November 2nd 2021 Club Cubase Live Stream

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hi welcome to the november 2nd 2021 club cubase live stream i'm going to do a quick audio test to make sure everything is kind of going sounding as exp as expected here just a little bit of music [Music] and i'll just listen on my monitoring 2nd computer club cubase live stream i'm going to do a quick audio test to make sure everything is kind of going sounding as exp as expected here okay so everything sounds fine on my monitoring computer my name is greg undo i'll be the host for the live stream today i work as a product specialist for yamaha corporation of america and i primarily focus on steinberg products um sorry i just had a call come in and i'm based in the united states outside of washington dc area in alexandria virginia so um and how if if you have not attended a live stream how it works is you can ask questions in the live chat or just simply send questions to club cubase at steinberg dot d e so um and when asking questions if you could indicate which version of cubase that you're using whether it's cubase elements or cubase pro whether it's version 10 11 10.5 on mac or pc that information is sometimes helpful and realize that as people ask questions my ability to answer them in a real-time manner will uh quickly uh be unavailable so i will try to get through as many of the questions in chronological order uh as possible so if we could try to avoid asking the same questions over and over if you don't get it if you don't see a response we'll try to get through as many as we possibly can we usually try to get about 95 to 100 questions per live stream so we'll try to get through all of those um my family is at home and my son is home from school today he's on a fall break so um so i may get interrupted so i'll apologize for uh any potential interruptions um so i just wanted to give people a heads up with that you may hear my wife working directly above me as well a couple of words of thanks i wanted to pass on so if you want to we will have a index of all the topics covered in the live stream today uh pinned to the top of the comments field so uh look for that uh like three or four hours after the live stream have to go through and watch the live stream again and do the index with time stamps but if you wanted to uh search for topics that have been covered on previous live streams you could go to yon has been kind enough to set up a website called and you could search there and he just kind of did a a new refresh of that so even if you have been there go check out yonsite i think there's over 13 600 questions that we've done in the last year and a half on the live stream so you could search there and that will immediately take you to that part of the video um so kudos to yon for that we have two people that serve as moderators so we have agent k and jazz dude so i want to thank them because they're just volunteer their time and their efforts to make the live streams in the community a better place for everyone and another wonderful uh resource of steinberg information jazz dudes involved is the cubase nation discord in addition to all of the uh official steinberg resources like the youtube channel and the steinberg site so kudos to jazz dude for that as well so we will go ahead and get started and if you uh learn something new make sure that you do hit the like button and if you haven't subscribed to the channel make sure that you do that as well all right so we will start our okay so the first question is from nick great to see you on the live stream uh says uh hi greg i'm setting up commands in generic remote for selecting different mixer layer configurations can't find a generic remote setup under any categories can this be done so i think if we wanted to set this up so let's go to generic remote so we'll go to our studio menu to studio setup to generic remote and if we say okay we wanted this particular midi message um let's go to command and i think you might be able to do it under channel and track visibility and then here's where you can set up the different agents in addition to the visibility agents right there so you could have the eight user-defined visibility agents that could be uh configured right there so once again just kind of look under uh command and under channel category channel and track visibility so if you look under kind of the mix console then you may not be able to find it and then you should be able to you know have your generic remote uh just access and pull up user presets and the different agents right there from a midi message all right so we have a question when will cubase 12 be announced so generally steinberg tends not to announce things until they're actually released so as of now it's not released so but that's generally how it works um so uh so there's nothing new to indicate with cubase 12 and we're just on cubase 11 now all right and we see matt elder from canada so it's great to see you on the thanks for joining us on the uh zoom meetup last friday all right and we have cush from san diego and we as you see john costigan from kenosha wisconsin robbie bowling from dallas and we see yon from stockholm all right um all right we have jeff szabowski joining from uh chico california and rick from oregon all right and all right we have alexander plasco from connecticut and the cube from melbourne florida okay so we have a question uh hey greg i made an update from eleven pro when i play the song and kick in the midi bar to edit some notes cubase only plays the midi bar i selected uh and that's not the workflow i know from cubase how to fix all right so let me go to just a quick project here with some midi in it okay let's get this project loaded okay so let's say we had uh some midi parts here so let's say we have this one duplicated okay so it says uh when i play song and kick in the middle midi bar to edit some notes cubase only cubase only play the midi bar i selected and that's not the workflow i know from cubase so you know one of the things that you know if we are listening to this you see that when it goes to the next event that as we do this it'll just kind of fast forward and it will play okay so it says when you kick in in midi bars i'm not sure if it's going to be um like when you double click if that's what you mean by kicking in a midi bar sometimes only play the midi bar is selected and that's not the workflow so you know check to make sure like if you have other so if it's that when you double click that you're only hearing the midi uh for the event make sure that within the editor that you don't have solo turned on in the editor so if you have kind of a large midi sequence and then you double click and if solo is turned on in the editor that will mute all the other parts so let me know if you just have you may just have to turn off the solo within the midi editor but let me know if i'm misunderstanding the question okay so we see uh from the cube says a used beat designer and a couple of my songs he showed me last time i was wondering about arpeggiation you know so if you wanted to do arpeggiation so let's say if i just play a chord here um kind of like the beat designer is a midi plug-in but we could have uh if we go to apache you know here we could actually choose to have kind of different uh so as i play uh we could have arpeggios directly here so we say okay i want this to be eighth notes um so at this point i could say okay let's just make this the step size to eighth note so and as you just hold down so you could just kind of do different arpeggios and there's kind of an apache five which could be a pretty you know you could do all sorts of kind of great arpeggios here you know where you could have like your different velocities different key ranges and then there's the apache sx where you could um kind of do a bit more with that so if you wanted to just kind of let's take a look at so say okay we will take this to um eighth note triplets so as we [Music] and what's kind of cool about the uh apache sx midi plugin is you could take any uh part uh any midi parts i'll just right click to always on top and then you could drag and drop uh the sequence so at that point you could just drag and drop a midi part and use that as the basis for the arpeggio so check out the midi plugins like our apache sx and our apache five um and if you actually come over here let's say if i want to just record this um you know if you click on the little record icon now when i just hold down a chord at that point it will um you could just kind of record all the different arpeggios directly into the event as well so uh so if you wanted to actually record with that you could just click on the record enable here so without that it will play back the arpeggio i had that on step in step record as well but uh but if you wanted to actually record the output of the arpeggiation in real time you just click on this little record button and so that's how you do some arpeggiations all right so we see uh i think this is from uh mr mr.ox or i think it's lennox says hi greg i sent an email regarding a suspected bug in the media bay for cubase 10 11 on windows 10 so let's say i think i remember the email without referring to it so if we go to our media bay um let's come over here and just go to like our large media bay and i think the question was when we come over here to if i understood it right it was when we go to uh select a file here that we could say search for and then we would see the path okay so right now when we search for the path and we look at the folder here [Music] you know part of the file name is actually you know the path the file name itself is in the path so i'm going to say contains and then like we don't see the actual path here but if i wanted to uh i could just delete the name of the file so i'll just kind of start over just so i get to the end here so let's say i'll go to different uh projects let's say if i come here to base sample um okay so we're here and what i want to do is to actually just right click and we'll say search for path now when we have this path name we actually see that we're going to have the name of the file so that is the path is the file so if i just kind of back that up and now we choose contains that now i could search all within that particular path right there so you know make sure that when you do when you select something for the searching path that it's going to carry the full path uh of the file name so i know that you don't see the uh you know i think in the forum post that you'd share that you don't necessarily see say if we kind of go back over here but and i don't have an external drive hooked up but you know at this point you could see kind of the file tree here but you know see if you you know because the file path i believe from what you're doing was actually the file path was you know included the file name so that's why you don't see results until you actually go here [Music] and you know choose to do [Music] and at this point you could choose the file path and go back one level and then we could say contains and then you'll see all the folders within that so let me know linux if that makes sense or if i'm kind of misunderstanding kind of what you want to accomplish with that okay so we see uh how do you uh from the cube uh how do you use retrolog with arpeggiators that change throughout the chord progression uh can you automate the arpeggiator so you know one of the things you could do is let's say if i uh and i'll just open up a retro log instance let me see if i have one okay so i have a retrolog here [Music] okay now if i wanted this to let's say i just put in like cord i'll just move this up to the top here uh and we'll have a chord track okay so let's say i have this as my chord progression and if i just have this track set to uh monitored so say if now we could just [Music] all right so this is kind of a monophonic part so what i want to do is i could i think without even having the parts in here i could just have the apache so say [Music] so i could have this a chord track and i could have that chord track automatically play and check the used monitor tracks i put the synth bass track into monitor and i don't even have to have any actual notes in the part it'll just trigger the arpeggio [Music] so that's how you could kind of automate the arpeggio from retrolog uh you know or automate an arpeggio through the apache or apache sx plug-ins uh and have it automatically conform to the chords okay so we see a question uh where to change the drum map in groov agent se5 all right so let's say if i have a groove agent here so i could one of the great things with groove agent is you know we could come over here if we don't have a drum map that's already been configured let's i'll just add just to kind of show from scratch so i'm going to add an instrument track and we'll add a groove agent se okay so now we go to our instrument okay so if we wanted to automatically create the drum map all you have to do is if you click on the drum map setup so with groove agent se you could actually just click here on create drum map from instrument and then that will automatically create the drum map for groov agent essie so now when we double click we'll go directly into a particular uh we go into the drums and as we see we can now see our kick you know our different um sounds can automatically be extracted but if you needed to actually change that you could come over here and go to the drum map setup but within groove agent essie it's automatically going to [Music] be able to extract that so now if i wanted to take a part here i could double click i could see its drum map and you could just you know come right over to this particular area and just kind of paint notes in and see the drum map so groove agent se will automatically you know be able to extract the drum map for you all right so we see tim weinheimer just saying uh thanks for a great cubase zoom had to leave early to find his yet that he had to find leave early to find his last keys we're glad he could be there it's wonderful to have daryl pearson kind of share some knowledge okay so we have a question from uh ted springman uh is it possible to set up multiple virtual instruments so that when they receive the same pitch uh detune cc that each will offset to a slightly higher value than all of the others so you know generally when we're doing something like that you know it could be up to the particular instrument uh how much it's going to respond to pitch bend so if we do let's say if i look at my retro log here you could set you know the amount of pitch band you know up or down per instance so let's say if i add um you know a howie and sonic sc that at that point so if i wanted to come here to the electric piano that's playing back through hallie and sonic s e okay and we'll look at this just remember where to i'll just add a new instance here so okay so once we're [Music] see if i remember where to do this or but you know each instrument could have its own uh pitch bend values set so if i wanted to let's see if it's kind of i usually forget where this is and how i'm in sonic i see but let's see if it's under options but you know so each actual in you know each instrument or i'll just do it this way so let's say if i just come here i'll duplicate this track then on this particular instrument we could set the pitch bend range