Sampler Track Masterclass... One of Cubase Pro's Top Features!

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[Music] all right in this video i'm going to be going over the cubase sampler track it's been updated and in cubase pro 11 you get some new features that make it extremely powerful and put it in the league of all the other programs that have some kind of sampler functionality built into it what i want to do in this video is show you some of those deep features so let's start from scratch with this little synth thing right here i'm going to go to the lo-fi dreams library i'm going to look for just a one-shot so we'll go one shot so there's the sound that i initially started with and then i'm going to right-click on that sound and go create sampler track so it does that automatically for us you can also right click in the track list here and choose add sampler track or you can make a key command for it you can see there's different ways of working with the sampler track you can work with it in this normal mode so down here at the bottom and normal just means that it's going to stretch out the sample the lower you go on the keyboard and it's going to make the sample shorter or and consequently higher as you go up the keyboard so if i were to play a low sample and a high sample at the same time you'll hear the low one keeps going longer than the high one [Music] because they've been stretched out or compressed so in order to counter that we can use this next mode on the sampler track which is audio warp and what that's going to do is it's going to time stretch the sample to be exactly the same length no matter what key you're on but it'll still change the pitch so it has to do some processing to make that happen so if i play a low note and a high note we can hear that both samples are the same length and you have two different modes if we choose the solo mode right here we get something called formant and format becomes really important when we're dealing with things like vocal samples because format refers to not the fundamental frequency that you're hearing in the pitch but all of the overtones and it can change the strengths of those overtones it can either enhance them or pull them back depending on where you have that dial and that's going to override this kind of chipmunk effect you get when you pitch samples up especially vocal samples let's see what happens when we play around with it with this little sample if we set it to solo mode let's go up a little higher [Music] it's kind of interesting right go down the other way [Music] almost gets more nasally watch what happens as i play with the format we're going to watch these overtones which are these higher frequencies right here so we have the fundamental pitch probably right here and then we have the overtones over here so watch what happens as i play with the formant [Music] you can see that it's kind of sweeping through those other frequencies that are happening at the same time and it's very useful in shaping the sound or playing around with the sound so another aspect of the cube sampler that allows you to start mangling the the tonality of the sample that you're messing with command click or control click on a pc to reset that and that's a beautiful feature with all of these things is that you can reset any parameter with that command or control click and then the last mode in the sampler track is the slice mode which we'll get into when we start dealing with slicing up a drum beat and you would use that when you had any kind of thing you could have a piano loop that has a whole bunch of notes in it and you can slice those up and you can set these hit points for where the the different slices occur so we'll get into that in a little bit as well so the next thing i did to this sound i'm going to leave it on audio warp maybe i'll leave it on solo mode and we're going to here i can play a chord now and then if i want this whole thing to be longer there's two ways we could deal with that one would be to set up a loop mode so we could actually turn on a loop right here under loop mode or i could go and change the speed this is a little bit simpler watch what happens if i drag this down [Music] oh i like that [Music] let's try playing with the format a bit [Music] so we've got our speed right here which stretches the samples out over all of the keys love that feature the other thing we could do is go to loop mode and if i go to loop mode and set it to continuous what that means is you're now going to have these loop markers so i'm going to drag the loop marker out and then we can take the the right hand loop marker and drag it into right about let's try right about there so now what's going to happen when i press down the key [Music] it's going to loop between those two points and obviously that sounds a little bit glitchy it's not pretty so what we can do with the with the loop mode is we can go to this marker at the bottom and at the top here we can choose how long this is going to blend between these two loop modes so right now it's jumping back and we're getting a little glitch it's probably a zero crossings thing but if we do a crossfade here that's going to take care of that little glitch so if i cross fade here now it's going to when it gets to this loop point it's going to blend from here to the beginning of this part right here so we're going to get a nice got this longer synthesized patch coming from this tiny little synth sample and then continuous just means it's just going to keep going alternate means it's going to go backwards so it's going to get to the end and go back we also have once where it'll just go through the loop once and then we can see this until release control and if i set until release what that means is [Music] it's not going to loop if i let the release go before it gets to that loop point because watch what happens if i go to continuous and take my finger off right before this point it's going to continue to loop goes back you