2019-6-7 9:30 "Withdrawl of Benefits" Dr Clarice Fluitt

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oh praise the Lord well while they're receiving their often I'll take just a moment to talk but I can promise you I do not want to gap I want to turn our Prophet loose I'm telling you she's that I call her the mama of our house and it's been an honor to know Clarice fluid for gosh 30 years I guess over that I remember so many great events has happened here and it's an honor to have her here in our presence and I'm just totally overwhelmed I every time she comes and she always has full pastoral authority when she comes we all sit and we submit to the word of the Lord that's coming forth and I don't know about you guys but I've just been this is like smelling something in the oven all week and you're hungry and it's like when is it gonna be ready and so I think I've been more ready to eat then than she is to deliver the food can I get an amen but it's gonna be a great day it's gonna be a prophetic day I know normally in our regular church service we have a little time thing and then when we finish we move into if you need prayers and things but today I want to lay all that aside because it's all about him and I don't know anyone except Kelly Varner and he's in the heavens now there can honestly come up and everything they have to say is about him and for him and it just seems to just rain him down on us and when we understand the most important thing about God it's God are you all right so without any further ado no reason for me to have to explain who she is I think you all know we all give a good old rock in Hill South Carolina welcome to the mother of our house doctor Clarice fluid [Music] a billion dollar mega Subin area terrific assumedly of the roads merciful mighty God we invite you [Music] with holy boldness we come [Music] all the diversity of God he says those that know God will be old as a lion they will do exploits and I found out something about lions that you might be interested to know the male lion doesn't hunt Jesus is the line of the tribe of Judah and his lionesses but he does his roar and the frequence of his voice as she stands aside here comes the bride I want you to know that when we talk about the bride of crisis neither male nor female it's a companion of like nature and ability created to rule and reign right now and throughout eternity your name is Dominion if you will turn to the person next to you and say good morning Jesus that you're gonna find so much of what the Lord puts in my heart to share with you it's nothing that you don't already know but we do get the opportunity knowledge of a thing is not necessarily possession of it so there are a lot of things we know about that we have not yet put into experience so today what I'm bringing to you is the impartation that you have been born again and filled with the Spirit of God and you if you have not and you're listening here today you don't have to leave like you came in Jesus name the power of God is here to heal the sick to raise the dead to cast out Devils to encourage to exhort to edify to build up to impart and my gift today to impart to you isn't Jesus has caught you to be a witness and a witness is somebody that has seen something you know if we hear a big crash outside we're not witnesses to it we heard it but we didn't see it so what we need to do is see things we need to see things and be things that cause greatness so you put your hand on yourself right now and those of you watching today for a boss samba karthika we love you who praise God and we release miracles we release healing I particularly wanted to speak to anything that calls itself cancer and I want to address it in the authority of the name of Jesus that I have come here standing in the stead of Christ to execute the judgments of God that have already been written so the big C in our life is Christ not cancer and we tell you for every second you oppress the body of Christ we claim a soul for the kingdom of God we release healing and deliverance you will not strike fear in our heart because the Word of God said all diseases bow before the name of Jesus judicially legally you have healing you have deliverance you have prosperity those things are yours let's make a withdrawal today though we have them legally all of thank God for that but I need to know how to write a check I need a manifestation what do you say I don't need a manifestation of healing and deliverance and prosperity in the next life we don't need it there they're not having a healing seminar they're not casting out Devils in the next slide they're not needing money we understand right now say now say now this is the day this is the day that the Lord has made father I thank you that as we lay hands upon ourselves every good thing that you have given to me I imparted right now father we have the grace to do it the giving of a gift is always an option the receiving is imperative oh my god teach us how to believe and how to receive and say I am holy I am set aside for the expressed purposes of the Living God there's more to me than what you say Jesus paid the price for all sickness all inconsistency all Adamic nature now I have a new nature I've become a partaker of a divine nature I choose to agree with God all itself hate all low self-esteem all grief sorrow every spirit of death loose this place today this is the day the Lord has made oh you need to give the Lord a shout angels are all around praise God be seated but be sure it's in heavenly places Pentecost 50 days from the day of the resurrection of Christ fifty days from the crucifixion fifty days Pentecost Pentecost it was a feast day in Israel and it was a time of the first fruit of the corn harvest was coming in and what would happen is that they would bring the crop in and it was the feast of firstfruits and they would wave they're going to the church into the synagogue and the priests would way the offering and they say God this is what the rest of the crop is going to look like this is what the rest of the crops gonna look like [Music] this is the first fruit now who is the first fruit offering firstborn among many brethren the Lamb of God that took away the sin of the world he didn't leave anything not paid for he says debt-free debt free and so the Old Testament was a type in a shadow and in the New Testament on the day of Pentecost about nine o'clock in the morning fifty a number that always indicative of the anointing fifty days from the crucifixion where for those days that Jesus defeated death and hell and the grave and he's walking on the earth he's appearing to people and he said look death did the best he could but it had a nervous breakdown did the best he could but lost again you need to be aware that the devil did the best he could but he lost thanks be to God who always every time all the time causes me to win I'm a winner not a sinner turn to your neighbor and say hello you winner oh my goodness aren't we excited ignited and delighted to understand the empowering aspect of the Spirit of the Living God you've got to understand that on that very moment where you have a hundred and twenty people including Mary the mother of Jesus one of the original holy rollers you've got you've got the hundred and twenty people and they're thinking wait a minute we thought it was gonna be this way have you ever in your life had opportunity to be disappointed but then Peter says there's no disappointment in Jesus I said well if there's no disappoint why'd I get disappointed because I believed erroneously that something other than Jesus was gonna make me happy I thought it's gonna be my husband my wife my children my ministry those things your setup because God is a jealous God and he says I am the FULFILLER of your journey I am the fulfilling set your affections on things which are above and everything is a byproduct of joy unspeakable and glory divine greater glory say I'm ready for greater glory you know if you don't invite greater glory you the Lord says I've got this big plate of fried chicken and you said I'm starving to death and he's gonna say well you're gonna have to reach out and take it I'm gonna I'm gonna pay for it and I'm a present it you could tell me you're so hungry you have to not just be a believer but a receiver can you say Amen to this and so when he says if you call me holy I called you holy because every seed reproduces its own kind you say yeah but you don't know what I did no you don't know what Jesus did he paid the price and when he looks at you and he looks at me all he can see is Jesus all he sees is Jesus then he says that's what I want you to do I want you to see no man and a woman except in Christ you say yeah but he did this if she did that he says and you and I paid for it I paid a debt I did not own you older debt you could not pay think about it think about it so gratitude every act of gratitude is a refinement to your soul so Jesus the firstborn of many brethren conquered hell death in the grave and on Pentecost about nine o'clock in the morning we have a hundred and twenty people in an upper room and let me tell you something they were scared they didn't know what had everything that they thought they'd been disappointed about I thought Jesus going to establish the kingdom and and that the Jews were gonna be first and this was gonna be epic I a day gotta let you believe what you need to believe to get you where he's taking you sound right well that's the way it is praise God I didn't write the book I'm just reporting on it thank you thank you Jesus praise God so here at exactly 9 o'clock in the morning after all things were finished Jesus cried on the cross it is finished it is finished I paid for everything every debts been paid now whether you believe it you have to believe it before you can activate it you have to know the fact that if you have fifty million dollars in the bank and nobody tells you how to write a check you can starve to death you can have all the benefits of salvation but if you don't know how to make a withdrawal so Jesus you've got a 120 and you got Peter I tell you that Peter he was something how many have a little Peter inside of you you know you just say I'm not the rock but I'm a piece of the rock and so Jesus changed his name one day they were talking and he Jesus said to Peter he said hey Pete he said who do men say that I am he says old some think you're Elijah and some think you're John the Baptist and he said P who do you say that I am he said Oh without art the Christ the Son of the Living God and Jesus the scripture I studied this out and Jesus said being exceedingly filled with joy and the footnote on that is that he danced he began to spin around under the influence of a violent emotion I'm not surprised he probably did a chest bump or ran around and Jesus all Pete men flesh and blood can't tell you that you can't know this except God the Father gives it to you it's not my information it's by revelation who do you today say that Jesus is why he is the son of God he is the Saviour of the world he is the Almighty king of kings and Lord of lords and he has created me to stand in his place while he takes my place in heaven that you're calling that your