Rick Crosslin Grade 2 Science - What is Force, Motion, and Position?

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I'm mr. Hawkin this is second grade at Maplewood elementary and we are here learning today what is force motion and position with mr. cross alone hey thanks that introduction you know I'm your neighborhood and we're studying in second grade some pretty cool concepts we're studying about force motion and position so here's how this lesson is going to go we're gonna do some demonstrations we're going to make some drawings we're going to use some tools and instruments we're going to test some ideas and then we're gonna read about it and see if that's true you guys up for it okay so here's the first thing force let's take a look at force and if I write it you should write a force a force is when a force is when an object is moving a force is when an object is moved thank you if I write it you write it so a force is when an object it takes a force to move an object you believe that we're gonna try it repeat after me may the force be with you science may have may the force be with you all right I'm gonna need you just a second up here okay so force on force is one obvious move we all have the force with us like Star Wars there's two types of forces we're going to talk about today are you ready for this all right I'm gonna put an arrow I'm gonna go this way and an arrow I'm gonna do this right one type of force is called a push a push force what do you think the other is called we said that you're my favorite student right now pull so the other type of force is a pull force go ahead and write this like I'm writing it let's take a closer look so you got your Star Wars shirt on and since we're talking about the force that's a good thing and so it's the force strong with this one young obi-wan put your hands up against me okay both hands go ahead and push you show me a push push push push that's all he's got he's using the force now he's using a force there's a push okay so that was a push okay hands and push against me push easy push push now let's show a pull force show me a pull force pull pull now show me a push okay let's everybody do this together don't stand next to me push pull ready push pull one more time everybody say it nobody say may the force be with you force is a push or a pull let's take a look at something else so I have just game I like to play which is I use a rope and a force and and would you come over here and you gotta see you being right there let's get we do have three students come up in the stands to help you write about that okay Tristan Fernando and Arianna okay and so little bit closer get closer yes yes closer no and you stay there and you guys get closer okay there you go take up the slack now I like to call this game no this game is called Pola war it's a force game now you guys take up the slack pull it pull it school board yeah yup whole keep pulling take up the slack now nobody is hurt especially the teacher and let's see this this is a force demonstration show me a pull award go ahead pull okay Wow the force is strong with those and I'm you're losing your grip all right relax relax draw a picture in your journal colored pull a war pull a war so we just saw a pullet war not a pusher war but we use a lot of force and I'm glad no one got hurt that was good now we're going to move a little bit to after force we're gonna talk about motion and motion is when something's moving check this out ready tell me what kind of motion this is ready fast was that fast motion watch fast motion watch this motion come demonstrate that with me come here show me fast motion go give me a pencil so you gonna get hurt show me fast motion let's look at the motion of this ball are you ready catch it okay I'm gonna catch him easy look at the motion of this ball ready okay let's use your eyes to observe easy okay it's not what you'd call it or second I'm gonna draw with them those you draw it also hold that place so here's a did it look like from here here is that look like that yeah don't throw it go back to me watch did it go like that is that that Oh then go like this wait a minute did it go back and forth did it go like this zigzag zigzag zigzag like that short time again throw easy didn't go like that yeah wait did it go like this the ready I don't know I think these are all dirt types of motion I don't like this ready time one more time and can someone come up and draw how I can go would you come and show me I'm good yeah thank you look you guys do this one easy one more time alright watch you make it are you watching what do you think we make it do this go ahead goes like this what did I do I put another force didn't matter watch what happens do it again ready you're gonna throw it easy you're going to catch it but I'm gonna make another force go that way so be ready and let's see if I can make a force now you're ready let me take a look at your workbook pages what you draw we leave force and motion and this has no energy but now I'm going to push it up push it up and when I let go what do you think it's gonna do it's gonna drop what's gonna who can describe how it's gonna drop yes gravity and what kind of forces gravity is gonna push or a pull so I push it up everybody say on count of three everybody say gravity pulls one two three let's try that again I'm gonna I'm gonna push one two three everybody on your desk I like how you're putting the words gravity pulls nice job okay we've studied a little bit about the force we say that motion now we're going to talk about position position is where an object is is and that's its position this position now I want to do a little spirit okay everybody take a look at me shut one eye and look where my head is ready see my hands right here what's behind my head yeah right there okay shut your now shut both your eyes shut your eyes now open your eyes did I change position how do you know oh okay shop one I look at my head what's behind me now shut both eyes shut both eyes open eyes position Ashley shall I look at Ashley shut both eyes past this position change where is where was Ashley nowhere issues so here's a word right she was right and then she was left let's try to get ready look shut one I did a precision change okay what words she is in front right right that word let's try it again shot one I look at Ashley excuse me shut one eye shut both eyes love me write the word of these are words that we use describe position let's do one more ready shut one eye shut both eyes go ahead and write their word yes you get all over the place one more thing for Ashley to do okay ready this is a good one shut one eye look at her shut both eyes okay open your eyes she's not in here where is she that word should we use she's outside and Ashley come on back when she comes back what is she gonna be inside so let's review Thank You Ashley give her a round of applause everybody do some force to change your position by motioning so we talked about force motion and position I'll tell you what let's take a closer look at some experiments I want you to do okay guys so just to review we talked about a push here's a push and a pull okay I'll push