Observation 2 - Science Lesson

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okay class today we are getting ready to start some science now remember in science all this past week and last week we've been talking a lot about animal habitats do you guys remember talking about animal habitat and we talked about how important those habitats are because it provides them the stuff that they need what kind of things do they get from their habitats giovanni house they've got a shelter a home what else do you remember macy cave that's a part of our homes right good job anaya food right they get food the habitat provides them with food what else taylor i check okay it's another house right so we get food we got a home what else lily's important for these animals for survival water water that's right so their habitat right hold on to mine you know provide them all those things that they need so that's what we were learning about but there's other things that are special about our animals that help them survive in their world okay so today what we're going to do is we're going to look at animal coverings do you guys have an idea of what animal coverings would be all right so let's turn and talk with our partner and tell them what you think animal coverings might mean when we're thinking about animals dorian can you talk with your partner [Music] you want you two to go together okay [Music] all right good job go ahead and turn back to miss thanos i heard some great ideas you guys are working out some stuff dorian what did you guys come up with as far as animal coverings what do you think coverings would be lily were you his partner can you help them out a little bit um they don't get what you're thinking like a cover to cover them when they get wet okay and nia what do you what did your group come up with so they can swim all right giovanni i like you the gloves are in the snow or the ice gloves okay like so they're they got the covering around the globe okay all right let's hear from one more dominic what are you thinking when you guys were thinking coverings um so they don't get so they don't get cold all right so we're seeing a lot of thinking coverings is something that's going to protect them i'm seeing a lot of you on the track of protecting them keeping them safe keeping them warm so we're on the right idea okay go ahead and put your hands down what we're going to do now is we're going to read a cute little mayan book with found this great book called do frogs have fur and it's a cute little story and it's going to introduce us to animal coverings okay so eyes on the screen and who's my lights person lily is that you baby rachel okay rachel can you go and get our lights for us so remember our voices are off we're listening let me wait for her to get the lights off so i can see it better all right do frogs have fur do frogs have fur a book about animal coats and coverings by michael dahl illustrated by jeff yetch [Music] do frogs have fur nice let's think about that do frogs have fur so where is our where's fur located when we think about an animal let me see but where's the fur when we thinking about fur on an animal what is that macy a wolf okay you're naming animals that have fur i see what you're doing but when we think about fur is it in my shelter is it in a tree so where's my fur gonna be if i'm thinking of an animal dominic on your skin it's on the outside of me right so what are we thinking now about coverings now we're looking at the word coverings again it's no longer about a shelter or something that's protecting us what is it covering dorian what are you thinking now it's what baby oh you guys speak up nice and loud too hard i can barely okay all right so let's keep reading the story i want you to think about that now because now that we're talking about fur we're no longer talking about our shelter our habitat we're talking about something else on an animal okay macy let's go and finish the story no polar bears have fur a polar bear's fur keeps the bear toasty warm the inner layer of fur is thick and wooly the outer layer is made of hollow hairs the bear's bright fur helps the animal blend in with the snow furry paws keep the polar bear from slipping on the ice oh wow so just on this page alone we've learned something really important about the fur on this polar bear it does three important things to help our polar bear who can name one taylor what was one of them it keeps our bear toasty warm that's right giovanni what was another one you caught [Music] okay was that in our story though no they did talk about the pause though what did they say about the pause keep them warm who else caught that taylor it can blend in with the snow it can blend in with the snow right his his fur is the color of the snow so he can blend in lacey there was one more that he said about the paul fur did you notice that one in the story okay all right here it says furry paws keep the polar bear from slipping on the ice so his special hair on his paw is important because it keeps him from slipping because he's from the arctic like we learned last week and it's covered in ice so he's got special features that help him okay all right so let's keep going do frogs have feathers no no cardinals have feathers a cardinal's coat has hundreds of feathers short fluffy feathers next to its body keep the cardinal warm strong wing feathers help the cardinal fly stiff tail feathers help the bird steer as it flips and flies from tree to tree okay so we've learned about another covering we're no longer talking about fur now we're talking about what dominic not just the wings what part of the what is our covering now it's no longer fur he's covered in what feathers that's right mia remember our bird is covered in feathers so that's another covering so they're talking about the way the feathers help him they talked about how they help him fly they also keep him warm just like our polar bear fur and they can also help him steer with