CER 5th Grade Model Lesson by Dr. Jay - April 18

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and today I'm gonna take you on an adventure I know it's gonna be interesting and we're gonna be investigating Bernoulli's principle I've got heard of that before ready let's raise your hand if you have do you have some idea Bernoulli's principle what do you know egg we why okay you don't have route Oh fastest sit again faster whoa so what the lore he goes what do you mean by this do y'all know what I mean what do you think I mean anybody else want to share some like you're thinking go ahead okay if it goes to things and go back okay interesting anybody else have some thoughts around Bernoulli's principle what was going on with that what happened what after the air pressure what's going on with your plane yes sir I like how you using your vocabulary did keep doing that so when I ask you questions please understand I wanted to share there's no answer is a wrong answer you're sharing your knowledge with me okay and that's how we learn I got talk louder okay yes please so keep in mind we're going to talk about Bruni's are possible today and we're going to do some reading around that piece I'm gonna have this there that's needs out for me so you get a copy of this you're gonna do the first article we're not gonna dress the top the back article yet that be at a later date does she's gonna need this information today but we talked about in this article or some things that you can use first when we start doing our lab okay all right so we have some informational text some text evidence they can you can use are you making a claim you're writing your reasoning all right alright are you ready Bernoulli's principle who would like to read it aloud reader here got real out can you read real loud or nearly stop right there so he studied its properties do what I do underline okay so he stood two properties a moving fluid such as water in there go ahead chief okay you go just say that it stays that the faster the fluid is moving the lord up is pressure so it's the faster the of the fluid is moving the lorda pressure so if we think about your plane today is this what you were trying to explain to me yes or no thumbs up said doc jaws I've translators to you do you wouldn't listening right so the faster to move an air the less pressure air pressure are what's gonna work you low said to get a low pressure so you got it up here you have your airplane wings remember that on your plate so you have this low first so myself is pushing down something and then you have the slow-moving air more air pressure so higher pressures on the bottom of it okay so it's lift you lift it up so now that's what happened when you think about what was going on with your airplane today hello you get it alright so when I say to you fast-moving air is over talk seriously this fast-moving that's real fast moving real fast then you have this you have low pressure less air pressure but then when you think about what's under this wing airplane mean whatever case may be is hot pressure because a slow-moving air sometime we call that stationary here move is motionless okay are you ready to finish me ass back on your paper so you want to try with your paper you want to try it let's try it make your paper see if you can do it I mean what did that exercise see if you can do it you gotta make sure you got blowhard though you got a blowhard got a hole in down below oh oh okay what happened to it look you got no pressure you're blowing on the top I guess I missed it okay but you got to do it on top you got to blow it not under blow it like on the top huh yeah hold it up okay good see there it is alright you have low pressure then you have this high pressure you see that that's what it's talking about there and then what happens your plane today oh thank a class I'm gonna get a little dizzy you get a little I add I know so you gotta think about that all that air and the air pressure all around us it's like we're trying to blow some air to make it happen but just think about it I'll by the pyre I'm taking a poop alright let's go ahead gonna finish reading for me okay look at the pictures look at this young man here you see the low pressure on top of the paper and the high pressures lifting it up like we did so go ahead and read that little piece that'll catch him do the paper rise guys we did that do we see that so we're going back to four newly's again that's what he's saying that's what it means all right the last piece you want to bring it all home for me start right there so the pressure want to do this certify the air decreases so if these put the pressure is so low it's low pressures basically the same the force now apply it against that's low pressure so that's what it means okay just abort go ahead and read the rest of it okay so right here the closeness it exerts a great pressure then these high pressure high pressure you had a low pressure on top high pressure pushing this up here okay the people so let's underline that don't hit my dear so this is some informational text put on this evidence one we're gonna lay this is our evidence won't work we might go back to this evidence where you know we've got to make a claim got to write a reasoning you know as you know as scientists we have this evidence once this is our evidence one text evidence to help us when they started the fraud claim and then also help us when you're right not reasoning we can use information from the actual text all right with good with that how I just don't know I'll thumbs up with you good with this so here's what you do put your evidence to the side I think it's time for us to do a layout what you think I know are you ready got a click make sure you paint your evidence on the side there alright that is going to try this thing oh you guys got to