also have something called one shot and one shot is really important when you're dealing with say samples that you have loaded on pads and you want them to keep playing the entire sound after you hit the pad you don't have to hold it down you just want to strike the pad and then have it play and that's exactly what's happening here it's playing the whole sample if i turn off one shot watch what happens and i turn off loop mode watch what happens when i play key or i play a pad it's not going to play the whole thing it's going to play up until the release of our sound so that's when we need to talk about this amplifier section down here so if i go over to this amplifier section and i click on mod so we can see the modulators for the amplifier section and by the amplifier section all that means is things like the volume how quickly does the sound kick in is there a sustain point that it's staying at if you hold the note down and when you release the note how quickly does it release so that's that attack and then we have decay down to the sustain point then we have the sustain level and then we have the release when you take your finger off the key and by the way all of the zooming functionality of cubase applies inside the sampler editor as well i love that so just click up here drag down to zoom in and so on and so forth so let's turn the release off here so that we have a very quick release and turn it on one shot we go like this just place the whole sound turn it off one shot and play the sound and it's just going to release the second i take my finger off the key so that's the the release phase right here the envelope doesn't matter if you have it set to one shot so again very important to have that turned on if you have these samples that you just want to trigger but you don't want to have to hold them down as you're triggering them so just a little bit more on the amplifier section again if i hold down a note if i want to change how this fades in i can adjust the attack i can make it longer now it's taking longer to fade in let's go down an octave by the way over here we have some really interesting controls which this these are like the tiny controls that you kind of look at okay i don't know what that means how is that important to me and we'll see how it's important when we get to things like the pitch modulation but what you can do here is you can turn this sync on so that you can decide let's turn it on so now you can decide i want the beginning of this thing to fade in over the course of one eighth note or two 16th notes so you have this little grid that pops up and it's so beautiful how it works you just mouse over it and by the time you get close to a line it snaps to that point so i could have exactly over two eighth or one eighth note i could have the sound fade in and then boom it's at that point at once at one eighth note or i could have it over a quarter note or whatever i want but it makes it so easy to align these envelopes to rhythmic values of your song and so we'll see i'm going to play around with the pitch in a second and i can have the pitch fade down as a pitch bend over the course of a portion of a beat which i would probably do naturally if i was doing some kind of pitch bend thing but you can have it do this every time with the envelope so easily with these controls and these are the things that the programmers have put in there but people just don't realize how incredibly powerful that is and how important it is when you're working on your own little sound design so so here you can just choose the point manually or you can do it this way so you can see that as i slide along we've got time value right there and we'll look at this velocity control and what it means later on when we look at the filter it's going to make a little bit more sense over there and then we go over to mode right here under mode we've got sustain which is a traditional you know attack we can even set in a decay right here just by double clicking and drop a point in and we can then say i want the sustain level to be more like this and if we do that it's going to set the sustain level right here and it's going to keep it at that level until you release the key and then it's going to drop off then release and it drops off and we can change this little curve right here just by clicking on it so i can have a quick rise up and then it could [Music] go up to that sustain level i could keep it down here and then release so attack decay to our sustain level and then release this is like a little mini lesson on envelopes the most basic envelopes and how you set them in cubase but coolest part about this is you could then set another point in here so we have multi-stage envelopes right here [Music] and then maybe have it bring way up and the fact that the waveform keeps being redrawn in the back is just incredible i don't know of any other software that does this i'm just so impressed by it the more i dig into it okay so next thing is the mode let's go over to the mode let's change it to loop and watch what happens now [Music] it's going to keep looping between those that funky envelope that i've created until i release the key we could do one shot so there's no sustain at all just goes through this entire envelope if you want to reset any of these you just you can command click on them and that will reset them or if i double click on them it gets rid of them beautiful so our amplifier section we also have main volume here so you can just raise the volume of everything we've got an lfo so let's let's see if we can just really quickly dumb down this lfo for you [Music] so right now the lfo is set to off so let's go set it to first note and we're going to sync it to the tempo and retrig so that means the tempo of our song and then also gets re-triggered every time we play a note next thing we need to do is go over to our amplifier section right here and we're going to go to lfo1 actually let's let's turn on lfo2 this one's already set to