his different feathers in the back okay do frogs have scales [Music] kind of cute isn't he though no fish have scales slick shiny scales lie flat along a fish's body some scales overlap like shingles on a roof some scales fit together like bricks in a wall water slides easily over the scales as the fish swims scales protect the fish's soft body when it bumps against rocks or bigger fish all right so now we see our scales that are on our fish can anybody think of another animal that would have scales like this macy sharks well sharks actually have more of a softer one they don't have the scales say they're me a mermaid mermaids would have scales on their mermaid tail that's right what about snakes have you guys ever seen a snake close up yeah have we seen scales on snakes yes they do they fall in the scale category right so now we've talked about further we've talked about feathers we've talked about scales those are three different coverings so now how would you guys help me tell what coverings is what is coverings for an animal that first word we were talking about when we first started remember you guys told me that he thought it was a shelter you thought it was the things that were keeping him keeping all the weather out and stuff like that but where is it macy on their bodies good job macy that's what i was looking for right coverings is the outer layer on our bodies right so that's what we're thinking about when we're thinking of coverings because all of our animals have different coverings good job macy do frogs have hair [Music] no let's see who does though no horses have hair a horse is covered with a smooth coat of hair the row of longer hair that grows along the top of a horse's head and neck is called a mane a horse's tail sometimes has even longer hair the horse can squish its tail and shake its mane to shoo away pesky flies oh see even their tail their hair on their tail comes in handy to get away flies and stuff do frogs have fuzz [Music] no bumblebees have fun a fuzzy bumblebee lands on a flower powdery pod inside the flower sticks to the bee's body as the bee visits other flowers some pollen falls off into the blossoms the pollen helps make steams for new flowers all right see some animals covering is fuzzy do frogs have bristles no hedgehogs have bristles the back and sides of a hedgehog are covered in stiff pointed bristles this bristly coat keeps larger animals from eating the hedgehog when it is frightened the hedgehog rolls itself into a prickly ball so again we see the coverings help protect the animals if he has a predator coming after him he can roll up in that tight ball and those prickly little thorns will help him so keep him safe do frogs have outside skeletons no no crayfish have outside skeletons a crayfish has a hard outer covering called an exoskeleton as the crayfish grows it gets too big for this shell the animal then sheds its covering and eats it the crayfish hides while it grows a bigger exoskeleton that will help protect it from enemies do frogs have fleece no lambs have fleece tight curls of fleece keep little lambs warm when a lamb gets older this soft fluffy hair is cut off and the lamb grows another coat the fleece is called wool it is spun into bread and yarn for making clothes and blankets ramel to keep people can you stick crisscross please and listen do frogs have shells no but i'm sure we can think of a couple that do right turtles turtles have shells the painted turtle can pull its head and legs into its hard shell the shell protects the turtle's soft body from the sharp beaks of hungry birds the turtle can also hide inside its shell from enemies such as snakes and raccoons so we see the shell is important because it's doing what that shell covering is doing what for our turtle dominic who's helping it helping him how's it helping him so um it doesn't get eaten by predator that's right so he can do what what can he do dominic can he he squeezes inside of it right so this outer shell covering is helping our turtle because he can squeeze inside of it macy do you have a question babe um yeah we see turtles a lot in our area lots of water do frogs have slimy skin yes frogs have slimy skin a frog can soak up water and even breathe through its soft thin skin to breathe this way the frog's skin must stay moist even on land a thin layer of slippery slime keeps the frog's skin from drying out when the frog leaves the water so even our frog's skin has special features that help him it helps them from drying out because frogs can live on land and in water right yeah so they have special skin that helps them with that so we see now that all these coverings are important they're there for a reason because they help protect our animals right all right so let me go ahead and close our mayan book and we're going to do a little sort before we do the sort though ms spanos was very lucky and a couple of our friends here at our school had some samples of some of the skins or some of these coverings that we're going to talk about today so we're going to get a chance to actually look at them which is really neat the five that we're focusing on today are fur sorry i think let's go ahead fur scales shells skin and feathers okay when we think of fur rays of hands who could tell me one animal they think they would find under fur lacey wolves right they had that soft fur outside how about scaled can we think of one animal we find under scales aiden fish right we learned about our fish have skills right how about shells anaya what kind of animal would you think about for shows i couldn't hear you baby what was it well okay let's see what else we can see can you think of another one with shells taylor a turtle right from our video the turtle how about skin what type of animals have skin ramel a frog has skin is there anything else that you can think of that has skin piggies have skin right they have little bits of hair but they have skin lacey what else people that's right we all have