Eureka Math 3rd Grade Lesson

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all right we're going to start with our fluency today put your markers down the first thing we're going to do is skip count by fours to forty five to fifty please I just wanted to take your paint changer okay we stopped at fifty so now we go to zero nicely done okay today we will work a lot with fours we're gonna start our application problem so if I can get you to face our board just turn your body there is your application problem remember for this part of our lesson you we will read this problem together you will draw a solution of your choice and then you will write a complete sentence answer for using the RDW strategy red orange and blue scarves are on sale for four dollars each Nina buys two scarves of each color how much does she spend all together your task is to solve that any way you choose you have six minutes any way you choose I'm gonna read it again red orange and blue scarves are on sale for four dollars each Nina eyes two scarves and each colors Familia how much does she spend altogether alright please put your caps on your markers it's alright if you weren't able to finish caps on your markers please in three two one zer Oh turn back show me your boards by holding them so I can still see faces so I can still see faces this is where the bonds sum equal groups I'm seeing an array I sing a number bond from yesterday nicely done okay normally at this time I would invite you up and I would ask you to show me how you solved but today's a little bit different our objective is to learn how to solve a two-step word problem that's the first time you've ever been given lets you step word problem because in second grade you were still on one steps we have to be able to use the information from this application problem to help us with our next problem so I'm going to ask you to turn your words over turning over don't erase but we're going to use the back side and I'm going to show you what I would do you and then you can compare it I can show you some of you got the correct answers some of you made very common mistakes and remember I told you that whenever we make mistakes sometimes that's when we learn the most so let's read this again red orange and blue scarves are on sale so the first thing we've learned to do is figure out our known information and our unknown information we've been doing that for a while now known and unknown give me a piece of known information from this problem kyanna $4 each one or $4 each scarves $4 each okay we're used to having how many pieces of known information to and how many pieces of unknown information one that's gonna change just a little bit today Cooper what's another piece for me she buys okay so two scarves each color what's our unknown piece of information please Philip the total of what do we need - is it asking this how many scarves how much does she spend and if it's talking about how much you spend it's talking about money isn't anything so how much money did she spend all together we're not sure so here's what I would do I would use a tape diagram we've been using those for several days now so I want you to start creating your tape diagram please Oh remember we're gonna leave the end open because we're not quite sure yet how many units meaning okay let's look back at our nose these scarves are four dollars each she buys two scarves of each color and then we have our unknown is there anything here that tells me how many units to create Greyson do you think so where do you see Vice - scarves of each color Hey so three colors three colors so two scarves times three gives us to mix of three three six okay that's just some extra information mean I get that tells us to create six units so please draw six units and if you get to the end like I did and you have some extra space you're just gonna erase those right and then double check one two three four five six units notice that my units are equal in size yours need to also be equal in size nope you're so close enough don't worry about erasing remember they won't ever look perfect on a whiteboard that's alright they won't look perfect on our paper either will they not unless we used to rumors and that's really not necessary hey so tell me our knowns again Cooper dollars four dollars each so what I label my unit or my total tape diagram with that $4 each Cooper with this total diagram B $4 each no where would that go can I draw my brackets would that be our unit or a total here you'll see that's our unit so right here we want to put $4 I'm going to introduce a vocabulary word that we haven't used yet this unit represents one scarf but the value of this unit is $4 so we're used to say this represents four hot dogs or five peaches today we know it represents one scarf but we're adding money so we know the cost or the value of each Hey $4 what else do we need to label what else do we know we have two scarves of each color Grace in heritage helped us figure out two times 36 use this here we use this what happen 20 oh here we can do this we could go ahead and say 6 scarves here but then we need to label our unknown age a help me I mean we're just labeling we're gonna get to that in a minute yes how much money altogether because that's art I know how much money does she spend all together get that label now I want you to show you something that we could do instead of just counting to 6 if you weren't quite sure that you need it or if you didn't know to multiply 2 times 3 you could have done this Nina had 2 red scarves - orange scarfs and blue - blue scarves so you could have just labeled those are oh hey what's the value of each unit 4 so let's go ahead and label those okay you have we labeled everything that we know to label yes to be have so now you can solve I want to see an equation so right here where I have this circle I'm not telling you whether you need to use the operation symbol for addition subtraction multiplication or division you have to determine that on your own so right here I should see an addition subtraction multiplication or operation symbol or division operation symbol all right back up here with me caps on your workers how did we solve what did you do Maggie you use the fair share strategy okay so you once you did that you determine their work tour in each right okay but did you know the total so how do you figure out the total how do we know how much those stars cost all together what do we have to do is ayan so we have four in each group how many groups of four did we have six six I'm gonna take this away we had six groups of four count by force with me six times eyes right here