lfo2 and we have lfo1 set to pitch and we could just change that by turning this on or off so i'm going to go to retrigger first note and sync to tempo and retrig and then now i'm going to crank up this right here so we can hear it pulsing the volume of our sound according to this little wave it's like whoa whoa whoa whoa if i set that from a sine wave to a triangle it's going to be a little bit harsher [Music] if i set it to a saw it's going to drop down and then jump back up [Music] now let's crank this lfo up so that it happens faster let's go to eighth notes that's under the frequency so we'll go to eighth notes that sounds kind of cool do you know what i should do here's a fun tip it's called this a synth lfo and then i'm going to right click and go duplicate track just in case i want to keep that for a totally different sound so i'm going to mute that one right there and then we're going to go and continue working on this one and do something else with it so now with this synth right here it's exactly the same thing so it's doing the same thing so let's go back over to the amplifier section look at the lfo i'm going to change this to a pulse [Music] here it's kind of a tiny little jump let's go to a ramp it's kind of the opposite of a saw let's crank up the lfo a bit more and then we can also go and do stuff like turn on the mod wheel right here and so later on if you want to add some vibrato to something you would you go to the pitch modulator and you'd use an lfo but you turn the mod wheel on so that it only kicks in when you push the mod wheel up so you can add some vibrato to a sound only at certain times so right now we're adding kind of this tremolo as i turn the mod wheel up or down so let's see what the phase does [Music] the phase is just kind of changing where in the cycle does the ramp start so that one we're not going to notice a huge difference but you might notice it more if you're doing a really slow uh lfo on some parameter and then now we can go and look over at this pitch one which i've been talking about and we'll see what we can do which is kind of fun in the pitch modulations we're going to click on the pitch mod and here we can see another envelope so we've got attack we've got a sustain level and we've got a release if we wanted dk we just double click right here and drop in a decay it's as simple as that double click to get rid of it and the thing you need to understand with the pitch and filter modulation is that you need to adjust this control right here to have it to make this envelope have any change over what's happening so right now you can see enable my command click that you can see an envelope but nothing is happening with the pitch and so pitch is obvious i could take it up an octave or down an octave or whatever right here or i could do course tuning right here or fine tuning right here what does this envelope mean well as i crank this up now more and more i'm going to have this pitch change and then it's going to drop down [Music] you hear how that's changing kind of the harder i press on the chord and that has to do with this velocity level so if i go to this velocity level and set it to zero watch what happens now as i play harder or softer doesn't matter it goes to the same same spot so for something like pitch changes i probably don't want velocity to change that but the cool part about that is if you go over to the filter modulation you can do the same thing you can turn it on and go to the modulation and turn velocity on so what that means is the harder you press the key the more the filter opens up or closes or whatever you want so it allows you to get really expressive with a really simple single sample type thing you can now have some variations in timbre that happen the harder or softer you press the keys which is what makes that so powerful so now let's just look at the pitch modulation and figure out what we could do to this sound with the pitch to make a really interesting little synthesizer sound out of this so first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to double click on these to re re or double click on that one to reset it and i'm going to take the sustain command click on that so it goes back to zero so there's no pitch change at all i want it to go down at the end of the note so whenever i play something i when i release it i want it to be and drop down an octave so in order to do that i want this to drop the release to drop down so there's the sustain level i let it go and it drops down okay that's cool and what i noticed if i set this to something like 13 or so we can hear that dropping down an octave so this is how we choose how much this pitch bend is changing and then we can see over here we've got this release phase the thing that's so powerful about this as i was saying is if we turn on the sync so i'm going to turn on the sync so that this change that happens here is going to go drop down in an octave exactly over the course of one eighth note so if i were to press play [Music] so you can hear that's dropping perfectly in time with the music which is going to make this really really interesting so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to go back to my first one i've got some pitch change stuff that's kind of messing with my sound so i'm going to go to this droopy synth that i've got set up before what i want to do is i want this to drop off exactly at 1 16th note [Music] so with the filter the same things apply that we've just noticed with the modulation of the pitch and the amplifier so if i turn the filter on go to the modulator [Music] so we can hear now over one two three four sixteenth notes or a quarter note the filter is opening up and if i play harder [Music] it opens up more if i play soft [Music] doesn't open up as much so it gets brighter the louder you play if i crank up the resonance we're probably going to hear that even more [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that is now adding this weird harmonic sweep