an outer covering don't we we're not furry are we no we have an outer count a covering of skin so that's what we would be classified how about feathers you could tell me one with feathers haven't i heard from you rachel i haven't heard much from you let me hear from you birds right we've learned about birds okay so like i said our friends here at the school were really awesome to give us some of these samples that we can take a look at me bring them over here so you guys can see them we got lots of that one that one's kind of fragile so i'll leave that one over there okay so our first category was fur in the video they talked about an animal called a polar bell right what colors are polar bear skin or fur white that's right so we actually have a little sample here of a white fur okay so what i want you to do is i want you to go ahead and pass it around and you're going to wipe it against you we're going to brush against your hands feel it really quickly and then move it to the next person so everybody gets a chance while you're feeling it think about ways that you can describe it how does it feel to you is it hard is it soft is it pokey things like that okay now while that's going around we're going to talk look at the next one our next one is a shell right remember we have some that live in in shells okay and that's what becomes their home so these don't have anybody in them now because they're empty but normally animals would be inside of these shells okay so go ahead and pass those around i and we did get which is really cool i just want to show you these dorian listen i don't want to pass these around because they're very fragile but what kind of animal do we have in here a snake somebody it's a real snake that somebody got wait can you like not feel the bag well we have a little fake one we're going to use so for snake where would he belong oh he does live in the desert but where would he belong on our chart here [Music] with the what ramel um that's not a real snake if we look closely what does he have what does he have on here yes it's a real snake macy not skin remember skin is smooth oh dominic i see it not moving [Music] all right here go back to your seats guys okay good job not skin everybody say scale right our snake has those scales right so there's those little shells or those little things that they said kind of go on top of each other like almost like a roof keep passing anaya keep passing in there all right so for skills that's also found on reptiles a lot of our reptiles have scales so somebody had given us this it's one of those grow things but it shows you what it feels like so we're going to pack that around all right so feel them mason keep passing it baby we'll make sure everybody gets a chance he caught a big snake right and said snake was was he covered in scales [Music] all right let's keep passing all right does everybody get a chance to see the shows [Music] but we're not listening to it ramel we are passing them so everybody gets a chance okay yeah that one looks like our favorite it does kind of look like a zebra you feel yeah okay all right so the last one we have is from our feathers group okay and this one we gotta be gentle with too but it's a feather so i'm gonna just hold it by you and you just kind of lightly rub your finger on it because i don't want to pass it around and wait your turn divine let's go down each row i only got one turner touch [Music] here's your buddy [Music] real feather yeah all right [Music] okay so now that we've felt all of our different things remember how the crocodile felt remember how the feather felt remember how our polar bear felt and then remember how our shell felt i want you to turn and talk with your partner and describe how it felt are you giovanni are you talking with your girls giving some ideas about how it felt [Music] okay then that's okay [Music] all right a couple of friends didn't get to feel it so we want to make sure that they get to feel it they can't really describe it without feeling it all right okay every turn back to miss spanos good job guys mason lacy lacey lacy can you turn around say hi all right so we talked about all these different things who can describe one way that something felt dominic which one do you want to describe yeah and when we described did you feel soft or hard hard so those body coverings are more hard right macy what else it was [Music] it was from a real bird but how did it feel to you was it pokey was it hard was it stiff it was so oh and i like that you compared it to the polar bear so our polar bear had soft fur and our feathers from our bird had soft feathers right anaya what else um okay remember we're just talking about the feel we weren't talking about what it's made of but what how did it feel remember we already dominic was telling us that it felt hard right did you agree with that okay so what about the shows did anybody notice anything about the shows lacey so they had two different feelings one was kind of pokey and hard but one was smooth so that's another thing we remember so it looks more like our alligator right because it's harder it's going to protect our animal right all right macy one more because we want to go to our store okay [Music] right because miss fano said a couple times that we're not going to do this snake because it's very fragile right and i don't want it [Music] right those are all very fragile this is very thin when it comes off a snake it's very thin so i don't want to pass it around because i'm afraid it'll get crushed in the bag and we don't want to destroy something that doesn't belong to us right so i was just showing you that one but that's why we use the alligator instead so there's one covering we didn't get to feel did you guys catch that which one didn't we feel rachel no that's not covering it's covering fur skills shells skin or feathers which one did we not feel today oh don't yell oh yeah let's see aiden nice quiet hand i like that skin we didn't