Fire! Frantically Trying to Save our Hay!!

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we've got a grass fire uh seven miles west of fletcher i hope i can fit in that hole we're pulling in to our biggest field that we're cutting this year it's about 100 acres of grass driving by it dad's pretty disappointed of course with the hay crop the last few years we've had phenomenal hay that last field that we were in i think last video we got a bale and a half to the acre which some people would definitely take that i think out in wyoming north dakota even a lot of parts of south dakota that would be awesome if they could get that um it's just you know we've been coming off some really nice years and a lot of times we're getting three to four bales an acre on the grass grows pretty big stuff but this year it's looking like a lot less than that just going to take over shortly and then dad and i are going to be working on a job that you don't get to do every year some wood on there a couple pallets million dollar truck just drove by somehow i get yeah right in there that is short stuff not leaving much of a windrow you know it's just kind of a disappointing year until we start getting some rain jeff's cows right next door fancy black angus critters out there so there's two halves of this thing this side i think used to be alfalfa or something like that it's got some alfalfa right in through there mixed in so we're cutting this side first see how well that goes today just cutting across jeff is here he'll hop in show him how to run this auto steer it's pretty simple just got to basically hit your two and it'll drop you down in and grab that line i'm pretty dang sure if you're going to believe this either last year the year before off this hundred or so acres we got dang near 700 bales that is a large quantity of hay but looking at this is not going to be the case we will be lucky to get 300 bales off this i think oh we'll be lucky to get 200 off here oh badgers the legend uncle jeff you're gonna fall asleep in here with the auto steer running i might go through the fence and cut the neighbor's corn a little bit that probably wouldn't be good i think the ditch might wake you up a little i would think i would hope so how many acres does this feel 90 90 yeah how many bales did we get last year over 500 over 500 now here before was over 700. that is insane i'm pretty sure we won't get probably half of 500 yeah down at the other end either last year two years ago we were using half the rank because it was plugging the rig so bad yeah yep this year we could probably take three or four throws at one time still won't plug it right go do our fun thing at home for the rest of the day jeff i can't hardly reach the pedals are you seven foot tall had some therapy today that was that was painful painful stuff we were doing uh what we're doing we're doing step ups and it was like a ledge that big that high just oh i don't know didn't feel good but we're home now took some acetaminophen all right today we're working here in the bullpen last week dad finished fertilizing and he hooked up the box scraper started tearing away all this wet soupy manure and he's already got a couple loads of clay so he's going to be trucking clay i'm going to be moving it around today i want to get that cleaned up a little bit more here's one of the tracks from dad backing up it's good to see he didn't sink in right away it's going to get worse as the day goes on that manure it's rich and it just holds moisture and it gets soupy and it gets steep moist moist is the word we're looking for we've been tearing all that away and we're building this back with clay we're gonna get nice and uh what's the word i'm looking for compressed packed in we're getting we're gonna get it packed in first i'm gonna grab the skid loader clean some more of this out that's some real organic manure stuff get that ridge off the top i don't want any manure mixing them in with that clay spend hours hauling trucking burning fuel might as well do it right now it's not every year especially in late june that you get to do a job like this the reason why we're able to is because in the last 129 years this has been the driest june we've had in 129 years and so i guess looking at the crops we're pretty lucky on how good they're doing when it's the driest it's been in this month in 129 years yeah that's now that's a drought it's a drought for the century i guess you could say because it's over 100 years it's nuts you know you got to take the opportunity as they come it's dry so we're getting in these feed lots that are always wet and we're going to make them a little better in the wet years you make hay in the dry years you fix feed lots i guess and uh try not to go broke i would say fix fence but it gets so dry that it's hard to shove a post in the ground oh yeah it smells like mouse in here real bad [Music] pretty well cleaned up back there so this concrete that's about i think six inches right there and then we got another about eight inches in this deep part it's not as deep down there in fact it's mostly just the concrete down there the the depth of the concrete but we're gonna need a lot of fill over here fun fact when it comes to soil in a field the top six inches of an acre is about two million pounds of soil right here we're doing about 12 inches or so down there closer to six not near an acre this around i got some more stuff to tear out with the box scraper sitting over there we'll start moving this around so dad knows where to dump the next load [Applause] i ain't seen dad for a while i do have a tracker on his phone so i can always see where he is don't tell him though he says he's a mile away he's almost here nice start that stuff is really powdery not sure if it's gonna pack the best be nice if there's a tickle of moisture in there definitely gonna have to need a rain on that and just continue to drive on it once we get critters in here and they're walking on it that's what really gets it nice and packed their feet are like pistons oh yeah yeah doing some good today big daddy with the big old load look at that but today right now it's about 75. feels amazing sunny farms in 75. how's that now i'm wishing my skid loader was on the other side of that slappy time keep going we need about four more of them four and 40. okay i guess i'll get back to it i just thought i'd say hi to the people but somebody wants me to get holland so i'm going i brought you mcdonald's i'm glad i ate it already i'm glad i'm not um 5'4 and you're 610 because this is the way this would feel then i'd be scared to get scared scared it's kind of dry yeah it's powdery he's gonna be hungry by three oh so this will be your first time seeing the new box scraper in action traded in the old one it was getting war it's pretty cheap trade at the same time so not too big of a deal it's a 12-footer it's our old brand was not this is mfs i think that's my rank farm service it's kind of a i think it's more local type place [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah three more last time we were doing this you told me you brought a you bought a self-propelled swather i think you can refrain from buying something today i can try yeah wouldn't it be more fun