election that you're empowering oh my goodness you're like an older you're getting better I've been coming here a long time y'all still lookin good to me praise God I'm telling you but you I still know who you are praise God and I know that you have been placed here for this season and reason God is breathing a fresh breath do you understand what I'm saying we've gone through some hard times we've gone through some shaken and we going through some quaking but I'm gonna ask you what Jesus ask Pete who do men say that who do men say that you are I know he's a Christian or they full of fire that full of power they're full of authority you can't get him to gossip against get him to complain everything they touch turns to go things are changing things are changing where we have been victims we're about to move into a season of victorious Spirit of God the month of June is an incredible time I'm telling you there will be an outpouring on the day of Pentecost this 9th day of June in 2019 Shh began to understand Mantle's are falling today and you need to say I'll take that I'll take that I'll take that Mantle's of healing amendments of deliverance and mantels that God has said I've called you with power I've called you with authority who is ready to move into the breaking of a more excellent way I'm telling you everything you said we've gone through a hard dark night but I'm telling you first the night and in the day first the night and then the day until you might have had a dark night of the soul and said what's gonna happen here and the Lord says let me tell you what happened on Pentecost Sunday let me tell you he says you've got to understand you've got to understand I've got a plan I've got a time I've got a season you're in season you're in the season and when you when you talk about something that's in season it means it's fixing the multiplier [Music] she double-sink idiot or he Bekasi owner Marco to be the Emperor but most super to be lien that I'll have to promise out this because I'm just about to explode praise but I'm gonna have to tell you something there's a marvelous God the Magnificent God and here Jesus talking to Peter when Peter said what hours the Christ the Son of the Living God that Jesus got so excited only through Revelation revelation could not be earned to learn it comes to relationship that comes through an invitation I was just here the didn't the musician ma you guys for every note you played and saying I claim my soul for the kingdom of God how precious in it how we've been without musicians before and I'm telling you what it's better with them can you say Amen give the Lord a clap offer and thank him for it thank him for it it's [Music] and the sweet lady that led the singing where she brought here would you stand up please right here look you've got somebody on daughter nici CBD the young daughter but Cassie kitty did it does come from inside praise arises from inside of you save God look over I see kitty dear you've been up you've been down you've been free you've been bound but I say unto you if this is the season say I've got that not only were you seeing it but you will begin to write it Makaha seeking it in words that have to do mokou with the finish work words that have to do with the victorious champion there are new songs that Zion will begin to sing and out of Zion shall come the perfection of beauty labou so better be ki ta Twitter became today say if God no more looking back no more saying oh this happened that happened look Omaha's security after it for now for such a time as this you have been created for the kingdom of God you're not getting older you're getting better we'll call bajas I think you are like fine wines say if God know about your your faith is intoxicating we'll call Baha cked I'm do it again we're going higher and higher and higher say if God come up here and see what I see a sinned on wings of worship and praise look our Creator trail mukou baja seek EDD undo it there are those that are watching young and old save God but I'm about to do something both young men and old men all together there's going to be an incorporating of a Christ a corporate man a mini membered bodies standing in the stead of Christ who can say I'm a part of that I'm a part of that I refuse to be left I refuse to say all those were the good old days I wish it was like it used to be I can't tell you of anything that be sadder this is it this is the appraised got you want to be a part of the restoration that God is doing because when he restores he makes it better than it used to be are you ready to be teachable oh my goodness were here Jesus is talking to his disciples one day and he says guys him I have to leave and they said no no no no let's stay like it is right now you know we need to learn more we need to know more we don't want you don't talk about going he said it's good for you I go it's good for you when God begins to take the kathy's when God begins to take the people that have been here that we've leaned on so hard the Lord's I'm gonna teach you how to understand that when I go the Holy Ghost the Lord and giver of life the Paraclete he's wearing where I've been with you he's gonna get in you and turn you into me where there was one Jesus now they'll be billion not an imitation of Christ you the real deal Lucille somebody needs that oh my god if God could unzip me Jesus would jump on you praise God who's gonna let him out who's gonna let him out with a smile with a church with an encouraging word all but that hundred and twenty on Pentecost they didn't know what to expect here comes the Romans and they were cruel and mean and they were in a minority how many of you feel you're in a minority you look at the world and say oh my god you know they're crazy they do this don't say that say what you want say what the word 'god reverse the curse you can hold the power the delegate do anything into the truces but if you say everybody is perverse and crooked bad mad sad and I it's not that Democrats it's not the Republicans it's not it's not the government the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our God and of his Christ and we who are Christ's at his coming the anointed ones are you understanding your are you understanding then you need to get shout man praise God we need to just open our mouth and just look like a supernatural vacuum cleaner and begin to suck up all the words everything that didn't come from the heart in the mouth of God we claim a crop failure praise God devil you can't have nothing you can't have nothing you can't have nothing you can't have nothing in anything we said we were having a stupid fit we repent and say we're gonna order our conversation righteously we're not gonna talk about how bad and sad and how crooked and be and we're not gonna be feel we changed the world you can't you there's there's enough power it's just it two of you are you an agreement was made say we're gonna change everything it just if two of you will set your faith in agreement ask the Father the name of Jesus and believe in not doubt you can have what you say what causes delay is that you plant the seed with your mouth and you dig it up with your mouth now the real the wonderful thing is you carry the antidote to all of that anti conversation don't be drawn into that when you watch the news you need to be watching it with the ability to know that you've got a big net and you're catching every word and you're pulling it as as you can't go anywhere this is a hybrid a hybrid can't reproduce itself so we just bringing it down right now out of the mouth of God it's it out of your belly will flow rivers rivers water the voice of God is the voice of many waters and so I've got healing and deliverance and prosperity and joy and peace all those waters are coming at them in their own rebo's to the stupidity of that if you come to me and I have superior airpower because angels from God the mighty ones they rush to and fro to perform the Word of God that comes out of Zion the dwelling place of God oh you're so powerful you're so powerful praise God don't spend your power stepping on roaches come up here rule and reign changed the landscape from a child to a you can be a hundred years old and terrorize hail just every day I get up shot [Music] praise God you know I shouldn't I shouldn't be able to do what I'm doing today if I believe genealogy if I believe you know I had my friend sister Gwynn shawl she called me on my birthday about ten years ago she says well honey you've had your threescore and ten and she says anything after that's just gravy you better use it I'm telling you something don't you let the number get you it's just a number it's just a number you need to look in the Word of God and say I'm getting older but I'm getting bolder and my gold is getting older praise God change your mind about this don't say don't disqualify yourself say I've had my day and had my say no no no no no no no we are to be we are to be examples that other people can look at your life and say how in the world are they still doing what they're doing let's change our mind get fifty or sixty instead of looking for assisted living they become the ones that assists the living be able to say wisdom the ability to use knowledge skillfully oh don't you love it don't you love it how many people are excited how many people are excited well this is this is what happened well everybody is nervous about where it's been it's been you know Jesus died and this is terrible and but there's hope there's hope that Stearns some say I saw him in something well maybe you did maybe you didn't there's always a mocker but you don't have to pay attention to mockers breeders the voice of God and you don't join in with the mockers who will ascend into God's holy all those that have stopped the ears from the hearing of the shedding of blood and then when you hear it you know how to distill it you know how to take the sting out of the sting of death you know how to be able to take the antidote which is the Word of God and say I heard what they said on television bah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah the mall you can't go here people are shooting and people are crazy you know why because the church is empowering because we're agreeing with some crazy actions instead of moving by faith we're moving by fear hoop change there who will agree with me and say right now we're gonna change that we're gonna change that right now and say for every second you oppressed you devil from the pit of hell you spirit of lawlessness use a bit of insanity your spirit go back to hell I find you in Jesus name listen this stuff works this stuff this is this stuff is called the anointing and it is the anointing destroys the yoke moved by faith then you move by the anointing and then we come to a place called the glory what is that the greater glory of God these are the greater works that God wants to do and he's warning the church to come alive as a corporate man because on that day of Pentecost while the priest was standing and they were waving then this is the first route this is what the rest of the crop Jesus had ascended on high and came before God his father completing everything that was supposed to do to