really work with me I might get a lab assistant I'm going to get a lab assistant from who is imma let miss Kristin pick you up I have my lab assistant she knows you very well I don't I'm getting to know you and your families a people all right give me stuff in action do you guys see you can't see okay it's gonna happen doc you're gonna be calm focus okay now I'm gonna do this your turn so you gotta focus and see what's going on because what you're gonna have to do we're gonna get Meighan laughs you once we get through this you ass gotta answer some questions you got to draw a diagram think about what we talked about Bernoulli's principle and what's going on and see what I'm about to do okay we have a hair I have a penis don't say yeah everybody good all right okay look at a whole bit home from the minute you see that yeah Bob stop Oh me I chilled it oh my god okay focus don't do that no MODOK okay but keep in mind what happened I did that cuz you gotta answer question around that look there we go okay give it doc do it I'm going to get this it's gonna be you saw that huh okay Bernoulli's principle is happening here guys all right come on Doc you can do it doc I'm gonna make something happen not ready all right was that cool yeah who tells Bernoulli's presents an action did you see that but now guys I'll do it again a couple times we get past the last sheet so you saw this you saw this in action or knew is Russell there but uh so let's get our paper out you can cast enough money thank you all so let's think about it are you ready and I'll do it again if I have to so you can see it or here's your flap she use a picture use pictures and words to explain why the ball stayed in an Airstream so what you saw was an Airstream straight doesn't you saw now you saw this I got it on home an Airstream that's Airstream here how'd the boss thing in there okay alright so here's so worse I want you to use in your writing right here these are something worse I want to be used high-pressure air low pressure air let's sit this one together so you can use those words to explain what's going on okay so you're gonna draw a diagram that's what it says here go back to your paper and you can use those words if you want to label I would do some labeling a what's going on where is the high pressure located where's the low pressure this air scream I already gave you one already with that when I tell you what that was where that was located what's going on with a gravity with this so we should renew his pistol with this so this is we've got a label so again you have two questions down you guys say why did the fall stay in the Airstream alright why did a steak want to tell me why now you're going to write come on Doc got tell me why you got a righty not tell me now you don't write on a paper not yet then you gonna say why did the ball fall out when that when I went to speak did I do that remember I do doesn't need to catch it you need a catch it cuz something's going on so here's what I need you to do you weren't a partner yeah okay so let's work with partners and let's take hmm let me get my time bro let's take about I'll be about eight minutes to do this that's enough time you think you may begin work with your partner where do you want to work with alright you have eight let's watch the time let's get it done work with who you need to work you work by yourself don't do your diagram and use my vocabulary you can work as a group how do I do it get it done cuz we gotta talk about using a dime's I get ready we've all look at you you're doing awesome make sure you label your diagram you have some information that your text if you want if you're making a claim around those questions you have the lab so you have two sources Wow okay mm-hmm target vocabulary don't forget your vocabulary about the J want to see this what do you think is going on alright need you to judge these questions minute so you gotta write it in there use those words that clues the words guys may I look okay it's rice a little bit better are you pitch dude nice it stayed in my ear sure because it was on stream what type of pressure was that and what was on the outside of this room yep there stream yeah it wasn't in the air stream was it low pressure and high pressure less a low air pressure was it fast moving air in air stream was that what happening cuz I had fast moving air or the door no it didn't oh you have two minutes gang suit you're trying to say you want to talk about the air screen that was there that we had the ball I want to add that to when I did you talking about low pressure less than a minute guys all right thank you let's see class class all eyes on me all right let me do this one more time then I wants people to share their findings I some shared your to dot your diagram okay Bernoulli's possible we're going to do it again you're it so I got my gadget okay tilted out an Airstream is going and the ball is cottage to the Airstream is there low-pressure a hot place it happening or is it both okay now I'm gonna interrupt it alright so now let's see who wants to share their diagram and tell me what's going on what's the shared a diagram alright bring it up here okay Emily hurt you they need to do your subjects last class yes your attention suited to presenter going to talk about what happened with her diagram nice or not [Music] so tell me about your so you talking about here you have pressure and low pressure okay any comments about this anybody has something they want to add to this but they do it in their design all right okay all right so the air pressure high air pressure so those fast-moving air y'all agree was that fast-moving air did it produce low air pressure the agree so if I have the ball and I have low pressure the ball is sitting right here okay so you got low pressure here where does that where's the