I see her nice here four eight twelve sixteen or six groups of four equals 24 so what is our complete sentence answer sound like how much does she spend all together [Music] twenty-four dollars all together you could say in all but since our problem says all together I like to use as many words from the problem as possible what do we call that when you do that restate a brief statement I stop all right erase we'll move on to mrs. Landis just messed up you were not supposed to erase I did we're so we're so used to erasing everything you let me keep what I have you kidding it's alright if you erased all right back that's okay I would definitely erase the site where you tried solving on your own yes say you'll find out why I shouldn't have told you to erase her in a second Hey look at this problem red orange and blue scarves are on sale for $4 each does not sound familiar Nina buys two scarfs of each color she also buys a hat that costs $4.00 how much does she spend all together turn to your shoulder partner very quickly tell them what is different from this problem from the first problem [Music] back with me five-four-three-two-one the ero what is the difference between this problem and our first problem Emma she bought half so let me show you how I would add a hat I will come right up here honey hats did she buy so I just need one unit and right out here I would write hat if you still had this on your board you would copy this on your board for me what did these units represent the scarves thank you for saying that loudly enough that I could hear these represent starts so we're going to have to start labeling our tape diagrams from now on whenever we complete a two-step problem what do I know about that hat other than there's just one then what else do I know about the hat it costs $4.00 also so right there I'm gonna have my four dollar value I'll just label it in there with four dollars okay so first our unknown was how much does she spend on the six scarves what does it say now how much does she spend altogether so what do you think you're going to do to solve and Layton what's your idea skip count by how many times Senate four times four times would get me to four scars seven six times would get me to six scars do I want to just figure out the cost of the scarves what else do I need to know right how much the Hat is along with the scarfs so how many groups of four is that we have six groups of four plus one more group of four what's the way to show seven groups of four so how do we solve that we're gonna skip count markers down I want I would love to see your fingers count with me to make sure we stop at the right spot ready for 16 20 24 28 seven groups of four is $28 now I have to tell you those third graders wouldn't recognize that we added another group of four they would have seen it but I don't think that's the way they would have solved can any way think anyone think of another way we could have solved if we know that the scarves add up to twenty four dollars and a hat costs four dollars more what else can we do Tristan how could I find the total [Music] yes let's go with it $4 plus what was the cost of the scarf $24 how much is that because we have four ones plus four ones as eight one two two twenty eight alright if you have anything on your board erase all of it this is popping - this is the problem that we will stop on after we've solved this one today and then you'll have Travis Austin with a partner alright problem - mr. lim by 7 plants for his garden each plant costs $5 the next day he buys a rosebush that also costs $5 how much more did the seven plants cost than the rosebush let's read it one more time mr. lim by 7 planes for his gardens each week and it costs $5 the next rosebush that also we're gonna go with the tape diagram so we're gonna write our nose and our unknowns you don't have as much room on your whiteboard as I have on mine so just like in the past days it's alright for you to let me write the knowns on the unknowns up here if this problem was in front of you what would you do to mark your knowns and unknowns what have we been doing [Music] no you haven't been we've been passing out directions to show that you've completed a stiff leg that's exactly right but how have we been saying oh this is known information okay what have we been doing 280 lie there we go we've been struggling your underlying okay known information mr. lymph eyes sudden plans for his garden what do we know he by seven plants that's his total correct hey let's read our second sentence Daniel read that second sentence starting with each for me what's our what's our known please okay so I'm going to put five dollars each we don't have to write the whole sentence do we third sentence Colton we want to read the next day okay stop there at the period what do I know information is there something that's unknown in that sentence the next day he buys a rosebush that also costs $5 we're used to just having to nose number I told you today that would change it's gonna be okay if we have three gnomes this time what is that telling us about a lace bush it also costs five dollars there's one rose bush I'm gonna put a little arrow with a one right here one rose bush how much more did the seven plants cost than the rose bush so what's our unknown how much more are the plants than the rose bush okay so get ready for you tape diagram do we know how many units we need eight well the way that we are gonna create our two diagrams we're actually not going to use eight we're going to create seven we're gonna make make them separate so we're gonna have the plants here and the rose bush up above but good thinking to realize we needed eight altogether please make your units the same size very close to the same size see what I did double-check make sure you have the correct number I am going to shrink my writing like the same information again just smaller there we go now I've got some more room because right here we need that rosebush don't we so I need seven units for the seven plants one unit for the rosebush do you see how I need the unit for the rosebush the same size as the unit for the plant at least it's closed why is that it's important cost is a plant where did I place this right above my first unit for plants so I need yours to be right above your first unit for plants that leave a space it doesn't belong over here it doesn't belong up here it doesn't belong down here it's very important you put it right above that's going to help us see visually that they are the same size mr. long I want it moved please to the correct space Thank You mr. Hershey to the right space leaks get your