differently so that when i play the two different parts here that they will pitch bend different amounts so it's really up to the instrument on how it responds to the pitch bend information so you can set that independently on uh different instruments that are you reading through comments all right so i'm kind of back to around my place sorry about that all right so we just had uh can you just question can you send the link of stylus remix indian library please so you know maybe you could check with spectrasonics um but i don't have stylus to give away okay so we have a question it says uh hello greg uh i often use midi modifier to keep playing an easier key but then in piano roll when i move a note the note i hear isn't relative to new key thank you all right so let's say if we had um like this little electric piano part here so as we do this and let's say if i go to my midi modifiers and i'm transposing [Music] and we listen that we hear the actual so but when we do this we actually aren't moving the the keys so when we come over here to the track and we adjust the midi modifiers this is just playing it back in real time so if you actually kind of just move the events at that point it's going to move it based on the actual pitch here so if you've done that and you want to start moving what you need to do is to actually come over here and choose freeze midi modifiers and that will then move the notes up based upon the settings that were you know basically what this does is it will write the settings here actually into the part so if you wanted to play it in in the key of c and then have it play back in c sharp you know you could and then you move it and you wanted to hear it in c sharp instead of c just go to your midi menu and go to freeze midi modifiers and then it will adjust accordingly so if i have this set to transpose otherwise because this is just processing that in real time so this will basically allow you to take the settings here and apply that to the data so as soon as i come over here freeze midi modifiers it's now going to transpose up six semitones so as we just do that so um that's probably what you need to do so just you know select the part and go to midi and select freeze midi modifiers all right so we see uh is there a tutorial on designing sounds in retro logs so yeah don i remember watching uh dom segales on the steinberg youtube channel i kind of did a whole series on retro log so yeah you could look on the steinberg youtube channels it might be in cubase or it might be in the instruments under retrolog but but yeah check out dom's video does a wonderful job all right so we have pablo joining from galicia espana all right um all right so we see a question uh does someone know if it's possible to create a personalized midi velocity curve on cubase 11 artist okay so let's say if i had a bunch of notes here um all right so say this is my velocity curve [Music] so when i look i wanted to capture this as a personalized um just do it on two different parts here so okay so let's say i have that's my velocity curve that i want so what i could do is actually take this event and i'm going to open up my quant and this seems like a bit of a left-handed approach but we're going to open up the quantize panel preset here and then we're going to just drag that event in we're going to set and we see position and velocity so here position is set to 100 and velocity set to zero percent let's just switch those so i'm going to set the position to 100 and the velocity to 100 percent all right so now that we've done that um so we could actually just kind of save that particular event so let's say at this point i go back and i have this i could now quantize with this preset here and i just hit the letter q and that will automatically just kind of set the velocity curve that we could just have indicated directly there so this way you know we take a what is a quantized preset but we just choose to have it only capture the velocity and not the position and then you could save a custom velocity curve all right so we see a question from ted springman um does cubase have an expansive library impulse response reverbs from famous concert halls yeah so if you just come over here let's go to the uh reverence they may not be named by the name of the concert hall but often you can you know get kind of a sense of what's going on so let's say if you just wanted to come over here you go to reverence so let's come right over here to reverb so when we come over here and at this point you could just browse so you see austrian concert halls so you kind of see a depiction of that if you want um you know concert hall in vienna you know a dutch concert hall new york ballrooms english chapels so these are all kind of all french stone chapel these will be kind of different impulse responses so taken from actual uh you know ambient environment so many great concert halls you could find directly in there all right so we see jason sykes who's watching it watching the live stream from a hotel room in manchester so here's a i guess he's out on business so all right we have peter checking in from montreal thanks for joining all right we see that michael teams has joined the live stream so we should have the virtual ice creams dispensed all right uh so we see a question from the cube um also having uh trouble with my cord pad some cords and accord pads won't be dragged to the tracks area so i don't think i've had problems with that but let's go ahead and just take a look um so say if i have my cord pads here you know just dragging them you know it seems like it's kind of working as expected here i could load up some other presets so it seems if you have like particular chords or a particular chord position that you're seeing that that it's not being able to drag from just let me know okay okay so we see a question uh how to enlarge cubase engine on macs because every window and text is very small so it really depends on your screen resolution so i'm currently running at a 10 like a 1080p resolution which is 1920 by 1080 resolution but if you just go to if you're finding that it's too small just go to your system preferences and go to uh your display settings let me just see if we can find it here so get to your displays and then you could uh actually see um you can see kind of default first for display and then you could adjust there so i have a little utility so that i could have it scaled for my monitor 1080p so that it works friendly for people watching on tvs but it's just going to be your mac system and then you could adjust there just go to your display settings okay so we see from the cube uh he meant the arpeggiation in retrolog uh and not from the chord track so let's go ahead and jump back to where we were so let's say if i come over here to [Music] so even if we have the chord track here laid out for us [Music] all right so say if we have this going on and so i will turn off the arpeggiator here so i'll just come over here to the midi insert so we'll turn that off so let's say [Music] [Music] all right so now we have [Music] so now let's say if i wanted to now turn on the arpeggiator in retrolog so it should just follow these particular parameters let's come over here to the arpeggiator and now as it plays back these chords [Music] so let's say okay now we wanted this to let's say just more contemporary arpeggios so now so for this if we wanted to just change the arpeggio to eighth note adjust your velocity [Music] so that way it will if you have it just following the chord track [Music] the arpeggiator within retro log will automatically follow as well okay so we see a question uh hey greg if i want to copy four bars where can i find repeat in previous versions there was repeat um there's you know multiple ways of doing this so if we wanted to uh let's say if i have all right so let's say if i want this so if i wanted to repeat um this event so one way is just hit uh control or command d so you could do that there's also just a repeat function i think it's control k so here we could say okay repeat that four times so we could do that the easiest way is you know select the event if you go to the right edge center and just drag across you could also if you hold down the alt key and go to the lower alt option key and go to the lower right hand side you could just drag across like that and repeat as well so you could do control or command d to duplicate the event if you know that you wanted to repeat it 16 times or 15 times exactly control or command k or just kind of use the alt or option key and drag from the lower right hand corner or just drag from the right center edge out to the right and then you could repeat okay so we see uh nick just saying hi guys we got it started an hour earlier in the uk clocks yeah sometimes it's tricky with uh with uh daylight savings times you know in different countries i remember one time uh maybe about 15 years ago i was traveling to germany and it was daylight saving time in london as i was flying over so it kind of got messed up by an hour there when i left it was daylight savings time in germany and then like two weeks later it was daylight savings time in the u.s so i was you know adamant that it was already had the clocks had changed already when i got back to the us so yeah it's tricky in different countries with daylight saving times but we're glad that you could join the live stream okay so we have jim reader checking in from the rock and roll hall of fame so thanks for joining okay so we just see uh nick uh just saying uh anybody having issues with hub not loading so i had it on my system with 1104 and then steinberg had released an 11041 and that seemed to uh that seemed to work and fix the hub not working for me so all right so a question uh sorry if i answered already but what is the status using cubase and stock plugins with mac pro m1 max chip uh my max attack says soon it will be very powerful but lots of money let's see three dollar signs i'm assuming that's lots of money so currently you know everything is running under rosetta mode you know i know that the development team is actively working on getting everything converted over you know for uh for this m1 chip so we'll see how you know that progress is coming along so all right so just sing from uh mr ox uh and this is about the uh the media bay so it says uh but it doesn't work that way for factory content so let's go ahead and take a look [Music] so when i just went to like this midi loop it seems to kind of work the same way so i see the actual file here and let's say if i just want it to come over here i select this and we search for a path that it's still kind of the file level so let me know if i'm doing something wrong linux and but that seems to kind of work the same way with factory content or with user content like with the wav files that we did previously all right you see michael teams is on he's he's in action dispensing virtual ice cream okay so we just see question uh of your high-end film composer clients what percentage you use mac versus pc as primary computer and when asked which platform do you recommend to your power users um so i i you know i try not to recommend a particular platform because cubase runs great it seems like there's a lot of film com like really high-end film composers that i work with tend to work on windows because they could have you know significantly more memory a couple have moved kind of to uh the last generation of macbook of mac pros um but most of them seem to be on windows platform just because the you know availability of like you know having so much ram and being able to incrementally update their computers um so i see more windows platforms and really high-end composers suites all right uh so we see a question uh if maximum track count using sample libraries is a goal what type of computer build is generally recommended so you know a lot of guys will have you know the like as much nvme uh hard drive space as they can as much memory most of my film composer clients won't even uh bear bare minimum would be 128 gigs of ram sometimes 256 or 384 so um and then they'll just try to to keep going so so we see that pablo just saying he really likes groove agent sc for drum replacement so that's great for replacement or reinforcement all right we see peter just saying the zoo meeting was so informative thank you yes i always uh really appreciate the zoom meetings and just wonderful daryl to join in and share insights and it's always wonderful to meet people okay um i just lost my place let me just find it okay so we see a question is there a cubase for android phones uh yet i'm not at home and need to leave these beats so you could get cubasis for android so i run it on my samsung galaxy phone so it's and then you could take the cubasis projects that you create in cubasis for android or chromebook or ios and then import that directly into cubase so once you complete that you could come right over here and just import you could download a little utility and that will allow you to import your cubase's project so i run it on my samsung galaxy s20 fe phone so all right so we see uh sworn from sweden he's just waiting uh for answers he had sent some questions about uh a friend of his having some groove agent sc issues um and one other thing you know i'm not sure if i mentioned this in the email sworn if you could check to see if the if you know what his buffer size is set to as well uh that that could be an interesting information to have okay so we just see uh from the cube okay then how do you design an evolving arpeggiation that changes in the arpeggiator uh in retrolog you know so if you're doing this where you have you know just the arpeggio you know what you could do to evolve it is just kind of you know very easily um you know hold different notes so let's say if we're here and we're kind of playing along so as i just you know play different chords it's just going to kind of use the chords that i feed it so if i just play different chords it's going to arpeggiate different uh you know different notes uh and probably once we open up um you know the arpeggiators let's say if we record this and automate the plugin [Music] and let's say i just start moving different parts [Music] and let's see if it will if it recorded all the automation we did on the arpeggiator [Music] it doesn't look like you recorded that as automation data but um but you know once you just kind of feed you know different notes into it the arpeggiator is going to evolve too so all right so we see there's some confusion in europe for european people with the time change with daylight saving time so sorry about that okay so i just see uh why sometimes i don't hear media bay on my monitor only in my headphones thank you so this could be tied to a preference so if you come over here let's go to your preferences to under vst to control room that you could check to make sure that you have used phones channel as preview channel if that's unchecked it'll go through speakers if it's checked it'll go through the headphones so once again um just go to preferences to cubase and then check this preference right there the use phones channel as preview channel see john koskinen saying may i request the like button so i'm sure you could probably find it and make sure you hit it an odd number of times okay so we see uh from sergo just saying the addictive drums 2 plugin has presets