CCIF Holy Convocation 2023 - Overseer Brian Carn | July 14, 2023

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] take the time [Music] oh and he keeps over and over here [Music] he opened my eyes that I might see he's Blessing Me Oh and he keeps hey he keeps [Music] take the time to Glory take the time to die uh I guess I should acknowledge uh some of the pastors who are part of ccif I thank God for Bishop Miller and Lady Miller let's give them a great big God bless you Pastor Donis and uh uh that's the new new [Applause] Columbus uh The Singletons Singleton right Singleton I'll be trying to call y'all Singletary but a single turn give them a great big God bless you and [Applause] Bishop Sanders and his wife come on give them a great big God bless you they made it in automation amen and we're just grateful to the Lord for what he's doing in this place and what he's getting ready to do we had a wonderful service at noon day today uh the presence of the Lord really visited us in a powerful way and we're expecting God to do something so magnificent tonight amen you know one word from God can absolutely change your life that's all you need is for God to just do anything in your life just one word from God can I change it thank God for pastor Wiggins come on give him a great big God bless you [Applause] don't do it he used to come all the time we don't see him no more amen I don't know what happened to him praise the Lord you're getting it together amen praise the Lord God God is good uh what else I just wanna how about we just thank God for the praise team and the choirs and [Applause] what about the band can they play look at me I have been set free all my sins [Music] set me free I wanted to see if they could play and I pull something out on them that I know that you know ain't God good and uh we just thank the Lord look at all the mothers don't they look good y'all come on look at the mother look at them they're so grateful to the Lord for what he's doing and uh you will never be the same again amen some of y'all had to be carried home last night and just drunken the Holy Ghost and look down Heroes ain't nothing like a good drink amen Bishop Hogan how you feel give Bishop Hogan a great big God tonight come here Bishop Hogan come here come on I better give him a mic I feel like a little bit of testimony testify about they got a mic for you right there Bishop right here amen testified I accept God bless the Saints of the most high God 's been good to me I'll say it again guys been good to me if Jesus can tell Peter that the devil has acts me for position for permission even though deceive you like wheat but I pray for you [Music] that's your faith fail not and then this is what I like what he said and when thou are converted I think it was winking at me said that no you know that means you gonna make it you coming out of this Mr sitting next to you and tell them you are coming out of this they they sued me in court y'all know court that thing y'all scared of you that you better not wear your head in and when the judge come in you better stand they sued me with a 199. charges a hundred and nine nine charges day dismissed a hundred and Nine and Nine [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I've got to tell you this I was not innocent of all of them but God dismissed all of that yeah hey hey all of them [Music] I know [Music] if he said when thou art converted I'll be mother I'll be all right God bless your Prophet you pray for me yes sir you told me that they were going to drop the charges and they dropped every last one of them even the person that sued me Peter Davis my lawyers and then I found some some things that he had done wrong and I told Peter leave him alone just leave him alone if God has forgiven me [Music] I can forgive him come on give the bishop a great big hey look at three people say Jesus drop the charger one word from a man of God can change your life that's all it takes when I say it you just got to believe it [Music] and if you believe the prophet look down your Roar and say you're gonna prosper that's right that's all it takes look down your road one more time and say one word from God will change your life isn't that true I said isn't that true gotta fall in love with Jesus let's thank God for Hospitality the kitchen and Cafe come on y'all come on come on when you go home they still here and then when they get done just thank God for all the brothers who circled you know I stay a long time I didn't get home tonight before the bat about three four in the morning because I be talking you know and uh but the brothers they just wait on me and just they don't complain to me amen I am I am in the spirit but they don't complain to me but can we give all the brothers a great big God blessing [Applause] come on come on y'all come in you know there's so many people that make this happen right so many people that makes this happen and so sometimes you don't really know the work that it takes to do all this you just get to sit in it and enjoy it amen I say ain't nobody more tired than me amen praying for you cancer your demons out some of y'all lay hands on the demon be punching me as soon as I hit it because my God my God they got something strong on them say Amen praise God hallelujah amen can we give sister Timmy a great great sheep shika saying can't you come on it's in the bloodline you know so don't you know it got to be a great family when somebody playing because she could sing too that's a blessing that's a blessing and I wish I had me a brother say amen I could send somewhere praise the Lord praise God hallelujah thank you bless it Lord Jesus amen where's my sister you're my sister where your head covering okay amen God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you y'all she she works very hard amen people actually they say so who's your boss I say my sister cause all the shots I said I don't believe in certain things but I made up my Bishop over Administration Say Amen hey man don't believe that just kidding praise the Lord uh thank God for my sister sister Joy what about sisters [Applause] Pastor Butler y'all what about basketball amen you don't see nobody you're gonna see Pastor Butler he's going to be seen amen amen amen I forgot some pastors up here uh Pastor Ronnie with Pastor Ronnie Bryan look at him y'all get Pastor Brian a great big God bless you I ain't say set up but I know you won't be seen too I just called you and sit down sit down hey amen I knew he was gonna want to stand up amen amen how about Pastor Kelly Y'all how about Pastor thank you [Applause] so many people you know uh last night there were several people who went over to the other side to get prayer and to get deliverance and all of that stuff and uh um Leon Isaac Kennedy and Patrick Richardson and uh Dr Pat they just went over there and labored with them and prayed with him and it was a late it was their back it was late about three three and three at three in the morning and they can do it all day and I just left them here and um amen God brought me out you know I just oversee it now praise God hey man I started let them finish but can we give them a great big God bless come on get Pastor Brian back here great big God bless you Pastor human give him a great big God bless you all right um and we're so grateful Pastor Eric came to see us get past the Figueroa great big God bless you uh amen amen all right let's go let's get straight into the word of God Romans chapter one I sing praises to your to your name [Music] your name come on just a moment come on for you your name everyone's standing to be everybody lift your hands I sing praises [Music] hey hey to your name to your [Music] for your name for your name oh yes it is How Majestic how much is your name [Music] worship him for your name your name oh yes it is angry [Music] to be same to him How Majestic is your name [Music] is your name [Music] for your name angry [Music] let those hands Hallelujah to your everybody know music come on [Music] everybody lift your voice and say oh for your neck every day of my life I'm greatly to me come on everybody Hallelujah [Music] to your name to your daddy for your name oh yes [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey Brand New [Music] come on Zion great ideas come on Zion tell him [Music] [Applause] [Music] every morning I wake up at noon great ladies he is exalted but King is exalting on high I will praise him come on [Music] come on [Music] forever [Music] [Music] [Applause] rejoice in His holy name rejoice in his eyes [Music] hey he is exalted [Music] dreams and salted lift those hands and worship [Music] we Bow Down [Music] Yahweh [Music] we Bow Down [Music] and worship Yahweh ler come on worship him we Bow Down and worship Yahweh Ive [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey lift your voice oh there he is I feel his presence coming say Yahweh a come on foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Yahweh [Music] collect those Hands for Jesus called three people on the way down and tell them I'm excited about your future don't sit down remain standing for just a moment Romans chapter one thank God for Apostle Ward and his wife thank you for coming amen Pastor Hyman so many of you appreciate the Lord for you he's a good God and his thoughts toward me a good not evil and he will give me what an expected it look at someone left on the right tell them God ain't mad at you believe that he's a good God Romans chapter one I hear that in my spirit with somebody you can make it you can make this trial that you're going through God's gonna show you just want to do look at your neighbor say you gonna make it [Music] you go like it I wish I had a journey I don't care what's calling her off tell your neighbor God won't let it lost [Music] you're not it they're staying alone tell your neighbor you go [Music] tell three people you gonna make it you gonna make it you go hey you ain't gonna die you ain't nothing you ain't gonna die you ain't going down tell three people you ain't gonna die Romans 1 . [Music] tell somebody you ain't going through this by yourself you go back yeah yeah you're gonna make it I wish I had Turtles shaking I wish I had somebody to tell your whole world you're gonna make it don't care what it looked like okay what it feel like look like you're about to lose your mind when the devil is alive trying to tell you to tell you the words you gonna make it [Music] the God's gone [Music] it's the greatest power [Music] tell three people I'll never be defeated Romans chapter one verse 25. [Music] verse 25 who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator you may be seated um more grace to everybody and thank you I think make sure we say that a lot um you know mo Grace belongs to KCC by the way you know amen God gave us that amen I'd be saying everybody put it on their post not especially when they're telling somebody off they tell them often at the end they say more grace amen but that's not why we did it uh it was our salutation that if anybody sees you in a store or anywhere and they say more grace to you you know them KCC Folk a lot of times you don't know for but you'll see him and you'll say more grace all right but uh so look down your road and tell her more grace um I believe the Lord let me get out of the last two nights where I was supposed to get concerning uh I guess if I was the title Wednesday and Thursdays message it would probably be the perfect man um how that God is trying to bring us to a place of maturity y'all we gotta gotta be amen we we can't be in high chairs forever and I talked about something a little bit this is not what I go I might get to hit it but I talked about something Sunday about how some of you are in a dangerous place because your conscience is seared I mean there is no way that there is no way I don't mean this arrogantly but know this by my spirit there is no way that you can sit under this word and remain the same there's no way it's no way it's just no way it's no way and if you do it's just cause you want to be full of the devil because this word comes down your street shows up in your driveway and come in your bedroom and you don't want to hear it but but when you love God you don't take his chastening like he mad at you he chasing them that he loved look down your road say well that man must show love me because he don't have no problem getting on me but I think I'll title the message tonight true worship