N'Zoth - Villains Corner (WoW Lore)

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in today's episode of the villains corner we'll be going over the Lord of the forth old God to appear in yank Nizam does not first made his appearance in Cataclysm back when we only knew the name of two of the other old gods and he'd never directly showed up we never actually got to see what nazar looked like until hearthstone created a card of him which I think was the first time we ever found out what a major Lord character looked like from a hearthstone card instead of the other way around but according to lore Nazif has been around since the very beginning with all the other old gods after the four of them crashed on Azeroth yogiraj C'thun yox around and is off quickly defeated the elemental Lords who controlled the planet previously and then they fought each other for dominance of the land Yaser Oz was the strongest of the four old gods and controlled much of the territory according to zealot ass Jasha erogenous aath had a climactic battle the location which would be known as the broken shore where Nezhat suffered a major defeat which ultimately might have helped him survive when the Titans came when the Titans discovered Azeroth in the old gods which had corrupted the surface they waged war on the old gods and then thought to ended once things weren't going super well for their Titan keepers by just killing the strongest old God Yash Raj in which case they found out that killing the old gods would probably destroy the planet so they didn't kill anymore the old gods and instead went to imprisoning them and since Yash Raj was the biggest and strongest of all the old gods he's the one who got killed before the Titans found out about this little fact about the planet and if Nazif had won at the broken shore he might have been the biggest and strongest one it might have been the one that was killed by the Titans stead and sona's aath was instead the first old god to be imprisoned with his prison located halfway between the well of eternity and the site which would later become known as Oldham since Nezhat was the weakest of the old gods he was pretty compact inside his prison and wasn't able to break free anywhere near as well as yox Aronica foon but he was able to work with them in order to corrupt mortal beans through the ages so when the Titan keepers created the dragon aspects and gave five dragons some of their power the old gods collectively worked on corrupting Deathwing in the entire Black Dragonflight and eventually they were successful and they put a plan into place that might maybe put Deathwing in a position of power to release them all from their prisons and uh sure in what they would call the hour of Twilight which is just a fancy name for the old gods being released from their prisons Queen Azshara had been trying to bring the Legion to Azeroth using the well of eternity and the forces of Azeroth were working against her to stop this from happening so the old gods gave Deathwing the knowledge of how to create something known as the Dragon Soul which he told everyone would be a super powerful artifact strong enough to close the portal the well of eternity and single-handedly stopped the war and the artifact was strong enough to do exactly that but it was also secretly designed to give Deathwing an edge over all the other dragon aspects as it required them to give a portion of their power into the dragon soul for it to be created so after death winged tricked all of the aspects into giving a portion of their power to the artifact he then immediately betrayed everyone and killed most of the blue dragonflight he also killed swarms of demons and Night Elves Deathwing just kind of went on a killing spree and just destroyed so many things and completely rendered the other aspects powerless as he was just able to keep them frozen in place where they couldn't move or speak eventually one of the Red Dragons named coral straws was able to break death when his concentration long enough for the other dragons to counter-attack causing death wing to go into retreat along with the Dragon Soul then coral Straz brach cigar and Malfurion were able to sneak in and steal the artifact from death wing and bring it to the well of eternity in order to try and invert the demon portal to suck all of the demons out of Azeroth and this plan did work but it worked so well that it kind of destroyed the well of eternity and caused the planet to break apart in the Sundering but before the dragon soul could fall into the well of eternity as well the bronze dragon Nozdormu grabbed the artifact and then brought it into the future where it then returned moments later and was seized by Malfurion who placed a spell on it along with four other aspects that made it so that Deathwing could no longer use it and they hid it from him where he wouldn't be able to find it for another ten thousand years and with the world breaking apart due to the Sun during the city of the night elves was slowly sinking into the ocean and Queen Azshara tried her best to create a force field around the city to keep all the water out but eventually as the pressure of the ocean got too much to handle she wasn't able to hold the force field for very much longer and it cracked flooding the city and would have killed everyone if it wasn't