get to feel the skin can you think of anywhere we might be able to go to feel skin dummy ourselves right to every take a moment and feel your skin how does it feel is it hard oh yeah it sucks right we're very soft we're not pokey and hard right so you can see that all of our coverings are different some are hard some are soft but we don't have to worry about predators coming and picking us up and eating us do we no so we probably don't need that hard shell or that hard outside but animals they need that kind of protection based on their habitat right all right so what we're going to do now is we're going to take a couple minutes to do a quick search what we're going to do is sort we're going to sort our animal so we have picture cards here and each animal belongs in one of our categories he's either going to belong with fur scales shells skin or feathers so you guys are going to help me sort them into the right spot you think you can handle that all right so remember miss thanos has a popsicle sticks with your names on and that's how i'm going to determine whose turn it is because we'll make sure that everybody gets a chance because unfortunately i don't have a card for every single kid but that's okay right we don't always have to be the one that gets up okay so i'll just listen for your name and then i'll give you a card and we'll talk about where it belongs okay i make sure your crisscross goes that way if people come up here i don't want them to trip okay let's turn it this way all right let's see let's have giovanni come up here all right giovanni what kind of animal did you get today what is it a duck turn it so they can see it all right so giovanni which one do you think it belongs in is it going to belong in fur scales shells skin or feathers do you think fur what do you think of a duck you think he has fur yeah then other birds have hurt them and [Music] all right well let's take a look at this let's think of this what is common about animals with with um this type of animal what does he do how does he get around does he he swims but he also what slice do you remember what kind of animals what kind of covering our animals that fly birds so what do you think he belongs in do you think he has fur or do you think there might be another group that he belongs better in remember our birds are covered in something very specific and we felt it today remember remember our polar bear was covered in fur remember our duck's not covered in fur he's covered in something else where do you think he goes you want to pull them out try it again remember birds have a lot of it on them that helps them fly not skin heathers there you go giovanni good job all right let's see let's get my next one we have taylor taylor come on down all right taylor what kind of animal did you get today a snake and show it to everybody all right taylor where do we think he goes does he go in fur scales shell or skin oh she's thinking skin let's look let's look at it again remember we had our snake here and he had a lot of these things on them what do you think those are scales that's right girl can you fix it that's right we're going to sound it out scales or shell there you go i might have a little too high huh all right let's see the next name macy come here macy watch your fingers guys there you go all right macy what animal did you get a turtle right so what category would our turtle go in does he have fur scale shells skin or feathers take a look at your picture they'll help you that's fur which one do you think it is and i'll help you find it remember think of your turtle that you found at your house remember what did he have on him oh oh that's right so we have fur scales shells or skin which one do you think it is there it is shells look like our digraph we learned shh all right let's see where's my next one lily all right lily this one's a little bit tricky but what do you think that one might now look closely at your picture and that'll help you um iguana so where do you think he belongs go ahead hold it if you look at it it picks a picture it kind of helps you what does he have on him left when we think of a uh iguana are they usually soft or hard they're kind of hard so remember there's only a couple of them that are hard our scales are hard our shells are hard which one do you think he might have [Music] um remember we felt our skin and our skin was what soft but we just said he's hard right so that might not work does he have a shell on him like our turtle there you go good job ladies you did a little tricky but this is why we're doing this you guys are doing great this is a scaly iguana he's got those hard skills on him to protect him all right let's get my next name aiden all right aiden here's your animal what is he in oh he knew that one right away what is that aiden uh oh a lion the members one went to the strikes tiger right our tigers covered in fur right that real soft fur all right let's have annalise all right annaliese an eagle got a soaring bald eagle where do you think he belongs oh you think he has fur okay remember what we talked about when our animals that fly that means they're covered with what they need special things that help them fly you don't think you remember what do you think your room oh you think you got it where does he go right good job he's covered in our feathers right awesome good job annalise all right let's have mia [Music] mia let's do it this one's a little tricky let's see if you can get that one he's a whale let's see so what do you think about the whale look at you mia awesome so even though he lives under the water like our fish that we learned about he's not covered in scales is he mia no he's like our shark he's actually got a nice skin to him and they've got little hairs on their skin just like we do right okay let's see dominic dominic grizzly bear where does he go fur right there with the tiger because he's definitely covered in fur right all right let's have anaya okay now what