when it's true worshiping just give me a moment to talk to you maybe I'll preach I've not been trying to preach all week and then y'all go to acting up and uh falling out and oh that's y'all better be in the spirit where y'all falling cause y'all be falling hard I hope y'all ain't playing because if you is you're gonna feel that tomorrow you don't feel it in the spirit you'll be all up into my highest when you come down you'll be um that's that I'm gonna tell you that's what that pain be at home when you be saying I don't know why I'm feeling this pain where'd that come from that was that jerk you did in church uh but it's obvious all over the body of Christ it's obvious that the body of Christ has um progressed In Worship it's very obvious that we are not where we was 30 years ago 50 years ago because we progressed so much in worship uh that there was a time that we couldn't raise our hands in church there was a time that we were not allowed to make the noise that we make now and the charismatic movement really moved us into expression without intimidation it was a charismatic movement where um people like uh sister uh Esther you know you know who dance with no rhythm and just um you know it's the charismatic movement who gave us the liberty to to do liturgical dancing for for worship you know we in here dancing and they back it's the charismatic movement that that gave us uh that kind of expression and the truth of the matter is we're not even sure to praise and worship songs if you've been in church for any length of time it's a lot of praise and worship songs to just go back over and it's true and now instruments recording it's everywhere people are singing and not just Christians doing Christian songs but even Sinners that want to get in the Christian Market they'll do Christian songs but I'm having a problem because it's everywhere and we have a lot of sound we have a lot of activity but we like worship there's a lot of noise being made but nothing's behind it a lot of dancing and shouting and it's just again it's just different dancing when I came up in church it was it it it it was holy amen and again I'm not against dancing every service because I like to dance but but when I was brought up in church it was certain people that when they dance it made the whole church dance because they didn't dance every Sunday it was only once every six months so maybe you know maybe once a year you understand but but when they did it they said oh God's in this place but it had something on it that broke yolks are you listening to me so the book of Romans is a is a letter that was written by Paul more like A Treatise but it was written by Paul and Paul is getting ready to have a whole masterpiece on the grace of God and it is in this church that he's trying to establish Doctrine and Doctrine has to be established because we love to feel but we don't want to know what we believe and if you don't know what you feel it ain't God so there has to be some fundamental truths that we hold on to so Paul wrote this epistle as an instruction but he wrote it to them and he did not find the Roman church but he wanted to connect them with some of the churches that were in Asia Minor because this Bible has caused uh an enormous amount of different teachings same Bible but all of us seem to see it a whole different way but even though there are those dogmas and things that we see differently there are certain things that are biblical truths that you may be Baptist you may be Methodist you may be Episcopalian you may be Pentecostal but there are certain things that unite us that no matter where you came from we know you're a Christian does that make sense some of those fundamental Trends some of those fundamental truths are something like the Virgin birth We Believe that mirror was not just a young lady but she was a virgin if you look at some of these translations now they're just trying to make it seem like she was a young lady no we believe that her hymen was still intact yeah we believe that men go in from the outside in but God went in from the inside out come on here and produce the baby amen those are fundamental truths somebody shout fundamental truths and he did that he wanted to make sure he did it from the inside out so there would be no confusion about the baby's DNA nobody could see it came from a man they would have had to say this child was born by the Holy Ghost there's some other things that are fundamental truth dealing with the Divinity and the humanity of Christ that he was not just God but he was a man come on stay with me and he wasn't just a man but he was a God man come on here you know once we always talk about him being a God man to feel anthropus he's a hundred percent God and a hundred percent man he's a human and he's Divine and he got two Natures all locked up in one he took on flesh but never gave up his divinity he became a man but he was still God Amen he he he he didn't give up his divinity he just veiled it with flesh covered it up walked around and did Miracles somebody shout God man yeah yeah and he did it willingly there are certain fundamental truths that makes us different we we serve a God who was not forced to die but he chose to die now that that's that's different than any other religion because other religions men die for their God but in Christianity we didn't have to die for him he died for us and the reason he died for us is because the blood of the blood of doves and turtle doves bulls and goats didn't have the ability to cleanse us it couldn't wash away our nastiness I didn't catch it I was born with it had a sin nature they didn't do nothing all I did was came into the world and as a result of that all I got to do is accept his blood and him dying cause God's Wrath to be satisfied concerning me because God hates sin what you call struggles he calls sin and the wages of sin is what so he's connecting to let them know that is the same gospel and it's one gospel that he really wants him to understand is he says I'm not ashamed of the Gospel now I know this I don't want to get too deep into that because this is not my message but that was a radical statement to make in the midst of a society of Judaism it was a society of rules regulations had to keep all these laws had to dot every eye had to cross every T and then here comes a man by the name of Paul who's preaching the gospel and the gospel that he's preaching is completely contrary to the culture of that day the gospel that he's preaching is not a works-based gospel it's not a gospel that I have done every eye and cross every T in order to make it in but it's a gospel where I have the Revelation that what I could not do he became for me and because he became sin I got his righteousness therefore him who knew no sin did what became sin that we might be Hallelujah May the righteous of God for what the law could not do and that it was weak through the flesh God sent both his son and the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin condemns sin in the flesh but the righteous of the Lord may be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit that's what happened you couldn't keep the law I want to let you know that I want to say that to all you sanctimonious folk who think you got it together I'm telling you on your best day you dirty Isaiah 64 and 6 say all your righteousness is as what look at somebody look down your room say you ain't all that you didn't know that you know that then he comes on the scene saying I ain't ashamed of this gospel for it is the power of God of Salvation he starts off the book of Romans basically letting them know that nobody can say that they never knew God nobody on Earth that there is no such saying as an atheist matter of fact it's harder to be an atheist than it is to be a believer because the Bible lets us know that there are certain ways that reveal that God is real and the scripture lets us know that one way that God reveals that he's real is through the heavens his handiwork when we look at the clouds and look at the Moon and look at the stars when we look at how they say that according to measurements if the sun was an inch closer we would burn to death and if it was an inch we would freeze to death so you can't tell me that a big boom Collision did that creation is proof of a creator you're not talking back to me in here Hallelujah all right so he said certain things let you know look down your rules say God has to be real but everybody knows that God is real all right that's true that's true it said another way that people know that God is real is by special he said another way that you know God is real is by special Revelation by salvation he he reveals to Those whom he has chosen oh I don't have time to walk through this like I want to but I actually do but I want to say to you that um you didn't choose him a matter of fact he said I want you to remember you didn't choose me but I chose you I know you think you found him but he wasn't lost you was the one lost on your way to hell wasn't thinking about God but he pursued you y'all better talk back to me tell somebody he came and got me he amen and that's why can't nobody tell me he ain't real because I really wasn't paying him no attention but he interrupted my life and I know that God is real but to ignore him or to suppress him you got to change the truth of him you missed that to ignore him or to suppress him you must change the truth of him so to destroy they have to change the truth about you or alter you to minimize you give me something if if if I want to destroy you as an individual I have to alter Who You Are and minimize Who You Are for what I say about you to be true because no one who really meets you will believe what I'm saying about you so the only way that I can really try to change who you are is I got to minimize who you really are see how that went right over your head okay so what happens is an ungodly trade-off and with this ungodly trade-off we we we don't really focus on who God is and it's a world thing for instance the ungodly trade-off for Christmas is Santa we don't want to acknowledge Christ so the trade-off is Santa does that make sense all right so I'm a sinner and I'll let my child go to an Easter egg hunt for Easter but won't acknowledge he came out of the grave these are ungodly somebody Shout trade-offs all right we we wanted acknowledge the truth of who God is and what is the assignment of the church the assignment of the church is to make sure people don't minimize who God is we have to let folk know God is not just a man come on here we have to let people know that Christianity is not a way to God come on come on come on here we we cannot be compromising when it comes to certain fundamentals about Our Truth All In The Name Of not wanting to offend anybody we got to let people know our God ain't Dead He's Alive come on and you are I'm not I'm not even having no conversation with you about what color he is you want to know why I don't have to ask you what color he is because all I want to know to you is if you can tell me the color of the words that are coming out of my mouth then you can tell me what color God is because God ain't nothing but a word in the beginning was the the word was with God and the word so don't get caught up and this Hebrew Israelite stuff don't get caught up in all of this stuff uh where they got you uh almost if you don't be careful you'll be black with the Holy Ghost hating white folks and it can't be God because God is love and he that loveth not knoweth not God for God is love these are ungodly somebody Shout trade-offs things that are making us compromise so the Bible declares that they change the truth of God into a lie look at verse look look at verse 23 Romans chapter 1 verse 23 look at what it says I hope you got time and change the glory of the uncorruptable god into an image may like the corruptable man and the birds and the four-footed beasts and creeping things so what they did they Exchange the object of worship moved him from his position and put something else there God was here but they removed God from there and they placed something else there and they're shouting and they're speaking in tongues but something else is there you're dancing and you're shouting but you still have other idols you have the tongue but you don't have the love walk I know you want to shout on Friday night but I'm gonna get these Devils at you first amen So you you're distracted