for nasa's intervention Nezhat sent a fish to Queen Azshara as a vessel to talk to her and proposed a bargain with her that if she would agree to work for him he would give her enough power to save her and her people Queen Azshara immediately rejects this offer and then offers a counter offer where she'll agree to work with him but not for him in exchange for that exact same power Nizam begrudgingly agreed to these terms surprisingly and turned Queen Azshara and her people into the Naga as well as giving Queen Azshara herself a lot of extra old God powers sometime later when the roots of the world tree and Roussel reached yak Sirhan's prison it allowed entrance into the Emerald ring by all of the old guts including the Zoff where he planted a piece of himself in there which later became known as illg enough although Nizam wouldn't do much with the Emerald Dream until later because after the defeat of the Lich King nazar thought the world was sufficiently weak enough for him to make his move in an act the hour of Twilight again sown is off reached out to all of his minions and instructed them to do a coordinated attack effort starting with Deathwing who had gone through a lot since his time during the War of the Ancients and the whole dragon soul Fiasco Nezhat instructed his minions to attach Elementium plates to death linked in deepholm and also infused Deathwing with lots of his powers which Deathwing wasn't really able to handle as it twisted his body into all kinds of tentacley shapes underneath so the metal plates were basically there to hold his body together as it was constantly breaking apart then when death link exploded from deepholm he flew around Azeroth causing all kinds of natural disasters to occur which was a great distraction for the other three plans Nezhat had cooked up Nizam also called on all of the elemental Lords to assistant but only al'akir and Ragnaros embraced his command the other two did not refused to serve him in exchange for helping azan he had promised to release a luckier drag for us from their prisons in the elemental plates and he also promised Deathwing control over the rest of the world and the elimination of the other dragon aspects but he had no plans on actually giving this to Deathwing and planned on killing him as soon as he was done with his task since neptulon refused Nizam's call he also called upon Queen Azshara in order to capture him because if he had control of neptulon he can control the world's oceans and seas cutting off all sea travel between azeroth's continents so his three plans were to send the Nagas to Bashir to capture neptulon slit they could control the world's oceans send Ragnaros to mount hyjal to burn the world tree which would cause irrecoverable damage of the planet and his last plan was to attack the forge of origination in uldum so that he could claim the forge of origination for himself now the forge of origination is an incredibly powerful Titan created device which was basically installed as a reset button for the planet where it had the ability to destroy all life on Azeroth just in case the surface got corrupted or something which would have been a very convenient tool for nizam to gain control of Anna's off only needed one of his plans to succeed in order to usher in the hour of Twilight and with all of them going on simultaneously along with Deathwing being a great distraction there was no way he wouldn't succeed except for the fact that literally every single one of his plans was stopped Anna's auth was very surprised that all of his minions were thwarted at every turn and in fact Ragnar us and al akir were even killed in the elemental planes so he lost two of his strongest minions so Anna's off gave Deathwing the rest of his strongest remaining minions including your saj and warlords on us and charged them with taking the worm rest temple unfortunately both of his generals were killed and the mortal races had somehow acquired the Dragons soul which was used by the orc thrall to shoot a hole through death wings chest as it turns out they had gone back in time to that point where the dragon soul had disappeared for a few moments and then brought it to the present so Deathwing granddaddy poem to enact the final back-up plan which was basically to tear the planet apart however before you get there a group of adventurers had jumped on his back and torez Elementium plates off causing his body to basically fall apart in the sky sona's off had to give him extra power which caused his body to turn into a completely tentacley monster and no longer really resembled the form of a dragon but thrall had chased him down and was able to use the dragon soul to finish him off so with the death wing in all of his best minions dead Nezhat was kind of stuck with only two things left his control of a jar and the Nagas and his slight control over the emerald dream thanks to ill Gandalf so when the Burning Legion launched a full-scale invasion of Azeroth again Nezhat sent his minions a vyas to set forth the emerald nightmare as it allowed them to ever so slowly loosen the prison is offal everyone was busy until a group of adventurers was able to go into the Emerald nightmare free Malfurion and kill ill gun off and xavius which kind of put an end to those plans for now after the Legion is defeated in Sargeras stabs the