mote pressure air located where's the high pressure okay I'm building in the Airstream okay so now I'm going to burn thank you for sharing like this pressure idea so if the ball is pushing down but is it okay then push it down but also something has happened to push it up you notice it's stayed there you saw was it's sitting there it wouldn't go down but it wouldn't go no further you just sit in a spot what is causing that to happen it's where your words out there and you you use that word what's causing it to happen whoa pat your head is a brand that's ready from what doesn't have gravity got gravity from that you got a force of gravity just pulling it what and this is other force that is pushing it up what is that airs oh I like the word is an Airstream so what do we think what do we up here then we put a clue I got a clue I got gravity pulling the ball down that's a force of gravity but I got another force that's pushing the ball up and they're meeting it's all around us you can't see it said again say it again say it again so I got a force of air so here's the ball okay it's sitting in the middle ok got gravity forcing it down but air set ain't gonna happen not today I'm gonna do this I'm gonna take you off I'm my force of air is gonna pull it up and you and I are gonna have to be in the milk because its own we're fighting right now so they're fighting was another going up now you're going this way so they're sitting there having his argument cuz it an equal its equal so you got 1/4 of a percent no player and if they got a force up and say uh-uh isn't they boo and they're doing this ok so that's what's happening good job what you wanna do and we'll edit our paper and our design but tell me this scientists and I want you to talk to your group why did the ball stay in the Airstream before angle was too steep talking your group first I want off Cavallari don't give me away you know I don't hear that it isn't working no it's about family flash flash ready I said now which group want to take me on and tell me why what happened give me up who can state a claim back it up use the vocabulary put your scientist and you're on point one day one take Oh all right grip make sure you back him up go ahead share your knowledge okay so he said why did the boss stay in the air street before before the anger was too steep you're saying vinaigrette II cuz it got out he think he didn't kill to that when I tilt it something happened you do you agree just group over here do you agree with him and if you do agree why do you agree with him it is rude I'm talking Big B right over here did you greet them be their brutal grin yeah huh yes yes no soap now tell me you said yes then tell me why you're good what do you have on your plate what evidence do you have again I like what you're thinking there so you think about the air and a gravity making it float when I tilt it was in an Airstream correct then all some of that fizzled - then all of a sudden Graham boom I want I want air baby i won I got cool right okay so Tim it is why did it both fall out of the air spring when David was too steep I don't really same thing right that was before the average of stayed and it was too steep now we'd have a purported when I had a real steep it fell out because I was trying to what I was trying to do dr. G was trying to do this and I'm not good at I was trying to tilt it and keep it still in the air stream then after that I did one where you have to actually chill didn't fill out y'all saw that okay so we look at it said why did the ball stay in the air stream before two angles to see why the cost was there low pressure air around it yes or no was that high pressure air around the ball so it stayed there then you had to gravity cooling back gravity force gets our air force and just sit there because it had all that surrounded they had the high the high pressure air was surrounded now when I kill today it says here why did it fall out of the air stream when the anger was too steep because I just did it as something happen if somebody said something about gravity took the whole love it yes or no okay buddy show that again are you doing we're good all right now here's what it looks like I want you to edge your paper and make sure you make some changes if you need to you see this here's what we talking about here's the cylinder ball it's floating it's right in the center then I have something going on with the battle the battle between two people two horses what about between two forces when it's called what and others call what and they're pulling right here then you have high pressure air pushing on the low pressure air so I've got high pressure here back bottom here this represent high pressure and here's low pressure and high pressure is pushing on the low pressure hey good and push it on this side to the keeper there but when I tilt it fell out of this it's just an air stream see what's going on here does this makes this that poster put yeah and I said I got this alright so make some note edit your work so take about three minutes because we got another layout you're going to be doing this laughs now mind you you want to need this information the lending to enter no for three minutes top the pose get it right I put some stuff up on the board get your design and edit your design illustration you had no Corrections vocabulary work Plus class yes yes all right there's our work are you gonna make table to this we had evidence worn with a conventional text right this is evidence - so you have some text and you also have a lab you have two sources right now can you watch it now quite a few prepare you for your writing piece all right are you ready for the next lab okay put evidence one into a weight on the side this one you're gonna be doing this let me go over it for a minute the question this is Bernoulli's