time it's okay if you go up here just right here all right so we know there are seven plants let's label that on a diagram for plants seven plants okay I'm gonna put a little check because that is information that I know and I label so what you could do on your paper you could just put a little check above that underlined no $5 each do i label that here or do i label it down here for the tote on your top right here right really small now what do we call that this is called a unit the unit represents one plant what do we call that $5 that's our new vocabulary word for today the value the value of that unit is $5 what else did we know lion rosebush is $5 where does not label belong Oh show me show me on your board well that is your right that's where all right rosebush H a good thinking you remembered we needed those labels that means I'm gonna go ahead and come down here and I'm gonna write plants thanks for reminding me but where do I put that one rosebush is $5 do I have a unit that represents one rosebush Kaden is this for one rosebush here or any of these down here for our loose Bush right they just for plants just for plants so where's where's our rosebush right here so that's where we need our $5 value right up here that's okay it appears a lot to remember hey done with this butter check what is unknown how much more do the plants cost than the rosebush hmm okay so right here should I write how much more do I know how much do we know how much the plants cost do we have to find that out before we can find how much more we answer than the rosebush do we have to find out the cost of the plants we don't I'm not sure that I could find out how much more they cost if I'm not sure the cost of that plant so right here I'm just gonna put dollar plants cost remember I told you these are called two-step word problems this is where it gets a little bit tricky did this say anywhere students you need to know the total cost of the plants first it's like this mystery unknown that we have to uncover so first we're gonna find the total plants cups how how am I gonna do that these are plants gonna count by fives how many touches seven why am i counting by five seven times Kelsey did we label each of these with five we didn't do we have to in the past we've been putting it in there but see how we labeled this one and this indicates that each of them is $5 so we do not have to put it in there as long as we understand each of them have a value of five so let's count by five seven times here we go 15 20 25 30 so how did we find that we count by fives seven times seven groups of five equals thirty five dollars seven groups of five make sure you get your dollar sign there is 35 dollars we're almost done we know the total cost of the plants we know the cost of the rosebush so now we need to answer how much more do the seven plants cost in this little rosebush right here what do you think we're going to figure that out Hayden what do you think we could subtract what can I subtract five from I think that is an incredible idea thirty-five dollars minus five dollars would be how much thirty five thirty that's right just like we skip count going backwards $30 $35 minus five dollars is $30 so our sentence answer would be how much more did the seven plants cost than the rosebush we would say the seven plants cost $30 more then the rosebush did you remember what I loved about not the most well I do love that it's challenging you can solve it in many ways there's another way that I could figure out that these plants cost $30 more than that rosebush anyone want to take a guess at how I could do that using this tape diagram right here [Music] do you know how I could use the tape diagram with me how much more the plants cost them a rosebush it's okay I'm not trying to confuse you you might not see it like I do but eventually we will L oh oh that's good thinking a number one but not in this case I wouldn't use the number one well let me show you here you see how these match up okay so the rosebush costs as much as one plant correct what do I have left [Music] oh my goodness some of you are thinking that made no sense to me and you know what that's okay Alice we're gonna keep practicing and eventually I'm hoping that you'll start to see some things like this count by five six times five thirty so six plants cost $30 $30 how much more the plants cost in that row space erase everything stay quiet so you can hear our directions hey markers down erasers down hey it's time for independent or a partner practice time so all eyes are here I said erasers down right this second markers down right this second hey this is the time when you are going to be working with your partner you will get a problem set and you'll get homework remember that these mirror each other so the problems on the problem set are exactly like the problems on the homework the only difference is you're gonna see different names and different numbers do you see how both of these give us a tape diagram okay over on our board you can see that the problems I have told you today that you must do or must attempt in the 10 minutes our problems 1-inch - so the first thing you'll do is you'll label the problems em from us to do on the back number three is going to be one you could do if you have time and number four and five if you have more time than that you can pick one of those whenever you go home tonight you are only responsible for completing number one and two just like in class you're completing number one and two okay you will complete these with a partner when the ten minute timer sounds what will you be doing so that we can review them together yeah any questions review the two problems that you practice together with your partner if for some reason you weren't able to complete those both of those problems in ten minutes it's okay whenever I completed here if you notice anything different and the way that I solved and you solve you make sure that yours looks like mine because what is this turn issue when we take it home so you're gonna take this home tonight to help you complete the two problems that are very similar on your homework page okay all right so let's look at that first problem ten buys three books and a magazine at the book store each book costs $8 a magazine costs four dollars so here they've shown us that a magazine costs four dollars there are three books so that you have three units each book costs eight dollars what is the total cost of the books so what was the first thing that you and your partner decided needed to be done here now let's talk really loud normally we do put in labels but these are actually already labeled