because you got this down pat right but you have these Idols that keep you from his house you have these Idols that when the word is coming instead of you listening to what I'm preaching you're thinking about what you're gonna do when you get out of church something else has your attention can't even spend time with God can't even shut everything down because God has to compete with your television probably can't preach anyway he's competing with Netflix and Hulu come on Instagram Facebook you'll sit on the phone and look at everybody else's life but won't take time to re-examine your own life so they change it and instead of calling him God they'll call him the man upstairs I'm gonna make y'all mad instead of saying you know instead of saying your spirit off they get new age and say I don't like your energy so now you got Saints you got Saints Saints doing yoga we don't do yoga oh I'm gonna make some more y'all mad Saints walking up to you asking you what your sign is I'm not Virgo I'm saved what's your sign Holy Ghost what's your sign cause these hands shall follow them that's my sign somebody shall trade off we're not talking about the man upstairs we're not talking about the big guy we talking about I am that I am we talking about the one who was and is and is to come we're talking about the God who stepped out of nowhere in the somewhere and said let there be I'm talking about Jehovah Jireh Jehovah's sick canoe Jehovah Jehovah Roja L Eliana El Shaddai y'all ain't talking to me I'm talking about the one who walks on the clouds of the air by the name of Charles look at somebody and say I'm talking about God don't get it mixed up please be seated [Music] the trade-off is intentional it's intentional for some is ignorant for others but it's still idolatry and I think one of the greatest deceptions that people don't understand it's just because you didn't know don't mean you don't have to pay the consequence does that make sense because there's consequences for your actions and so what happens is it it really takes us into idolatry and another form of idolatry is adultery give me Jeremiah chapter 10 verse 14. look at what it says Jeremiah chapter 10 every man is brutish in his knowledge every founder is confounded by the grave and image for his molten image is falsehood and there is no breath in them so all over the world we are seeing a competition between you and God and the greatest stronghold that is fighting the church today is humanism and instead of Us coming to church to hear what God wants us to do we come to church seeing what he can do for us and the preacher who doesn't cater to your passions is boring because he teaches the Bible so if we actually had any depth in God a lot of the shouting that we'd be doing we really wouldn't be doing because a lot of messages that we're hearing are not full course meals is candy and man shall not live by candy alone but you don't need a word from God so that's competition and the greatest demon that God is fighting is not the demons in the in the underworld or strongholds and spiritual wickedness in high places the strongest devil you are fighting is the enemy it's yourself and that's why he said If any man come after me the first thing you got to do is what deny yourself but we don't want to do that we don't want to deny ourselves we have to be important you're upset when people don't call you by titles but you call your daddy God by his first name are you listening to me Pride we love self we go to churches that cater to us now your job tells you how long you gonna be at work and guess what you do stay your little happy hips your mad hips your depressed hips your upset hips you say right then work because of a check but care nothing about your Eternal Soul and you don't rush your boss but you think you're gonna rush me and then you say things like well we living in a time where folk ain't gonna stay in church get in trouble have a problem have a problem I see people who go to these little cute churches with these our services and they go there until they get cancer and when they get sick they want somebody to take them to one of them little small Holiness churches with stank praying all that can lay hands y'all ain't talking back to me in here because when you get in trouble your intellect gets out of the way [Music] so there's so many competition it's so much competition going on you got to choose whether you're going to go to God or whether you're gonna go to your job and the Saints of oh never let it be a competition they didn't work certain jobs if it fool with their conviction no it's not quiet in here so I came up in the homeless shirt that they wouldn't they wouldn't work at a job that they had to sell liquor see y'all ain't come up like that but I did amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen they had a standard but there's no more standard everything goes now and whenever you see standard in church you call it control but in the world you call it government you can't do what you want to do thank God for stop signs thank God for stoplight you're not talking to me thank God for Mayors and governors and presidents and House of Representatives because it gives us checks in the ballots look down your road say there must be order in the house so there's a lot of competition going on and Elijah said Elijah said come let's do a little Showdown he said because Israel Yana got caught up you worshiping other gods he say but what I'm going to do is I'm gonna have a showdown between your false gods and the god that your ancestors got history with and what we're going to do is we're going to settle all to here and we're going to determine what God is God based on the one who answers by fire and the way we're gonna make sure that is God is we're going to wet up the wood [Music] because if if the wood ain't what you might say it was force over friction but I'm gonna let put water on it and I'm gonna let yours go first so they called on that God but I'm like Elijah because Elijah had confidence in his God has so much confidence he started mocking the other folk gone he said your God must be on a vacation oh yeah he said your God must be sleep he said but just give me time to call my God and he called this God and when he called on God the god that answered my fire licked up every bit of water that was on the wood and they had to say surely the god of Israel tell somebody I serve the true and living God but we're running into a generation that um is very secular and that's that's the idolatry because we're using worldly cliches using songs from the world trying to be cool trying to trying to be like them and change them I'm gonna still preach you don't have to like me though Church look at the people that you Saints are fascinated by are you so interested in Sinner's lives [Applause] be secular artists you follow them on Instagram you want to know what's going on in their life love not the world y'all quiet now ain't you neither the things that are in it for all that is in the world is the lust of the eyes the lust of the Flesh and the pride of life so one of the young men who got up here and spoke at the Children's Service said something profound Pastor Butler he said that comparison is the thief of Distinction that's loaded you have a problem being different because you are comparing yourself to a people that don't care nothing about your God so here we are we're not different you love them you crank you watch their life you know about their ex-husband and and and and who they sleeping with because you and your saved self watching reality shows why are you so invested in people who don't like you this is the year of Distinction look down your row and say we gotta love being Who We Are we're so fascinated by the world and we like the moment but we don't have nothing to keep us and the reason we don't have nothing to keep us is because we are not real worship us we are fascinated with the techniques of the world and we're using worldly means to gain the church when he say you ain't got to do that because he gonna add to his church are y'all listening to me we don't have to come up with all these techniques to get people to accept who God God ain't intimidated God ain't up trying to come up with a way to win your children cause the same Holy Ghost my Grandmama got he ain't changing because the generation is changing Jesus Christ the same yesterday today is not changing he's not changing but we're changing because we are doing the very thing he told us not to do be not conformed God called us to be different but we caught up in the world techniques we trying to win Folk all kind of ways amen if you do this they gonna come they'll come for the fish in the lows until you tell them the cost of discipleship what was the cause eat of My Flesh drinking my blood the Bible said they left him and followed him no more never came back because people will celebrate you as long as you've given them what they want they'll come to your church as long as you get them out of church in time for the football game come on preach anyway as long as you get them out of church in time for the basketball okay I'll come to your church I ain't got all day now all I got is an hour of my time and look at you and yo yo yo colonel Wanna Be Loved by the world self compromising and changing the standard to cater to people who are not real worshipers but be our cometh [Applause] and now is say hallelujah first John 5 and 20. look at what he said hello hallelujah hallelujah John first John 5 and 20. and we know that the Son of God has come and has given us a what that we may know what him that is what and that we are in him that is true even in his son Jesus Christ this is the true God and what eternal life look at somebody to say God hates idolatry give me Amos chapter 2. verse 4 Amos 2 and 4. Hallelujah thus saith the Lord for three transgressions of Judah and before I will not turn away the punishment thereof because they have despised the law of the Lord and have not kept his Commandments and their lives caused them to air after the wish their fathers have walked God saved the transgression of idolatry I'm not going to turn away from that I'm not just jealous my name is jealous give me Matthew chapter 2 verse 18. look at what the word of God says in Matthew Chapter 2 Verse 18 in Rama there was a boy's heard lamentation and weeping and great morning Rachel weeping for her children and would not be comforted because they are not God would not Comfort them because they got caught up in idolatry and there are so many ways we're in idolatry when we start changing the scriptures to cater to us and our sin and when you don't read the Bible and you don't know no Doctrine you just go with anything that sounds good I heard a preacher preach the other day y'all remember that they came they came and preached and made a statement and said that they pulled the hair out of Jesus is beard and when he put the head of Jesus beer it broke his jaw the Bible say not a bone was broken but when you don't know that yeah because you don't know nothing somebody else just came up with some other Revelation out of the Book of Ecclesiastes said to everything there's a season and a time under the heaven and they said you know what the Bible said a time to be born a time they said that time there I mean it was an angel for it time there in the Hebrew mean angel I looked it up I tried to find it I was looking at it I could not find one angel but guess what the church was doing shouting the bereans went home and searched the scriptures to see if what the apostles preached was so I don't care how much you love your pastor chicken you know why because you are most likely to be deceived by the person you trust oh search it out you love your pastor chicken Pastor that sounded good but I I I helped me back help me with that now cause I I'm trying to find that I don't see that in there man it's one guy he's a little fun I don't like because he don't talk to Batman everything he'd be making me fun if you ever watch Gino Jennings he'd be on it he said book chapter and verse give me book chapter and verse they keep talking he say book chapter in verse I don't quote the word and know the word to impress people I need to know if I'm being tricked you know it's like when somebody tell you they can cook when you're a cook you can ask them certain questions that'll let you know if they can cook like one question this one question you