for various drum maps perhaps you can tell greg how to move them into the general map of the cubase drum map so really if it's if you you know and it's great that they created drum maps but all you have to do uh if you have drum maps is when you come right over here you can just say go to drum map setup and then you'll see under functions you could just load and load wherever that drum map is on your hard drive so once you go to the drum map setup here so just the very top inspector tab you'll see kind of and it may say no drum map by default click there and go to drum map setup and under functions at that point you could just choose to load and at that point you could just find wherever that drum map is on your system and load up that particular drum map okay so i just see would you consider making a comprehensive tutorial on the supervision plugin so i did um so if you look under like the cubase 11 feature walkthroughs um i did i think a 10 minute video on supervision so you could check that out um but i think it's like 10 or 12 minutes just on supervision so we just see a question from the cube uh hey greg what will computer music be like in 30 years that's a great question um i'm not sure you know i think it's heading more this direction where um you know it's it's kind of very interesting question if we were to look at 30 years back if anyone could have anticipated you know what we'd be doing in cubase now uh but i i can pretty much guarantee you that in 30 years that you know cubase will still be defining the feature sets of you know what is going to be kind of state of the art for music production so but yeah great question see ted springman just uh saying four years ago i spent 4k on my for my trashcan mac and it struggles to keep up now so that's why you know some people a lot of composers will kind of you know do pcs and they could do incremental updates and you know maybe swap out a motherboard keep all the same drives you know and do stuff like that some people find that to be a good method of you know continually evolving okay so we see from the the cube um how do you input chords into empty midi regions without the chord track you know so you could do even like you know step input so let's say if i have an empty part here okay so i will just put in step input and i'll just switch let's say i want to put in whole notes and so i will put step input put a whole notes and then i could just um actually just play chords so once you do that then you can populate chords pretty easily uh without having to use the chord track chord tracks pretty fast too all right so we see uh jazz dudes on the live stream so i think he got caught up in the time change sorry about that i think we go through our time change this sunday in the u.s so hopefully it'll be kind of all in sync on normal times for next week all right so we have stefan checking in from sweden thanks for joining us we see uh jameson allen card just says cubase is the best daw so i agree with you okay so we just see uh is there a way to add insert plugins and and define them as default inserts for all track types so you know if you wanted to come over here you know so you could add track presets um so let's say you know if you wanted to you know we have an audio track here and it has you know this insert so let's say if i just so if i wanted this i could just come right over here and you know save the track preset and call that up and when i go to add tracks uh we could say load track preset and you could do it like that um and also so it may not be like you know for every time we add a channel add this plug-in because you know that may not be so useful but you could also you know say okay i wanted to take uh you know add plugins to all these tracks and you know i could enable quick link just right here and say okay i just wanted to add um you know a dual filter for all of the tracks so you know you could i'll do for the selected track here so say okay we'll come over here let's add a more filter to all the selected tracks so there's a number of ways to do that so um i don't know many times when you'd want to have like you know maybe you you know i can see maybe with an eq if you if you have that but a lot of times people would want kind of a clean slate for each track or have a just to have a template set up but it's easy to add inserts to multiple tracks as well pretty you know very easily okay so i just see what is a version of your cubase i'm running 11.041 i may have old projects that may say you know created in version 8 or something like that but it's i'm running version 11.041 all right so we have dave mckay checking in wonderful for you to be able to join us and we have chris hallum checking in from columbia south carolina all right so we have a question how can i sync delay to quarter note uh when time signature is off like six eight or five eight um okay so i have a project here that's in six eight i think this one's in six eight um so you know if you have a quarter note um you know it will be a quarter note regardless of the time regardless of the meter so let's say if i'm here [Music] so let's say you know we're in six eight um so at this point if i added a delay let's i'll just put it as an insert just for all right so let's say we'll make this a quarter note delay so it'll be a quarter note delay regardless of the [Music] a meter of times musically you may want to make it like a dotted quarter [Music] [Music] so you know just because it's in five eight six eight you know the delay time which is an automatable parameter you could just adjust to like a dotted value like a dotted quarter note uh is a great delay time for working in six eight or you could just make it a straight eighth note delay so if you're right here but it will still be a quarter note delay [Music] so it you know the delay time is variable so it could be a quarter note and that would be you know two beats of six eight so you could just kind of change and automate so if you do have uh meter changes in your song you may have to automate the delay times changing to make those fit okay uh so we just see uh can you make your own reverb reflection for reverence and how would you go about doing that so many people will capture their own impulses so let's say if we wanted to go to reverence here you know so some people will you know go through you know some people have like popped a balloon just to have that impulse there's some samples that people will use um so if you actually come directly over here you could just have so let me just make this a little louder too just to hear this a little bit all right so when we have an impulse all right so that's we can hear and audition kind of what the room sounds like what some people will do is kind of pop a balloon and record the ambient characteristics but you could also use this as just kind of a quick um let's set our uh mix to zero percent here so some people you could actually just kind of take this particular sound and that could trigger the impulse response so if you just kind of you know play that really loud in a room record the sound and just kind of take off this very initial click you know so if we do this now we can monitor the so if we wanted to we could listen to the actual room and then once you take that recording all you have to do is just click on import and it's just directing it to the wav file and then you could create your own wav files i had a friend who is you know made his whole career in his room in new york and was being torn down as part of the you know turning uh you know great classic legendary studio into you know condos i was kind of a victim to that and he just loved the sound of his tracking room so you just recorded the impulse response and was able to import that and keep working so he could still have the sound of his legendary room uh he just captured it and so when he's working now at home happily that he can still have the legendary sound just by importing that impulse response are you seeing jeff sabowski wants two scoops of ice cream by by showing a peace sign emoji so it's good to know all right and we have cedric checking in from india and i guess in india it's the uh festival of lights for 10 days starting today so it's a great thanks for letting us know cedric all right so we see uh from cubase junkies as uh if your global tempo is i guess it's a question let me read it uh if your global tempo said a certain way you have to manually change that um okay i guess this is with the uh with the tempo sync for the delay so okay reading through all right so we just see cubase junkie just mentioning uh oh yeah if you have presets saved in cubase 11 like presets for effects and instruments make sure you put them in a folder last year a lot of people uninstalled cubase 10 so generally that folder those presets will still be there so if you uninstall cubase 10 that they will still be saved in the user in the user category but one thing you could do you know if you're migrating from previous versions and you have lots of stuff is just to come over here and from your edit menu just go to the profile manager and export a profile and import it into the new version so all right so we have term a nuclear war joining from serbia see a lot of people joining an hour late or so all right he said jessibowski's asking if he heard i was psychic who says greg will barbara let me record her playing my jazz flute solo i wrote when she gets back from maine tomorrow and will she convinced greg her husband to play the bass part uh i heard you were psychic i think if you ask really nicely but probably if you use the michael teen's method of convincing someone by ice cream is always good so try that all right so we see uno memento checking in late from finland uh it says didn't notice the change in time so yeah i guess we're our continents are one hour off this week with daylight savings time so but i think we'll be back next week all in sync so just be aware for friday's live stream all right so we have patty checking in from frankfurt germany all right so we're seeing uh from sergo just saying uh in russia there are paid courses on fl studio in ableton on cubase no uh there are free ones but they did not give anything when i went to them for a whole year so you know a lot of times it's a just a good business model for the facilities to kind of teach you stuff that you could probably learn on live streams for you know little investment financially so all right my chat feel just jumped on me sorry about that all right so i think i'm in the ballpark where i was all right so you just see uh someone saying studio one or cubase so i think cubase is a better program so you could definitely uh check it out and we do these wonderful live streams that you can learn all sorts of great stuff so we see jarlath quinn just saying he enjoyed the last 10 minutes of the zoo meeting and he was having a technical issue with the sound he usually uses ms team so yeah sometimes i have to go back and forth all the time but we're glad that you could make it sorry that you weren't able to get in earlier all right so we're just saying cubase chunky just says uh you know groove agent drum samples are top notch and quality so yeah you could get a lot of great stuff all right john kosigan is just asking have you hit the like button today smack it so all right michael teams has granted me three scoops of scoopy's black diamond ice cream he always has the best flavors all right so we have a question uh why there are charges when there's upgrade version available at cubase and upgrade charges are too high so you know i think if you looked at you know features that are delivered in you know many companies that you know as there's new versions you'll see that you know cubase will often deliver four or five times the amount of new features in an upgrade so um you don't have to purchase the upgrade but you know it does take you know significant effort and time to you know to develop that and do all the engineering behind it so that's how we're able to continue to provide great cutting edge tools for our customers okay michael teams wants people to smash the like button okay so we're just saying uh uh from the cube just saying print the arps out uh one at a time then designed to sound in retrolog to taste to go over that uh in don segalos's channel so yeah you could do that and something else that you could do is let's say if um just do a new project here quickly so if you really like the uh kind of the arps in retrolog all right just try to come back to this project here quickly all right so let's say if we have um here's kind of a cool trick that a lot of people probably wouldn't know so say if we have within retrolog our particular arpeggiation going on you know one thing you could do is actually just hit record and then as you just kind of play [Music] so and now that you after you hit record you can just drag that particular arpeggiator out um and then if you wanted to apply this arpeggiator to other tracks maybe not a retrolog instrument uh if you go to the midi inserts we go to the apache sx and let's say this is our our our arpeggio from there and then we could just grab this arpeggio from this sequence and drop it right in so as we play you could just use that that particular arpeggio on other instruments as well if you wanted to match it if they didn't have like the similar style of arpeggiator from retrolog okay seeing some more information from soren so that's good to know thanks for letting me know and you can send me an email okay so we just see uh says uh hi i'm new to cubase the color coding system in this software is super confusing i'm not referring to tracks but some buttons on the right are blue uh change at the bottom not sure what to infer um so if you could let me know like exactly uh you know which uh so if it's not with this particular um so it says you know some buttons on the right or blue so you know if this is the right hand zone that would indicate that that is selected um orange at the bottom um so orange could be when we're dealing with uh send effects so let's say if i add a send effect i will come over here let's so sometimes depending on if the track is um in pre or post fader so if i move it to so let's say if i wanted to come here we could you know so depending on so like pre and post fader could make a difference as well so say if we come here to uh inserts just go to like an audio track here just to show so let's say if we go to inserts and then if i wanted this to [Music] b2 post fader so that's when you could see stuff in orange pre-fader in blue so that's why you know so sometimes the colors i know if you're just kind of starting off um that that could be a little confusing but you know you should be able to you know the color distinctions uh do make sense for a reason so it could indicate like signal flow all right wonderful to see jim hintz on the live stream says just saying hi to me and my son ryan so it was wonderful to see you in the live stream missing you in person at washington music hopefully we'll be able to get started maybe in the spring next year all right so we see jose belski just saying sorry that you missed the zoom meetup so hopefully next one you can do it i think it's going to be the tuesday after thanksgiving in the united states um so just see um hello greg are there any synth modules in cubase that can be edited in the same way as a synth