make all men righteous that would simply believe on the name of Jesus this is not hard this is not hard but I call theology 101 God good devil bad choose one just you don't have to be listen rocket scientists you know this is just choose anyone that would choose to agree with God okay so in it's a progressive understates progressive revelation so Jesus comes before God the Father and the Holy Ghost and he says it is finished father this is what the rest of the crops going to look like and he just stood and the Holy Ghost and God the Father and God the Son there was the descent and in that little room where he in Jerusalem where a hundred and twenty unlikely suspects were there suddenly there was a sound like the sound of a rushing mighty wind people think it was when said it sound like a win I kind of see it as a curtain coming up and saying now next act coming in next act curtain going up curtain going up curtain going up and what is to be revealed and that time was fire and it was fire on the head to renew their mind and to know that God is gonna bypass the natural mind then out of their mouth they open their mouth and Suzie looked at Mary and it was they begin to speak in a language that God empowered them to speak they did not did that it had to bypass the brain we're thinking it's thinking thinking thinking it's gonna keep you in the realm of I don't know but faith will take you to a dimension that will release the power of the Holy Ghost whose could say amen to that who can say amen to such a thing so here it is these hundred and twenty and then Peter the unlikely candidate I'm asking you today are you sitting next to an unlikely candidate are you sitting next to somebody are you looking at yourself and say well I'm certainly not the ones gonna prophesy our sing the song of the Lord or I'm not you know I might go do a Shanda every now and then but I'm just you know I'm not bold well you can be delivered today because the Bible says you are bold that that you the righteous are as bold as a lion and you're gonna hear me say because God has created you to do exploits and to be fearless now remember it's not Brass Ebola it's gobo it's where you care and you share and the love of God people know if you care about them you're not gonna pull your religious gun on them and sale of God or die you know it's a we've got to find how to reach we need a conversation we need we're living in a society where people have some kind of device in front of their eyes all the time so conversation is not easy you've got to learn how to be compelling with the Spirit of God can you say amen to that so when Jesus said this is what the rest of the crop looks like you and I have to choose that our identity is no longer in the Adamic nature but now because we have believed on the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world that we have become a new creation who may look the same but something dramatic has taken place we have become the sons of God the daughters of God the family of God and in that every one of us have a dimension of God's love and power and authority that nobody else has got and together we fill up that which is lacking in the body of Christ together we do and so we don't have to compete with one another we just complete one another we're a body and if my ear got really mad and said if I can't be a voice I'm just not gonna serve I'm just closing down or if my knee said I would really like to fellowship with the foot you know and we get all out of joint and we we don't we don't work right and so we have to learn to walk in forgiveness we have to walk the way God would lead us to walk we have to understand there are people this precious lady playing the piano and she's creating an atmosphere so that my words will have a spoonful of sugar at him and just go down into the soul of your soul because I did not come to plant seed I came to transplant trees I came to put full-grown things in the depths of your soul I'm transplanting out of what God has given me this is not this is not information this is revelatory that I'm saying this is what inside of me we say nothing says loving like something from the and God has so so ignited me with the revelation of the finished work with the revelation that we are new creatures and so when I see things in my countless content and conversation that did not have a sword and reflect the glory of God I realize oh my god Lord I choose I don't want to act like that I don't want to think like that I don't want to be like that and he says put it under the blood and keep moving put it under the blood and keep moving and then you begin to become habitual in your positive attitude rather than the negative the things of God become yours by the reason of use so when the Holy Ghost descended on this 120 good old Pete the one that had lied and denied and cussed and fusses men and brethren and you had all of these nations that had gathered and they could hear what these people are saying in their own language and they marveled at that how could these ordinary people hadn't had padded they know how to speak all these different languages from all over the world because while they're in there they're preaching the wonders of God under the inspiration of God God's Holy Spirit is using the voice of ordinary people to proclaim extraordinary truth and carried with it the sperm of God and they didn't have a prophecy lesson I think I just somebody's got to show me how to do this somebody's got to do this I'm telling you the Holy Ghost is the teacher he'll lead you here guide you he'll inspire you you'll empower you and he will revel 8-u and because if you take what you've been given and begin to use it to another dimension then that's what makes room for additional glory now when I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit o repose submit ability on tour to be Cassata if there had been a premium on ignorance I would have had an award but the reality was that I I had had an encounter with God when I was five I'd had an encounter when I was 13 but it was like there was God was planting something in the soil of my soul and in the fullness of time really you may not recall it but everybody that's here has had a visitation from God everybody here God has spoken to you differently than he spoke to me and we think some people's experience is better than other know blessed are those who have seen and believed but more blessed are those who didn't see and still believe you know that's that greater faith is going on here so when I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit a hunger for God's Word when you got the baptism did you just get hungry for the word of God you just say I want and somebody would come in and say Jesus is Lord and you just get so excited I may have told you this before but it's just such a funny story every time there would be a meeting I did everything I could to get to it if there was gonna be a man a woman of God I was teachable oh my goodness God put a teachable spirit and I had my journal I had my pen and I was ready to go how many of y'all were like that just crazy see don't you want that back don't you want that let the old shovel tool to do it again do it again Jesus just set me on fire set my brains on fire said you know get me to the place that I'm not been there and done it this is what we call old wives syndrome we get so comfortable in the presence of God the Greek god we're supposed to be passionate we've got he wants you ignited and excited and delighted that his glory can be revealed to you and through you so I'm sitting on the front row and the preacher comes out and he was one of these unusual little faith preachers but I'm telling you what everything he said I was gonna write it down and he came out and he said hello hello hello your little sweethearts and I'm writing hello hello hello you little sweeter I knew it must be profound it came out of a man of God that's what don't you realize that the faith that God put in me was igniting him do you understand the reciprocity of God if you begin to I can only preach to the degree that you have faith toward me they'll do goods price so I'm writing it and then there's this man sitting next to me I didn't know anything about deliverance I didn't know anything I just found that Jesus is Lord and I'm so excited about that and and then this man go and I thought boy he's really you know just he needed some aid but it wasn't all a praise God and he kept growling and snarling and I I'm trying to listen and write down everything this preachers preaching and he stopped and he looked at me and he said sweetheart cast the devil out of that man Leroy don't walk the ball you know he said it's just I said I don't know how he says act like you do the devil is stupid so profound and I looked at the man and I said whatever yarn whoever you are whatever you're doing it God doesn't like you're gonna have to leave in the gap fill a little boy and then he came up he's oh thank you sister praise God I'm an exorcist you know there is a power in you to release others if you would just let God be God can you say amen to that the scripture says that the reason that you got the Baptist from the Holy Spirit to be empowered that when you receive the Holy Spirit what you received is out of your mind you have the word of knowledge it's a word of knowledge it's not a sentence a paragraph or a book of knowledge it is a word of knowledge do you think well I've never had that you've got the word but you didn't speak more of it comes when you begin to talk you say well what if I do it wrong count on it everybody's gonna do it wrong praise God but corrections not rejection that's why we need a place an atmosphere like this where we can learn to flow in the gifts of the Holy Ghost so that when we get out and pick me weekly or wherever it is that we go as we go we are equipped to be able to speak to people give you an example yesterday I'm at the hotel the Sheraton and we're doing a series of meeting with Sid Roth and we've got 14 TV shows to do Monday and Tuesday so pray for us but hear hear we're in the day we're having breakfast and this sweet little lady is yes just a nice countenance and she was helping get everything together and I said where are you from and she says turkey and she had a she spoke well you know spoke good English and everything but a little broken and I said what is your name and she says I Tim I said there's a highway you know come call I attend I had a word I'm not listen she said I ten and immediately that familiar thinking there is a highway called I ten and the Lord says she is a highway of holiness but she doesn't know me she knows she doesn't even know about me so I said I ten I said I perceived such a kind and gentle spirit about you you're just a precious lady and I said something that's very precious to me is that the love that I have for God and his son I said has anybody ever told you about jesus the son of god and she said Jesus and I said yes she said no and she's got her little rubber gloves on that she's cleaning with and and I said could you just sit here just for a moment it won't take me over just a minute and she sat down and I said there is a God do you believe that there is an