OBS’s Best Plugin Is Going PAID?! StreamFX Alternatives! [UPDATED, SEE DESCRIPTION]

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streamfx is a must-have plug-in for OBS it's what I recommend to almost every new streamer it adds a ton of new features that you don't get by default like the ability to tilt your gameplay in 3D space the ability to blur sources drop Shadows just a ton of new features that can help you enhance the production value of your stream so that's the good news the bad news that now you have to pay for it the developer zamar has decided that all alphas and betas of streamfx will now only be available on his patreon now he's still going to allow you to download these stable releases for free the problem with that is that the last stable release for stream FX was released in February of last year and that only works with OBS 27 we're on the OBS 29 now you know what even that version's gone now so effectively there's no version of stream effects that you can download right now that will work with the current version of OBS but you know what I don't let that stop me so I listed out all of the features of stream effects that I think were important and I scoured the internet and I started making a list of as many free Alternatives as I could and today I'm going to share with you that list so you don't have to cry like a baby like I did foreign let's take a minute to talk about today's sponsor brilliant brilliant is an online learning platform that specializes in math and science but don't think this is just another website with a ton of videos that are just going to go in one ear and then out the other their focus is on highly engaging and interactive problem solving you guys remember that brain training game for the DS where you have to solve all those fun little math problems I might be aging myself a bit but I freaking love that game brilliant takes that concept and then applies that to real world problems so instead of just passively absorbing a lecture they give you a fun problem solving exercise to work out with every single topic for example they have a course on how to code with python and rather than just giving you a bunch of code that you have to copy and paste they walk you through a bunch of different situations like what happens if you don't put any quotes here and you can either answer the question or have the solution explained to you that way you really get to understand what the code is doing and not just that it works so if you want to try it everything brilliant has to offer for free for 30 days head on over to brilliant.org nutty and the first 200 of you will get 20 off their annual premium subscription the blur filter is one of my favorite features of streamfix it allows you to take any source that you want and blur it if you're creative you can use this for some really cool effects like on my stream I made a copy of my gameplay Source applied a blur filter to that then put that behind the gameplay source to create this really sleek and minimal stream design there's a few ways that you could recreate this effect but the best alternative that you're gonna find is an OBS plugin called blur filter this one is literally exactly the same as the blur filter that comes bundled with stream effects apparently some developer just ripped the code straight out of streamfx because streamfx is still open source and they packaged up the part that contains just the blur filter and then they package that up as a standalone OBS plug-in so because of that it works identically to streamfx's blur filter because it's it's literally the same code so you're gonna get all of the same settings for the record fully expect for this one to get taken down pretty soon so once that does happen I will find you another alternative and I'll make a second video and Link it down below the 3D transform filter that comes with streamfx is another incredibly popular filter it allows you to take any source that you want like your gameplay or your webcam and tilt it in 3D space I use this one on my just chatting scene where I take my gameplay source and I shrink it down really small in the corner but then I add this subtle little tilt to the gameplay so it looks like it's tilting towards me and I think that looks really cool I looked for a lot of alternatives for this a lot of people suggested that I use the corner pin Shader by exeldro which allows you to take the corners of any source that you want and then manipulate them so you can sort of manipulate sources to look 3D but I wasn't really satisfied with that so I asked exeldro if it was possible for him to make an OBS plug-in for this and he said yeah I'll just put that at the bottom of my to-do list anyway less than 24 hours later he was like I'm done it's finished he made a whole ass OBS plug-in called 3d effect which offers a lot of the same functionality that the 3D transform filter does so you can zoom rotate tilt any source that you want it's pretty much a one-to-one copy of the streamfx 3D transform filter except it's free and you can get it now [Music] Source mirror is one of the most essential features of streamfix it allows you to take any source that you want and make an exact copy of it so that you can apply filters to that copy without affecting the original source so for example I could take my webcam and make a source mirror of it and then apply a black and white filter to that Source mirror but it's not going to apply that to my original camera source for this feature you could use an OBS plugin called Source clone this was also made by auxiliary I feel like zeldra just saved all of her asses he's like he's like OBS Jesus Source clone works almost identically to Source mirror but it even adds some additional features like you can omit to the audio channel for the source clone so it doesn't appear in the audio mixer and you can downscale the resolution of the Clone to save some resources on your PC [Music] the virtual green screen filter inside of streamfx allows you to Green Screen your camera without a green screen so long as you have an RTX graphics card this was the easiest alternative to find because it's already built into OBS you still need an RTX graphics card of course but as long as you install the Nvidia video effects SDK you will have access to this virtual green screen filter inside of OBS and you should already have that SDK installed anyway because the one for streamfx also needs that while you're at it you should probably install the audio effects SDK and the arfx SDK because both of these are going to enable some additional features for OBS as well such as noise cancellation and auto framing for your camera which we'll talk more about Auto framing in a second streamfx allows you to apply things called shaders to any source that you want to create some really cool effects like this fisheye Shader and this glass Shader the best alternative that I can find is the OBS Shader filter plug-in I talked about