like serum you know so there are a lot of different synthesizers so i don't have serum so i don't have a license for it but you know depending so i you know but there's lots of if you want to do you know different synthesis options for let me just go over here let's say you know to the synthesizer part there will be you know different uh modules inside of like halley and sonic se so if you wanted to add an instrument track here [Music] and let's say if you wanted to be more [Music] kind of like a wave table synth you could come over here and these will be different uh modules so if you wanted to you know come over let me see the one i was thinking of like flux you know you can now come over here so i'm not familiar with serum i don't have a license of it but as you go to edit here you could adjust you know different formats and filters and if you get more into you know the position of the waveform so um so but let me know if it's a particular type of synthesis or if you want to email me a screenshot um you know i'd be happy to take a look at it and you can email me at club cubase at steinberg dot d e uh so we have a question uh do i need to install groove agent sc content if i already bought and installed the full version of groov agent 5 thanks so i think it would be the same so uh i don't think it's necessary uh to do that so um but i i could try to do some research on it but i believe that the full version of groove hm5 would have all of the content from cubase as well plus more all right so you see um what is the standard uh pc or laptop configuration for uh cubase 11 pro so it really isn't a standard configuration i know a lot of my r b producer friends tend to like the asus notebooks um you know and we'll kind of load it up with the i9 macbook pros are popular too and you can just run windows on if you get like an i9 macbook pro so actually i find that the windows works better on the macbook pro than mac os does for a lot of stuff so um but there you know there isn't a standard you know a lot of people like you know intel chips a lot of people like the ryzen chips for the you know for the you know cost to benefit ratio so excuse me um all right so i just see uh hello greg is there um is it possible for each individual chord to create different arpeggio patterns in retro log so i think that as you you know retro log i believe when we go to the arpeggiator that it's going to be kind of global and not based on the chords let me just take a look and see if i wanted to you know you might be able to go to quarter and i don't think that this would do um do different arpeggios for each chord so you may have to kind of manually do that um you know but a lot of times the arpeggio will you know you could just as the chord is changing as you change the chord voicings you'll get different results from the arpeggiator so if i play just a a block f major chord um you know you may get different results than kind of changing different voicings on it all right so we have a question hello greg is there a list of cubase functionalities that a beginner could reference for practicing cubase um you know there's not like a a you know a particular list of cubase functionalities you know and it really could depend on you know what is basic functions to one person like let's say if you're a classical composer doing soundtracks versus doing hip hop you know this could be two very different things so what i would suggest is figuring out what you want to do what you want to accomplish and you know say okay today i want to work on programming a drum beat or i want to work on vocals and then kind of do research and look at youtube videos and search the cubase index for particular things like that because everyone's going to have different things that they need and you know i know people that you know do incredibly successful work using cubase and they work completely differently and have a completely different approach and it's you know they're both valid so all right um so i just see discussion anything it's directed towards cubase junkie i look but cannot find how to uninstall just a hub other than simply deleting a dll files any clues so i think what you could do i think that there's a preference let's go maybe under general so try under general and just uncheck use hub and see if that will kind of do what you want to accomplish all right so we just see uh question does the cube has his own channel to greg for asking questions so you know anyone could ask questions it's uh you know there's no limit to questions so you know if we didn't have questions we wouldn't have live streams so everyone could ask as many questions as they want all right so we see from uh says still waiting for cubase job to download the knowledge directly into my brain so if you keep watching all the live streams they'll just come in all the knowledge will be there by osmosis so you can put it on as you go to sleep okay so we just see uh which method can quickly produce a one-page chord charts uh with lyrics essential riffs etcetera for one page print out in score fake book format um [Music] all right so let's come over here um so i think i have a project where my friend clay does this wonderful clay oswald uh let me just see if i have his project in okay let's get this open it's kind of a big project and you can check out clay's work with uh did a bunch of the big gloria stefan hits and seventh crossing so i think if we look at this project that often let's see if it's in this one or it might be so what clay does in his projects is just under parts um he has kind of like a lead sheet so when we go to look at this in the score editor um so here you know you could just put the slashes in you could put rehearsal marks um so you could put melodies in um as you see this and then i think clay has it where it's also transposed to be flat for um like for trumpets and alto sax so that you know they could just kind of play the lines just kind of uh you know just like that so but you could you know put in the chords directly from the chord chart or just put them in and put the slashes in as well so um and then lyrics can be added just by going to the lyrics here and as you just wanted to type hit the tab key and then you could have the lyrics in as well all right so we see uh just a question um uh what do you believe is the best feature added between 9.5 to version 11. um so i would say in 10 the just kind of the new graphic user interface overall i think has been really appealing to me i really uh in version 10 was also kind of the very audio 2.0 uh i think that the improved sidechaining was really welcome um i like you know stuff like the the included plug-ins like destroyer and um you know squasher were great additions in super you know supervision uh if you're a composer probably the export audio functionality with the job cues in 11 was really um significant but i think that each you know those are just some personal ones but you know and different features will be more significant depending upon the projects you do in your workflow but okay reading through more all right so we see how to draw multiply uh midi notes longer same time in a logical at in the key editor pro 11. all right so let me just okay so um let's just reread this um how to draw multiple midi notes longer at the same time so if we you know have these notes selected in the key editor i'll just make this larger so it's easier to see i'll just draw some in here so if i just have these selected we could just kind of draw you know extend the length of the selected notes and i turned my snap off and now it's not going to so you could do it just kind of like that you know just whatever notes are selected and at that point you could just you know extend the length so let me know you know if these notes are all selected here we could just adjust our length multiply so let me know if that's what you want to accomplish all right so we have scott maxson checking in from los angeles thanks for joining all right we have paul gandhi checking in from toronto okay so we see uh can you show how to use the spectrum analyzer to help eq a mic or would it not be helpful so let's say um okay so let's say if i'm looking at this and i want it to eq maybe the saxophone part so we can see kind of the spectrum view here so a lot of times you know you could see [Music] the exact notes so you could say there's a lot of activity here and maybe you want to kind of cut those frequencies and you can say this is probably [Music] so being able to know what you know what frequencies are present and as they say okay this is a little kind of wonky here you could adjust and just kind of scoop that out if that's bothering you and you could almost see kind of the melody and where where else gets to be handy is let's say i wanted to take this saxophone and we could add a different track so i could go to like the vocals and then you could switch and now i could eq the vocals [Music] and you can see which tracks so you can see like if you have two tracks are kind of fighting each other frequency wise you can see the other eq frequency and then say okay i just wanted to eq the vocal down now i want to eq the sacks and you could toggle back and forth [Music] so now i wanted to come here to and now i'm eq in the socks now me doing the vocal and you can see there are two frequency spectrums kind of in the background so that's helpful for doing a lot of eq'ing and how you could use this spectrum grease reading on all right so you see a question um says i got a midi question can i have a midi track receive record from a midi controller the note c1 and only c1 even if i press the whole octave uh can i do this in cubase thanks a million so if you only wanted to filter uh like all notes to only be c1 let me just find um so let's say [Music] okay so if you go to the input transformer here we could make this be local or global and we want to activate it and we could say function we want to filter and we could say we want to do we want to filter notes um and we could say value one which is pitch we want to say unequal to c one so what this will do is once this is active this module is active it will not record any notes other than c1 for this particular track and we could have this be local or be global so if you wanted to save that as a preset so just come over here and you could save it as a preset if you wanted to but under function choose filter and say type is equal to note and then we want to say the value 1 which will be pitch is unequal to c1 so any note that is unequal to c1 will be filtered and you won't be able to hear so only c1 will be heard so you could just do that save it as a preset all right so we see john koskin just saying thanks for a tip on importing a reverb impulse revelation using revelation so that's actually the revelation using reverence so but yeah yeah it's a great it's a great uh trick so i know you did a lot of work in theater so you could probably have the sound of the theater as well and capture that and there's lots of great uh impulses that you could import from from the web as well all right so to respond to a quick text all right so we see um cc checking in from the uk thanks for joining us all right and we have uh irkan checking in from turkey thanks for being part of the live stream all right my chat field jumped on me so let me see if i get back okay so i think i'm back to where i was all right so you see uh question does cubase run just fine with rosetta and the apple silicon chip like on a new mac mini with the m1 chip so it does so so we have many people getting very happy with their performance so you see and when will cubase run native apple silicon so you know i know the development team is working on it and you know there's will probably be some third-party components that may never be updated for apple silicon stuff like rewire so um so we're just kind of getting all that figured out okay so you see in the inspector within the instrument drop down there's a light blue region that contains several buttons is there a reason this region is highlighted is it more important than something else sorry so let's come over here to i'll just jump back to new project here [Music] okay so um i'm just seeing so inspector within the instrument drop down so i'm not sure if i'm in the right area um there's a blue region that contains several buttons um is the reason this region is highlighted is it just more important than something else i'm not sure if it's um you know maybe if it's like the track color here is blue that you're seeing um but this will allow you to get to the audio if it's this area here so we see that the colors will kind of match here so we see this and this so this could get you to like the midi routing and midi volume and this would get you to the audio characteristics so if you want to quickly add you know effects eqs and you know inserts and channel strip that's kind of just a quick uh visual highlight so that you can get there quicker with that so let me know if that's what you're talking about if not just let me know if i'm misunderstanding okay so we see um i can only find a way to set grid to bars and beats in the cubase audio editor what would be nice to have more control than that so let's go take a look okay so i'm here let's say if i switch my master time to uh you know so right now we see bars and beats as our master time so that's what we see in the sample editor but if we switch our master time here to let's say seconds we can now come over here and see everything broken down by seconds or by you know frame rate so it really just matters uh what you have your master time codes set to so if you wanted to see this in sam like in frames for film work or if you wanted to see it in samples so you can get down to 1 192 000 of a second so kind of the time grid that we see here in the sample editor as well as the main time grid it really just kind of depends upon what you have set as the master time so if you want to see uh more you know resolution options or you know something besides bars and beats to have more control just simply switch the master time display okay just reading through comments okay so you see um okay uh question how to avoid this uh irritating audio dropouts my processor keeps going crazy all of a sudden out of the blue it really kills my production vibe so you know if you're having dropouts you know it could be that your processors may be getting over utilized so the first thing i would do is go to your studio menu to studio setup uh go to your audio select your audio system here and try just to raise the buffer size so you know that would be the first thing that i would do um yeah and we could think of this you know if we're to kind of make an analogy think about it as like a factory conveyor belt and you know you had to put four items into a box and every four items have to go into a single box and then another or let's say yeah depending on this we had to put uh 32 items in a box and every box had to have 32 so that is a lot less room for error than putting 64 or 256 so you know the lower the the latency or buffer the higher your computer works so try raising your buffer size as the first thing and let me know if you've done that um and there is kind of a whole uh you know if you're on windows check out the as jazz dude indicated check out the dpc latency uh checker as well it's the utility that could find um you know