principle round of paper tip card the question we're looking to answer and make a claim is what will happen to a piece of paper all right first thing you're going to make sure you do and we're gonna talk about that well you can start is make a prediction you go to the prediction first and even go through the lab and everyone ask the question would claim here's what I thought when I did the lab here's my clean can use the answer for this question is off the deck so here's you guys do want to do that you're gonna keep your procedure is to phone a sheet of paper in half stand up upright and have pieces y'all know how to do this right put a crease blow through the tunnel the toe your crease get rid of the tunnel opening and you're going to record what happens your oscillations okay then you can answer these questions and you can work with a partner or you work with a bruise you guys decide that okay your pit bridge more than six ring all right any question about the fun thumbs up hi guys I don't see all the thumbs up is it with me thumbs up show you what you do we have your paper get up [Applause] hold up hold up hold up don't start you I said you got the paper first thing I want you to do don't fall don't fall don't do the first dance is what happened to a piece of paper I need for you to tell me what your prediction what you think gonna happen to it what's your prediction so here you are you Andy make you write down what you think is gonna happen so start writing make a prediction well you think it's gonna happen to a folded paper make a prediction or you're not gonna start your layout make a prediction write the prediction right under here you cannot do a lab let you make a prediction I'm gonna run a check make a prediction you're not doing oh I make a prediction though what you think is gonna happen make a prediction write it up here I like that that's good you made a prediction that's fine excellent okay I like that everybody has made a prediction you may begin your lab you can deal with your group or but the partner or by yourself get it done you have five minutes do it you're gonna read it to do it read the directions Bowl it in half work with a partner you need to any what you got to do make a tent I need you to read go through the tunnel what happened you guys do you got to what happened what's your observation well yeah what did you observe you can do it this one supposed to do a hot dog stop I'd use my sister make a tent well that's but that's what happens in would you write that down okay what did you observe it with you right now all right so start answering your questions what did you observe what happened to the paper when you blew through the tunnel okay so what did you observe you're gonna write that down all right what did you observe right there down all right write your conclusion okay you have other things you have to do stationary air is the air surrounding two high pressure air surrounding okay so what happened - what happened what happened to it okay so why what happened so I just closed you spread it out so what property was the station air in here address right what have you where do you start doing your conclusion once you do your observation is your conclusion questions right some of you and I'm noticing this some of you are not using the vocabulary high pressure low pressure you're still giving me baby words I need scientists words I need six great fifth-grade words used to vocabulary I know so check what you have there so what because Megan is complicated just like what you observe it's not difficult it's not that we do what's right what pop is there since they can air in here stationary air is thank you you might get it class class let's talk about it all right the question was what happened to a piece of paper what happened to the piece of paper so what did happen you made a prediction so what was some of your predictions anybody yes ma'am [Music] okay anybody have a different type of prediction she says your predictions what about you what do you think okay all right so what actually happened what was what did you observe when you actually did the lab what happened to the paper yes ma'am so it's what it's printed split apart right it's flattened so tell me why what do you think happened who can tell me why that happened yes ma'am said it louder you said because of gravity and air she's using the vocabulary so yeah I agree with you was something to do around you something with air well what type of air was happening okay like who's it for failure like that what else what type of man was going through yes slow pressure air was going through do y'all agree low pressure air going through if that's the case what was on the outside of the chin then low pressure on the inside going on what was on the outside ready and what else what type of air is going on yeah that's that slow-moving air that stationary air that motionless air Devils on the outside so when I blew the tip you guys blew through the tent I blew through the tunnel what pressure but something was going on the outside but we don't we have Aaron outside too without gravity yeah I'm happy I'm sluggin is you've got a graph you've got rap force of gravity guy also you got pressure yeah you got to force a bear you you're planning through here the cladding is like this but also this air pound surrounds it that's a high pressure air all right any questions yes ma'am we put slowed and when you blow it around on the back side side of it that one's moving with master dick right I got you okay good good observation anybody else wanna make a comment about this any question about this particular lab yes or no was it easier art easy season all right here's what you can do label this with evidence number three we made a claim and we said what will happen to the piece of paper you guys say it's flat