can ask somebody who said they bake cake you ask them one question first thing you say it what you do what you do with your butter because if you baking that cake with that butter that came right out the refrigerator you don't know what you're doing you gotta let that butter get room temperature [Applause] eggs too ain't that right Auntie Joe so it's certain things you can hear him say we ask somebody what you cook I can cook anything don't believe them ain't nobody can cook anything nobody can so what I'm saying is we don't know the word of God you can be tricked well you don't know simple stuff like what is justification what's justification don't even know it what is justification I'm a legal child y'all excuse me I'm sorry there's a justification me I'm a legal child it means god treats me like I never did nothing wrong if I was to sit down with and say talk to me about adoption mean God snatched me from my natural parents and made me a part of his family if I say talk to me about sanctification yeah you say but are you sanctified the same thing used to just say thank God for being saved they say thank God that I'm saved Sanctified and feel what is sanctification it's it's twofold there is a there is a declared sanctification and there's a progressive sanctification there's a sanctification that you are declared because of what Jesus did but there's another sanctification that comes as you walk with God let us cleanse ourself from all filthiness of Flesh and spirit perfecting holiness what's sanctification putting off the world when I got saved everything about me didn't get saved I got saved in my spirit but some of my clothes is still Unholy so sanctification teaches me you can't wear everything see y'all mad at me now see that's what's wrong don't nobody want them conversation let this generation of young ladies they get mad you want somebody like an old maid you want you want somebody see but it's only thing is you're comparing yourself you're determining what fine is based on what you've seen on TV but if you're gonna be a woman of Distinction anything of value you got to you got to dig to find it [Applause] y'all ain't talking to me y'all ain't talking to me a diamond ain't on top a diamond is hidden and you got to get it but some of y'all ain't hiding nothing we can see everything [Applause] [Music] that's not salvation that's sanctification I'm not dealing with your salvation you say tight dress on Save long slip I mean split from Genesis of Revelation say you're safe you're safe but what you ain't is sanctify we'll sanctify me set aside don't look like the world you can look at me and say she belong to God [Applause] you can look at that brother y'all think y'all gonna make some of your man you can look at that brother and say that's a man of God cause he ain't dressed like a woman he dressed like a man that's a man of God [Music] enjoy sanctification thank God for sanctification sanctification is he pursues me he comes after me he doesn't let me do what I want to do when I try to remain the same he starts tapping on it anybody ever had God to tap on it the Bible say they were pricked in their heart I tried to not say sorry but the Holy Ghost tapped on it I tried to walk away but the Holy Ghost stamped on it and when you got to Holy Ghost for real he make you apologize when you ain't wrong [Applause] Hallelujah are y'all listening to me you got to keep these truths in you and get it down in your belly tell somebody it got to be down in your belly got you you got to know it God know what you believe got to be confident in your belief got to be settled in your belief you got to be so settled in your belief that can't nobody tell you nothing that they saw on Google they make you question what your experience can't nobody tell me the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues ain't real I ain't talking about no Kundalini ain't nothing okay let me tell you something baby I got the Holy Ghost and I know it's real because I didn't make these tongues up I can take you to the spot where he feels me you're a little Shabba I can tell you who prayed for me I can tell you what day I got the Holy Ghost y'all better talk back to me in here when it's real I'm not talking about somebody say repeat after me uh-uh that ain't it baby he that believeth on me as the scripture have said out of his alley look down your road say I got it I got it I got it tell somebody I got it I got it I got it it holds me it keeps me I know I got it cause I ain't Buster cap and nobody here I know I got it [Applause] tell three people around y'all got it [Applause] [Music] no I'm not well I got it I got the Holy Ghost how about shadia I got the Holy Ghost and if you don't got it you don't know what you're missing cause I don't know how to pray all the time but when you don't know what's your price the spirit itself make it what innocent well I got it it's real it's real I ain't mocking nobody else tongues I ain't saying what I heard somebody else say hey I know I got the Holy Ghost if I didn't I would have cussed you out a long time ago but he's holding my tongue y'all sit down so I can finish [Music] I'm coming to my text you got to know what you believe and not only do you guys know what you believe you need to know who you believe you need to know it so that when hell going on you don't go to questioning who God is see these folk that was once saved and Thomas I went through and I I tried God you ain't tried them baby you tried religion but you ain't tried Jesus you tried your church but you ain't had an encounter with him because you can't tell me you met him and you left him cause he keeps your mind y'all ain't talking back to me I'll keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind see couldn't go back if I wanted to hell if I shot tell somebody I couldn't go back if I wanted to I'm too far in now if I tried to go back to the world they'll tell me going back where you belong [Applause] you don't belong here Hollow shy little CIA the holy ghost is real Ali alien Alina Eileen I guess it's Eileen Al a-l-l-e-e-n Eileen where you at Center Ali Eileen Eileen White that's she that's the Holy Ghost what what's what's Wade's what's Wadesboro wait you live in Wadesboro is that North Carolina or South Carolina North can I find us from here two hours almost you know y'all can't tell that lady how long it took her to get here you were speeding she was driving the speed limit she ain't got no tickets huh sister Eileen they say it's 45 minutes it more than that say it again what'd you say okay you tell them get up off of you she said it too she said get off of me shout cause when you get back it's worked out [Music] see that ain't humanism that's the Holy Ghost tell three people that's the Holy Ghost that's a sit down I'll talk to you some more in a minute sit down the Bible said in Romans chapter 1 verse 23 that they changed the truth okay and they turned it into a lie what did this lie do it changed the worship okay say with me what you believe determines how you worship if you don't believe nothing what are you worshiping so worship is to reverence is to hold in awe it's to hold it in a rightful place you know when I worship something you're going to know it because of the way I treat it he said you honor me with your but your right so you got the woman at the well he said you worshiping but the hour and in true are you listening to me so you have people who have no spirit and it's cold and dry but then you have another group who got truth but don't have spirit so it turns them into fanatics because they don't have the balance of spirit and Truth but real worship is when you say about him what he's already said about himself oh Lord our Lord How Excellent is your name and all the Earth you are the God of All Flesh there is nothing too hard for you you're my kinsman redeemer you're my way maker you're my first fault and my last thought you're the one I wake up to and you're the one I go to bed with come on y'all ain't talking to me get a burger to my king y'all ain't talking to me you're my everything you have to tell him that you're the hot sauce to my collard greens hey man you're the butter to my biscuits yo quiet but it's talking to him Lord you made the heaven Lord you're running it that's why when you get a bad report and the doctor says something about your body going to worship Lord you made my body you know all about it you're Jehovah raps and I think that with your stripes I am somebody to say I am a worshiper and he said that you're going to know when your worship is real he said because the way you're going to know worship is genuine is about what you do to people when you come out of it [Music] [Applause] so I don't know it's real because of this and tears coming down when I got done crying how did I treat my sister we saw that in Isaiah 6. in the year that King Uzziah died he was wanting to be a priest he said but I saw the Lord he said I saw something that I've never seen before I didn't see his face but I saw the train of his robe Hello by Shanda train of his role filled the temple he said but when you really Worship You Don't See so much Glory the more worship you do the more you see yourself and if you haven't seen yourself it's because you haven't worshiped because the minute you spend time with him he puts the light on stuff in your life that you tried to shout over and he'll say don't shout go get it right y'all ain't talking back to me he'll deal with you deal with you I saw the Lord I lifted up train of his role filled the gym and notice the verse 8 he said woe is me I'm undone and I'm a man of what unclean he said but I ain't the only one dirty the folk I'm hanging around dirty because the more holy the more high and lifted up he becomes and the more you tap into his Holiness it exposes your ugliness that's really that's really why your body becomes broken that's really why you're weeping because you know how dirty you are we don't know but you know and then when you lift your hands and worship him and he lets you feel him and you'll be sitting in your mind saying why are you talking to me why are you dealing with me what is man that thought can I have 15 more minutes worship and serve it's another word for worship that's another word for worship another word for worship is serving when I clean the toilet I'm In Worship [Applause] so when I'm serving anywhere in church but doing it with an attitude it's no longer worship if I need to be appreciated it ain't worship no more if I need you to Pat me on my back and say will you well the least you could have did was said thank you that's because you were doing it unto me but serving the lord will pay off effort so I don't look for my pay to come from you cause I ain't worshiping you and that's why you got to be careful with these jobs because the reason it interferes with your worship is your job becomes your provision and because it's your provision whenever there's a competition between God and it it wins because you worship it because of the place you put it in because your provision is important to you I love living comfortable I love air conditioner I love driving a car drive I love wearing the clothes I wear and in order for me to do that I have to do this and the only way I can do this is I have to I have to move and anything that interferes with that is another God no man can serve I know y'all won't Shout but you're not serving God a lot of us are serving ourselves your hands are up the Lord told me in prayer he said a lot of people hands are up but they are self-exalted but it ain't about you it's about him who sits on the throne and unto the left tell your neighbor It Ain't About You it's not about you we use his name but we act like we don't need him just like a marriage use the name of the person but ain't nothing going on but when you get in trouble you want to use the name when you're in trouble because you know the benefit that come with the name but when everything is going fine and dandy you want to do everything in your own strength so your worship is not real because worship is not what you do in here it's how you live when you leave here second Timothy chapter 3 verse one give me the NIV and I'm done Glory Sarah Sarah you don't know your name take your wow live your hands you look nice look at your hat I mean you matching that how you doing as I said as I said Sarah Greek Sarah Greene Sarah Green jump in this middle aisle coming around