NVIDIA RTX 4080 Super, 4070 Ti Super, & 4070 Super Official Specs, Price, & Release Dates

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[Music] Nvidia today officially announced its lawn rumored Super Series refresh of the 40 series gpus we won't waste any time with it so straight into it there's the 470 super that is $600 the 470 TI super that's the actual name that one is $800 and then the 4080 super at $11,000 there some other changes to the lineup too so the 480 is going away they're going to stop making it and it's being replaced entirely with the 480 super so the most immediately obvious change in price is that 4 80 tier where it's coming down from about $1,200 for the 480 non superer to 1,000 for the 480 super and uh in addition to discontinuing the 480 and replacing it with a full die 480 super Nvidia is also discontinuing the 470 TI as we understand it the original 470 should remain with all of this so This marks the start of our CES news coverage there's a ton of news coming up this week we're going to have separate posts for AMD one might already be up depending on when the announcements lift uh and then we have a bunch of cases coolers all that stuff to talk about you're going to get a lot of news episodes this week so make sure you subscribe and check back to keep up with the hardware industry but let's start with the specs and the breakdown of nvidia's pricing before that this video is brought to you by montech and the k95 pro case the k95 pro is a dual chamber enclosure with configurable options for storage and power supplies the k95 has a deep 35mm cable channel for management support for dual power supplies if you want it which could be useful for a thread rer system and ample radiator and fan mounting options scattered around the top back bottom side and front of the case the front also can be mesh or solid with the mesh running a higher paracity for more breathability learn more at the link in the description below it's going to be a really simple one today we're just talking prices specs and release dates we'll have benchmarks coming up soon as soon as all these cards come in and start shipping and this just as a note was a pre-brief so we were briefed before their official keynote if there's anything extra in the keynote at all we'll cover it in a separate news round of uh we are only able to cover obviously what they told us in advance but to our understanding that's basically everything that's relevant for our audience so here's a table with some prices that we just pulled from spot checking Newegg and Amazon the only card that's increased in price in a big way since launch is the 490 which is $2,200 and up right now they're all over the place we've seen them up to like three grand plus but couldn't find any trustworthy sources at MSRP at the time of writing this so that $1,600 price is kind of gone right now the 480 super slots in below that terms of capabilities the 480 is currently available for prices similar to its $1,200 launch price plus or minus a bit and the 470 TI is currently around $770 to 820 plus again remembering that we filmed this piece a few days ahead of announcements in case any of that's changed the 470 super is around MSRP for the 470 but the 470 itself is around $550 today and finally the 460 TI 16 GB has also come down by $50 at least and for Relevant AMD Alternatives right now on the same prices new cards checking newon Amazon the RX 7900 XT is around 780 bucks or so so that's up from the $720 price we paid a few months ago and the XTX is about 950 970 uh which is fairly close to its original MSRP so that's kind of the lineup now one of the unfortunate side effects of the 490 going up in price due to uh demand for a number of reasons the main one is that as a workstation card and an AI or deep learning card it's become extremely valuable and um and then also the bands in China me probably there's a lot of inventory shuffling around worldwide but part of the knock on effect of that price going up is that there's really no reason for the 480 to start slipping down because the aib partners everyone retailers that are sitting on the 480 type cards other than the super coming out now which may be some impetus well should be to to drop that price but up until now what there's really no reason to drop it because your alternative is now $11,000 more instead of $400 more terms of release dates the 470 super launches first that's the $600 card that Launches on January 17th we should have a review of that pretty close to launch and then the 4070 TI super is next that's at $800 and on January 24th and then for the 4080 super that one Launches on January 31st for $1,000 now the good start here is that the prices do appear to be maybe trending downward so that's great uh one of our concerns hearing the Super Series refresh rumors was that Nvidia might use it as an opportunity maintain that $1,200 price for the 480 class or push it even higher if they wanted to slot something in between the two uh so we're at least glad to see that that didn't materialize and that it's come down instead now whether it's enough to support good value in any of these tiers we will evaluate in the review and uh for now we'll hold judgment until we can see the performance firsthand let's get into the simplified spec sheets from Nvidia these are pretty straightforward uh it's what they provided at the time of announcement so here's the new card the 480 super first uses a full ad 103 die it has1 , 240 Cuda cores that's a bump of 5.3% from the original 9728 Cuda cores of the 480 the 480 super also upgrades the memory to 23 GB per second up from an effect of 22.4 GB per second of the 480 non super that'ss about a 2.7% increase and the total Graphics power Remains the Same for the super and the original 480 moving on to the 4070 TI super Nvidia told us that this uses the a103 die as well from the RTX 480 but with 8,448 Cuda course that's up from 76 80 on the 4070 TI or obviously down from the 9728 of the original 4080 it sits right between the two so you can expect it'll likely be between the existing 4080 and the existing 4070 TI for performance really no surprise there the name kind of tells us that much the larger changes to the memory the 4070 TI super will have 16 GB of memory up from 12 on the 4070 TI