kind of animal did you end up with slater he slithers what do you know what he's called yes cow now show it to your friends maybe they can help us what kind of animal she got snail right he's a snail and nyle where do you think he belongs right there with the turtle because he's got a show remember jabani we don't yell out sweetheart let's have lacey yes giovanni like me i have like right you got little hairs right because we're mammals like our whale right well he was from our story so he should be one that you can figure out that's right what kind of animal was he lacie he's a frog and he goes under our skin and there was something special about his skin do you remember what they said about it it's very wet it's smooth and stuff but what else did they say about it it's really what do you guys remember when he's slimy right they said his skin's really slimy that helps him in his environment good job lacey rachel oh we're missing a couple people we might be able to get through all right rachel what did you end up with hmm a shell but a special show is called a clam so where do you think that belongs look at your other pictures too that'll help you what other animal looks like they have the same hard outside layer like he does there you go that's right our clam has a shell and our clam has to have that shell because he's very soft inside he's very soft and squishy so he needs that shell to keep him protected from other animals okay all right let's have dorian here dorian right jordan who did you end up with do you know what that is they've already helped you it's a crocodile or an alligator so when you think about him where does he where do you think he belongs mason let's let him figure it out please dorian are there any other animals that look like they might have a similar outside than him like him right here right good job it goes in the scales remember he's got those hard shells good job dorian all right mason come on up ramel did you get a turn babe oh i'm missing a stick for you honey sorry okay we'll get you next don't worry all right where do you think he goes okay think about that is our pig covered in fur that's right he's got that nice skin like we do right and they have the hairs just like we do too ramel come on up baby thank you mason good job all right ramel all right mason i love that we're encouraging but let's not yell out okay all right what kind of animal is he he's got first i'll put him up there good job he's a little goat right with fur all right last one i think it's pretty easy we can figure it out what's our last animal bird so where does he belong in feathers okay so we can clearly see all the different animals that are inside our groups now when we leave the carpet today and you go back to your tables we're going to get a chance to do our own sort okay but before we do that let's recap real quickly who can tell me what is a covering let's see dominic fur is one of the coverings but how would we define a covering macy okay you guys are giving me ex you guys are giving me examples of coverings which is great but what would we say a covering is lacie yeah okay we got another example guys all right we've already covered all the examples of the covering but what would we say a covering is where is it at where is it at on our animals taylor huh no rachel outside our body outside our bodies thank you rachel that's what we're looking for remember the covering was our outside layer right our outside covering that keeps us what what do they do for us they keep us warm but let's raise hands okay they keep us warm that's another thing dominic they help us not getting eaten by predators right they protect us do you have something different right so that's what we found we found that our coverings are good at protecting us they keep us safe they protect us from predators and stuff like that okay i'm sorry we have a phone ringing so hold on one second let me grab that real quick miss vanna okay is she going home okay thank you all right bye okay rachel it looks like you're going home sweetheart so can you go ahead and get your stuff together and then officer e is gonna come grab you okay so just get all your stuff together and wait right there for him all right guys crisscross chris all right so we are going to go ahead and finish up because i know we're starting to get lose attention so we want to make sure that you guys get a chance to do your own sort so we did a great job we talked about coverings and how they keep us safe and they protect us we also talked about scales i want to talk a little bit about that because that's a word that we're not used to hearing in the video or in the book they've read us skills are a protective layer that kind of laps over each other and keeps us safe okay they kind of refer to it in the book as tiles on a roof have you guys ever seen a roof they have what's called shingles and they kind of lay over each other and that's what protects our house right it keeps what out of our house bugs and what else roaches and rain and water right so that's what a scale resembles scales are little things little things that go over they're real hard and they go over each other and they protect our animals so that's scaled okay the other thing that we didn't get a chance to talk too much about was this classification here like alligators and stuff they're a part of a group called reptiles can you guys say reptiles reptiles are like a cold-blooded animal that has this hard outside layer that's how we can tell them because they're the ones that are covered in the scales okay so a snake would fall under reptile our iguana would fall into the reptile and our alligator would fall into the reptile group okay all right so what we're going to do now is you guys are going to get your own little short to do so we can see how we did and it's very similar to what we just did here on the board okay it's looking at fur scales feathers shells and skin okay so under each one we can see