that's happening with the resonance and so all that means is as i crank up the resonance we're going to hear this thing sliding as the filter is sliding through the frequencies and it's sliding through the frequencies based on this little modulation that i put in right there so i hold the key keys down [Music] so you can hear it's closed the filter is closed and it's removing frequencies and then as i move it up it slides up the frequency range with that resonance little bump that's boosting if i turn that right off we can still hear the filter opening up and allowing those frequencies through but we no longer have this bump as it's traveling through the frequencies so that's the filter and that's the resonance and that's the and then with the cutoff we can choose how aggressive is this filter going to start at so we can even see that in our eq window so watch we can see it opening up and pushing through now watch what happens if we crank up the resonance watch those frequencies it's going to rip all the way up it's pretty cool we can change this the way this curve works by just mousing over it i love we have these linear we could go linear or we can go logarithmic and now it's just going to go up there really quickly and then finally taper off towards the end or we could have it linear where it's just straight but this this kind of logarithmic thing where it takes off at the very end a little bit more aggressive all right so that is the filter this is a low-pass filter so what that means is it's allowing low frequencies to pass and then as you change the cutoff frequency it's it's the opposite of what this low cut filter is here is a low pass filter and this envelope right here is just doing this [Music] so if i were to turn the filter off and just do that so that's exactly what this filter on the sampler track is doing or any filter really if it's a low pass filter so it says lp 24 and the 24 just refers to this angle of this slope right here and you can see that if i go to actually this one right here this high cut filter which is the same thing as a low pass we can actually choose this angle so 12 right here look what happens if i set 24 which is what this one is things change they get more aggressive so it's like it's just a more aggressive filter so that's what is happening in the filter on the sampler track if i go click over here and go to shape we can see low pass filters with the same numbers that we have in the eq window up there we've got high pass filters which is the same as the low cut and then we've got bp which refers to a band pass and a bandpass filter is kind of like having a notch here that can sweep through the frequencies so we can go this way or we can go this way so let's see what happens if we set a bandpass filter that's painful let's maybe make it a little bit less aggressive [Music] and then we can go and change the direction of that so it's moving through the frequencies and reducing frequencies and if we take it this way it's moving through the frequencies and boosting frequencies anyways you'd always obviously want to put a compressor on that if you're going to mess around with that control so it doesn't go beyond the clipping point but that's the how the filters work that's basically how filters work and you know never thought i was going to be getting into a filter lesson here this is what i want you to realize is how much sonic shaping capabilities you have built into the sampler track so really valuable stuff so what if we wanted to do some kind of change like this have it fade in but then have it use the filter to do some kind of crazy thing over and over again well what we could do is we could double click drop a point in right here and we're just going to go like this and we're going to set it to something rhythmic so we're going to go to a 16th note because our sink is on and then i'm going to move this one over here to something like that and then we're going to drop another point in right here let's move this one over to here and then we'll drop in another point right here and we'll straighten that curve out just a bit by clicking on it [Music] so now we're moving a bandpass filter through this sound and it's sinking to the tempo of our song don't forget that that's really important and then now we can go to loop [Music] and then watch what happens if i press play turn the click on [Music] you get the idea how this works and how important it is to have things sinking to the tempo of your song okay so that's probably enough of the filter i'm going to keep that sound that i've got in there because we're going to go look at some other features of sampler track and by that i'm going to refer to the slice mode so the next thing we need to get in here is some kind of beat so we're going to stick to that we're going to stick to this low-fi dreams sample pack and i've been talking about browsers in a lot of the other software videos that i've been reviewing lately and i got to say cubase's media browser over on the right hand side here is an extremely powerful browser giving you the ability to look through metadata and different types of sounds and categories of sounds next thing we're going to do is look for a drum loop that works our beats per minute right now is 86 but maybe we'll try some kind of drum loop that isn't at 86 we'll go for one that's at 160 so we can see what that's all about so let's just go with this one right here and i'm going to right click on it and go create sampler track so once i've done that loop pops up down in the bottom and right now if i press play [Music] okay that's great if i play it down the octave so obviously not ideal we just completely changed the tempo of our loop what we can do with this though is not use the audio workflow that could be interesting [Music] you could use that mode for sure and it's going to change the character of your sound you can also go ahead and mess with the formant of it if i set it to solo [Music] [Music] oh that's really interesting