5 EASY OBS TRICKS All The Pro Streamers Are Using!

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ho ho ho merry chris christmas this video has nothing to do with christmas but it's also hot as balls so i don't i don't feel like changing we're just we're just gonna do the video this is my obs setup that i use for streaming i've got probably over 50 scenes i don't even know how many sources i have i've just lost track i got a ton of effects like six different camera angles filters scenes for consoles that i don't even use there's a lot going on here and i know just looking at this might make you feel a little bit intimidated so to make your life just a little bit easier i wanted to show you guys a few really basic tips that you can start using right now these tricks are gonna seem pretty easy but trust me pretty much everybody that i know that's at least somewhat proficient in obs uses some if not all of these tricks and they're really just gonna help you keep organized and keep track of all your different scenes and sources so that you can put on a show that looks more like this instead of like this real quick i want to do a quick shout out to the sponsor of this video nerd or day you already know nerd or die they make a whole bunch of graphics and animations that you can use for your stream and they're currently running their snowdin streamer sale everything is 25 off with the code winter 25 some stuff is 50 off plus they have a bunch of free stuff like some christmas themed overlays and some icons for your stream deck they even launched a new tools page which has a bunch of cool stuff like a media looper if you've ever wanted to have a rotating feed of all your different social media tags lots of cool stuff check them out links are down below make sure you use my links because i don't get any money if you don't buy stuff with my links so the first tip is using nested scenes this is a tip i've already talked about before but i'm recycling content because i've kind of run out of ideas for videos but more importantly i want to make sure that everybody knows what nested scenes are because it's going to be really important when we get on to the other tips nested scenes are basically a way that you can layer different scenes and to put more simply it's a it's a way that you can group sources together but it's way better than the native way of grouping sources together that most people are probably using here's a classic example of what i think most people's layouts look like when they first start streaming so you got your gameplay full screen and then your webcam in the corner and then you just got a bunch of different text labels for like your latest follower and last year so let's just say we wanted to take all of these four text labels and add them to our just chatting scene well what i've seen a lot of people do is they just take each of these text labels and then re-add them to the just chatting scene a better way of doing it would be to create an entirely separate scene we'll just call this one labels and inside of here you would add each of your four different text labels once you've added your four sources into its own scene then you can actually add that label scene into whatever other scene you want so you can just go into just chatting right click add a source and select scene and then select the labels scene that you just created and you can just move this wherever you want just like it was a regular scene one thing you might notice is this box is massive so if you want to make it smaller then you can just hold down the alt key and drag in from the sides and you can actually crop your box up here so it doesn't appear super massive i've actually done something very similar for my personal setup so if you actually check over here i've got this source that's called hud which includes all my different metrics for like my view count my follower account my sub count as well as my local time and my live chat and by the way if you want to know how to get all those widgets i made a video showing you how to do that in the top left corner top right corner whatever youtube puts it these days but all these widgets are sitting in its own nested scene which is why i can just move them as if it was one source so if you actually look down here in my list of scenes you'll see a scene named hud which includes all of these different widgets that hud scene never actually gets displayed to my viewers it's just there to make my life easier so that i can group different sources together another example would be if i wanted to overlay this video of me repeatedly punching myself in the face instead of adding this media source to every single other scene what i can do is i can create another nested theme called webcam scene and then here i would add in my webcam as well as that media source of the punch and now instead of using my webcam when i want to use my webcam i can just use that nested scene called webcam scene and back on my gameplay scene i'm not using my webcam anymore i'm using the webcam scene which includes the video file of me punching myself in the face you can think of it like layering inside of photoshop and the beauty of this is that you can put nested scenes within nested scenes and create some multiple layer deep complicated scenes in fact if you look at my setup my camera on this scene which is called camera a this is not my camera my camera is actually buried like 10 layers deep in fact let's have a look here right here's the camera a scene which contains layer one which contains layer two layer three etc to layer seven but we're not even done yet because we have this camera a stack which we go into here has six different cameras but wait i'm we're not even done these are not cameras these are actually other scenes this is where my camera is it seems really complicated and don't get me wrong i know that it is but once you can start implementing nested scenes into your own layouts then you can start to design stuff that's really professional and seriously impressive one of these days i got to do a video going through my entire obs setup so you can see all the ins and outs and how i've designed everything so if you guys want to see that let me know in the comments down below now if you were paying close attention you would have noticed that i've got a whole bunch of separators over here these are literally just empty scenes there's absolutely nothing in them i just