particular components that might be interrupting you know kind of what's needed for uh like you know real time performance okay so easy uh is it possible to use a logical editor for mixdown if i want to master stems of like five songs um i have to repeat i have to export stems again and it's a lot of work um so if they're all within the same project um you could do that you know there's a way to kind of simplify this so let's say if we have this as project one and then we have project two project three so let's say like if it's a live thing and we had all these different recordings what you could do is if we come here we could add a marker track okay so i'm going to set my left and right locators around this particular event and i'm going to add a marker track okay excuse me and what i want to do is i'll select this hit the letter p and then we're just going to add a cycle marker so i'll come here hit the letter p add a cycle marker p so you know if we just do this and create cycle markers for each of these so now when i go to export um we could choose to export multiple and then by cycle markers so we could just come right over here and then we could export multiple projects or multiple songs within the same project just by doing uh just by doing it as uh cycle markers and then you could add it to a queue just like that so so if they're all in one particular project you know if they're five separate projects you know the cubase isn't going to automatically open up a project and then export it there is an automated process between projects but if they're all in one project you could export based on the cycle markers if your cycle markers are named you could export using the name of the cycle markers as well okay so we see uh aq is orange is probably with why some things are orange or different colors so a q is orange just because that's automatic quantize and that is you know just showing that it is selected you know like some different things will have different colors if they are active and selected so if i come over here we could see that you know i could activate the metronome click or count in but different things will have different color options just to make sure and i think when something is orange it's just easier to distinguish because you know some people make quan you know may accidentally leave that on so kind of like you know why orange is used in like you know a road hazard sign you know it's something that you know shouldn't kind of blend in as easily so i think that's why we see a the auto quantize set to orange all right wonderful to see jvi on our live stream and we see he was a victim of the different daylight saving times for different continents as well all right so i just see a comment uh it'd be easier to follow the pointer if it was a bright color and maybe a larger size so i have it kind of a large size but let me see if i could uh figure out how to make it white uh easily see if that's helpful but i did increase it to make it more obvious to people i know it's not directed just at me but let me just see that's awful all right so see so it doesn't look like i could you know with the mac i could see if i could make the mac os make the cursor set to white somehow but i i did increase it you know at people's request earlier you know a couple months ago okay reading through comments okay so we see from jvi uh i had a brain freeze earlier i have a track with 10 lanes i want to keep three of the lanes i usually bounce but then i lose two tracks what was the way to do this again all right okay so let's say if you know one way of doing this let's say if we have all of our lanes uh set up here if you select the lanes so say i select all the lanes here and right click and we can say create tracks from lanes and then you could just erase to one so try selecting the lanes right click and say create tracks from lanes and then you could delete the other ones and still keep three out of ten and still have the one but still have the two if you wanted some variations okay just reading through comments i think about 25 minutes behind the live questions trying to catch up all right uh so we see a question from jeff szabowski just saying uh greg when testing many mic cords uh with cubase what is the best way to use a limiter so when we uh find a bad cord that crackles and blows speakers it doesn't um so sometimes you know people in that situation will just put a limiter um like in the inserts for the master section so let's say if we go to the main and they may just put a safety limiter here and just be able to you know set the amount directly here as they're kind of changing so in that way it's not necessarily affecting your mix but you could kind of have your safety limiter so just go to the main area and you may have to click on the main click and then click on inserts and then you could uh put a limiter there but you could always you know like while you're switching you could always just dim the signal or mute the signal as well so because no one needs to hear you know my cables getting unplugged and stuff okay so we have a question uh is there a recommended way to run 32-bit vsts in cubase 11 so if you have to run 32-bit plug-ins i think you could still use jaybridge it's not i wouldn't say to recommend it because it could add to a lot of system instability but uh look at jaybridge and i think that could get you if you have to do it that would be a way to do it all right so we just see a question uh from peter k says i hope you're doing great uh does cubase have a touch automation mode similar to pro tools so i don't know pro tools at all but usually when i get this question it's going to be um all right so let's say if we have let me just revert this project here so usually when we you know when people kind of ask this it's uh so say we you know we have automation going on so what a lot of people want to do is just to so right now we don't have a value for the beginning and the end so that we have no automation data so what a lot of people want to do uh is just to come over here and they will you know want to put this into touch mode and say okay i just want to bump that up and then you know as they bump up i'll just rewind this a little bit we'll start lower here so say as they bump up you know they just say okay i want to write my automation and then they wanted to go back to where it was previously but you know since there is no point that cubase has been told to return to um you know it may you know it's going to stay at that particular value so you know what some people will do is just kind of you know grab the whole tool here and set the initial value and now there's a return point so when we're in touch mode you could just kind of come right over here and now you let go it will go right back to the known value because it's been written so other methods to do this um you know once you go into the automation modes here is you could just choose to uh you know the very first time just right to end so if you just say okay you know when we uh come right over here you can say right to start and end and as we do this we could say okay i'm going to touch the fader and now the automation can be written in when we have like two start end to end turned on so if i move it that could put the faders in but if cubase doesn't know where to return the values you know it's it makes sense like a physical fader if you move it up and it doesn't have a point to return to that you know at that point once you have that point it'll just automatically do the return so let me know if that's kind of what you're wanting to accomplish okay reading through questions okay so we have a question uh hi greg thank you for sharing your knowledge uh my question for you today would be how can i make my alesis v61 midi controller control faders master faders so you know a lot of times the you know we could do this through uh remote generic remote control so you know if your alesis controller does a lot of them may do mackie control for if you have like eight faders so if it has a mackie control you want to click on the plus sign and just come over here add a mackie control and then tell it where to actually go for you know your lysis v61 in and out um so if it's just has like eight faders you may just have to set up a generic remote so if you come over here to studio to studio setup you could click here add a generic remote and then we could see okay this will control you know we have eight channels here and i could come over here to find the inputs and outputs mu and if you don't know what midi message is being transmitted simply click on the learn select this and use and move the fader and that will capture the midi message uh and then that will control fader one fader two fader three so and then you could just use your generic remote if it's just like has eight faders on it then you could use that for channels 1 through 8 9 through 16. so you could just assign those particular messages to the generic remote to have it control mixer volumes okay read through comments all right so we see michael pierce is on the live stream so no problem being late we're glad you can make it it's great to see you on the zoo meet up on friday all right so a question from michael pierce a random question what's the point of the generic plugging gui in a drop down menu to the top right of the vst plugins without gui's or screen readers and such so sometimes you know plugging gui's can be problematic especially in high dpi mode so let's say just to kind of show this and let's say if we had a let's say a complex plug-in let me just all right so say if we go to our multi-tap delay all right so there's lots of parameters here so sometimes people can't find the parameters in the actual plug-in um so at that point you could switch to kind of a generic editor and be able to kind of see all the parameters which are kind of currently active so a lot of people use it for that um you know and sometimes you know depending on the high dpi settings like gui's from uh some plug-in manufacturers don't show up or they show up way too big like you know if you have a macbook air which with a really kind of small screen resolution that the plug-in may extend beyond the screen resolution of the computer then you could access all the parameters with a generic remote okay so we see uh how to use the supervision through side chain to reference mixes using different meters uh spectrum bars spectrum curve and also used a control room trick uh a and b referencing okay so let's come over here get that set up for pablo thanks for all the wonderful questions again if you learn a new tip or trick make sure that you do hit the like button okay so let's say i have um a reference mix here and i'm going to go ahead and just kind of mess up the reference mix it's obvious okay and what i want to do is to actually send this to our queue so i'll send this to q1 and send its output to no bus so now when i listen to um the audio here i could listen to the entire [Music] mix but now when i go to cue mix one i'm only hearing this reference [Music] so say that's my reference and this is my mix so i could toggle between so i'm just sending this not through the master bus but i'm sending my reference through the control room headphone so that we could actually monitor without all of the master chain so when we send our reference it's not going through our master processing so that's how you could do that now let's say we want to incorporate this with the uh supervision plug-in so i'll just add a brand new instance of supervision so and i want to see like the spectrum bar all right and i want to add another spectrum bar here okay so now i want to take my bottom one and i'm going to go to uh the settings here and i want to have this as the side chain source and let's come over here and i think we could have our reference mix we just look for it okay so now we should see if i did it right [Music] so if i wanted to adjust my eq [Music] all right [Music] all right let me see if i just get this routing here [Music] see as i adjust this i get them [Music] so what i want to do is try to get that obnoxiously eq'd sound represented here so let's take a look i had this before on a previous live stream but let me just check [Music] so [Music] all right so go here [Music] so i may have to run let's see if i run two instances of supervision [Music] and i'll sidechain this one [Music] foreign [Music] see if i just put it here [Music] yeah i'm not sure why i thought that i had it where we could do like one side chain source versus another but maybe i'm just having a brain cramp on it but i'll play around with it a little bit pablo see if i get that going for you sorry about that you can see pablo just saying hi ryan so you may hear him in the background it's kind of a rainy day so you can't go out as much with his friends today play outside all right my chatfield just jumped all right so i think i'm back to where i was right so we see uh steve thomas or tomas uh i'm a newbie to cubase i just started produced trans only four weeks ago so we've got loads to learn so um yeah so welcome to the live stream and we hope to see you on more and please don't hesitate to ask any questions all right uh so i just see from andy 63 58 evening greg i changed my motherboard and cpu recently and now i get a message every time i start that my foot my footprint has changed how would i go about getting rid of it so usually installing the e-licenser program one more time will usually will kind of take care of that so try just do you know download and reinstall the e-licenser program all right so we have a question from uh riley richard uh when should we expect cubase 12. so you know as we mentioned before generally the um you know the steinberg doesn't generally announce uh like when products are shipping until they're shipping so i can't really disclose it because you know if i was involved in testing i'd be under a non-disclosure agreement so um so just see a question uh greg are the cubase engineers going to add some matrix sequencer windows to it that keywock was trying to implement in sonar so i will pass that suggestion along so i know we always pass on all the questions so i'll make sure that that gets passed along as a suggestion but i haven't heard of it nothing's been announced with that okay so you see uh ah okay um i can't seem to get 16th notes when using bars and beats uh maybe i missed something so if you're and this might be with the sample editor so say if we're looking at our sample editor here and we wanted to see this we probably just need to uh you know if you set the snap here you know it's like a lot of times when we're editing something on a grid so we could set it to bar but you could also use the quantize pattern and then just use 16th notes so often you could you know see the you could change the grid based on the use quantize so you may want to give that a quick try and see if that helps with the grid for you so you see michael teams and john costigan in a discussion about the lewitt microphones um yeah also and see uh michael team's just mentioning he might be or he might be getting akg 414 you know check out the austrian audio stuff too michael i got one and be very happy with it so we see a question from jeff sabelsky uh are there precautions to consider when importing a music xml file into dorco elements from nuendo the chords had a few things