Almighty God she said yes and I said he has a son and his name is Jesus and I said God so loved us and he saw that we were sick and poor and scattered and he sent his son to pay for all sickness and all demonic oppression I said there are demons in the world that do terrible thing and and Jesus sent when you believe that Jesus is the Son of God God said that when you complete this life I said we all finished this like that there's a place called heaven that you can live eternally with God and I said would you does that sound good to you and she said oh yes and I said well all you have to do is invite Jesus to come into your heart and I said if you believe what I'm saying to you all you have to say if all this is true show it to me and she said okay and she said bound her hand she said if all this is true show it to me and she looked at me and she said oh my heart I some full full of love I'm so full of love and so you know it was just that easy which is that easy know as you go as you go as you go and we were doing a show over at Sid Roth's place and this wonderful man is given this incredible teaching on the power we have is over comers in Christ they've got the big TV it's gonna go all over the world gonna do all this it's a live show and he is saying we have the power to command the Word of God not command to God but we need we are commanders we are generals we are releasing the power in the authority I know many young man young prophet and he's just rolling with it over there and everybody's listening suddenly you hear out of the audience and everything breaks up and this woman is having a seizure right in the middle of commanding the Word of God you got the power over sick but you got the power over there and I'm in the green room watching this on tell and I was like a Doberman pincer that had crossed bread with a pitbull you know it was like let me out of here you know I gotta find I couldn't get through but with the doors you couldn't get to that room so they came in called ambulance and and the EMTs and everybody got her in a wheelchair and she's out and she's rolling around I knew she had to come out this door that way I would see it about 15 20 people out in the hallway and the EMTs are there and she came at night when she came out I'm telling you I said all of you back up I need a minute give me a minute give me a minute and I took her and I said be healed in Jesus name it don't have to be real fancy y'all you don't have to be real fancy but the compassion of God and I said you look at me and you tell me why you came and she looked at me and she said I came to see you I heard you are a rapid grandma and I say what's your name and she said Susan I said Susie Susie listen dear God's gonna make this very clear this which came you believe far now let me take out and make you sound like a star the devil meant evil but God meant good all that humanity it's so much wood so Susie I say you are really healed but you've got to come and receive the deal this is the time that you got to say I believe in the great Yahweh you agree with me Susie I agree with you and the EMT says look we've got to take her to the we've got to take her out and check her blood pressure and check this and check that and I said go check her out she's fine and so they rolled her out and went back to the green and I said lord I just thank you and the disruptive spirit that said that the church does not have any power we release into the atmosphere the antidote to that stir in devil in Jesus name see you've got the power you got the power you've got the power because you've been filled with the Holy Ghost and if you have not been baptized in the Holy Ghost don't you dare leave today without getting it it's not hard it's not hard you need to be able to speak in a language no man taught you you need to allow that wonderful voice of God those rivers to flow out from you and you are a deal changer well I went back into the green room I'm feeling good about God I make a difference wherever I go that's what you need to say about yourself I make a difference wherever I go I am not ordinary I'm extraordinary you know when you walk in the room your whole spirit feels that place any devil lurking around has a nervous breakdown you're like a great spot light that comes out because it's all darkness to have a nervous breakdown do you understand how powerful you are how awesome you are I'm telling you from the youngest to the oldest from the Nagus to the boldest what you carry is the determination this is all you gonna do is you guys see let me out just let me out so I looked up and come running through the door and here's my friend Susan they had checked her out and she was fine she fell on me I fell on her we loved each other and wonderful dr. Tina she's got the TV thing going she's but she's recording it and we were able to take it and show it to see it he got so excited about it he says this is working I mean we had so many miracles going on we couldn't report them all you understand we've got to understand this is a season of miracles are you ready to be a miracle worker are you ready to be a miracle worker it's it's so as you go I'm sitting on the plane and this young man sitting next to me a big old guy his name is Paul and he is going to LA and see we don't talk to people anymore you need to learn how to be nice I tell people comb your hair look as good as you can buy some teeth if you need them brush your you know like what Kelly say wear watch you know look like a person don't scare people with your weirdness you can get weird a little later on but just what they need to know is you care that you love and people are hungry for God it's just like you were singing it let it raise that letter praise rise up inside me not on the outside but on the inside oh my goodness gracious we're talking to Paulin he said he was telling me poor things are really bad things are really sad this going on and I said Paul you're a tall handsome young man I said are you afraid of God he says well I hadn't thought about it I said he'd think about it because your conversation reveals to me that you're not believing the Word of God which is infallible and true and what I'm gonna do for you Paul is i'ma lay hands on you and cast a spear to unbelief out of you and see that you are filled with the power of God you see you can do that I said that's what I do and he says well what are you doing I said I'm a problem-solver that's what you are you need to know I was on that elevator we had about ten people on the elevator this man looked at me and he says well what do you do I said I heal the sick raise the dead and cast out Devils I'm an actress I mean then that this really can disarm people you know and to the righteous are as I smiled and I said don't I'm just a motivational speaker and he said well you just motivated me to shut up so yeah you just have to keep smiling while you doing this understand that everybody so I got to pray for Paul and he was getting all that he says I just feel like I found my mother and I said that's true you just did praise God either here they're in the air I'm gonna see you again you know because I made a deposit of Christ into that person's life and you can just go and I could tell you so many stories so many stories that you just it's ordinary people that do extraordinary things you've been born again you've been baptized in the Holy Ghost you've been filled with fire this is day of fire this is why I wore my red shirt this is why pastor Larry we didn't realize but all you who wore red stand up with any kind of red on you in red hair stand up I mean just read right now praise God now father in the authority of the name of Jesus I release into this congregation new fire new fire an ignited excited delighted congregation there are soul winners father we thank you right now you are doing something at the shield that's never been done before Thank You Lord God now once you take a deep breath you redshirts take a deep breath Pacheco Torrey Megan on somebody on the board she'll burn a minute on that a big good daughter Becky son Shiva DD under to make ECG Didier lubos sovereign back at it lady will compile house to get what is your name I can't hear you Marina is that right Maria Maria is that where boats float okay they raise your hands please because there's anointing that if God has put upon you and that there's such creativity there's a you're looking for a place to get started I don't know if you own a boutique or something like that but you are an entrepreneur the books over to vacate it don't be afraid to start a business because God has created you to be wealthy he's created you to be wealthy and you've got a lot of people that well you shouldn't do this you shouldn't do that they didn't shut up Yumiko bhai secret it here today don't listen to those forces that are trying to put you down God put something in you that's different from some of the family folks around you and people that are friends to you and they're trying to say well you know you need to do this you need to do that but God says if you'll just take the first step I'll take the second he said just begin to move in that direction praise God the lady right here with the red shirt on right there yes ma'am you because somebody bit of the young bit of a customer because Shiva did the young Twitter this is the best season that you've ever had in your entire life things are going to go completely different than they've ever been before and the Lord says every spirit of infirmity look at all the relationships it's like there's been a tug of like a war of relationship you get this one fixed and this one comes out and this one fixed and they go back and they do something stupid again and you just absolutely worn out with it we're cooking ideo am i telling you the truth listen this is what you need to be doing to fix people you need to say yeah well it's good for you let me tell you something I went through a lot of rocky places to get to the place that I'm more fearful of God than I am of what the devil can do praise God so the fear of God the Lord says these relationships that you've tried everything it's like I saw all kinds of band-aids and you've tried to fix this try to reason with this and try to pay for that try to do that and the Lord says it's over it's over today it is over loo Bokova ha seek unity out to it and I hear the invitation he says come up here and see what I see he says ascend come be seated in heavenly places with mercy and amazing Grace's and he says I've got my hand on everything you've ever talked about but don't ask me to do it anymore it's already done don't ask me to do it anymore I'm what caught my eye secretive and there I'm gonna have to go through some rocky hard spots and the Lord says I don't want you weeping and wailing we'll call my house iike Diddy I've counted your tears and he says everything you've asked me to do I've already done this is a season to rejoice praise God hallelujah the lady next to you look that's your daughter praise God father in Jesus name look Omaha CKD D on Twitter about cuz he could do the after I want you to take a deep breath that every plot scheme planned the enemy has had to stop you from being who