added the dashes in here so i can visually separate the different kinds of sources that i have in my scene collection so over here in the streaming section i've got all these different sources these are the ones that i actually display to my viewers but all these other ones like these sub scenes here these are all the nested scenes that i have for my main scenes but i got categories for all kinds of stuff i got categories for all my different cameras for all my audio even different widgets that i've created for obs i put them in their own section or their own category by the way the idea of using these separator scenes you don't just have to use this for scenes if you're more advanced with obs you probably have a bunch of different filters and you can use it for filters too like if i go into my one of my layers here for my camera i've got a bunch of different filters just for my camera and i've separated them out for all the different effects that i have running and all these separator sources these are just regular crop filters but i've just zeroed out all the value so it doesn't do anything so here i've got my barrel roll section to make my camera spin around and i've got this big head section to make my my head go huge if you don't know what any of this stuff is don't worry this is for more advanced users but just for the people that are more advanced you can use it here too another thing you might have noticed is a bunch of my sources have these letters in square brackets in front of them and i like to call this tagging my sources so for example i've got a bunch of a's in front of all my different audio sources or i've got an i in front of all my image sources or a b if it's a browser source it not only just helps me easily identify what type of source i'm dealing with but also you'll notice that in some drop-down boxes that list all your different sources it actually lists all your sources in alphabetical order and so if you haven't tagged your sources it can be really difficult to find what you actually want to find but if you tag your sources you'll see that all my image files are grouped together because i put an i in front of them or all of my color sources which have a c in front of them i can easily find them here just find the naming scheme that works for you i recommend doing something like for a display capture you can use the letter d if it's a video capture device you can use the letter v alternatively if you didn't want to rename all your sources you can also set a color for all of them and then you can do something like for video capture devices i want them all to be yellow and then if it's display capture i want these all to be red i personally don't do this because you don't get the advantage of the alphabetical sorting but if you're a more visual person then this is also an option for you here's a tip that i bet a lot of you didn't know you can actually change the fonts for your sources so you can see this follower account i've made bold if i want to make it italic i can make it italics you can even change the size of the font this is another cool one again i don't personally use this but i think it's really awesome you can actually just rename a source and add html tags and obs will actually recognize the tags and then change the style of the font so if you want to make it bold then you just put b slash b surrounding the name of your source and it'll make it bold same thing with the second one if you want to make it in italics then you just surround it with the letter i just keep in mind this unfortunately doesn't work for scenes which kind of sucks since i feel like it would have been more useful for scenes but if you do it for scenes it actually doesn't appear there i don't know why but like discovering things like this just make me really happy probably because i'm just depressed because i do sit in this room all day the last trick is not really an obs trick but personally i'm just obsessed with having an absolutely pixel perfect stream layout it's just so satisfying but also it's also really important if you want your stream to you know actually look presentable and professional i'll give you an example this is my layout that i use for ds games and i've literally never even used this but it's gonna come in handy now for this video obs has this really cool feature that allows you to turn on this outline so that you can see the outline of all your different sources and the size and position of them it's called using a png so i use a program called affinity designer to plan and lay out all my different sources so i've got all these different rectangles for where i want my different sources to be and it's just a really nice way to plan out your different scene layouts and get them get them pixel perfect precise you'll also notice that i added these text labels in the corner of every source this just tells me the exact position and size of the source so when i export this file it's just a normal png which i then add into obs and that png file is just a regular image source which i can overlay on top of all my other sources so when i'm positioning each of the different sources like my ds top screen i can just right click go to edit transform and copy all the numbers that i put on my png file into each of the boxes here then when you're done positioning everything you just need to hide that png file and you have a perfectly minimal and clean layout that just looks so professional for my zero viewer stream so those are all the organizational type tips i have for you was that too hard i tried to keep it as simple as possible for all you new obs users if you're already using some of these tips let me know which ones in the comments down below probably never going to read any of them but i'm trying to pop my numbers up so i can get that youtube plaque as always links to the discord in description box down below or wherever youtube decides to put it like eight years from now and you can also catch me on my twitch streams i'm always asking questions for like four hours straight if you guys want to ask me about maybe my own obs setup but uh until then have a merry christmas and i will see you one more video for the year next week don't miss it i'll see you guys then
Channel: nutty
Views: 89,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1RdmaEjuknQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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