length issues i needed to check and edit to repair the lead sheet so i think that a lot of times you know when you're doing you know when you're working with music xml there's always going to be a little bit of tweaking you know between different programs so there's nothing that's like you know huge that you have to worry about but you know you'll find maybe different things and um you know you might have to just kind of tweak just a little bit so all right so we see cedric is taking off so thanks for joining us for the live stream okay so we see uh hi greg uh when i right click and add a new audio midi instrument track what is it sometimes added to the very bottom of the project window so sometimes it depends on like if you're adding let's say [Music] if you know it may not add it into a particular you know into a folder so let's say if i come over here and i have everything in a folder and i right click and i say oh let's add not let's add a instrument track um i'll make this an active project first that would help um so when you go to add an instrument track um that doesn't go below that but it because it's in a folder so it may just automatically go there sometimes when you're adding particular types of tracks so let's say like an effects track you could choose to create inside folder or outside folder and we can think of create outside folder as just being the um you know we could think of that as just you know below selected track an inside folder would go into the groups folder or the effects folders so but it could depend on like you know sometimes if you see it sometimes doing it sometimes not like if you have a part selected or a track selected or if there are tracks within a folder may not added into the folder specifically but below the folder or towards the bottom okay reading through comments thanks for all the great discussion okay read through more comments all right we see sable winters on the live stream great to see you on the zoom meet up on friday all right david greta griffiths who's just landed in southern spain and logged in thanks for joining us hopefully you're on a nice vacation uh so you see a question from uh cc just saying what's your favorite vst if you ever need to smooth out harsh vocal recordings so you know if i had it you know depending how complex it was you know sometimes just a you know a compressor would be really good but you know if it was something really challenging i would probably go for the frequency eq and then once you get into the frequency eq right is that each band could not only have you know full eq capabilities with you know linear phase eq options but you could also have dynamic eqs so if you wanted to just apply dynamics on a very kind of narrow frequency range you could adjust the dynamics just right there so if you had to be very surgical i would you know and a normal compressor or eq wasn't fixing it i would probably go for frequency because you have eight bands of eq and each of the bands could be set for left right uh mid side on stereo tracks um you know with independent settings plus the dynamics control in each of the bands if you needed it but you know ideally if you try to avoid a harsh vocal chain that's recorded that's always the best choice so okay reading through comments all right okay just reading through more comments thanks for all the great okay we're still reading through so all right and we have dennis just joining us now you don't have to worry about being late so we don't give out hardy slips so we're just here to teach everyone okay so we see uh from sable winters uh greg i'm starting to use cubasis for android on the run do you know if it's difficult to import small uh cubase projects uh under 10 tracks so you know i think you know it's there's not a direct import of cubase to that but you know if you have like a mixed down file you know you could take like you know take it as an mp3 or wav file on your phone and then kind of you know work from that and then import those files directly back into cubase but you could take a you know cubasis project and import that all right so we see a question hello how to pirate cubase um you go to the steinberg online shop and then click on shop and then you get it's a steal for what you get yeah so we see michael pierce just saying the austrian audio gear is uh high in his to buy list they did a very clever thing akg so the story i heard uh was it was kind of the akg you know development team and when they got kind of disbanded uh they then bought all the machinery from uh from akg kind of at a fraction of the cost so it was so and akg i think i'd heard paid for all their r d for uh future products that you know ended up kind of being austrian audio products so okay so we see uh from jeff sabelsky uh what's the easiest way to use a test mix track innuendo to keep the master mix clean of inserts um okay so let's just jump back this is what we're just trying to get going with the project with frequency eqs let me just jump back to that one okay so if you wanted to use like a test mix track jeff maybe like a reference uh something that you're trying to kind of get into the ballpark you know what i would do is select that particular reference track go to cue sends you want to make sure that you have a cue send activated in the control room so come over here to the audio connections and control room and then i just made a q send just right click add cue and i made one i called it reference [Music] all right i'm going to delete that and actually add a make it a stereo all right so in my control room i'm going to add cue reference okay so you could have the audio file in your project and instead of sending it to your stereo bus you want to send it to no bus and to activate the qsend so this is my second qsend is reference so turn that on so now this track isn't playing back through my master of my master bus with all of its effects on it so as let's say you know if i wanted to now listen between the two different ones i could come over here and this could be a reference and this could be my mix just switching to control room tabs [Music] so now this is going through the control room not going through the master bus it's not routed there if i put on a huge insert [Music] since i put on something horribly obvious like a flanger on my master bus because everyone needs to do it now i go back to my main mix [Music] so this isn't going through the master channel just through the uh through the control room and you could check your levels and eqs and just use as a reference point so just see from michael teams just asking a fostering audio has a comparable mic to the 414 so i think it's the oc 818 is the one so check that out michael teams all right you see jarlathan is logging out so thanks for joining us okay so we have a question uh what is the uv-22hr mastering plug-in and how to work with it so what the uv-22 is and it's often going to be used like in the master bus of a particular project that's a dithering plug-in so we'll see it kind of under the mastering section and what this allows you to do is to when you're taking an audio file that's let's say 24 bit you know 48k and then you want to have the same quality when you go down to maybe a lower resolution format or different sample rate say for like a 16-bit 44.1 cd uh at that point you know what dithering does is it kind of allows you to kind of keep the same uh the higher resolution sound for lower resolution files so that's what the uv 22 dithering is for to kind of maintain kind of the sonic integrity with the um you know at working with lower resolution files okay reading through see dan freeman just saying i wish i could have made it to zoom but it had appointments come up and get missed so i think it will do the next one i think it's uh maybe november 30th or 31st uh in the u.s it's i think the tuesday after thanksgiving so so look forward to doing uh that okay reading through comments all right so we have a question from randy lee does cubase innuendo look that similar uh thought they were different so they will look very similar there will be some things that will have um slight interface uh design changes but they are you know if i opened up nuendo you you know i could do a whole thing innuendo and most people wouldn't notice um so it's just uh they do look very similar just nuendo offers additional functionality that's not found in cubase so okay reading through comments okay so we see is there a way to have individual output stems with different sample rates bit depths uh file types during single mix down all right so we'll just kind of show this quickly so okay so we could have each of those different ones in what we call uh like job cues so if we do export so let's say if i wanted to do an export of i go to my export audio mix down so say i wanted to do stems i'll just make sure okay so um okay so at this point sorry i just have like 100 emails coming in i could say okay on this particular one let's say i wanted to do 24-bit 48k so i'll say okay let's do uh 24.48 and now i need to do uh all of the channels i'll just say okay we're going to take all my effects channels all of the instruments and then i could add that to the queue uh at this point i could say now i need it to be 24.96 then at this point i could add that to the queue i need this to be 32 bit uh 48k so say 32-bit 48k but i need these to be split channels add that to the queue so now what i could do is just say start q export and it would you know once i have these different queues set up for the different sample rates and different bit depths and file formats then i could just start to queue export and it would do all those different scenarios at once all right so we see bring back mixer maps and better outboard control so you know mixer maps you could kind of do uh using the so a lot of you know a lot of you know very complex things will now just have um you know vst editors but you can create your own device panels so which are very analogous to mixer maps so if you wanted to come over here to uh your studio setup and i think it's not there sorry but if we go to studio to your midi device manager so if we wanted to come right over here we could say let's open the device and now we could you know add a panel we could make it inspector size general size channel strip size and then we could you know at this point okay now we have this on channel one and you know what do i want to add okay so i could have a background i wanted faders and i wanted to have this do midi cc or midi cis x messages so you can come over here and still do that so if you wanted to build your own editors you can do that and access it directly from device panels or within the mix console as well so okay so we see uh what options for parallel compression um can be arranged in cubase so you know there's a number of ways to kind of do this so let's say um like in this project i wanted to take like all my drums and do parallel on them so we'll come over here say okay so i could take all of my drums here and let me just check my control room make sure route it out to the same okay so one easy way of doing it is just kind of select all your sources and what i want to do is i'm just gonna add two group tracks so we'll say okay we'll make these stereo we'll create them outside of the folder then i go to my sends here so i'll just say select all my drum tracks go to descends i will turn on quick link let's send it all to group one and let's send it all to group two and the second one so turn that on and i'll just send these to absolute value so now we've routed these tracks to our two groups and what i want to do on one of the groups is just come over here and let's apply just like a heavy compression so right now we're sending the drums to this group and we're sending it to this group and this group has the really heavy compression so this way we can kind of get the dynamics with just that group and i could kind of get the punch of the compression by dialing this group in and you can just find that sweet spot so without that so without the parallel compressed track so that's how you could do parallel compression quite easily see michael pierce is reminding us that the proper way to say an akg 414 is in england is they called a 4-1-4 so cultural audio things okay so we have a question from scott uh l wilson uh what is the benefit to real time mix down versus offline um so offline you know it used to be that people would do uh you know if you're utilizing any upward gear like external instruments or external processing it has to be done offline uh there's no sonic difference between them so if you're actually you know as you're working you know and you do an offline and you know and uh i guess the real time well the real time mixdown is you know often going to be faster than you know than the actual playback of the project um and we would have you know people using other programs to get crazy if they did like an hour-long tv show and they would export uh you know in other programs they would have to do it and it would take the length of the project and would do it in one hour and you know if you use the program like cubase it might be five minutes so you know if you're getting paid by the hour i guess you know uh offline you know if you're doing like kind of real time um is good you know but if you want if you don't if you want to get your work done faster you know there's no sonic degradation doing kind of real time versus offline see pablo is appreciating google translator so it's great if english isn't your native language i appreciate it when i travel especially to japan and i have all those funny letters so all right great to see uh brian sawyer on the live stream and um sorry to hear about uh your family situation but hopefully we'll catch you on the next uh zoom meet up but glad you could join us and you'll be in our thoughts in your time of suffering now okay michael teams wants people to whack the like button okay so we see a question from uh jeff zabelski uh greg i exported to an mp3 and a wave uh both sounded same volume but when uploading the same wav file to soundcloud it was uh half the volume of the mp3 uploaded any insight as to that effect thanks so sometimes depending on you know [Music] so you know it should you know i don't know i don't think that there's anything in cubase that would make it sound different in soundcloud unless there is perhaps um because i think soundcloud will play kind of like a full resolution file which is why people uploaded there but you know maybe somehow it you know they obviously all have some kind of algorithm to stream the audio online so i'm not sure if soundcloud is just playing the full resolution file or if it's uh maybe has something in its playback engine sometimes you know like we had i saw the read to comment earlier i think it was from john costigan saying you know like he sent something that was kind of the wrong levels to um you know to sound you know to a radio station and you know they had problems you know with it um you know didn't translate as well so you know there could be some different playback algorithms that they're using so but if you could let us know kind of what level it was as well and sometimes maybe you know like they decode the mp3 uh differently than for playback then they do a wav file okay so we learned it's uh 414 in spain as well so it's not just the american european thing all