that there's actual animals some of them will be similar to what we heard in the story or did here but some of them are going to be different but we're going to go over them real quick so i can make sure that you guys know what we're looking at we have a bird snake we don't have to repeat just listen snail rabbit owl frog squirrel monkey turtle elephant fish lion dolphin turtle flamingos and this one looks like a little like crab of some sort and a snake so what your job is going to be is you are going to get take this back to your seat you're going to cut these strips off and you're going gonna glue them in the right box okay if you get stuck on a word and you can't figure out what the word is because you know scales shells and skin all sound the same right they all start with our s down if you get stuck before you raise your hand and ask for help i want you guys to use this to help you if i don't know what the word shells look like could i look up here and try to figure it out right i could look at the animals underneath the word shells right now oh s-h i see it if i wasn't sure which one was scales could i look up here and figure it out yeah yes because i can see the animals underneath scales so that'll help me find that word okay and then what we'll do is after we're done this spanish will collect these and i'll be able to check and see how well you guys did with our little book that we did today and our little sort okay so who can tell me what we're going to do when we go back to our tables what are you going to do lacie oh are we going to our table to read a book dominick stewart what are we storing so what exactly do we have to do what were the instructions that miss spanish told you taylor sort the animal so we got to do what with this cut and glue and color right you're going to cut this strip out you're going to glue them in the right one and then you guys are going to be able to show me how well you learned about our animal coverings okay thumbs up if you think you can handle that awesome i'm so excited all right go ahead taylor nice quiet feet back to your seat hold on and now can you sit on your bottom sweetheart and elise go ahead and go potty and go aiden okay no we're not all going to start going to the bathroom right now okay we want to get our work done okay let's see here good job all right there you go mason uh anaya ramel and macy i have one for you guys too but we're gonna get one this one's a little bit different because yours only has three on there okay so it's not as much so today you're going to concentrate more on fur scales and feathers okay you know the bear goes under first you guys have already got a good start on here because he's on there right because you can look at our source so you guys have a bear a bird yeah a night let's listen to a bird a bird a bear a bird a fish a rabbit an owl a turtle a flamingo a monkey and a snake okay so we're looking at fur skills feathers all right you guys got it all right cutting glue there you go baby good job guys all right so you guys go ahead and work on that and then like i said when we're done miss spanos we'll collect those and we can see how well we did with our little lesson today about our coverings no she's recording because we're doing our observation okay well we have an sd at one o'clock oh goodness okay okay thanks bye can i just end it should i just end it that's gonna keep all right i see a lot of people already cutting good job we're ready to start getting those sorted into their things good job oop before we start gluing and naya what do we got to finish doing okay cutting that's right we want to get them all cut out first remember we want to cut all of our pieces out first that way we can start organizing them macy what do we want to keep finishing doing first okay that's right good job alright let me turn this so you guys can good job awesome taylor's got all hers cut she's ready to start gluing them on oh she's using her board for help i love that i love that i get them all cut then we want to cut them all out first okay so cut then glue so let's cut them all out all right anaya quickly to the restroom baby okay mason let's get that mask on please thank you remember we're going to keep our sort board up here to help you guys so if you have any questions or you're stuck on a word what you need to know did you lose your scissors [Applause] all right we're now where's your scissors baby okay let me see i remember we might have to get a pair and borrow all right ramel we're going to use this chair for now okay but later we'll we need to figure out where those scissors are okay push your chair and lacy nice and tight here we go baby perfect snake goes and scales our dolphin goes in skin good job you guys are doing great remember mason only a little one glue mason just glued the glue on the picture only okay so you're putting all this glue here and it's going to dry before we have a chance to stick anything to it okay remember guys when you're gluing just put a little bit of glue on the picture the back of the picture and go ahead and stick it we don't want to stick a bunch of glue on our paper because then we're gonna have a hard time getting it on there before it dries fur look at you that's right perfect our shells our skin oh i see aidan using the board to help you guys are doing so good at figuring these out on your own we're looking we're checking up there we're comparing i like it all right you guys keep working guys are doing awesome then like i said when we're done we'll go ahead and collect these and the spanish will be able to see how well you guys did okay you guys did awesome learning about coverings today right all right good job everybody
Channel: Jessica Spanos
Views: 1,342
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Id: dXORv_dKcAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 9sec (2829 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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