stand right there lift your hands take her glasses off God is not unrighteous to forget your labor of love everything you've done for people how you've opened your doors that's your child Pastor Brian that's your child I'm gonna pray for you today and the spirit of God is going to give you a miracle in your body something's going on in your body right now and that's why you're having these uh this fatigue just tired sometimes I don't know why you're tired but the enemy's trying to do something in your body but I'ma pray for you and God's Gonna Give You a miracle number two God's going to your house I got to pray for your body because if I didn't pray for your body I am walking up to a house and uh is that oh one four one five two that's your address I walked up to your house but I found you on the floor September the 3rd at about 4 pm there was a stroke planned for you but because you came here [Applause] you got to participate in other folk prophecy I say because she came here the stroke just got in reversed you don't give up you don't go in the tower God is not forgotten about you and I promise How You Gonna live hey Shuffle [Music] sit down I'm almost done point at your neighbor and say you gonna live don't be scared with confidence I said promise I tell your neighbor you're gonna live a long time [Music] Long John second Timothy chapter three I'll live a long time you're straight ahead of me you rocking back and forth and you got green a green you I think that's like army green or what kind of green setup you lift your hands not you baby you got your 30 000 last night sit down amen amen amen you trying to get double I'll take some more you really y'all shut your hands of water lift your hands look at me get me real good you're supposed to be further along you're supposed to be doing more but the devil really comes after your confidence and make you feel like you're not capable you're not able so I see you literally sitting up in your room crying yourself I'm just crying yourself to sleep it's like a little strong Spirit of depression been trying to come on you but the spirit of God is going to break I'm telling me I saw that devil riding your back and I'm talking about this thing been bothering you and you learn to make everybody else laugh and make everybody else smile but there's some things you going through on the inside that you're really battling with on the inside because it feel like your life is stuck and you just can't seem to get out of the rich you've been in but in the spirit realm God just lifted your feet whatever chain was on them those chains are broken and the spirit of God said he's also working out whatever that is concerning your career he's going to set it up that job situation just got worked out they're not going to be able to do nothing you're gonna have your job and God say Hey you gonna do something in the medical field too somebody should look at it [Applause] yay got no praises tell three People Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready he seated second Timothy three and one but Mark this there will be terrible times in the last days people are going to be lovers of themselves lovers of money both for proud abusive disobedient to their parents ungrateful and what without love unforgiveness slanderous without self-control God told me some of you won't have diarrhea of the emotions you got diary every emotion you could think of you have them all in a in in two minutes you yo yo you're just everywhere because you lack control and the Bible say this is the size of the last time of the of the last days these are these trade-offs These are gonna let you know it's all about and in church today we are we are we are fashioning Church to cater to people and we're treating Church like it's a franchise like it's Burger King and you can have it your way but God got a standard he don't accept anything he said there's a way you got to enter his Gates you got to enter them with what Thanksgiving he said if you want to come in my court you got to come with what prayer okay the Bible declares that they finally verse 25 Romans chapter 1 verse 25 I'm done I'm done I'm done Romans 1 25. I was 125. Romans 1 25. who changed the truth of God into a lie he said when they start getting into all this idolatry it finally changed from worshiping the Creator to worshiping the creature so now people who couldn't make it in Hollywood would try to put demands on the church because they want to be Stars but there's only one star in here I think he called himself the bright and so so we stopped focusing on him I told y'all this was my conviction as a preacher you know I live by faith for real a lot of folks say they do but you can't say you live by faith as a pastor and the church cover all your bills that's not living by faith I'm saying if you say you're living by faith you understand a lot of people say I don't take no salary but the church pay for my car and the church pay for this well where you don't need that that is your salary you know you get what I'm saying okay that's not wrong you're supposed to do that I don't and I also don't do it as an evangelist and for me I didn't do certain things because I wanted to keep my heart pure that if I know that the preacher is going to split the offering with me I wanted to make sure that the raising of the offering didn't become manipulation because when you know what you're going to receive based on what you raise you are lying say God said give stuff that he didn't say give but in the back of your mind is a bill you need to pay you're not shouting okay so then you tell 18 people to give up with this amount and 13 people that Mom this might get of that and while you're on stage acting for the offering you're in your mind Counting 17 people gave up that's 17 000 right there this mini game five and you know you do it because some of y'all do it in the audience right stay with me now okay so then now another Spirit get on you because you go to the back and the number they come up with ain't the number you counted so now another demon getting on you cause now you ready to fight cause you trying to steal from me right okay and it's subtle ways like that all in the name of a Workman is worthy of his higher you use that scripture to cater to your lack of faith so I find I find me a scripture to cater to my greed I don't want to trust God I don't want to trust God I need to trust this check so when you don't give me what I think I'm worth manifest because I don't put a price tag on what he gave me for free that's right so I am beginning to worship self he's no longer on the throne I am because the only one worthy of sacrifice and worship is him and the only real sacrifice that you can give him is your body present it a living what right okay so you you you you you start worshiping self how do I know I'm worshiping self when I get offended every time the word finds me y'all quiet now so when the word I'm not doing your shout maybe but but when when the word find me instead of me humbling myself I'm coming up with ways to fight it because self has become an idol and anybody who threatens self I block out so the word is being preached but the whole time the word being preached I'm coming up with scriptures out of context to justify my system of beliefs to the god I worship called self are you listening to me and so the Bible say you've changed your worship from the Creator to the creature are you listening to me and God wants you to praise him he wants you to worship him because the reason the enemy causes things to happen in your life and the reason you walk away from God is I said nothing you know people get mad when I say this and I don't care if you get mad when I tell them depression is nothing but Pride how could depression be Pride because the only way you depress is you focus on yourself but that depression robs you of worship and so that's why David said when my heart is overwhelmed Lead Me To The Rock that is higher than I David had a son who he was believing God to resurrect but the son did not resurrect the son died anyway and he could have chosen to get sad and depressed he could have chosen to sit there and wallow in his emotions and a lot of us that's what you do in your life the minute things don't work out the way that you think they should work out you get caught up in self have the nerve to sit up in his house and have an attitude with God I'm not talking about the church house I'm talking about your body got to have the nerve to have an attitude in the body that he gave you and then we're coming to sanctuary and while worship is going on somebody got to beg you to lift your hands Hallelujah praise and worship team got a pump and Prime you to lift your hands and give God the glory and you don't understand that the only reason you got to be pumped and Prime is because you have become the center of your worship and if you don't feel like it you don't worship somebody makes you mad you don't clap your hands and somebody agitates you you don't lift your hands and give him the praise because you go based on how you feel but look at somebody say it ain't about how I feel it's about who he is sometimes I got to learn how to praise him when I'm in the roughest season of My Life but some of you in here your worship is not true because you only worship based on who's singing the song based on who's leading praise and worship you only come to church based on who's preaching because you're worshiping the creature more than the Creator grab your name and say neighbor and about you you got to learn how to bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth look at somebody say I am a real worshiper you got the wrong neighbor find somebody else and say neighbor I got a testimony that I am a real worshiper so many times I had to praise God with tears down my David's son died anyway David's son did not resurrect from the dead David's son stayed where he was guess what guess what David did David said while he was alive I shouted him cried ain't no need crying now he's already there Let the dead bury the dead he said guess what I'ma Do I'm going to the temple I'ma wash my face I'ma anoint myself and guess what I'm doing I'm going to worship Theologian say that it was after that that David said I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord and got no money but I'm going to worship my job is acting crazy but I'm going to worship pain in my body but I'm going to worship children acting crazy but I'm going to worship grandchildren going crazy but I'm going to worship ain't got no money he also do don't know where the money coming from but guess what I'm Gonna Worship and I don't want to have to worship Him by myself oh magnifying left the Lord with me his name together lots of clothes but show Glory shall Glory another time grab you a neighbor Rock him and shake them shake them and rock them Rock them and shake her I gotta rest my voice y'all I got arrested tomorrow cause I want to preach on Sunday but grab your neighbor and say neighbor learn to trust in Jesus I've been in the valley been in the storm but my worship got me out of it you don't know my story you don't know the things that I've been through but let me tell you this My Worship My Worship My Worship My Worship Is For Real it ain't fake don't bother me when you see me in worship leave me alone I don't need no Circle I don't need no hustle just let me worship cause if I don't worship I'll go crazy if I don't worship I'll lose my mind if I don't worship I have a breakdown get out your seat run the seven people and say I am a worshiper [Music] turn the organ up at least in the monitors [Music] look at somebody that's her name I'm a worshiper grab you another neighbor and say I'm a worshiper I'll praise him anywhere I worship him at Walmart I worship him at Harris Teeter I worship Him and compare foods that Food Lion I worship Him in Lambert's Cafe I worship him in the Kingdom kitchen it don't take much all it takes for me is a memory all it takes is for me to think of something he brought me out of next thing I know my hands go up my feet go up you need to worship it ain't about you I know you lost your mama I know your daddy gone I know your job is gone I know you lost your house but guess what I've been a young and [Music] I worship you almighty God there is none like you I worship you oh Prince of Peace that is what I long to do I give I give wake him I give give you praise for you are