C'thun - Villains Corner (WoW Lore)

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Good video :)

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/DontDoxMePlease 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

Top quality stuff, mate

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/ChilledToboggan 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

Cool video! Have any idea on who you're doing next?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Bo_flex 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

Nicely done! And props to the artist, she did a good job

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Runswithshortshorts 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

I was about to post "Wow, way to totally steal this from Hiru on Youtube"

I need more coffee today, evidently.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Prince_Nipples 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

Saved to watch on my lunch! I still remember our guild getting server first kill on this guy!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Blindman84 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

I've seen a handful of your videos and have been a fan of each one thus far; this one included. My favorite is the top 10 hardest bosses :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SweetsourNostradamus 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

Love listening to your videos while I study, keep it up!!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/melboi 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

You need to do more battle pet videos!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/xPorki 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2018 🗫︎ replies
c'thun the first ever old god we deal with in game and the second old god to be covered in the villains corner C'thun holds a distinction of being one of the few villains confirmed to have been killed by players and game or as were known in war a band of adventurers you are already dead c'thun story starts off the same as all the other old guts c'thun is merely a fragment of the void lord sent to random planets in hopes of corrupting the titans soul by mere chance c'thun and his other buddy old gods managed to get lucky and find a planet with a world soul and went about conquering it and started corrupting the hell out of it some things happened and the Titans found out about the planet and waged a war on the old gods for control of the planet of Azeroth in the battle one of the old gods was killed and the other old gods were imprisoned once they found out that killing the other old gods would also destroy the planet anyway so lore wise you can't actually kill the old gods without also killing the planet itself and this is merely the prelude to kizuite story now before I go on to the next stage of Cocoon story I must first give a little backstory on the akhir your heart will explode during a battle with some of the Titan keepers one of yog servants top minions known as the kethry she was beaten nearly to death but managed to run away and try to recover centuries later a few trolls managed to find its hiding spot and woke it up and as thanks he killed all the trolls in the area and discovered a vast troll Empire had sprung up in the time that he had been asleep so in order to spite them because he was just a huge dick and thought the old gods would like it he sent out a psychic signal to all of the submerge to cure who had been hiding since the end of the war with the Titans and formed them into an army to wipe out the troll empires this attack on the trolls is what finally United a separate a try and turned into a centuries-long war in which the kethu AXI was eventually killed and the acure were then hunted into extinction so the acure that did manage to survive hit in three corners of the world and the akhir that decided to hide in silithus were eventually morphed into the qiraji by c'thun and became the center force of C'thun army which then leads into the war of the shifting sands many thousands of years later some night elves thought it would be a neat idea to try to turn the desert of silithus into a lush green forest so they sent out a scouting party to survey the land led by austin staghelm and kinda accidentally awoke the qiraji who had been sleeping with C'thun also giving them a bigger push and sending them all into a murder as a rampage the Night Elves realizing what kind of threat they could pose immediately set out to try and contain the qiraji to the deserts before they could spread out across the continent with fandral staghelm in charge of the operation but the night off army was no match for the near unlimited amount of bugs pouring out of silithus so Fandral went to ask nearby bronze dragons for help to contain the threat but the bronze dragons declined help and just kind of told the night elves to handle it themselves then deer in a battle a band of karate managed to surround a base held up by Ballston staghelm and took him prisoner they then brought him in front of the night off army including his dad fandral staghelm and tore him to pieces seeing his son killed in front of him completely destroyed his will to fight and the qiraji managed to push back the elves and flood into neighboring zones including tenaris once the chironji attacked the caverns of time the bronze dragons finally took them as a real