if i bought something yeah i would i'm counting on it after this one i'll probably eat my mcdonald's i bought a couple mcgriddles those are good got that sausage egg and cheese a little bit of syrup in the pancake oh i tell you [Music] what [Music] how's that look got a third done get the front row parking ellie what you thinking what you thinking only one one on one listening to the radio in there they just said they came up with a cure to hiccups so that's great i think we need to stick to that keep working on the important stuff like like hiccups and like maybe sneezing next oh save some lives that way huh maybe cramps work on cramps a little bit later after that maybe find a cure for wedgies the atomic the atomic kind of course waiting for the truck like dad's pulling down that's gonna be about load six four or five more there four over there gonna take all day it says he'd like to take a break after this load he's been moving dirt for a few hours yeah so it's going to take a couple more in there looks like you took a chunk off the wood there would you would you say you soiled it soiled it i didn't do it soiled actually it's more streamlined now it's uh aerodynamic yeah something like that that's way better you broke off like ten thousand dollars worth of wood right there do a little pressure washing today a couple new things it's always been hard getting soap in there the lid for the soap is huge and then it's just a small little lid into the foamer hopefully this bugger works that is crazy oh oops oh oh build it a little too much a little spillage my bad wasn't ready for it it was my first time i actually got a message on facebook a little bit ago about where all our setup comes from and it's shusters out of fairmont minnesota if i remember i'll put a link below for you to check them out last week dad finished top dressing fertilizer really could use some rain to get that urea down in the ground get that nitrogen in the ground so the plants can suck it up but we should be done with that until this fall so i'd like to get it cleaned up that urea is really corrosive already right there we got some rust wore the paint off that fertilizer did and now stuff's starting to rust so get that cleaned up of course gotta move tractor and stuff i was backing up in third gear i was like man that's slow and then i put it in four and i like 10x and speed that was nuts i wasn't anticipating that apparently there's a fire what do i do that's good i don't know if we're gonna be able to do anything we've got a grass fire uh seven miles west of fletcher yes we need the electric fire department so that's calling the fire department i don't know they're gonna bring the box scraper over there i don't know what we're gonna do we can see the fire from here fields about six five four three or four miles away that whole field burns we're gonna be in a bad situation that's most of our hairy crop right over there [Music] [Music] i don't know if i'm helping at all guys this isn't fun oh gosh i need about 3 000 more gallons than this oh that don't smell good i got a freaking 25 gallon four-wheeler tank oh jeez so oh we got us oh this is freaking worthless i think we're getting it i think we're getting it guys i gotta change my underpants i can't even control three square feet the one guy driving a semi and the other holding the hose that is insane i never seen anything like this before i got about five gallons left i just want you to know there's coal with this 25 gallon sprayer on the east side and on the other side is an entire spray tank yeah i'm oh i thought i was covering my side guys but i am not you know there's a saying about a needle in a haystack there's now one about a four-wheeler sprayer and a field grass fire yeah it's getting away from me i need a truck over here the cavalry is here yeah it's not even an acre we only lost like half a bale see that smaller [Music] chris christopher firefighter of the day look at this guy it's about my size right here yeah take it take it it ain't your fault i must have hit a rock i would assume so we ain't gotten any rain for never i think you might have to do it early in the morning when it's the dewy yeah well here's the dude yeah that's a good point it looks worse down the road yeah i actually for a second there thought i could do something with this sprayer looks like we got our handle could have been worse this could have been the one other big thing our machine is just fine would have been really sad to have our w360 would have burned up pretty small yeah that just shows you how flammable things are right now i know they're playing our day yeah if somebody wasn't dragging the fire everywhere with a box scraper might have been better i really didn't want to go around the smoky side because i didn't know if somebody was gonna be there it was uh it was starting behind me faster than i was getting it out at 75 20 has done some firefighting this this year unfortunately that small pluck 10 times bigger than what that little patch yeah big thank you to the christopher's their farm is just down the road dad said they were pulling out with their sprayer they could see the fire they pulled right back in and then started bringing their semi with their water tank on it and the lecher fire department pretty speedy but not as fast as the guy on a four wheeler with a 25 gallon sprayer thanks guys so i had to unhook the hose from the pressure washer i had to pump a tire filled that thing halfway it still got there in a somewhat timely manner gotta love the sound of that foam falling down so that was about the longest day i've put in since surgery gotta start on this end take one or two more loads like one more over there and then this feed lot should be done other than the giant pile i don't think we've had that big of a pile of manure that we had to clean out of here for a long time leave that for another day hope you enjoyed watching started out a little boring and then all of a sudden it was kind of exciting huh at the end of the day didn't burn too much anyway thanks for watching today hope you enjoyed it we'll we'll see you next time right yeah have a good one [Music] let's see what dad says when we slap it on him hey dad the fire department wanted me to give you this all right fire boy yeah for all your hard work today i don't think i did much congrats buddy you earned it i want to thank all the little people that made this possible in the electric fire department for actually being the heroes along with my neighbors thank you
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 454,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonne farms, john deere, case ih, tractors, machinery, skid steer, loader, wheel loader, loader tractor, precision ag, manure, grain, soybeans, corn, combine, harvest, baling, hay, bales, alfalfa, drainage, drain tile, tillage, planting, grass, storm, plants, agriculture, midwest, south dakota, heavy machinery, big tractor, Millennial Farmer, Larson Farms, Welker Farms, fire, hay fire, burnt, equipment fire, firetruck, Fire department, fire fight, farm disaster, combinefire, drought, fire department
Id: V0f8S7ovllI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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