my righteousness look at somebody and say get over it he wants to worship come out your depression and worship him get over it and worship the devil and it takes you when you come to church do you know why because he don't want you to worship because when you worship Demons back up cancer dries up when you worship your children get delivered don't let nothing hinder your worship don't let nothing stop your worship worship him while you're crying worship him while you're hurting worship him why you're sad worship him while you're sick and say Bowie slimy [Music] yet will I trust him get out your feet run the three people and say worship worship what foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] for whatever reason there might be that's what yeah between each line of pain and Glory but guess what y'all Jesus the band is real loud they real loud they don't think they came to hit him I think they came to hit me Jesus is the best thing that ever happened grab your neighbor and say neighbor I was thinking deep in sin peace for sure yeah very deeply same within I was seeking to rise no more but the master of the sea head my despairing crime guess what he did from the waters he lifted me look at somebody to say neighbor I worship because he lifted me I worship cause I almost died and with the hell but he came and got me I worshiped because I should have been crazy but he kept me he kept me he kept me screaming foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen to me I'm serious about this we gotta remember what we here for and look down your organ and tell somebody it is not about you no one no one moves lift your hands so for the next 30 to 60 Seconds we're going to open our mouth and we're going to give him what he wants because listen to me we say that the best part of church is the word that's not true because preaching is for you but worship we have come into this house to magnify his name turn the keyboard down and word shop here come on we [Music] to this house let those hands talk to her God we have come we have come [Music] it in his name [Music] oh worship him crying [Music] lift those hands and see it so for forget about yourself concentrate on him oh [Music] everybody lift your hands and tell it so far concentrate [Music] so forgetful concentrate whoa come on [Applause] [Music] let those hands high consuming fine here sweet [Music] you're awesome presence come on consuming con come on sweet perfume you're awesome Brothers come on Zion [Music] [Music] [Music] true one more time consuming talk to him [Music] get awesome presents [Music] this is Holy Ground [Music] [Applause] is this Holy Ground [Music] [Music] so come and bow [Music] now let those hands open your mouth and just begin to worship him come on [Music] Sunday Monday [Music] [Music] this is when you find out about the dance it's not about the book can you focus on him tell him [Music] we are wonderful King Great Master My Savior My Redeemer my way maker Immortal invisible you're the only ones God talk to him anymore he learns to be stroked he loves to be worshiped he loves to be adored come on Giant come on worship here we're going somewhere [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] let those hands high this is the year I breathe this is it oh he's here your holy presence living in me with everything you got come on in me come on let's worship him he's gonna do something in here this is my daily bread this is all right [Music] this is come on Zion your very word [Music] spoken to me oh here he is here he is come on now you got to meet him say I [Music] am foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please [Music] water look those hands [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa ah thank you everyone come on Hallelujah [Music] come on come on thank you come on worship him if everyone if your voice lift your voice [Music] come on come on [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] everyone come on good forever [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on the presence of Jesus is here come on lift your voice [Music] oh come on [Music] come on come on your boys everybody he wants to do something the brothers of Jesus is moving all over this room come on [Music] come on come on [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hey hey [Music] Jesus come on don't leave here the presence of God is wrong hey hey the presence of Jesus [Music] hey the presence hey the presence of Jesus the presence of his atmosphere [Music] oh let those hands [Applause] come on can receive whatever you need from God stop looking around close your eyes lift your hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus you are worthy [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that back section this whole back section join hands quickly the back section that whole back section join hands all y'all just hold back my back left showing hands quickly quickly quickly hold those hands up close your eyes quickly Jesus may your presence overshadow them now you're gonna take a deep breath and the prince of God is going to begin to fall take a deep breath now touch take it take it take it [Music] foreign s he is exalted the king is exalted back right section do it quickly join hands quickly quickly quickly on high and I quickly quickly we'll praise join hands quickly hold them up high quickly quickly quickly close those eyes he is exalted the king is exalted the presence of the Lord is moving on you now the power of God is falling on you now the power of God is falling now the power of God take a deep breath there it is everyone touch take that anointing as it flows [Music] [Music] he is the Lord [Music] forever [Music] his truth shall reign heaven and Earth a lot lot lottery a lot of Reese Brown a lot of resi a lot of Reese Brown where you at come in this middle line [Music] a lot Phyllis lemon Phyllis lemon where you at jump in the middle of Phyllis hurry up quickly stand right there lift your hands Phyllis his power is going to touch you you ready you ready take a deep breath bam there it was stick it take it it'll take it please he's here he's here he is Lord forever his truth shall reign I told Brown Where She Went come here start right there lift your hands don't feel like a failure [Music] you obeyed me you stepped out you suffer great persecution and great misunderstanding there's a miracle coming in your body God's about to visit you he gonna visit you like you did 20 years ago he's gonna set you on a path and give you instructions the government owes you some kind of money and it's coming you're going to come to me and say I got a letter it's not coming to your home it's coming to your PO box P.O box what's that three two one three two one seven six that's your PO box the government's about to send you a letter there concerning some money owed to you get ready it's on the way live those hands high I'm gonna do this quickly you think it's a gimmick don't do it you know we have our special receivers on on Sunday but I know I heard the spirit of God just now and God Don't Lie tell your neighbor God Don't Lie tell that young lady right here to come to me you you come to me he is exalted the king is exalted I will praise him he is you can give it to him today presence of God takes it all I will praise his name he is Lord come on y'all forever Heaven and Earth [Music] Rejoice rejoice in history [Music] is hey shut your hands to water who you came with your mama your mama who your mama mama right to your mom right there come here mama you're gonna put your hands on your baby's stomach lift your hands she needs a miracle in her she ain't told you but I mean she's been in massive pain and then it was trying to give our cancer Young kobia but the access came through a bitterness she's holding towards something with her father but today that thing breaks get back up I want to talk to you some more I know keep your hands on our stomach keep your hands on or something look at me you're gonna finish you have a tendency of starting then you get discouraged and say what's the use you're gonna finish you're a finisher you ain't dumb you a finisher I'm minister to you and I declare that God is not angry with you he gonna bless you he gonna favor you you're going to increase you hold my mic quick glad stretch your hands to water look at me I release you from the secret you've been carrying that you're afraid to tell somebody about because you feel like it'll split up some stuff in the family something happened to you when you were younger so I'm happy to you you won't tell nobody it's a secret you've been holding I release you from the secret she's healed today [Music] I say she's healed today [Music] I say she's healed today he is the Lord forever truth shall reign yeah then entered what does it do rejoice [Music] hey [Music] come here ma'am come to me let her through the sea level The Walker come to me lift your hands how you doing where you from Clayton North Carolina weather here that's two hours away too hours Clayton two hours you sure okay two hours and 30 minutes yes ma'am shut your hand to the water yes Lord yes Lord e oh when I see will hold us my home am I now I'm doing this because the Lord told me I'm just doing this he told me shake your hands to water in God wonderful eyes I'm looking at you but I'm going back on you as a little girl and I'm dealing with the hate the rejection of your childhood I'm looking at something that you invested your life into and at the end you came up empty so many times you ask yourself did I miss it did I make the wrong move why did I make that decision but you're in the place where God wants you to be in this season I want you to stretch your hands toward this woman because the spirit of God said there's some things that are stolen from you specifically family related like an inheritance but God's Gonna force them to give you what belongs to you I see the battle going on and I see some legal matters and look like this enemy's trying to cause division between you and some family members but you're not gonna have to fight for it the judge and everything is going to rule in your favor the property is going to be turned over to you and you're not gonna have to look for a drink or have to search for you ain't gonna have to fight for it matter of fact you don't even have to hire a lawyer it's just gonna come into your hands I prophesy to you today dear woman that the land has been granted unto you and you won't have to fight for it God said what God has for you it is for you assignment you when I tell you still said the Lord one of your tooth in your mouth and giving your problems and you've been saying I don't know if I need to get this teeth pulled or what because you have this real bad pain at night but this is just a sign that God's gonna give you everything that is owed to you power gone that's just a sign that I'm just saying God working on the teeth too amen amen ain't nothing like a toothache thank you Jesus thank you Jesus IA [Music] ain't God wonderful that woman in the blue right here you come round to come round Hallelujah we're gonna get out of here stand right there no no no no no don't move so much now I'ma tell you something I don't want you to get mad at me but I'm I'm telling you because I I believe God won't do something great in your life God want to use you in a strong way but you're very stubborn and you're very opinionated if you allow God to work better out of you the sky's the limit to the place in him he's going to take you God want to use your strong prophetically very strong but he's going to break some things in you and there's a breaking you're going to have to go through as he prepares you for what he's about to do in your life eyes have not seen and ears have not heard I want to minister to you because there's something you went through in a Ministry that you invested and gave and gave and gave and gave there was a pastor and you went through some kind of hurt I mean you were close but something happened and whatever it was that happened it really affected you and gave you might want to let it go baby just cry baby that's what we do around here I don't know what you're trying to be trying to hold it just let it go these Debbie sitting up there that's Deliverance any of y'all think tears are just tears but tears are Deliverance right you understand or whatever that was giving you an inability to trust and even an inability to trust