which as a reminder was originally going to be another 480 skew uh it also gets a big memory bandwidth Bump by moving up to a 256 bit interface from 192 so that's a huge increase in memory bandwidth that will have a theoretically large impact in some applications like higher resolution gaming performance and the RTX 470 super is last respects this one has a Cuda cor count of 7168 up from 5888 on the normal 4070 that's about a 22% increase Nvidia said the 4070 super uses a quote nearly perfect 8104 die the perfect version would max out at 7680 cores and for a really brief explainer on why that's relevant for those of you who might be uh new to all of this so they have different pieces of silicon for each of the GPU skews you'll see when we take them apart in videos uh they're different sizes typically particularly as you go down the stack they get smaller and smaller larger silicon cost a lot more to make it's not only more material it's also much harder to get the yield High uh you have a lot more area and in terms of the Fab process is more expensive so when these companies talk about a perfect die in the case of a GPU that would mean all of the SMS are there so every component of the die came out without a defect at least any meaningful ones that would affect its binning or its skew uh and the defects can be sort of Fallout they drop down to a lower tier so you might have two gpus where one is fully equipped with every SM every Cuda cor all that stuff and then you have a cheaper model that has a couple defective SMS or something like that turns into into a different skew so that's why that's relevant and that's why we're talking about the die that is specifically being used here because when we open them up uh you'll be able to see sort of which which SKS are are cut down versus which ones are just a different die altogether it's a topic for another time but there's also the option of fusing off intentionally some of the features of a die so we saw that with the 2060 KO where Nvidia specifically tried to cut certain features turn them off to sell it as a lower-end part because there was so much demand in that part of the market uh you can go look up the 2060 KO riew if you want to learn about it it was actually a really interesting launch anyway the 4070 super super also gets a 20 W increase and it's default power Target this is pretty relevant because uh it is going to push that power consumption higher and it's probably necessary to get the performance that they want out of it so it's going to be on a a slightly lower spot on that volt frequency curve for efficiency power efficiency uh but it boosts the overall total performance now we think the reasoning for this of increasing core count needing a little bit more power for that plus the maintain the frequency but probably part of that reasoning is this is a really competitive spot in the market specifically and am's fighting pretty hard here with 7800 XT uh to the extent that they're still around the 6800 XTS although they're mostly selling through at this point and so that's probably part of that as well so that mostly covers the specs Nvidia also provided some first-party performance comparisons but they were kind of weird mixes of dlss 3 and two um we're going to wait and just run the benchmarks ourselves before talking about performance so you can check back for reviews on that and then speculatively the 480 super is is probably the most interesting from a a price stand point it's had the biggest change and the 470 super is going to be the most interesting for its larger swing and core count and then finally the 4070 TI super super super ti ti ti super we'll leave that in editors please leave that in to illustrate the problem with the names the 4070 TI sup bandwidth increas is its big change so each of these three has a different angle that we'll mostly be looking at in the reviews where whether it's value core count or bandwidth we'll have a lot to test and talk about soon and as far as miscellaneous announcements Nvidia should have a lot in its keynote which will go live by the time this video is going up um most of that's going to be things like AI Automotive uh kind of General consumer type stuff the most relevant to our audience we thought was probably the Alienware aw 3225 qf 4K OLED monitor so that's a 240 HZ refresh rate 0.1 millisecond OLED uh display and they also talked about a new g-sync feature which was called Pulsar so g-sync Pulsar is to reduce motion blur um not the kind that you toggle off in a video game but the kind that's more native to the display and then the rest of the announcements in our pre-briefing pertain to AI RTX remix which is a modding tool getting uh more official launch and availability and Nvidia also updated its AI ramen shop owner to have some new conversational uh dialogue that's AI generated so we'll save that for another time but that covers the major news we're rerunning basically all the the primary comparison gpus right now through the testing Suite so we'll have those tested in the benches check back for the data as the reviews come in of course and we'll post them near the launches for each of these but those are going live sometime in the next month for each one of them thanks for watching subscribe for more let us know what you think of the cards below and we'll be talking about them soon enough and as always you can go to store. Gamers access.net to support us directly you can grab this shirt it's available there now it's brand new and actually we are selling through them really fast so if you want one of the disappoint build 2023 shirts from our disappointment PC build where we do the tour dates of all the most disappointing Hardware related events of the year then go to the store grab one that will help set us up for this year and get you a shirt in return thanks for watching we'll see you all next time
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 462,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, gamers nexus, computer hardware, rtx 4080 super, rtx 4070 ti super, rtx 4070 super, rtx 4080 super vs rtx 4080, rtx 4070 ti super specs, rtx 4070 super specs, rtx 4070 super release date
Id: AyT4UOA99nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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