threat and joined the night elves fight and even got the aid of three of the other dragon flights as well and with the combined might of the entire night elf army and four of the dragon aspects and their flights they only managed to push them back to silithus and we're still having a hard time with them for as one of the bronze dragons said for every fifty of the insects that were annihilated by his breath 100 would be waiting to take their place so instead of trying to eliminate them completely they instead sought to try and contain them inside the city of Ahn'Qiraj so with one last major push and with all of the Druids working together on one spell and with the help of the bronze dragons they managed to summon a giant barrier around the city and close it off from the outside world all the qiraji that were outside the barrier were then quickly dealt with and the bronze dragon and a Cronus created the Scarab Gong and the scepter of the shifting sands which would allow them to reopen the city should they ever need to in the future to go in and deal with the problem of the qiraji more permanently the bronze dragon then gave the sceptre to Fandral who immediately destroyed it shattering it into pieces because he was mad at the bronze dragons for not helping out earlier before his son was killed Fandral would then go on to be involved in the resurrection of the emerald nightmare and then become the second-to-last boss in the cataclysm Firelands raid when he threw in his lot with Ragnar us all because he kinda went crazy after watching his son die and that was the end of the threat of C'thun for about a thousand years before the second war the shifting sands took place within vanilla wiles timeline you see some of the qiraji had found out how to get outside the barrier and were causing havoc and Kalimdor and a Cronus the bronze dragon then decided it was time to finally more permanently deal with the qiraji threat and asked heroes of both the Alliance and horde to reopen the gate so with the combined forces of the Alliance and horde in a rare instance of them working directly together created a force called the might of Kalimdor with verax our Fang at the lead position of Supreme Commander and open the gates and went inside the city to deal with C'thun directly and according to lore it was thanks to a band of Heroes that C'thun was finally defeated and the qiraji finally calmed down a bit as they're generally only really aggressive when an old God is sending them into a frenzy and like I mentioned the beginning of the video this is one of the few times in game where a villain is defeated and credit is given to the players in game now despite the fact that it said C'thun was killed during the events of the second war of the shifting sands it's heavily speculated whether or not c'thun actually died or not sure he might be quotation marks dead but is he dead dead his lore after this point is a little murky and probably won't be cleared up until the third Chronicle book comes out so as it stands now C'thun is defeated that much is sure and Cho'gall attempted to resurrect him only in game he doesn't do a very good job and is eventually killed on the other side of the world in the bastion of Twilight and in the comics he's a little bit more successful but I wouldn't count the comics as canon since they tend to disregard a lot that happens in them not everything mind you if they absolutely bring in some lore from the comics randomly like how they brought in Merrill fel storm in Legion with the mage Order Hall and a few other things but as it stands now I think we just defeated a portion of C'thun and more readily contained him in his prison and his prison might have been weakened a little bit after the whole Sargeras sword stabbing incident [Music] for you see after the events of the Legion expansion Sargeras stabs his giant sword into the heart a syllabus before being imprisoned by the Titans at this point in time as of making this video we don't really know what this means but seeing as it happened so close to C'thun z' prison and the murky nature behind what blizzard plans to do with C'thun story as they have neither closed it off completely nor expanded on it much C'thun might have a role to play later on in Wow story so I think this is a good place to end this video for now you will die alright and that's the end of the villains corner segment on C'thun do you have any suggestions for which villain I should make a video on next suggest it down in the comments what all most likely do is take the most requested villains and then maybe narrow them down into a few and then have my patreon vote on which one of those will be made next and also big thanks to Rachel for doing all the drawings for the video link to her deviantART page and web page will be in the video description you know week [Music]
Channel: hirumaredx
Views: 416,672
Rating: 4.9532285 out of 5
Keywords: 7.3.5, Legion, 2018, World Of Warcraft (Video Game), hirumaredx, wow, Video Game (Industry), World Warcraft, Warcraft (Fictional Universe), how did doom work before wrath, how it use to work, old god, fandral staghelm, war of the shifting sands, Aqir, C'thraxxi, trolls, Qiraji, Valstann Staghelm, Anachronos, Scarab Gong, The Scepter of the Shifting Sands, Might of Kalimdor, Varok Saurfang, wow lore
Id: vArTX5405LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2018
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