God's created you to be we'll call by a secret adhere to it I bet there's a familiar spirit of the old nature that speaks to you and says you didn't do this you didn't do that you didn't you should have done this this always condemning you and always putting you down and the Lord says look about how secret it's not my voice I never bring condemnation I'll bring conviction but I'm saying to you moko Baha seek EDD out Twitter I see you sitting down to a beautiful meal and the Lord says come and dine my beloved and then all around you is like that gnats and flies and they're not big bad things they're just annoyances there's just always something trying to keep you from enjoying anything in this life and the Lord says the voice of God must come forth out of you you must begin to pray in tongues as never before you've got to open your mouth in flood flood flood every assignment that the evil one is made against you because you're you're kind and you're gentle but the Lord says now today you've become a warrior today you will open your mouth you will clap your hand you'll stomp your feet oh oh and you will understand that it's always every tribe on the face of the earth before you see them you'll hear them will call bajas seeking idiot or a shout and cry out o daughter of Zion for the Lord God has delivered praise God the lady behind if you two will sit down I can see her but it because submitted the under because show what a believable Twitter this is what we call a word of knowledge this is what we call discerning spirit this is what we call the prophetic voice of God and it operates corporately you know if you try to break it down well this is where knowledge the word of wisdom discerning of Spirit it were it is the gift of the Holy Ghost and that he uses all of them corporately it's like having dinner you know when you bring it in we have the chicken we have the biscuits we have the corn bran whatever it is that you're having the whole meal comes together and so God will use a word of knowledge this is what when you stood up this is what the Lord said tell her OMA kasuba to be caught or to be ki CBD the actress or whatever cotta in the scheme of all things the Lord says you didn't choose me I chose you and I see you as a child and I see you loving God from a very early age and that you have you have been on a path of I want to know you I really I really want to know you and the Lord says because he has heard your cry and he says get ready he says you're gonna begin to write because there's an anointing to write in your life and you've put it on I see devotionals I see a words of encouragement and you haven't had faith towards yourself you know I can't do it you know but you can do it and you're created to do it because Europe you're a spiritual wordsmith you're thinking well I'm not educated enough to do this or I'm not that that is the voice of the familiar spirit of the old nature but what is in you is the author of all goodness and the Lord says because of your love for me you begin to just take that time and begin to write this is what the Lord is saying to me and I see these it's not a big book it's it's like a series and that on overcoming a series on this is what God taught me in the womb of the morning this is what God taught me and so in the authority of the name of Jesus I do bind all the unworthiness self-hate low self-esteem all the voices that come to put you down I put them down in the name of Jesus amen praise God is that an accurate word okay we want to be sure and because now those of you who are sitting I want you to know the prophetic word again I've told you before it's like the rain it falls on the just and the unjust and if you say I want that God sees you as a corporate body as well as an individual we're very much an individual but we are like cells in the body of God and that that those cells have to be healthy cells in order for everything to work and that's what God's prophetic voice does it heals the wounded body of Christ sir what is your name Pierre now ain't that a fancy name praise God so your mama knew something right up front huh praise God maybe because somebody bility under to be up here for the voice of God in you is strong laboux somebody build a boat to Shiva did a young daughter and the Lord says I'm upgrading your Perfetti boys today I'm upgrading it saith God blue Mushu BTD on daughter because secretly out order because I've created you as a head and not a tail to be above and not beneath saith God there are insights that I have already given you say of God the Moose over timidity under burkas seek it idiot tora increase in Makaha cked out Torah by kissing and I'm hearing a lot about finances in this season because of you see God's changing the financial scene and that what we're what we're doing is instead of see you follow me that our posture changes and we say I receive not he's not falling it's I received and there are doors that are going to open for you here there are doors that are gonna open that it's been closed to you so for so long and he says now you will begin I see your I see your voice like a ramrod in front of a door that the enemy has tried to close down in regard to your financial success and the Lord says you're going to talk to that wall and you're going to talk to that door and you're gonna walk right through it and he says watch what happens in the next six months he says everything is turning for your financial you'll know where to make investment you will understand God will give you an understanding and a comprehension because you have been created with a heart as a giver to the body of Christ you are a giver not just giver of your opinion but you want to see financial progress take place and the Lord says get ready for I am about to take bless and bring increase to your life begin to confess it with your mouth I am wealthy I am wealthy in Jesus name God bless you now I'll take that to take that I am wealthy praised reach it you took that it had to go through you to get to hear and praise God praise God alright you may be seated the lady with the red hair say it again Josie Ana what a cute name kinda like Louisiana you see well I just want to call you Anna banana because you're like a sweet fruit and that the Lord has brought forth that there is a you are so artistic you are so full of creativity and you're just kind of surrounded by people that do not understand what God has put in you they see it somewhat is whimsical but I am Telling You there is a creative spirit that is inside of you that the Lord says when you dance for me you thrill me he says when you dance for me and you lift your hands in the creative ways that you worship and you praise the Lord says lookö Bahasa get it behold the Word of God that says that would you bow before you will become that would you set your affections on the Macumba how see kitty there as you behold me save God you become that the purpose of worship is to be trained you into that which you believe macaw bahasa kddeitrick for the transforming wondrous ways of worship and praise are inside of you o daughter of Zion Lamesa bdd and Rebecca cicada dear Makaha secret you will begin I see an artistic group of like a drama group I see you leading a group of thespians that you that you are right in act months that will not just be done in the church but the Lord said if you will trust me o daughter of Zion I will give you scripts I will give you things to do and particularly young people can be drawn you can have singers and dancers and people that will go to the ball and go to different places in acting the Word of God but I have put the creative prophetic enactments upon you say if God this is a season we call it do not wait do not delay say if God begin to ask me for the download begin to you're exploding with the power of all my Tina Cindy's estate what a wonderful word praise God praise God have you ever desired as far as drama is concerned tell me about what's in your heart to do so we've never met so I didn't know but God knew I mean does that encourage you okay what are you gonna do with that word all right do not put it in a pantry okay and say if God wants you to come to past I will be done let me tell if you don't war with the Word of God it's got an expiration date on it when these prophetic words come God is speaking to and say listen don't delay the lady right here in the I'm looking for you read but you said that oh you read oh you were way ahead of me praise God praise the Lord so this is where the Lord says you're a secret agent you're like a double out seven in the spirit realm and that the Lord says you travel to high places Bukoba has second in the realms of intercession saith God mukou Bahasa get idiot order because he KDDI to it you have learned to be like a laser the booths over to be Kishi PDD onto it and you point your prayers and I hear you praying and I mean it's like uh you know there's some people that when they pray is oh she'll about seek EDD under Oh bless you Lord oh they're getting it but now here you start like it and I hear you go yeah number aashiq humble in that you change into a beast and that the Lord says the enemy is threatened and because you're so hidden in Christ he can't find you and you're continuously releasing like nuclear warheads into plants particularly into into Egypt particularly into those areas look up AHA see today it's like you're in washing dishes and then all of a sudden shabak I pass you got to get outdoors in the Lord you are a launching pad of the victorious power of God and he says others don't understand a lot that you do and say and he says I have surrounded many of my beloved with incredible companions of sorrow and misunderstanding because of what you carry there have been many times with far as relationships and friendships and things that Nicholas left you kind of lonely and the Lord says I am so jealous over you I'm not gonna let I love you I love you love you I love you I love you love you I know who you are I know what you do listen to the Word of God I tell you so true my little secret my little secret agent woman nakusoo brillante yeah yeah but seeing you alone your Monson Katie let daddy tell you I love you I love you and no no and the Lord says I know what it is to be misunderstood but that humanity is just so much wood it feeds the fire it breeds the desire to fulfill the call take a deep breath there's healing going in your body to mokuba high-sticking lay your hand on that part of your body you're being challenged with right now mokuba has succeeded did the other live it in your ankles and your legs okay okay okay hard listen what's your name Lisa how many of you believe God can do heart surgery those that believe kinda gather around her just a minute just put your hands on right there Lisa I curse the spirit of infirmity I want you to take a deep breath I want you to say infirmity loose my body I refuse to be sick are limited I refuse it I choose to receive that which is mine through faith in Jesus that's healing deliverance and prosperity true prosperity is walking in the fullness of God's provision I'm not just interested in getting what I've got for others but I must be a partaker of healing of deliverance and prosperity