we blew through it we obtained your reasons you said we'll call some low pressure air and high pressure air down make a plane did you answer the question did you gave me some reason high pressure low pressure are you ready for the next lap yeah okay now then to talk about this about what I want I've been looking at your writing some of you are not using the boat tablet I need to speedy to select some of these words in your writing okay so keep that in mind [Applause] [Music] I'm doing as partners with your partner [Music] all right everybody class class yes here's another lab we're going to do not this one I have some things going on you have a question this says what happens to a three by five card this is the question what happened and this is one you're gonna have to answer and make a claim all right but you got to actually get to collect the evidence first now you have a prediction what's your prediction what you think is gonna happen so what's supposed to be doing makeup predictions what do you think is gonna happen to this car Oh make a prediction make a prediction when you make a prediction hello take your all right class class now you make your prediction scuse me thank you awesome all right so here's what you're gonna do notice that dr. J has placed some things on your paper different on the last time you have a funnel with a large in the large in you're gonna place it over the card then you're gonna suck the air through the funnel not yet let's give you an idea now you you're gonna record your observation now keep in mind what needs to happen here it says your evidence where you gonna do all your work or your diagrams or whatever you gonna do you're gonna write it down here everybody with me whatever you gonna do your drawings what happened whatever you gonna put down there you might talk about air pressure I don't know you mean I don't know what you're gonna talk about you might be tell my fast flowing air you may visit your evidence and you might do a diagram I would like to see an illustration in your evidence so this is your evidence yeah all right then you're gonna make a claim you're going to answer the question using your evidence you got to make a claim then I want you to write your reasoning now here's the thing about that reasoning look at me I want at least three to four senses I don't want one sentence look a reason and I better see these words any question about this time to talk to your program they'll be gonna be working wit quickly make sure you understand the assignment have a conversation you have one minute talk to your partner [Music] okay draw everything put all your items into another tape without me you're not to paperwork your lap every your lab items that means I want the funnel and everything in the middle of the table with your note part now I'm looking around excuse me you don't practice you don't enjoy playing with now I need you to do your No so do your write up your labeling your claim your evidence your reasoning do not touch no more items okay now you have my keys an extra minutes goes to the job play for like four minutes so we give you five minutes so we make a change on it to finish this lab so get start working and I'm going to do anything better because I know temptation is big then we're going to ease that and collect all right we should be working on our labs we working to harder good yeah the lower your society is doing well you better write up what why it happens what do we know about how foolish people is [Music] right so it should be on your reasoning why why did it happen what did Bernoulli talk about this month because learning air pressure it says over here I think it's simple assess the faster it flows the Lord it goes so where did you see so in your reasoning you should be moving to that you should have a picture here your evidence labeled I need a picture of your evidence and the labeling and then I need you to start writing your reasoning tell me why Bernoulli's principle says something about that it says as the speed of moving air increases air is flowing faster the averages pressure decreases so it's more pressure well I got you two more minutes go we had that playtime but you being a reason now even your evidence should be labeled with a picture our diagram of what you did that's your evidence and you should be labeled we're here to see low pressure where was this high pressure where was gravity involved in this you have diagrams I got pictures up here used artifacts to help you somebody make a claim what happened give me an answer you get the lab nice time to write your reasonings I see some people writing their reasoning Thank You scientists I'm looking at you okay I love you got pretty eyes just pretty little faces something might be done but I'm looking over here and I could see someone take them off facing up you guys been tricked me but anything hmm right now I'm looking good don't struggle right look at you're out of evidence you have other sheets you have a a reading sheet you have everything to help you write this reason well thank you I see no reasoning I think forces three to four at least three give me three you no more class class so let's talk about this we have a few people who shared their reasoning so what happened to the notecard who can give me the twice what happened from the evidence you made a claim what happened yes ok sucked up yell agreed now tell me this why did that happen what happened give me the why no reason around us you had made claim from your heaven who wants to give me the reason why happened I'll start with you how fast it was fast blowing hair fast moving air you suck it in and then what about so I can say ok low pressure and what about the other ear was there some of that another person involved in just well it what's the other one I got fast-moving air got sucked