The Best Object Removal Tool in Davinci Resolve

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do you want to sometimes make things just disappear object removal in DaVinci Resolve is incredible if you want to remove something you can and I'm going to show you how to do it my name's Dan and you're watching Dan Vinci let's go [Music] alright guys so welcome back so just before we jump into DaVinci Resolve to show you this amazing amazing object removal I just want to say a huge thank you for hitting 1 000 subscribers it is a massive achievement and I did it in literally five weeks alright so I have a simple shot of my lens cap for my camera but I don't like the Lumix G I want to get rid of it so we're in the timeline now and navigate down to your color tab that's this little button here click on that and it'll bring up the color tab I've already added a simple Lut and just a simple change to the color for this shot just so it looks a bit better for the tutorial so if your node tree looks a little bit different to this don't worry it's nothing to worry about to create a corrector node you can either right click in your node tree and click add node at corrector and I'll create correct node or you can click alt s or shift s there's quite a few ways you can do it now we have our plane corrector node we want to track the Lumix G text navigate over to the tabs in the center of your color Tab and click on this one here that looks like a bit of a round circle thing this is your tracking window then what we want to do is click this little pen here and what we're going to do is we're going to draw around our object so let's draw a little mask there we go so in our case here it's going to be a square obviously it depends on what you're doing so your shot isn't going to be identical to mine but do bear in mind that this only works with smaller things if you try and do something way more complex this object removal might not necessarily look that amazing let's move over to the tracking window so to move over to the tracking window we need to go back over to the tabs here along here as you can see and we want to click on this one here that kind of looks like a scope Target thing click on that and it'll bring up this window here this window is your tracking window and then what we want to do is just make sure our clip is at the beginning and click play here very quickly it's tracking which is what we want it to do okay so once it's tracked it will stop perfect what do I do next Dan well what we want to do next is create another character node now this corrector node will have the object removal effect applied to it click alt s an ALT s will create another corrector node we want to drag this blue square here over to the other character note we've just created on the blue triangle and it will just snap into place there and you might notice the thumbnail for this node will change that's perfect the data from that mask that you've made is now transferred over to that new character node that you've just created which is perfect what we want to do here now is go to the top here and click on effects just next to the node tree button that we used earlier to open the node tree now we've got a large selection of things feel free to look through this because there are a lot of effects here that are really really cool that you can experiment with and just learn but the one we want for this particular tutorial is the object removal so simply search object removal didn't execute that well at all right so we've got object removal let's drag this over to the corrector that we just created and now that has applied onto that corrector perfect now then if you want to see exactly what's going on go up to the top right here and you'll see a magic wand this is just the highlight button and this will just basically show you exactly what that node is effectively doing so as you can see perfect we've got the Lumix G that's exactly what we want to remove so now the simple bit click on scene analysis what this is doing is effectively checking out the scene seeing what colors are involved seeing what textures are involved and then it will apply this to our next step now at the minute it's grayed out you might be wondering why does this look so awful Dan well we haven't finished go over to your object removal effect and click on build Clean Plate boom now it does look a little bit blurry but I find that this is okay when you put text on top of it it sort of distracts you from that blur so you can stop here if this is essentially your aim just to remove something out of your shot then start the video here you're done but I'm gonna go a step further let's go back into the edit Tab and let's create a identical copy by holding alt and dragging up our footage this Top Shot is going to be our Clean Plate so if you want you can name this The Clean Plate I'm going to right click create a new comp and call this clean Clean Plate This Clean Plate is the shot with the object removed so I'm going to drag This Clean Plate over to about halfway now in a minute we play this don't crash it's crashing damn it don't crash I've told you not to crash listen to me I'm your command I've just crashed let's remove the effect on this bottom shot so let's get rid of the let's delete these nodes by just highlighting them and clicking delete and let's go back onto the edit page now my computer is actually struggling with this object removal that's all right let's render it in place if you don't know how to render in place just right click on the clip scroll up to render in place and then you can just select a format that you want so for example I'm going to do a h264 and I'm going to render that water okay so now let's do it in place I'm going to have a little look at this pop it disappears and it already looks kind of good to be fair that does actually look pretty good I'm strange okay so now it's time to add my own text what we want to do is create another copy of our original footage holding alt again drag this up and create an identical copy of your footage then let's jump into fusion and what we're going to do is we're going to use the planar tracker now I have done a video on the plain old trucker video there if you want to go and learn more about it I'm going to be covering it quite quickly in this video but if you want to learn more go and watch that video so let's search planar tracker control space opens up your select tool search tracker and then click on planar tracker then what we want to do is Select our object so in my case obviously it's the lens cap I'm just going to go around it like so create a little circle boom we've got our object there click set to set your reference