spino babies like are is that a possible thing that has babies I mean they do have babies just maybe not out in the wild I don't really know um all right let's go ahead and just murderize all these guys maybe they'll add in the rest of the babies eventually or I don't know I really have no idea how it's going to work okay so look at this these trikes are pretty much resisting my damage cuz where I'm hitting them is where they resist damage like in their head so I think with that I need to let them get in on me and then like bite their backs and stuff here we go let's go ahead and kill this one here we go lovely go ahead and hunt down that little guy no creature down here is safe from me now that I have a Rex here we go and do we have have yes we do nice so yeah I wouldn't have necessarily went for Rex anytime soon but you know after the whole spino thing a couple episodes back you know I I left them there cuz I was like well I don't have anything to tame them with but I also probably don't really want to try and tame them immediately and then when I went back to try and see if they were still there not even trying to tame them they were gone so you know could have really just left this max level Rex down here to just rot away and disappear or potentially get grabbed by somebody else like I can't claim every single highle creature I see you know I think the guys would have been okay allowing me to have those spinos but maybe not every single thing that I want so yeah anyway um do we have any more the's down here I'm really uh I'm interested in the the hunting cuz that would be great in terms of XP where do I want to be pumping it probably let's pump a little bit more into that yeah let's just get that up to 10K for the moment we'll just make this like a a power Rex you know we'll just uh just try and kill everything with it pretty much um let's see let's just dump all that Prime cuz that's filling up my inventory nice cool all righty we got some bronos over here usually there's some the's down here though H kind of tempted to go kill some bronos too yeah uh let's do this oh my god wow the head shot on this thing oh they're going to be so good so yeah oh another Rex over here hello lower level Rex okay let me go show you the power of the 150 Rex with the cool colors cuz that also helps it's the colors that really brings this Rex together right I think it is look at this the whole family of tries oh man I really like the babies out in the wild like it's so cool it it just adds like another kind of a little bit of depth to the actual feel of of what is happening here you know we're on this crazy Island there's these dinosaurs but you know they're not all just growing up we can find baby ones and make friends with them it's great we just kill their parents first it's a horrifying way to do it but you know it works we go what level is this thing I actually didn't even check okay it's level 45 oh you're going to give me so much hide and meat I can already tell should I be getting Nova onto uh like Nova should also be trying to attack things but you know what it's got a really good saddle we should be fine I was just worried about Nova potentially Dying by just being right in on the creatures and not actually doing any damage or anything here we go level level 90 okay I might actually try and kill that thing I've been looking for a tape jar cuz I'd love one for some building cuz they're very useful but um yeah I haven't been able to find like a a decent one uh let's see yeah more melee nice okay little bit of extra goodies in here lots and lots of meat let's grab these some arrows sweet all right we got some ducks here as well so yeah maybe we could just go back and and visit our our old uh little area over here just kill all these thees I can already see a ton of them why are they actually so common though can like can we talk about that why did they do that cuz they were never this common before like they were always relatively common but you could never find this many of them all over the place and I feel like even when you did find one they weren't in groups you know which makes them extra terrifying so yeah I don't know it's just it's really strange very much uh very uh very very strange what is happening oh it's a caral my B okay hang on so deal with that I'm not able to hit it at all uh okay uh here we go Nova go ahead and uh help me out then a little bit get this caral off my booty nice we love to see it all right um this is actually very close to yeah this is pretty much the spot that I um I've built that many times so far in Arc yeah Nova is all good this is uh the season 3 on the island base but this is also the 100 days on the island uh location and the only reason why I picked this spot was cuz I knew that it was a great area to build in very like safe in terms of like creatures aren't really going to get into my base but then also it's very Central and there's tons of rexes around so yeah but uh I love this spot though I want to actually just quickly properly check it out in um in this new game cuz obviously like things are a little bit different maybe it's extra flat like I don't really know let me have a little look though cuz I usually end up putting some gates just a little bit further up there and I remember this area right here was perfect for like wood and everything cuz there's just so many trees let's see so yeah I think around here is kind of where I'd end up putting some gates and stuff oh yeah this brings back memories I'm like the memories that I'm having aren't from the 100 Days by the way they're actually from season 3 cuz my base here was I I'm going to just say it was pretty iconic it was a great base it was really cool I loved it it seems like smaller almost I don't know why just almost kind of just seem a little smaller we go let's just kill that guy Let's uh let's go ahead and zoom out oh yeah look at that wow yeah this is a great spot um location wise we are at uh 75.5 73 five so yeah basically really easy to remember coordinates and uh we got green op right there the whole area is perfect so many high level creatures always spawning around here just even just so many creatures you know there's rexes and spinos