leadership again because of what you went through but the spirit of God said trust me I don't I don't care if you was connected to him I won't give you a married to him I don't care whatever you went through but the spirit of God wants you to know that you can love again you can trust again you can submit again we call it Church hurt but I'm not gonna call I call it people hurt okay imma lay my fists on your chest and God's gonna pull out all them daggers out your back cause it's a ever since you left and walked I need somebody on this side ever since you left and walked away this is some stuff in arrows that's been thrown at you but I'ma lay hands on you if you would only Trust me what [Music] trust me now let's tell her I'll fight your battles tell her I'll fight I'll fight I'll fight there you go come on let that go let it go let it go [Music] Lucifer [Music] trust me lift your hands and say I'll fight your battles [Music] everybody's age [Music] who you came with you pray for your daughter because the hand of God on her she's been experiencing some things she ain't shared with you leave your hands look at me you belong to God I don't care what you trying to do okay how mildly you try to be how rebellious you attempt to be you see that you feel that God on you you feel that God you feel that that's him you gonna issue that same power one day [Music] now while I'm praying for her something's happening for your children right now so I'm praying for her well I'm praying for her whatever child you got before the Lord there's a visitation coming and that be the same imma pray for you God gonna invade your life get some more give me some more [Music] God gonna invade your life amen God gonna invade your life I'm gonna pray for you God gonna invade your life you ain't gonna like it you're not gonna like it you're gonna try to do something other folks do you won't be able to because he gonna hold by see ya he gonna put a hook in you yeah you're gonna put a hook in here I don't know who you mad at but I'm gonna get all that too I'm gonna get you mad at somebody I don't know who you mad at you're just angry angry so angry so angry so angry he's so angry so angry come on Let It Go es come on go ahead and put it on there babe [Music] you're getting free I said she getting free and so she getting through I say she good and true I say she is free your praise is Silla I say Deliverance is coming to your children I say she is free I say she is free lift your hands as if she is free melecosa ain't God real you look nice got you cosia come here just hug me he gonna heal you he's giving you a new thyroid [Applause] God healing this woman [Music] and God said everything he took from you he gonna have to give it back whoever that he is he got to get it back he got to give it back shut your hands of water if you would only trust me trust me Trust if you would only Trust me to us me Trust if you would only trust [Music] if you [Music] trust me [Music] trust me [Music] trust me [Music] if you [Music] how about see ya ill alone [Music] foreign if you if you do it my way yeah trust me [Music] trust me [Music] trust me God's not angry with you he's not he's not but do it my way [Music] it's the last time I tell you [Music] your life depends on it trust me [Music] if you [Music] trust me yeah [Music] imma do this quick your name your name woman you got on a yellow you got some yellow things around you you got the Hat thing on there lift your hands your name is gonna be brought up and there are some uh yeah there's some accusations that's gonna be thrown at you I don't know where you work I don't know what's going on but I see some people are going through some accusations where they're literally trying to get you removed from the position you in but God is gonna fight on your behalf I'm serious you'll come back and testify the accusations gonna come at you either a man or woman but the name gonna start with the letter D it's a person who work with you and names are letter D and they're gonna bring some accusations against you but gone it's gonna fight on your behalf that's the word of the Lord you can put your life on that and we're going to do this quickly let those hands high if you if you only what that's what he wants you to do [Music] if you wait a minute what's going on y'all together y'all y'all okay come here trust me I accept Jesus name what's going on concerning your living conditions shut your hands toward them children as well foreign are you pastoring yet okay who's your pastor where Brian Williams where you at Pastor come here see I'm gonna make sure I do this right come that pass around the Williams she's in my first lady up there too praise the Lord first lady came uh can't do this though amen come on pastor the uh I'm gonna do this with you here I want you to serve him with your life I don't care how inconvenient it becomes for you and how much money you lose in the process serve him be faithful be committed don't let nothing pull you away from him and I'm telling you with your pastor here one day when he released you you were Pastor a great people and I ain't talking about no five people you're gonna pastor and he's going to use everything he brought you out of as a testimony to reach folk that nobody can reach there's an older woman that when he was a little boy prayed for you and her prayers have kept you to this place you gonna be the deliverer of your bloodline [Applause] I don't care what other men in your family have even gotten out of here prematurely Brothers Bound by addictions God brought you out he rescued you and spared your life kept you from serving years supposed to be locked up a long time but he kept you you owe him foreign [Music] you get the double portion by serving the single portion be faithful be committed there's a contract going to come into your hands so whatever you're trying to do the key to the contract is like these stuff keep coming but then it's something stop it it's like a lead stopping it the key to the lid breaking is serving him and when you serve him that lid gonna come off there's a contract coming I'm talking about but it's it's but I'ma tell you it's going to be a competition between fulfilling the contract and serving him contract is going to come but the contract is a test take the contract but it's a test but God can see all the help you need in order to be able to do what you need boy you quick and hard I like but he got a hard quicker you know my question don't be that hard I mean I have a little relief in my Quicken but then whatever they got tough quick and I like that with bread man that thing hard praise God but you'll never be the same yes after the day God's Gonna favor you God going to the prayers of your mama he gonna keep you going to keep You Gonna Keep You Gonna Keep You Gonna Keep You're Gonna Keep You Gonna Keep you he gonna keep you he gonna keep you he gonna keep you he's gonna keep you he touching something in your body too while I'm talking to you but he gonna keep you be strengthened be renewed indeed your pastor gonna lay hands on you and he's gonna anoint you for this now you gonna Pastor one day he gonna bastard I'm telling you you're gonna bastard but serve yes sir serve serve serve sir wash his car everything yes everything get on his nerves you're serving so much but you you because you got a word on this and it's Gonna Change y'all saw that hard quicker I like all that stuff baby you'll never be the same after the day your dreams are coming back Visions are coming back something you talked to God about when you was a little boy he heard you I I never been to your home as a kid but wherever you live whatever home you was raised up in um your room was the first room on the left as a kid it was the first room on the left and the spirit of God said I kept you and I sustained you and I kept it from your youth and I'm looking at a little childhood friend it's just a it's just a a sign he had a little childhood friend by the name of Chris one of your best friends this is just a sign that God's talking to me y'all see that here he had a little red bicycle that he used to ride on as a little boy just God giving some facts about your childhood and I saw like I don't know if that was your sister but I just see a lady like you did you always be fussing and fighting with all the time y'all were just fussing with each other but the spirit of God told me to tell you this is your time to serve be faithful be committed nothing shall stop you you will be to your seed what you felt like your father may not have been to you you will repair the breach so I'm I'm I'm I'm your parents are gonna lay hands on you and I'm gonna lay hands on your pastor and you're gonna get an impartation today but serve serve and watch gone bathroom lay hands on them and get behind them Father we release that anointing in his life may he never be the same again how about there it was Jesus [Music] Jesus name in the name of Jesus foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's three people gonna bring me a thousand dollars into in in when I say come you gonna do it in two minutes it's three of you at least three we're gonna do this quick we got to do it because the Lord's telling me to do it and God Don't Lie Say Amen so in a couple of minutes I'm gonna say come and three of you gonna bring me a thousand dollars without hesitation not gonna take long for you because God's moving in here right now amen God ain't forgot about us look down your road say God is not forgotten about you that's your daughter God gonna use you baby you hear me you all use yeah that's him you feel don't worry about it that's him that's that power just receive that implantation as the word of the Lord comes forth we're gonna use your baby I'm gonna use you strong oh you you're strong I like how that anointing just bam you know amen he's in his word and healed though right sin is word and healed up but I'm telling you some doors about to swing open for some of you look at somebody to say whatever was shut on your face is about to open wide you act like you scared to say that tell somebody it's gonna happen it's gonna happen it's gonna happen just tell somebody it's gonna happen it's gonna happen it's gonna happen you believe God doors are swinging open for you doors are swinging open doors are swinging open and doors are swinging open I say doors I'm swinging over let those hands out father you told me three people was gonna give a thousand dollars you don't lie you don't lie you told me 50 people was gonna give seven to seven dollars he said three would give a thousand Kitty we'll get 77. and God you don't lie and in the name of Jesus the Same Holy Ghost administered and gave me these people names and addresses it's the same God that's telling me the seeds you need to sow that's gonna shift your life you will never be broke another day in your life I'm gonna tell you to come in about one minute and when I tell you to come I want all 50 of you who's given the seven to seven and the three of you who's given me a thousand don't you wait on nobody don't you let nobody um stand in your way but grab your pocketbook I feel a thief in here so make sure you have your pocketbook I'm serious I'm not trying to be funny I'm serious yeah I feel a thief in here y'all know people still in church I feel one in here hobby or Shia hey when I say come I want every one of you all 50 of you and all three of you when I say come I want you to get up in I don't want you to wait on nobody thank you that was come now videos come get up here quickly quickly quickly that one doesn't come quickly come up close as you can get on up here come come get up here come close as you can come on thank you Lord they're so in this God is real who's given that thousand one two three four anyone else five amen six amen praise God say hallelujah who's giving that 77 seed tell somebody the blessing is on my life thank you Jesus there are several ways for you to give look on the screen and you can give it we don't trust God every person in this room every person in this room that has seven dollars to your name get it and stand up right where you are quick quick if you got seven dollars to your name real quick who's on that thousand again let me see who's on a thousand one two three [Music] four five six seven okay eight amen praise God say hallelujah say glory to God is God real Church yes he is who is who is uh who is James maybe like a dodges James dodges