and so next we'll look at the slice mode and if i click the slice mode [Music] it's sliced up according to transients and the transient detection in this slice mode is fantastic let's watch what happens if i crank down the threshold in other words reduce the level that will trigger another transient all i have to do is grab the threshold bring it down and as i bring it down we get more slices so we can see a little hi-hat that wasn't triggered and then here at the end we have a slice that probably doesn't need to be there it's probably just a little bit of noise all i have to do for that one is option click on it and it will get rid of that slice that i don't need so now i've got perfect slices all the way through [Music] so that sliced it up exactly the way i need to need to but in order for me to use this in the song i'd have to like play it along well of course not we can just take this little midi symbol and drag it right onto our track press play uh-oh something's wrong this is playing way too slow and the reason it's playing too slow is because this loop was 160 beats per minute it was marked at 160 beats per minute and qa set the tempo to 160 beats per minute all i have to do to fix that is change my tempo right here to 80. now watch what happens when i drag the midi onto my track we see that it's half as long and let's listen to it the other thing you could do with this is find the slices you like and hear how on this one we have a little bit of a click that's happening at the end it's probably like a transient or the beginning of the next sound that's kind of sneaking through and what we can do with our slices is we can have little tiny fade outs on it so if i crank this up a bit by a few milliseconds gets rid of that pop let's go back to reset that and then crank up the fader out a little bit it's perfect [Music] there's a nice high hat there's a nice kick so of course we can just play our loop just like that we don't even need to use the actual loop that it came with we can just use it as starting points for sounds which is a way that a lot of people love to work so we've got minimum length we've got the threshold so of course if you have a really complex thing you can say i don't want any loops that are shorter than a certain amount of time and right now it's working on transients but another beautiful feature of this is that you've got the ability to say no i just want slices on the grid and so now we can set our grid to half notes or quarter notes or eighth notes or 16th notes and now we have this [Music] if i set this grid to something like eighth notes [Music] now i wouldn't probably use that for something like this because i want to use the transients but when could that feature be useful well let's just go find something okay so with this loop we can see that it's automatically set the key to e which is great so there's our our starting point this is probably eight bars long so we need to set the the bars and beats to exactly eight right here and now we can see the tempo is at 80 which is correct so if it has a hard time figuring out how many bars and beats you already have in your little loop you might have to count them but now i can set the grid to something like let's go to an eighth note that's kind of cool what if i set the fade into let's go to like one millisecond so we don't get any little glitches or pops although these are kind of so the only thing i'd love to see would be the ability to take say this slice right here and change the pitch of just that one slice but steinberg has thought about these kinds of things and given you the ability to take this transfer to new instrument functionality so i can click this little button right here and i can say take this over to groove agent se which is just the the free version of groove agent and it's going to take all of these slices it's probably way too many and it's going to bring them over to groove agent now watch what happens in here i've got all of these different slices mapped out over this groove agent i can go to this slice right here and i can click on that one slice and i can change the pitch of it right here [Music] and you can see that the tuning hasn't changed on all the other slices and so you can take anything you do in the sampler track over to either groove agent hallian pad shop2 or backbone you can do granular synthesis on some sample that you've been working on you can go to backbone and do some crazy sound resynthesis you can go to hallie and treat it like a sampler or you can go to groove agent and just do really simple percussive sort of things with it so the fact that it doesn't have the ability to change each sample on each slice doesn't even matter because you can go do that in all these other things that are built into cubase so that's what's making this so incredibly powerful anyways so this isn't really working in with my idea i'm not going to worry about that right now and now of course with these slices here that we dropped into our track we can go in and change the beat up entirely by moving the slices around [Music] what if i want another bass drum right here i can take this slice over option drag it over and now i have two different bass drums happening [Music] and what about if i want another snare drum right here i could drop another one in just by option clicking or alt clicking on a pc and then let's go change this to velocity and then i'm just going to make that a little bit softer [Music] and what if i want some more hi-hats in here find some more hi-hat sounds and if it's not a hi-hat just keep arrowing down until you hear one [Music] so completely changing the loop to fit your song you can take a loop that has drum sounds that you like in it then you can completely reform that to fit your song but let's just really quickly talk about these top controls here if i go back over to something like this synth one we have a b controls and watch what happens if i go to the b setting and turn on the filter [Music] and