it'll pull those are the two forces we talking about and I was looking up on the board member we had that one to go back and forth here's one way to do it these are things I want you to do in just a moment like there's motion straights that was like a up on the board remember that a back-and-forth and then this one is B and then this one this is a hard one I'm sitting doing ready zig zag zig zag zig zag see that one and then this one is that kind of hard to do see what I'm doing this is a swirl you ready I'll put a dot on this so you can see it better maybe ready there we go can you see the motion can you see the motion that one I would like that one hey where you going hey canary so we had some motion that went like this the motion kind of wins eggs eggs eggs egg and I kind of like that one let's try to get ready crazy there goes now one of them that might be hard to do we did this one when the ball was gonna go straight right but watch what happened when I had another four so but get ready when I pushed it this way it goes right to you right put it back to me there's a push and a push I can go slow and we can go faster ready crazy now here's one that's kinda interesting watch this I'm gonna make slow to you but watch what happens when the new force comes in ready here comes slow to you how come he didn't go to him to force here's a push here's one push here's another push so here's a slow force Betty okay but here's the one that you how can we make this go in a circle I wonder oh you're smart okay ready watch see how it's going in a circle here's a hard question for you if I let go of this is it gonna keep going in a circle it's gonna shoot for do you think it's gonna go slowly okay on the count of three you say the lift and I'll lift it how many people think it's gonna be a stay in a circle how people think it's gonna go zigzag zigzag have you a thing like this guy's gonna go forward - find out you say one two three lift whoa he was right wasn't he it went straight let's try it again one two three lift that's pretty amazing it goes the weights closest to he goes the way it's supposed to see that's how things move in a straight line unless a force acts on a very already tell me why everybody say one two three lift nice okay he's noticed that I that I didn't slam him I didn't they didn't fall off the table watch this why don't you try this I'm gonna use a block looks like a ramp there's a ramp but how I'm gonna see if I make the ball go let's see where Jenny see that you see how it does that's G that is G very good up on the board has being a smaller ramp ready yeah so so I want you to try those we get back but now I got my friend here just put this what's your name David Xavier this is a science tool savior's it's a science tool yeah some people call it a science instrument and look when you get these we want to use them and not break them this is 100 centimeters everybody say turn it over though it is inches you know he goes up to about 35 can you can you major in the candle discus you can measure an anaconda with it but you're gonna have to use a lot of them because I've seen anacondas and they are sometimes 12 of these long okay you ready let's see Xavier let's start on the sand eros turn around ready Xavier let's see we can if you can use your straw in a force to make this go let's give give me that yellow ball instead Savior can you make this go 25 centimeters that boys got some force but that was you probably do but there's a hundred can you make it only go to 25 series Louis gently use less 175 centimeters you put your finger by 75 let's try it on one breath one breath 75 quiet on the set watch this okay check it out and if I blow this way which way if I blow which way is it going to go he starts here his way his force went that way Xavier went that way I'm gonna blow I know so I'm gonna go see if I can make it back out there and you can actually catch this everybody because my horse oh look at what my way all right Xavier give it some force and make it go your way you're close you're good okay now here's my question for you my question for you if we both blow at the same time get ready women okay if we blow the same force it might go a you says am i go here me be really you think it's gonna go like this and or it could be see which do you guys think you'll go I'm blowing this way from the count of three here we go let's try to get you guys so my force my force wanted to go that way his force wanted to go that way the ball went both ways let's try it one more time now see I'm going this way he's blowing that way but with two forces they compromised let's try something different okay so this is an instrument or a tool it has centimeters and inches you're gonna use that this is another instrument take now this is called a spring scale and it can be used to find the weight of something or the force of something watch this back up just over bed now what I don't want people to do is this you guys are all back up just a little bit don't do this don't go like this thing that cuz it'll break it that's not what it's made for see there's numbers here on the side and numbers here somewhere in grams and somewhere in and Newton's or ounces okay what happens if I do this watch so I have a bag you guys all have a plastic bag this bag has a hole in it so I can hook something on to it ready watch this okay now I'm gonna pull this bag on the ground and we're gonna see look at the numbers here is that zero is that zero will it stay the same when I pull or what change feel more force or less watch it's at zero watch very already it's in between zero and fifty about 25 what's gonna happen if I had to block see was it zero 25 a seat well it might go between that's fine now who predict 100 anybody think 100 150 200 three-two-one force 125 let's add a few more things I'm not slamming it or trying to break it okay so we added more thing just try the force you think 252 I may the force be with you may the force be with you a little spring scale that's what's called the spring scale let's find out here we go zero 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 200 no wheels wheels that's a simple machine I'm gonna put everything on here it was at 200 right now I'm gonna use the wheels what do you think it's gonna be you think the wheels are gonna make it easier is that amazing that when 250 we didn't change yeah it looks like an airplane but look the wheels caused it to do that alright so here's what I'd like you to do go back to your seats I'm gonna give you about a few minutes to explore before we start these see if you can use the straw to make a forest to move the ball this is hard because here's the tennis ball you use a lot of force on that one there you go why'd you say yours winter what we've ended our hands on and now we're gonna look at our science book to apply you
Channel: Rick Crosslin
Views: 33,315
Rating: 4.8014183 out of 5
Keywords: Rick Crosslin Science, MSD Wayne Township, lessons, science, hands on, Indiana Expeditions, force, push, pull, motion, position.
Id: pD1T27chY4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 08 2016
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