this in one of my super old videos but it's very similar to streamfx's shaders feature unfortunately the files are not intercompatible with each other so the shaders for stream effects don't work with the OBS Shader filter plug-in and vice versa however OBS Shader filter still has a healthy list of shaders that you can use so I'm I'm sure you'll make use of it the link to the plugin isn't available on the OBS forums anymore I don't know why but they took it down years ago but it's still available on their GitHub so I'll leave that linked down below everything will be linked down below okay it's just that you'll find it there [Music] so there's a filter in stream effects that's called signed distance field effects do I know what the that means absolutely not but what I can tell you is that it allows you to add drop Shadows glows and outlines to any source that you want I'm gonna be honest with you I had a lot of trouble finding a good alternative for these features the best solution that I could come up with is by using the OBS Shader filter plug-in that we just talked about and there are a few shaders that you can use to recreate drop Shadows outlines and glows OBS Shader filters will come with a bunch of example shaders and one of the example shaders that it has is called drop shadow dot Shader this Shader is all right for adding drop Shadows but there's not a lot of flexibility like you can't adjust the opacity of the drop Shadows or the intensity but it's better than nothing you can however change the color of the drop shadow and so if you change the color to white then I guess this Shader can also double up as an alternative for the outer glow feature now if you want to make outlines around your sources for example I've got a picture of Linus here and I wanted to make a white border around him you can use the rounded rect 2 Shader which you'll have to download that again that will be linked down below but if you use that Shader in conjunction with OBS Shader filter you can kind of achieve a outline effect if you set the corner radius to roughly 10 and then set the Border thickness to whatever it's not a great alternative but hopefully that at least satisfies a few of you out there [Music] the dynamic mask filter of streamfx is a very interesting filter you may have heard me talk about masks before in a previous video if you don't know what a mask is pretend that you have this rectangle and I want to cut out the shape of this face into this rectangle well a mask is kind of like the cookie cutter that you use to cut out the shape look I know probably none of you got that joke but if you did get it I promise it was really good Dynamic masks are pretty much the same thing but Dynamic so instead of using a static image as our cookie cutter you could use something like a whole video to give you a more practical example of this let's say I have a green screen of my camera and I want to take that green screen camera and use that source to cut out the shape of a rectangle that's basically what the dynamic mask filter allowed you to do I had a hard time coming up with a good free alternative to the dynamic masks filter but I worked it out with you guys on my twitch stream and the solution that we came up with was to use the blending modes feature of OBS it's a little involved so I'll link you to the quick impromptu tutorial that I made over on the second YouTube channel which you can check out up here while you're there you should subscribe to the Nutty vods Channel not only do I upload all of my twitch streams there but I also sometimes upload some unscripted unprepared tutorials on stuff to do with OBS so if you like what I do in this channel but you want more content then There You Go [Music] Auto framing is another one of those features in stream effects that requires an RTX graphics card it utilizes the tensor cores on your GPU to follow your face around as you move around on your camera let's just pretend that this is my footage and not someone else's that I found on Youtube yay honestly I could never get this one working anyway but it doesn't matter because Nori hero created an OBS plugin called OBS face tracker and it's exactly what it says it can zoom into your face and follow your face as you move it around in your camera and this one is not only free but doesn't require an RTX graphics card so everyone can use it it's got options for tracking just one face or a group of people's faces if you have multiple people in your stream you can also change the tracking speed and how much it zooms into your face so yeah there's a lot of customization options here the color trading filter was another great feature of stream effects which you know as the name suggests allows you to color grade just by using a filter directly in OBS I'll be honest I don't have a great alternative for this however what you can do is you could create a Lut outside of OBS using something like DaVinci Resolve and then import it directly as a filter and you don't need any OBS plugins to do this OBS can just do that by default it's a little more complex because you need an external program to make the Lut but like I don't know what do you want me to do about it I have a really old video showing you how you can create a lot inside of resolve and then import that into OBS but for the love of God don't use it okay it's a really bad video I have no idea what I'm talking about so what I'm going to do instead is I'm just going to link to a video from eposvox where he shows you how to properly create a Luts because he knows what he's doing and I don't so I'm going to leech off him but yeah I think that should do it there's still way more features of stream effects that I wasn't able to find alternatives for but I think the list that I presented today should satisfy the needs of at least 90 of you so if you know of any alternatives that I've missed let me know in the comments down below and if you want to support what I do you can support me over on patreon where I've released some of my own widgets that you guys can download like this widget here I don't know which widget I've decided to show on screen but it's cool you should look at it also yes I do realize the irony of me promoting my patreon after I just made an alternative video for someone else's patreon so like it's gonna be real funny if someone makes a YouTube video of like free alternatives to nutty's patreon widgets
Channel: nutty
Views: 96,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: streamfx, streamfx obs, streamfx blur, streamfx obs 28, streamfx alternative, streamfx failed to load, obs plugins for streaming, obs plugins install, obs plugins nutty, best obs plugins, obs studio tutorial, obs studio screen recording, obs studio live stream youtube, obs studio download, obs studio setup, obs studio settings, obs studio recording settings
Id: K7pQVOIMih8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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