frame then clicking this button and it will track that simple now that it's tracked it will just stop then we want to go back over to our inspector Tab and click on the track button here and it's basically a drop down button and we want to click on corner pin this will create this funky square and that's all right because we're going to come back to that later now what we want to do is click on our text icon if you don't have the text icon up here that's fine control space and just search text text plus will appear perfect add that we have textPlus now what I'm going to do is write whatever I want Dan binchy oh yeah now we've created the text that we want to make let's delete this merge node and unattach the text to our footage now we have the free floating free as a bird text node clicking and holding on the Square drag this down and attach this to your planar tracker now as you can see really small in our shot here we've got Dan Vinci in it looks a bit funky that's fine click on the planar tracker and then this funky square that we saw earlier let's just drag that around and try by dragging the corners like so and try and get this to fit the perspective of our shot so it's a bit fiddly but if you just play around eventually you'll get there okay so now you've got the text in the position that you like and is basically in the same perspective of the shot let's remove and unattach the footage from the planar tracker now it will disappear that's fine what we want to do is drag down a background node which is this one here if you don't have that control space and search background and it will create a background drag the background on like so boom we now have a black background this is perfect if you go over to the controls in the inspector Tab and just bring down the alpha like this it will just show the text and only the text and that's exactly what we want to do so this layer here is now our Dan Vinci text so I'm going to name this by creating a new comp text now that at the minute our DaVinci text disappears with the Lumix G text so let's just drag this above I've got the layering a little bit wrong here but that's all right that's just a part of editing now at the minute this actually kind of looks cool it goes from Little Mix G to Dan Vinci let's add some animation and this is actually really simple navigate over to your toolbox in the bottom left corner of your screen click on toolbox and click the search button and let's search push moving over to motion here drag the push transition over to your text and apply this to your text like so at the minute it looks a bit funky but we can change this in the inspector tab in the inspector tab let's change the preset to down so it comes from above perfect like that that already looks quite good let's also add an ease in and an ease out like that and now it looks even better and then hovering the mouse Over The Clean Plate you'll see the little white pegs that appear click these drag them over to the right like so and this is basically the opacity at the beginning of the clip the opacity is zero at the end where the peg is positioned is the opacity at 100 really simple now the Lumix G disappears and Fades away and the Danville text slides in and replaces it so I'm just going to move this a little bit further forward so it disappears a little bit earlier and makes it more pronounced that the actual Lumix G text has just vanished there's one little detail that I think is missing and it's actually the little shadow that is Created from the text now you don't necessarily have to do this but feel free to watch this and just decide for yourself whether you want to do this in your instance obviously every bit of footage is completely different and it will just depend on your exact use case let's make another copy of the text I feel like we're making copies of everything in this video hold alt drag this down and let's make a copy of this let's remove the push transition that we created so there's just the text there and let's decompose this text right click go all the way up here and you will see decompose in place go over to this and click using Clips only click that and it will decompose and bring back the original shot that you had before turn off these top clips here and just have a look by clicking d as you can see it's exactly the same let's click D on this one as well it's just the text fantastic basically this shot is going to be our shadow for the text that's flying down so let's go into the fusion tab again and let's make some changes to this text node let's go to inspector Tab and let's make this black and let's get rid of The Stroke by clicking on this one and turn off stroke wherever you Strokes it oh there you go enable there you go don't worry I missed that now we have our text which is black perfect let's go over to the edit tab now because obviously the background's black it's not going to show up if we click B on our shot underneath the black Dan Vinci text shows up let's swap this around with The Clean Plate because obviously The Clean Plate needs to be underneath this shot and then we click D and boom we now have basically the shadow of our Dan Vinci text sandwiched underneath the actual Da Vinci text and because this has the same tracking data as the shot above it will look quite realistic go over to the toolbox and search blur and click on open effects let's add some gaussian blur to this make this a bit blurry because while Shadows are never like completely sharp unless it's like really bright now that we have our shadow let's right click on this create a new comp and call this Shadow now we have the shadow comp let's go to the beginning of our push transition and create a zoom keyframe then let's go to the beginning of our push transition on the text and create another Zoom keyframe but this time go to zero and you can probably see where this is going this already looks quite good then I'm going to grab the end of The Shadow clip and drag this down so we're going to shorten it and then I'm going to fade it out using the opacity peg in the top right corner drag this along like this and look at that does that not look really realistic already and it's really really simple hope you guys have enjoyed this tutorial my name's Dan you've watched Dan Vinci and I'll see you hopefully next time and don't forget to subscribe bye [Music]
Channel: DanVinci
Views: 24,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DanVinci, Davinci Resolve, Resolve 18, Edit Tutorial, How to remove something, How to remove someone, Object removal, Get rid of someone
Id: 4fzDTUwRss4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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