right as pablo is confirmed um so we see michael pierce just says he mentions that he did have a producer that was worried about the comparison between off and online bouncing and is with another program apparently they didn't null at 100 at minus 120 db or something so some of the other programs used to have to do everything in real time because it physically ran through the dsp um but since things have gone native so there's there's a lot of almost mystique about that that it can't be as good because uh you know because other programs didn't allow you to do that because physically the audio had to be processed through the dsp you know and since that changed then you know people's opinions changed on that interestingly enough so yeah we see john costigan mentioning uh i tried mixing down handles messiah in another program and a real-time mixdown it only took three hours so yeah the worst part of that john is having to play handel's messiah which i did for many many christmases in college so it's like oh another messiah gig so all right wonderful to see gareth on the live stream glad he could sneak in to say hi all right so i think i'm almost caught up with the questions i know we had some that were sent in so let's go ahead and get to those thanks for all the wonderful questions all right let me go over to my word document here all right so i think i'm sorry about that all right okay uh so we had a question how to randomize midi events using the logical editor okay so let me just jump over to all right so i'll just come over here and let's talk about like some randomness and usually like hi-hats are good for this so let me just okay so let's say i'll just put in some hi-hat okay so let's say as we're listening to our hi-hats realize that this could be uh a bit extra annoying and sound incredibly machine like when we have our different hi-hats not really changing so if we wanted to randomize different things you know we could come to the logical editor so what we want to do is to choose to transform and we're going to say type is equal to note or we could actually just come here say value to and then what we want to do is to adjust you know let's just choose note here and we want to take value to so which will be velocity and we want to set to relative random values between let's say 80 and 120 so what this will do is it will take the velocity of the hi-hats and instead of it being all fixed at 100 i could come over here and let me just i'll just set random values i'll trace again sorry about that so now as i play we could just have that automatically just go between the different random values and you can just do this and let's say i want this between 60 and 120 so now so again just say transform you want to say type is equal to note value 2 we want to set to random values between 60 and 120 so being that that was totally fixed we could just make that more interesting now let's say we want to adjust the position and we can say set to random values and we'll just say between minus 20 and 20. so now instead of it being perfectly straight on the grid you could just adjust the position as well or if you wanted to set the random pitches so those are a couple things that you could do to just kind of make uh midi values random and a little more musical especially if something is kind of programmed in and you just don't want you know the high hats could be a dead giveaway for a lot of programmed drums if they're all you know much louder so all right so i think we covered the next question i had from linux already all right so question um uh in cubase i need to copy the clip gain lines from one event uh track to another track uh these are pre-fade lines from the pencil tool used directly in event not automation lines uh thanks uh for all your knowledge you spread on the live streams all right so let's take a look at this um so i think this is like if we look at like our pencil tool and we draw volume on the events here um so let's say if we need to apply that curve and generally this is part of the event itself but i'm going to let's just copy this i'm going to hold down my alt or option key so if we do that i have my curve here but it's still the same event so if i wanted a different audio file to play what i could do is i will just come over here and since i i'm going to hold down the shift key and i'll replace only this one so now i could take that same curve that we had here for the kind of pre-fader gain and copy it and then replace the event on top of it and then the clip gains that we've drawn in will be maintained so if you kind of copy it first and then take that file and drag it on then you should be able to maintain the curve without uh but it doesn't allow you to necessarily copy that particular curve so give that a try tiago all right and soren we kind of replied by email and we can get some more information but we got that going already okay let me go to [Music] another project here first next question [Music] okay so the question is i recorded some guitar um i'm sorry uh let's see uh i edited audio using audio warp twice now and after i bounce and replace the events my transients have moved slightly uh before i bounced i'm moving my transients so that the middle of their peaks are centered on a grid as best as i could tell attached is a recording showing the transient peaks are centered to the grid for two transients and after bouncing and replacing events the first transient is shifted forward slightly and the next transient is shifted back slightly uh some transients seem to not have moved the first time i did this had to re-edit almost every transient uh for this audio event most transients didn't move i'm using the elastic pro format pitch should this be happening so one thing that i would check so if you've kind of gone through and you know let's say if we're here and we have our hit points and we've cur and we created warp markers and now we've done free warping you know so let's say if i'm here and i have this set to um you know to free warp where i could move kind of my different parts what you may have to do is just go to your process and choose to flatten and what that'll do is that will kind of render the particular audio file so it could be um that you know you might have to render that particular audio file now something else to worry about is when we go to the hit points um you know we could come over here and you know we could choose to align so let's say if we uh just find our hit points here we adjust our threshold accordingly you know we could choose to have these align only to like you know the quarter notes so make sure that in beats that you have this set to all as well uh and that could be causing some of the problems that you're running into as well so i would try those two things and see if that works okay another question um i recorded some guitar in cubase and let the program sit for a while while i used other apps then i was sitting at my desk doing non-computer stuff notice that the fan for my mobile desktop was going cubase shouldn't have been doing anything i know of i looked over and saw cubase was peaking its processing close the programs i don't need open cubase continued peaking and he sent a video along with this um i saved a project then selected quit and it prompted me to save it which i thought was strange it then took forever to actually quit i used to have this issue with my alienware all the time but this custom mobile desktop hasn't been doing this till now rebooting cubase didn't resolve this issue how to reboot the computer so a lot of times what that kind of sounds like you know i would check you know through dpc latency monitor and make sure that there's nothing else that's being triggered sometimes you know being in cubase and then if you're doing like general computer stuff that may and then you're doing you know using your wi-fi network that may cause a lot of interrupts and could cause problems it also sounds like you know sometimes plug-ins could develop like a memory leak so the longer that they're open the more memory and processing they could kind of take uh you know almost kind of uh like a parasite growing in for your memory you know you could think of that just kind of you know gradually filling up all of your memory so make sure that you don't you know see if you eliminate third-party plug-ins if you still have the same situation but it kind of sounds like a classic uh memory leak especially when cubase takes a long time to close that's often uh that's often indicative that the plug-in itself isn't releasing memory uh so that would kind of lead me to think it was probably a plug-in that's causing that okay uh so we just got a question on lyrics so it says and they'd attach two pictures it says um but basically i've gone through all the youtube videos and read the manual says i need to uh i need to add the word that over the note d which is tied from the previous measure into beat two as well the score editor correctly notated what was played but it won't allow for editing it over the tied note uh in one attempt i can't recall what it did it cut the tie from measure 9 to 10 and accepted the lyric but it added layout in blue underneath and a vertical line going through it the tie is missing to from bar 9 to 10 which should remain how do i accomplish adding words over ties thanks in advance greatly appreciated so let me jump back to my other project or i had something kind of set up for this okay so let's look at it in the score editor all right so it's kind of like this type of situation where we wanted to put lyrics in like on this note that was tied across measures so i didn't have any problems um coming to here so let's say if i just go to lyrics and i start typing in lyrics and then just hit the tab key that would take me to the next lyric page so you know just selecting it you know maybe the note before and you know but just putting it here i didn't have any problems just kind of uh setting the lyric directly to a tied note across the measures um make sure that also in your you know because you could have different layout layers so make sure that you have you know like you have layout layer one which would be like okay you know this is just gonna be like you know for the score you could have you know this layer the project layer which will be for like the key signature so make sure that like these particular layers are active so i think i had all of these active uh as i did this like this um but if you had the lyric somewhere else or detect somewhere else and you want it so you see that as i would grab my little hand tool that we could move the you know move the note and the lyric is tied with it but you could move the lyric independently if it's entered somewhere else but check your your different layout layers here um you know and see if you you know if all of these are enabled if you still see the word layout but it didn't seem to be any problem just kind of tabbing and typing in the lyrics to have it appear across a note that's tied into a different measure okay and this is kind of in response to question we had excuse me uh in the previous live stream about how to um how to get in the control room [Music] and let me just jump to a different project here quickly you know setting up the uh so it says uh i was really uh hoping to keep working on this control room we had to step away just finished a couple hours trying to get the control room to work as i think it should uh it could be i don't understand a concept correctly but i think uh i don't think that's the case um closer than i was i think my issue was having to create a monitor instead of a queue in the control room once i changed that i got the right click options so i think that this was kind of getting to the point where if we had different cue mixes and if you only have one q mix you know and we wanted to set up the q mix for uh the person so when we utilize the control room and we do this in the studio menu and audio connections we want to have your monitor set up here you know and it seems counterintuitive at first but have the stereo out defined but choose not connected once we have that we can come over here to our control room and add a monitor and that's where we tell cubase where to send the audio out so once we have our audio connection here we could now also in the audio connections window uh add a reference so let's say we want this to be um so i could right click and we'll add a q so we'll call this you know guitar to and we have up to four independent cue mixes all right so once we have this now uh and i think the genesis of this question was you know when you go to all cues like you know maybe we were only seeing one q and not all cues so if i go to my guitar queue i could right click and we could you know activate and use the current mix levels and use the current pan levels here on the you know and what this would do like if we were in uh our large screen mix console and we had the cues uh activated in the racks if we right click you you won't see all cues until there are multiple cues uh defined in the control room but we could come over here and say let's activate the cue sends so we'll do that and what i want to do now is and you just kind of right click here and then we can say use the current mix settings okay so so i'm going to select all of the tracks here first so make sure that those tracks are selected now we're going to uh activate the cues for all the selected tracks we're going to use the current mix settings and what that does is copy the mix settings from here and map those to the different cue mixes and i want to use the current pan settings so now the qmix the person will hear the same thing that's going on in the mixer but when you know if the uh the guitarist wants to hear more guitar we could now deactivate the quick link and we could customize the amount of guitar that's being fed into the guitarist headphone mix so um so make sure that when you right click so as you adjust here so in cue mixed we're sending more guitar into qmix three where you could send less bass or more bass into q mix three so if this is our guitarist headphone mix we could you know adjust accordingly for each of the different sources here uh and also with the pan settings so and it's also um like when you hear it in both ears at this point just make sure that you are you know and you have kind of the pan options directly here for the cue mixes which are it can be independent of the actual files here so give that a shot and let me know how it works out okay and then we had uh kind of some more discussion on using kind of a behringer x touch one with uh wavelab so let me just open that up okay um all right so we have and i think that this is kind of set up as a um like a a four-star arrow with a button in the middle um so it says and trying to get this to function from like a mackie control protocol uh so it says the arrow keys are set up as well as up arrows the cursor up selects previous track slash zoom in vertically down arrow um sorry uh and that's c sharp six uh cursor down select next track zoom out vertically left arrow we can see is midi note 67 cursor left select previous and the right arrow is cursor right and that's d sharp six um and the button in the middle e6 toggles between how cubase wavelab should interpret those arrow keys so so when you do this in cubase see you know so if the controller itself isn't