I commend my body to function as God has ordained it I choose to change my diet I choose to live I choose to be happy happy is the man or woman whose God is the Lord I call you God I called you Lord I call you master I delight to do your will Lord give her a new heart right now from the top of your head to the soles of your feet where there's been restriction of blood flow where there has been fear of death and stroke and heart attack in cia's I bind and break that assignment and I loose upon you a fresh vision of joy unspeakable and greater glory and everybody said that's mine that's mine in Jesus name glory to God those are you who are watching today I release into the atmosphere we prayed earlier about the big scene in our life is Christ and not cancer and will you release into the realm of the Spirit right now wherever this word is going forth we release the understanding there's a healing Jesus and we those of you who have the report of a malignancy I give you a new report the Word of God says by the stripes Jesus for you're already healed I have no other report to give I have just seen that God is the healer the deliverer and the mighty God we thank you for being with us in this wonderful assembly today we think you've been on this Pentecostal Sunday we're going to speak if the last three people in red your name sister you Sharon Sharon praise God okay the the word of the Lord yet there's something about your name and the Lord says you are very generous that you are a generous spirit and the Lord says you are me and you are gentle mucosal Berbick et al to order because CKD theater but dynamite comes in little packages and the Lord says when you get stirred up everybody better move will call by hi-c kadhi but you have the ability within you to express yourself in a full dynamic way and the Lord says I'm going to shake that voice that is in you that you will not fear man you will have no fear of what other people think of what other people say but you will fear God and God will come upon you the Word of God says the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God and what you fear will come upon you and as you fear God and say Lord you want me to speak you want me to encourage you want me to be a witness you want me to tell other people I will not be restricted because it's in your gentle demeanor is that you become a velvet hammer and that once you begin to share the Word of God the love of God you will push all of that timidity and all of that well I don't those are the kind of things that have tried to keep you back from being the incredible weapon of righteousness in the hand of the mighty God so right now stay with me I choose never to be shy or fear what people think I choose as an act of my own free will to be a witness to release out of myself joy encouragement faith love and kindness for it is the kindness of God that causes people to change I'm a carrier have a divine virus it's called kindness and everywhere I go people get exposed to the kindness of God amen you may be seated glory to God dear lady in the back where is God I can't see the lights so bright around you I can hardly see you now see that's a word of knowledge and the Lord says you are a carrier of my life and that the Word of God the light by word Oh God is a lamp or light unto my feet and your path has been orchestrated in such a way that wherever you go wherever you go there is that glow of God and you have the boldness you have the maturity you have the calling of God and the Lord says but in this season ha ha ha hee hee hee the joy the Lord's all over you say of God and I have a secret for you I'm gonna whisper into your ear in the time of our praise and thanksgiving and the Lord says things are going to about to be changed and you're going to be ah Lord I didn't know because he says look there's a gift and you've got all these gifts behind you and you've received these gifts and and they're so beautifully wrapped and you've been so grateful to get these incredible gifts and the Lord says honey this is the time you have to open them and then I see you going in opening the gift of miracles and you think oh well what do I do with this and the says in this season you will be a worker of miracles if you will open the gift say of God and say I choose to be a miracle worker you begin to say it with your mouth and then you act on it then you begin to pray and you begin to speak just speak the Word of God just speak the Word of God and you're gonna see miracles happen it is not your praise place or position to heal anybody God does the healing but we have to be extension cords to carry that and the Lord says I'm calling you my little personal extension cord I want to flow through you not 110 not 220 but I have 700 volts of glory that I want to pump through your veins in Jesus name say I accept the change amen praise God glory to God hallelujah and the word of the Lord would say you're healed you're healed you're healed your heels your heels your heel you're healed you're healed you're healed and the Lord says now I want to tell you something you're healed your heels you're healed you're healed you're here the devil is a liar and his pants are on fire we'll call Baha'i qtd out Twitter bikini diet order and the Lord says I've used you will call by just to threaten and intimidate hell will call bajas a KDDI taught it for he has come and he says I'm gonna do this and this and this to you and the faith of God is in you you just something praise God you just bad all over praise God boo-boo stupid idiot Iike T on Twitter but he's sucked up you know I've got these two dogs once think money the others think debt free and money doesn't have it about three teeth left and my granddaughter's got a dog that weighs about 150 pounds and money weighs about five pounds and my granddaughter brought her dog over and he's so big and he's sober he's a Russian Wolfhound [Music] and he's looking around like he's bad and he got near moneys bed and she like tore him up you know scared that big dog so bad I'm telling you for sure and that's what you do you intimidate hell every time the enemy comes in you just this little big thing that's sitting here that you got a chihuahua faith inside you that just says I'll take you down because you know what's inside of you and the Lord says you're gonna live a long time a real long time and your voice is gonna make a difference not just here but throughout the earth the Lord says you caught it you caught it who do men say that I am thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God and you've got it by revelation not by information so what you know you throw and the Lord says you're pitching in the next ballgame praise God hallelujah for the word of the Lord would come to the man of God within the house and the Lord says my son there's a miracle a miracle a miracle but it starts with your mouth but out of the abundance of your heart your mouth will again begin to speak and the Lord says it'll be clearer it'll be filled with joy and peace and the Lord says I did not come to bring temporary relief but I am releasing you from the bondage of yesterday say if God no more looking back and sadness or grief now you shall come and I shall adorn you as my priest for the top of your head to the soles of your feet you should begin to activate the Word of God that you know that makes you complete valeri the Word of God would say there's wisdom in you there's power because there is authority and I have called you as a prophetic evangelist saith God and you're calling in your election is to bring people to a saving knowledge of God and to heal the sick to raise the dead to cast out demon but this is this is the issue say if God and the evil one would come and say well I'm gonna keep you crippled and keep you down you've had your day and you've had your sake and there's nothing else left and he says it is the Lord God Almighty that have placed you in the position watch increase watch increase save God for a new joy you've always been a man of joy and encouragement but the joy of the Lord now is about to come on you there's gonna be a new ha ha ha hee hee hee it's gonna be in the midst of you save God lumic Omaha CKD di - it I'm bringing new relationships I'm bringing new friends I'm bringing new people say if God I'm bringing freshness freshness freshness freshness and the Lord says no more looking back you can look back and say those were good old days but this is the day that the Lord has made no more looking back Makabe no more looking back look I charge you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet lubos so many bitterly under a rock a silverback Aashiqui the healing to your body healing to your knees healing to your bones healing to your heart healing to your head healing to your back healing to your shoulders look up bhai second in every load that the enemy would try to put upon you look oh boy I said I cut him off today I cut him out no longer are you going to labor pulling will caught by ha see any people in your family to another dimension of God's intentions your children are in my hand will call by ha secret idiot they are part of a glorious plan but just back up don't ask me anymore let me tell you I've seen it from the end so I know what's in store every seat has the power to replace itself mokou bhai said the devil is mad but you'll be glad the book are secretive you tend to my business now to yours you tend to my business and I'll tend to yours you tend to my business and I'll tend to yours I've created you as a big spoon and the Lord says I've created you to stir things up say if God there are those men and women that have gone stale we'll call my house secretly out to Italy and they that they've lost their passion they've lost their zeal they don't understand they don't know what's really real and you're gonna go and you're gonna speak say if God the book I seek EDD out to it we're not gonna talk about grief and I can talk about saara we're not gonna talk about yesterday we're not even gonna talk about tomorrow we're gonna talk about today we're gonna talk about today watch me say if God watch what I do because submit edn do it on this Pentecost Sunday bukoba hacia a new fire a new zeal a new power of freshness saith God that you can live again you can live again saith God you can live again I curse the spirit of sorrow that tries to get upon you and to consume you you will not you will not you will not you will not you will not because God has said it God has set you in Ljubica cvd the outer Ibaka CKD and he will open new doors that you will begin to explore and say how in the world could this happen how could this be the Lord says it will happen when you choose to go ha ha ha hee hee let's give the Lord a shout praise God [Music] [Applause] anybody need the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in a language no man told you God is as powerful today is he's ever gonna be if you desire that come run up here real quick like real quick like if you've never spoken in tongues God is as powerful today as he's gonna be the buzz somebody be on door - come on come on the Lord told me there were 13 of you mokou Baha seek unity out - it'll be kisi you need that release you