in what's going on yes slow-moving airs on the outside which is called you're thinking about that and it was lifting up shop this we run over here the lift lift it up you have that high pressure just is going around okay any question about this yes or no so why all struggle with writing your reasoning that dresses up that I don't know we're gonna work on it right okay good make that evidence number poor guys I'm gonna try this lap it up today's not good at this lab and you guys got to help me you gonna go to the restaurant and you want to do a practical joke on the body I'm going to show you a way to do this but only do it when you at home and at a restaurant okay go do this fool and I'm going to want to do this but you guys broke the news better knocking I'm holy I get it so long sometimes below [Music] so this is what a thing you need to go to a restaurant using it a restaurant excuse me and if you will do a practical joke on somebody you say so if you have a cop yes and you say oh hey get down to these guys just show you a beautiful clean trick watch this one knows how to do it if I do it right it's gonna blow out and flat water okay that's what the object trying to do almost I'm surprised almost I'll get there I'm trying I'm gonna say this I get in front again you know don't try to do right it ain't worked on the top right business I could get it together right now not right now but you get the idea right it squirts out of do anybody want to try it I get another straw but you I got better loans so you got to make sure when you spray it you blow so what type of air am i blowing through the straw what am i blowing through the straw no pressure here right that tickles I'm trying right all right who wants to try Hey okay focus you want to make sure it goes you want to blow on the top it takes a young person okay alright and you saw that you actually today okay somebody you know that but you won't you want to blow what you did and I couldn't do it only because that's okay then water for the efforts comes up because you're going to low pressure it is shoot out the newest person and you do a practical joke somebody put your hand down there the only other side you have to put the hit on the slide say watch them and show you something I also use douche to warn their face right nice job who wants to try it again okay okay I'll let you have you are done it once I'm gonna do it here listen you get to make your guys make sure all right guys all right guys [Music] okay okay hold on don't come it makes that noise you can close you can close with a vixen don't miss that he's getting close to making it happen [Music] I know daddy's making noise no you roll across frosted okay it's getting close yo real hard then Lopez you got coming I know why practice do it yeah we try okay you want to do it yourself all right so again you get close got me should have so you got that go ahead you get it out of there is coming it's coming okay yeah winter on the enter one more time you getting there okay you get something out of there he gets up him out if he's not as strong as hers worth whoa whoa did you get you down what's up with that now it was different ooh water okay I'm soaked over here but it's okay [Music] okay I roll it out trying to design your own investigation all right let's go let's go back to our seats and I'm soaked but it's okay all right go back your seat guys all right class class all right the only thing with this lap and you guys I did we did bring some for you guys to do this but that it is you're gonna have to label these because we know excuse me that low-pressure was happening low-pressure was happening also high-pressure word happy and what's going on with the arrows what's that telling us those type of things yes ma'am yeah the water's coming through up to the straw okay and we have them keep in mind we have low pressure air coming through the straw and the water and is making the water come up or pressure here and it's basically hidden what type of air what type of airs outside we got a low pressure in the - up to what's what's outside high pressure air high pressure air is pushing down on the water here okay so these are the things you need to think about because what your assignment you're going to label this and tell me what's going on you want to use these words this I've been working with these words okay you're probably going to have to do so we're gonna basically close it out right here so deep you guys continue this and finish up your lab and you also have the actual things to work with you already been practicing you've been seeing how you need to angle it me everything like this but what principle what were you actually investigated a who are we looking at today who are we working with today new this principle doesn't make sense to you now as the speed of moving air increases increases oden my blowers increases the air pressure decreases so we have low pressure going on so in the area of that air is moving faster the air pressure is lower so when you had it up here you're talking about the air pressure low hits the water makes the water come up come out you have also high pressure going on to you guys that's what you experienced today did you experience Bernoulli's principle today did we live it today did you have fun with it today good so she continued to laugh with you tomorrow you do your write-up and everything like that because I want to see your student work samples okay but then I want to make sure you guys use the VOC okay give yourself a hand
Channel: Mesa Public Schools
Views: 3,139
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CER 5th Grade Model Lesson by
Id: sVlb2bgNMkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 16sec (5656 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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