for us so this is not for a label like it used to be this actually won't be for a label work we're moving and step up with her take diagrams eat butter cooks how much does each book cost eight eight dollars and Part A says what is the cost of the books what was the cost of the books how many groups class listen to my question how many groups do we have three groups hey I don't know about you I'm not very good at counting by eights we have a practice skip counting by eights yet so instead we're going to use that commutative property tape we've already learned about we're gonna flip fluff days because order doesn't matter with factors whenever we're multiplying two numbers so we're going to count by threes eight times ready 3 9 12 15 18 21 24 we're getting very fluent at 324 so right here bellow that label that we need actually want it to say $24 so in this box $24 that's showing the total cost okay we already know the cost of the magazine that's why they shaded this worth so Part A what does the trouble cost of the books we needed some pleat sentence the total cost is $20 so notice I used my multiplication equation and a complete sentence answer if you don't have a little patient equation and to complete Susan's answer at that in right now right now we're short on time you've got to get it done this is what you're writing XJ not looking at our partners paper when mrs. Landis's board is right here and this is the correct information that needs to go home with us okay Part B how much does Ted spend all together that's why this bracket is here this bracket right here on your page it gives you a dotted box that's saying billion so we know the books cost $24 we know the magazine costs $4 how many groups of H do we have three groups of a is this a group of eight no this is half of it do you see how this is half the size of this unit here yeah it's only half as much so I can't count four groups of eight I'm going to have to add right so 24 dollars plus the cost of our magazine what's 24 plus 4 28 28 dollars I hope that more than one of our third graders knows 24 plus 4 equals 28 dollars write that number sentence Deon and we're gonna write our complete sentence answer how much did Tut spend all together whoops I wasn't restating I caught myself almost you're restating exactly Ted spins $28 altogether there we go I wrote in two different colors so it's easier for you to see them how many of you thought that this was a little bit easier than the problems we solved this morning how many have your the this morning earlier how many of you were having trouble with this did you have trouble not knowing how to solve it or not knowing what went in the boxes what was the hard part we haven't ever seen this label before have with before today we've never seen to take diagrams together so this label do you see how this bracket closes in this tape diagram plus this one so this is for Part B this right here is for Part A in the future if you're not sure what information needs to go there you ask so right here that's where we would write 28 dollars and then we are done with problem one hey do you have that label 28 dollars oh let me let me correct an error I'm seeing some of you write it this way this is the way we say it 28 dollars but that is not the way that we write it our dollar sign label goes in front so make sure it looks like dollars 28 if that's not the way that we read it all right let's solve that second one seven children share twenty-eight Silly Bandz equally part a how many silly bands does each child gets I have seven units for the seven children I have 28 total silly beings hmm whenever we know the groups but we don't know the amount in each group we're dividing 28 divided by 7 how can I solve that Daniel what strategy is that fear sheer strategy so my guess is you figured that out because this class is excellent that's fair share strategy so so far I have seven and fourteen continue I have twenty-one now I have 28 right I've divided them equally each unit has a value of 4 so 28 divided by 7 is 4 but right here I've got to lay this what is the value of one unit eret what's the value of one unit right here yeah just for silly dance how many silly bands is each child is each child gets silly dance I'm gonna proofread I'm gonna check my question silly bands is two words I wanted to make sure that silly vans wasn't a compound word I've got my period now I'm ready to go to Part B how many silly bands do three children get some of you were confused by this bracket down here it's there because we also have to show how many bands three kids get healthy what did you do to solve this I added four three times so you did repeated addition four plus four plus four count by fours three x equals 12 is there a faster way than using repeated addition what else could I do how many groups do I have three groups of four three times four equals well okay we did do it can you tell me about laughing thinking how many silly things two three children get three children write your complete sentence answer if you didn't get 12 Silly Bandz period alright so if you are not finished with these problems you are going to make yours look like mine so that you've got your homework helper to take home tonight if you are done whenever I say go you will be taking this and putting it in your take-home folder make sure your homework is there they both have your name on them and they are ready to go the rest of you just stay here until you get all of this down and then we'll move on to our next subject all right okay before you go tell me what is still confusing for you what are you still having a hard time where the labeling was confusing today wasn't it Bella because we what we did is we've advanced her our thinking with tape diagrams we're used to writing the unknowns and the knowns and labeling all of those but we didn't label as much anymore just like do you remember the second problem I think that we did today we had groups of five did we have to write five dollars in each unit or could we leave some of them blank sits one was labeled class did we have to label each one no so it's going to get a little more advanced but we will practice just though we're going to keep practicing for several days yes oh right here thank you this needs to be a trunk yep 4 8 12 I forgot to label that I would have missed a point that's why what do we have to do before we turn our work alright
Channel: jethd
Views: 49,536
Rating: 4.5063291 out of 5
Id: T8UqmMyiFCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 49sec (2749 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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