need that release you need that power in your life the most submitted Nikita you are created to be a part of the restoration that God is doing in the and those of you who are elders in the church come up here and help me with the prayer praise God bah bahah cked up Twitter because he kidded yeah come on let's see one two three four five six seven eight nine 10:11 I need two more people that need to get ignited with the power of God here comes one praise God come on where are you don't hide for me I know who you are okay praise God those of you who want the baptism with speaking in tongues we just hold hands with each other so I'll know who you are and those who are helping me to pray stand behind them don't put your hands on them just stand behind them praise God we'll call by her Sikh Aditya one two three four five six seven eight nine eleven tomorrow where are you two more you want to get baptized come on Lady even got good all the time all the time come on over here hold this man's hand over your darling okay my last little sweet patootie come here is that you need that power of God at night on Pentecost Sunday glory to God glory to God it's just so wonderful praise God praise God oh praise God here comes my sweetie pie you're worth waiting for amen need the power of God in our life y'all we need the power of God and then we need to be witnesses of his power we need to be witnesses of his glory praise God come in and choose to be healed choose to be healed okay ladies and gentlemen I address you as kings and priests and let me tell you what a king does a king decrees declares and proclaims with authority and a priest has the ability to bring people to God and God to people but you need power not just a job description you know that if somebody gives you a job and all but they don't give you the power to do the job it's never going to be successful so today what we're going to do your job is to be a witness of God's love and word and power and so we need to say Holy Ghost Spirit of God that hovered over the face of the deep and God said light and holy wasn't sure they work together and that he will work together and you empower you to do incredible things this is a new day this is an exciting day the kingdom of God is a kingdom of words that must be voice activated how many you have a GPS in your car you know that you said it to take you someplace and then if you get off beat it says recalculate it doesn't say you idiot you got on the wrong road again and the voice of God comes when we get on the wrong track and he says recalculate there's another path and so today you have recalculated and you have said I want the power of God in my life it's not enough that just love Jesus so we're gonna activate that power through words he meant the kingdom of God is a kingdom of words that must become voice activated so God says you have to speak my word and that creates when angels hear you speak the Word of God they hearkened to perform it see that's why demons here you agree with something negative they hearkened to perform it because the church has all the power it's what Jesus said all power didn't say the Illuminati didn't say the Grigri other yippie-ki-yay he said he said as the father sent me I'm sending you and Jesus had to have the baptism of the Holy Ghost had to have it so if he's got it and he makes it available for you and me we have to have it but any man who changes their life so just and those of you that would like to pray this prayer with us you believe it I want you to repeat with me I believe that Jesus is the Son of God I believe he was conceived by the power of the holy spirit those watching those watching I know there's so many of you that need that baptism of the Holy Spirit join with us you're here we're here in the heart of God I believe that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary I believe that he suffered bled and died on Calvary's tree but on the third day according to the Word of God which is infallible tells me that the Holy Ghost the Lord and giver of life raised Jesus from the dead the scripture tells me [Music] the Jesus is going to come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and that they'll never be in the end to his kingdom I believe that Jesus is defeated he'll death in the grave I believe that he took the keys that Satan thought he had and he's giving them to me take a deep breath say Jesus I confess to you that I have sinned in the things I've done and the things I fail to do but with your grace I will change come into my heart we've be new and renew me from the top of my head to the soles of my feet I believe when Jesus comes back then I will be a part of his kingdom and it begins today I'm a part of the kingdom of God because the kingdom of God has moved into me and as I go I activate the kingdom by simply saying the kingdom of God has come and it's coming me and my calling as a born-again believer is to be led by the Holy Spirit I believe I have the power to heal the sick raise the dead cast out demons and preach the Word of God and believe this day that when I asked Jesus to baptize me [Music] he will surely do it he said if you ask I will give so my responsibility is to believe and receive [Music] Lord Jesus baptized me into the Holy Spirit with the evidence of all the gifts I want the word of knowledge I want the word of wisdom the discerning of spirit the speaking in tongues to interpret the tongues prophecy miracles faith in healing I want the workings of the Holy Ghost manifest to me and three Paul says I will pray in tongues it's a choice it's a choice if I'll just open my mouth and I begin to speak I'll do the speaking and the Spirit of God we'll do the hearing and inspire me to speak in a language that nobody's taught me this is by faith in the infallible Word of God take again a deep breath shovel ability under in McGee's over the Bellator Ibaka open your mouth lavon's availability out that other available to see ki te taura mock Arabic has succeeded here better now about Sabah - - Vicki TDD a torrent you've got it it's all over you Hacha bt k TD I'm Dora makasar that's a very go ha ha ha chica dee dee dee I'm Dora micarta la vaca Security Act Laura welcome raise your hands when you know you're speaking raise your hands when you know it's there the book costs over timidity up to her raise your hands it's all over you look Oh bah ha say yes raise your hands high Makabe has that you've got it you've got it you've got it Makaha CK ddddd under Ibaka open your mouth ah bah bah how chica Toro Becky sickening you've got this say above above about sick in India under abacus sick EDDM do Rebecca seek EDD under show baby everybody secret of the book lay your hands on this gentleman right here right here lay your hands on book Omaha's secret yet the gentleman yep about chic EDD on door yelling boss ah there's healing in your body there's healing in your body Schubert or EB can see me DD under Ibaka Sakura dr torah bukoba hosaka DD under just let it flow like a river of life everybody out there Oh y'all about seen giddy on that about soviet-era it's Pentecost Sunday we're a bit silly beyond daughter bite everybody everybody coach table up about seeing EDD under yella basa like a baby [Music] you've got it [Music] God instant and you gotta [Music] thank you lord pull about seeking idiom that about CDD after our irrebuttable so yell ever see you got it go and sing to him sing to the Lord sing to the Lord you never see all of us CKD our sing to the Lord sing to the Lord come on church Diana to see your lavaca pour out those of you that are watching begin to open your mouth let syllables come on yellow bow scene of Italy after Ibaka citta may the power of the Living God stir your heart make Ock DD under Ibaka seeking idiot or Ibaka see Julia Rob indelible Sabra ba-ba-ba surah Baqarah major odyssey he D Arabic he Allah the day will come and it's very soon the day will come and it's very soon old daughter of Zion you you you are my choice Oh daughter of Zion I'm in your voice whose schibetta Dion dallara see a major lovely inside and out and this is the day we do away with doubt share about secon de la Messiah in the under ah take a deep breath who your abacus abacus CTD Arturo [Music] who's it in the year with the king died that I saw the Lord and he was high and lifted up [Music] and his train filled the temple [Music] and the angels cry glory [Music] glory glory and the angels cried and I said oh my god I am a man of unclean lips it's sadly well I was caught up with my own a great angel brought a calm of fire and put fire on my lips and it was the fire of God and I said here am I here am I here am I send me and the Angels [Music] rejoice when you make a choice to agree with God he Allah will see on a Monsignor nom de you'll ever see you got this take a deep breath and let rivers come on Shelley Masika Theodora you have a spirit of boldness now you're gonna be bold in the kingdom you are shaker and a maker hunting [Music] caribou soory and university hallelujah may I have your hands sweet lady tongues say the Lord gave you a great word today and then you can have to walk into it praise God say say with me I asked Jesus to baptized me in the Holy Ghost and he said if I would believe and not that if I would choose to just let him out like a man I keep talking to a baby you got a baby spirit so you have to do the speaking that'll do the inspired okay you open your mouth not gonna grab your jaw or pull out your tongue I will is what Paul said I will open my mouth and I will speak just like speaking to you Oh fear go I'll doubt go that the love of God that's all of you you got you got it you got it come on that's it I received the baptism with all these fear and all I could say is butt butt butt butt butt butt butt butt-butt-butt in four months all I could say is bad butt butt butt butt butt butt butt-butt-butt I thought God how long he says you'd be faithful with little things I'll give you the minion over three but but have never been above above it shipping it make a language out of it you got yours you got yours great you got it say I got it Allah Allah to seek unity on who you know about you got this you got this good rivers out of your belly flow rivers of life will seek EDD I'm gonna make a seeking in the under my couch seeking in the earth tour of those those incredible ideas they God gives you that you just feel like if I could just get started if I could just get started I need a connection with Omaha see I connect you today hi chicken ah you never see Norma Kasich Olivia under Allah take a deep breath I hear so much of what the Lord was saying earlier in light of things that are eternal and light up in light of things that last the Lord says my love you don't even have a past McCall Baha secretive and if you understand the goodness of God you don't have a future either you have a noun live in the now saith God live in the now no call by house seek he did the up to order but they said can't do anything about yesterday today is your present present from God since today's the day i baptize you in the Holy Ghost today is the day I tell you before you knew your mother's womb you lived in the thought room of my mind your my thought now create