James dodges the name just came to me James Dodgers where you at huh James dot James James D D like a dog where yeah you what you his wife you his mom okay okay lift your hands for him send the word to him that God might arrest him wherever he is after tonight he will never be the same again in Jesus name is God real how many Donnas in here I know one I know two Donnas there's another Donna like a Simmons Donna Simmons that's what I heard Donna Simmons how you doing lift your hands y'all stretch our hands toward that woman and I don't want y'all to play with it but I want y'all look at her and say you gonna have long life wait one minute what look at me look at me who you came with your granddaughters and you Spirit the daughter what's Vineyard what's Vineyard you live on Vineyard lift your hands the devil's trying to take you out woman is that 54 54 Vineyard 54 of in the yard that's right enemy was trying to take you out I just felt that y'all better shot cause God just stopped a heart attack [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I say God just stop the heart attack hey Harbor oh yeah tell three people not on my watch [Music] [Music] where she at sister Donna get back up I knew him fell out [Music] foreign [Music] lift your hands sister Donna you have labored for people all over this country inner sense of prayer Warrior you are but you are you're a real mother in Zion and you labored for people in the Holy Ghost and because of you laboring for people the enemies come after your natural children because you birth many spiritual children the enemies come after your natural children and as a young man I'm talking about a son that the enemy look like he don't want to take his hands off of him but God told me to tell you you will not bury him hey y'all stop but we have another service and your children I don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the devil is a liar the devil is alive and [Music] in the name of Jesus I rebuke premature death all over this Sanctuary I rebuke Strokes I refuse aneurysms [Applause] [Music] glorious let's stop y'all cause y'all know y'all crazy [Music] but it's not gonna happen it's not gonna happen tell somebody it's not gonna happen tell somebody it's not going to happen it again is not going to happen yeah [Music] [Applause] son I lost CK so cold what about the local time available hey the devil is alive I'm not having no stroke with no stroke I'm not having a brain aneurysm and I declare I'm not having a breakdown oh you better bless him I said you better bless him don't miss it don't miss it hey preachers lift your hand if you want a fresh Authority lift your hands if you want it hey hey get what you need get what you need be renewed be refreshed receive a touch what about Sunday I love my son hey hey oh God oh God won't come outside [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the presence in the presence in the presence somebody scream [Music] Orlando hello everybody I say visitations are coming y'all we got to go but I'm still a fire I feel something shifting there's some turning I feel some movement okay [Applause] [Music] tell somebody I'm not gonna die wish I had some praises get emotion [Music] still The Hand of Death hey he didn't let them have you you know because you've been faithful okay cause you're being honest because of your integrity he's gonna honor you all the days of your life okay I said all the days I said all the days [Applause] ain't no praises [Applause] [Music] give it to him give it to him hey hey come on here okay get what you need get what you need get what you need nearby Sunday yeah [Music] he gonna use you for his glory the power of God is going to be seen in your life you'll lay hands on people who are sick and they gonna get healed it's going to use you servant serve him serve him serve him serve him serve him serve him serve him serve him serve him serve him serve him serve him serve him serve him serve him serve him serve him serve him I said serve him I'm talking to your spirit that's that Brokenness coming up your flesh wanna fight it but there's an anointing on you and I command your spirit to serve God I commend your spirit to be a prophetessor I command your spirit to move Darius Darius somebody hold myself now scream for your children [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] imma save your boy hey oh my shape watch up watch up watcher wait come here come here come here look at me oh oh give me that rag I'ma speak something look at me you ready look at me you ready look at me look at me power of God gonna hit you you listening you ready this is the oldest one and it's her the youngest one look at me he dropped the charges hey hey the Chargers got dropped the charges [Music] for your husband good [Music] Ness I'm talking to you woman praising where you are I'm talking to you man give him the code get on this seat yeah you got 20 seconds for Liberty Watcher it's all right [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] hey [Music] foreign [Music] thank you thank you I feel a dancing here the dance of the Lord is here the dance praise them in foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] generous [Music] thank you you got your seed hold it up pick up so y'all can move around pick up take her to a chair or something hold your seat up high father in the name of Jesus I thank you for increase I think if a supernatural increase I thank you for uncommon increase that because of their obedience doors are swinging over now favors coming to their house tonight if you're giving my cash check card even phone whatever cash app don't matter you gonna put it on the altar get your phone just let your phone touch the altar and I want you to declare good news is coming to my house what you gonna say is what one more time what are you gonna say what it's doing when you touch this altar now listen all of you up here when you touch it go back to your seats going that way don't go down the middle loud cause you got people coming up so everybody go back to your seat that way we're gonna get out of here [Music] I'm I'm I'm LED to cover you for your leave so don't just leave now if you do it's on you but I'm LED to cover you no accidents in Jesus name everybody bring your seed and say good news is coming to my house come on pregnancy let at the altar [Music] all right our devotion Al shots okay [Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] hey hey hey hey foreign good news come to my house laughs good news [Music] good news coming to my house hey oh yes good news come on Zion good news coming to my house hey hey [Music] [Music] good news [Music] hey hey [Music] good news [Music] [Music] foreign hey good news Oh I Feel Jesus [Music] good news [Music] [Music] good news good news [Music] [Music] come on come on come on [Music] come on shine move out the way so they can go both ways God ain't through come on crazy hey [Music] hey hey give us what we need help get up loser hey hey get up yeah hey loser you coming out of her you're coming out of her you're coming out of her you're coming on up you're coming on out you're coming on out you're coming over hey Roma appreciate KKK higher [Applause] yes give us what we need [Music] something lucious girl hey hey come on crazy come on Praise Him come on please Leah Leah Leah Leah [Music] [Music] guys the power forward hey hey hey [Music] hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey Leah yes in US put a yes in US put a yes in us for the yes all right please Power God I'll take that hey hey we're about shopping give it to us hey [Applause] higher higher come on foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Church in here I hear Jesus there's a sound there's a list come on clap them hands come on [Music] hey come on [Music] come on [Music] you ready we can but you got 10 seconds dance right here everybody dances [Music] okay [Music] [Music] shop for your house [Music] listen that young lady who I was praying for back there she walking down across the wall baby make sure at the church you go next door you hear me I won't pray for you okay you need you need some extra prayer all right amen you too ma'am you're the drunk lady well you know you're in the spirit when you're falling from the chair to the flow say Amen oh no you really need a touch so uh if there's any more of you that need some prayer need some things broken up off of you I won't pray I want to pray some more for you if I had more time I'd just turned this into a big old because I felt that power coming you know I feel that shot power somebody calling shot power that God's gonna go down in some of your bellies and root some stuff out of there amen hey higher [Music] I'm gonna leave that alone so there's plenty of food kobachia hey my so cold Shekinah come on Jesus hey how y'all I dare you to dance right there hey [Music] crazy dance for his mighty X praise it there's another place [Music] hey get it get it it's yours it's yours hey hey [Music] surprise [Music] I love you now okay sister k we can't do the the gas tank right they didn't let us do it so is we off tomorrow y'all want the rest of our you know the Bible said remember the Sabbath day huh Sabbath day you know about that don't you now okay can we rest tomorrow because you know we're gonna have a long Sunday now I do have a service tomorrow at six but it's only for those who register for gold and I think I let maybe 50 more people get in on it if they wanted to know it's not bronze it's just gold I'm praise God Amen amen she tried though didn't she but you that need to be baptized in the name of Lord Jesus that'll be at two o'clock tomorrow and I want you to know that we had every intention on doing but the city stopped us but we're going to reschedule it and we're gonna do it bigger okay well I ain't gonna say the city stopping I'm gonna say the Police Stopped us and they're not gonna have no jobs I'm gonna have some new police officers next time I'm serious um choir rehearsalers at what time 12 p.m so choir you got rehearsalet 12. all right you're gonna sing in the choir they can sing 12 o'clock you know it make rehearse so easy when you're dealing with people who can sing you can't sing it'd be Warfare so um 12. so rehearsal is at 12. six o'clock is a special service we'll be here Sunday at 12 right and let's come we're dressed in all right on Sunday we're ministers and everybody have our garments I'll be ordaining and sanctioning and all that kind of stuff got some people being made ministers and uh just got a lot of stuff going on on Sunday we've had a wonderful convocation so far how many people this word has been challenging you amen how many people want to go to another level in God all right we love you so much you either need extra prayer trust me when God is moving on you get it while you're trying to get it and whatever you got we just talked about yourself be an idol I know you may be tired but your deliverance is greater than your rest okay so you go next door is just the door right next door there'll be somebody over there ready to pray and minister to you and I'm gonna come over there but I want to pray in Menace and break some stuff off of you rest tomorrow six o'clock for the goal 12 o'clock for the choir rehearsal two o'clock for you that want to be baptized amen let those hands high well there's no one never like you who is faithful ever true who is the menu tonight all my love fried chicken baked chicken barbecue chicken yams and all that stuff in here but on the outside they got fried fish fried shrimp baked spaghetti mac and cheese jams greens baked beans and coleslaw so amen they said if we can't get you in here we're gonna get you out the door amen but I made sure it was late where you can't eat nowhere else same man praise God don't we serve a good God just put in their drinks or whatever you need in the cafe I love you so much are y'all praying for me all right this is the Lord's doing God's breathing on ccif he's breathing on KCC and there's some great things about to happen and I'm grateful to the Lord for it hug three people on the way out the door and tell them I love you and you can't do nothing about it amen oh
Channel: Kingdom City Church
Views: 226,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dme8CBtMSWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 34sec (13594 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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