and Theos and all sorts of things it's a really good spot but um yeah definitely brings back memories sometimes I almost kind of want to just keep building in these same areas but I don't know it uh after a little while I feel like that would just get very dull so like to kind of spice it up a little bit I'm actually really liking where my base is so far in this series on the volcano very nice location um tons of resources I really I I thought we'd have like a little bit of trouble like trying to keep up in the videos and everything with having like one times rates but even with that there's so many resources around my area I'm not really having any issues at all here we go um kill this Turtle there we go level 100 there's another theory over there there's probably more down the river there's a bunch of bronos though we should actually go fight those guys think that would be pretty good where did that Theo go don't see it anymore let's just head over for the bronos anyway and we are out of stamina because I just keep running everywhere I can't not run what am I getting hit by oh another Alpha Raptor right there as well hello okay might just try and kill this dude it's only like a level 30 should be pretty quick if I can get some head shot that would be great funny how my Bearer pretty much does more damag to the Rex though come on bro here we go you and me not getting any head shot come on hey there we go wow okay oh look at my big uh footprint from the sand there as well see come on yes oh I didn't get it okay I thought I got there for a sec I actually got a dow come on bro here we go a little bit more and hey got you nice okay okay got some nice Pikes as well actually but definitely not as good as what I usually have what is that what am I hearing is that a dow sounded like a Sarco for some reason I don't know why um let's see let me grab this and H kind of almost want to bring back a bunch of this meat I might do that especially the fish meat all right let's go for these bronos then wait did we get any levels oh we did nice I think the idea name for this um dinosaur might be Barney but if you have any other suggestions let me know we'll probably just call it Barney though um let's see how many bronos is this wow there's so many of them here I just got to check before I do anything are they like crazy high levels okay these two aren't really me run around and check the other one back here cuz if I'm going to start fighting a bunch of bronos they can't be like level 150s and everything we got so many dipl here as well look at this blue one with a baby ooh could uh could get get in on that all right let's uh let's just start the war the war on all these bronos and Trikes and everything here just getting slaughtered by uh by wood Little Rex oh man oh yeah come on let me get you okay yeah we just got to keep running forward just so they don't like bat me all the way back into the river or something oh yeah look at this we got one down have you guys lost your mate boost yet I think he might have potentially maybe not no I think I just saw it there but we got another Bronto yeah these other you are basically about to die there we go got you and you as well nice okay we got another level as well let's do that do this grab out any nice goodies wait did we get sorod vertebrae from that I don't think we did I don't really want to start grabbing them out of the bags I'm not really in super crazy need for them but it would be kind of nice hello little baby Diplo just go ahead and have a nice little snack right here this is horrifying the other Diplo just doesn't even care wow look at that your mom just does not even care about you holy crap oh my God yeah it uh I mean it does kind of care a little bit but it can't deal any damage to me just knocking me back so yeah I think we're pretty much good to go here I feel like the babies have more Health than the parents sometimes cuz this thing there we go it's finally dead damn that took ages all right come here bro you and me wait are you m boosted oh yeah there's another Diplo there okay okay I'm getting knocked around a little bit try and get back in here oh man I just realized uh Nova's not um was not attacking cuz they're not actually dealing damage to me so being on neutral doesn't really help at all let's see guess we could put it on attack my target but it's felt good there we go got the two of them killed oh man let me grab that and think we should be okay actually you know what I have a little bit of organic polymer there can I fix my pants oh yeah we have enough we just need a little bit of fiber uh I see those hello oh man yeah they just come in straight after the battle's over we good I think we killed them all all right just a little bit of Fiers is needed there we go that's more than enough and it let me fix up my pants uh we just got to pull them off and do this can I pop that on here I think I no it won't allow me yet there we go okay Nova relay this is not NE you don't need to be inside of my butt all right you go over there here we go and now get you on follow sweet all right well anyway we've got the Rex now um I'm going to probably continue my Purge here just a little bit is that another Alpha Raptor I think it's a regular Raptor maybe yeah I'm going to continue my Purge just a little bit to try and go back with a bunch of hide especially cuz really need that stuff um not able to craft any really nice Saddles right now and it's it's kind of killing me just a little bit so um yeah we're going to continue our little our little Purge right here like I said and um I think that's going to be the end of this one so guys if you have enjoyed this one go ahead do me a favor hit the like button if you want to see more subscribe and uh yeah I'll catch you in the next one oh nice little B there off the video wow oh my [Music] God
Channel: Syntac
Views: 274,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark survival ascended, asa, new ark, ark 2, ark remastered, ark survival ascended gameplay, asa gameplay, ark rex, ark rex taming, ark trapping, ark trap, ARK, ark max level
Id: wPFdsrTp250
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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