transmitting multiple messages um so if you have like the sent the button in the center and we'll come to four compass points north south east west you know if those don't transmit different values a lot of controllers and you could check this if you go to cubase and set up we'll add just a midi track and go to the midi monitor so it sounds like you may have done this already but make sure that you have um so we get to the midi inserts and let's get to the midi monitors i i see that you have the uh midi mod you know the midi notes so c you know so you have uh c6 c sharp six uh probably d6 d sharp six and e6 is the button in the middle to toggle so often a lot of controllers can be set up to function as you know they're gonna transmit midi messages and you hit a button that may transmit different midi messages to switch between two different modes so if you could check i think this from sven if you could check that when you hit e6 the other buttons change functions between like next and previous and zoom in vertically and zoom in horizontally because wavelab can only really you know choose to zoom when we come over here to our remote control settings you know it's not that you know how cubase or wavelab interprets those midi notes because if those midi notes are when we come over here to shortcuts um you know if it's the same midi note you know the program doesn't you know can't differentiate if it's transmitting between the two different notes because the e6 doesn't toggle you know isn't a function between zoom and navigation so usually in many controllers when you hit the button to toggle between like an a and b setting what it does is when you toggle the like the north south east west buttons will transmit different midi messages and that's pretty common in midi controllers so if that's the case after you hit e6 if you hit the north south east west buttons and they're transmitting something besides c c sharp d and d sharp six then you need to assign those but there's nothing necessarily in the program that differentiates that so see if when you hit the e6 and you hit the other buttons if it transmits different midi messages uh if not then the controller itself is only transmitting those five messages and we can't get you in you're only transmitting like for the four points of the compass uh in that it's only transmitting four messages and we would need eight messages to switch between those all right and we say you know it works fine in cubase pro so with this you know again within the mackie protocol it's doing that but we're not necessarily using the mackie protocol inside of wavelab all right and we just also had kind of um so and we talked about this on the previous live streams um like when we go to edit we can see that we will have um so let me just all right and about a mode for activating kind of the jog wheel so you know when we come here we could activate you know this the jog and shuttle shortcut so now you know ins when we activate this we can see that it's gonna put this into kind of the playback mode here so when we activate this you know there's the function that you could activate to put it into jog wheel now the controller um so it says when you press the scrub button on the x-touch this lights up the scrub and play button on the x-touch one but no playback is initiated and activates the activate jog mode remote devices global transport wavelab so when you hit the scrub button it puts it into scrub mode so now like if i play so but now i activate that when you activate that button it doesn't necessarily start to start you know the play is not initiating the transport kind of the cursor as you work with it is doing this now many controllers will as you increase the speed will send different amounts of a message to increase and decrease to speed as opposed to just going forward or backward so if you have like a the yamaha nuage and it doesn't you know like innuendo and cubase as you do that scrub it's transmitting multiple values to speed up and slow down so that you have a really effective jog wheel now under the mackie control pro protocol um so we see that it does remain lit so but moving that knob it just transmits you know to uh i think you had indicated that it transmits midi cc 60. when you move to the right it controls it as um so be cc uh let me see i think it's in the description here um so it says you're correct that we have discussed it before when uh that was the speed issue with the shuttling in cubase pro wavelab doesn't respond to the wheel at all the wheelsense controller 60 with a value of one at right turn forward shuttling and controller 60 with a value 65 at left turn rewind shuttling but both on midi channel one um so i don't think that wavelab you know because usually when people are doing this type of scrubbing most people aren't you know the controller itself since it's not transmitting multiple values you know there's no real way of wavelet i mean do you want it to play this fast or do you want to play super fast you know your controller isn't capable of transmitting multiple messages so and most controllers aren't especially over midi so that's why i haven't found that particular to adjust that in cubase we could actually have you know shuttle play uh as a key command this i haven't found an equivalent in wave lab i mean we'll still search and i will send some additional emails on it but if we come to cubase there's uh you know particular functions for shuttle play you know where you could do it half or one quarter one eighth or up to you know eight times the speed and you can set up keyboard shortcuts for that but i don't think wavelab has that as most people would tend to do the very precise editing um solely on you know when we're in scrub mode just directly from the cursor as opposed to using kind of a mackie control knob for that so sorry about that sven all right let me jump back to our live questions thanks for all the great questions we hope that everyone is continuing to learn new stuff all right let me go back to find my chat here all right trying to find my spot where i was sorry about that okay so i think i'm back where i was um all right so we just see uh hello again can you change the resolution in cubase 10 so if it's i'm not sure if it's like a display resolution or audio resolution um but if it's sorry let me just get out of wave lab here real quick so if it is dealing with like the audio engine processing if you go to the audio system you could change the processing precision from 32-bit to 64-bit if you wanted to change like what audio files are being recorded if you go to the project menu to project setup you could adjust the resolution here of the file so you could say okay i want this sample rate and this bit depth if you're talking about kind of the display resolution that's really set by your computer's operating system and your video system so if you go like a mac os for instance to your displays then you're able to adjust kind of screen resolution there and cubase will follow your particular resolutions uh if you are on windows and doing high dpi you could go to preferences under general and then you could see if you're running at a high dpi you could also run just a a custom scale for cubase within the high dpi as well so hopefully one of those will answer the questions i'm not sure if it's audio resolution or display resolution see it's interesting reading different people's messiah stories so it's always interesting interesting piece for musicians to be involved with all right um all right so we see from uh howard d music any more tips on avoiding audio dropouts in cubase because of processor overload if you already have set the buffer size as big as possible and even used to bounce in place to lower cpu usage um you know try you know try you know what you would do is i i would find out if there's a particular track that's causing your problem so and it could be that you go to your audio performance meter so say you go to your audio performance meter and you say oh is this track causing it and right click and choose to disable the track and see if that makes a difference and you know do five tracks at a time and see if you can see one that's just you know killing your cpu and you know see you know see if it's like one track you know maybe it's one plug-in that's just causing the problems but you know select and you know select several tracks here and try just to disable those tracks and that will free up the memory and cpu cycles and see if you notice a difference and if it's not a big difference do it to the next five and just kind of keep doing that um you know cubase isn't necessarily you know it's something that's causing your cpu to work hard so you could find it pretty easily i think see gareth is teasing me for how you say velocity so it seems see people seem to get a kick out of it but maybe it's european if i say velocity or something like that all right uh so we see uh for michael pierce can we get a bernard pretty quantized setting in cubase uh i need that shuffle you know you could always just take a particular audio file uh you know take a bernard party loop just an audio file that he played on and he's done sample cds i think or you know take a classic track you know what you can do is let's say [Music] so let's say that's that's a bit for an hard ask um so you know take that particular loop and really all you have to do is come right over here uh you find your hit points and create groove and then that could be your bernard purdy preset right there and you could do that on any other midi part so it's pretty easy to do for midi parts you may also want to just check out a really easy way of adding great swing to things and you know uh is if you go to the quantizer plug-in and at this point uh you'll see a swing value just set that to 100 and that kind of gets people the swing feel that they often want but if there's a particular bernard pretty feel you want just you know do an analysis and drag and drop and then you could just save it as a preset um so just a question uh from yon uh does greg use master bus group for all tracks or is stereo odd enough i generally use stereo outs i know many of my composer friends will have like a premix group and that way they could print things in real time so if they wanted to capture multiple sources and kind of print to make stems so that they could have tracks they're going into stems into stems into stems and they could kind of create all their deliverables but it's a little less needed since you know steinberg uh improved the export options uh so i i tend not to but i i see the use of it for people that sometimes with you know very complex routing for composers with you know 3 000 tracks that everything will go to kind of like a pre-master group but i i tend not to work that way but the projects i work on aren't at that level of complexity see other people's discussions on that see gareth is just conveying that it just seems dirty these days to have inserts on the stereo out so i think it's fine it kind of gets you to the same to the same ending see uh gareth likes the lyrics i typed in and yes you could steal them but you just have to give me a writing credit so all right so sergio cashmere saying i think i'm going to a new level i finally understand why a logical editor so that's good once once you start building your own logical editor presets you feel like a real power user of cubase all right uh so to see greg i constantly have audio in synced folders that get out of sync as i work my windows 10 cubase 11. does anyone have this issue so let's say so i'm not sure if it's in group editing mode that you're in so when you say synced folders um you know so we could kind of keep everything you know so if group editing is turned on if that's what you're referring to uh when you say um synced folders or i'm not sure if it's like a visual representation of the folder maybe if you could specify nowhere towards the end i may not catch it okay just reading through some more comments see how we're doing on time okay about eight minutes all right so we just see uh is there another chat layer i don't see questions greg is addressing being asked here so generally i will be behind on the questions so we try to catch up over time all right so we see mandy lane on the live stream thanks for joining all right we see david m has made the live stream so he's usually not here on tuesdays so we're glad you could join us so we just see a question uh from cc saying anything i wish cubase had was basic you know better basic video editing capabilities so you know you can't do like cutting but you know it's not going to be our area of expertise and there's a lot of tools to do that we really kind of concentrate on you know audio and midi for you know two video so i don't i wouldn't anticipate you know adding dissolves and color correction and stuff like that all right great to see marcus gomez online all right so just see i always wondered if there's a way to record the scrub function uh cubase dj scratch mode involve engaged so you know you can't do uh with a plug-in so if you like one of the included plugins you'll see it under the other category uh called loop mash fx so if you want to do like kind of dj type scratching so as you're kind of playing along here and i've just destroyed the song i'll revert it quickly and just show this so let's say as we're [Music] so you can just go to loot mash fx and just kind of come over here so if you want to do stuff like that you could get a lot of great stuff with the lube ash fx okay just reading through comments here sorry okay so we see a question does steinberg sell midi keyboard so we don't have a steinberg controller but you know there's obviously lots of yamaha keyboards that work amazingly well and we're part of the yamaha family so okay uh so we see from david m i used our apache and sx and cubase 11 yesterday i had no presets i felt uh sure i had some in the previous version of mine are missing is there any way to get them installed thanks um so if you had them on a previous version you could probably just go over here to um let's say into the yeah if you go if you're on the windows platform you could go here to the start globe or whatever it's called now and go to all programs to cubase 11 and then instead of launching the cubase 11 you would go to the user application data folder or user settings on the mac it's going to be found under library and then under preferences then we'll see cubase 11 and then i think that there will be a presets folder and then you'll just see them in here and if you don't uh have them just let me know and i can i'd be happy to email them to you and tell you where to put them uh you to email me at club cubase at all right so i think we're just about out of time i want to thank everyone for the great questions we'll see everyone on friday starting at 1 p.m u.s eastern so it's the same time as today so it might be an hour different for fridays like today was but i want to thank everyone for great questions and everyone stay safe and healthy and we'll see everyone on friday
Channel: Cubase
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Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: a9b6F7S82JI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 20sec (14360 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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