now i go back to a the filter is off go back to b now on my b setting i can go and do all sorts of other things to it let's change the pitch a little bit let's change the resonance fine tune it a bit now i go back to the a section and those settings all change back so you have a really quick way to create two different versions or almost like a backup of whatever you're working on so you can go you know what i'm not sure if i'm going to like this set it to the b start mangling it and you can always go back to a to get back to where you started from next we've got snap at zero crossing and that just refers to when you are making like little slices and stuff watch as i click and drag down you can tell cubase can figure out exactly where your sample starts and put a little marker right at the very beginning we've got presets we can save and do all sorts of file management right here we've got the tempo which i've shown you the root key the signature and just make sure that the time signature is correct on how it imports your file so if you've got a 6 8 loop you want to make sure that it's set to 6 8 right there we can choose exactly how long it is right here this one is a normalized setting that allows you to take the sample and push it to the absolute loudest it can go and then we've got gain which we can just add as well we can reverse samples so here would be a perfect example for me to show you how you could take any other virtual instrument so let's go to pad shop so let's just take this interesting patch right here i'm going to press play and i'm going to record that note [Music] and watch this i can go and take any virtual instrument and i can sample it instantly by dragging the midi right onto the sampler track down below it creates a new sampler track with that sound recorded in it which is incredible this is so easy to sample anything it's amazing okay but now we need to go and choose the sample start so that's where we choose the sample start time something like this right here i could go and grab this little white box right here and set the fade in just a tiny little fade in [Music] and now we have that pad shop sound stored as a sampler track it's so easy and then i could normalize it right here i could go and reverse it as well so now it's gonna take a long time to fade in so maybe we'll do something like this and this will get more interesting on like a plucked sound and then we can go and turn on monophonic mode so that if you had some kind of lead sound or something like that you could have only one note that plays back at a time then we can lock our settings so we can't accidentally mess something up we can reset the midi if we have some kind of crazy thing happening sometimes you get midi glitches where just notes build up and they keep going so you can reset it right there and then the last thing is where we can transfer this to some kind of other instrument inside cubase so and one more thing to notice is these little things right here as i set my sample start and end points i can click this little button if i'm in normal or audio warp mode and it will now make that sample exactly that length we don't have the stuff at the beginning and the end okay so just to finish things up here i've went and added a bunch of tracks to this all using the sampler track and i'll just go over a couple more features and show you with these other tracks that i've added so i've added some chords on the synth lfo thing that we did earlier with the exact same synth sound as this first one [Music] what i'll probably want to do is pan that one to the right [Music] so that's with our tempo synced lfo and then i've got my drums which i went and modified just a little bit by moving the slices around and i've got this synth shot which is just kind of this [Music] synthy pluck thing and just drop the sample and just play these little octaves in there and then i've got a bass thing that's happening as well so this is low five bass shot all coming from lo-fi dreams and drop that in and then went and played around with that one a little bit in the sampler control [Music] and set it to audio warp and set the speed to drag out the sample a little bit and then played with the format to get it a little bit to get it a little bit darker sounding next thing i have in this idea is a little synth lead and that's that sample right there so i drop that in set it to audio warp so that the speed is all the same [Music] and then i put a filter on it and i set the filter envelope so that it would respond to velocity changes so as i play harder it gets brighter and more aggressive so it just helps to make this synth line a little bit more gritty and then i can crank up this drive here [Music] and now as you hear as i play louder it gets more aggressive which is kind of cool and i put some delayed reaver on it of course so let's just play through this idea and thanks for watching the video make sure you hit the subscribe button and the bell and i'm not getting paid to make these videos but they send me cubase upgrades for free and i do have a little tip jar so if you want to go send me some cash that way that would be much appreciated and thank you so much to those people who already have done that so let's try this little sampler track idea out [Music] you
Channel: Jef Gibbons
Views: 6,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cubase, Cubase Pro, Intro to Cubase, Cubase AI, Cubase Elements, Nuendo, Cubase Pro Tips, Cubase Basics, Cubase Tutorial, Best Cubase, Jef Gibbons, Gibbons Creative, Cubase Lesson, Cubase vs, Cubase tips, Basic Cubase, Cubase Beginner, Cubase New Features, Cubase Update, Steinberg, Cubase Stock Sounds, Cubase Included, Cubase Loops, Cubase Instruments, Cubase Channel, Cubase Pro 11, Cubase Artist 11, Cubase Elements 11, Sampler Track, Cubase Sampler Track
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 19sec (2479 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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