you every cell every hair on your head I've given it a number for everything changes today we have no way to run away I got you I've got you I've got you and you will preach super to do together because submitted it and they will come and yours may not be a pulpit but your street man ordinary people are gonna become extraordinary because of your life ha cheeky yeah [Music] make us see media new car Bahasa such as God is doing he's doing it on going home you know the congregation you're making choices to say I'll be a witness I'm gonna tell everybody I know Jesus loves them I'm gonna have a big smile on my face I'm stopping complaining I'm not just a container of God I'm a restraint or all that's evil you believe such a thing let God arise you heard what God said that you you can run which came out okay praise God Nicko bahasa Kitty Papa has a power Berta's super difficult or umekichi we needed daughter double super immunity under the beak is she kidding me on twitter Mikasa can let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out daughter daughter chicadini unknowable civility under that's it but Cobra has a lady ma'am mo she PD under let me out let me out let me out let me out everybody out there let him out let him out let him out let him out let him out you can let him out with a shout you can let him out standing your feet stand to your feet look up musicians take your place the close look at it Eon dalibor see the archability on door come on now come up turn to your neighbor and begin to say I love you begin to say turn to each other express your love look up on a second thank you Jesus god bless you sir god bless you Malcolm on a second come on come on hallelujah come on come on let it go turn one to another begin to pray for each other begin to say I love you I need you Makka pakka secret in the outdoor derby key set up father in Jesus name as we leave this place we don't leave like we came thank you for baptizing these men and women into the Holy Spirit thank you for changing things thank you for blessing us Holy Ghost Shabbat to could take a secret thought in me Giza the boys summer ability boys shimmer today after ibiki sir but a mechanic I send you out like men and women armed Makabe hosaka India with power with authority with the seal Makkah top secret today take your hands and lay it upon yourself sir I believe it I receive it I activate I ratify I open up my mouth and I prophesied I am not ordinary I am extraordinary by the goodness in the grace of God I'm not a doubter I'm a shower ha ha singing cry unto God you in bless the Lord bless the Lord bless the Lord hallelujah [Music] all just worship it sing moment release inside of you it'll go up because insane I don't [Music] Oh my house Sunday God always saves the best for last something's about to bust here Russia Qatar [Music] [Music] [Music] inside [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] our God so strong in here it's inside here and started laying hands on the [Music] side of you [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] got a breeze [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] made whole so you can go and do exactly what he told you to do [Music] never done this in my life in an atmosphere like this seriously I'm kidding I got a word from the Lord about something that's gonna I don't know how you forget it but I've just go saying okay we're all prepared to obviously give sister Therese I love how free the Spirit of the Lord just spoke to me and said make it very clear to the people that it's not only an offering that I will turn this into a time of the seed for your need seriously but here's what I want you to hear is what I heard he said it's not your money why because he said it's truthfully it's what it took for you to have the money you have oh yes he blessed you in graced you to get it but he said your money represents your blood it represents your sweat it represents your labor it represents what you toiled to go it was the seed that you sow the harvest you had to work to read and it produces all of that and all of a sudden there's such a strong anointing in here about blessing her I don't need your money I don't want your money but the Lord spoke to me I'm so early this morning adenoids will hear about blood and I like good stuff but he told me this morning I told him I said father I have a need in my life a very big week and I understand the seat so in principle not giving an offering I'm sowing into her life I'm sowing into her ministry because I have a great need in mind and all I need is a small seed and if I can just get that seed that dirt it has the power through the sweat the blood and the effort that I went through to plow and to plant and to put it in there to believe him for a great harvest I'm not one of those preachers that want your money I'm one of those preachers that give money and sister Therese I know that said much it's just the seed but the Lord told me to take $1,000 cash would you please come and receive it listen I want you to receive it and I believe some people are getting ready to be moved because they have needs in their life they're believing things like I am and since you're the soil that we're sewing in I believe you're such rich good blackjack soil it's gonna grow like crazy would you speak over it for us let the rain come down and water our sea and it's a great honor to sow into your life we do the carnal stuff you do the spiritual stuff and we love it what a vehicle sous-vide really on the Big Easy BDD on daughter you have power you have authority you have a free will the thing that God will not not under emotion but by devotion that what the pastor has said what the elders have said say into your heart is so significant you gotta hear God King and then when I'm hearing I've got to respond to it and Lord said that the money that we have the power and you heard me teach you this before talk to your money talk to you money this money comes in to Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ so I'm praying over your money I pray over your life I call this seed money you can never be used for anything other than a building of the kingdom of God and anything has ever been used for up to this point that's not glorious praise God we find you devil and you have no hold on our money you have no no you have no hope I'll release funds in your direction today I call your money into into an important I wish I could tell you the stories that we are saved by people coming in they're becoming millionaires on the break of billionaires because they understood the Word of God has the power to perform itself so thank you every seed reproduces its on cat and as you bring these funds in you I bless you I bless your life I bless your children and your children's children by coming in small of an area of strife and contention I listen in this house there is the power to do some things that's never been done before I know many of you are visiting here today but I want to take that you got two doctors on your side you got doctor man and you got doctor Jesus doc Jesus so you're gonna have to choose to agree with God you have to choose to agree with God and that we are coming into a place where greater glory is coming in greater glory things that we have never seen before God wants to break services up and he says I want you to be real I want you to be transparent or you understand such a time as they've you've been brought into the kingdom of God and that you named your money you named your money you name it say this is this is for my home I had a new job [Music] you're believing for gainful employment you're believing the Word of God can you say Lord God today I'm moving I would sit up at a meeting with Lord I had a great need and I sold $1,000 seed and I want you to know I sewed it home we stick it on thirsty that answer came and I mean there was a a million dollar deal for you so I'm just telling you right now nobody is trying to get your money [Music] into something this I'm gonna pray for you I'm gonna believe [Music] you know I've got this we're doing the treatment [Music] unless god loves you the power to stand in his place moving in the stead of price no longer be filled with I can't [Music] it's working in me it's working in me praise God you're gonna have some opposition amen you're gonna have some night seasons but if you go to sleep in a night season where everything is going bump and screaming and you can say only through pride coming strife and contention so bind that pride don't allow strife because we're strife because every every kind of evil is so just take authority over that so it's that spirit of pride that raises up so I speak to you I create with the fruit of my lips I create with the fruit of my lips I called you the redeemed I call you the healed I call you those men and women feel with the power of God that you change the earth with the words that you speak you create you create you create your creators co-creators with God co-creators with God and you just begin to speak and you see life's changed you see people turn and go in and think it's saved they get filled with the Spirit of God they're not too old they're not too young they just write amen and nobody's gonna get them except you nobody's gonna get over you how many of you say I'm a witness I've seen something and I believe that I can go out of this place filled with love filled with the desire to share what God has shared with me I thank you Lord I'm not afraid of what people think when I witness about your love your word and your power give the Lord a shout he's worthy to be praised amen glory to God now you know why we asked you if you couldn't give him both offerings please so in hers I locked that shield of faith not good soil I'm just here to tell you I've been sowing into this life for many years and my seed always grows it comes back abundantly and God is more than enough and I'm telling you God is so good well I can't go beyond what you've already heard lord have mercy so let's just raise our hands and bless the Lord father we thank you for what we've heard we receive it and we just shoe all the ravens away that's coming to just pick off of that altar no we keep this altar sanctified for you and we give you all the praise the glory in the altar and I decree that every person in this place as I was saying yesterday with sister Clarice will lead with the prophetic in them I thank you for the anointing for them to go and do the word to release the anointing to the power of God into the lives of hurting people all around their community where they work and where they're going into stores I thank you for that anointing in Jesus name and everybody said hey man man I'm so excited I can't behave myself oh mama giri's thank you so much for coming you are so awesome I love all of you god bless you and you guys are dismissed you can go start casting down Devil's right now god bless you [Music] Jesus [Music] Jesus you made the darkness
Channel: The Shield
Views: 26,913
Rating: 4.8913736 out of 5
Id: ylDF33YxMvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 47sec (6887 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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