sword into the planet a shadow priest who was wielding the blade called zealot ass used the remaining power of the blade in order to stop the corruption from the sword of Sargeras and then sometime later the soul of his ala Taff made a bargain with nosov to bring him azeroth's champion in exchange for being freed from his control so zealot hath called out to the shadow priests champion and told him that the Nagas were looking for three relics to perform a ritual which would bring about a storm that would wipe out all non-believers on the planet and that she knew exactly how to stop them she also brings up the fact that she helped you defeat the Legion as kind of a bargaining chip in order to trust her which works incredibly well so the Shadow Priests goes out and collects the three artifacts for her and then she performs a ritual which brings Nezhat to their location Nizar then frees allit hath from the blade and then bestows a gift upon the adventurer and then later on a horde force goes into the crucible of storms and kills who not in order to recover these three artifacts and they finds ala Tata as well which compels whoever picks it up to bring it to their war chief the blade then eventually leads forces of Alliance and horde to the city of nan guitar where Queen Azshara is able to trap them in her city and then tricks a group of adventurers into using their heart of Azeroth to open the last prison which would allow Nizam to finally escape although they do manage to kill Queen Azshara in the process whose body is taken away by Anna's Othin she was revived and placed in a prison with Nezhat finally free he goes about trying to reclaim the forge of origination so that he can use its power to kill everyone as well as the engine of Malik Shah located in Bend area since the forge origination can be used to kill all life on Azeroth that's kind of a big deal since remember it was originally meant as a reset button to the planet and the engine of knowledge can be used to create things even life itself so its power is nearly limitless in its potential uses wrothian when a death Winx sons who was not corrupted by the old gods with the help of adventurers the keeper Rock and the Titan construct mother is able to stop nazar from taking control of these two Titan facilities mother is a Titan construct who was created for the sole purpose of research and the old gods and finding a way to remove them from the planet and is able to come up with a plan that might be able to kill ms off or at the very least severely weaken him to the point where he can be contained again you see mother spent so many years research in the old gods that she was able to accidentally create one of her own and is probably the premier old god expert in the Warcraft universe as she was like a supercomputer left behind by the Titans to focus on a single objective and when she never heard back from the Titans she just kept working on it to a fanatical but very accurate degree and because of this she was able to find a way to combine the powers of the forge of origination through the engine of Malick to create a super weapon that would act like a scalpel to remove Nezhat from the planet something which even impressed the Titan keeper Rawdon who created these two devices so a group of adventurers go into the sleeping city of Nile otha to fight an as off so they can get close enough to use the super weapon to hopefully kill them but during their adventures they've run across Queen Azshara who's currently being tortured in a prison next to the blades allative wuntch adventurous frees yar she tells everyone that the blade is the only way to contain this off and that she had been planning on stabbing it into him the entire time but she got killed right before she was able to do it so with zealot half in hand they make their way to the sauce cork and Raytheon uses the black blade to cut a path open to the heart of nosov where after a lengthy battle they've managed to weaken is off enough to the point where the holder of the heart of Azeroth is able to channel the energies of the engine and Forge directly into new Zasa weakest point killing him for the time being and that brings us to the end of the story of nizam whether he actually dies are not as kind of up in the air as super-powerful beans don't really stay dead in Warcraft lore but for the time being he is defeated and probably won't show up anytime soon in the future alright and that's the villains corner on nizam if you enjoyed the video I'd highly suggest watching the playlist on all the other ones these videos take months to make at a time so would really help out if they got more views as always I'd like to thank Rachel for doing the drawings in this video if you like her artwork I'll have links to a website and Twitter down in the video description [Music]
Channel: hirumaredx
Views: 221,273
Rating: 4.9660707 out of 5
Keywords: Battle, For, Azeroth, World Of Warcraft (Video Game), hirumaredx, history, wow, worl, vanilla, bc, burning crusade, wrath, wrath of the lich king, linch king, Video Game (Industry), World Warcraft, facts, Warcraft (Fictional Universe), how did doom work before wrath, before cata, how it use to work, funny, 8.3, 2020
Id: Ss8ZLGQ29Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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